Hunted AU Season 3 Episode 5

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Hunted AU S03E05
00:00Previously on Hunted.
00:04Oh my god.
00:09Fitness fanatics Joanna and Lee
00:12Door open, door open.
00:14Please stop there.
00:15Get him, get him, get him.
00:16Let's go.
00:17Became the second pair of fugitives to be hunted down.
00:21It's all on the run, he's over.
00:23That's two of them.
00:25But the celebrations were short lived.
00:29There's a guy over there with a camera.
00:31As the hunters let rally enthusiasts Tony and Kaylee
00:35slip through their fingers.
00:37Over there.
00:38The rally that we didn't go to.
00:42After spending some of their stolen cash.
00:45We'll go to Savion Blocks please.
00:47Best friends Jade and Taylor
00:51Put themselves on the hunters hit list.
00:54Good to be back.
00:55We're going to get these girls, yep.
00:57With 14 days until extraction.
01:00We've got to go, we've got to go.
01:01And seven fugitive pairs still on the run.
01:04There's so many people around, just if anyone sees us.
01:07Can anyone evade capture?
01:10Romany, Chelsea, where are you?
01:27The sooner that we can get out of here the better.
01:32Really sorry, are you guys local?
01:35Okay, never mind, that's okay.
01:36All good, thank you.
01:38Country girls Romany and Chelsea
01:40are in the seaside town of Torquay
01:43hoping the small town spirit of a local
01:46will help them secure a new place to stay.
01:50So we're fugitives on the run
01:51who are looking for a space to like bunker down.
01:56I don't know.
01:59But after the fugitive friends were spotted on CCTV
02:03outside a nearby brow bar
02:07ground hunter team Delta
02:09are now patrolling the brow bar
02:13and surrounding streets.
02:15You're right here.
02:19Just got to find you.
02:25Thoughts, feelings?
02:26There's so many people around, just if anyone sees us.
02:29Yeah, I don't like this.
02:33Come on Romany, Chelsea, where are you?
02:40All good, thank you so much anyway.
02:44If anyone asks if you've seen us,
02:46if anyone comes around and says...
02:47I don't know what you're talking about.
02:48That's it.
02:51Oh, here's a question.
02:53You don't know anyone that would be willing to help us out,
02:55would you?
02:56Spare room, like we'll do any jobs needed.
02:58Yeah, literally like we can work.
03:00We just need like tonight pretty much
03:02and then we'll be out first thing in the morning.
03:09Amy, got a sit rep?
03:10Yeah, Kel, got nothing here.
03:12I've been here a little while now
03:13so I might just have a look around the streets
03:15see if I can't come up with something.
03:16Yeah, received that.
03:18Nothing sighted.
03:22Come on girls.
03:30And Chelsea.
03:31Hi, Sal.
03:33I've got two fugitives, two fugitives here
03:37and they're looking for a place to stay locally tonight.
03:45We definitely have.
03:46Oh, you are the best.
03:48Thank you so much.
03:50Come out, come out, wherever you are.
03:57That's her.
03:58Yeah, thank you so much for this again.
04:00I love Torquay so much.
04:02We wish we could enjoy some time here, not on edge.
04:06We have to go bush and get off grid.
04:08Hunters, we'll see you later.
04:13Hey mate, we've got nothing.
04:15They have to be here somewhere.
04:16I know, I know, I know.
04:18We'll have a bit more of a scout around.
04:29You guys got any eyes on any CCTV that's in that complex?
04:33We have got a second clip.
04:38Just after this, they were seen exiting the area.
04:41Maybe they've got a vehicle off camera.
04:44That's not in our sight.
04:46Let's prioritise CCTV to see if we can find the vehicle.
04:50After a solid start to the game for the hunters,
04:54it's been two days since the last capture,
04:57which is weighing on morale.
05:01Statistically speaking, you have 18 fugitives on the run
05:04and 20 days to catch them.
05:06I'm no mathematician, but that's pretty much one per day.
05:09If we don't get a couple in the bag today and tomorrow,
05:12we are up against it.
05:14It just feels like we've got so close and so far away.
05:19But the psychological pressures of the 20-day run
05:22could also be to their advantage.
05:26The longer that a fugitive is on the run,
05:29the more fatigued, the more anxious, the more paranoid.
05:34If they come, I have an escape route.
05:36Climbing up here, running up this, climbing onto the roof.
05:40Are you mad?
05:43We will drive that paranoia every single day.
05:46It's much louder when you get out here.
05:49The helicopter? Yeah.
05:53They start to miss their daily comfort.
05:56I only know how to make a fire
05:58when I turn the gas stove on in a kitchen.
06:01Come on.
06:03The fugitives will be scared.
06:06And they should be.
