Boss Your Wife Flees With Baby (Complete)

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Boss Your Wife Flees With Baby (Complete)
| English Movies , English Drama
00:00:00Could you not leave me?
00:00:06Sierra, you're six weeks pregnant.
00:00:08This is a mistake.
00:00:09William hates me and wants to divorce me every second of every day.
00:00:14He would never love our baby.
00:00:16Just talk to him, Sierra.
00:00:18Maybe things will change.
00:00:26Come back, please.
00:00:31William, you said you'd be back tonight, right?
00:00:35I have something I want to tell you.
00:00:37Three seconds.
00:00:38If you don't get to the point, I'm hanging up.
00:00:40William, I'm actually pre...
00:00:46I really have something important to tell you.
00:00:49I have something important to tell you.
00:00:57I wish William would love me and my baby.
00:01:02Even just a little bit.
00:01:13William? You're here?
00:01:20Why is she here?
00:01:24Why is she here?
00:01:25She ain't staying here.
00:01:27Just for tonight.
00:01:33William, you promised to never bring another woman home.
00:01:36And you forced me into marriage.
00:01:38So butt out.
00:01:39I'm sorry, Sierra.
00:01:40I twisted my foot and it's raining hard, so...
00:01:44Maybe I better leave.
00:01:46Maybe I better leave.
00:01:49Drake's not going anywhere.
00:01:51If you don't like it, get out.
00:01:54William Smith, this is my home.
00:02:02William, please.
00:02:04It's my birthday.
00:02:07So that's the important thing.
00:02:10Stop acting.
00:02:12You know I don't care about your birthday.
00:02:17Sorry, Sierra.
00:02:19Happy birthday.
00:02:32Baby, what do I do?
00:02:47Morning, Sierra.
00:02:50Want to have some breakfast?
00:02:53William made it for me.
00:02:56You haven't tasted his cooking yet, right?
00:03:02How does it feel watching your husband love me?
00:03:05Love you?
00:03:07He feels bad because your dad died trying to save him.
00:03:10That's guilt.
00:03:11So what?
00:03:12At least he treats me better than you.
00:03:14What a failed wife you are.
00:03:16If you had any self-respect, you should divorce William right now.
00:03:22I don't need advice from a shameless mistress.
00:03:24I'm not his mistress.
00:03:26I'm his...
00:03:30What are you doing?
00:03:31Let me go!
00:03:32Seems you haven't recognized reality yet, huh?
00:03:34Let me show you who's the third wheel between us.
00:03:44Look what you did!
00:03:47Look what you did!
00:03:48She poured tea on me first!
00:03:50Jesus, Sierra.
00:03:51I know you hate me, but I was trying to share breakfast with you.
00:03:54Why are you lying?
00:04:00Don't listen to her.
00:04:01She always does this.
00:04:02She's a liar.
00:04:04I just solved.
00:04:05Your family went bankrupt.
00:04:07You have no right to be this hostile anymore.
00:04:09How dare you bring that up?
00:04:10You know how much that hurts me.
00:04:17William, it hurts.
00:04:21William, I'm hurting too.
00:04:25Why can't you just see it?
00:04:35How could this asshole do that to you?
00:04:37It's all my fault.
00:04:44Our parents are trying to force us into marriage.
00:04:46This is ridiculous.
00:04:47Marriage just shouldn't be arranged.
00:04:49We gotta fight this.
00:04:51William, um...
00:04:55I've actually already agreed to that.
00:05:00Why would you do that?
00:05:03Why would you do that?
00:05:07I like you.
00:05:11William, we grew up together.
00:05:14If we got married, we'd certainly be happy.
00:05:18So you like me, so you want to force me into marriage.
00:05:20That's selfish.
00:05:22And I will never, ever marry you.
00:05:30It's all my fault.
00:05:33Maybe I should just leave him.
00:05:35Have you finally decided to leave him?
00:05:42Have you really decided to leave him?
00:05:44Oh, uh, no, no, I was just saying...
00:05:47No, you just said that you want to leave him.
00:05:49Look what he's done to you.
00:05:51It's only gonna get worse.
00:05:56Don't let him hurt you again, okay?
00:06:07So do you always turn to other men for comfort like this?
00:06:09What the hell are you talking about?
00:06:12She came to me because she's hurt.
00:06:21You didn't even notice she was hurt.
00:06:24Ollie, stop.
00:06:27Let go if you don't want to suffer.
00:06:30You really changed.
00:06:33How could you do this to Sierra when she's pregnant?
00:06:35Oliver, stop it!
00:06:49Just a friendly reminder.
00:06:51Stop hurting Sierra.
00:06:54You're just diminishing her love for you.
00:06:57Mind your business.
00:07:06William, wait!
00:07:09Still got some strength, huh?
00:07:11Looks like you're not hurt too bad.
00:07:12Where are you taking me?
00:07:13To apologize to Jade.
00:07:14Her sprain's worsened.
00:07:16I'm never gonna apologize to that two-faced bitch.
00:07:20Don't tell me you actually talk to her like that.
00:07:22You know she has depression.
00:07:24Pretends to have.
00:07:28Once again, going to apologize.
00:07:31Not until I'm dead.
00:07:36Threatening me, huh?
00:07:37Don't be ridiculous.
00:07:38You know I don't care about your cheap life.
00:07:49What if I'm pregnant?
00:07:58What if I'm pregnant?
00:08:01What did you just say?
00:08:03If I was pregnant, would you treat me better?
00:08:11So that's why you got me drunk and seduced me last night.
00:08:13You wanna threaten me with a baby?
00:08:14No, no, that's not what I...
00:08:16I said a million times I hate being sad.
00:08:19Looks like you never learned.
00:08:20William, that hurts! Please!
00:08:23Don't tell me you're actually pregnant.
00:08:25We only did that once.
00:08:27Just answer the question!
00:08:31Your baby will only disgust me as you do.
00:09:17What are you doing here?
00:09:18You're not supposed to see me before the wedding.
00:09:20I don't give a damn.
