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Today, we’re going to have a blast learning all about vegetables! Join us as we explore the colorful world of veggies, from crunchy carrots and juicy tomatoes to leafy greens like spinach and broccoli. We’ll discover their names, shapes, and colors in a fun and playful way!

This video is perfect for young learners who want to know more about healthy foods and have fun at the same time. Watch, sing along, and dance as we introduce each vegetable in a way that’s easy and enjoyable for kids!

Don’t forget to follow our channel for more exciting and educational videos just for kids!


00:00Let's learn the vegetables names children. Let's see next. Onion O-N-I-O-N. Onion. Garlic G-A-R-L-I-C. Garlic. Ginger G-I-N-G-E-R. Ginger.
00:30Green and red chili. C-H-I-L-L-I. Carrot. C-A-R-R-O-T. Carrot. Radish. R-A-D-I-S-H. Radish.
00:50Beetroot. B-E-E-T-R-O-T. Beetroot. Turnip. T-U-R-N-I-P. Turnip. Spinach. S-P-I-N-A-C-H. Spinach.
01:11Cauliflower. C-A-U-L-I-F-L-O-W-E-R. Sweet potato. P-O-T-A-T-O. Potato. Lady finger. L-A-D-Y. Lady F-I-N-G-E-R. Finger.
01:33Cucumber. C-U-C-U-M-B-E-R. Cucumber. Taro root. T-A-R-O-R-O-T. Taro root. Coriander. C-O-R-I-E-N-D-E-R. Coriander. Peas. P-E-A-S. Peas.
02:00Bottle gourd. B-O-T-T-R-O-E. Bottle. G-O-U-R-D. Gourd. Bottle gourd. Brinjal. B-R-I-N-J-A-L. Brinjal. Fangreek. F-E-N-U-G-R-E-K. Fangreek.
02:22Rib gourd. R-I-W-E-D. Rib. G-O-U-R-D. Gourd. Capsicum. C-A-P-S-I-C-U-M. Capsicum. Potato. P-O-T-A-T-O. Potato. Tomato. T-O-M-E-T-O. Tomato.
02:48Vitter gourd. V-I-T-T-E-R. Vitter. G-O-U-R-D. Gourd. Vitter gourd.
02:56Cabbage. C-A-W-E-A-G-E. Cabbage. Cabbage.
03:03Pumpkin. P-U-M-P-K-I-N. Pumpkin.
03:09Please like, share and subscribe. Thank you so much.