06:09Because we are more motivated than ever before
06:13to catch all of them
06:15and have their money back where it belongs.
06:17Look at this pillow.
06:19A bag of cash.
06:25I've never been more uncomfortable in my life.
06:29Day 2
06:42Day 2!
06:44Oh my God. This is crazy.
06:46I just can't believe it.
06:48We've been on the run for a week now.
06:51And oh my God, we are incredibly proud of ourselves.
06:55We are.
06:56Let's do a trick.
06:58Let's do a trick.
07:01We've got no clue where the hunters are.
07:03It's honestly becoming a little bit laughable.
07:05Like it's...
07:06A little bit, but it's just like...
07:09No, but we're doing a good job.
07:10No, we can't help that we're doing a good job
07:12and we're outsmarting them.
07:14That was fun.
07:16After spending two days with family friend Nicole,
07:20her husband Carl and daughter Imogen,
07:24Gold Coast besties Jade and Taylor
07:27are keen to get on the move and switch networks
07:30to a prearranged football contact.
07:35I think it's a good idea to not call from your house.
07:38Yeah, absolutely.
07:39Just because it might seem more like we've borrowed a stranger's phone.
07:43In a bid to stay ahead of any connections
07:45the hunters might make to their hosts,
07:48they're driving to a nearby suburb
07:50before using Imogen's phone to arrange their next accommodation.
07:55There you go.
08:01Oh, sorry.
08:03Hello Bo, it's the girls.
08:08Are you guys free today if we were to come over?
08:16No, OK.
08:18That is fine.
08:21No, that's OK.
08:23You're kidding.
08:30What are we thinking?
08:34My auntie.
08:40The person you are calling is not available.
08:43First time we've been a little bit stuck.
08:45I know.
08:47Yesterday we got information that Jade and Taylor
08:50made a phone call at a payphone.
08:53That's one of the freshest leads we've had on Jade and Taylor,
08:57so I want to look at that today.
09:00The hunters have been gaining on Jade and Taylor
09:03since a sighting from two tradies...
09:06They wanted to go towards Skye.
09:08..led to CCTV of a call from a payphone
09:12CCTV of a call from a payphone,
09:14which the hunters have now tracked down.
09:19Yes, Jess?
09:20We've just got intel on the phone number you requested
09:23ending in 100.
09:24It belongs to Nicole and it's registered to an address in Skye.
09:28Oh, Skye.
09:30Well, that completely makes the plans.
09:32That makes sense, exactly what we're thinking.
09:35Because Jade and Taylor are quite smart
09:37in using an associate that is one step removed,
09:40now is to find out who Nicole is.
09:45Just on that, can we put a request in for a hamburger with a lot
09:48for Nicole, please?
09:51A hamburger with a lot is just everything.
09:53Names, addresses, vehicles, phones,
09:56everything that is associated with a close contact.
10:03We've got details on the vehicles owned by Nicole.
10:06It's a grey Subaru XV and a grey Toyota Land Cruiser
10:10and a grey Hilux.
10:12Excellent, thanks, Jane.
10:18Good morning.
10:19Good morning.
10:20We've actually got something quite hot for you to follow up.
10:23So the address that we're looking at is in Skye.
10:27We believe that Jade and Taylor might actually be at that address.
10:31We're 23 minutes away from that address.
10:33Thank you so much.
10:34Good luck.
10:37With their football contact unavailable,
10:40Jade and Taylor have returned to Nicole's.
10:43A bit of a change of plan?
10:44Yeah, change of plan.
10:46And with the help of Nicole's husband, Carl,
10:49we'll take their chances by heading to another family contact.
10:55It might look like we've had a really chill time,
10:57but I think our brains just have not stopped.
10:59Our brains won't turn off.
11:00We've just got to trust ourselves.
11:02We've done good so far, so we've just got to, yeah,
11:04keep trusting our guts.
11:05Keep trusting our guts.
11:24I'm Zach.
11:25What's your name?
11:26I'm Imogen.
11:28Have Jade and Taylor been here in the last couple of days?
11:30No, they haven't.
11:32Can we all come inside?
11:33Is that OK?
11:39It's OK.
11:40It's OK.
11:44Who was staying on the floor here?
11:52Friends that stayed here the other night.
11:54Do you want to tell me some more about it?
11:57Because I'm starting to think
12:00that they're pretty close family friends.
12:03The girls are not from Victoria,
12:05so having family friends while they're down in this area
12:07is going to be pretty helpful.
12:11No idea.
12:14Interesting, there's photos of them on this iPad together,
12:17but you don't know how they know them.
12:21Have you got a vehicle here?
12:24Can we have a look at it?
12:26You sure can.
12:31This is your car, Imogen?
12:34Have Jade and Taylor been here in the last couple of days?
