• last year
00:01:11Estamos en Venezuela este país es uno de los lugares más diversos y hermosos del planeta por sus venas corre el río orinoco
00:01:19uno de los más caudalosos del mundo
00:01:22alimenta gran parte de la amazonía venezolana
00:01:25el pulmón del planeta
00:01:27Justico y muy cerquita de las formaciones más antiguas de la tierra los tepuyes
00:01:33y como venezuela limita al norte con el caribe obtenemos algunas de las playas más perfectas de nuestra pachamama y sin duda
00:01:40las mujeres más bellas de todas
00:01:46De aquí además son bolívar el general del ejército libertador
00:01:50huayca y puro líder de la resistencia indígena
00:01:54Y alí primera el cantor del pueblo
00:01:58que gente arrecha de estos lugares
00:02:01venezuela es un paraíso tropical es el caribe andrín
00:02:10Paraíso tropical está en temporada de tormenta
00:02:14Hiperinflación violencia desbordada corrupción analizada
00:02:19Yo prefiero hablarte de mí mi propia historia llevo 15 años acá y la de mi pan, la de Naxete
00:02:25Este vino desde España hace poquito
00:02:28Porque sabes este país tiene mucho más de lo que te han contado
00:02:35Coño, otra vez se fue la luz, joder
00:02:48Más de
00:03:19Verga, llevo años invitando al Naxete a que venga para acá
00:03:23Para Venezuela, al paraíso
00:03:25Y va el huevón y viene justo ahorita en medio de este caos
00:03:34Naxete, directo de España
00:03:40Tío, cuantos añazos
00:03:43Coño, mira que eres tieso tú, ya te gustaron los abrazos
00:03:46Bueno, esa maleta pesa poco
00:03:54¿Cabe ahí atrás?
00:03:55¿Cabe todo?
00:03:56¿Y esa camisa de torrente?
00:03:58¿Te gusta, eh? ¿Quieres que te regale una?
00:04:02Vamos, a pesar
00:04:06Yo pensé que tenías otro tipo de coche
00:04:10Tremendo carro, chapo
00:04:12Ni abre
00:04:13Ni abre
00:04:15Miedo me da esto
00:04:18Maribú, año 82
00:04:22Seis cilindros en V
00:04:26Estás la flor de la vida
00:04:28Y te digo una cosa
00:04:29Tiene un nombre
00:04:34Venga, Naxete, agárrate
00:04:44Oye, Miguel, ¿el vuelo?
00:04:45El vuelo muy pesado
00:04:46Y pesado también una que había al lado, una tipa
00:04:49Que decía llamarse Esperanza, que parecía un espectro para ti
00:04:54Venga, hermano, tú siempre fuiste un frito, huevón
00:04:58Mira, huevón
00:04:59¿Y España?
00:05:00Ya sé yo que enseñasos que ya no voy para allá
00:05:02¿Cómo está la vaina ya?
00:05:03Pues marca España S.A.
00:05:07Está en proceso de venta
00:05:08Y el tema es que la gente que viene a España
00:05:10Está en proceso de venta
00:05:11Y el tema es que la gente con el voto
00:05:14Se cree que va a cambiar algo y no va a ser
00:05:19La misma mierda es
00:05:22Bueno, ¿y aquí cómo te lo montas?
00:05:23¿A qué te dedicas?
00:05:25A lo de siempre
00:05:27A organizar, montar de eventos, conciertos
00:05:31Pero para esta cara está la vaina bastante floja
00:05:33Porque esto de la crisis y el recorte siempre se impulsura
00:05:36¿Tú vives en el entorno de Caracas?
00:05:37¿Tú vives en el entorno de Caracas?
00:05:38Que va, yo me vine para el cariño hermano
00:05:40Yo me vine al mar
00:05:41Yo comparto ahí una casa que tenemos
00:05:42Varios artistas, gente del espectáculo
00:05:46¡Epa hermanito! ¡Háblame!
00:05:50¿A cómo tienes el cafecito?
00:05:52El cafecito a 200 y el casabe a 500
00:05:54200 el cafecito y el casabe a 500
00:05:56Ay papá, pero está todo muy jodido, ¿tú sabes?
00:05:59Háblame, son dos cafecitos, 300
00:06:01Y va
00:06:04¡Vamos a cazarle 300!
00:06:10Dale, que nos vemos
00:06:11¡Hasta luego!
00:06:13Recuerden que en Venezuela todo se regatea
00:06:15Desde la casa o el carro
00:06:17Hasta el cafecito, el casabe, las mandocas o las empanadas
00:06:21Hay que estar pilas de conseguir la máxima rebaja
00:06:23Y por supuesto de vender al mejor precio
00:06:26El venezolano lo lleva a la sangre
00:06:28Compra, venta, regateo
00:06:30Ha sido así desde siempre
00:06:32Somos un país acostumbrado al comercio
00:06:34En nuestro ADN está la tranza
00:06:36Así que ya saben, que no te dé pena pedir una rebajita
00:06:57¿Y esto?
00:06:58Eso es casabe, cuando indígena
00:07:00Eso es de pinga, chaval
00:07:01¿De pinga?
00:07:02Ay, de puta madre
00:07:03Hermano, hostias
00:07:06Tienes que saber tres particularidades de este país
00:07:09La primera, es que te lo dan todo
00:07:11Todo te lo compartes, papá
00:07:13Y la segunda, es que como te ahuevones, como te despistes
00:07:17Te lo quitan todo
00:07:19¿Y la tercera?
00:07:20La tercera que, entre tanto
00:07:22Se quedan todos con la comisión, papá
00:07:26Sí, va, este país es grande, hermoso
00:07:29A mí me gustan los carros clásicos, pero bien llevados
00:07:32Tienen más de 30 años y ahí siguen
00:07:34Ingeniería perfecta
00:07:350% de obsolescencia planificada
00:07:38No como los carros de ahora
00:07:39Pero acá es muy común verlos en muy malas condiciones
00:07:42Afortunadamente mi bichito me tiene a mí
00:07:45Que intento tenerlo como nuevo
00:07:51Tranquilo, mi hermano
00:08:26Vamos, quedan, que este país es peligroso
00:08:29Violentos son las personas y peligrosas son las personas
00:08:32Pero los países no, hermanazo
00:08:41Tú solucionas, ¿no?
00:08:42Tiene el suelo
00:08:44¿Tú te conoces?
00:08:45Tú resuelve
00:08:46Nunca sabe
00:08:48Ya va comiendo eso
00:08:49¿Viene ahora eso?
00:08:50Un poquito
00:08:52Ya le he probado antes
00:08:53Ya le he probado antes
00:09:02Marico, yo resuelvo, ¿no te dije?
00:09:05Dale pues
00:09:09Mira chavo, echale el agua
00:09:14Échalo, huevón
00:09:16Que nos pueden robar
00:09:20Dale, dale
00:09:24Venga, papá
00:09:27No seas marico
00:09:30Estás en un lugar peligroso
00:09:31Cierra la tapa
00:09:33Dale, dale, apúrate
00:09:36Apúrate, huevón
00:09:38Que te van a robar
00:09:39Tiene una pinta de turista que echa de espaldas
00:09:41Cierra el capó
00:09:42Vamos, huevón
00:09:44Dale, dale
00:10:01Al fin llegamos a la posada, a mi casa
00:10:03La guarida de soñadores caribeños como Luna
00:10:11Pasa, pasa
00:10:17¿Qué tal?
00:10:20Nacho, bienvenido a Venezuela
00:10:24Bueno, estos dos fliparon
00:10:26Yo fui testigo del famoso silencio al que llaman amor a primera vista
00:10:30Aunque conociéndoles como yo los conozco
00:10:32¿Quién sabe?
00:10:33Porque los dos están bien locos
00:10:35Y ustedes, cuéntenme
00:10:37¿De dónde se conocen?
00:10:39Porque no parecen de la misma edad
00:10:41Pues somos de la misma edad, del mismo barrio
00:10:44Pero bueno, tenemos distintas aficiones como podrás ver
00:10:46Bueno, ya me conoces
00:10:47A él le dio por la ciencia, por estudiar
00:10:50Y bueno, ahí le tienes
00:10:51El típico científico ateo
00:10:55El típico no tiene ni un pelo, yo creo
00:10:58No, porque a ver, yo es que soy renievo de los dogmas, ¿sabes?
