• 2 months ago
00:00Bǒ Fìng, Guiān Tì Lượng, Fâng 2, Tập 22
00:10Tăng học rồi!
00:30Đóng ngày là bài tập về nhà, đã chia ra cho mọi người rồi.
00:34Thằng bé này!
00:36Người lanh lợi đấy!
00:39Ta có chuyện này muốn hỏi.
00:41Hỏi đi!
00:42Vì sao người lại lập ra tấm biển này?
00:44Người truyền đạo, dạy dỗ trên đảo, không phải biểu phá bái làm sư phụ sao?
00:50Ai cũng theo quyết tắc của ta.
00:52Vì sao người lại muốn ghi chuyện với ta?
00:57Hỏi lúc tung thì không cần đi học nữa.
01:07Phụng lão nghỉ ngơi, bạn bê xe hồn về trước.
01:12Đi đi.
01:19Sao đột nhiên là khó chịu?
01:22Vì sự sắc khởi hành,
01:25tiến tới chốn cực lạc,
01:28lĩnh ngộ thiên đạo.
01:31Cho dù ta không ở đây,
01:33các ngươi cũng phải tu luyện đàng hoàng.
01:36Không được người biến.
01:38Bỏ bê đạo hẳn, chốn cực lạc.
01:41Là ở đâu, nếu chúng con tu hành, gặp phải bình cảnh,
01:44thì đi đâu để tìm người?
01:48Nơi đó khó tìm.
01:52Không ở thế giới này.
01:54Không ở...
01:56thế giới này.
02:04Sư phụ,
02:06sau này con có thể tới chốn cực lạc tìm người không?
02:09Chốn cực lạc ở đâu?
02:12Khi con đạt tới cảnh giới thái thượng Vong Tinh,
02:16là có thể tới chốn cực lạc,
02:19gặp được ta.
02:29Nơi đó rất khó tìm.
02:33Lẽ nào?
02:36Sư phụ,
02:39nơi này không phải chốn cực lạc.
02:45Không thể nghĩ nữa.
02:48Đạt tới thái thượng Vong Tinh,
02:50ta đã hứa với sư phụ,
02:53ta không thể
02:55để việc sách thành lại hỏng.
02:59Chúng sinh đều khổ,
03:01chỉ có tựa độ,
03:04thiên ý vô thường,
03:07thuận theo tự nhiên.
03:10Cái này chưa từng thấy.
03:12Linh T,
03:13cái này ta định mang theo lúc đi,
03:15đã bị hỏng quá nghiêm trọng,
03:17chỉ có thể nhờ cô thôi.
03:24Cái này,
03:25là của thương gia.
03:29Sau trận hỏa hoạn đó,
03:31người ấm áp ngày đó,
03:34chỉ còn chút nhớ những này thôi.
03:38Yên tâm,
03:39giao cho ta,
03:40làm phiền Linh T.
03:42Đúng rồi,
03:43cái này tặng cho cô.
03:45Ta thử mô phẩm theo phong cách của cô,
03:47nhưng thiêu mãi không được.
03:49Sao vậy chứ?
03:50Ta thích lắm.
03:51Da tạ.
03:57Linh Lung,
03:58để lại nghịch ngợm.
04:03Hai vị thị thị cùng chơi đi,
04:05kiếm ghi tiêu công tử
04:06mang từ trên thuyền tới,
04:07nhiều đồ chơi thế này.
04:10Cậu nhóc,
04:11bán tên ở Phạm Giang
04:12không phải chơi như người đâu.
04:14Vậy khuyên thị Phạm đi.
04:19Bán tên,
04:20quan trọng là khả năng kiên định và phán đoán.
04:22Thời kết thúc nhất để ra tay,
04:24chỉ có một khắc.
04:40Được đấy.
04:42Không cần tiên pháp
04:43mà bắn được được mới là thực lực thật sự.
04:47Nào nào, cho ta thử.
04:58Ta không tin.
05:00Ta thử xem.
05:02Đừng đừng.
05:03Sức mạnh của cô,
05:04đi chơi cục đá bên đó đi.
05:06Thứ nhả mạnh thế này,
05:07sao chịu nổi cô?
05:10Nên tê, hư thử đi.
05:19Mở hai chân,
05:20vai trái hạ thấp,
05:22ba ngón tay phải kéo dây,
05:24tâm tĩnh mới có thể tập trung.
