طبيب القلوب الشيخ حجاج الهنداوى المائدة دندانة 17-6-2013

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00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:23In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:41I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:48And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people
01:05On the Day when Allah will gather the messengers and say, What is your answer?
01:26They will say, We have no knowledge
01:50Do you think that we have made it hidden?
02:03On the Day when Allah will gather the messengers and say, What is your answer?
02:30They will say, We have no knowledge
02:44You are the Knower of the unseen
02:57On the Day when Allah will gather the messengers and say, What is your answer?
03:27They will say, We have no knowledge
03:57I have sent you in the Holy Spirit to speak to the people in the cradle and in the cradle
04:12You will silence the people in the cradle and in the cradle
04:33And I have taught you the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospels
05:03And I have taught you the Book and the Gospels
05:33So you will blow into it and you will be a bird by My permission
05:52So you will blow into it and you will be a bird by My permission
06:22And when the Children of Israel denied you when you came to them with clear proofs
06:46Then those who disbelieved among them said, There is none worthy of worship except Allah
07:16I have sent you in the Holy Spirit to speak to the people in the cradle and in the cradle
07:44And I have sent you in the Holy Spirit to speak to the people in the cradle and in the cradle
08:14And I have sent you in the Holy Spirit to speak to the people in the cradle and in the cradle
08:44And I have sent you in the Holy Spirit to speak to the people in the cradle and in the cradle
09:12And I have sent you in the Holy Spirit to speak to the people in the cradle and in the cradle
09:43Allah has spoken the truth
09:53Allah has spoken the truth
10:23Allah has spoken the truth
10:53Allah has spoken the truth
11:23Allah has spoken the truth
11:53Allah has spoken the truth
12:20Allah has spoken the truth
12:50He said, Fear Allah if you are believers
13:20The people said, O Jesus, what is this?
13:47The people said, O Jesus, what is this?
14:09The people said, O Jesus, what is this?
14:39The people said, O Jesus, what is this?
15:01He said, Fear Allah if you are believers
15:26The people said, We want to eat from it and drink from it
15:39We say to them, We know that they have spoken the truth
16:09We say, We want to eat from it and drink from it
16:29We say, We want to eat from it and drink from it
16:59We say, We want to eat from it and drink from it
17:20The people said, O Jesus, who is this?
17:39The people said, O Jesus, who is this?
18:09The people said, O Jesus, who is this?
18:40It will be a return for us to our forefathers and our forefathers
19:01It will be a return for us to our forefathers and our forefathers
19:20And provide for us, and you are the best of providers
19:50And provide for us, and you are the best of providers
20:05The people said, O Jesus, who is this?
20:25It will be a return for us to our forefathers and our forefathers
20:55It will be a return for us to our forefathers and our forefathers
21:26It will be a return for us to our forefathers and our forefathers
21:39And provide for us, and you are the best of providers
22:09And provide for us, and you are the best of providers
22:19Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
22:49Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
23:07Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
23:27Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
23:47Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
24:17Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
24:45And when Allah said, O Jesus, what is hidden? Is it that you say to the people, Seek me and my mother, two of you from Allah?
25:12Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
25:24And when Allah said, O Jesus, what is hidden? Is it that you say to the people, Seek me and my mother, two of you from Allah?
25:54Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
26:24Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
26:54And when Allah said, O Jesus, what is hidden? Is it that you say to the people, Seek me and my mother, two of you from Allah?
27:24And when Allah said, O Jesus, what is hidden? Is it that you say to the people, Seek me and my mother, two of you from Allah?
27:54Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
28:19Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
28:34You know what is in my soul
28:59You know what is in my soul
29:11You know what is in my soul
29:41And when Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
30:11And when Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
30:41And when Allah said, Indeed, I am a messenger from Allah
30:59He said, Exalted is He who says, What is there to me that I should say what is not in my knowledge?
31:19Indeed, I have said, and it has occurred to you
31:49Indeed, I have said, and it has occurred to you
32:19Indeed, I have said, and it has occurred to you
32:49Indeed, I have said, and it has occurred to you
33:19I have said, and it has occurred to you
33:49I have not said to them except what you have commanded me
34:13I have not said to them except what you have commanded me
34:35And I have been a witness to what they said about him
34:55So when you came to me, I was pleased with them
35:10And I have been a witness to what they said about him
35:40And I have been a witness to what they said about him
35:56And if you forgive them, indeed, you are the Exalted in Might, the Wise
36:15I have not said to them except what you have commanded me
36:43And I have been a witness to what they said about him
36:59So when you came to me, I was pleased with them
37:20And I have been a witness to what they said about him
37:50And if you forgive them, indeed, you are the Exalted in Might, the Wise
38:19And if you forgive them, indeed, you are the Exalted in Might, the Wise
38:49And if you forgive them, indeed, you are the Exalted in Might, the Wise
39:11And if you forgive them, indeed, you are the Exalted in Might, the Wise
40:11Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him
40:26That is the great triumph
40:40To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them
40:56To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them
41:09Indeed, He is Able to do all things
41:26Allah has spoken the truth
41:39Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet
41:46O you who have believed, send blessings upon him and give him peace
41:51By Allah, if our hearts were pure, we would not have been satisfied with the words of our Lord
41:57And how can a lover be satisfied with what he is destined for, when it is the purpose of his desire?
42:04O you who have believed, send blessings upon him and give him peace
42:15Translated by Zainab salman
42:45Thank you for watching
