• last year
00:00With all the evidence we have,
00:02I think it's an impossible mission.
00:05You know I'm innocent.
00:07I didn't kill Francisco.
00:09That evidence was planted in my hacienda.
00:11I have the right to pay a bail and prove that I'm innocent.
00:17What do you think, detective?
00:19With the aggravating of having tried to flee,
00:22it will be difficult for the judge to grant him bail,
00:25Your Honor.
00:28You have many resources,
00:31but the prosecution will make sure that you are denied that bail.
00:38Have a nice night, engineer.
01:04¿Qué pasó?
01:05Ahora va a pasar la noche en los separos,
01:07para que le hagan un interrogatorio.
01:09Ya mañana voy a introducir un amparo, una fianza,
01:12para que pueda esperar su juicio bajo arresto domiciliario.
01:15¿Y tú crees que sí le den la fianza?
01:17Está difícil, ¿verdad?
01:18Esa decir verdad, sí, está difícil.
01:21Porque para las autoridades,
01:23Gabriel intentó escaparse una vez y temen que lo vuelva a hacer.
01:26Pero yo voy a hablar con unos colegas.
01:28¿Y no crees que el detective Castillo pueda hacer algo?
01:31Por supuesto que va a hacer mucho.
01:32Va a asegurarse que el fiscal Quiroz y su gente
01:34no se salten en ningún procedimiento.
01:36Y lo principal, salvaguardar la vida de Gabriel.
01:40Está pendiente que no le pase nada.
01:47Es que no es justo.
01:48Mi jefe es un hombre bueno.
01:49No entiendo por qué lo están tratando como un asesino.
01:53¿Ya vieron los comentarios de la gente?
01:57Ay, amiga, por los comentarios no te preocupes.
01:59De verdad, eso es pura gente ociosa, desocupada,
02:02que además no encuentra mejor que hacer que meterse en la vida
02:04de los demás y encima patear al caído.
02:06Uy, no, no, no.
02:07La que debe estar pasándola muy mal, pero muy mal, es Juana.
02:11Justo eso les iba a decir.
02:13Es que no veo a Juana por ningún lado.
02:15O sea, no está ahí cerca del ingeniero.
02:17¿Ya vieron?
02:18O sea...
02:19Ay, ¿dónde está?
02:24Ay, Chaparra.
02:29Yo entiendo tu nerviosismo y me encantaría poder ayudarte.
02:34Estoy muerta de miedo, tío.
02:36La verdad.
02:37No sabes cómo me gustaría hablar con él, verlo, abrazarlo.
02:42Ay, Chaparra, a ver, yo te entiendo,
02:44pero acuérdate que no estás sola.
02:46Yo te voy a apoyar en lo que sea necesario.
02:48Yo sé, yo sé, pero...
02:51¿Tuviste la noticia de él llegando a la fiscalía?
02:54Todo el mundo piensa que él es culpable de algo que no hizo.
02:57Yo pienso que él hizo lo correcto, Chaparra.
03:00Hizo lo correcto en entregarse.
03:02Acuérdate, el que nada debe, nada teme.
03:04Pues sí.
03:06Pero la cosa se vuelve difícil cuando hay gente de mucho poder
03:10que están dispuestos a sembrar pruebas falsas,
03:13a comprar al fiscal.
03:16Pues eso es lo que piensa Salvador.
03:18Piensa que hay gente de mucho poder, los Fuel Mayor,
03:20que quieren lastimar a Gabriel y que lo quieren incriminar.
03:24¿Pero por qué?
03:26Es... es algo muy complicado.
03:29Esto va mucho más allá de Gabriel y Paula.
03:31Tiene que ver con la superficie.
03:33Es una historia de odio de las dos familias
03:35que lleva mucho tiempo y...
03:37Mira, Chaparra, tú no puedes adoptar esas emociones
03:40porque tú tienes que cuidar a tu bebé ya.
03:43Acuérdate que él siente todo lo que tú estás sintiendo, Chaparra.
03:46Cuídate y cuídalo, ¿eh?
03:48Yo sé, yo sé.
03:50Y yo le prometí eso a Gabriel.
03:52Le prometí que iba a cuidar de nuestro hijo y...
03:55Pues eso intentó.