05:27Học cách cảm nhận người và tinh thần đồng nhất,
05:29theo hướng con tim.
05:37Tổ mẫu,
05:39tu, tu trưởng lão, tổ mẫu.
05:55Sao chứ?
05:56Người muốn con quản lý chuyện quan trọng thế này.
06:00Việc này,
06:01việc kiểu này cần động não,
06:03xác xếp cho cha còn không phải tốt hơn sao?
06:05Rốn kiếp.
06:06Sao ta có thể giao quyền không
06:08chỉ bí mật cốt dõi của gia tộc,
06:10vào tay người ngoài?
06:12con chỉ cảm thấy
06:14bản thân không đủ thông minh.
06:16Nếu xử lý không tốt,
06:17lại thêm rắc rối cho nhà.
06:22Việc này,
06:24liên quan mật thiết tới vận bình trinh gia.
06:27Cha con,
06:28xếp cho cùng vẫn là người ngoài.
06:31Mẹ con,
06:32Mẹ con,
06:34thành thế tượng người ta không nhắc tới cũng được.
06:38Biết mặt tộc ta,
06:39chỉ còn con và huyện Nhi thôi.
06:42À huyện,
06:44chắc không muốn làm mấy thứ này đâu.
06:48vẫn nên để con làm đi.
06:49Con biết lão gia chống đỡ trinh gia rất vất vả.
06:52Nếu không có ngài,
06:53gia tộc ở trên đảo cũng không có thể diễn như vậy.
06:56Mấy năm nay,
06:57tốt hay xấu,
06:58người đều một mình đánh hết.
06:59Bây giờ tu Nhi,
07:00theo lý Phạm Sang sẽ cùng người,
07:01con sẽ cố gắng học tập để kiểm soát tốt.
07:06Tương lai,
07:07nếu người truyền vị cho A huyện,
07:09trinh gia gặp khó khăn,
07:10con sẽ âm thầm giúp đệ ấy giải quyết.
07:12Không có gì thì con ngại làm công tử bục vô lo,
07:14cũng khá tốt.
07:17Con không muốn tranh giành vị trí gia chủ.
07:20Nếu lần này mưu hại thành công,
07:21trong tương lai,
07:22trinh gia càng cần củng cố thế cục hơn,
07:24hội phục lại nguyên khí.
07:25Đệ đệ ở trên đảo cũng có tiếng tăm hơn.
07:27Con biết,
07:28đệ ấy thích hợp thiếp bước người hơn con.
07:30Người ngâm cho phép đệ ấy hành y
07:31trên đảo mấy năm nay,
07:32không phải cũng nghĩ như vậy sao?
07:35Con tưởng,
07:36đệ thành gia chủ trinh gia dễ vậy sao?
07:40Chưa chết nó đã vượt qua bài kiểm tra.
07:43Lần này,
07:45ngân tụ sự hy sinh của các tổ tiên mấy đời trinh gia,
07:49là tích nguyện quý giá nhất của trinh gia.
07:53Bây giờ,
07:54sẽ trao lại quyền kiểm soát nó cho con.
07:59Con sẽ trở thành người duy nhất ngoài ta,
08:02có thể kiểm soát được lo giác trong trinh gia.
08:05Lão gia,
08:06tôi gia sai người Phạm bị tàn biển các gái đồ,
08:08tới bởi trinh gia Pháp Ấn.
08:11Con đường kết nối người Phạm và đảo Tư Lượng,
08:14sẽ giúp đỡ người Phạm và đảo Tư Lượng
08:16trở thành một trinh gia.
08:19Tuy nhiên,
08:20người Phạm sẽ giúp đỡ người Phạm
08:22và đảo Tư Lượng.
08:25Tuy nhiên,
08:26người Phạm sẽ giúp đỡ người Phạm
08:28và đảo Tư Lượng.
08:30Tuy nhiên,
08:31con đường kết nối người Phạm và đảo Tư Lượng
08:35đã tới lúc cắt đứt rồi.
08:43Phùng Lão và trinh gia,
08:45hôm nay thực sự tới giúp mở khóa sao.
08:48Đã đồng ý rồi.
