• last year
Famous musicians "Bananas & Cheese" are coming to visit the daycare, but Duncan does everything he can to stop them, since their music is terrible. Things only get worse for Duncan when he realizes that "Bananas & Cheese" are really his parents.


00:00Kids, guess who's coming to our daycare? Today!
00:07Sister Claus!
00:09Nope. Better.
00:10A funeral director?
00:11Why would a funeral director-
00:13Child services?
00:14What? No!
00:16Is it one of those weird-looking bald cats that's always like...
00:21Stop that.
00:23Today, we're being visited by the singing celebrity duo, Bananas and Cheese!
00:32Yup! Who wants a Bananas and Cheese hat?
00:36What's with all the noise? Some of us are trying to nap!
00:39Oh no!
00:45Why are you wearing Bananas and Cheese hats?
00:48They're coming to do a show. Here.
00:50Today. Today. Today. Today. Today. Today. Today.
00:59Wow! I think we got ourselves a superfan here!
01:03Who wants to check out Bananas and Cheese's latest video?
01:07Oh, I got a pony, but he's too bony. He's uncomfortable to ride.
01:12He's got four legs, and he likes to eat eggs with two strips of bacon on the side.
01:17Must. Dig. Outta. Here.
01:20Darn it!
01:23This always works in the movies.
01:25Come on, wind! Carry me away from this nightmare!
01:31Hey, movies? Thanks for nothing.
01:39This is gonna be bad.
01:46Did you just fall from the sky?
01:49The world's most sickeningly sweet children singers are gonna be here any minute!
01:54They sing about vegetables and puppies!
01:57You two are relatively normal. How are you okay with that?
02:01The same way I cope with all my disappointment. I just push it way down deep.
02:05I'll probably picture them in their underwear, and then I'll get grossed out.
02:10I'm more comfortable grossed out.
02:12Well, I can't be here, but I can't find a way to get out of here!
02:15Then maybe you should try to stop them from coming instead.
02:19I can't get out, but maybe I can keep them from coming!
02:24Gwen! I can hug you!
02:26I would hurt you very, very badly.
02:28No hug! Got it! I need to make a plan!
02:56They're just gonna play a few songs, Duncan. I'm sure we'll survive it.
02:59Yeah. Just pretend it's a nightmare that for some weird reason you're not enjoying.
03:03No one enjoys nightmares! And you two might survive this concert, but I won't!
03:08You don't understand!
03:10Understand what?
03:11Nothing! There's nothing to understand! Funny, huh? Boom!
03:18What they don't understand is that bananas and cheese are...
03:22They're my...
03:24Bananas and cheese are my parents!
03:26Okay! There! I said it!
03:28When the other kids find out they're my mom and dad, they'll want to be my friends!
03:32They'll come over for playdates!
03:34And sleepovers! They'll eat all my cereal!
03:37No way! I will get this concert cancelled!
03:43I've got a plan to stop the concert! Come on!
03:46Wow! He really doesn't like bananas and cheese!
03:49Haven't you heard them?
03:51It's like someone bottled up rainbows and puppies, drank it, and threw it up all over the stage.
03:56I've been to a concert. No one should be exposed to that much forced happiness.
04:01It's just setting us up for disappointment in real life.
04:08Gwen! You sure you can lure Chef out of his office?
04:11Don't worry. I got it.
04:13Now get out of here. I don't want you watching this.
04:16I'm gonna hate myself tomorrow.
04:18Oh, Chef!
04:21Yes, Gwen? What can I do for...
04:24What did you do?
04:26I'm stuck in a bucket.
04:28Okay, let's see here. Maybe we can...
04:35Voice modifier tube.
04:37Okay, um, testing.
04:40Chef! I'm Chef!
04:42Wow! This really works!
04:44Perfect! Let's do this!
04:48Hello? She's speaking!
04:50Yes, hello! This is Chef, a large adult teacher.
04:53Nice touch!
04:54Sadly, we have to cancel your performance today, so...
04:57Oh no! Why?
04:59Uh, why?
05:01Just make something up!
05:02Um, because...
05:04Because the entire class came down with the chicken pox.
05:08That's right! We're all contagious!
05:10Oh, is that all?
05:12Banana and I have had chicken pox twice now.
05:14We'll be there.
05:15I mean, cow pox!
05:17Had it!
05:18Pig pox?
05:20Fever pox?
05:21We're immune!
05:22Well, see you soon!
05:24We tried.
05:26Hey, what's the big deal? It's just a cheesy band.
05:29Big deal? No big deal.
05:31Big deal. Oh, no big deal. None at all.
05:35Guys! Hey!
05:37Plan A didn't work, but that doesn't mean we give up!
05:40What comes after A?
05:42B. B comes after A.
05:44How do you not know that?
05:46Who cares about the letter bet? I have a new idea!
05:49Do you mean alphabet?
05:51Whatever! Here's the plan.
05:53All we need to do is delay bananas and cheese until 4.
05:57Like so.
05:59Delay them with a dinosaur?
06:04Obviously not with an actual dinosaur.
06:06No one has learned how to train those yet.
06:09All that matters is that we delay them until after pickup time.
06:12I have an idea, but we're going to need Chef's office again.
06:16Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be humiliating myself again?
06:20I hate my life.
06:24How does this keep happening?
06:26I plugged the banana car into a GPS program.
06:29Look, that's them there!
06:31Hey, can you hack into the city's traffic light system?
06:34Child's play!
06:36Then slow them down with some red lights!
06:42I said delay them!
06:44I'm trying! They're too fast!
06:46If I could just hack into their...
06:48Hello, police? What are you doing?
06:50I'd like to report a stolen banana car.
06:52Describe it?
06:53Sure. It's a car shaped like a banana.
06:58License and registration.
07:02I told you not to run the red light!
07:04Are you THE Bananas and Cheese?
07:07Yes, officer. That's us. Just on our way to a show.
07:11I'm afraid I'm going to have to write you a huge ticket.
07:15For being awesome!
07:18Could you autograph this for me?
07:20My kids just love you guys.
07:22That is so wonderful.
07:24And I won't let you miss a gig on my watch. Follow me.
07:30Well, that backfired. Now they've got a police escort.
07:33This isn't over. They may get here, but they're not getting in.
07:43That should stop them.
07:48Kids, it took a lot of sirens and breaking laws, but I got them here.
07:53Presenting Bananas and Cheese!
07:59You've got to be kidding me!
08:04Thank you so much for coming.
08:06I can't stand your music, but every second you're here, I don't have to talk to the kids.
08:10I like that.
08:11We have a special treat for you today.
08:13We're here to play you our new song.
08:17No, please! Not the new song!
08:20The song we're going to sing is about someone very special to us.
08:24And maybe to all of you, too.
08:27He'd fill his diapers to the brim, but we would never get mad at him.
08:33He's our little punk-pokin, but you might know him as...
08:38Quit it! We can't hear the song!
08:41Sorry, no can do! Too excited about Bananas and Cheese!
08:46We like to tickle his two feet, his green hair looks pretty neat.
08:51This is the room that he's in, and you might know him as...
09:01Bananas and Cheese!
09:05I did it! I actually did it!
09:10Time to go home, sweetie. Grab your lunch bag and meet us in the car.
09:17They're your parents.
09:22Mom! Can I come over to your house?
09:24Can we have a sleepover?
09:25What kind of cereal do you have?
09:27Would it be weird if I held your hand?
09:29Can your mom tuck me in tonight?
09:31Mom! Dad! Hurry! Get this banana moving!
09:34Go! Go! Go!
09:36Kids! Get back here!