12:37I'm not sure.
12:40Who's got the Land Cruiser?
12:46It's kind of just a spare car, just sits there.
12:49Where is it today?
12:50It is getting serviced, I think.
12:55I'm just going to pop outside and make a call quickly.
12:57I'll be back, OK?
13:02Hey, Zac, how are you?
13:04I'm good, good.
13:05All right.
13:06There's spare beds set up here in the lounge room.
13:09Like, to me, they've been here.
13:12Yeah, OK.
13:14The Land Cruiser, it's not here today, apparently.
13:17Miraculously, it's being serviced,
13:19but it took her a few seconds to find it.
13:22Miraculously, it's being serviced,
13:24but it took her a few seconds to think of that.
13:26That Land Cruiser could be on the road
13:28harbouring the fugitives right now.
13:38Of the seven remaining fugitive pairs,
13:41one week into the run across Victoria,
13:44the most remote are high school sweethearts Andy and Deb,
13:49who are celebrating an important milestone.
13:57So today is Deb's 42nd birthday,
14:00so I thought I should try to make it a bit of a special day.
14:04Just come over here.
14:06OK, this is exciting.
14:08I'm going to surprise you for your birthday.
14:10Oh, that was nice.
14:12Look at that.
14:14You ready?
14:15I'm ready.
14:16One, two, three.
14:24You can make a wish.
14:26I think I'm going to wish for $130,000.
14:32Deb and I have been together for 25 years.
14:35That's lovely. Thank you.
14:37Very sweet.
14:39And I'm still pursuing her.
14:41She still eludes me sometimes.
14:43Happy birthday, Dazzo.
14:45I'm so proud of you.
14:46I know you're missing the girls today
14:48and want you to know they would be proud of you too.
14:50We are about to become empty nesters,
14:52which is quite terrifying for me
14:54because for the last 20 years being a mum has been everything.
14:57We've got two daughters.
14:59Hayley is 20 years old and Summer is 17.
15:03We are wondering what life looks like when you don't have kids anymore.
15:07This has come at the perfect time to be on the run.
15:09We need adventure, we need excitement.
15:12We get to put ourselves first and be the main characters in our own life.
15:18Listen, listen.
15:25There it is, look.
15:26I think it's a helicopter looking for us.
15:29I don't think Andy will ever switch off completely while he's on the run.
15:33My mind's always making multiple plans,
15:36multiple escape routes and always be on the lookout.
15:40Okay, no trace.
15:51These guys are going camping.
15:55They're going bush.
15:57I guess I've seen Andy's phone from last week.
16:02Yeah, they set up pretty well.
16:04Yeah, look, so the fugitives, Andy and Deb,
16:07the only bit of sign we've got is the day that they robbed the bank.
16:11That's a burner head.
16:13That's a pot set, you know I know that.
16:16I've exactly the same kit.
16:19They're playing a very good game.
16:21I don't like the game they're playing.
16:23You know, it's professional gear for people that know what they're doing.
16:26They've packed everything that I would pack.
16:29There you go.
16:31Yeah, they're out there for a long time.
16:34The helicopter coming by earlier spooked me.
16:37It definitely created some urgency in me to get out of there.
16:41There's a house over here. Do you reckon we try knocking on their door?
16:44Yeah, we can have a look at that.
16:49Let's practise.
16:52Hello, how are you going?
16:54Sorry to interrupt.
16:56We're fugitives on the run.
16:58Oh, you're the champ.
17:01You've come across the right person.
17:04Thank you so much.
17:06We want to ideally rely solely on strangers.
17:10My name's BJ.
17:13I'm Karen, nice to meet you.
17:15We're just looking for some help.
17:18We're going to continue to not ring people but just rock up.
17:21We're going to try and stay places only 24 hours.
17:24Don't really go with any pre-made plans.
17:26Basically, if we don't know what we're going to do,
17:28they're not going to know how to track us.
17:30Yeah, make it up on the spot.
17:36I've got some people up here.
17:38I'm trying to find them somewhere in the bunker
17:40that they might hide for the night.
17:42Oh, OK.
17:44OK, well, they can come in.
17:46Thanks, Alison.
17:47Thanks, Alison.
17:49It's such a wild experience to be able to walk in Dad's footsteps.
17:54He was on the run for half his life.
17:57Growing up, Dad never lost that feeling of looking over his shoulder.
18:02That part of his life on the run
18:04was something that I could never really connect with or understand.
18:07The time when he did pass, I was awake.
18:11That's something I've always regretted
18:13and my dad would have absolutely loved me being on the run.
18:19How you doing?
18:20My dad had good people skills.
18:22He managed to talk his way out of anything.