08:56Tôi gia các người đúng là khiến đảo mất mặt mà,
08:58vì một người Phạm,
09:00mục như vậy trột,
09:01con hành hạ mọi người phải chạy một chuyến.
09:04Trinh đại thiếu gia nghèo vốn từ tới nổi,
09:06chỉ biết châm trọc mê mai,
09:07vậy thì không mất mặt sao.
09:15Bái kiến Phùng Lão.
09:19Đứng dậy đi.
09:30Đứng dậy.
10:00Pháp ứng lợi hại vậy, con có thể làm như này.
10:02Tao cũng chỉ mới nhìn thấy.
10:03Đây là lần đầu được đi.
10:05Cảm giác không tệ.
10:23Một mặt trông hài hóa.
10:25Một người phạm.
10:26Let's go
10:39Tia, come here
10:44Feng Lao, what's wrong with you?
10:46I'm not going in
10:48I'm not going in
10:51Okay, thanks for your trust
10:54Hurry up, the door is about to close
10:56Talk to you later
11:16Here, keep the medicine
11:18Take your stuff and go
11:20Don't come back
11:21The island doesn't welcome criminals
11:23Hey, your back
11:25Be careful
11:30Hurry up
11:34There's a boat down there, run to the mountain
11:41Oh no
11:43They're here, hurry up
11:52Who are you?
11:55It seems that every time I think of the way to interrogate
11:57It's not just through the eyes of the people on the island
11:59How do you know about the bracelet?
12:01Take off the bracelet
12:04Kill the criminal
12:07What are they talking about?
12:09I can't hear you
12:39Their goal is the bracelet
12:41Give it to me
12:51You two are not easy to deal with
12:53We use one night
13:21The three-day deal is tonight
13:27The girl's head was hit by an electric shock
13:34I hope I can save her
13:38Who do you want to save?
13:45Kill him
13:47He doesn't just want the bracelet
13:49He also wants to kill the killer
13:51Give me the bracelet
13:53We can fight for a while
13:55No, I can't give up
13:57Hurry up and hide
13:59Ask Phuong Lan to help
14:01Maybe he's still out there
14:03Hurry up, Linh Te
14:07Linh Te
14:13Linh Te
14:17Linh Te
14:33What's going on?
14:47Linh Te
14:49Linh Te
14:51Linh Te
14:53Linh Te
14:55Linh Te
14:57Linh Te
14:59Linh Te
15:01Linh Te
15:03Linh Te
15:05Linh Te
15:07Linh Te
15:09Linh Te
15:11Linh Te
15:13Linh Te
15:15Linh Te
15:27When did you come back?
15:39Calm down
15:41I don't know what happened to her just now, I don't know either, she suddenly appeared to steal the earring and killed people.
16:02Where is Tulip?
16:04She and a bodyguard fell into the abyss just now, hurry up and save her.
16:12Phung Lao, you're here.
16:14Is Tulip and Linh T okay?
16:21Phung Lao, what's wrong?
16:24It's okay, come here.
16:27They're up there.
16:28The situation is not very good.
16:29Hurry up and take a look.
16:32Miss, Linh T.
16:38Episode 23
16:39Episode 23
16:40Episode 23
16:59What is it clearly above?
17:01It seems to be some kind of spell.
17:05No wonder the sound is so loud.
17:08Why is there something like this on the island?
17:10A few years ago, we investigated the situation on the island.
17:13Linh T saw a set of tools in the abyss.
17:16Afraid of snakes and grass, Linh didn't take it to research.
17:19Then when I looked again, they were all transferred.
17:23What happened to the island?
17:25Maybe it's just an abandoned site.
17:28These artifacts on the island are mostly from the jungle.
17:32Unfortunately, there is no evidence now.
17:34Phung Lao, hurry up and come here.
17:36The situation is not very good.
17:41The film is licensed by the website hh3d.com
17:44Okay, I got it.
17:48You guys go back to your place and wait for me.
18:07Let's go back to the abandoned house together.
18:09Check the situation of the abandoned house.
18:12People who go to investigate the population
18:14There will be results in the evening.
18:16At that time, we will discuss it later.
18:20See you tonight.
18:29Are you busy cleaning up for Mr. Xiao?
18:32Don't worry.
18:36I'm busy.
18:49You spread the news that Mr. Xiao was killed, right?
18:53I really didn't spread the news.
18:57A Wei is still hiding below.