00:09:21I never wanted to marry you anyway.
00:09:26You did succeed in forcing me into a business marriage.
00:09:30But just remember, I will never love you.
00:09:35You don't know until you try.
00:09:38Just wait and see.
00:09:40Just remember, whatever happens next, you deserve it.
00:09:51So this is the price I have to pay?
00:09:55I just want to be with the person I love.
00:09:58Am I wrong?
00:10:13Should I divorce him?
00:10:31William, please.
00:10:32William, please pick up.
00:10:34Please pick up.
00:10:37William, please.
00:10:38Please come home.
00:10:39It's dark and the lights went out and I...
00:10:41I just really need you to come back!
00:10:43Wait, what?
00:10:44You're scared.
00:10:47William, I'm so scared.
00:10:49William, I'm so scared.
00:10:51Are you with Jane?
00:10:54Is that Sierra?
00:10:56You know, I really look up to her.
00:10:58If I had even half her guts, I wouldn't even bother you to stay with me.
00:11:05Sierra, don't be pathetic.
00:11:07You're not afraid of thunder.
00:11:08William, I'm not acting!
00:11:14I'm not acting!
00:11:15I'm not acting!
00:11:16I'm not acting!
00:11:17I'm not acting!
00:11:19William, you don't remember that.
00:11:20When my parents committed suicide, it was the same kind of weather.
00:11:31Since that day, I've been afraid of thunder.
00:11:40Usually, Sierra would have blown up my phone by now.
00:11:42Why is she so quiet tonight?
00:11:46Still scared?
00:11:47I'm not that scared.
00:11:49Thank goodness you're here.
00:11:56It's too late, William.
00:11:58Why don't you stay here tonight?
00:12:01Jane, stop.
00:12:15Thunder stopped.
00:12:18I gotta go.
00:12:23William, come back!
00:12:32Sierra, you liar!
00:12:38Sierra Walker, you are such a liar!
00:12:42What are you talking about?
00:12:43Get off me!
00:12:44There's another of your tricks you've exceeded.
00:12:47What are you...
00:12:56I lost what you wanted.
00:12:58Another trick to get me back.
00:13:14It's not a trick.
00:13:15The power came back on.
00:13:17William, we grew up together and I'm your wife.
00:13:21Why don't you trust me at all?
00:13:25You lost my trust three years ago.
00:13:30I know you're a lot more like him when you're defenseless.
00:13:48I want a divorce!
00:14:01Another one of your tricks?
00:14:04It's not a trick.
00:14:06I'm done.
00:14:08Begging for your love is too tiring.
00:14:10I give up.
00:14:12So that's the extent of your love, huh?
00:14:15How cheap it is.
00:14:17William, I've loved you since we were 14.
00:14:2012 years, you call that cheap?
00:14:23Why don't you change your mind right now, huh?
00:14:28Is it Oliver?
00:14:29What? This has nothing to do with him.
00:14:38What's the matter with you?
00:14:42Are you sick?
00:14:48What's the matter with you?
00:14:51What, are you sick?
00:14:52Uh, yeah.
00:14:54Just a stomach bug.
00:14:56Never mentioned that before.
00:15:11Just sign this.
00:15:13You won't have to deal with me again.
00:15:26Not until I'm dead.
00:15:30Why? Isn't this what you want?
00:15:33Or maybe you're a little bit in love with me.
00:15:35Don't flatter yourself.
00:15:37If you want a divorce, I gotta go along with it.
00:15:39And what am I, your subordinate?
00:15:42Fine, what are your conditions?
00:15:44Without me, you're nothing.
00:15:47If you get a divorce, how are you gonna survive?
00:15:49It's none of your business.
00:15:51Just tell me what to do and I'll do it.
00:15:59Can't even keep the house clean.
00:16:00You wanna prove it to me?
00:16:01Be a waitress for a month.
00:16:07A waitress?
00:16:09William, are you trying to humiliate me?
00:16:12I said you'd do anything.
00:16:14That's what I thought.
00:16:15If you ever want a divorce again, ever.
00:16:17I can do it.
00:16:20I'll wait and see.
00:16:46Sir, Mrs. Smith was an heiress.
00:16:48She's never done this sort of work before.
00:16:52I'm concerned having her work as a waitress.
00:16:55Wouldn't be quite appropriate.
00:16:57Won't take long.
00:16:59Just three days and she'll be begging you.
00:17:01I don't understand.
00:17:03You don't wanna divorce her at all?
00:17:13Why are you divesting?
00:17:14I was about to profit.
00:17:16Seems like you know the reason.
00:17:21Father, for my marriage I...
00:17:25Seems like you forgot your identity and duty.
00:17:30You are the heir to the Smiths.
00:17:33Your marriage must be beneficial to the group.
00:17:38If you don't marry Ciara, all your projects will be terminated.
00:17:45I'm sorry.
00:17:54You don't wanna divorce her at all?
00:17:56Who said I wanna divorce her?
00:17:59She just hasn't paid enough yet.
00:18:02Keep me informed if anything happens.
00:18:17Ciara's working as a waitress?
00:18:22Who would've thought that?
00:18:25Perhaps she'd like to see some old friends.
00:18:39Gosh, you're more of a troublemaker than your dad.
00:18:43Ciara, we have two customers.
00:18:47Okay, but if you're tired, take a break.
00:18:51I'm at a place to go.
00:18:53It's okay, I can handle it.
00:18:59Hello, what can I do for you?
00:19:03Well, well, well, look who's waiting tables!
00:19:13Hey William, you should get here.
00:19:15Ciara's in trouble.
00:19:17Are you slumming it as a waitress?
00:19:19I forgot your family went bankrupt.
00:19:24Your husband doesn't give you any allowance?
00:19:27Come on, we know that.
00:19:29Her husband doesn't love her at all.
00:19:31Poor Ciara.
00:19:33If you're not gonna order anything, I have things to do.
00:19:42Ciara, let go of me, you creep!
00:19:45Shut up, you loser.
00:19:47Your husband hates you.
00:19:49And your parents, they off themselves.
