مسلسل لــمــعــي الــقــط الحلقة 10

  • last month


00:30It's not just because of Dad and Mom.
00:33That's enough, my love.
00:35You're too sensitive.
00:38Do you think I only have a stomach and not a heart?
00:41No, my love.
00:42You have a heart and a heart and a half.
00:44And your heart is bigger than your stomach.
00:46How is that possible?
00:47My heart is this big and my stomach is this big.
00:53That's enough, my love.
01:01$5 million is a lot of money.
01:04It's impossible.
01:06I don't understand.
01:08Is $5 million for everyone or is it $5 million for all of them?
01:11Of course not for everyone, Mr. Sherbini.
01:13Please, don't waste your time with honest questions.
01:16I have a lot of things that I want to clarify.
01:18By the way, this is not a honest question.
01:20This is a critical question.
01:21$1 million is a disaster, my brothers.
01:23What will you do when they get $5 million?
01:25I'll keep it with them.
01:26Are you serious, Ahmed?
01:28Are you serious?
01:30Don't you know that my daughter is more important to me than all the wealth in the world?
01:33And I don't have all the wealth in the world, Aifah.
01:35This is nonsense.
01:37Guys, calm down.
01:40I know that we are all nervous.
01:44But what happened is a positive step.
01:47At least reassure our children.
01:49You are right, Ali Bey.
01:51I haven't taken a breath since I was kidnapped.
01:54At least I reassured them that he is alive and well.
01:57Mr. Daesh.
01:58You are right, Mrs. Jannet.
02:00I went to talk to her again when I saw the old picture.
02:03Mr. Mahmoud, I didn't hear your opinion.
02:06I'll just say one thing, sir.
02:08For me, thank God Khadija is alive and well.
02:11Especially that she has diabetes.
02:13In her case, she may not be able to live with us in a situation like this.
02:16Khadija has diabetes?
02:18Yes, unfortunately.
02:19Then there must be a certain medicine that she should take.
02:22Yes, of course.
02:23I don't know if I should buy it or not.
02:25God bless you, Khadija Jannet.
02:27God bless them all, God willing.
02:29Actually, Shafiq, I have a small complaint.
02:32Your speech ignored our point of view.
02:34Go ahead, Mr. Mahmoud.
02:35I mean, we shouldn't respond to their demands so quickly.
02:38And we should try to reduce the amount as much as possible.
02:40God bless you.
02:41He is right.
02:43We have to reduce the amount.
02:45And we have to reduce it seriously.
02:47This amount is serious for us, my brothers.
02:49That's right, Mr. Shafiq.
02:50That's why there should be guarantees that our children will live well without us.
02:54You are absolutely right, Mr. Mahmoud.
02:56But, guys, this is a matter of precedence.
02:58We are now trying to get our children back before we go into a negotiation or a settlement.
03:02We have to wait and wait with them until we want to raise the money.
03:06Because we have received some information, God willing, that can lead us to the right path.
03:11What information, Hesham Bey?
03:13I prefer it to be a secret, Mrs. Walid.
03:17What do you mean by a secret, Hesham Bey?
03:19They are our children.
03:20And the most important thing for us is that all the information should be with us.
03:23No, Hanan, my daughter.
03:24Hesham Bey is right.
03:26This is his job.
03:27We will understand his job better than him.
03:29As long as he sees that it is a secret, it will remain a secret.
03:32Yes, but we have information that you did not tell us.
03:36Forgive me, Hesham Bey, but your words do not make sense.
03:39On the contrary, Mr. Magdy.
03:40I will tell you the complete secret.
03:42I just don't want this information to reach anyone around you by chance.
03:46No, Hesham Bey.
03:47We don't talk to anyone at all.
03:48As you told us exactly.
03:50Don't interrupt, Hanan, if you please.
03:52Please, Hesham Bey, continue.
03:53Or what?
03:54Or if Lama El Qutb called you.
03:56Knowing information like this can affect him.
03:58And this makes Lama feel something, doubt something.
04:01He will deal with you in a different way.
04:03And we want this.
04:04That's right, Hesham Bey.