18:59Who went in?
19:00You can ask him.
19:02You just don't admit it.
19:04Two robbers
19:06Only rely on the head of the house and two people
19:09How can you deny that Phung Lao came in?
19:12Did you read the information of the right person?
19:15If he really met the God of War
19:17Will you still stay here to investigate me?
19:20This time, a group of people were caught in the bath.
19:24All because of the salt oil.
19:26Eat the fish in the river
19:28Lao Ya
19:29Lao Ya
19:30Please raise your hand.
19:32Why are you here?
19:34Where are you?
19:35Take Ah Huynh away.
19:39Lao Ya
19:40Lao Ya
19:41Lao Ya
19:42Lao Ya
19:43Lao Ya
19:44Lao Ya
19:45Lao Ya
19:46Lao Ya
19:47Lao Ya
19:48Lao Ya
19:50Lao Ya
19:51Lao Ya
19:52I won't go anywhere.
19:53You hit me.
19:54I will fight instead of you.
19:56We are family.
19:58Ah Huynh
19:59Get up.
20:00Lao Ya
20:01Lao Ya never considered me as a member of the family.
20:08I am still a chess.
20:11But dad can leave anytime.
20:15Never considered you as a member of the family.
20:19These years working for the family
20:21I brought you along with me.
20:23I thought I didn't know.
20:25But as long as I don't affect the interests of the family
20:28I will fight for you.
20:31Now you dare to collude with the enemy.
20:34You are not familiar.
20:38Our family's new contract is the most important.
20:41Is it true that dad is suffering?
20:43You explain to Lao Ya.
20:49Kill him.
20:50No order from me.
20:52Don't leave half-awake.
21:04Lao Ya
21:05How is Huynh?
21:12Did you save him?
21:15He recovered by himself.
21:17I was also very surprised.
21:20At that time, his wound
21:22heart was broken
21:24and he was out of breath.
21:26In such a short time, he recovered.
21:30This is not the strength of a prisoner.
21:35Lao Ya
21:36Do you think this strength is
21:39because of his punishment that year?
21:42So what about you two?
21:44We haven't been stabbed in the heart like a cripple.
21:48How do you know?
21:51So the reason why the cripple was poisoned so deeply and did not die
21:54Is it because of this?
21:56So the body appeared when the monster attacked
21:59He called
22:01I don't know.
22:09It seems that the remnants of that year's battle are beyond imagination.
22:13In the battle
22:15That's why people have such strange powers.
22:18We are all the same.
22:20Are you sure you saw the person in the water-stained armor die?
22:24So at that time, the armor disappeared and flew away.
22:29If only this armor was needed
22:31So let me go down to the water to find the armor.
22:33Forget it.
22:35Really, it's okay.
22:37I'm fine.
22:40In such a large area, don't waste your effort.
22:44The cripple has escaped the danger.
22:46I will go back to think about the way.
22:48You guys go ahead.
22:51See you later.
22:54I'm sorry to bother you.
22:58The cripple saved me and was seriously injured.
23:00It's not that I didn't take care of it.
23:03But it's okay.
23:05If the old man brought someone here to ask me
23:07Then leave it here.
23:10Dangerous, run away.
23:12In the end, what did everyone meet in the cemetery?
23:14How did it appear?
23:16Describe the whole process for me.
23:19Let's go outside and talk.
23:24Why did you save me?
23:26What if you didn't have that power in your body?
23:29Now in front of my eyes is just a body.
23:34At that time, what were you thinking?
23:41Today's funeral can't keep the evidence.
23:45But the statement of the two witnesses
23:47I can't forget.
23:49On the island, most of it comes from the family.
23:52Please give me an answer.
23:55My family has been good at manufacturing.
23:58The clothes have created a lot of uncountable.
24:02How can you keep track of each one?
24:05What if it's really related to the family?
24:08The same is just the production of monitoring.
24:11The production of the body is also related to the family.
24:14I don't think it's related to the family.
24:17It's just the production of monitoring.
24:19The production of monitoring.
24:21It would be more correct if it was a failed attack.
24:23Mr. Feng called and wanted to fake it for me.
24:25It's very polite.
24:31According to the experts,
24:33we have investigated all the people on the island.
24:37All are here.
24:39No one is missing.
24:41No one is injured.