00:19:52Don't talk about my parents!
00:19:55Your parents are cowards.
00:20:00You filthy bitch.
00:20:02Let her go.
00:20:04Mr. Smith.
00:20:06Ciara slapped me for no reason.
00:20:08No, you just...
00:20:10Well, a waitress slapping a customer has to pay the price.
00:20:14William, do you really hate me that much?
00:20:17Hear that?
00:20:19Apologize to me.
00:20:21Or you might not see it.
00:20:23I'm sorry.
00:20:25I'm sorry.
00:20:27I'm sorry.
00:20:29I'm sorry.
00:20:31I'm sorry.
00:20:33Three days in, you're already in trouble.
00:20:37Drop the divorce.
00:20:39Beg me.
00:20:41And I'll help you out.
00:20:44You deaf?
00:20:46Apologize to me!
00:20:48I'll never apologize to a jerk.
00:21:01Mr. Smith.
00:21:02Fuck off!
00:21:03Don't make me say it again.
00:21:08I'd rather get beaten than beg.
00:21:10Isn't this what you wanted?
00:21:11Helping Jade to get back at me?
00:21:13I know you thought I bullied her, but I haven't.
00:21:17That's exactly what a bully would say.
00:21:19Never listen to me.
00:21:20I'm done.
00:21:21I want a divorce.
00:21:23Get those words back right now.
00:21:24We can work this out.
00:21:26I'm done.
00:21:27I won't beg you, and I won't love you anymore.
00:21:40Why did you just kiss me?
00:21:42Are you in love with me?
00:21:46One kiss and you're already daydreaming.
00:21:49You're nothing but a toy to me.
00:21:51I can do whatever I want.
00:21:53You're a bastard!
00:21:55I admit you're a stupid-
00:21:56No, I won't!
00:22:01If you'd rather be a waitress than my wife, be a waitress.
00:22:06Now on you're everyone's servant.
00:22:08Until you admit your mistake.
00:22:19I'm sorry, baby.
00:22:22I tried to get your father to love me.
00:22:25But I just couldn't.
00:22:30It's been a week.
00:22:32Has he admitted her mistake?
00:22:34I'm afraid not.
00:22:38What's she playing at, huh?
00:22:40So she admits her mistake, we can move on, but what does she want?
00:22:56What's going on?
00:23:00William, your headache seems to be getting worse.
00:23:03You should go to the hospital.
00:23:06It's not for that.
00:23:24What brings you here?
00:23:26I just kind of miss you.
00:23:29You haven't visited me in a while.
00:23:32You wanna stay over tonight?
00:23:36I can't.
00:23:39Busy tonight, Jade.
00:23:43Is this about Ciara?
00:23:54I'll remove Ciara from the picture.
00:24:07Don't forget to clean that area.
00:24:09I'm paying Kong.
00:24:11Hey, Lucy, you can't keep dumping on Ciara.
00:24:14Mr. Smith allowed it.
00:24:16He also said no one would help her.
00:24:18So don't be stupid, Rachel.
00:24:24Ciara, why don't you go and apologize to William?
00:24:27No, I won't apologize.
00:24:29I'm in the right.
00:24:38I guess I can't do anything well.
00:24:40Besides being William's wife.
00:24:45I'll leave the checklist in the cold storage.
00:24:48The cold storage?
00:24:50How did it get there?
00:25:17Hey, somebody's still in here!
00:25:24It's done.
00:25:26The money will be there soon.
00:25:29Farewell, Ciara.
00:25:45Why do you change flowers every day?
00:25:48Don't you think it's nice to look at fresh flowers?
00:25:51You'd be in a better mood if you weren't here.
00:26:14Deliberately not answering my calls, huh?
00:26:22Sir, Miss Ciara is missing.
00:26:25What did you say?
00:26:30Hey! Help!
00:26:45Do you want me to die?
00:26:48Where did we go wrong?
00:27:03What are you doing? Let me go!
00:27:05You hurt me, now you have to comfort me.
00:27:14Let me go!
00:27:16Somebody help me!
00:27:18Let me go!
00:27:20Get off me!
00:27:27Get out of here!
00:27:33Ciara, are you okay? Are you hurt?
00:27:36I was so scared.
00:27:38There, there. You're okay now.
00:27:41Come on, let's get you home.
00:27:45I feel weak in the legs.
00:27:49Come on.
00:27:51Oh my God.
00:27:56Still scared?
00:27:58It's okay. We're home soon.
00:28:02William, you have no idea how much I used to like you before.
00:28:07But now I wish we'd never met.
00:28:09Mom, Dad, I miss you so much.
00:28:45You were supposed to keep an eye on her.
00:28:47I'm sorry, sir. I misunderstood. I thought...
00:28:48Find out what happened.
00:28:50Any more mistakes and you're out of a job.
00:29:13How is she?
00:29:15She's past the critical stage.
00:29:17It's really serious.
00:29:19If it had been any longer, we couldn't guarantee the baby's survival either.
00:29:25The baby?
00:29:31She's almost ten weeks pregnant.
00:29:34Don't you know that?
00:29:37Ten weeks.
00:29:42What if I'm pregnant?
00:29:48So that's a test.
00:30:02Don't leave me.
00:30:07If you wake up early, I'll consider forgiving you.
00:30:17Instead of being surprised, the child's arrival made me feel more grateful.
00:30:22Bet you're not thinking of divorcing me now, huh?
00:30:31Your baby will never measure up to Jade's.
00:30:35It's better off gone.
00:30:37No! No!
00:30:39No, you can't do that!
00:30:41No, please!
00:30:43No, you can't do that!
00:30:44My baby!
00:30:52My baby!
00:30:54It's okay, Sarah. I'm right here.
00:30:56What are you doing here?
00:30:58Here to see me in my misery?
00:31:01If that's the case, you've seen it. Now leave.
00:31:05I saved you and that's the first thing you say to me?
00:31:07You expect me to thank you? You caused all of this.
00:31:09I don't lock you in a freezer.
00:31:11You think I'm gonna believe you? I won't.
