Black Ops 6 at gamescom - nivel de la campaña “Most Wanted” (Gamescom 2024)

  • el mes pasado
00:30interviews tonight and he doesn't go anywhere without his security detail I've marked a few
00:35leads that could help get you close enough to do the retinal scan take your pick I got
00:40it on good authority that the senator stole some sensitive information from the people
00:45I work for how are you blackmailing a senator with sex tapes can't beat the classes I've
00:56cleaned up another of your messes the Grisham head of security for all dream energy Grisha
01:26and the senator's retina it should have just enough resolution
01:45please help they took me during shift change newer schedule somehow started shooting you
01:56must be panty on we can do this loud or quiet
02:24what's got my message the old man says you're worth it better be right
02:29we got the price
02:31great you good to go
02:41and now
02:56they don't want to have any good stuff
03:25I swear this pantheon guys literally sent the big dogs after you ever how's that feel
03:32like progress up through the service hatch you two first I'll give you a boost you first
03:39¡Vamos, Stadler!
03:44¡Vamos, Case!
03:57Es más fácil bajar. ¡Aquí!
04:09¡Casi libre de casa!
04:28¡Lo tengo!
04:32¡Hombre, eres más pesado de lo que pareces!
04:34Gracias. Espero que tengas un plan B.
04:38Igual que el plan A. ¡Bajad!
04:41Vamos a tomar el camino escénico. ¡Vamos!
05:21¡Stad, estamos listos para la extracción! ¿Qué pasa?
05:24¡No hay lugar! ¡El lugar está rodeado de policías! ¡No podemos ayudarte!
05:33Si no podemos dispararlos, los dispararemos.
05:46¿Nunca has hecho algo así antes?
05:48No, pero no veo mejor opción y me estoy saliendo de las costas.
06:01¡Lantheon, a las diez!
06:04¡Manténganlos aquí!
06:32¡Manténganlos aquí!