04:05Peace be upon our children.
04:07In the name of God.
04:08In the name of God.
04:09Guys, I don't want to interrupt.
04:11We are studying this time very well.
04:12And we are able to solve it.
04:14And we also know how to deal with a criminal like Lama El Qutb.
04:16And we know how to think.
04:17And it is clear that Lama El Qutb is very smart.
04:20So we have to be very careful with him.
04:24You are right, Saad.
04:26And it is clear that he is very smart.
04:28Because of the rose and the answer.
04:30But if you forgive me, son.
04:32I have to know.
04:34Did you send someone to me like a rose?
04:37You are right.
04:38But don't worry.
04:39We will cover for him this way.
04:40Your homes will be guarded and protected.
04:42Secure and not sensitive.
04:43So no one will feel that they are in danger.
04:46But maybe Saad doesn't come home.
04:48Maybe he will come to us somewhere else.
04:50That's why you have to let me know about your car in two days.
04:54An hour.
04:55Even if I visit my mother.
04:56I have to let you know?
04:58Your mother?
04:59Even if you visit your mother, Mr. Nabil.
05:01Can you shut up?
05:03After you, Shambi.
05:05Let's say that a friend of mine came to visit me.
05:09Or he came to the office.
05:10How will you know if he is my friend or a follower of Lama El Qutb?
05:14We will send a small device to each one of you.
05:17We will send it to the loudspeakers that we work on.
05:19This device will help us hear you all day long.
05:22Unless you are a follower of Lama El Qutb.
05:24So if we hear the secret of Lama El Qutb,
05:27you will be in trouble.
05:29What are you talking about?
05:30Let's say that I am talking to someone about work.
05:33And I say that this is a secret.
05:34Don't play with my secrets.
05:36Tell her your secrets.
05:37Close the device and tell her that you want it.
05:39By the way, we are not interested in knowing your secrets.
05:41If that's the case, fine.
05:43I don't have any secrets.
05:45I will keep the device open all the time.
05:47Even when I sleep.
05:48That would be better.
05:49But thank God.
05:50It is clear that the interior has developed a lot.
05:52It is very clear that you are using modern devices with advanced technologies.
05:57Mr. Ali, don't worry.
05:58It is the same idea as the wireless device, but we are making some adjustments to it.
06:01It is helpful.
06:03The last thing I want to tell you before I leave.
06:05If Lama calls any of you,
06:07please stop the conversation as soon as possible.
06:09Because this will help us determine his location much faster.
06:26You are a traitor.
06:28You are a traitor, Uncle.
06:33We have fooled the government and the researchers.
06:36And we have fooled the whole of Egypt.
06:39They are confused now.
06:41They are beating us up.
06:43They don't know where we will get them next time.
06:47It is easy to know where we will get them next time.
06:49It is legitimate.
06:51And then we will fool them again.
06:54This is a big operation, Asrour.
06:57It needs tactics.
06:59It needs understanding.
07:01It needs a strategy similar to the one used in the world war.
07:10I don't know why you didn't continue your education,
07:12even though you were very good at reading.
07:15And your mother used to tell me,
07:17your uncle Mekha is the best in all of you.
07:20Your mother?
07:22She is a student with a black memory.
07:25And what education?
07:26What do you mean?
07:27It was a long time ago.
07:30Mekha is no longer Mekha.
07:32The teacher is a traitor.
07:34Abu Qalbi is dead.
07:36When he walks,
07:38his men run away from him.
07:42And the ground shakes under his feet.
07:45Your dog has been dead for a long time, traitor.
07:48But that's why you were kind and romantic.
07:51Do you remember the girl of the year that you loved and fulfilled for you?
07:55I am not asking you for memories.
07:57Stop this story.
08:00Because it bothers me.
08:05Tell me the truth.
08:09I swear to God,
08:10I don't know anything about her.
08:12Since she left me,
08:14I don't know anything about her.
08:16But you loved her,
08:17and she didn't love you at all, traitor.
08:19She was in your favor in the end.
08:21Didn't I tell you to stop this story?
08:26I will stop this story.
