• vor 2 Monaten
00:00Was ist unser Projekt?
00:02For years everybody told me you should write a show about your mother and yourself.
00:09She was so out there.
00:10Stop telling me how to live my life!
00:11Just shut up!
00:12Who will it be?
00:14I thought, who's gonna watch that?
00:16You're making me out to be some f**king mama's boy.
00:19But then I realized...
00:21Maybe if he was like a really badass guy.
00:248.5 million people
00:28So what happened with you and the Sopranos, it was like HBO said, go for it, man.
00:32Well, nobody else wanted it.
00:34David was a TV veteran, but hadn't really directed.
00:37I had no idea what I was doing.
00:39But I knew it was going to be about money and death.
00:43Could you have a killer as your lead?
00:46Is there a place for that on television?
00:50I would lay it all out for the writers.
00:52David starts filling the whiteboard.
00:54This thing gets done, then he goes, this is fucking horrible, erase the fuck.
00:57It took us hours.
00:59He said things that nowadays would be frowned upon.
01:02We're writing about bad people, and we've got to access those parts of ourselves.
01:06The story comes out of those characters.
01:09The garbage business is changing.
01:11Let me pick the energy up, I'm very tired.
01:13That stuff is sort of my specialty, because I was from Queens.
01:17Carmelo is something that HBO had discussed.
01:20But I went in wanting Dr. Milfey.
01:23Mr. Soprano?
01:25Jim hatte seinen eigenen Weg, um Tony zu werden.
01:28Wenn du nicht wirklich geduldig bist, kannst du deine Arbeit nach Hause nehmen.
01:31Und als Schauspieler ist das nicht immer eine tolle Idee.
01:34Er würde wahrscheinlich jeden Tag aufhören.
01:38Hast du Elemente von dir und Tony gesehen?
01:43Die Sopranos haben wirklich redefiniert, was die Leute wollen,
01:46und was die Leute zu Hause sehen wollen.
01:48In der Schauspieler-Kammer haben wir Verluste und Kinder geboren,
01:53wir haben das Leben gebaut.
01:56Je mehr ich die Sopranos gemacht habe,
01:58desto mehr habe ich bemerkt, dass der Film nie endet,
02:00es geht weiter und weiter und weiter.
02:05Es hat mich immer vermisst.
02:09Wie geht es dir? Bist du in Ordnung, David?
02:11Ja, ich spreche nur meinen Kopf aus.
02:12Wie Tony sagt,
02:13Erinnere dich, wann es die schlechteste Form der Gespräche ist.