Zum Abschluss der gamescom Opening Night Live wurde ein neues Mafia-Spiel angekündigt. The Old Country entführt uns nach Sizilien und wird für PS5, Xbox Series X/S und PC erscheinen.
00:00Alright, before we wrap up O&L, we do have one final game announcement for you. Check this out!
00:30Do you wish to commit yourself, your life, to this family?
01:01I'm Nick Baines, President of Hangar 13.
01:04What you just saw is the first early look at Mafia The Old Country,
01:08a thrilling story set in 1900s Sicily during the origins of the Mafia.
01:12We're going back to the roots of what fans love about the Mafia franchise,
01:16crafting a deep, linear narrative with that classic mob movie feeling.
01:20Mafia's success is built on our players' passion for the franchise,
01:23and we're so proud to return to Mafia with The Old Country.
01:26We can't wait to show you all more.
01:28Thanks for watching!