03:58Solo te pido que no olvides
04:01que aquí vemos un ejército,
04:03aquí te vamos a cuidar a ti y a tu bebé.
04:08Ven para acá.
04:09Gracias, tío.
04:13It breaks my heart to see Juana so sad.
04:16And how can she not be?
04:18With everything that's happening.
04:20Well, but you and Salvador were supposed to find Juana and Gabriel
04:23the same day they arrived in town, right?
04:25No, well, the other day.
04:27We had to stay at a hotel.
04:28The two of you alone?
04:30But in their separate rooms.
04:34Well, not exactly, because there was only one room.
04:37Oh, yeah?
04:38Well, yes, but...
04:39You see, we're all individuals, Mom,
04:41and I put up a curtain, like this, a sheet,
04:43to have our privacy, right?
04:45And to be comfortable, calm, and stuff.
04:48But everything's fine.
04:50Everything's fine.
05:00I admit I had my doubts, Castillo.
05:02But I was wrong.
05:04You did what you said.
05:07You followed Rubio's lead through Juana's mother.
05:11You're a brilliant detective.
05:14That's why everyone respects you.
05:18We follow your example, sir.
05:20We just follow the law.
05:23Well, going back to the Rubio case...
05:25You think like me.
05:27We only have circumstantial evidence.
05:31We'll see about that.
05:32What I want to ask you is that you leave the case in my hands.
05:37I won't take up any more of your time.
05:39Thank you, Mr. Attorney. Excuse me.
05:41You're welcome.
05:54You were looking for him, Gabriel.
05:57You turned me into your worst enemy by despising me.
06:01And now I'll make sure you don't even have the pleasure of being a father.
06:13The thing is, I'm pregnant.
06:17I'm here because I want to understand our story.
06:25I want to marry you.
06:29I want to marry you.
06:31Of course you do.
06:51The report in detail, please.
06:56For me?
06:59A kiss.
07:03Clean clothes.
07:05Thank you. Thank you very much.
07:07How did you spend the night?
07:09Well, first night we got away with it.
07:13You didn't take a nap or anything?
07:15No, not at all.
07:17You can't neglect it.
07:18Remember what happened to the hitmen who attacked Juana.
07:21They killed them in minutes.
07:28Do you think the DA is behind all this?
07:32But I don't have any proof.
07:34Every time they blame the blond engineer for something,
07:37he appears very smiling in the front row.
07:41What do we do?
07:43What do we do?
07:49What do you do in these cases?
07:51We pretend nothing happened.
07:54We hide.
08:05You look beautiful.
08:07Thank you, Jenny.
08:08Well, some friends at work taught me how to put on makeup
08:11and gave me tips on how to dress.
08:14They beat me. They did a great job.
08:17But I'm going to show you my price shoes catalogs.
08:20There are amazing things.
08:21Look at this one.
08:22There are really cool things.
08:24Here's one.
08:25This one.
08:26Here are the jeans.
08:29This one.
08:30This one in two colors.
08:31This one and this one.
08:32But because of your skin tone, I think you look better in this one.
08:35And look at these jeans.
08:39This one lifts your butt.
08:40You need this one, honey.
08:42You do need this one.
08:43Hey, Jenny and Juana.
08:45They're in their room.
08:46Oh, thank goodness.
08:47Yesterday I saw the pictures of when Gabriel turned himself in
08:50and she wasn't there.
08:51So I looked into it, but she was very late and didn't want to come.
08:54No, honey.
08:55You're family.
08:56She needs you a lot.
08:58Come on in.
08:59In the meantime, I'm going to make a selection of what's best for you.
09:06I have one more client.
09:31He had to leave.
09:33But I want you to know that we're both very concerned about his safety.
09:37My boss spent all night watching the cameras.
09:41And by the way, there were three of us.
09:44One is to my right.
09:48And there's a third one behind me.
09:51And there's another one on the left.
09:54So I recommend you stay on that side of the cell.
10:02Didn't you eat?
10:03Aren't you hungry?
10:05What I don't want is to end up poisoned.
10:10But thank you, machico.
10:15Oh, honey, you're all swollen.
10:17I feel swollen.
10:19Thank you for taking care of and protecting Gabriel.
10:22Don't worry.