00:11:02Y yo creo que hay que buscar
00:11:04Y si no se encuentra, seguir buscando
00:11:06Mira, yo hablando de lo que dices tú
00:11:08¿Sabes qué? Creo que el universo es energía y eso es Dios
00:11:12Pero bueno, como el universo es energía, a mí me fluye energía
00:11:15Tengo que que me desfluya energía
00:11:17Le voy a dejar un poquito porque tengo que adivinar
00:11:20Bueno, ¿y tú a qué te dedicas?
00:11:22¿Cuáles son tus aficiones y esas cosas?
00:11:24Bueno, organización de eventos, ¿sabes?
00:11:26Con rover, eventos culturales
00:11:29Pero bueno, ya no hay presupuesto para eso
00:11:31Entonces, bueno, también me dedico a dar música a los discapacitados
00:11:35Eso lo disfruto, me encanta
00:11:37¿Y tú qué tal? ¿La ciencia?
00:11:39Sí, bueno, yo a la educación me dedicaba
00:11:41Daba clases en la universidad
00:11:43Y bueno, la verdad es que me encanta
00:11:45Yo a la educación me dedicaba, daba clases en la universidad
00:11:48Y bueno, la verdad es que allí veía mucha desidia en el alumnado, ¿sabes?
00:11:53Y bueno, encima yo, que soy una persona que piensa idílicamente
00:11:58En un mundo en el que cada ser humano sea un artista
00:12:02Y un científico en sí mismo, ¿no?
00:12:04Una especie de Da Vinci, pues imagínate
00:12:06Claro, en un mundo así, así que lo dejé y me fui al desempleo
00:12:22Venezuela tiene un montón de islas paradisíacas
00:12:24Y cientos de kilómetros de costas
00:12:26Y en estas costas, algunas de las playas más hermosas de todo el planeta
00:12:30Pero bueno, volviendo a nuestro viaje
00:12:32Lamentablemente ninguna de esas playas es a la que voy ahora con Nachete
00:12:36Y mira, te voy a hablar claro
00:12:37La situación del país es dura
00:12:40Pero ya lo vas a ver tú
00:12:42Bueno, yo ahora quiero dejar la mente en blanco, bañarme
00:12:44Y olvidarme de política y de sociedad un rato
00:12:47Pues hoy tienes un día perfecto para eso
00:12:49Porque no me voy a dar una vuelta, ¿te parece?
00:12:52Oye, yo tengo que cambiar unos euros de tu dinero
00:12:55Los huevos dicen que son libres
00:12:58Es necesario
00:12:59Eso sabes quién te lo puede resolver, Christian
00:13:01¿Quieres que lo llame?
00:13:02Ah, sí, claro
00:13:03Muy bien
00:13:07El cambio monetario merece una mención aparte
00:13:09Debido al particularísimo control cambiario venezolano
00:13:12Verán, hay tres tipos
00:13:14El primero, el llamado DICOM
00:13:16Es el indicador oficial que marca al gobierno
00:13:20El segundo, es el dólar protegido
00:13:22Que tiene un precio especial
00:13:23Que el Estado supuestamente otorga para productos esenciales
00:13:26Como medicinas y alimentos
00:13:29Su precio es ridículo
00:13:30Menor del 1% de la tasa oficial DICOM
00:13:33Y el tercero, el dólar negro
00:13:35Aupado por una página web mafiosa
00:13:38Que es un indicador que tiene un valor mayor del 100%
00:13:40De la tasa oficial DICOM
00:13:42Y la mayoría de la población accede al dólar
00:13:45Al precio marcado por estos estafadores de Dollar Today
00:13:48Entonces, imagínense
00:13:50Con estos indicadores, la inflación
00:13:52Es la más alta que se ha conocido en Venezuela
00:13:55Porque el negocio está en multiplicar el dinero
00:13:58En la importación
00:14:00Gracias al control cambiario
00:14:01Agarrar el dólar barato
00:14:03Y revenderlo caro
00:14:04La gente no es pendeja
00:14:05Todo lo ven
00:14:07Y entonces, ¿qué pasa?
00:14:08Que nada se produce en el país
00:14:10Curiosamente, ese dólar que tomamos como indicador de nuestra economía
00:14:13Y que el imperio ha sabido colocar como referente mundial
00:14:16Está desprovisto de todo valor
00:14:18Es una moneda que a día de hoy
00:14:20Solo está respaldada por la deuda
00:14:22Y esto viene de largo
00:14:24Porque el Banco Central Americano
00:14:25Que se llama la Reserva Federal
00:14:27Lleva manos privadas desde 1913
00:14:29Cuando los banqueros, los piratas internacionales
00:14:31La privatizaron
00:14:33Y aún hoy sigue en sus manos
00:14:35Y ellos intentan controlar la vida de todos los seres humanos
00:14:37To whom they treat like slaves
00:14:39Making us indebted for money
00:14:41For money that is not worth it
00:14:43Hey, man, what's up?
00:14:45Hey, what's up, man?
00:14:49Look, I'm squaring up the rubber
00:14:51What ring did you tell me it was?
00:14:55Give me a chance
00:14:57Look, man, do you have a pair of 14-ring rubber?
00:14:59I have them in Pirelli, 70 for you
00:15:03Look, man, 90, man
00:15:07This son of an alcoholic military man
00:15:09And a professor of media education
00:15:11Is the ultimate expression of this country's idiosyncrasy
00:15:13An obsessive comrade
00:15:15Solidary and astute like few
00:15:17With a sense of justice
00:15:19Quite Roy Juliano
00:15:38Come on, I'll take you there now
00:15:41Come on
00:15:43El marrón, el marrón, el marrón
00:15:48Me di cuenta que faltaba en el marrón
00:15:53El marrón, el marrón, el marrón
00:15:57Me di cuenta que faltaba en el marrón
00:16:02Me dijeron que un tal Pepe
00:16:05Lo había liberado
00:16:07Que habían otros mojibatos
00:16:09Que seguían empeñados en tratar de acaparar
00:16:12Sin dejarnos disfrutar del exquisito
00:16:15Destello del marrón
00:16:19What's up, man?
00:16:21What's up, man?
00:16:23Did you bring the nukes?
00:16:24Yes, I have them here
00:16:25Go there
00:16:31Man, don't be stingy
00:16:32Don't look at that
00:16:33It's authentic
00:16:34This is my business, man
00:16:36It's beautiful
00:16:38Beautiful, beautiful
00:16:40Take it, Galician
00:16:42Don't put that
00:16:43They'll put you there for sure
00:16:44They'll shoot you for that
00:16:46Ok, I'll keep it
00:16:48Look, tonight there's a party at El Poing
00:16:51Luna is organizing it
00:16:53I know
00:16:54You're not going to do anything, right?
00:16:55I know
00:16:56We're going to have to go in your car, man
00:16:58Because I lent Luna the truck
00:16:59Precisely to organize the party
00:17:01No, I'm not going in his car
00:17:03And besides, I'm not in the mood for a party
00:17:05Tremendous, man
00:17:06Let's go to that shit, man
00:17:10Let's go, Galician
00:17:24For Montecito
00:17:26No, I don't smoke
00:17:28He's a serious worm
00:17:34I don't smoke
00:17:40Did you see that?
00:17:41It's Esperanza, the one on the plane
00:17:42She's a model
00:17:43He says he doesn't smoke and he's better than the note
00:17:45Tell him, man
00:18:03The one who is accused that we are going to judge
00:18:05What is accused of being a driver and a tractor driver
00:18:08Being an amnesia
00:18:09Stop, stop, stop the car
00:18:12Give me the papers
00:18:14Driver's license and identity documents
00:18:17Good afternoon
00:18:18Good afternoon
00:18:19Good afternoon, officer, how are you?
00:18:20Good afternoon, calm down
00:18:27You're crazy, man
00:18:29I have a broken piece of paper and it's already bent
00:18:31How are you driving like this?
00:18:32Give me your ID
00:18:34Bureaucracy in this country, you know
00:18:36I don't care about bureaucracy, give me your ID
00:18:38Give me your ID
00:18:40I'm Spanish, I don't have it
00:18:42I'm Spanish, my brother is also Spanish
00:18:44You're a tourist, right?