08:30Tell me the truth.
08:31I am a traitor.
08:37I am thinking.
08:41Tell me.
08:43Abu Azza worked with us.
08:45He didn't work before, traitor.
08:49What do you want, traitor?
08:52No, I am fine, Sergeant Salim.
08:54I want you and Abu Azza
08:56to split the bus into pieces.
08:59Where are we going to put this?
09:01We will put it in a bag and put it in the freezer.
09:03When we want,
09:04we will take it out of the fridge
09:05and grill it in a grill.
09:08Okay, okay.
09:09Where are we going to get the bag from?
09:13Don't think.
09:15Just listen.
09:16The most important thing is
09:18that this bus is not to be sold
09:20neither in the restaurant
09:21nor in the craft shop.
09:23Okay, but what about the funeral?
09:25No, you will eat it.
09:26I will eat it?
09:27You will chop it.
09:29You will call for it.
09:31The most important thing is to have a translator.
09:34You are not with me.
09:35No, no, I am with you.
09:37This way, it will be perfect.
09:39We will have nothing left
09:41but the cover.
09:42The cover of a person's soul.
09:45The cover of your mother.
09:50Don't think.
09:52This cover
09:53that all of us
09:54are chasing
09:56will be
09:57the cover of your soul.
10:01As long as you finish like this,
10:03it will be perfect.
10:04Yes, yes.
10:05And this cover
10:07has a big part
10:08of the plan that I gave you.
10:10So, he must listen to me
10:12with pleasure
10:13or forcefully.
10:15He must listen to the words
10:16and breathe them.
10:18But this time,
10:19he will not come with pleasure.
10:20This time, he must blow his nose.
10:23Now you understand.
10:25A pigeon
10:26will bring you a broom
10:28or a mop
10:29and a cup of coffee.
10:39Oh God, give me patience.
10:42This is a very stupid time.
11:26No, I mean a pigeon.
11:29I mean a pigeon.
11:30This pigeon
11:31will make someone
11:33and we will hide
11:34and he will look for us.
11:35Do you know what a pigeon means?
11:36Okay, but a pigeon is a winner.
11:38I agree.
11:39Okay, see if there are any signs
11:40or anything.
11:41Okay, I'll get a picture from inside.
11:42Okay, what are the limits?
11:43There are no limits.
11:44Anywhere in the house.
11:45Up, down.
11:47Come on, winner.
11:50Come here.
11:51As soon as you hide,
11:52give him a broom
11:53and we will tell you
11:54why you didn't hide.
11:57Take off your shoes.
12:00Don't look from under the blanket.
12:01I know you.
12:21Uncle Wiss.
12:22What is it?
12:23Uncle Wiss.
12:24What is it?
12:25Uncle Wiss.
12:26What is it?
12:27Uncle Wiss.
12:28What is it?
12:29Uncle Wiss.
12:30Uncle Wiss.
12:34Oh, Lowy.
12:35What brought you here?
12:36I'm hiding.
12:37What should I do?
12:38You mean you drowned the girl
12:39you were hiding in
12:40and went to the room?
12:41I swear she came with me.
12:42But if I took her,
12:43I wouldn't have done it.
12:44Oh, come on.
12:45You're hiding
12:46so she can't catch you.
12:47I swear if it was up to me,
12:48I would hide here.
12:49But you keep
12:50hiding with me.
12:51No, I don't like to hide.
12:52I don't like everything
12:53happening in the world.
12:54Where is this world
12:55in the prison we're in?
12:57Where are you guys?
13:12By the way,
13:13this is not a good situation.
13:14Why not?
13:15I mean,
13:16Karwat is looking for us
13:17and he went in and out
13:18right away.
13:19It's more dangerous
13:20than it looks.
13:21If you'll excuse me,
13:22I'm going to hide in your room.
13:23Don't leave me here for a while.
13:24No, I'm going.
13:26Lam'a, go.
13:27Khadija, hold on!
13:28Khadija, hold on!
13:29Khadija, hold on!
13:30Khadija, hold on!
13:31Khadija, hold on!