10:23It was the first night.
10:24It was important that the people in the DA's office realized that I was there watching him.
10:28This way it will be difficult for someone to do any stupidity.
10:31I know.
10:32And did you stop taking care of him with Pacheco right now?
10:35And with other colleagues that we are also going to distribute shifts there to help him.
10:41How is Juana?
10:42Oh, my child.
10:43She's all anxious.
10:45She's with Daniel in her room right now.
10:46But she's very nervous that they might do something to Gabriel.
10:50No, no.
10:51Talk to her.
10:52It's just the first night.
10:53It's going to be long.
10:54You know?
10:56Oh, I really regret having wasted so much time without you.
11:10How cute.
11:13I don't want to forget you.
11:17Oh, Salvador.
11:20I saw that my daughter is very grateful to you.
11:23In fact, I join the gratitude.
11:26Thank you very much, Josefina.
11:27But nothing to thank.
11:30It's my job.
11:31And well, I feel like I'm part of the family.
11:38It's natural.
11:39Besides, I'm glad to see that my daughter is no longer upset with you.
11:42No, it helped a lot.
11:45It helped a lot.
11:48All the time we have to get to know each other and trust each other.
11:52I have to go to work.
11:53Yes, yes.
11:54Go ahead.
11:55Duty first.
11:56Yes, duty first.
11:57Well, anything.
12:01We'll talk.
12:02Yes, my daughter, but let him go.
12:03Because if not, how are you going to work?
12:06Well, excuse me.
12:08Oh, I'll go with you.
12:10I'll go with you.
12:13I confess something.
12:16I have not stopped thinking about you since the moment you left us after the cabin.
12:22I miss your kisses.
12:25And I can't stop thinking about everything that happened in that cabin.
12:29Your caresses.
12:31Absolutely everything.
12:42That's it.
12:43He's gone.
12:47So what?
12:49No, well, I mean, it's like going to rescue Juana and Gabriel,
12:53like he helped you and Salvador, right?
12:55What do you mean?
12:57Well, they went to look for a couple in love and two couples came back in love.
13:02Oh, Mom.
13:03Oh, I'm going to tell you.
13:05Let's see.
13:06It's just that with Juana, with all the suffering you've been through,
13:09I told myself, let's see, Jenny, can't you take advantage of love?
13:13And Salvador is the love of my life.
13:15Oh, I told you since he came in through that door.
13:17I told you, you see?
13:18No, Mom, you're not clear.
13:20If you were clear, I would have been with him before.
13:22But you're not clear.
13:23You don't explain yourself.
13:24You don't explain yourself well.
13:31Oh, what happened?
13:32Why so much noise?
13:33Calm down.
13:34Calm down.
13:35Calm down.
13:36Calm down.
13:37Calm down.
13:39Have you been here a long time?
13:40No, it's just that you're picking on me.
13:42I'm going to make a lotto cake for my girl.
13:44Go ahead.
13:45So you haven't found out.
13:46She doesn't know.
13:47She doesn't know.
13:50Oh, come on.
13:52You disgust me.
13:53Oh, well, we saw Jenny there in the middle of the public road,
13:55eating with your police officer, Detective Castillo.
14:00I told her not to mess with my man.
14:03But here I have a video.
14:05I'm going to go back for walking around naked.
14:07Hey, Yadira.
14:08I don't have to supervise you.
14:10But don't fall for his provocations.
14:12Oh, this girl.
14:13Do you know how to make a lotto cake?
14:16Oh, this is amazing.
14:18Yes, right?
14:19It was such a beautiful moment.
14:21Really, despite all the bad things we were going through,
14:24all the stress,
14:25I don't know, we managed to have such a beautiful,
14:28magical, intimate moment.
14:30If you had knelt down asking me if I wanted to marry him,
14:33as if there was another answer, right?
14:35As if there was another answer other than yes,
14:37that obviously yes.
14:41No, son, no.
14:43Oh, girl.
14:44I don't know what to do, really.
14:47You know that since I met Gabriel,
14:50I fell in love.
14:51At the moment.
14:52And despite knowing it was still impossible,
14:54and trying to respect his life,
14:57I could never stop loving him.
14:59And now that we finally managed to be together,
15:02and that we were living like a fairy tale,
15:06I put him in jail.