00:18:46I've been a tourist for 15 years, but you know
00:18:48But I don't care about bureaucracy
00:18:50Good afternoon, I'm Venezuelan
00:18:52Put your hands up
00:18:54I'm Venezuelan, I'm talking to them
00:18:56We could negotiate
00:18:58I'm here to talk
00:19:00Put your hands up
00:19:02I'm sure
00:19:04I'm going to get out of here
00:19:06Hands up
00:19:08Hands up
00:19:10I'm not your brother
00:19:12I follow everyone
00:19:14Good afternoon
00:19:16You guys are crazy
00:19:18You're illegal
00:19:20Those are some Galicians that I brought
00:19:22to enjoy
00:19:24You're also illegal
00:19:26I'm Venezuelan, I was born and raised here
00:19:28Hands up
00:19:30We can talk
00:19:32What are you going to talk to me about?
00:19:34We're going to talk
00:19:36These are Galicians, they're from Spain
00:19:38They're European
00:19:40What's in Europe?
00:19:44How much is the Euro?
00:19:48Put your hands up
00:19:50Don't worry, I'm a pensioner
00:19:52Look, I have to go fast
00:19:54We're going to the pot
00:19:56Hurry up
00:20:04I told you
00:20:06I talked to the guy
00:20:08He's asking for 50 Euros
00:20:1050 Euros?
00:20:12What is he asking for?
00:20:14What do you have?
00:20:16I told you not to take that
00:20:18But I have 30
00:20:20Give me that
00:20:22Let me see what I can do
00:20:24Let's go
00:20:26I got it
00:20:28This isn't even for a coffee
00:20:30It's more than a coffee, it's like 3 chickens
00:20:323 chickens?
00:20:34Hurry up, I don't want to see you here
00:20:36Let's go
00:20:38Thank you
00:20:40Let's go
00:20:42Let's go
00:20:44Let's go
00:20:46Thank you
00:20:48Let's go
00:20:50Thank you
00:20:52See you later
00:20:54Come on
00:20:56Don't turn it on
00:20:58It's harder
00:21:00Because of things like this
00:21:02I'm starting to understand García Márquez
00:21:04and his magical realism
00:21:06And of course, in this place where everything can happen
00:21:08your sudden instigators
00:21:10can become your benefactors
00:21:12in a blink of an eye
00:21:22Oh, my beloved Caracas
00:21:24Let me tell you
00:21:26how I became this beautiful and chaotic Uruguay
00:21:28so cosmopolitan and full of contrasts
00:21:40Caracas, like Venezuela
00:21:42because of its rich history
00:21:44has been a place of peace
00:21:46a place of peace
00:21:48a place of peace
00:21:50Caracas, like Venezuela
00:21:52because of its wealth and excellent location
00:21:54has always been a place of historical disputes
00:21:56The different populations of the Caribbean Indians
00:21:58who originally populated it
00:22:00were the first to dispute it
00:22:02Later, they would defend it
00:22:04from the Hungarian Empire
00:22:06in this case, the Spanish
00:22:08Many years passed
00:22:10until the Spaniards were able to found the city
00:22:12and it had to be through a traitor
00:22:14Francisco Fajardo, half Indian, half Spanish
00:22:16and it was because of him
00:22:18that the Spaniards were able to resist
00:22:20the Caribbean originators
00:22:28But not so far is the story
00:22:30and thanks to a petroler
00:22:32Caracas was the example of the development
00:22:34of a modern city, for transnationals and for capital
00:22:36Many believed in the American dream
00:22:38that chimera
00:22:40The 60s, 70s and 80s
00:22:42were more of the same
00:22:44large infrastructures, housing and mass transportation
00:22:46The city was developing
00:22:48but at the same time
00:22:50another city was growing
00:22:52that was being built without any planning
00:22:54and that was the displaced
00:22:56the peasants who moved to Caracas
00:22:58the most in need of the country
00:23:00that in search of their little piece of oil income
00:23:02raised the other city
00:23:04That's why today we have in Caracas
00:23:06the capital not only of Venezuela
00:23:08but also of the contrast
00:23:10Today the two realities are merged
00:23:12framed by the tasty tropical heat
00:23:14Caracas works non-stop, very busy
00:23:16full of life, night and rumba
00:24:28Venezuela has always been and
00:24:30will be a festive, happy country
00:24:32traditions and parties are the produce
00:24:34of syncretism of its different regions
00:24:36that they have demonstrated it during its history
00:24:38the dance and the music
00:24:40a fundamental part of the culture of this town.
00:24:43Cuergas, rumbas, fiestas, orchestras as big as Villo,
00:24:47that developed the celebration in joy,
00:24:49and that now are part of the Venezuelan idiosyncrasy.
00:24:52Even the biggest stars shone in Caracas.
00:24:55But with the respect of Mr. Amstron,
00:24:57our party was always a little more Caribbean,
00:25:00more legal to the tropical rhythm.
00:25:02And now it's our turn to live the rumba,
00:25:04so cheers, my friends!
00:25:11¡Viva La Palanca!
00:25:21¡Viva La Palanca!
00:25:25¡Qué cansado de esperar!
00:25:28¡Hoy día por hoy!
00:25:41¡Hoy día por hoy!
00:25:47¡Ay, del alma triste corazón!
00:25:52¡Se está muriendo de pena!
00:25:56¡Del alma triste corazón!
00:25:59¡Se está muriendo de pena!
00:26:04¡Está enamorado!
00:26:06¡Está enamorado!
00:26:08¡Está enamorado!
00:26:11¡Está enamorado!
00:26:13¡Está enamorado!
00:26:15¡De la mujer arena!
00:26:18¡Cómo está mi corazón!
00:26:22¡Qué cansado de esperar!
00:26:26¡La llegada del calor!
00:26:29¡Hoy ríe por no llorar!
00:26:41¡Viva La Palanca!
00:27:00¡Debes abrazarte a mí!
00:27:02¡Sin esperanza no podrás encontrar mi paz!
00:27:07¡Esto puede ser un caos!
00:27:08¡El fin de España es una ruina!
00:27:10¿Qué hago yo ahora?
00:27:12Yo entiendo que tú, en este país, no tengas esperanza.
00:27:16Pero volveremos a España y lo haremos juntos.
00:27:20¡Tú vendrás conmigo!
00:27:34¡Dame la plata, mamahuevo! ¡Dame acá!
00:27:49¡Listo, marico!
00:27:53¡Rodígate, mamahuevo!
00:27:57¡Tú eres un chigüire! ¡Tú no sirves para esta mierda!
00:27:59¡Mirá! ¡Mirá la pistola que te dio el marico esto!
00:28:02¡Dame la plata, gallego!
00:28:04¡Toma, toma!
00:28:06¡Te lo he dicho! ¡Que te quedes con Mirady, huevón!
00:28:10¡Te lo he dicho veinticinco veces!
00:28:18Ya va, ya va. Esto lo vamos a parar aquí un momentito.
00:28:21Porque quiero hablarles un poco más del Culebra.
00:28:23Uno de los tantos jóvenes nacidos en este país en condiciones de pobreza.
00:28:27Bueno, los que siempre tienen, siempre se quejan de que los pobres son malos o vagos.
00:28:32Coño en la madre. Como si fuera fácil salir de abajo.
00:28:35Sin educación primaria, sin saber leer ni escribir.
00:28:39No es sólo una vez al día. Cuando la única figura paterna que tienes
00:28:42es un mal parido que carga más armas que la guardia.
00:28:45Pero la verdad es que todo victimario fue alguna vez víctima.
00:28:48Y esos gángster, esos pranes, son muchachos venezolanos a los que el sistema les falló.
00:28:53Por eso y sólo por eso se hacen malandros.
00:29:11¡De mentes estólicas!
00:29:14¡Y nos quieren matar!
00:29:18La vida del hombre armado siempre es una vida corta.
00:29:21Los traicionan los panas, los pesca la policía, los aniquila la sociedad, los rechazan.
00:29:27Viven a mil por hora porque saben que en cualquier instante su momento va a llegar.
00:29:31Eso está escrito.
00:29:33Al que ayerro mata, ayerro muere.
