B4 (2012)

  • 2 months ago
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Welcome to Super Cult Cinema, where classic movies meet contemporary classics! Dive into a world of timeless films, spanning decades and genres, curated for cinephiles like you. From Hollywood classics to international masterpieces, we've got it all. Join us as we celebrate the art of cinema and explore the stories that have captured our hearts and minds for generations. Subscribe now to embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of cinematic history. Don't miss out on our latest uploads, exclusive content, and curated playlists. Get ready to experience the magic of movies like never before with Super Cult Cinema!
00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:30Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope prosecution interruption
01:00She's staring at me.
01:04Stop looking at her and she'll stop looking at you.
01:07How do you know that?
01:10I mean, how do you know there's not someone in there just copying everything we do until one day...
01:17They break through and strangle you with your own dental floss.
01:23You really think someone's following you, don't you?
01:26It's just a feeling.
01:28I know it's weird, but ever since the concert, I just...
01:32can't shake it.
01:40Baby, have you seen my cell phone?
01:42No. Where'd you leave it?
01:47Did you leave the closet door open?
01:50No, but I mean, I could just...
01:54Just... don't.
02:00There's nothing there.
02:04Megan, what's wrong?
02:13You must think I'm a whack-job, huh?
02:15Yes, I do.
02:17That's why I love you.
02:23Good timing.
02:26Hey, what's up, dude?
02:30Come on.
02:31Hey, Megan.
02:32Hey, David.
02:33So, uh, Aaron, check this out.
02:37I'm gonna give this to her after the show.
02:40Let me give you some advice on women.
02:42Don't ever give them anything unless you're getting something.
02:46I wouldn't exactly put it that way, but, I mean, kinda.
02:50If she likes it, it means she likes it.
02:52I wouldn't exactly put it that way, but, I mean, kinda.
02:54If she likes it, it means she's kind of a gold digger.
02:56And if she doesn't like it, then she might be a little weirded out.
02:59Really weirded out.
03:05What am I gonna do with this now?
03:06Don't worry about it, dude.
03:07Just keep it.
03:08Well, wait until you guys see this girl.
03:13Do I look okay?
03:19I mean, this is an old Navy.
03:22Let me fix you, okay?
03:24Don't look at me. I just live here.
03:29What happened to me?
03:33You think I'm a complete dork?
03:36I think you're a really sweet guy and that any girl would be lucky to have you.
03:41You're just saying that so I'll feel more confident.
03:47Look at me, David.
03:50You got this date, right?
03:51I mean, that's something.
03:54You have to do something to impress her.
03:57About that.
04:01Are you okay?
04:07Just one of my paranoid, schizophrenic moments.
04:11You can borrow this.
04:13It's like your shirt, but cool.
04:26We're going to be late, dude.
04:27Relax. We'll just park in the garage again.
04:29Alright, but I'm paying this time.
04:34Busy tonight.
04:36Anyone else kind of creeped out by parking garages?
04:39Look, she's freaked out by mirrors.
04:41I am not.
04:42Yes, she is. She freaked out earlier when she was doing my hair.
04:45That was different. There was something...
04:47Come on, what'd you see?
04:48Your face.
04:53David, I was kidding.
04:58You little shit.
05:01Got you.
05:17I'm sorry.
05:55Shit, do you mind?
06:35Hi there.
06:39Uh, David. We met the other day.
06:42Hey, David. Nice to meet you.
06:43Hi. Yeah.
06:45You look great and...
06:48You look great.
06:49Thanks so much.
06:50Hey, David.
07:01Dude, she asked me to come see her show.
07:04That's not asking somebody out. That's promoting.
07:06I feel enough like an idiot as it is.
07:08I don't need you rubbing it in my face, okay?
07:10I'm sorry that I brought you guys along.
07:12You'll, you know, find the right girl at the right time.
07:16How the hell do you know, Megan?
07:18Do you know what it's like?
07:19Do you have a crystal ball you can see the rest of my life
07:21and when I'm going to meet the girl of my dreams?
07:23Because if so, I'd like to know.
07:25The problem is you're out of your league.
07:27You need to go for a girl who's a little more, you know, average.