18:25He was able to evade capture for 15 years,
18:28so I'm hoping that I can evade capture for 20 days
18:32and I think together we can outrun the hunters.
18:39So how do you track people like this?
18:42Get a dart and we'll throw it at the map
18:44and wherever it hits, we'll go there.
18:47While Andy and Deb have managed to remain undetected by the hunters,
18:52HQ have had their sights set on a Toyota Land Cruiser
18:56believed to be transporting fugitives Jade and Taylor.
19:02I saw the Land Cruiser come back with no ANPR.
19:07That's annoying.
19:10With no sighting of the Land Cruiser from ANPR
19:14or automatic number plate recognition on any major roads,
19:18CC turns her attention to the call records of Nicole's daughter Imogen.
19:25So we've got some outbound calls from Imogen's phone to numbers.
19:32Just regarding that phone number you requested,
19:34it belongs to somebody called Beau?
19:37Beau McCreery?
19:38Beau McCreery's a Collingwood footballer.
19:41Might be my first time hunting a Collingwood football player,
19:43let me tell you.
19:45Certainly not my first time either, Simp.
19:50This one is interesting.
19:53But maybe we should focus our attention on the last contact call
19:56because the last one would be the most likely that's actually where they are.
20:01Hey, CC?
20:02Yes, Jane?
20:04The person who was on Imogen's outgoing call charge list
20:08was called Kathleen.
20:11Nice work.
20:12This is the no answer one?
20:14She is connected to Taylor.
20:16It's a family network.
20:18They went back to family.
20:20We're getting close.
20:21We're going to get them.
20:22We're going to get them.
20:25After not getting through to Taylor's auntie Kathleen,
20:29the girls have been dropped off at an even closer family contact,
20:33Taylor's cousin Liam.
20:40He's 14 weeks.
20:42I'm Jade, by the way.
20:43This is Jade.
20:44How are you?
20:45You look a lot like Ethan.
20:47Really weird.
20:49Really weird.
20:50The hunts.
20:52Today is the first time we're going to a closer family member.
20:56It is obviously a little bit nerve-wracking going to people closer to home.
20:59More nerve-wracking than it is to go to a stranger's house, you know?
21:03It'd be school traffic.
21:06I'm sick of looking at their faces.
21:09Cyber expert Vicky has been following the hunters' hunch
21:13that the Gold Coast girls have been moving between family contacts in Melbourne.
21:19She's now focused on Taylor's brother, who shares the surname Hunt.
21:24It's Ethan.
21:26He's the brother.
21:29We could have some problems here, Jade.
21:32Ethan Hunt.
21:34Isn't that mission impossible?
21:39We do have a vehicle now for Ethan Hunt.
21:42He lives in Coburg.
21:44Oh, so Ethan is in state.
21:48Ethan's in state.
21:50Starting to build around Ethan, aren't they?
21:52So maybe Charlie, go north up to Coburg to see old mate Ethan.
21:59Charlie, HQ.
22:01Yeah, Charlie, copy.
22:03I'm keen to get you up to go and see Ethan in the hunt for Jade and Taylor.
22:07Ethan being Taylor's brother.
22:10If you could start heading towards Coburg, please.
22:13Is that soft knock going to be a mission if we choose to accept it?
22:19Why did... See, I don't know that. I don't get the joke, but everyone keeps saying it.
22:22Well, that's the name of the main character.
22:24The main char... Tom Cruise plays Ethan Hunt.
22:27I didn't... I don't know that.
22:28Mission impossible.
22:29Sorry, I know Tom Cruise is fellow short man.
22:40Hi, Ethan.
22:41Hey, how's it going?
22:42Alright. How's your sister?
22:44Yeah, good.
22:45You been out with her today?
22:47Nah, not today.
22:50Can we come in?
22:52Well, you can if you want.
22:53Yeah, that'd be good.
22:54Where's your phone, Ethan?
23:05You're a bit cagey about your phone.
23:10I don't like how people touch my phone.
23:12Really? I don't blame you. I wouldn't like it much either.
23:14But, you know, that's what happens when you help fugitives.
23:22So far, I haven't found much.
23:24Where's Liam?
23:28Liam Hunt.
23:30Yeah, where's he?
23:34You contact him a fair bit.
23:37Is that your brother?
23:40Where does he live?
23:58Where's Liam?
24:02Liam Hunt.
24:04Yeah, where's he?
24:05You contact him a fair bit.
24:09Is that your brother?
24:10Nah, cousin.
24:13Where does he live?
24:15I'm not sure.
24:26This is Ethan Hunt.
24:27Ethan Hunt.
24:29Hey, Howie. Hi, Kim.
24:31Um, sorry.
24:32Hey, Howie. Hi, Kim.
24:34Um, so you've just come back from Ethan Hunt?