00:29:36Verán, la vida de un país depende de las oportunidades con las que cuentas.
00:29:41Si no tienes casa, comida, educación básica y un acceso mínimo a la salud,
00:29:46¿qué coño? Estás destinado a pasarlo mal.
00:29:49Te voy a hablar claro, culebra.
00:29:51No choque y vas a ganar.
00:29:53A la primera de cambio que me falte un billete o que te vuelvas loco,
00:29:56te voy a pasar taladro sin creer en nadie.
00:29:58Palmillo, tranquilo que soy un tipo cero.
00:30:00Y cero marihuana. Acuérdate que la gente aquí le pega la pete y te echa la paja.
00:30:03Si es a trabajar, es a trabajar.
00:30:06Bueno, tengo que llevar el carro.
00:30:09Qué cagado.
00:30:11Ya vale. Te salió valiente, ¿no?
00:30:14¿Qué es lo que, Coromoto?
00:30:16Todo bien. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo sigues?
00:30:18Ahí vamos, mejorando.
00:30:19¿Qué haces?
00:30:21Grande, hazme uno un favor. Date un giro.
00:30:24Chacoro ahí grande.
00:30:27Necesito un favor tuyo.
00:30:28¿Para qué soy bueno?
00:30:30Tú sabes que este chamito anda pendiente de los huesos de mi hija, Milady.
00:30:35Y yo lo quiero cerca de ella mientras anda en jugueterías contigo.
00:30:37¿Pero estás en contra del amor?
00:30:38No estoy en contra del amor, estoy en contra del malandreo.
00:30:41Yo te voy a hablar claro, Coromoto.
00:30:43Desde que tu marido se murió, esto cambió fue color.
00:30:46Ahora el carro lo llevo soy yo.
00:30:48Oye, qué bien.
00:30:51Yo espero que tu papelón siempre te engañe.
00:30:54Acuérdate que nos debemos unos cuantos favores.
00:31:01Púrrate, mamagüego.
00:31:05Hola, bueno día.
00:31:09Perdona, ¿tenéis agua?
00:31:11¿Agua? No, Gatorade sí te sirve.
00:31:14Uff, el Gatorade es un veneno.
00:31:17Perdona, ¿arroz tenéis?
00:31:19¿Arroz? No, no hay, papá.
00:31:36Perdona, ¿arroz tenéis?
00:31:39¿Arroz? No, no hay, papá.
00:31:47Disculpa una vez más, ¿jabón en pastilla?
00:31:50¿Jabón? No.
00:31:55Oye, disculpa, ¿no eres de acá?
00:31:59No lo imaginé, bueno.
00:32:00Ahorita va a llegar pollo.
00:32:02Y lo van a sacar por la parte de atrás.
00:32:04Si quieres haces la cola, ya que no hay nadie, para que tomes el pollo.
00:32:08Ah, bueno.
00:32:15No hay nadie, para que tomes el pollo.
00:32:17Ah, vale.
00:32:18¿Se forma cola con el pollo?
00:32:21Muchas gracias.
00:32:31Pepsi, Coca-Cola, enemigos del agua natural, ¿vale?
00:32:36¡Ay, Nachete! Si es que no pavila.
00:32:39La cola se forma en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
00:32:42¡Venga, huevón!
00:33:01Señores, se va vender un pollo por persona
00:33:04y se va a vender en cinco minutos.
00:33:06Uno solo, puta.
00:33:07Uno solo.
00:33:08Uno solo, nada más, señores.
00:33:10Uno solo, abuso.
00:33:12Por fin mamá comí un pollo.
00:33:13Hey, hey, hey!
00:33:19Excuse me, excuse me!
00:33:20You said five minutes.
00:33:21No, no, no, I don't want to see your hands, no, no, no.
00:33:26Look, my love, come here, I have it!
00:33:28Come here, take it!
00:33:29I have everything you need!
00:33:32Come here, I have it!
00:33:35Come here, I have everything you need, come close!
00:33:37I don't have what you need, tell me.
00:33:46Hi, how are you?
00:33:47I was looking for hand soap.
00:33:49No, I don't have hand soap, but I have shampoo.
00:33:52Look, you take a little bit and put it on your hand when you're showering.
00:33:56And you rub it on your body, and that's like liquid soap.
00:33:58It's clean.
00:33:59But shampoo is for the head.
00:34:00No, it doesn't matter.
00:34:01That works for you.
00:34:02It's better than soap.
00:34:03You put it all over your body.
00:34:04What else do you need?
00:34:06What else do you need?
00:34:07I don't have rice, but I have pasta.
00:34:08Do you want pasta?
00:34:09No, I wanted rice.
00:34:11I have that for you.
00:34:12It's great for arepas.
00:34:13You put cheese on it.
00:34:14They make it in the Budares.
00:34:15You're not from here, are you?
00:34:17But try it, my love.
00:34:18It's typical here in Venezuela.
00:34:19Try it.
00:34:20Take it.
00:34:21What else do you need?
00:34:22I have toothpaste.
00:34:23I have sugar for coffee.
00:34:24Toothpaste I need.
00:34:25I have that too.
00:34:26And sugar for coffee?
00:34:27It has flour, but it's good.
00:34:28Yes, but that has everything.
00:34:29Sugar too.
00:34:31Okay, good.
00:34:33I wanted oats too, but I don't think I'll get it.
00:34:34How much is this?
00:34:35It doesn't matter.
00:34:37I'm going to put it in a bag.
00:34:38But don't worry.
00:34:39You can come by early tomorrow so I can keep the oats.
00:34:40I have more left.
00:34:41Hey, my love.
00:34:42Come here.
00:34:43Sit down.
00:34:44Don't lie to me.
00:34:45Look, you know what?
00:34:46There's a rumba down there.
00:34:47Do you understand?
00:34:49Come on.
00:34:50Just a little bit.
00:34:51A couple of hours.
00:34:52No, I don't want to.
00:34:53Come on.
00:34:54You're a woman.
00:34:55Go check it out.
00:34:56You're a woman.
00:34:57You're a woman.
00:34:58You're a woman.
00:34:59You're a woman.
00:35:00You're a woman.
00:35:01You're a woman.
00:35:03You're a woman.
00:35:04You're a woman.
00:35:05You're a woman.
00:35:06You're a woman.
00:35:07You're a woman.
00:35:08We're a woman.
00:35:09Everything I always do, sometimes, has made me
00:35:11feel like I'm that girl.
00:35:12A girl that will play, or sing, or dance, or
00:35:14The more or less I know, the more or less I
00:35:15love her.
00:35:16We're women.
00:35:17We're women.
00:35:18We are women.
00:35:19Fernando and I, Miguel and I, Fernando and I,
00:35:20are not the same.
00:35:21We're women.
00:35:22We're a woman.
00:35:23A woman.
00:35:24There's no caregiver.
00:35:25There's no caregiver.
00:35:26What's that?
00:35:27Why am I a woman?
00:35:28And that's inappropriate.
00:35:29Los Angeles, the workplace explains why we worship
00:35:30First of all, we are forced to live in a constant economic war.
00:35:35A war economy.
00:35:37And the people are the ones competing against the people.
00:35:40Analper, how much is it, brother?
00:35:42That's it, thank you very much.
00:35:44Look, I want to toast.
00:35:46Rice, please, rice.
00:35:48Rice, how much for the rice?
00:35:50How much for the tostiarepa?
00:35:52This tostiarepa is from here.
00:35:54No, no, no, no, no.
00:35:56I have to say a few words.
00:35:58This tostiarepa is from here.
00:36:00Take it, father.
00:36:02It's ok.
00:36:08Hi, are you Spanish?
00:36:10Yes, my love, but a little.
00:36:12Hey, do you have a charger for my iPod?
00:36:15I don't eat it.
00:36:17And how much do you sell it to me?
00:36:19That's not possible, it's expensive, you know.
00:36:2220 dollars.
00:36:2420 dollars?
00:36:26You're more Venezuelan than Spanish.
00:36:28I can see that.
00:36:30You know what? No one has it here.
00:36:32I'm the only one who has it.
00:36:34If you don't like it, keep going.
00:36:36But it's cheap.
00:36:38Of course, that's how it is in this country.
00:36:4020 dollars.