07:32Wow, thanks, Aaron. That makes me feel really good.
07:34Hey, it worked for me.
07:36No, no, I wasn't talking about you.
07:38I was talking about my other girlfriend.
07:44I know what's wrong.
07:46Really, what?
07:48You're not going to like it.
07:49Well, I'm grasping at straws at this point, so anything would help.
07:53You purposely pick someone that you have, like, zero chance with.
07:56Why would I do that?
07:57I don't know. To say, hey, at least I tried,
08:00and then continue to convince yourself that you're a complete failure.
08:03I mean, you have the mind of a rocket scientist, David,
08:06and you're a goddamn substitute teacher. What does that say?
08:08Oh, hey, hey, hey.
08:10We're having a good time tonight. Remember?
08:13Come on.
08:25Come on.
08:27We should just take the stairs.
08:29What's your horse's?
08:32I'll see you guys on the other side.
08:35You're just going to have to wait till you get there.
08:38I have the keys!
08:41He's just excited.
08:48Screw this.
08:52Really, Aaron?
08:58Hey, wait up.
09:03Yo, dude, wait up!
09:10Aaron, wait!
09:15What happened?
09:18I fell and I twisted my stupid ankle.
09:21Oh, my God.
09:23Are you okay?
09:24I'm fine.
09:25Can you walk?
09:26Not without hurting like a bitch.
09:27You should have taken the elevator.
09:29Here, come on.
09:30Oh, look at you.
09:35It's so funny.
09:38You're acting like such a girl.
09:40Come on, you're hurt.
09:42Yeah, real hurt.
09:43Did you take anything at the club we should know about?
09:46Come on, what did you take?
09:48Why didn't you share?
09:49I didn't take anything.
09:50So you're just high on life?
09:55Didn't you park your car there?
09:57I thought so.
10:01Oh, shit.
10:02Maybe we're just on the wrong level.
10:04No, I parked on B4 right next to the staircase in the elevator.
10:07Yeah, you did.
10:08He parked right there, I remember.
10:09God damn it!
10:12I don't get any service down here.
10:13Calm down, no one's dying.
10:15There aren't any other cars down here either.
10:17What's that supposed to mean?
10:19Just making an observation.
10:21Oh, what do you think, a gang of car thieves came down here and stole every car on the floor?
10:25No, just...
10:27Just maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions.
10:30I park my car, I leave,
10:32and I come back to the exact same place that I left it, and it's gone.
10:37Hmm, what conclusions can I jump to?
10:40How about instead of standing around and bitching, you go and call the cops?
10:49You know what, David, why don't you go?
10:52Here you go, it's a phone, you can walk up the stairs.
10:56Say hello to your girlfriend up there.
10:58Fuck you.
10:59Don't be an ass.
11:05What would I do without you?
11:06I think you'd get along just fine.
11:16What's wrong?
11:19Besides the obvious.
11:26I know why you were laughing like a loon while we were carrying you down the staircase.
11:30Because it was funny?
11:31I mean, the whole night's been, like, hysterical.
11:33No, you hated it.
11:35You hated that you had to rely on us for support.
11:38Where is this coming from?
11:40It's just that I try really hard to take care of you, Megan,
11:44and I feel like you don't need it.
11:47You're a little Miss Independent, and you don't need me.
11:50You just kinda keep me around for kicks.
11:53I don't think that people should be together because they need each other.
11:56It's so needy.
11:58Then why do people get together at all?
12:00Because it makes what's good in their lives better.
12:04So, I'm just here to give your life a little extra flavor?
12:07You'd be just fine without me.
12:10What's wrong with that?
12:15Because I can't say the same thing about you, Megan.
12:18Because I can't say the same thing about you, Megan.
12:49That was fast.
12:52How'd you get up here?
12:55This should be the street level.
12:57Did you take the elevator?
12:59We didn't go anywhere. We've been here the entire time.
13:01But I left you on level B4.
13:03Right. Which is where we're at.
13:07Yeah. Uh...
13:09Did you call the police?
13:11Did I?
13:12What's the app, David?
13:14I didn't go down the stairs.
13:16You weren't supposed to.
13:18You were supposed to go up the stairs.