24:37We certainly have.
24:38Super nervous, wasn't he?
24:39We were super nervous the whole time.
24:42One person that does play a part in this and will be an associate,
24:45I am 100% sure of, is Liam Hunt.
24:50Who's Liam Hunt?
24:52He's the cousin of Taylor.
24:56There's a lot of messages between both of them,
24:58and he was very cagey about it.
25:00So are we getting checks in for the low-key address
25:03and his vehicles and his phone straight away?
25:07Yeah, I reckon that's our boy.
25:18Hey, Vicky.
25:20That Liam Hunt that you put in a POI for,
25:23that's come back with an address.
25:25Gladstone Park.
25:27Gladstone Park.
25:30Do you want to push that up the chain?
25:34Chief, Chief, we need...
25:35Can we make Bravo best speed to Gladstone Park, please?
25:39I like gratitude.
25:40I want to do it.
25:41Let's do it.
25:42Oh, let's go.
25:43Should I tell them?
25:46Bravo, I need you guys re-tasked,
25:48re-tasked on the hunt for Jade and Taylor.
25:52I need you guys heading to Gladstone Park, Gladstone Park.
25:56Bravo received, confirmed Gladstone Park.
25:59ETA, 27 minutes.
26:05We've got Fugees to catch, mate.
26:08While Groundhunter Team Bravo make their way to Gladstone Park,
26:13Ethan has made contact with Liam.
26:17Spoke to Ethan.
26:19They went to his house.
26:22They found my contact in his phone.
26:27Oh, shit.
26:31Do you want an escape plan?
26:32Yeah, we do need an escape plan, actually, yeah.
26:37HQ, Bravo.
26:38We are 13 minutes from our location.
26:44Yeah, OK.
26:47It could be easy to jump over.
26:53I smell a killer.
26:55I smell a capture.
27:01You'd be unlucky if you got caught now, I reckon.
27:05There's a couple of cars.
27:08They're coming in the driveway.
27:10Oh, my God, Taylor, they're here.
27:14That's Christy's car.
27:15Oh, that's Christy's.
27:17Yeah, so don't panic.
27:19As Liam's wife, Christy, arrives home...
27:23Not feeling safe being here.
27:26..the hunters are not far behind.
27:29HQ, Bravo, two minutes.
27:32Bravo, rolling in hot.
27:34Let's get this done.
27:37So this is Fugitives Taylor and Jade.
27:40Taylor and Jade.
27:42Rolling in.
27:44Straight ahead, straight in the driveway.
27:45Block them in.
27:54Jade, Taylor, open up.
27:56Liam, open up.
28:02Is Jade and Taylor here?
28:04OK, mind if we come in?
28:06Just one sec, I've just got to...
28:10I've just got to hide the Fugitives.
28:12They're wasting time.
28:14Get in there, Zach.
28:17Want to come in?
28:18Yep, sure.
28:20Jade, Taylor.
28:21We know you're in here.
28:24Yep, that door's open.
28:25Back door, back door.
28:27Check the perimeter.
28:30Back's clear.
28:34Let's do it, get in, get in.
28:35Go, go, go.
28:36Laundry clear.
28:38Let's go, team, let's go.
28:40Kitchen clear.
28:43Spare room clear.
28:47They've gone.
28:49They've gone.
29:01Let's go, team, let's go.
29:03Let's do it, get in, get in.
29:04Go, go, go.
29:05Laundry clear.
29:09Kitchen clear.
29:12Spare room clear.
29:15They've gone.
29:18Come on.
29:19Every cupboard, every door.
29:29Jade and Taylor.
29:30You've been hunted down.
29:36Time in the run is over.
29:38All call signs, all call signs.
29:40We have Jade and Taylor in the bag.
29:45That was a good capture, mate.
29:46Good capture.
29:47Well done.
29:53Hey, Jade, Taylor.
29:55How was your time on the run been?
29:57It's been amazing.
30:00Did you think that you had a little bit more time under your belt
30:03than what you did have?
30:05We definitely did.
30:06We definitely did.
30:07We had a lot more plans.
30:10Kind of thought you might have missed this place, but no.
30:13Clearly not.
30:15Yeah, look, it's a funny thing when you enter our world.
30:18This is what we do for a job.
30:19This is what we do for a living.
30:21Obviously, you guys are giving us a bit of a run,
30:23but we only had you in our sights for the last 24 hours.
30:28I've got to say to you, your time on the run is definitely over.
30:34I didn't think I was going to hit it.
30:38We have the money.
30:42Well done.
30:44Great catch up.
30:51We're honestly debo.
30:52Yeah, yeah.
30:54It was one time we went a little bit close to home,
30:57which we kind of had a feeling that if it was going to happen,
31:00it was going to be with someone like that.