24:47This is all investigated by the Xu family.
24:51What else do the two elders have to say?
25:00Obviously, the first one who saw the man in the suit was missing.
25:04Why is there no one missing on the island?
25:07Where is that person?
25:09Moreover, Mr. Feng investigated all the clothes.
25:13Obviously, he is going to kill people.
25:16Killing people on the island is a serious crime.
25:19It is against the history of the island.
25:21It is not allowed to go out when it is sacred.
25:24What reason does my nephew have to do this?
25:28Moreover, the recent population survey
25:31can prove that
25:34the person who did this was not on the island.
25:38You mean...
25:39Jin Huyen?
25:42A few days ago,
25:44someone disguised himself as me
25:47and broke into my house.
25:50Because I didn't make it,
25:52I think
25:54he is a precious guest of the Xu family.
25:57Maybe he just wants to play.
26:00So I didn't make a big deal
26:02and treated him like a face.
26:07today he disguised himself as a man in a suit
26:10and got involved in a murder case in Tan Dien Cat.
26:14But no one denounced the law
26:16and allowed Jin Huyen to go to Tan Dien Cat.
26:20The two witnesses also did not see the high priest in Tan Dien Cat.
26:25The old man was not buried.
26:28Why is the old man so sure?
26:31He needs to get the new law to be able to enter Tan Dien Cat.
26:35Ten years ago,
26:37there was no law prohibiting him from entering Tan Dien Cat.
26:40Until now, it has not been clearly investigated.
26:43What if I can get the evidence of Jin Huyen's death in Tan Dien Cat?
26:51I came in from the secret door that my father left.
26:53I can't let others know that I came today.
26:55So how do you know what's going on here?
26:58It's transmitted.
26:59Maybe it's not because of that expert.
27:02The old man knows.
27:03There are only outsiders on the island who can tell the truth.
27:08In this case, you only doubt the expert.
27:11You don't mention a word about the high priest from the outside.
27:15Are you the same group?
27:19Three days.
27:20If we can find evidence related to Jin Huyen's high priest,
27:23three days is enough to prove that the expert is related.
27:26You're not dragging that time, are you?
27:29All right.
27:30Don't argue anymore.
27:32This is a serious and complicated matter.
27:36I vow not to allow this kind of destruction to exist on the island.
27:42The armor will continue to be investigated.
27:46And three days later,
27:48if the old man can't get the evidence related to Jin Huyen's high priest,
27:53the armor killer will definitely have something to do with the price.
28:03I will follow the law on the island to avoid your position.
28:10If I can get the evidence to prove that Jin Huyen's high priest has a problem,
28:16I also ask the old man and the old woman to criticize me.
28:21Let's work together.
28:24Don't be soft-hearted.
28:31Ah Xuan,
28:32from now on, you will replace my father to supervise the investigation.
28:36Later, I will be responsible for this matter.
28:38Yes, father.
28:40What's wrong with you?
28:42I don't trust you anymore.
28:44You didn't even let me touch you before.
28:46Now it's my duty.
28:56There is a letter in the box.
28:58What did my father say?
29:01He just asked me what time it is.
29:04Then he gave me a bowl of cold soup.
29:06He told me to bring it to the kitchen to warm it up.
29:09Ask for the time.
29:12Give it to me. I'll heat it up.
29:20Who is it?
29:26It's a letter.
29:31Who is it for?
29:36Who is it?
29:39Do me a favor.
29:41Why haven't you brought me dinner yet?
29:43That's right. I'm starving.
29:46Wait a little longer.
29:57Today's incident at the cemetery was like that.
30:00I gave the order to control it.
30:02My family still believes in me.
30:05I'm not afraid of death.
30:07I'm not afraid of death.
30:10My family still believes in me.
30:13But that's the end of my family.
30:17Now I regret that I didn't catch the bandit in the water.
30:20It doesn't matter.
30:23You're new here. You don't know.
30:25On this island, a lot of weapons are made according to legal information.
30:30The fabric of the Tuyamay is made by the Cheng family.
30:33These things are very easy to be found.
30:36You can find the evidence and solve the case.
30:40In addition, there is a theory that the dead are reincarnated.
30:46It's a long story.
30:49Maybe it's because of a punishment.
30:52It all started ten years ago.
30:56You mean the incident of the Cheng family?