00:36:42Estimating each other.
00:36:44And then you want tourism to come here.
00:36:46To enjoy.
00:36:48Look, pretty.
00:36:50I think you're a little xenophobic, Spanish.
00:36:52In your country, you eat transgenic,
00:36:54you have sex, the police stop you,
00:36:56you get a fine, you don't say anything.
00:36:58You get to the bank, you can't pay,
00:37:00and they throw you out on the street.
00:37:02I'm sorry, they exhaust you.
00:37:04Look, you're pissed off, you're crazy,
00:37:06and I'm leaving.
00:37:08The truth offends.
00:37:10It's like here,
00:37:12that the oil income,
00:37:14those who are really taking it,
00:37:16are the transnationals.
00:37:18And what is being profited with it,
00:37:20they go and blame the people,
00:37:22bureaucrats, military,
00:37:24businessmen, bankers,
00:37:28the boli-bourgeoisie.
00:37:30All of them.
00:37:32The usual. Elites against the people.
00:37:34Nothing else.
00:37:36Excuse me.
00:37:38Look, in the end, I'm not taking it.
00:37:40Give me my 20 dollars, please.
00:37:42No, pretty, look, take it better.
00:37:44Because, look...
00:37:46You're an asshole.
00:37:48I prefer to be called a whore.
00:37:50No, you're stupid.
00:37:52Oh, mom.
00:37:54And look, you know what?
00:37:56This is going to be in my country,
00:37:58so everyone can see it.
00:38:00In your country? I want to be in CNN, ABC,
00:38:02in the country.
00:38:04Look, look, look.
00:38:06But what are you doing?
00:38:08I'm counting my money.
00:38:10Oh, Lulu.
00:38:12I'm going to the bathroom.
00:38:14I'll be right with you.
00:38:16Well, let me think about it.
00:38:18Think about it here, right in front of the hot tub.
00:38:20Well, fine, yes.
00:38:22That's it?
00:38:24Give me a kiss.
00:38:26What kiss? Nothing.
00:38:30Look, the godfather used to say
00:38:32that all serious men
00:38:34spend time with his family.
00:38:36He takes care of them.
00:38:38Well, yes.
00:38:40Yes, Culebra has straw in his brain, and he's crazy, but he loves Miladis.
00:38:46And he'll do anything to provide her with a home.
00:38:49In a neighborhood, a serious man has to carry the cash for the house.
00:38:52The cash, the real, the money, the money.
00:38:58Come in.
00:39:01What's up, gringo?
00:39:02Come in, come in.
00:39:06What's up, Culebra?
00:39:07What's up, man?
00:39:08How are you?
00:39:10You know, I thought about it, because I want to make more money.
00:39:13How are you going to make more money?
00:39:15I took out the money.
00:39:17And how are we going to get there?
00:39:22We're going to America.
00:39:23Yes, we're going to America.
00:39:25Why do I like marijuana so much?
00:39:27Look how people give it to people.
00:39:29But this is for the one that is going to be sold, ours, the original.
00:39:32Well, you said it, man.
00:39:33I'm going to get there so I can make my day.
00:39:35Come this way.
00:39:43It's true.
00:39:44Venezuela is a country that exports drugs.
00:39:46But not because it produces them,
00:39:48but because of its privileged geographical location in the Caribbean.
00:39:51And because of our western neighbors, Colombia.
00:39:54We've been living with this problem since the 90s,
00:39:57a time when the cartels were put in jail
00:39:59and it was easier for them to get the drugs out of the Venezuelan side.
00:40:02And for that, they had some corrupt military men.
00:40:05There are always some.
00:40:07But beyond the cartels and the corrupt military men,
00:40:10the United States is the main drug consumer in the world.
00:40:13There is also corruption in the DEA,
00:40:15which does not stop the chain in its origin.
00:40:17But the consequences are always suffered by the young people of the neighborhoods.
00:40:20Those same people to whom the system left without opportunities.
00:40:23They are the only ones who can help.
00:40:25Those same people to whom the system left without opportunities.
00:40:28They are the only ones who are criminalized and penalized
00:40:31in this great distribution chain.
00:40:33No one judges the DEA.
00:40:35No one judges the military or the cartels.
00:40:38They are removed, they are put.
00:40:40The ones who are judged and penalized are the young people of the neighborhoods.
00:40:43They are always in the smallest group.
00:41:16Let's go. Big.
00:41:19Come on.
00:42:07We are here again, with another perspective.
00:42:09We are going to let this story go.
00:42:19Man, if I don't mess with him, he's going to mess with me.
00:42:21He has to respect me.
00:42:24Dude, but shooting someone is a very strong thing, right?
00:42:28Man, you have to respect me, bro.
00:42:31Is that marijuana?
00:42:33No, no, thank you, really. Thank you very much.
00:42:36Oh yeah, with that thing, Galician?
00:42:38No, I smoke, man.
00:42:39Are you sure that marijuana is from Monsanto?
00:42:41Do you know what Monsanto is?
00:42:43Monsanto, man, that thing is mine.
00:42:45Monsanto my ass.
00:42:47Look, man, we are paying here.
00:43:36Come on, that's good.
00:43:39You have a good bouquet.
00:43:41Do you have a lighter to lend me?
00:43:43No, I don't smoke.
00:43:47Oh yeah, but the smell tells me something else.
00:43:49Okay, I'm down.
00:43:52How are you?
00:43:53I'm fine.
00:43:54How do you feel about this little gift?
00:43:56I'm going to hit him with the motorcycle, but no.
00:43:59But aren't you an athlete?
00:44:05I have to talk to you.
00:44:07What's up with you and my daughter, Milady?
00:44:09Nothing, mother-in-law, what's going on?
00:44:11Nothing happened.
00:44:12You must have had a good time, little boy, mother-in-law.
00:44:15You have to earn it.
00:44:17Fuck you.
00:44:31That's the price, a bolivar, nothing more.
00:44:33The liter.
00:44:34It's cheap, it's ridiculous, brother.
00:44:36Imagine, to get a deposit, to fill it up,
00:44:38It's a lot, it's a lot.
00:44:40It's all because of Chavez.
00:44:41He subsidized gasoline, electricity, telephone, water.
00:44:45Everything, brother.
00:44:46But what about the people?
00:44:47They don't value it.
00:44:48Well, let's go to a place that you're going to love,
00:44:50but I'm not going to tell you yet.
00:44:57You should know the story in Spanish.
00:44:59Look, all that you see there, all that mountain,
00:45:03that mountain, the Spaniards came here and said,
00:45:06Get out, his name is El Lavia, they said.
00:45:08No, no, his name is Guaraira Repan.
00:45:11And so, with so many things that the natives stole from him.
00:45:15Look at the bottom.
00:45:16That's the mountain barracks.
00:45:18The building in the middle.
00:45:20That's the mountain barracks.
00:45:23My commander rests there.
00:45:25There it is.
00:45:29It still smells like sulfur.
00:45:32The president of the United States,
00:45:35whom I call the devil,
00:45:38came here speaking as the owner of the world.
00:45:43As a spokesman for imperialism,
00:45:45he came to give his recipes
00:45:49to try to maintain the current scheme of domination,
00:45:53exploitation and looting of the peoples of the world.
00:45:59He is making desperate efforts to consolidate his systems
00:46:04his hegemonic system of domination.
00:46:06We cannot allow that to happen.
00:46:10We cannot allow the world dictatorship to be established.
00:46:15The false democracy of the elites.
00:46:18And also a very original democratic model,
00:46:21imposed on bombings,
00:46:23on bombing and on the brink of invasions and gunshots.
00:46:28What a democracy.
00:46:29We try to contribute ideas for the salvation of this planet.
00:46:35Venezuela joins that struggle.
00:46:38And that's why we are threatened.
00:46:40They killed him. They killed Chávez.
00:46:44And you know why?
00:46:45Because he was a father to all those people.
00:46:47He was a father.
00:46:48A real father, a leader for them.
00:46:50And what happens?
00:46:51When the father is not there, everything becomes a mess.
00:46:54It is out of control.
00:46:55Because there are some children who are good,
00:46:57others who are scoundrels.
00:46:58There are many, if I am aware of it,
00:47:01many good people trying to do it well,
00:47:03inventing, making mistakes.