15:08Well, but he's going to prove that he's innocent.
15:10Well, I hope so, but I'm not so sure.
15:14And I fear for his life.
15:17No, don't say that, why?
15:19Look, Dani,
15:21he wouldn't be the first person to die in jail.
15:23And we don't know what's going on in there.
15:25It would be easy to justify it with the fact that he died
15:28in a fight with inmates or...
15:31Oh, no, no, no, Juana.
15:32I'm not going to let you be filled with fear.
15:35Look, I know that all this that is happening to you is very strong,
15:38and I really can't imagine how you must be feeling.
15:42But you must have faith.
15:45Besides, Gabriel has many people who support him.
15:48You have to think that everything will be fine, okay?
15:55Hey, you.
15:57What did you do to yourself?
15:59Well, it's just that...
16:01Susy, Viviana, and Ines...
16:04They insisted that I change my look.
16:06Do you like it?
16:07Well, not that you need it,
16:09but yes, you look amazing.
16:11I love these.
16:13Well, and I also had an appointment.
16:17With who?
16:18Well, there, with a guy from the brewery,
16:20who, to be honest, is not bad at all.
16:22And how is it? Do you like it?
16:24Well, yes.
16:26Well, more than anything,
16:28I have the hope that it will help me forget David.
16:39And that little dance?
16:41Why are you so happy, my dear?
16:43God squeezes, but does not choke, Pacheco.
16:45Good things are finally happening in my life.
16:50It fills me with pleasure.
16:52He deserves it.
16:53All good with Gabriel?
16:54All good, I haven't taken my eye off him.
16:57I'm just worried that he hasn't wanted to eat.
16:59Why not?
17:01I'm afraid they'll poison him.
17:04Ah, good point, well thought out.
17:07Get off...
17:09and buy him...
17:12two Cuban tortas.
17:14With everything.
17:17And his respective sayings.
17:18Oh yeah?
17:21And what else?
17:25Mrs. Paula...
17:27Juan Mayor de Rubio.
17:28What a surprise.
17:30I'm still Gabriel's wife,
17:31that's why I came to see you.
17:33I don't know if it's very convenient.
17:36Thank you very much,
17:37but I wasn't really asking for your opinion.
17:39Gabriel is still my husband,
17:40so I have every right to see him.
17:43Or if you don't agree,
17:45we can talk to the prosecutor directly
17:47or to the governor himself.
18:03How are you?
18:05Were you able to talk to my father?
18:10He made it clear to me that he forgave me,
18:15but that I had to be his slave.
18:17And he was the first to end me.
18:20Well, yesterday me, Carlos, Enriqueta and David
18:23made me choose between them and my father.
18:26And what did you do?
18:28Just like you, we have to play both sides.
18:31But I want to tell you something that affects you.
18:34Elvira is going to transfer the shares of her son to my father
18:36so that he manages them.
18:46If Gabriel doesn't protect me,
18:49I'm going to depend on your father completely.
18:53I'm lost, Mom.
19:01Hey, comadre.
19:02And what will that Yadira video bring?
19:04Well, I don't know.
19:05But it seemed to bring the atomic bomb.
19:07If Jenny throws it at you, the explosion will reach Tijuana.
19:11So what are we doing here?
19:12Let's see what's going to happen.
19:14If it's an explosion, let's see what happens.
19:19Hello, hello.
19:22How's business?
19:24I don't complain.
19:28Do you have time for a break?
19:34So you can talk to me, right?
19:45Thank you, Virgin, for protecting and caring for my Juanita.
19:49But above all, I want to thank you
19:52because love came to me.
19:54Oh, I'm so happy.
19:58I was looking for you, bitch.
20:03What's wrong with you?
20:04Me? What's wrong with you?
20:05I'm looking for an offer.
20:06I told you.
20:07I asked you many times not to mess with Salvador.
20:09And what did you do?
20:10Kiss him in public?
20:12I'm going to blow your head off.
20:13Shut up!
20:14I'm not going to let you come to my own house
20:17as a fifth-rate hairdresser.
20:19I spoke clearly with Salvador.
20:21He told me he never, ever had anything to do with you.
20:26Oh, no?
20:27Well, look.