30:59You mean the incident of the Cheng family?
31:01That's right.
31:02Don't believe them.
31:04My parents raised me well.
31:06It's not a lie.
31:08It's just that their son has a little problem.
31:13Their son?
31:14What's the problem?
31:17That little boy is always quiet.
31:19Suddenly, he changes his face.
31:21It's like singing.
31:23Change his face.
31:24Huynh often loses control.
31:26I heard that before adopting me, Huynh had hurt several children on the island.
31:29No one dared to let my son play with Huynh anymore.
31:32When I was a kid, I often lost control.
31:34Why didn't I have any impression?
31:36So, did he ever hurt you?
31:40When I came to the Cheng family, my parents and Uncle Cheng found a way to treat Huynh.
31:45Uncle Cheng?
31:47Cheng Huynh was infected.
31:50It's too late.
31:51I have something urgent to go out.
31:53You guys have a good rest today.
31:55I'll talk to you tomorrow.
32:01Brothers, it's morning.
32:02Let's go to the teacher.
32:03Hurry up and have breakfast.
32:06It's hard.
32:07It's hard.
32:08Let's go.
32:09It's morning.
32:11I've been sleeping for so long.
32:15Ah Huynh is missing.
32:17Let's go out.
32:18Go a little further.
32:24I'm awake.
32:25Have some breakfast.
32:34I've seen the news.
32:35I went to replace my father last night.
32:38What did you say?
32:39I said I went to Vietnam last night.
32:41Guess who I was waiting for?
32:46You don't believe me?
32:49Last night, Nha Hoang told me to ask Kenji.
32:51I'm sure he has an appointment.
32:53Otherwise, he won't be in a hurry to confirm Kenji.
32:55Then send the news to cancel.
32:58According to the original plan,
32:59last night, my father had a mission from Nha.
33:01He could take Nguyen Thuan out
33:03to the police station.
33:05But because of the recent incident,
33:07there was an order from my father to protect precious food.
33:10He could temporarily avoid going to the police station.
33:12I think it must be there.
33:16why did you act on your own?
33:19I asked you the reason.
33:20You didn't tell me.
33:21I could only ask that person.
33:26This is my father's response.
33:27The person he promised to meet is definitely Kengyuan.
33:30So, is there any evidence of meeting him?
33:35Don't worry.
33:36I will keep it a secret.
33:38After all, your father risked his life
33:40and refused to reveal half of the word about that person.
33:43I think if it was my father who wanted to help,
33:45he would have done it.
33:47How could you do that?
33:50Didn't you give him a letter of apology?
33:54Isn't this what my father hoped for?
33:57That's just an excuse to ask him to come.
34:00His memory has a problem.
34:02I want to tell him the truth face to face.
34:04Tell him not to come.
34:16It can't be.
34:18Now is not the right time.
34:23You lied to me.
34:26It's a pity.
34:29It's enough for me to deal with him.
34:33I will relay my father's thoughts.
34:36Ah Huyen, I'm waiting.
34:38Ah Huyen.
34:41Where are you?
34:42Master, if you have any questions,
34:44please serve my father well.
34:47Before I was found out,
34:48no one came to the residence to point me out.
34:50Maybe they can prove that they haven't betrayed me.
34:53My father...
34:54even warned me not to meet dangerous people.
34:57What will he say to me today?
35:00Chapter 24
35:10Why didn't I find this boat before?
35:14It seems that magic has merged with the world here.
35:17Chapter 25
35:23Tran Huyen?
35:24Why is it not Tran Huyen?
35:28Tran Huyen is also related to the spell.
35:31How can Tran Huyen have this meaning?
35:36These two letters were sent by Tran Huyen.
35:41How much is this book?
35:44I've been waiting for you for a long time.
35:46Don't worry.
35:47There are guards around.
35:48Ordinary people can't get in.
35:50Otherwise, how can we get so many rare plants?
35:55Coming to this country,
35:56to confirm who is no longer meaningful,
35:59what's the point?
36:16Chapter 26
36:21The two meetings,
36:22the attitude of the two experts was so different.
36:24It surprised me.
36:26Before going to the main story,
36:27I confirmed one thing first.
36:29You don't remember me anymore?
36:31Remember what?
36:37She was hurt when she brought the baby to the island.
36:41Chapter 27
36:45Are they all the same?