31:03But we're very proud of ourselves.
31:04We're so proud of ourselves.
31:08But no, I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else.
31:10No, neither.
31:11Love you so much.
31:12Love you so much.
31:17Good job.
31:18Good job, Vicky.
31:19Good job.
31:20Good work, Vicky.
31:21The moment in which Jade and Taylor got caught,
31:23any adjective that correlates with excitement, that was it.
31:29But I'm not resting.
31:30There are still plenty of fugitives out on the run
31:32that we need to capture.
31:34All right, team.
31:35I know it's been a busy day.
31:37We effected a capture of what were their names again?
31:41Who cares?
31:43That's the response I was going for.
31:45We're going to start with Romney and Chelsea.
31:49What do we have on them, Ben?
31:50I regret to say we are no further forward from the last sighting.
31:53I'm talking because CCTV has not been successful
31:57in giving us where Romney and Chelsea went.
32:02No diving competitions.
32:04Can you imagine?
32:05Diving competition next minute, we're at the general hospital.
32:08Yeehaw to Yeehaw!
32:13Oh, my God!
32:16Right, fugitives Akech and Joe.
32:19Akech and Joe.
32:22Yeah, we were probably focused more on Joe's network,
32:26so I think we need to really start working on Akech's network.
32:29That's something we're very unsighted to.
32:33We are looking for accommodation.
32:36And somewhere to possibly stay.
32:38You reckon you can house us?
32:40Come to my house.
32:44Don't kill us, what's your name?
32:46I'm Rob.
32:47Yes, Rob!
32:48High five, everybody!
32:56OK, next fugitive pair, we have Kaylee and Tony.
33:02Ben, a bit of background on these guys.
33:04Sure, Chief.
33:05So we know Kaylee and Tony know each other
33:07through the racing network.
33:09Tony being the driver, Kaylee being the co-pilot slash navigator.
33:13They've known each other for many, many years.
33:16Unfortunately, they did actually go to the George Woods rally.
33:20So this is a significant network.
33:22I think we probably need to look at that.
33:24That'd be great.
33:25Right, I want to hear from Cyber.
33:29Other people on the rally car network,
33:31I haven't got any positive hits yet.
33:33Even their close friends have also, like, locked down their Facebook.
33:38I thought that was like a marker of whether they were going to be used,
33:41but still could be.
33:43I do want more information on fugitives Kaylee and Tony, all right?
33:48End of today, I want to have a battle picture that we can start tracking.
33:52Yes, Chief.
33:53Thanks, team. Get to work.
33:59Thanks, guys.
34:00See ya.
34:01See ya.
34:03In Leangatha...
34:05..fugitives Kaylee and Tony have just been dropped off
34:09by fellow rally car associates Glenn and Kate.
34:13Next step, go into the closest building and call a taxi.
34:18So next step, yeah?
34:22Having taken the risky move of attending a car rally yesterday,
34:26where they met their pilot contact Adrian...
34:29Hi, Adrian. How you going?
34:31..the fugitives are keen to execute an even more audacious plan today.
34:36CCTV just to the left here.
34:40We know how to race under pressure.
34:42We know how to make quick decisions.
34:44We're resilient. We're very adaptable.
34:47Rallying is high risk, high reward,
34:50and the more risk, the greater the reward.
34:55We don't have a lot of network in Victoria,
34:57so we have to rely on the rally community.
35:01That's probably too obvious.
35:03So our strategy is going to be using decoys
35:05so that the hunters will go the exact opposite direction.
35:09Keep an eye out for baddies.
35:11Or goodies, depending on which side of the fence you're sitting.
35:15To create a smoke screen around their contacts and movements,
35:19to create a smoke screen around their contacts and movements,
35:22Kaylee and Tony will travel more kilometres in a day
35:26than any other fugitives in hunted history.
35:32First, they plan to take a taxi from Leongatha to just outside Inverloch,
35:37paying with a debit card they know will alert the hunters
35:40to their drop-off location.
35:43Then, with the hunters seeing a direction of travel towards Inverloch,
35:47the fugitives will be given a lift in the opposite direction to Warragal
35:52by associates Glen and Kate.
35:55They'll then swap cars and travel to Latrobe Regional Airport.
36:00From there, they'll fly 300 kilometres west to Bendigo.
36:09Excuse me.
36:10The first stage in their bold plan is booking a taxi.
36:15I'm a fugitive on the run and I just need a taxi to take me out of here.
36:20Is it OK if you call a taxi for me?
36:23Yeah, alright.
36:25Thank you so much.
36:26I'll obviously pay for the taxi, but I need to get to Inverloch.
36:31Your driver will be on the way shortly.
36:34Thank you very much.
36:35Oh, no worries.
36:40How'd you go?
