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00:00So Roop has not told anyone in his house that we have come and Roop is going to show his face to his mother after 1.5 months.
00:06And a small baby has also come to our house.
00:08Dude, we need a baby cord for a new born baby, so that it becomes automatic.
00:11Will you be able to tolerate 100 kgs of weight?
00:13Yes, I will be able to tolerate.
00:13You will be able to tolerate.
00:14You also sit.
00:16Okay mom, I was saying that I had to get a package.
00:18So I gave the address of your house.
00:21So it has come down.
00:23Has it come?
00:24Yes, so you send someone to pick it up.
00:25After 1.5 months.
00:28It has come down.
00:29Dude, a new baby has come to our house.
00:31It's a really cute baby.
00:33Shall we go then?
00:35Let's stay for tonight, I had also come.
00:38Hamla ji.
00:41We are back with another vlog.
00:45Finally, we have come to Pakistan, we have come to our house.
00:48We need energy.
00:50Why not?
00:50We know from yesterday's video that we were awake for 24 hours.
00:53Our flight was from Isra.
00:54First from Madinah to Jeddah, then from Jeddah to Lahore.
00:58We were so tired.
01:00We slept after coming yesterday.
01:01After 20 hours, your moustache has come back.
01:04And the level of sleep, I have become fresh now.
01:06Did I ask you anything?
01:06I am so tired of sleeping.
01:08Now to get rid of that fatigue, I will have to sleep again.
01:11So goodbye.
01:14Anyway, you know that Aroob madam has come to Pakistan after 1.5 months.
01:19How are you feeling?
01:20I am very happy.
01:21I had missed Pakistan so much.
01:23After 1.5 months, Aroob has come back to Pakistan.
01:25You know that he had to stay in Dubai.
01:27We had put his visa on processing.
01:29So now he has come back to Pakistan.
01:31And you can see that Aroob has come back with the cleanliness of the room.
01:35Yes, the room is clean.
01:36This is a sign that Aroob is at home.
01:39And the interesting thing is that no one at my house knows that we have come back.
01:43So now we will go, Saad will take me.
01:45Will you take me?
01:46We will take you to your house.
01:47You must have not told anyone.
01:47No, why will I tell?
01:48So Aroob has not told anyone in his house that we have come back.
01:52And Aroob is going to show his face to his mother after 1.5 months.
01:54And a small baby has also come to our house.
01:56So we...
01:57Whose baby?
01:58My brother's baby.
01:59And congratulations to Saad.
02:01Saad has become an uncle.
02:02I have become an uncle?
02:04What is an uncle?
02:04It is an uncle.
02:06The husband of an aunt is called an uncle.
02:08So there were 1500 kids in Aroob's house earlier.
02:10Now there are 1501.
02:12Kids are coming and going.
02:13My house is so bright right now.
02:15Everyone has not taken me yet.
02:16Come on, I am ready to take me in the morning.
02:18Let's also take Giffard Gopher.
02:19A baby has come on the way.
02:20Is it a girl or a baby?
02:22Baby girl.
02:22We have not named her yet.
02:24We have to go and stress her name.
02:25She was born a few days ago.
02:27Now? 5 days ago?
02:28No, no.
02:29Baby girl has come to Aroob's family.
02:30So now we are going to Aroob's mother.
02:32Aroob has not told anyone in his house that we have come back to Pakistan.
02:35So she will give a surprise to her family after 1.5 months.
02:37Mom, do you know I missed you so much?
02:39I got a call the day before yesterday from Madinah.
02:41She said, Aroob, I am missing you a lot.
02:43It feels like I have forgotten your face.
02:46I missed you a lot.
02:48I want to go to my house.
02:50So let's go.
02:51Then we will also take some Giffard Gopher for the baby girl on the way.
02:53What is there to take?
02:54Baby girl.
02:55Let's go and see what we get.
02:56Yes, okay.
02:57Anyway, welcome back.
02:57Okay, friends.
02:58If you have not joined the Ducky Bhai Vlog yet, then do it.
03:02Like and subscribe and press the bell icon.