00:31:12Just like you didn't believe me about Jade.
00:31:14Hey, what are you doing?
00:31:16Getting out of here. I don't feel safe with you here anymore.
00:31:21Quit acting, Ciara.
00:31:23You need to rest.
00:31:25The only thing I need right now is a divorce.
00:31:28A divorce?
00:31:31You're gonna take my baby from me?
00:31:34Or you're gonna take my child, huh?
00:31:36To marry another man?
00:31:38If you won't love him, I'll find a father for you.
00:31:40If you won't love him, I'll find a father for him who will.
00:31:44How dare you?
00:31:46Why not?
00:31:48Remember what you said about my baby?
00:31:52Your baby will only disgust me as you do.
00:31:59And look what you did to me.
00:32:01I'll never let my baby suffer that.
00:32:04That's my child too.
00:32:06Oh, look who's changed their tune now.
00:32:08How untrustworthy.
00:32:13You're not going anywhere without my permission.
00:32:17What are you gonna do? Imprison me?
00:32:22What are you gonna do? Imprison me?
00:32:24Imprison you?
00:32:26I'm protecting you!
00:32:28After all, you can't do anything without me.
00:32:30I'd be fine anywhere without you.
00:32:32Let go of me!
00:32:34Don't be stupid.
00:32:36You've nowhere else to go, huh?
00:32:41Be obedient.
00:32:45Are you insane?
00:32:47I hate you!
00:32:49What'd you just say?
00:33:04I don't care about your feelings anyway.
00:33:05Stay right there and be obedient.
00:33:42Why can't I control my anger?
00:33:47I really shouldn't argue with her.
00:33:51You've been up all night.
00:33:53Do you need some rest?
00:33:55No. Just... I'm all by somebody.
00:33:57What's this?
00:33:59I've collected all the do's and don'ts and recipes that you wanted for Mrs. Smith.
00:34:02Throw it away.
00:34:04No. Burn it.
00:34:14Get her a nutritionist.
00:34:16Make sure she finishes every single meal.
00:34:20Yeah. You.
00:34:22Well, I'm not sure Mrs. Smith will accept anything that we give, sir.
00:34:32Well, that's your problem now.
00:34:34Make sure she finishes everything.
00:34:36Or you're fired.
00:35:02Seems you've been eating well. That's good.
00:35:05William sent Blake to play the pity card.
00:35:07Otherwise I wouldn't have touched the food.
00:35:10Well, it seems like you guys know each other well.
00:35:13I have good news.
00:35:15You'll be discharged today.
00:35:19I don't want to go home with him.
00:35:21I want to leave him.
00:35:23Wait. What?
00:35:27I thought you guys were getting along lately.
00:35:29No. That's a misunderstanding.
00:35:31Get off of all of this.
00:35:33Geez. No wonder William wanted me to persuade you to go home with him.
00:35:37Wait. What?
00:35:43Okay. William wants you to go home with him, but he's afraid you'll say no.
00:35:47Don't rat me out, okay?
00:35:49He made me swear not to tell anybody.
00:35:51He did?
00:35:53He's outside the door now waiting for your answer.
00:35:55Sierra, I think William's trying to be a good husband and father.
00:35:58I caught him reading a maternity handbook.
00:36:01He's just doing all that because he cares about the kid.
00:36:04Not me.
00:36:06And he feels guilty.
00:36:08But once that guilt fades, he'll hate me and the kid.
00:36:13Maybe you just go home with him for now and see how it goes?
00:36:24Look, I think William's changed.
00:36:26You and your little one will be just fine.
00:36:30You and your baby will have a happy and complete family.
00:36:35That does sound wonderful.
00:36:39Okay. I'll leave here with him.
00:36:42But if he does anything that's bad for the baby, you have to help me leave him.
00:36:46I promise.
00:36:48Okay. Deal.
00:36:50Okay. I'll go get William. He must be anxious.
00:37:00Did she agree?
00:37:03Thanks, bro.
00:37:05Wait. She didn't see me, did she?
00:37:07Of course not.
00:37:09But seriously, you need to learn how to speak your mind yourself, dude.
00:37:12This could be your last chance.
00:37:14What do you mean? What'd she say?
00:37:16Nothing. I'm just telling you as your friend.
00:37:39Do you always get headaches like this?
00:37:42You should probably get a checkup. It could be something worse than just a normal headache.
00:37:47Don't curse me. I'm just tired.
00:37:50William, you can't always refuse to go to the doctor. You...
00:37:52I got it!
00:37:55I'll be there.
00:37:59See ya.
00:38:12I'm gonna take you home.
00:38:25You prepared all this?
00:38:29You prepared all this?
00:38:37All done by the maid.
00:38:44Well, I'll put the bags down first.
00:38:55Oh, wait. Uh, that's, um...
00:38:57Emma, Sophia, Abigail...
00:39:00What's this?
00:39:02Maybe the names of our daughter.
00:39:04We don't know we're having a daughter yet.
00:39:06Always good to be prepared.
00:39:09What's your favorite?
00:39:11I think the best one is...
00:39:15I think Emily is the best.
00:39:19I think Emily is the best.
00:39:21I think Emily is the best.
00:39:23Yeah. Emily's the best.
00:39:32Well, sorry. Just, uh...
00:39:34First time dad and all.
00:39:38I know.
00:39:41It's amazing.
00:39:44A little girl will be born from there.
00:39:46Again, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet.
00:39:47Again, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet.
00:39:51She'll be lovely.
00:39:53Just like your mother.
00:39:56Forget it.
00:40:00Well, Sarah.
00:40:02We'll raise her together.
00:40:06I just, um...
00:40:09I just thought you were only interested in the kid.
00:40:14Of course I care about more than just the kid.
00:40:18I actually...
00:40:47I'll be back.
00:40:49I promise.
00:40:53None of my business anyway.
00:41:11You haven't visited me in days.
00:41:14I said you're doing worse.
00:41:17I've been taking your medication.
00:41:19I feel better now that you're here.