36:49Who is this?
36:50What can it prove?
36:52What's the point of creating this?
36:55I know you won't admit it in front of me.
36:57But even so,
36:59I can use this
37:01to make you lose your reputation on the island.
37:05Do you think everyone will believe you or me?
37:08Why don't you do that now?
37:11I have my own calculations.
37:14since I dared to invite you here today to talk about these things,
37:17I'm ready to kill you.
37:22What did I do when I was a kid?
37:25Can I go straight to the point?
37:28There used to be a lot of this kind of grass on the island.
37:30But since then,
37:31it has been harvested too much.
37:33Now it's very rare.
37:35Now it's very rare.
37:37It's really a grass.
37:39This can help you recover your memory.
37:43Why don't you help me?
37:46because we haven't seen each other for many years.
37:49Even if you forget.
37:56I won't bother you anymore.
37:57I don't have to help you.
37:59Memories can't be erased.
38:01The condition is that the information that can be resolved must be synchronized with me.
38:05Do you dare to bet?
38:09This grass can restore memory.
38:13As long as you can recover your memory,
38:15what's important in the middle?
38:23Don't believe me?
38:25Then think about it slowly.
38:27I can't be too late.
38:45What is this used for?
38:46Grind it into powder and use it.
38:48Immediately effective.
38:56Use the rest of the grass to restore memory and then throw it away.
38:59I think so.
39:00But we still have to figure out the solution first,
39:02then calculate the memory.
39:04You seem
39:06to be very nervous.
39:09After all, before I was four years old, it was all my memory.
39:13Sure enough,
39:14when Cheng Huyen was injured before I was formed,
39:16even Lei Nuong said the same thing.
39:18At that time,
39:19did you really do something too much?
39:22I also want to know.
39:24With the help of the fish,
39:25Cheng Huyen will see our memories.
39:28But he can't see you.
39:31Don't worry.
39:33Memories can be seen,
39:35but the spirit can't.
39:36Unless he himself enters the spirit,
39:39he can see us exist.
39:42Let's get started.
39:58Let's go.
40:17What does he want to do?
40:19Do you want to repeat that year?
40:39This method uses a lot of force like this.
40:41Only relying on one parent
40:43can't resist that great battle.
40:45What is the force that resisted it?
40:52Could it be...
40:53The Great Wall?
40:55No wonder I didn't want to look.
40:57I couldn't find the Great Wall.
40:59It's a toy I used to see at home when I was a kid.
41:01It's a magic weapon.
41:03It was created by my own research.
41:24How is she?
41:30It's still the disease left by that year.
41:36Plus all these years of hard work.
41:39You have to be mentally prepared.
41:42Can't resist for years.
41:48You really shouldn't have a child at this time.
41:54Why do you have to take the risk?
41:56Your health condition can't last any longer.
41:59The battle is our only chance.
42:01I don't want to talk to you.
42:03Get him out of here.
42:04We are the same.
42:06Every effort is for the good.
42:08So let me see him.
42:10Can I?
42:21Ah Xuan.
42:25What's wrong?
42:26He stole my stuff.
42:28Look at him.
42:29He hit someone else and got hurt.
42:31That's right.
42:32Is there a difference?
42:33I'm sorry, Ah Nhim.
42:35It's my fault.
42:36I didn't teach you well.
42:38I apologize on his behalf, Ah Huyen.
42:42It's okay.
42:43It's normal for children to fight.
42:46Go to your room and talk.
42:54Fu'er can't be rude.
42:56You are so good to me.
42:59It's okay.
43:00I can't even talk to a big kid like this.
43:10How is it?
43:11I just took a look.
43:12I'm sure I can get through his reflexes.
43:15So that he won't lose control.
43:17So the power of the body will not be exposed.
43:20But the memory that makes him lose control will be sealed again.
43:23So you have to think carefully.
43:25There is no other way.
43:30I have to do that.
43:51Press it and it will turn back to normal.
43:53Try it.
44:13This is what my dad gave me.
44:29Don't be willful.
44:30You have to learn how to control yourself.
44:32Do you understand?
44:45How many times has Fu lost control recently?
44:49Don't worry.
44:50Aran has adjusted his temperament.
44:53He said it needed to be digested.
44:55I also researched the mechanism of turning around and hitting people.