03:04Now we are not going anywhere.
03:06We are not going to Pakistan for a month or two.
03:08You know that Ducky Bhai comes to Pakistan from out of country.
03:10He goes back after 2 days.
03:12But now this will not happen.
03:13Hey, he is lying.
03:14Come on, let's go.
03:15Let's go.
03:20I am going to meet Aroob after a month and a half.
03:23He is going to drop me.
03:24Then he will come back.
03:25Okay, baby girl, say hello to him.
03:27He is very sweet.
03:28Yes, we have to take Zamzam.
03:32Package too.
03:32I have kept the shopper nearby.
03:34Bring a bag.
03:35We will put a box of Zamzam in it.
03:37And put one date in it.
03:39Let's go.
03:39We will take a bottle of Zamzam.
03:43We will take a packet of dates for Aroob's family.
03:46Let's go.
03:50Now we are going to the toy shop to buy toys.
03:52A baby girl has come for that.
03:54And Aroob himself wanted Barbie dolls and baby cotton.
03:59Now let's go to the toy shop.
03:59Whatever we understand, we will buy.
04:01Then we will go to Aroob's mother.
04:07Yes, we have come to the toy shop.
04:08Tell me quickly.
04:09I thought Aroob will buy a cycle.
04:10He is a new born.
04:11No, no.
04:11She will sit inside the basket.
04:13And you will ride it.
04:16Sir, this is so cute.
04:18What is this?
04:19This is for potty.
04:20I thought this is a swing.
04:21Aroob, you are buying a commode.
04:22No, no, no.
04:23It's a good thing that I bought it.
04:24Aroob is a new born.
04:25He doesn't even know that there is a thing called pamper.
04:27And you are buying a commode for him.
04:28We were buying this for Muneeb.
04:29Let's buy a commode for him.
04:30It will be kept in his room.
04:32Look, buy things like this.
04:33This is good for a new born.
04:34This baby cotton and all.
04:35He will get sleep in this.
04:36For new borns.
04:38Aroob, you don't know anything about kids.
04:40Look, this is a baby cot.
04:41I think it moves by itself.
04:43With a machine.
04:43Look, this is also good.
04:44This is for you.
04:45For a new born baby, we need a baby cot.
04:48It should be automatic.
04:49It should swing like this.
04:50It should be strong.
04:52I don't know about that.
04:52Someone should sit on it.
04:54The strongest one is this one.
04:56The strongest?
04:57Will it bear 100 kgs of weight?
04:58Yes, it will.
04:59It will.
04:59You also sit on it.
05:01It will move by itself.
05:02Yes, it will move by itself.
05:03We have a 1 year old, 2 year old and 3 year old kid in our house.
05:05I want all of them to have a kid.
05:07There is a 23 year old kid.
05:09This one also moves?
05:10Yes, the same thing.
05:11Let's do this one.
05:12Yes, this one is better.
05:13Let's do this one.
05:14The space is also good.
05:14Do you want to take this out?
05:15Assemble it and show me how it is.
05:16Oh, it will move like this?
05:17Yes, like this.
05:18I didn't know that I was sleepy.
05:19I didn't know that I was sleepy.
05:19You sit and show me.
05:20So, it will connect to the wall and move by itself.
05:25Can the music be turned off?
05:26Yes, it can be turned off.
05:27Can the music be changed?
05:28Play a rap song.
05:29Play a Siddhu Moose song.
05:30No, I don't want to listen to Siddhu Moose.
05:31Get out.
05:32Okay, then pack this one also.
05:34Do we have to hold this?
05:38It's a set of 10.
05:39You will get mine.
05:40Which color do you want to buy?
05:41One is pink, one is green, one is blue.
05:43Let's buy pink.
05:44Yes, of course.
05:44Baby girl is with us.
05:45We will buy pink.
05:46I think we should also do this.
05:47The pink towel.
05:48Look at this.
05:48If this comes out, then you can put a towel on top.
05:51It's a blanket.
05:53Oh, it's a blanket.
05:54I thought it was a towel.
05:56We have held the blanket.