13:32What's wrong with you?
13:33Is it over?
13:35If you'll excuse me,
13:36you can go out.
13:37You're not going out?
13:38No, I'm going out.
13:39But you're first.
13:40No, you're first.
13:41Lam'a, go.
13:43I'm not going out.
13:44Okay, go.
13:45I'm going out with the kids.
13:49I'll wait for you.
13:50Let's go, Lam'a.
13:53Aren't we going to play too?
13:54Let's go!
14:09What's wrong?
14:10What are you doing here?
14:11What are you doing here?
14:12I mean,
14:13there's kidnapping,
14:14kidnapping and rapes.
14:15Of course I'm not here
14:16to read the electric meter.
14:17You're right.
14:18There's no question.
14:19Do you know Mada Moudad?
14:20She's my girlfriend.
14:21It's been a long time.
14:22Is this a research question
14:23or a question in general
14:24and humanities?
14:25It's a research question, of course.
14:30I've known her for about a year
14:31since I started coming to study
14:32in Yannouzine.
14:33We've been friends since then
14:34and I've always wanted to
14:35make sure she's okay.
14:38Are you coming or not?
14:39No, I'm done.
14:40I have to go back
14:41and finish my film.
14:42God help you.
14:43Aren't you planning
14:44to come to school again?
14:45I don't know,
14:46but if you want me to come,
14:47I'll come.
14:48Call me anytime.
14:50I'll be waiting to see you.
14:51You too.
14:53You know what?
14:54Can an adult
14:55study in Yannouz
14:56or Yannouz
14:57and fail?
14:59Anyone can do anything
15:00at any time.
15:01The important thing
15:02is that they love it.
15:03You're right.
15:19Uncle Sameh!
15:21Uncle Sameh!
15:23What do you want?
15:24I miss you.
15:25What's wrong with you?
15:26What's wrong with you?
15:27Where have you been?
15:28Uncle Sameh!
15:29Uncle Sameh!
15:30I've been looking for you
15:31all this time
15:32and I can't find you.
15:33Oh, Uncle Sameh.
15:34You've gone too far.
15:36Oh, God.
15:37Every time I tell myself
15:38I'm starting to understand you,
15:39I find myself on the beach
15:40and I don't understand anything.
15:41Where have you been?
15:42I don't understand anything.
15:43You don't need
15:44half an Arabic word
15:45to understand me.
15:47I don't understand anything.
15:48You don't need
15:49half an Arabic word
15:50to understand me.
15:51Tell me what you want.
15:52I want to see the captain.
15:53Who is he?
15:54You don't understand me.
15:55The captain.
15:56What's wrong with you?
15:57I'm sorry.
15:58What do you want?
15:59Tell him
16:00that I want to see
16:01the captain.
16:03I want to see the captain.
16:04What will you tell him?
16:05The captain wants to see you?
16:06He won't understand anything.
16:07Tell him
16:08that I want to see
16:09the captain.
16:11The captain.
16:12That's it?
16:16Here you go, sir.
16:17These are some roses.
16:18I told them to bring them
16:19from your office.
16:20To make the smell better
16:21instead of the smell
16:22that we have here.
16:23I wanted to get
16:24some information
16:25to make my brain better.
16:26I swear, sir.
16:27It's none of your business.
16:28I went to get information
16:29but I didn't find it.
16:30I told him not to come in
16:31with an empty hand.
16:32Did I send you
16:33to get vegetables?
16:34Why did you go
16:35to get information
16:36but you didn't find it?
16:37Regardless of the vegetables,
16:39As for Mahmoud Badr,
16:40why did you say
16:41that you found his body?
16:42His body?
16:43I threw it
16:44in the trash.
16:45I told them
16:46I have confidential information
16:47but I can't tell anyone.
16:48Not even him.
16:49That's good, sir.
16:50What was his reaction?
16:55These are signs of anxiety
16:56that we studied
16:57in the second month.
16:58Signs of anxiety?
16:59As for the signs of confusion
17:00that appear to me
17:01every time I see your face,
17:03what do I do with them?
17:05I meant...