00:47:05Nobody taught them.
00:47:06And in all crises, the worst thing of the human being comes out.
00:47:08And what is the worst thing of the human being?
00:47:12They deceive each other and steal from each other.
00:47:14And then here, people are aware of other things
00:47:17and only oil continues to be produced.
00:47:19Brother, we have a big problem, because oil, you know what?
00:47:22It is not eaten.
00:47:24It is not eaten.
00:47:25It is not eaten.
00:47:27What's up, man?
00:47:28Let's go to heaven, man.
00:47:46You are having a good time here, right?
00:47:48Yes, I am having a good time.
00:47:54the empire,
00:47:56my commander.
00:47:59Look, brother, I'll tell you something.
00:48:01Since my commander died,
00:48:04he has gone to hell.
00:48:06What we are doing here is trying to survive
00:48:09without going back to shit.
00:48:11I don't believe in Equality,
00:48:13I don't believe in Chavistas,
00:48:14I believe in people, man.
00:48:17With me, the one who eats a light comes,
00:48:19and the one who doesn't is crowned.
00:48:20You know how it is, man?
00:48:22But here you are also a bit of a trapeze artist, right?
00:48:25Fuck, you are right, Boleta.
00:48:26I'm talking about trapeze.
00:48:28Come on, the Spanish chorizo.
00:48:30Where do you think you're coming from?
00:48:31Where does that come from, brother?
00:48:33Precisely, genetics of the invaders.
00:48:38Do you know how our indigenous people lived here on this land?
00:48:42From agriculture,
00:48:44from fishing,
00:48:45from fishing.
00:48:47If there was something that those bastards wanted more than the Spaniards themselves,
00:48:50it was money and gold.
00:48:52To share it with their families, man.
00:48:54To worship the moon, to worship the sun,
00:48:56to contemplate nature.
00:48:57This is a paradise, brother.
00:48:59Brother, but right now, do you think we are prepared?
00:49:01Are the people prepared for that?
00:49:04We were prepared when the commander was alive.
00:49:07Right now it's pure peace, brother.
00:49:08This land has remained in pure peace.
00:49:10Right now, what we have to do is solve it, man.
00:49:12That's right, very good.
00:49:13I don't give a fuck if there are rich people.
00:49:17And what pisses me off is that there are poor people.
00:49:20What the fuck?
00:49:35How much is the euro?
00:49:37200 dollars, brother.
00:49:39200 dollars?
00:49:40Is it true that you are charging in dollars?
00:49:42It's the country, 200 dollars.
00:49:45Fuck you, country.
00:49:51No, not 120.
00:49:52I'm the only one who has that balance here.
00:49:54It's 200 dollars.
00:49:55You're my buddy.
00:49:56Exactly, that's why.
00:50:00A little.
00:50:01A little?
00:50:04180, dad.
00:50:05I won't give you anything else.
00:50:07To pay you.
00:50:12180 dollars.
00:50:13Thank you, dollar, today.
00:50:15I don't give a fuck if it's in dollars, today.
00:50:17If it's in spanish, I'll tell you.
00:50:19Fuck you, dollar, today.
00:50:24Do you know that I live with 180 dollars here for four months?
00:50:27And that asshole says he's my friend.
00:50:29But, well, you know what? I have other bigger problems.
00:50:32And the problems are the papers for the car, which I have to legalize.
00:50:38You can stay here forever.
00:50:39To do any procedure.
00:50:40Because you know what?
00:50:41Because you know what?
00:50:42Here, the bureaucracy isn't that it's slow.
00:50:44It's that it's eternal, dad.
00:50:51Although I think that with the money, I can speed it up a little.
00:50:53But I don't know if it will be enough.
00:50:55What a day.
00:51:00Let's go.
00:51:03Damn bureaucracy, dad.
00:51:12It's like new, isn't it, asshole?
00:51:14It's fine, my friend.
00:51:16It's fine, fine.
00:51:17Well, today, thank God, I have to do a traffic procedure.
00:51:20For the car.
00:51:21But even so, if the money doesn't...
00:51:23I have to entertain myself, because the queues here are...
00:51:25But I want you to see it, better.
00:51:29I think you have 200 dollars more, today.
00:51:32Damn dollar, today.
00:51:41Hello, good morning.
00:51:42Look, to renew my cell phone, I lost it.
00:51:44I had it won.
00:51:45Sir, the payment is made with a card.
00:51:47It has an account in the National Bank.
00:51:49No, shit.
00:52:01Good afternoon.
00:52:02To open an account?
00:52:04I think I have all the papers.
00:52:06Did Constancia come to the residence?
00:52:08No, ma'am.
00:52:09No, ma'am.
00:52:21Look, I need an account in the residence.
00:52:23Did you bring the cell phone?
00:52:27Sir, without planning.
00:52:31Damn, what a day.
00:52:38Hello, how are you?
00:52:39How can I help you?
00:52:42Bad, I'm very bad.
00:52:44I need a plan for Constancia.
00:52:49Of course, of course.
00:52:50Let me see your current cell phone, please.
00:52:59Here we have the asshole of the nightclub.
00:53:01It's beautiful, tropicalized.
00:53:03He says he's staying.
00:53:04That he's in love with this place.
00:53:06Who doesn't?
00:53:07But what makes you fall in love here is humanity,
00:53:09nature, the simplicity of the people.
00:53:12How could you not feel happy, Nachete?
00:53:14Who wouldn't?
00:53:18Hi, Luna.
00:53:19How are you?
00:53:21And how have you been these days?
00:53:23Well, look, I've already met Las Colas, El Bachaqueo, everything.
00:53:27I've also met, let's see, a lot of things like that.
00:53:31But above all, people fool each other.
00:53:35Oh, the Criollan vivacity.
00:53:37Well, Criollan vivacity, it's everywhere.
00:53:40It's a global, universal evil.
00:53:43They call it chorizo there.
00:53:46It's a structural problem.
00:53:48You know, if people don't change, the situation won't change.
00:53:52Common sense.
00:53:54Common sense, which is the least common of all senses.
00:53:59If people were conscious, there would be no need for power.
00:54:03All powers would fall on their own.
00:54:16What is rompecolchón?
00:54:17Try it, it's very good.
00:54:19It's an aphrodisiac.
00:54:21I don't believe in that.
00:54:22I don't believe in an aphrodisiac.
00:54:23Try it, try it.
00:54:27It's good, isn't it?
00:54:28It has wine, I like it.
00:54:29It's one.
00:54:34How much is it?
00:54:351500 bolívares.
00:54:42Ok, there you go.
00:54:44Count it.
00:54:45Thank you very much, enjoy it.
00:54:52And we should go, you know, because the plague is coming.
00:54:55What plague?
00:54:56The plague, mosquitoes, ants, it stings.
00:55:01But I can take it.
00:55:02No, you can't take it, let's go.
00:55:04It doesn't sting me much.
00:55:05No, it doesn't.
00:55:06Let's go.
00:55:26Pour it.
00:55:37Tell me something, what do you like?
00:55:39Besides science.
00:55:40I like lots of things.
00:55:45Sport, I like sport.
00:55:46The thing is, it is commercialized and also it is pan and circle.
00:55:51And movies, movies?
00:55:54I'm going to Hollywood. It's commercialized and it's a lot of bread and butter.
00:55:58And on top of that, he lies more than he talks. Hollywood.
00:56:00Yes, yes, yes. He lies a lot.
00:56:02Nacho, you rationalize everything.
00:56:05Of course. I'm a rationalist.
00:56:08I'll serve you some drinks. Sit down.
00:56:25What's up, brother?
00:56:29Everything ok?
00:56:32Perico, don't put that shit in my mouth, man.
00:56:38Martin Lucas.
00:56:39No, brother. You are my brother. Keep it to yourself.
00:56:43That's why I'm your brother.
00:56:44Give me a little more.
00:56:49You're going to kill me for this shit, man.
00:56:51You know I'm not alone.
00:56:53Me neither, asshole.
00:56:55There's no one here!
00:56:59You know what? What I like the most after science, well, at the same time as science, is to play in its broadest sense.
00:57:05Well, let's play.
00:57:23THE END
00:57:42Holy Venezuelan rum.