36:41All good.
36:43Stage two is a waiting game.
36:46So where's...
36:47It's going to come, but it didn't say how long.
36:49It just said a taxi will be here shortly.
36:53So we're going to hide out...
36:56Down there, yeah.
36:58Wouldn't it be lovely to get these two today,
37:00having known faffle about them?
37:02At some point, they've got to raise their head, right?
37:08This is a good spot.
37:14Excellent, thank you.
37:25Um, we're just going just before you get into Inverloch.
37:30My goodness, we're a risky team.
37:33Inverloch, three Ks.
37:35Stage three is payment.
37:38Do you have your card on you?
37:39I've got my card on me.
37:40In your pocket?
37:41I have it in my pocket.
37:43Where there is no turning back.
37:45Just where that little grubbly bit is here,
37:47just pull up here, it would be fantastic.
37:51It's going to ping, so get yourself ready.
38:14Oh, yes, OK.
38:18Good on ya.
38:19Just outside Inverloch,
38:21one of the most elaborate plans in hunted history is underway.
38:26You want that one?
38:27I think we should just go down here to the bush.
38:29Kayleigh and Tony have just used their debit card
38:32to pay for a taxi to divert the hunters into Inverloch,
38:36while they plan to head in the opposite direction.
38:40We've got to go to the left.
38:41They're sitting around the corner.
38:42Are they?
38:43Yep, they said when you pull up, you've got to go to the left.
38:46The next stage of their plan is to travel to Warrigal
38:50with the help of getaway drivers Glenn and Kate.
38:57They will then switch cars and drive to Latrobe Regional Airport.
39:03Drive away, drive away.
39:09Hey, Chief.
39:10We've got activity on Tony's bank card.
39:14It was used at 12.46 today in Inverloch to pay for a taxi.
39:19Oh, not that place again.
39:21They're visiting the site of our first great defeat.
39:25I'll have a look at this bank activation in Inverloch, Chief.
39:29So Kayleigh and Tony have been very hard for us to track.
39:31It's been a lot of work, it's been very frustrating.
39:34I was just seeking to get permission to talk to the taxi driver
39:37and I'll just put in some CCTV for where they were picked up
39:40and where they were dropped off.
39:42Everywhere we turn, we're just coming up with crickets.
39:44So this is a really good breakthrough to get this bank transaction
39:47and get back on to Kayleigh and Tony.
39:49Chief, if we can get a positive ID of fugitives Kayleigh and Tony
39:52in that taxi, that's as recent as 12.46 today
39:56and that's probably the most recent live hit we have on any fugitive today.
39:59So we might need to push someone towards Inverloch.
40:04Bravo, Bravo, this is Hunter Operations, over.
40:09Send it, Chief.
40:11Yeah, Bravo, I'm going to get you guys to start moving into Inverloch, over.
40:17We're on the hunt for fugitives Tony and Kayleigh.
40:22HQ, HQ, Bravo receiving you.
40:26What if we get another one today? How cool would that be?
40:30Back at HQ, intel drawn from the taxi transaction
40:35has confirmed the location of the fugitive pickup.
40:39Started at Leongatha and ended at Inverloch.
40:43Yes, and the fact that the drop-off is outside Inverloch
40:47means they don't want us to...
40:48Yeah, it's not, like, right in.
40:54Shake the tree and see what falls out.
41:00If the hunters are on their way, they might see us.
41:03Maybe I should put a wig on.
41:07I've got my camo hat on. Not quite camo hat on.
41:12In-car wig.
41:15Oh, shoot.
41:16You look so glamorous.
41:20You know, the things you've got to do.
41:35It's quiet like a library, isn't it?
41:40Hey, Sam? Yeah?
41:41We've just got CCTV from outside the taxi in Leongatha.
41:44Oh, yes. Awesome.
41:46Let's have a look at this team.
41:51Kayleigh and Tony.
41:55OK, the United there.
41:57Did they just wave at someone?
41:59Yep. Yeah.
42:02So this is a hot lead, obviously.
42:04This is today, it's midday, that's only a few hours ago.
42:08So let's try and narrow in on this.
42:10I want everyone's focus on this.
42:12Let's get it done.
42:13Yes, Chief.
42:14Good copy, Chief.
42:15Yep, yep, yep.
42:17A Bravo simp.
42:19Keep an eye out here in Inverloch for a pick-up, over.
42:22Yeah, for sure. I just said to the Chief,
42:24if anyone's going to find these guys in Inverloch, it'll be you.
42:28Nicky basically does all the work.
42:30I just sweep in and finish the job.
42:32Yeah, I was being polite. I was thinking that too.
42:38So, we've got a lot of work to do.
42:40We've got a lot of work to do.
42:42We've got a lot of work to do.