17:06I swear, I can't tell
17:07if he was nervous
17:08or not.
17:09He said
17:10that he's short of money.
17:11There's a lot of money.
17:12Some questions
17:13that need to be answered.
17:14He's short of money.
17:15At the same time,
17:16if he was the one
17:17who did it,
17:18I don't think
17:19this confusion would bother him.
17:20It would make him
17:21make a mistake
17:22and get nervous.
17:23We'll see.
17:24He'll make a mistake,
17:26And I won't tell him.
17:27I have 24 hours.
17:30if we go to the hospital,
17:31we'll know
17:32where he went
17:33and why.
17:34Okay, sir.
17:35Where and why.
17:36Okay, sir.
17:37I'm telling you
17:3820 times,
17:39okay, sir?
17:40No, no.
17:42This is the picture
17:43of the kids
17:44that Lama sent.
17:45They did a good job
17:46checking it.
17:47They told us everything.
17:48Okay, sir.
17:49Don't worry.
17:50It's just a question.
17:51Are the kids' parents
17:52going to be able
17:53to pay this much?
17:54I don't know.
17:55They can
17:56or they can't.
17:57The important thing is
17:58that you and I
17:59can do something
18:00or we can't.
18:01No, sir.
18:02If we can,
18:03I'll tell you
18:04what we can do.
18:05Tell me.
18:06We can order a meal.
18:07We can eat
18:08and sleep.
18:09We can wake up
18:10and think.
18:11We can't sleep.
18:12Do you know
18:13where you are, Saeed?
18:14Where, sir?
18:15I'm looking for food.
18:17Look at the sugar
18:18inside and outside
18:19instead of the stress
18:20we're putting you through.
18:21We're not going to order food.
18:22No, Saeed.
18:23We're not going to order food.
18:24Go do your work
18:25and leave me alone.
18:26Okay, sir.
18:27Can I ask for one last thing?
18:29Go, Saeed.
18:30Can I ask for food
18:31for myself
18:32when I don't need you?
18:33Get out, Saeed.
18:35Get out!
18:36What the hell is this?
18:38That's it, Qutb.
18:41I'm fed up.
18:42Are you going to tell me
18:43the good news
18:44or make me happy?
18:45I've never taught you
18:46anything in my life.
18:47And consider me
18:48a finger
18:49in your hand
18:50when you want.
18:51A finger?
18:52Not your position.
18:54You're a shield.
18:55And not just any shield.
18:57A right-hand shield.
18:58I love you, Qutb,
18:59and you're dead to me.
19:00I hate
19:01people who listen to me.
19:03But I wanted to know
19:05what changed your mind
19:07about me.
19:08You used to be so arrogant
19:10and call Sheikh Al-Arab
19:12a hammam,
19:13a haram,
19:14a halal,
19:15and all that stuff
19:16that I hate.
19:17He hit me in the eye
19:18and said,
19:19Kharbana, Kharbana.
19:20I blamed her,
19:22I blamed her
19:23for everything.
19:24I said,
19:25I don't want her anymore.
19:26And between you and me,
19:28you can come with me
19:29and do something
19:30that's not necessary.
19:31I was going to do something
19:32with you.
19:33I was going to seduce you.
19:34I was going to blow you.
19:38I'm going to get the blowtorch.
19:40But you look like a halal.
19:42The blowtorch will love you.
19:44And also,
19:45you look like
19:46you're going to eat
19:47a nice meal with me, Qutb.
19:49I'm sorry, Ma'al.
19:50I just have a few things
19:51I want to settle with you
19:52so I can know
19:53my place in your family.
19:55Settle, Qutb,
19:56as you wish.
19:59I wanted to know
20:00how much I deserve
20:01for the dowry tonight
20:02so that, as you know,
20:03I don't get scared.
20:04And after what happens,
20:05I'll be able
20:06to go back to our house
20:07and I won't have
20:08a bad future.
20:09Look, Qutb,
20:10as long as you're with me,
20:11your future is guaranteed.
20:13Even if you get caught
20:14or caught,
20:15it's still guaranteed.
20:17I'm a traitor.