00:57:45THE END
00:57:52That bald guy, Paju.
00:57:54I've known Nachete since he was nine years old.
00:57:59That bald guy, I mean.
00:58:00We wanted to change the world, the two of us.
00:58:03He with science, I with culture.
00:58:05But we always had one thing very clear, the two of us.
00:58:08And that is that this world is run by a small elite.
00:58:11And that elite wants to fuck us up and face us.
00:58:14Divide and conquer, like always.
00:58:16In danger.
00:58:31Fuck your mother, man.
00:58:32There's nothing.
00:58:34There's nothing. If you kill my brother...
00:58:42It seemed to be just a matter of time.
00:58:44The violence that is experienced in the Venezuelan capital has been exponential every year,
00:58:49registering increasingly high rates of homicides,
00:58:52which now place it on the most violent list of the city in the world.
00:58:56Well, who can deny that there is violence in Venezuela?
00:58:58The number of deaths is chilling.
00:59:00But we have to analyze the causes.
00:59:02For example, in the excessive violence of the media...
00:59:05You better get like this!
00:59:06Why do you have to do this to me?
00:59:08I don't deserve it!
00:59:09You're going to stay there.
00:59:11That can also affect, of course.
00:59:13But I was referring, beyond the incitement of the series and movies,
00:59:16which are only violence and more violence,
00:59:18to social contrasts, to inequality.
00:59:21That is the main producer of violence anywhere in the world.
00:59:27Of course, if they only talk about violence, what do they generate?
00:59:29Violence, violence, violence.
00:59:31It's true, this country is a violent country.
00:59:33But that comes from the tree, right?
00:59:36And of course, there are other causes of violence,
00:59:38such as politics.
00:59:39And our country has not been without it.
00:59:42From the so-called fixed point agreement,
00:59:44a new violent way of exercising politics was established.
00:59:47Persecutions, jail and death for the opponents of leftist tendencies.
00:59:52The people organized themselves in clandestinity,
00:59:54formed the guerrillas,
00:59:55and fought for many years,
00:59:57until they finally came to power.
00:59:59But today, the two elites who seek power
01:00:02generate the conditions for a violent confrontation
01:00:05between all citizens.
01:00:06Divide and conquer,
01:00:07as Julio César said more than 2,000 years ago.
01:00:10It works.
01:00:11But the Venezuelan people is fed up with violence and polarization,
01:00:14and they only want to live in peace and tranquility,
01:00:17alien to the armed gangs and paramilitaries
01:00:19financed by each other.
01:00:21And these elites use us as pawns
01:00:23in their desire to maintain or gain power.
01:00:26And it is that they only see in the country a business,
01:00:29an inexhaustible source of wealth.
01:00:33What's up, girl?
01:00:34How are you?
01:00:35How are you?
01:00:36Great, how are you?
01:00:38And what are you doing around here?
01:00:40I came to look for the Spaniard.
01:00:42For the neighborhood?
01:00:44Well, so you can see that it's not just bad stuff,
01:00:47Hey, what's up, kid?
01:00:48All good?
01:00:49So you can see that it's not just bad stuff,
01:00:52Wow, are you sure about that?
01:00:54Of course I'm sure.
01:00:55I'm not here to look for him.
01:00:56Boy, be careful.
01:00:57I'm not here to look for him.
01:00:58I'm not here to look for him.
01:00:59I'm not here to look for him.
01:01:00Boy, be careful.
01:01:01Please, nothing will happen to that man.
01:01:03Canelita, you're with me.
01:01:04You're with me, you're careful.
01:01:05Oh, yes, yes, all-powerful.
01:01:07You know how he is.
01:01:16I'm going to meet a man like my mom.
01:01:18The one who took care of me.
01:01:20Oh my God, who's out there?
01:01:23My mom.
01:01:24Hi, honey.
01:01:26How are you?
01:01:28God bless you.
01:01:29How are you?
01:01:30God bless you.
01:01:31And you?
01:01:32Oh, well.
01:01:33Look, I introduce you to my Spanish friend.
01:01:35Hello, how are you, sir?
01:01:38He's Naso.
01:01:39Talking about the weather.
01:01:40That's great.
01:01:41Is it going to rain?
01:01:43I don't know.
01:01:44What could it be?
01:01:45Let's see.
01:01:51Boy, you got them.
01:01:54You got them all.
01:01:59I'm going to meet a man like my mom.
01:02:02The one who took care of me.
01:02:05Oh, boy, I need to talk to you about something.
01:02:09What happened?
01:02:10Don't scare me, Mom.
01:02:11I have to tell you something.
01:02:13Come on, are you serious?
01:02:16Because it's something serious.
01:02:18What happened?
01:02:21The gringo was shot.
01:02:25He looks like a dead man in a wheelchair.
01:02:32I told you!
01:02:34Thirty thousand times.
01:02:35I went to talk to him the other day.
01:02:37He was all drunk and crazy.
01:02:39I told you.
01:02:40It was big, right?
01:02:41It was big!
01:02:42Tell him!
01:02:43I don't know, honey.
01:02:44They came here and knocked on my door this morning
01:02:46to tell me that they had found him in a wheelchair.
01:02:49The gringo had too many demons inside him.
01:02:54Where is he now?
01:02:55In the morgue.
01:03:20You can't forget where you came from.
01:03:23I come from looking for what people need.
01:03:26Now that I have the field,
01:03:28I have to help my people, my friends.
01:03:31I take what I have,
01:03:33and I give what I don't have.
01:03:35I thought he was a big crook.
01:03:38Because of the shooting the other day and all that.
01:03:41Now I understand why Robert calls you brother.
01:03:45Look at this.
01:03:48Only ten euros.
01:03:50What did you have?
01:03:51What's that?
01:03:52Your dad.
01:03:53When the Pacos stopped us on the road.
01:03:55Don't you remember?
01:03:56How much did you give me?
01:04:00I gave ten to the Paco.
01:04:03Ten I gave him.
01:04:04I gave those ten to your brother.
01:04:06But at that time you weren't my brother.
01:04:08Now you're my brother.
01:04:09Now you give me ten euros.
01:04:18What's up?
01:04:19How are you, my love?
01:04:22You look like a punk.
01:04:28Wait for me.
01:04:29I'm waiting for you.
01:04:30Look at me.
01:04:32What happened to you?
01:04:33I slipped.
01:04:34You think I don't know the story?
01:04:36I don't know what you're asking.
01:04:38Are we going to treat each other like this?
01:04:40Come on, come on.
01:04:41I'm going to tell you the story.
01:04:43I'm going to tell you the story.
01:04:44I'm going to tell you the story.
01:04:46Come on, come on.
01:04:47You're all messed up.
01:04:49I'm going to change.
01:04:51That's it.
01:04:53Well, if you're going to change, run.
01:04:55But how am I going to run?
01:04:57Wait for me.
01:04:58I'm running.
01:04:59Wait for me.
01:05:04I'm not going to run for your love.
01:05:06I'm going to run.
01:05:16I'm going to run.
01:05:47You're going to be screwed, man.
01:05:49It's because of the Galician that you're going to be screwed.
01:05:52I thought you were crazy.
01:05:53The Galician grabbed your love and all that.
01:06:10Why don't you stay?
01:06:12I have to put things on the scale.
01:06:14You know, here I have my family, I have to do some paperwork.
01:06:18But, well...
01:06:21Here, I don't know, we'll do something so you can keep investigating.
01:06:26I don't know, I'm very confused. I've always been very determined and now I'm very confused.
01:06:44I never got out, I didn't get out, I didn't get out, I felt something...
01:06:49I felt something...
01:06:51I felt something...
01:06:54I felt something, I felt something...
01:07:04There are no more pigtails left...
01:07:07What an asshole.
01:07:08Nachete, the bus is going to the airport. Get out, asshole.
01:07:12The truth is that it's fried, or it's crowned to be in this country now, but...
01:07:18Fuck, man.
01:07:20I don't know, man.
01:07:24Hey, man.
01:07:25You're back to Spain, man.
01:07:27You're staying.
01:07:28Come on, man.
01:07:29Let's miss the flight and this car, man.
01:07:32It's true, man.
01:07:34Little bug, tremendous car, little brother.
01:07:38Fuck, brother.
01:07:39What's up?