00:41:25Why are you looking at me like that?
00:41:28We had Lucy lock Sierra in the freezer, huh?
00:41:35What are you talking about?
00:41:37Stop playing innocent.
00:41:39Lucy spilled the beans.
00:41:41She could have died!
00:41:43That's why you took so long to visit me?
00:41:45I was just trying to get back at her for bullying me.
00:41:49Did she ever really bully you?
00:41:51Bully you?
00:41:55Do you think I'm lying?
00:41:57I did some digging.
00:41:59It seemed like your words aren't quite the truth.
00:42:01I can't believe you, can I?
00:42:03They could just be covering for Sierra.
00:42:07If you need something, contact Blake.
00:42:09I'm busy.
00:42:11What are you talking about?
00:42:12You abandoned me?
00:42:14You promised my father you...
00:42:16Your father died saving me.
00:42:18And I promised to always take care of you.
00:42:21I'll keep that vow, but...
00:42:24Stop bothering Sierra.
00:42:26Bottom line.
00:42:49Shitty William and Oliver.
00:42:51I never should have trusted them.
00:42:57Sierra, I was just...
00:42:59You don't report back to me.
00:43:01I don't give a damn.
00:43:03Sierra, I can explain.
00:43:05Get out of my way!
00:43:07Just move!
00:43:09Just stop it!
00:43:13Are you okay?
00:43:15Is the baby okay?
00:43:19Lucky for us.
00:43:43Is your hand okay?
00:43:45Yeah, it's fine.
00:43:47It doesn't hurt at all.
00:43:49That's good.
00:43:54God, I think I have something to talk about.
00:44:00You promised Sierra looking forward for the baby to come.
00:44:02And that you'll love her forever.
00:44:09I swear on my life.
00:44:11I swear on my life.
00:44:17Even if you don't love me,
00:44:19at least you truly love this baby.
00:44:21And that's enough.
00:44:23I'm sorry, Sierra.
00:44:26My dad's just always trying to control me.
00:44:28And I hate it.
00:44:30And we were friends.
00:44:32And when you agreed to this marriage,
00:44:34I felt betrayed.
00:44:36I'm sorry for the last three years.
00:44:38But now that I have control over the Smith family,
00:44:41I'm hoping we can start over.
00:44:57It's okay.
00:44:59I'll tell you about it later.
00:45:23I've gone to the office.
00:45:25Made you breakfast.
00:45:27Hope you enjoy it.
00:45:30Looks awful.
00:45:38Hey, Ollie. What's up?
00:45:40Hey, Sierra.
00:45:42You should convince William to get checked.
00:45:44There's a possibility there's a tumor in his head.
00:45:49I looked over his symptoms.
00:45:51And his frequent and intense headaches
00:45:54paired with his bad temper
00:45:58could be a tumor.
00:46:00Maybe pressing on a nerve.
00:46:02Are you sure?
00:46:06Intense headaches paired with his bad temper.
00:46:10Very likely.
00:46:16Uh, yeah. I'm here.
00:46:18I tried talking to him last time,
00:46:21but he just wasn't taking me seriously.
00:46:23Ever since his mom died in a hospital,
00:46:26he's been refusing to see a doctor.
00:46:30I'll do my best.
00:46:32Okay. The sooner the better.
00:46:33If I'm right, it could even...
00:46:35Yeah, yeah. I get it.
00:46:43I'm in.
00:46:45I want to redo...
00:46:49What are you doing here?
00:46:51I brought you lunch.
00:46:53You made this?
00:46:57Come try it.
00:47:13That looks fantastic.
00:47:17So, you've been getting headaches often?
00:47:23Yeah. Occasionally.
00:47:25Nothing to worry about.
00:47:27Maybe you should go to the hospital
00:47:30for a checkup.
00:47:34Did, uh...
00:47:36Oliver say something to you?
00:47:41So that's why you brought me lunch, huh?
00:47:43No, William, wait!
00:47:45Oliver was just saying...
00:47:47Oh, Oliver! You do everything because of him?
00:47:49You idiot!
00:47:51I'm doing all this because I'm worried about you!
00:47:56For real?
00:47:58Because you're always so obedient to him.
00:48:00So what? He's smart, and he's always right,
00:48:01but you have no idea how scared I was
00:48:03when I heard that you might die!
00:48:08Okay. Don't worry.
00:48:10I'm healthy. I...
00:48:14William, how many of these
00:48:16have you taken over the past few years?
00:48:21Please, just...
00:48:23go to the hospital with me.
00:48:26I don't want our baby to grow up fatherless.
00:48:34I'll go.
00:48:36I don't want our child to grow up fatherless either.
00:48:42No way!
00:48:47What are you doing here?
00:48:49You got pregnant?
00:48:51You filthy bitch!
00:48:53William, please.
00:48:55Make this baby disappear, okay?
00:48:57Do you even know what you're saying?
00:48:59I only have you since my dad died.
00:49:01If you have this baby, you'll abandon me forever!
00:49:03Stop guilting William because of your dad's death.
00:49:05He deserves to live his own life!
00:49:07Shut up, bitch!
00:49:09You stole William from me!
00:49:13Sarah's my wife.
00:49:15She didn't steal me.
00:49:17I've always been hers.
00:49:23I get it.
00:49:25I'm sorry, William.
00:49:27I won't bother you anymore.
00:50:02You look spooked.
00:50:04You should get some rest.
00:50:08about Jade,
00:50:10can you just not-
00:50:12The patient refuses to cooperate with the treatment
00:50:15without you.
00:50:17Just go.
00:50:19It's fine, I can handle it.
00:50:21I'll be back.
00:50:35Where's William?
00:50:37Get William over here!
00:50:39Don't touch me!
00:50:41Quite energetic, huh?
00:50:59She's in treatment.
00:51:01You really want to die?
00:51:03I'm sorry.
00:51:05I must have really scared you.
00:51:09William, I-
00:51:11I'm really afraid of losing you.
00:51:18you're my only family now.
00:51:21Please don't leave me.
00:51:23You promised my dad.