42:46Further intel from the taxi depot
42:48has revealed the number from which the taxi was booked.
42:52Hey, Sim.
42:54We've just got intel on the phone number
42:56Kayleigh and Tony used for a taxi.
42:58Great. Thanks, Jane. That's great.
43:02Can we please put a check in on Jared?
43:09We know for a fact Jared was in Leongatha today...
43:12Yep. the same location as the fugitives, Tony and Kayleigh.
43:16I'm just happy to ring him.
43:18Let's do it. Mmm.
43:21Go to work, Sim.
43:29Hello? Hey, Jared. How are you going?
43:31Hey, I'm Matt. That's the way.
43:33Yeah, it's Graeme, mate, from Hunter Headquarters. How are you?
43:37Well... HE CHUCKLES
43:39..I think I know what's going on here.
43:41I think you do. Yeah.
43:43How do you know Tony and Kayleigh, mate?
43:49Insert long pause here.
43:54I don't know who they are.
44:01There could be some money in this field.
44:03Is that right? Yeah.
44:05Does that change your thinking?
44:20There could be some money in this field.
44:22Is that right? Yeah.
44:24Does that change your thinking?
44:29Come on, mate, time to spill.
44:31We need to catch these guys.
44:33Did you randomly run into them or do you know them?
44:36Randomly ran into them. OK, awesome.
44:39They yelled at me.
44:41They called out to you? Yep.
44:44Yep. And asked for a taxi, yep.
44:48And then did you see them get in the taxi?
44:55All right, mate. You've been really helpful, Jared.
44:58Thanks, mate.
45:00Yeah, I definitely reckon he's random.
45:02Random meet.
45:04But I think we're still obviously very good for Envelope Chief.
45:07I'd say that's their bed-down location for Tony and Kayleigh now.
45:10All right, let's work this up.
45:13Leongatha is start point. Yep.
45:17And that's consistent with the $51-odd fair into Envelope Chief.
45:21So just outside, coming down here, they've been dropped...
45:24So that's their drop point? That's the drop point.
45:26It's the exact drop point. That long?
45:28There's bugger-all cameras around there.
45:30I've had a look. It's dry. It's dead ground, Chief.
45:32As we know from past experience,
45:34Inverloch's a bit of a dryness for CCTV.
45:38Have you got any thought on why they would be dropped there?
45:44Are they on foot or did they get transferred to another vehicle?
45:47Yeah, really good point there.
45:49I just don't understand that drop point.
45:53While the hunters follow their decoy trail to Inverloch,
45:57fugitives Tony and Kayleigh are actually 70km north in Warragal,
46:03getting ready to switch out cars.
46:08If we end up with hunters knocking on the door,
46:10we're at least putting in as much effort as we could to try and beat them.
46:13We do take quite a few risks, however...
46:16You can't get out of risks. Yeah.
46:22Cyber? Yes, Chief.
46:24Kayleigh and Tony, who is their closest contact in Inverloch?
46:28With the Chief now thinking the taxi was in fact a decoy,
46:32it's up to the cyber team to find anyone in the fugitives rally network
46:37who lives close to the taxi drop-off.
46:40What about the address in King Lake?
46:43No, too far away.
46:46Chief, Kate Raymond, they're rally car mates.
46:52She lives in... Is it Warragal? Yeah, it is.
46:55Yeah, so it's about an hour away. Yep.
46:58Good hunting?
46:59With Kate being the closest known rally contact to the taxi drop-off location,
47:04the hunters turn to how she may be transporting the fugitives.
47:10We've got details on the vehicles owned by Hayden.
47:13Telematics would be awesome.
47:16Let's start tracking that car. Copy that.
47:20You excited? Time to go.
47:22Am I excited, yeah?
47:24I was quietly confident that we would go reasonably well.
47:30I think we've slipped the hunters.
47:34Chief, we've put in checks for the car to see if we can work out travel.
47:40Yeah. What maker car are they? BMW.
47:43Right. Because they're a premium car, have, like, a SOS feature.
47:48That's going to have Telematics.
48:05We haven't got time to stop and take photos.
48:07The clock is ticking.
48:09We're halfway through the run.
48:11We need to start hunting harder than we've ever done before.
48:14Both the hunters and fugitives are feeling the pressure.
48:18I've got an ethical dilemma.
48:20You can't dump us in.
48:21Well, I can. I can earn some cash.
48:23Bet you won't.
48:24I'm easily bored.
48:26And can one team pull off a bold move?
48:29The plan is show up at the Comics Lounge in front of 400 people.
48:33Or will the hunters have the last laugh?
48:37I've got eyes on the vehicle.
48:39We have a special guest, Joel White.
48:41That's him, that's him. Moving now, moving now.