Miffy's World - Miffy's Daily Life - New Best Kids Cartoon Games For Babies And

  • le mois dernier


00:00Le jour où Miffy s'est réveillée
00:13Allons réveiller Miffy.
00:21Réveille-toi, Miffy.
00:31Bonjour, Miffy.
00:47Ça a l'air génial.
00:51Ça te va bien.
01:00Le jour où Miffy est réveillée
01:30Le jour où Miffy est réveillée
01:37Tout propre.
02:00Le jour où Miffy est réveillée
02:03Tout propre.
02:14Ça fait mal.
02:57Quel est ce bruit?
03:00Un délivery spécial de l'oncle Pilote.
03:07Oh! Mon père est très occupé.
03:10Passons-y quand il aura fini de travailler.
03:18Cuisons quelque chose de délicieux.
03:23Maintenant, nous pouvons cuisiner.
03:25Maman sera tellement contente.
03:30Tout propre.
03:37Bonjour, maman.
04:00Mélange, mélange, mélange.
04:19Voilà, maman.
04:21Ça va être délicieux.
04:29Hum, hum.
04:34Merci, maman.
05:00Le pain est prêt.
05:30Hum, hum.
05:40Hum, hum.
05:49Hum, hum.
05:51J'ai un peu faim.
05:54Pauvre Miffy.
05:56Il faut aller au lit.
06:00Oh! Un bain serait mignonne.
06:16Hum, hum.
06:18Hum, hum.
06:20Hum, hum.
06:22Hum, hum.
06:24Hum, hum.
06:26Hum, hum.
06:28Hum, hum.
06:30Hum, hum.
06:32Hum, hum.
06:34Hum, hum.
06:36Hum, hum.
06:40Hum, hum.
06:42Hum, hum.
06:47Bonne nuit, Miffy.
07:00Réveille-toi, Miffy!
07:02Hmm... Hmm...
07:12Bonjour, Miffy!
07:20Elles sont belles!
07:22Oui, celle-ci!
07:24Je l'aime!
07:28Ils sont belles?
07:48Tout est propre!
07:58All clean!
08:05Excuse me!
08:10Dum de da la la la!
08:29There, all clean!
08:38He he he!
08:42What's that sound?
08:44Hooray! Special delivery from Uncle Pilot!
08:56Snuffy will love to play with that!
09:01A red ball! What fun!
09:04Snuffy's favourite colour!
09:26Snuffy loves to play!
09:30Good girl, Snuffy!
09:33He he he!
09:45What a great throw!
10:12He he he!
10:18Bye, Snuffy!
10:32Yummy fruit!
10:34Let's pick some for Mummy!
10:40Daddy will bring it to Mummy!
10:42Thank you, Daddy!
11:10He he he!
11:29Oh! I have nothing to plant!
11:32Maybe Uncle Pilot will bring you seeds in the morning!
12:02Hi Mummy!
12:15He he he!
12:24He he he!
12:32He he he!
12:55He he he!
13:03He he he!
13:11Once upon a time, there was a bunny rabbit who loved to fly her kite.
13:25One day, the kite got stuck in the toy chest and it broke.
13:31The clever bunny rabbit brought it to her Mummy.
13:35Together, they mended the kite using glue, some sticks and a pretty ribbon.
13:46What a great story!
13:59Round and round!
14:06He he he!
14:08Oh! That made me round and round!
14:19He he he!
14:21He's funny!
14:31He he he!
14:48Excuse me!
15:06All clean!
15:14He he he!
15:18He he he!
15:28That was so much fun!
15:44That looks great!
16:08See you soon!