00:51:27No, please refuse her.
00:51:28All right.
00:51:31But then you have to get treatment.
00:51:34You really care about me?
00:51:39Yeah, William.
00:51:41You always give into her in the end.
00:51:51Hey, Sierra.
00:51:52What brings you here?
00:51:54What happened?
00:51:55Oliver, it's-
00:51:56time for you to keep your promise.
00:51:58I need you to help me leave here.
00:52:01Wait, why?
00:52:02It's Jade.
00:52:04She tried to kill herself
00:52:07in front of William and me.
00:52:16Jeez, is she insane?
00:52:18She definitely is.
00:52:20She would do anything to keep William.
00:52:22You have to help me.
00:52:23She already did.
00:52:24I can't keep William.
00:52:25You have to help me.
00:52:26She already knows I'm pregnant.
00:52:27Who knows what she could do to my baby?
00:52:32Have you talked to William about this yet?
00:52:34Just get rid of Jade.
00:52:35She's the one that should be leaving.
00:52:41All right.
00:52:44But then you have to get treatment.
00:52:46Why should I?
00:52:48I already know the outcome.
00:52:51You know how William feels guilty about Jade.
00:52:53He'll never ditch her.
00:52:55He's just trying to be responsible.
00:52:57I'm never gonna let anyone hurt my baby.
00:53:00Ollie, Jade tried to hurt herself.
00:53:02Who knows what she could do to my kid?
00:53:06Even if I could help you,
00:53:09once you disappear,
00:53:11William will definitely find you.
00:53:13I can't stop him forever.
00:53:16Easy fix.
00:53:18If he thinks I've had an abortion,
00:53:21he won't look for me anymore.
00:53:23What are you saying?
00:53:28you want everybody,
00:53:29especially Jade,
00:53:30to believe the baby's gone.
00:53:32No one will mess with someone who's gone.
00:53:34And once I leave,
00:53:35the baby's safe.
00:53:37You can't hide that from William.
00:53:39He will hate you for it.
00:53:40Then let him.
00:53:41I want him to hate me.
00:53:43And then he'll ask for a divorce
00:53:44and he'll never go looking for me again.
00:53:45He'll never go looking for me again.
00:53:52I'm just a mother trying to protect her baby.
00:53:58And I don't want to lose my family again.
00:54:03I didn't expect you guys to end like this.
00:54:09you have to look out for William for me
00:54:10once I'm gone.
00:54:13What the?
00:54:16I knew I'd find you here.
00:54:21How's Jade?
00:54:23She's fine.
00:54:25Discharged today.
00:54:26Don't worry.
00:54:33What are you guys talking about?
00:54:35Seems heavy.
00:54:38Oliver was just concerned about your headache.
00:54:40He thinks you're sick.
00:54:42I'm not sick.
00:54:43Oliver was just concerned about your headache.
00:54:45He thinks you should go in for a checkup.
00:54:49Uh, yeah.
00:54:51When are you free?
00:54:54Don't worry.
00:54:56Probably just a false alarm.
00:54:58William, I'd like to go home now.
00:55:00Yeah, okay.
00:55:08See you, buddy.
00:55:09I don't want her getting worried.
00:55:29Oh no!
00:55:30The crew ran away!
00:55:42You said that to me once.
00:55:44And back then it was also Jade who called you away.
00:55:48Sierra, I...
00:55:49No, no, it's fine.
00:55:50Don't say anything.
00:55:56can you just get Jade out of our lives?
00:55:58I can't right now, but...
00:56:00No, it's fine.
00:56:02I know you're in a tough spot right now.
00:56:06Tomorrow is your checkup.
00:56:08Don't forget.
00:56:12Thanks, Sierra.
00:56:24So you still decided to go through with this, huh?
00:56:30Follow me.
00:56:41I'll give you the anesthesia soon.
00:56:44Remember, once the fake surgery is done,
00:56:46and after you wake up,
00:56:48the baby will be gone.
00:56:53You remember too.
00:57:08Fine, done with that.
00:57:10When are the results coming in?
00:57:11Within a week.
00:57:12Oh, by the way, sir,
00:57:13Miss Jade's getting discharged today.
00:57:15Forgot about that.
00:57:17Got that place?
00:57:19It'll be a big help for Miss Jade.
00:57:27Are you here to take me home?
00:57:28You look healthy.
00:57:29Both physically and mentally.
00:57:30Well, thanks to you.
00:57:31You're my best remedy.
00:57:35Take a look.
00:57:37My present?
00:57:40What a beautiful place.
00:57:42You like it?
00:57:44It's a psychiatric hospital.
00:57:46Next city over.
00:57:49What do you mean?
00:57:50Jade, you need to get in treatment
00:57:51before you stop hurting yourself and others.
00:57:53Blake will take you next week.
00:57:55You're sending me to a mental hospital?
00:57:59No, I won't go.
00:58:00That's terrifying.
00:58:04No, I won't go.
00:58:05That's terrifying.
00:58:06You said it was nice a minute ago.
00:58:08Well, that's...
00:58:10William, please.
00:58:11I don't want to leave you.
00:58:13You promised my father.
00:58:18your dad's dying away
00:58:19for you to be happy and healthy.
00:58:22Your condition is too severe.
00:58:24You might die.
00:58:25Gosh, I'm not sick at all.
00:58:27If you're by my side,
00:58:28I swear I won't.
00:58:34if you don't care about your life,
00:58:36why should I?
00:58:39Sierra, isn't it?
00:58:42She instigated you
00:58:43into sending me away?
00:58:44See, just you saying that
00:58:45proves me right.
00:58:48Mrs. Smith.
00:58:56So, I guess you already know.
00:58:59The baby's gone.
00:59:08Look at me.
00:59:09Tell me why.
00:59:10Why'd you do it?
00:59:11Get off of me, you jerk.
00:59:12You're hurting me.
00:59:14I'm sorry.
00:59:16I'm sorry.
00:59:17I'm sorry.
00:59:18I'm sorry.
00:59:19I'm sorry.