20:31I sent you something on your cell phone.
20:33Check it.
20:35There it is.
20:42I'm sorry.
20:43I'm sorry.
20:44I'm sorry.
20:45I'm sorry.
20:46I'm sorry.
20:47I'm sorry.
20:48I'm sorry.
20:49I'm sorry.
20:50I'm sorry.
20:51I'm sorry.
20:52I'm sorry.
20:53I'm sorry.
20:54I'm sorry.
20:55I'm sorry.
20:56I'm sorry.
20:57I'm sorry.
20:58I'm sorry.
20:59I'm sorry.
21:00I'm sorry.
21:01I'm sorry.
21:02I'm sorry.
21:03I'm sorry.
21:04I'm sorry.
21:05I'm sorry.
21:06I'm sorry.
21:07I'm sorry.
21:08I'm sorry.
21:09I'm sorry.
21:10I'm sorry.
21:11I'm sorry.
21:12I'm sorry.
21:13I'm sorry.
21:14I'm sorry.
21:15I'm sorry.
21:16I'm sorry.
21:17I'm sorry.
21:18I'm sorry.
21:19I'm sorry.
21:20I'm sorry.
21:21I'm sorry.
21:22I'm sorry.
21:23I'm sorry.
21:24I'm sorry.
21:25I'm sorry.
21:26I'm sorry.
21:27I'm sorry.
21:28I'm sorry.
21:29I'm sorry.
21:30I'm sorry.
21:31I'm sorry.
21:32I'm sorry.
21:33I'm sorry.
21:34I'm sorry.
21:35I'm sorry.
21:36I'm sorry.
21:37I'm sorry.
21:38I'm sorry.
21:39I'm sorry.
21:40I'm sorry.
21:41I'm sorry.
21:42I'm sorry.
21:43I'm sorry.
21:44I'm sorry.
21:45I'm sorry.
21:46I'm sorry.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:48I'm sorry.
21:49I'm sorry.
21:50I'm sorry.
21:51I'm sorry.
21:52I'm sorry.
21:53I'm sorry.
21:54I'm sorry.
21:55I'm sorry.
21:56I'm sorry.
21:57I'm sorry.
21:58I'm sorry.
21:59I'm sorry.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03I'm sorry.
22:04I'm sorry.
22:05I'm sorry.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:07I'm sorry.
22:08I'm sorry.
22:09I'm sorry.
22:10I'm sorry.
22:11I'm sorry.
22:12I'm sorry.
22:13I'm sorry.
22:14I'm sorry.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:16I'm sorry.
22:17I'm sorry.
22:18I'm sorry.
22:19I'm sorry.
22:20I'm sorry.
22:21I'm sorry.
22:22I'm sorry.
22:23I'm sorry.
22:24I'm sorry.
22:25I'm sorry.
22:26I'm sorry.
22:27I'm sorry.
22:28I'm sorry.
22:29I'm sorry.
22:30I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:32I'm sorry.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:36I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:38I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:40I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:42I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:44I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:48I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:04I'm sorry.
23:05I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:10I'm sorry.
23:21I'm sorry.
23:26I'm sorry.
23:27And why am I happy?
23:28Because Josefina is the one who makes me happy.
23:30That's the reality.
23:31Seeing her happy makes me happy.
23:34You know what?
23:35It also makes me very happy that you're there
23:38with Josefina, with your children.
23:40I'm very happy.
23:42Of course, at one point I thought you were coming
23:45to win her over.
23:47Let's see, Memo.
23:50I came so that Josefina could be happy
23:54without me.
23:57I've been too unhappy for everything I've done.
24:02You know what?
24:05I don't know if I was happy at dinner.
24:07There were moments when I felt nostalgic,
24:11but I was happy.
24:14Very happy, and nothing happened.
24:20That's it.
24:22That's it.
24:28What's wrong, Jenny?
24:30Jenny, what's wrong?
24:33Let me see if I can reach her.
24:38How did the fight between my mom and Adira start?
24:40Well, your mom can't stand anything,
24:43and Mecha Corta's mom...
24:46Did the fights start like that?
24:48Shut up, because when I left,
24:50they were fighting in front of the Virgin Mary's altar,
24:53and your mom grabbed the hose,
24:55and she gave Adira a bath, and she left in a fit of rage.