20:18And I'll never betray you.
20:20And I'll never betray
20:21a man like you.
20:23Trust me, Ma'al.
20:24But I also want
20:25to secure my mother's future
20:26and my brother's,
20:27and no one else's.
20:31Then buy from me, Qutb.
20:33I'll treat you
20:34like a king.
20:35Even better
20:36than a normal man.
20:40I'll pay you in dollars.
20:42And after this
20:45I'll find you
20:46in a place
20:47no blue jinn
20:48will be able
20:49to get you out of.
20:50And if you want,
20:51I'll send you
20:52out of Egypt.
20:53I'll send you out
20:54and make you live
20:55outside of Egypt
20:56as a king.
20:57And if I plan
20:58for it to happen to me,
21:00God willing,
21:01if it doesn't happen,
21:03I'll make it happen to you.
21:05And a little more.
21:07Okay, but
21:08don't take me in, Ma'al.
21:09That's a different story.
21:10I want to know
21:11how much I'm going to get.
21:15A percentage.
21:16I'll give you a percentage
21:17of the income.
21:18And I won't charge you
21:19two and a half
21:20or three percent
21:21like I did in Egypt.
21:23I'll give you ten percent.
21:25Maybe more.
21:26But I want you
21:27to be honest with me
21:29and open your mind
21:31and be steadfast
21:33and leave the rest
21:34to the days to come.
21:36I'm with you, Ma'al.
21:38I gave myself to you.
21:40But I won't cut you off.
21:41I love you.
21:43I love you, Qutb,
21:45as long as you give yourself to me.
21:47I love those
21:48who give themselves to me.
21:51I'm sorry, Ma'al.
21:52I have other requests.
21:53I'm sorry.
21:54I don't like to run away.
21:56I die in silence.
21:58Or do you think
21:59you're going to welcome me?
22:02Not at all.
22:03It's not for me.
22:04Then who is it for?
22:05For the kids inside.
22:07And of course,
22:08I'll blow it, Ma'al.
22:09What is it, Qutb?
22:10The blower is ready, Qutb.
22:12Blow it.
22:14It's for the kids.
22:16What is it?
22:17What is it?
22:18What is it?
22:19Blow it, Ma'al.
22:20I'll blow it.
22:22But it's for the kids.
22:26And blow two balloons
22:27for me and Ma'al.
22:44Yes, Na'al.
22:45Put it in.
22:46You're moving?
22:47It's a dream of mine.
22:49I'm going to charge it
22:50in the microbus.
22:52And from there,
22:53to the tuk-tuk
22:54and home straight away.
22:55I'll watch Mr. Wael
22:57and finish him off
22:58with a box of cigarettes.
23:00A box of cigarettes?
23:01It's a TV, Dad.
23:02It's not a heater.
23:04Congratulations, son.
23:05God bless you.
23:17118 centimeters?
23:18Oh, my God!
23:20That's a huge difference
23:21between you and him.
23:22I'm sure she saw something, too.
23:24What did she see?
23:25We're measuring the size
23:26of a bedroom.
23:27And you didn't see anything else?
23:28Is there a difference
23:29or something?
23:31Oh, black day.
23:32You should shave.
23:33You'll get a lot of diseases
23:34when you grow up.
23:35And when I grow up,
23:36I'll shave.
23:38The important thing is
23:39to get him a nice dress.
23:40If he doesn't,
23:41I won't wear it.
23:42The most important thing
23:43is pajamas.
23:44Because I don't know
23:45where I'll sleep
23:46with the dress on.
23:47I just want to be nice
23:48so no one sees me.
23:49That's enough, Khadija.
23:50You're annoying me.
23:51Yes, and I need to go
23:52to the bathroom.
23:53No, I'm going.
23:54No, I'm going.
23:55No, I'm going.
23:56I'm going.
23:57I need the size of a family.
23:58What do you mean, Zain?
23:59Do you want to say
24:00I smell bad?
24:02That's what he wants to say.
24:03He wants to say
24:04I smell bad.
24:05Because of the situation
24:06we're in,
24:07I'm going through it
24:08and I'm not going to hit you.
