• last year
After watching a superhero movie, Owen, Jude, Beth, and Izzy decide to make their own superhero team. However, they can't find a villain to fight, so Izzy decides to create her own villain and the superheroes face off against her.


00:00I've been sorting receipts all night.
00:06Just 40,000 more to go.
00:08You can do it, Chef.
00:09Hey, Chef!
00:11Hey, Chef!
00:14Do birds have hands under their feathers?
00:15Asking, because last night, I had chicken fingers.
00:17You can't have fingers without hands, right?
00:20Izzy, I need to finish my taxes today.
00:22So please, go do...something.
00:24Can we flush everything down the toilet?
00:31I'll put on a movie.
00:32It's movie day!
00:34Chef says it's movie day!
00:35Stop flushing things down the toilet!
00:39Oh, come on!
00:42With Greed Gremlin caught, we can rest, Fire Woman.
00:45Evil never rests, Eagle Hero.
00:47So we can't either.
00:53Let's watch it again!
00:55Or, we could play a game where we're the superheroes!
01:00Bad Guy Busters!
01:02Let's do it!
01:04We'll need costumes!
01:20I'm Marshmallow Man!
01:22I can do this!
01:25And there's plenty some more where that came from!
01:30I'm Bee Girl!
01:32Break the law, you get stung!
01:35But if you're good, you get honey on your toes.
01:39And I'm Dude Boy!
01:41With the power to chill any situation!
01:45I'm Super Donkey!
01:47With the kicking power of ten normal donkeys!
01:54What do we do now?
01:56Can't be heroes without a bad guy!
01:58Then we'll find one!
02:00Let's fly!
02:05Duncan, will you do us a favor and pretend to be a bad guy?
02:09Um, according to this lick and stick tattoo, I am a bad guy.
02:15And real bad guys can't be bad as a favor.
02:17That's being good.
02:20Beat it! I'm coloring a kitten!
02:22Courtney, will you please pretend to be bad?
02:26No, I can't pretend to be bad.
02:28But I can pretend to be a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut, a child psychologist.
02:36Harold, could you pretend to be a bad guy for us?
02:40Never! A true ninja would never join the side of evil.
02:44Even when he's playing pretend.
02:46More gonging!
02:49Will this game turn to poop?
02:51Bummer! I guess I'll go put my pants back on.
02:55Let's ask Chef to be our bad guy!
02:57He's big, scary, and mean. He's perfect!
03:01Forty-five hundred dollars in juice boxes!
03:04How did I spend...
03:05Oh, him!
03:06Oh, right! Superheroes! Nice!
03:09But I can't play. I'm almost done sorting these...
03:11Show him our powers!
03:22Out! Out! Out!
03:25No bad guy, no game!
03:27I guess that's the end of the bad guy busters.
03:32Can I borrow these?
03:34Thanks, Chef!
03:37Chef's weights gave me an idea. That's why I went like this.
03:40That's my idea face. When I have no idea, I do this face.
03:45And this is the face I'll make if I'm ever poisoned.
03:55Bad guy buster! Suit back up and come with me! There's an emergency!
04:01I used the blocks to make the ferris wheel.
04:04Just like the picture on the box.
04:06And then I went to get some juice.
04:08And when I got back, it was smashed!
04:12Sounds like we got ourselves a bad guy!
04:15The Smasher!
04:20This is a job for...
04:22The Bad Guy Busters!
04:27First thing we gotta do is question the suspects.
04:29And it could be... anyone!
04:33Nope! Don't look at me!
04:37Wasn't me!
04:42Nope! Nuh-uh!
04:43Whoa! There's only one person we didn't check with, dudes!
04:51You go ahead. I'll catch up. Or maybe smash up!
04:55I feel like the answer is right under our noses.
05:03Nope! Just a bat in the cave!
05:05Let's go grill Chef till he cracks!
05:10No, I am not the Smasher! And stay out!
05:14If it's not Chef or anyone else, who could it be?
05:20Someone smashed my 4x4 and almost squished my doll!
05:24Bummer! That 4x4 was a sweet ride!
05:29Sorry, guys! I was somewhere, but not here!
05:32Whoa! Our bad guy struck again, huh?
05:34What'd the Smasher look like? Tell us!
05:38I don't know! Whoever it was moved so fast!
05:41Sometimes we remember more than we think.
05:43Close your eyes and draw the person you saw.
05:50Looks like someone we know.
05:53But I can't think of who.
05:57Very odd.
05:58Izzy? Where were you when this happened?
06:02I was in the... You don't think that I'm...
06:04You'll never catch me!
06:12You're the Smasher!
06:15Congratulations for figuring it out, bad guy-busters!
06:19But you'll never catch the Smasher!
06:23But you can try!
06:25Izzy's really getting into this.
06:27This game is amazing!
06:30I know what you're thinking. How did she become so evil so quickly?
06:33There's a fine line between good and evil.
06:35See? Good, evil. Good, evil.
06:42Whoa! Cody looks smaller than usual.
06:45Smasher dudette, the bad guy-busters are here to stop you!
06:50Yeah! Because we swore an oath to protect the world!
06:55Can you save Cody and battle me?
06:58I doubt it!
07:03Okay, I'll catch Cody. You catch the Smasher!
07:09V-Girl power!
07:13Caught you!
07:16I'm in spin!
07:18Not strong enough on your own, V-Girl! Bye!
07:23Leave it to me, dude-boy!
07:27Get her, dude-boy!
07:33Prepare to chill, Smasher!
07:43The Smasher!
07:48She's so good at being bad!
07:55Back again?
07:58I'm going to smash all your favorite things one by one!
08:02Not the dollhouse!
08:04Super stinger!
08:09You can't win, busters!
08:15Not the computer! I haven't finished my game!
08:18Marshmallow blaster!
08:27We can't let her smash the TV!
08:30I don't think I can live without it!
08:32Guys, we need to do the one thing we haven't tried yet!
08:35We need to use our powers as a team!
08:46You win, bad guy-busters!
08:49You win!
08:54I'm so proud of those bad guy-busters! They finally figured it out!
09:00Okay, kids! Your parents are here to pick you up, so...
09:03What in the name of Apple turnovers happened in here?!
09:07Thanks for letting me borrow these! None of this would have worked without them!
09:14Awesome day!
09:16Let's play that again tomorrow!
09:22Rest well, bad guy-busters!
09:24Because tomorrow you'll have to battle the Lava Queen!