25:00What do you think?
25:02Well, it has to do with Salvador, for sure.
25:04I don't know if you know that my mom and Adira...
25:07Yes, I know.
25:08That trip to go find you helped them a lot
25:12so that they could finally get to know each other better.
25:17I'm glad, really. He's a good man.
25:19No, Salvador, he's a great fighter.
25:23And that worries me,
25:24and that's why I think Adira won't let your mom have it easy.
25:29That's it.
25:32Jenny, Jenny, you're hurting me. Wait.
25:36Dad, please don't follow me. I don't want to talk.
25:38How can I not follow you? I can't leave you like this.
25:42What's wrong?
25:45I just saw something that just broke my heart.
25:50It just broke my heart, Dad.
25:54It's okay, honey. It's okay.
25:56Everything has a solution.
25:59Believe me, this doesn't have a solution.
26:02Please don't follow me, Dad.
26:04Jenny, honey, please don't follow me.
26:14Mr. Rubio, Mrs. Paula.
26:17As your wife, I came to see you.
26:27You know, I never imagined I'd see you so miserable,
26:30so humiliated, so destroyed, so poor.
26:37Don't you believe me? It hurts to see you like this.
26:40No, I don't believe you.
26:44It's true.
26:45It's just that I'm a little embarrassed
26:47to show my true feelings.
26:50A monster like you doesn't have feelings, Paula.
26:52Don't call me that.
26:53I'm the most wanted woman in this country,
26:55and you're nothing more than an idiot
26:58who traded me for a poor neighborhood chick like Juana.
27:02You know, nothing would make me happier
27:04than seeing her in any of these cells.
27:06What happened to us?
27:10How did we end up like this,
27:12after everything we wanted?
27:14Why don't we just make up for our mistakes
27:17and forgive each other?
27:24Are you serious?
27:26Would you go back to me?
27:31And also so you don't hurt other people.
27:36Well, maybe if you forget about Juana,
27:41you can forget about that one too.
27:42I'm sick of your threats!
27:44Let go of me!
27:45Against Juana and my daughter, I swear!
27:48I swear you don't know what I'm capable of.
27:50Let go of me!
27:51Stay away from them and don't you dare hurt them!
27:58It's been years!
27:59That animal is trying to attack me!
28:02I don't know what she's talking about.
28:04She must be in a psychiatric hospital.
28:07Take her away.
28:15Here's the power signed by Mrs. Elvira de Armas.
28:18From now on, you represent Francisco's shares
28:21in the blonde brewery.
28:25At last.
28:29Call an extraordinary meeting of shareholders.
28:32Mrs. Elvira de Armas just gave me legal power
28:35to represent her son's shares.
28:37That makes me the second most important shareholder
28:40in the company.
28:41And since Gabriel can't take over the brewery,
28:44it's important that we have an agreement.
28:47I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
28:50I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
28:53I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
28:56It's important that we have an agreement.
29:11Hi, Manu.
29:21I was very impressed with your sister's interview.
29:24I'm just like you, Vivi.
29:27Do you remember when you asked me what I thought of your dad?
29:31I told you I thought he was a very professional and serious man.
29:35You told me you didn't know how to read people.
29:38Well, I think I was wrong about your dad.
29:42But I know you perfectly well.
29:45I know it seems like you live on your own planet
29:48and you're in your own world,
29:50and you're observing, and you're present,
29:54and you're analyzing, and...
29:58I think you're afraid.
30:01I'm just not sure what I'm afraid of.
30:05What is it?
30:06Are you afraid of your dad?
30:13Mr. Duelmo said my mother-in-law
30:15is going to transfer Francisco's shares to Rogelio?
30:17She already did, Camila.
30:18And Rogelio is asking for a shareholders' meeting.
30:21But how can they allow it?
30:24What's wrong with Vilorio? Why does he do it?
30:26Why doesn't he ask for permission for Gabriel to come?
30:28He's the only one who can do something.
30:31We have to calm down, okay?
30:33We're going to have to fight without Gabriel.
30:36Rogelio is going to kill all of us.
30:38I'm telling you.
30:49Oh, I'm sorry I'm late.
30:52I was at the house of El Fanana.
30:54No, don't worry.