24:09No, you're going to hit me.
24:10You're going to hit me.
24:11If you blow into it,
24:12you'll blow it out
24:13of the farm.
24:14Because of you, Yot.
24:15Because of the situation
24:16we're in,
24:17I'm going through it
24:18and I'm not going to hit you.
24:19A man.
24:20A man.
24:21I'm going to hit you,
24:23You're a useful person.
24:24Don't you want anything?
24:25I mean, it's not a big deal,
24:26but the most important thing
24:27is that what they bring
24:28is small.
24:29A bag.
24:30Take care of yourself.
24:32Does anyone want anything else?
24:33The police station
24:34and the iPad.
24:35Don't forget the deodorant.
24:36We wrote these things down.
24:37Do you want new things?
24:40I want that.
24:41Okay, okay.
24:42I know.
24:46And us too.
24:48And you?
24:49This is work.
24:50How are we going to ask
24:51the fourth person?
24:52No, no.
24:53Just a simple thing.
24:54A pair of pants.
24:57Where are you, useful person?
24:58What do you mean?
24:59Did you see?
25:00Did you see where your brain
25:01took you?
25:02Did you see?
25:03How did you get me wrong?
25:04I mean,
25:05don't you want anything else?
25:06No, I don't want anything else.
25:09Where are you, beautiful?
25:10Look at him.
25:11Look at him.
25:12Look at him.
25:13He's the only one
25:14who asked about me.
25:15I don't want anything.
25:16I don't want anything
25:17but to see you happy
25:18and dressed up
25:19and clean
25:20and beautiful.
25:21If I were you,
25:22I would wear anything
25:23I see.
25:25I'm going to get
25:26something useful
25:27and strange.
25:28Are you kidding me?
25:39What are you doing?
25:40What are you eating?
25:41What am I eating?
25:43There's no place
25:44for you to eat.
25:45You promised me
25:46to eat before.
25:47I can't.
25:49I'm a believer.
25:50I'm a believer.
25:51With chocolate and candy
25:52you're a believer?
25:54Don't you want anything
25:55you can eat?
25:56I don't like candy.
25:57Neither candy?
25:58Nor candy.
26:00I want the whole thing
26:01with the bed.
26:02No, I'm hungry.
26:03I'm going to eat.
26:04Okay, okay.
26:05The time is up.
26:06He's taking...
26:08Give me the paper
26:09for the pan.
26:11God help me.
26:13Come and do something
26:14nice instead
26:15of sitting in this room.
26:16I wish I could.
26:17I wish.
26:18I want dessert.
26:19What do you mean? I'm telling you to make something sweet, not to eat something sweet.
26:23Oh, so what are we going to do, dad?
26:27You're my mom.
26:30You're my mom.
26:31Don't say that.
26:33Look in front of you.
26:39Mr. Alaa?
26:40Yes, sir.
26:41Come with us because we need you, Alaa.
26:43Why? Is there something about the TV?
26:45Don't mess with me, Alaa.
26:47I'm sorry, but I can't show the TV to my mom.
26:50Because this is not a program.
26:52I'll show it to her when I get back.
26:54No, dear. I'll show it to her when you get back.
26:56If you get back, God willing.
26:57What is it, sir? Are we traveling?
26:59No, you're required to be in the public security, dear.
27:02Public security?
27:04Is the TV three meters away?
27:06Come with me. I'll tell you later.
27:12Where's the guard?
27:13Are you going to enter the house?
27:15What's wrong?
27:16Are you upset or angry?
27:18No, of course I'm angry.
27:20Why are you upset?
27:21You're still young and beautiful.
27:23That's right.
27:25Good morning, everyone.
27:27Good morning, dear.
27:28What's going on?
27:29I'm here to see my mom.
27:31God bless her.
27:36What's this? You're not in the pictures.
27:38What are you doing, Sheikh?
27:40God bless you, Hisham B.
27:42The prophet says,
27:44What Omar said,
27:47He's the one.
27:59Calm down, Allah.
28:01You didn't do anything, don't worry.