01:07:40Fuck, brother.
01:07:41What's up?
01:07:44Fuck, you can stay.
01:07:47The truth is that it's cool to be here, man.
01:07:51Come on, man.
01:07:52If you integrate here, if you share here,
01:07:56if you...
01:07:58If you get in there, among people,
01:08:00you're crowned.
01:08:01And you've done it all these days.
01:08:02All these days you've been doing that.
01:08:04Stay, man.
01:08:05I could live here with my nephews.
01:08:07Of course.
01:08:08But, man, you have to produce to prosper.
01:08:10That's clear.
01:08:11And, come on, I understand it like that.
01:08:13You have to produce.
01:08:14It's true that here is a constant summer.
01:08:17The truth is that...
01:08:20Man, stay.
01:08:21I give you a hand.
01:08:25Fuck, man.
01:08:27I mean, even if you get a lightning that says,
01:08:29stay, you're not going to stay, brother.
01:08:31I don't care.
01:08:39And change the way
01:08:46of being you.
01:08:52Oil is cool
01:08:59for life.
01:09:05Oil is cool
01:09:09for love.
01:09:27Well, Nachete,
01:09:28until here your Caribbean dream.
01:09:30I'm going to Spain, you know.
01:09:34You've come.
01:09:36Let's go back together to Spain.
01:09:38Step on it, Robin.
01:09:39Step on it.
01:09:40It's late.
01:09:42Step on it.
01:09:43Step on it.
01:09:44There's a bug.
01:09:45Step on it, Robin, please.
01:09:46There's a bug.
01:09:47I'm staying.
01:09:48I'm staying.
01:10:04My beloved Venezuela,
01:10:05the most beautiful country of creation,
01:10:07paradise on earth,
01:10:08that only the human being can turn into hell.
01:10:11I hope we learn that we all fit in
01:10:13and that its riches are not ours,
01:10:15but of the next generations.
01:10:17And I know everything they say about this country.
01:10:19Violence, insecurity, blah, blah, blah.
01:10:22But come here.
01:10:23Come here.
01:10:24You'll understand why Nachete stayed
01:10:26and why I fell in love with this land.
01:10:28And I remember that when I arrived,
01:10:29I didn't know whether to stay or not.
01:10:31And a friend told me,
01:10:32Look, Robin.
01:10:33In Venezuela, everything is very difficult.
01:10:35But you know what?
01:10:36Nothing is impossible.
01:10:38And it is.
01:10:40In the end, I'm the one who goes to Spain.
01:10:42I can't make a living here, doing what I do.
01:10:44But it turns out that the girl we met the other day,
01:10:47her parents,
01:10:48have a production company.
01:10:51It's shit.
01:10:52It's a success.
01:10:54It's a cipher.
01:10:55A chip.
01:10:56A chip?
01:11:01Nacho's asshole has me screwed,
01:11:02because he didn't come to say goodbye.
01:11:04He says he gives it to Yuyu.
01:11:06That he reminds her of I don't know who,
01:11:07that he's fried, the bald guy.
01:11:09And he calls me a coward
01:11:10because I'm going back to the empire.
01:11:12Come on.
01:11:13With the brother.
01:11:14Hey, man.
01:11:16You know what I'll trade you for?
01:11:17Uncle Simon for Uncle San.
01:11:19You're awesome, aren't you?
01:11:22I had to sell the little bug, man.
01:11:31Take the damn money.
01:11:35What are you doing?
01:11:38With this we're going on a trip.
01:11:39Camping, my love.
01:11:41That's for the poor.
01:11:42I'm not going to a camping.
01:11:44It's cool here, it's hot.
01:11:46Let's go now.
01:11:47It's hot.
01:11:48Let's go.
01:11:51Venezuela is a country that's going to get out of this.
01:11:53This crisis is in the air.
01:11:55Do you know why?
01:11:56Because Venezuelans have a gene.
01:11:58That gene is indigenous resistance.
01:12:01And nothing else.
01:12:02Let's go.
01:12:03Let's go.
01:12:04Let's go.
01:12:05Let's go.
01:12:06Let's go.
01:12:19Welcome to Venezuela
01:12:21Where you learn without school
01:12:23Where the saint wants to see you
01:12:25But you have to move
01:12:27If you get stuck, you're in trouble
01:12:29Get a load of this and get out
01:12:31With the trance and the verbena
01:12:33If you get into it
01:12:41But you have to move
01:12:50Hey, Tronco.
01:12:51Hey, Rabe.
01:12:52How long?
01:12:53Why don't you answer me, asshole?
01:12:55When didn't I answer you?
01:12:57Let's see, not long ago.
01:12:58You left with that girl and I got stuck.
01:13:00Ah, well, you got stuck because I left with that girl.
01:13:02But hey, the girl already sent me to hell.
01:13:04Don't worry.
01:13:05Fuck, it's been a while since we talked.
01:13:07Hey, what's over there?
01:13:09It's to the tip of the tail, man.
01:13:12I mean, look, there's total control here.
01:13:14Wooden all over the street.
01:13:15People don't even look at the sky, but they're poisoning themselves.
01:13:19The kids take them to the psychiatrist because they get poisoned.
01:13:21You can't do anything.
01:13:23You're just enslaved.
01:13:25My fucking brain is calling me.
01:13:27Fuck you, motherfucker.
01:13:28They make me aggressive, man.
01:13:30And I'm not aggressive.
01:13:31There's a lot of depression out there.
01:13:32People are still depressed and all that.
01:13:34And come on, a pill, a pill.
01:13:37And the kids are high.
01:13:38People don't look at you on the street.
01:13:39And you tell a girl, a pretty girl,
01:13:42I'm going to report you.
01:13:43Fuck you, motherfucker.
01:13:45Man, I don't want to go to hell.
01:13:47But where are you going?
01:13:48Are you going to the hospital?
01:13:50I'm going to Venezuela.
01:13:51Tell me how the country is.
01:13:52Well, man, think about it.
01:13:54Because here the inflation is terrible.
01:13:57Terrible, terrible, terrible.
01:13:58I don't know if it's from today or what, guys,
01:14:00but I'm already going to the moon.
01:14:03Fruit juice and such.
01:14:05But I'm telling you, with a lot of things,
01:14:07the rice paste is impossible.
01:14:08The bread, some tails, terrible.
01:14:10Then also insecurity at night and such.
01:14:13But hey, you survive.
01:14:15I'm at a university, working now.
01:14:17I'm depressed.
01:14:18Well, at least you're doing well.
01:14:19I mean, in the worst part of the world, man.
01:14:22I'm up to my neck.
01:14:24There for anarchy, so to speak,
01:14:26and here for total control.
01:14:28Look, I'm going to tell you something, Robert.
01:14:32This is becoming a Syria, a Libya,
01:14:36whatever you want to call it.
01:14:37Here there are mercenaries paid,
01:14:39I don't know what's going on here,
01:14:41but it's a bit ugly.
01:14:43I'll tell you one thing,
01:14:44but here in Europe there are
01:14:46attacks every day,
01:14:47and the attacks are ours.
01:14:48Did you know that?
01:14:49And they're all false flags,
01:14:51they're self-attacks, you know?
01:14:52And what they want is to come out
01:14:53and hate the people, the Islamists,
01:14:55and make a mess of it.
01:14:57I mean, this is the shit.
01:14:58Not here, not anywhere.
01:14:59Forget it.
01:15:00Fuck off.
01:15:01I'm going to Paris, man.
01:15:02Well, man, you know,
01:15:04here the truth is that the quality,
01:15:06the warmth of the people is different.
01:15:08It's a true place.
01:15:09I have my fans there.
01:15:10What do you want me to tell you?
01:15:11Look at my son.
01:15:12He's calling me.
01:15:13Son of a bitch, he won't leave me alone.
01:15:14Look, I'll call you in the next room.
01:15:15You know?
01:15:16Hey, brother.
01:15:17Call me later.
01:15:18Call me in a while, man.
01:15:19Yes, well, in a while.
01:15:20No, I'll tell you next week,
01:15:21because next week
01:15:22I won't be able to get my head up.
01:15:23They've enslaved me.
01:15:24Fucking Islamists.
01:15:25Well, okay, bye.
01:15:27I have to go.