30:55And... how is she?
30:59Well, worried and scared
31:01about everything that's happening to Gabriel.
31:04To be honest, I'm also very worried about him.
31:07Well, if I'm honest with you,
31:10I'm worried about all of us and about the brewery.
31:15Well, yes, it's normal.
31:18When you give so much to your job,
31:21it ends up being your second home
31:24and the people who work in it like a second family.
31:29You know, these days that we've worked together,
31:33I've gotten to know a part of you that I didn't know existed.
31:40You're a very valuable woman and very smart.
31:44Well, I'm going to get some more gifts.
31:57Paula Fuenmayor.
32:00It must have been an experience sharing life with her.
32:03What a beautiful woman, physically,
32:06and so twisted and perverse in her mind.
32:08How good she is for evil.
32:10Smart, intelligent.
32:11You deserved it, Salvador.
32:14Yes, yes.
32:15She left furious and said you almost killed her.
32:18I didn't do it because I'm locked up.
32:20I don't understand how the divorce hasn't happened yet.
32:22I know Claudio has been in the papers for a long time.
32:26They must be paying a judge to stop the trial.
32:31They must have contacts with the police and the courts.
32:37That's how it is.
32:38But, well, now you have to focus on being calm.
32:43Your first interrogation with the DA is coming up.
32:46You have to stay calm.
32:48You have the right to tell the whole truth.
32:52You don't have to lie.
32:54Stay calm.
32:56Don't lose control for no reason.
33:07Oh, look, you're just in time.
33:09I was going to start eating my cookies
33:11with Santa Clara's milk.
33:13Did you like it?
33:14Hey, I just ran into Jenny.
33:18She was crying on the street.
33:22She was very, very, very, I don't know,
33:24very out of control.
33:25Where did she come from?
33:27Oh, look, I don't know.
33:30All I can tell you is that she grabbed herself
33:32from the streets with the yadira
33:35and it wasn't your daughter who got out of it.
33:37But why did they fight?
33:40I think it was Salvador.
33:43My poor daughter.
33:45At last she finds a serious, well-placed man.
33:49And now, well, who knows?
33:52I don't understand anything anymore.
33:56Are you okay?
34:11What happened, Jenny?
34:12Why didn't you tell me?
34:18Once again, they make fun of me,
34:21they use me, they hurt me.
34:25Who made fun of you?
34:27You just wanted to sleep with me.
34:30Calm down, Jenny, calm down.
34:32Calm down? What are you talking about?
34:33You're a hypocrite!
34:35You're a hypocrite, a liar!
34:40Oh, Yavira, Yavira.
34:45You shouldn't have seen this.
34:48This wasn't your fault, it wasn't your fault.
34:51You and I had nothing to do with it.
34:53You told me you loved me
34:54from the first day you saw me.
34:56Yes, you didn't fight with me or listen to me.
34:59This happened when you and I had nothing to do with it.
35:02Of course, then all you wanted was to sleep with me.
35:06You're a hypocrite, you're a hypocrite.
35:09You wanted to sleep with me and since you couldn't,
35:11what? You slept with Yavira?
35:13I'm sure she didn't want to and now we're with Jenny, right?
35:17You're a hypocrite.
35:18No way.
35:19She showed it to me and tried to blackmail me with this.
35:23The day this happened, you and I had nothing to do with it.
35:26And it was a day when I felt despised
35:28because I saw you kissing your boss at the bar.
35:31I told you, I didn't kiss him.
35:32He kissed me, which is very difficult.
35:34Well, I saw that.
35:35This was out of spite and that's how it got to this point.
35:38Now it turns out, poor thing, Yadir raped you.
35:41You're a bastard.
35:42Don't touch me anymore.
35:44You know what? I hate you.
35:46I hate you with all my soul.
35:48And I'm going to ask you for a favor. Let go of me.
35:51Don't come near me again in your life.
35:53And if you see me from afar, don't come near me.
35:56I hate you. I hate you with all my soul.
36:03What do you see?
36:08I don't see anything.
36:17And now?
36:19What happened?
36:24It's over, Pacheco.
36:28He's dead now.
36:32This meeting is definitely to tell us
36:33what will happen now that Gabriel is in jail.