28:03I want to calm down, but I can't.
28:06I can't. I don't do this in the cold.
28:09What are you going to do when they throw you in a room full of water and throw you for two weeks?
28:15A room full of water?
28:16No, you're the one who's going to be in a room full of water.
28:18I'm going to die, sir.
28:20And my mother will leave after that. She'll be upset with me.
28:22Okay, stop being a coward, so I can take you to your mother.
28:25I swear to God, I don't want to anymore.
28:27You don't want to?
28:28I don't want to anymore, sir. I swear to God, I don't want to anymore, sir. I can't.
28:33I swear to God, I don't want to anymore, sir. I swear to God, I don't want to anymore, sir. I can't.
28:37I was going to die the moment I went to the hospital, but now I'm in public security.
28:41I'm going to protect you from public security, but you have to admit it and take responsibility.
28:45What do you think?
28:46I swear to God, I didn't do anything, sir.
28:49I told you, you can't do anything without Mahmoud.
28:53I don't want Mahmoud, sir. I don't want Mahmoud, sir.
28:57I don't want Mahmoud, sir.
28:58I don't want Mahmoud, sir.
28:59I don't want Mahmoud, sir.
29:00I don't want Mahmoud, sir.
29:01Can I have some lemon?
29:03Yes, so that Mr. Alaa can calm down.
29:05Yes, sir.
29:06I brought you lemon to calm you down. I swear to God, I don't do it with anyone.
29:10Can I drink a cigar?
29:12That's strange. You don't drink unless you have a cigarette in front of you.
29:16Do you know this too?
29:18I swear to God, I don't drink a cigar in front of people who burn my blood.
29:24Light it up. Light it up.
29:25I mean, I don't want anyone to light a cigar around me, but just in case.
29:32Take a deep breath.
29:36That's it. Turn it off so I can smoke.
29:38Okay, okay.
29:40Hold this.
29:42Look at this picture.
29:44And tell me.
29:46What do you see?
29:49A spotlight.
29:50Who knows what a spotlight is?
29:52What is the place itself?
29:56A house.
29:57Who knows what a house is?
29:58Focus on the details. Focus.
30:00A sofa, a carpet, a wall.
30:02Anything that indicates that you've been to this place before.
30:05Sir, I've never...
30:07Focus. Look at the wall.
30:09It's him, sir.
30:11Did you see him?
30:12Sir, I've never gone out with a spotlight outside the neighborhood.
30:15Not even once.
30:16We only went outside to go to the beach.
30:18I drowned, and the spotlight got me out.
30:20And people started to travel, and get drunk, and brought me a bottle of Fresca, and I ran away.
30:23What? What is this?
30:25In short, have you been to this place with a spotlight before?
30:28No, sir. I'm sure I haven't.
30:32Are you sure?
30:33I'm sure.
30:34Are you sure you're not lying?
30:36I swear to God, sir, I'm not lying.
30:38I don't want to hurt them.
30:41But I swear to God, if I found out that you're lying to me,
30:44or that I didn't call you,
30:46or that you called me for any reason,
30:48and in any way,
30:49I won't have mercy on you, and I won't let you live like this for the rest of your life.
30:52Sir, I swear to God, if I find out anything, I'll tell you right away.
30:58Hold this.
30:59Talk to me about this woman.
31:01If you want anything, talk to me.
31:02Treat me like your big brother.
31:04Come on, man.
31:05You're my brother in public security.
31:07Okay, sir.
31:08Excuse me, can I ask you something?
31:12The TV.
31:13Which one?
31:14The HD TV, the high-definition TV, the one that I'm holding.
31:18Did you steal the TV or not?
31:20No, I swear to God, sir.
31:21I didn't even steal its receipt, sir.
31:23I bought it for my mom's work.
31:25Do you really want to buy a new TV for your mom's work?
31:28Do you also like to watch If You Think You Can Dance, sir?
31:32Get out of here.
31:33Get out of here.
31:34Okay, sir.
31:35But the TV...
31:36I said get out of here.
31:38Okay, can I open it and take a look?
31:41If you open it, I'll kill you.