00:59:20I'm sorry.
00:59:21I'm sorry.
00:59:22I'm sorry.
00:59:23I'm sorry.
00:59:24You're hurting me.
00:59:28Don't you get it?
00:59:31This is my revenge on you.
00:59:41I hate you.
00:59:44And I could never have a baby
00:59:45with someone I don't love.
00:59:51That's not true.
00:59:53You love me.
00:59:56And the baby's here.
00:59:57And this is a prank.
00:59:58And you love me.
01:00:16So you care for me.
01:00:18It's also an act.
01:00:31You're a born actress.
01:01:11You knew about it.
01:01:13You arranged surgery.
01:01:17Anything else up your sleeve?
01:01:41It's been three days.
01:01:46Don't be upset over Ciara.
01:01:48Just divorce her.
01:01:51If you want kids,
01:01:52I'll be pregnant for you.
01:01:56Enough is enough.
01:01:58I'm never divorcing Ciara.
01:02:01Fuck off.
01:02:09Ciara is nothing.
01:02:10Clearly, I'm far better.
01:02:36Ciara had me arrange a car for her.
01:02:37Tomorrow afternoon,
01:02:38she's planning to leave.
01:02:39She didn't want me to tell you,
01:02:40but I don't think you two should end like this.
01:02:42I sent you the details.
01:02:44Just a heads up,
01:02:45you gotta deal with Jade first
01:02:46or she won't come back to you.
01:02:54Lady luck is on my side.
01:02:56What are you doing here?
01:03:00What are you doing with Miss Smith's phone?
01:03:02Um, I...
01:03:05Don't look at me like that.
01:03:07I was just picking it up.
01:03:09You scared me.
01:03:10A girl with self-respect will stay away from married men.
01:03:14Screw you.
01:03:27Pretty soon he won't be married.
01:03:29He'll be a widower.
01:03:40Come in.
01:03:55Why is he so drunk?
01:03:56You know the reason why.
01:04:10Get off him, Craig!
01:04:11I just did surgery.
01:04:17Even if you hate me,
01:04:18I'm not letting you go.
01:04:20You're not leaving me.
01:04:24I killed your baby
01:04:25and you don't hate me?
01:04:27Why don't you hate me?
01:04:31I hate you.
01:04:34I'll treat you like you're my own.
01:04:35I'll treat you like you're my own.
01:04:36I'll treat you like you're my own.
01:04:37I'll treat you like you're my own.
01:04:38I'll treat you like the enemy.
01:04:46I can't.
01:04:49I can't do it.
01:04:56I don't want you to leave me.
01:05:06What did you say?
01:05:08What did you say?
01:05:12Say it again.
01:05:15Sierra, what are you doubting?
01:05:17Even if he says he loves you, so what?
01:05:19It doesn't change anything.
01:05:21He'll still indulge Jade.
01:05:31Goodbye, William.
01:06:09Damn it!
01:06:13Sierra's gone missing.
01:06:30Fancy meeting you here.
01:06:32I'm glad you're here.
01:06:34I'm glad you're here.
01:06:35I'm glad you're here.
01:06:36I'm glad you're here.
01:06:37Fancy meeting you here, Sierra.
01:06:42I've been waiting for you since dawn.
01:06:46This shitty place will make the perfect grave for you.
01:06:50You're insane.
01:06:51You're gonna try and kill me?
01:06:52You filthy bitch.
01:06:54If it weren't for you, William wouldn't have sent me to the psychiatric hospital.
01:06:58You're making me do this.
01:07:00What psychiatric hospital?
01:07:03I should thank you.
01:07:04Thanks to you and Oliver, you've given me the perfect opportunity to take you out.
01:07:12Wait for me.
01:07:15After today, you'll just be the pitiful victim of robbery and murder.
01:07:23And you can't influence William anymore.
01:07:27He'll belong to me.
01:07:42You bitch!
01:07:52Oh my god.
01:07:53Oh my god.
01:08:02She killed your child.
01:08:03Why save her?
01:08:09No, no, no, no.
01:08:10Mommy, you're okay.
01:08:14No, William.
01:08:15Don't be afraid.
01:08:17No, William.
01:08:19William, no!
01:08:24Oh my god.
01:08:26You're finally awake.
01:08:27It's been two whole days.
01:08:29Where's Sierra?
01:08:31Is she okay?
01:08:36Relax, Willie.
01:08:37She was by your side for a whole day and night.
01:08:39She just went home to get some rest.
01:08:41Thank god she's okay.
01:08:45Where's Jade?
01:08:47Blake took her to the police station.
01:08:53She should stay there the rest of her life.
01:08:57Willie, I have some good news and some bad news.
01:09:01The good news is Sierra didn't have an abortion.
01:09:04We lied to you.
01:09:08You two...
01:09:09The bad news is
01:09:11your MRI scan came back.
01:09:14You have a tumor in your brain.
01:09:17The chance of a successful surgery
01:09:19is only five percent.
01:09:25Five percent?
01:09:27The tumor is in a very delicate location.
01:09:30It makes it very difficult to remove.
01:09:34Willie, you need to have the surgery as soon as possible, but...
01:09:37Does Sierra know?
01:09:42No, I just got the report myself.
01:09:47That's good.
01:09:52She should never find out.
01:09:57What do you want to do?
01:10:06Thank god you're alright. I was so worried about you.
01:10:09Wouldn't it be perfect for you if I died?
01:10:11After all, you hate me.
01:10:14I'm sorry. I lied about having the abortion.
01:10:17That the baby's...
01:10:18Save it. I'm not interested.
01:10:22What are you saying?
01:10:27Sign it.
01:10:32You want to divorce me?
01:10:34I want Jade to be my wife.
01:10:36Jade's the one I love.
01:10:38You're kidding me.
01:10:41She just tried to kill me and she stabbed you.
01:10:44She just lacks security. That's all.
01:10:48If it weren't for you, Jade would have been my wife long ago.
01:10:52William, please. Something must have happened.
01:10:54But whatever it is, we'll go through it together. Please.