36:36What he did with Francisco out of ambition is incredible.
36:39Terrible, but he's going to pay for it.
36:42All right.
36:46You got it, huh?
36:51He's a good guy.
36:55Rogelio and Paula are on their way.
37:00What is Paula doing here?
37:01Good morning.
37:02Answering your question,
37:03Paula is at the company because she's at the shareholders' meeting.
37:06While the divorce hearing is underway
37:08and the judge hasn't decided otherwise,
37:09she has full right over half of Mr. Rubio's shares.
37:21Hello, hello, hello.
37:23Hello, my love. Come with me, please.
37:27Come in, come in.
37:32What's this circus you're setting up with your lawyer, Rogelio?
37:36Why are you smiling, Carlos?
37:39Yes, we all know that Gabriel is in prison,
37:41that his shares are frozen,
37:44and that's precisely what this meeting is about,
37:47to find out who will be in charge of the company.
37:51Legally, the shareholders have to name
37:53who runs the company
37:54to protect the salaries of the workers
37:56and the company's productivity.
37:58For you to see my goodwill, Carlos,
38:01since neither you nor Enriqueta nor David
38:03are shareholders of the Rubio brewery,
38:05I'll allow you to stay and listen to everything, okay?
38:11On the other hand, Camila, I'm already the representative
38:15of the Armas family's shares.
38:18And, well, you've never really helped the company, right?
38:22In fact, you haven't helped at all.
38:25So, if you'll allow us...
38:33I don't know, but I don't think it's a good idea.
38:44What do you think is going on at the meeting?
38:47I have no idea, but I don't think it's good either.
38:54I don't know, but I don't think it's good either.
38:57I don't know, but I don't think it's good either.
39:04I was thinking that, being guilty of so many crimes,
39:07it must be very hard to turn yourself in to justice, right?
39:11Now you decide who's guilty and who's not.
39:14Mr. Attorney, I appreciate you using the term suspicious.
39:18I remind you that my client is innocent
39:19until the opposite is proven.
39:21What's going on, attorney, is that having so much evidence
39:24and complaints against your client,
39:27it's difficult to explain that the body of the person
39:30who, by the way, hindered him from being a major shareholder
39:33of your company,
39:35would appear on your property.
39:38And your wife's complaints
39:39for abuse and gender violence.
39:41It's incredible everything you have to make up
39:43to be able to destroy it.
39:45Keep quiet.
39:46Usually, criminals don't have the courage
39:49to accept their crimes.
39:50And from what I see, you're just another coward.
39:52No, from what I see, you have too many innocent people
39:54here already sentenced to death.
39:57No, from what I see, you have too many innocent people
39:59here already sentenced to death.
40:00Be very careful with what you say.
40:02You be very careful with who you mess with.
40:03Are you threatening me?
40:04Because I'm going to tell you something
40:05so that it's very clear to you.
40:07If in this interrogation I prove
40:10that you are a dangerous man, I'm going to send you to jail.
40:13To kill me?
40:14Gabriel, control yourself.
40:15What do you want?
40:16Control yourself, please.
40:17Leave it, attorney.
40:18I don't care.
40:19Of course you don't care, because you have power.
40:22Because you don't care to go over innocent people.
40:25But it's going to be different with me.
40:27Because I'm going to get out of here.
40:28I'm going to prove that I'm innocent.
40:30And when I do, I'm going to get you.
40:32I'm going to put you in jail.
40:37And to think that all he did was to have a child.
40:42And when that baby is born,
40:44he's going to feel all the shame of the father he has.
40:47Don't you dare!
40:48Let go of me!
40:49Don't say anything about me again!
40:51Being Gabriel in jail,
40:52the important thing is that we can give the Rubio brewery
40:56the continuity of productivity and the profits
40:59for the shareholders that are there.
41:02Being so, what we have to find is a new president.
41:06Being the biggest shareholder after Gabriel Rubio,
41:11I run for president of the company.
41:15Interim president, correct?
41:19Carlos, only shareholders can speak.
41:21I appreciate it.
41:25Anyone else who wants to speak?
41:31Well, then we all agree that my dad
41:34is the new president of the Rubio brewery, right?
41:38Yes, I vote in favor of Rogelio.
41:41And me too.
41:51Let's go.