سورۃ الفجر

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00:00And the dawn, and the ten nights, and the intercession, and the night, and the night, when it is easy, is there in that a firmness for the one who has emigrated?
00:14Did you not see how your Lord dealt with Aad?
00:20Iram, the one with the pillars,
00:24Who was not created like her in the land,
00:30And Thamud, who brought the rock in the valley,
00:37And Fir'aun, with the stakes,
00:41Who transgressed in the land,
00:46And they increased therein corruption.
00:50So your Lord poured upon them a scourge of punishment.
00:56Verily, your Lord is in observation.
01:00But as for man, when his Lord tests him,
01:06He honours him and bestows His blessings upon him,
01:09And he says, My Lord has honoured me.
01:14And as for man, when his Lord tests him,
01:19He honours him and bestows His blessings upon him,
01:22And he says, My Lord has disgraced me.
01:27Nay, but you do not honour the orphan,
01:33Nor do you oppose the food of the needy,
01:43Nor do you eat the inheritance of the poor,
01:48Nor do you love wealth with love.
01:55Nay, but when the earth is crushed to dust,
02:02And your Lord comes with the angels in rows,
02:09And on that Day He will bring Hell.
02:15On that Day man will remember,
02:20But how shall he remember?
02:23He will say, Oh, I wish I had given precedence to my life.
02:29On that Day no one will punish his punishment,
02:36And no one will bind his bondage.
02:41O you reassuring soul,
02:51Return to your Lord well-pleased and well-pleased.
02:58So enter among My servants,
03:02And enter My Paradise.