01:10:58This is for your best interest, Sierra.
01:11:03A 5% chance of success is almost like zero.
01:11:06I'm going to let her watch you die.
01:11:08It's my honest truth.
01:11:15You were so good to me a couple days ago.
01:11:17I mean, even after I lied about having the abortion.
01:11:20I was just out of duty and guilt.
01:11:22But Jade is where my heart is at.
01:11:25Sign it.
01:11:26Put a couple bucks your way.
01:11:28Bounce to another city.
01:11:30Bounce to another city?
01:11:32Are you kidding me? I'm your wife!
01:11:34Quit the act.
01:11:36I'm not asking too much of you.
01:11:39After all, I don't have any family here.
01:11:49That unbearable temper.
01:11:51How could I ever like you?
01:12:02Thank you for teaching me what real love is.
01:12:08No more fooling myself.
01:12:19I love you.
01:12:32She signed it.
01:12:37Willie, when are you planning on having the surgery?
01:12:39Waiting any longer will only make it worse for you.
01:12:42Just a little bit longer.
01:12:45I want to make sure everything is set up for her.
01:13:04The baby is healthy.
01:13:10Oliver and the team of top experts are working on a plan.
01:13:14Your husband's surgery will definitely be successful.
01:13:19What surgery?
01:13:22Tell me.
01:13:29All my assets go to her.
01:13:30Including shares.
01:13:35I'll call you back.
01:13:39Guess I need a new security system.
01:13:41Otherwise Annie won't be able to walk in.
01:13:45Stop pretending, William.
01:13:47I know everything now.
01:13:49Know what?
01:13:50Since when did I get so many Smith Group assets?
01:13:53You even bought back my family's old house.
01:13:56William, you're just doing all this in case your surgery doesn't succeed.
01:13:59Did you ever think about how that would make me feel?
01:14:01Sierra, seeing someone you love suffers painful.
01:14:04Let my mom go that way. I don't put you through...
01:14:15I'm sorry.
01:14:26It's worse not knowing if your loved one is hurting.
01:14:31Willie, please don't shut me out anymore.
01:14:34Whatever happens, we'll go through it together.
01:14:40I'm sorry for nothing we have ever said to you.
01:14:43I didn't mean it.
01:14:48I love you truly, Sierra.
01:14:50I know.
01:14:52I love you too.
01:15:05Well, someone's in a good mood.
01:15:07Where's William?
01:15:08Where's William at? At Smith Group?
01:15:12He's working so hard. He really should be resting and taking it easy.
01:15:17Why? Because of the surgery?
01:15:19When is it?
01:15:20Next week, Friday.
01:15:24That early?
01:15:28Alright, got it.
01:15:30Still just something we'll have to face.
01:15:33Maybe you could do something to cheer him up.
01:15:35It couldn't hurt if he's in a good mood.
01:15:57Dr. Bolivars?
01:16:10Um, the surgery's scheduled for next week.
01:16:14Sorry, Sierra. I don't think I'll be around next week.
01:16:18Don't be so dramatic. The surgery will be a success.
01:16:21Oh, and I got you something on the way.
01:16:24Open it.
01:16:27What is it?
01:16:29I don't know.
01:16:31It's a gift.
01:16:33A gift?
01:16:34I got you something on the way.
01:16:36Open it.
01:16:40A pink tie?
01:16:41Uh-huh. Pink.
01:16:47It's a girl!
01:16:51The daughter you've been waiting for.
01:16:54And we're gonna raise her together.
01:16:56Trust me.
01:16:58Come with me.
01:17:01Where are you taking me?
01:17:04Come on.
01:17:09We're here.
01:17:12This is... our...
01:17:13And we're gonna get married.
01:17:16I'm sorry about before.
01:17:17I won't give you the wedding that you deserve.
01:17:20And I want it to be perfect.
01:17:21I hope it's not too late.
01:17:28Come on. Make Barista ready.
01:17:35Come on.
01:17:46You look stunning.
01:17:53You've always been the one I've loved.
01:17:55The one I want to marry.
01:17:59Will you marry me again?
01:18:01Will you marry me again?
01:18:34Are you okay?
01:18:37Somebody help!
01:18:48William, please!
01:18:52Sierra, Sierra, stop!
01:18:53You can't go in there!
01:18:54No, it's all happening so fast!
01:18:56I'm not ready, Oliver!
01:18:57Please, you have to stop!
01:18:59Please, you have to save him!
01:19:01I will, I will.
01:19:05You have to be okay!
01:19:30Mrs. Smith.
01:19:31Boss had to give this to you on the day he goes into surgery.
01:19:35It's all his belongings.
01:19:36He said, even if he's not around, you can still live well with these.
01:19:42No, I don't need it.
01:19:44He'll be back soon.
01:19:47There's also a letter inside.
01:19:49For you.
01:20:15Sierra, I might be on surgery table right now.
01:20:19I'm sorry.
01:20:20I know you must be worried.
01:20:23I'm not a good husband.
01:20:25In the past, I've brought you a lot of pain.
01:20:27I can't promise to be by your side in the future.
01:20:31So I'm leaving these behind.
01:20:33That's my way of being there for you.
01:20:37What's the point of having all this if you're not around?
01:20:40If you don't want it, then this is my last gift.
01:20:43I'll leave it for Emily.
01:20:45So, anyway, I've got to take it.
01:20:50You're the strongest, most beautiful, liveliest girl I've ever met.
01:20:55And I believe you and Emily can do fine without me.
01:21:00Lastly, I love you.
01:21:24I love you.
01:21:38I'm here again.
01:21:43Emily started talking recently.
01:21:47Her first words were tatty.
01:21:52I'm happy now.
01:21:54Don't worry.
01:21:58Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Walker.
01:22:01Take good care of your daughter.
01:22:03I'll love her forever.
01:22:09How did the results go?
01:22:11They've gotten better.
01:22:12No leftover junk.
01:22:14Oliver said it's like a miracle.
01:22:18You're my miracle.
01:22:24I love you.
01:22:26I love you too.