05:56We have also held the baby towel.
05:58We have also done this.
05:59Babyship is done.
06:00It's okay.
06:01We have also held these toys.
06:02This one is like this.
06:04If we shake it like this, we will hear noises.
06:05This is also okay.
06:06Look, there is a headband and shoes in this.
06:08There is a headband and shoes in this.
06:09Do this.
06:10This is okay in color.
06:11This is okay in color.
06:12It's pink, light pink and white black.
06:14Let's buy a pistol for her.
06:16Should I buy one for myself?
06:18Sometimes you buy batman costumes.
06:20Sometimes you don't get anything.
06:21Aroop, a pistol is made.
06:23We should have a pistol in our house.
06:24We have kept the toys in the car.
06:27Now let's go straight to Aroop's house.
06:36Aroop, how are you?
06:37I am fine, thank God.
06:38I am also fine.
06:39Mom, I wanted to give you a package.
06:42I have given you the address of your house.
06:44He has come downstairs.
06:46He has come?
06:47Send someone to pick him up.
06:48I won't send my daughter.
06:49He is calling me again and again.
06:51He is standing downstairs.
06:53Should I send him?
06:54Yes, I am waiting.
06:54Let's go.
06:56Tell me when he comes.
07:03Go downstairs.
07:05A few inches later.
07:06Is mom upstairs?
07:08Come with me.
07:18Aroop is surprised to see you.
07:22I didn't know you were in India.
07:25How are you?
07:26I am fine, tell me.
07:30What is happening?
07:34How are you?
07:38How are you?
07:40How are you?
07:42How long have you been here?
07:44It's been a month and a half.
07:46It's been a month and a half.
07:48Do you want to sit there?
07:50Do you want to sit there or here?
07:52This is our new baby.
07:54It's a very cute baby.
07:56Baby no. 1, baby no. 2, baby no. 3, baby no. 4.
08:00A few inches later.
08:03We bought gifts for the baby.
08:05We will give it to him.
08:07We have gifts here.
08:09We have to do that too.
08:11And Zamzam.
08:13We will take the gifts to the baby.
08:15This is a set for the baby.
08:17It has a bib.
08:19And this is a set.
08:21This is small.
08:23This is for me.
08:25I didn't know you brought it for your baby.
08:27He is so cute.
08:32You are comparing.
08:34You have brought a very wrong thing.
08:38All the kids will be stubborn.
08:40When you put it on, it will swing.
08:42It will swing and play music.
08:46The baby's set is done.
08:48It's so fun.
08:50You will have fun too.
08:52Turn off the music.
08:54He is crying.
08:56Play the music.
08:58Play the music.
09:00Let's see.
09:04It's quiet.
09:06It's quiet.
09:08Let's go.
09:12Let's stay today.
09:14I came back after 1.5 months.
09:16Let's stay today.
09:18I don't even have a place to sleep.
09:20I am so fat.
09:22I feel lonely.
09:24You have Muneeb.
09:26I came back after 2 months.
09:29Let's stay today.
09:31I will leave now.
09:33The kids are here.
09:35I will come back tomorrow.
09:37Are you sure?
09:39I will miss you.
09:41Aroob is also here.
09:43We left Aroob at home.
09:45I am not feeling well.
09:47My eyes are burning.
09:49Before going home,
09:51I will go to the hospital.
09:53The weather has changed.
09:55I am not feeling well.
09:58Let's go.
10:02I have a fever.
10:04I will give you a simple injection.
10:06Do you have nausea?
10:08No, I don't have nausea.
10:10I just ate an egg in the morning.
10:12I will give you a flu shot.
10:14You have to get an IV.
10:16One hour later.
10:18I came back from the hospital.
10:20I am not feeling well.
10:22I have a lot of medicines.
10:24Whenever I travel,
10:27I am not feeling well.
10:29You can see the light in the morning.
10:31If I take rest,
10:33I will feel better.
10:35You guys also get angry.
10:37Like and subscribe.
10:39Join Ducky Bhai Vlogs.
10:41See you tomorrow.