44:58So at least it won't hurt others.
45:02Otherwise, our situation on the island will be more dangerous.
45:07I thought it could get stronger.
45:11What should I do now?
45:14The government has agreed to my request.
45:17As long as I get out of the island, I will get what I need.
45:20As long as I return to the world,
45:22my problem and the baby's problem will be solved.
45:34Dad is back.
45:39Dad is back.
45:41I finished work early today.
45:54This baby has to stay in our house for a while.
46:00Didn't you say the baby's father was about to leave the island?
46:03The people on the island know they are not afraid of water,
46:05and have a lot of money,
46:07so they cooperated with DOHA.
46:09Hope they can patrol the coast of the people on the island,
46:12investigate the flooding situation around the island,
46:14and record it down,
46:15so they can break the map and the ecological map.
46:18DOHA thinks it's too dangerous to take the baby,
46:21so they want the baby to stay on the island.
46:23They will pick up the baby when they return.
46:26Is that so?
46:28It's okay.
46:30Let's continue to take care of it.
46:33I used to worry that taking care of two children would tire you.
46:37But I really want to take this baby.
46:40How lovely!
46:41I also want to have a daughter,
46:51In that case, the two children can be friends.
46:54We have a lot of work to do,
46:56and we don't have time to be with them forever.
47:00This meeting must be held firmly.
47:02It seems that the baby has to stay.
47:10What are you doing?
47:14Why can't I move?
47:37Mom, what's wrong with you?
47:39Dad, look at me!
48:08The baby's strength seems to be weakening.
48:14I'm tired.
48:47It's amazing!
48:48The recovery was too fast.
48:50That's right.
48:51I feel like my muscles have been pierced.
48:53The wound doesn't hurt anymore.
48:55I have to tell Linh Tien this good news.
48:59It's so late.
49:00Who's over there?
49:01Let's find the Prime Minister first.
49:07It turns out that the battle is just a test.
49:10He is also a victim.
49:12This is why Dad didn't let him answer.
49:15The old man still has a secret deal with his son.
49:19At the battle for the island that year,
49:21the old man also joined later.
49:24Could it be that the person who saved the medicine to keep Linh's stuff is also the old man?
49:47It turns out
49:49I'm the one who doesn't want to wake up.
50:00All these years, I've been investigating the meaning of the tree.
50:04I don't think it's true.
50:07Don't fool yourself into remembering people.
50:09Memories are still not clear enough.
50:11That man is the old man.
50:14Moreover, we are the source of the battle that caused the island to fall into the same path.
50:18It's also the reason why Mom got sick.
50:24Who do you want to meet in the end?
50:27It's not love.
50:29Enough. The more you guess, the more you get lost.
50:31The victim is not the old man.
50:32You're still an adult.
50:33It's all because his happiness has been destroyed.
50:35Who is his happiness?
50:37What does it have to do with Mom and Dad?
50:39We will investigate this.
50:40We've been working together since we were kids.
50:42What have we investigated?
50:43It turns out that the memories were not lost when they were young.
50:45But they were all sealed.
50:48You are the monster that harms others.
50:50No wonder you were sealed.
50:52Now the truth is clear.
50:53What else do you want to say?
50:56Dad used to leave the medicine to make me believe.
50:58Why do I have to face her like this?
51:00How am I going to face her in the future?
51:01Wait a minute.
51:03Let's eat.
51:06Put it on the table first.
51:07The film was nominated for the website hh3d.com
51:11Huynh, are you unhappy?
51:14Can you tell me?
51:16If anyone hurts Huynh, I'll help you teach him a lesson.
51:18I'm fine.
51:19I'll eat later.
51:25We're all downstairs.
51:27Call me if you need anything.
51:35Stop criticizing me.
51:37You have no problem.
51:39You still think you want to keep her on the island.
51:42I know you have feelings for her.
51:44But this island is dangerous.
51:47It's not her homeland.
51:49We can't control the course of this matter.
51:53That woman has a disease and a heart disease.
51:56She shouldn't be trapped in this small island.
51:58What's good for her?
52:00Do you understand?
52:02You don't need to control this matter.
52:04So don't control me either.
52:05The truth is very important to me.
52:07I don't accept one-sided memories.
52:09And I don't accept false conclusions.
52:11For my parents, I will continue to investigate.