13:20Well, I went up the stairs and...
13:25I found you.
13:26Dude, my car just got stolen.
13:29I'm not in the mood for this shit.
13:31Yeah, well, this is supposed to be the street level.
13:34And it isn't.
13:35What is it, then?
13:36This is where I left you.
13:37Do you have any idea what he's talking about?
13:39I didn't go down the stairs, Aaron.
13:41I went up the stairs to the street level,
13:43opened the door, and found you.
13:44Okay, stop. Just stop.
13:45I'll freaking show you.
13:46Dude, I'm not playing this game.
13:53Are you gonna go call?
13:55Be my guest.
14:02You gonna be okay?
14:05Stupid question.
14:10Let me show you how to walk up a staircase.
14:15What are you doing?
14:16I'm showing you.
14:17What about Meg?
14:18She can take care of herself.
14:48No, that wasn't possible.
14:53It's just like I said.
14:54No, what happened just now, it didn't happen.
14:58Okay, Aaron, it didn't happen.
15:00It didn't.
15:02Somebody help me!
15:05David, wait!
15:09Somebody help me!
15:12Somebody help me!
15:16No, please!
15:19Somebody help me!
15:30Let go of me!
15:31I killed you already.
15:33I keep killing you and you keep coming back.
15:36Don't come back.
15:40It's forever down here.
15:50Is that okay, David?
16:03Get on top of me!
16:11It's okay, it's okay, calm down, calm down.
16:17What happened?
16:19Hey, Blondie, what happened?
16:22I don't know.
16:24We got in the elevator and then when we got out he started saying these crazy things and then he attacked me.
16:30Has he ever done this before?
16:33I just met him tonight.
16:35He said his car was down here but there's no cars down here, so...
16:39Our car is gone too.
16:42You alright?
16:43He's not going anywhere.
16:47What's your name?
16:49Cheryl, listen to me.
16:51There's something weird going on.
16:54The levels keep repeating themselves.
16:57Come on, I'll show you.
16:58That's what he said.
17:00But it's true.
17:01It is true.
17:02You guys are as crazy as he is.
17:04Cheryl, wait!
17:19Aaron, Aaron.
17:21That wasn't supposed to happen.
17:23You're going to be okay.
17:24No, no, you're going to be okay.
17:26That wasn't supposed to happen.
17:27How did you do that?
17:28It wasn't supposed to happen like that but now he can't get me to help him because it's all messed up.
17:33You're going to be okay.
17:34You're going to be okay.
17:35It's all messed up because of what I did.
17:37What are you doing?
17:39You're going to be okay.
17:40Help me.
17:43Help me!
17:44What can I do?
17:45Put pressure on the wound.
17:46I'm going to get you help and you're going to be okay.
17:48So help us!
17:51Someone help us!
17:57David, get someone to help us!
18:16Oh no!
18:21Why did you have that knife?
18:24I don't know.
18:26How did he know that you had that knife, David?
18:28I don't know!
18:34I just want you to be...
18:36Don't touch me!
18:40I hope you rot in hell!
18:46I am.
18:51And you're down here with me.
19:25Is there something you want?
19:26What do you want, David?
19:28What do you think I want?
19:31This is exactly what you want.
19:33What are you talking about?
19:34This is your punishment.
19:35Punishment for what?
19:37I don't know.
19:39Do you?
19:44There is a way out.
19:49But first you have to want to leave.
20:10I'm serious, guys.
20:11This girl was totally into me.
20:13Yeah, yeah.
20:14You're a pimp and we didn't even know it.
20:16Well, anyway, so in a couple of days,
20:18she invited me to come over.
20:20So, what do you say?
20:22Do you want to come along?
20:23Same place, day after tomorrow?
20:25All right.
20:26Let's go.
20:27Let's go.
20:28Let's go.
20:29Let's go.
20:30Let's go.
20:31Let's go.
20:32Let's go.
20:33Let's go.
20:34Let's go.
20:35Let's go.
20:36Let's go.
20:37Let's go.
20:38All right.
20:39It's good to see you coming out of your shell like that, David.
20:42I ain't coming out of the closet.
20:43This chick's probably a dude.
20:46This chick is really hot, man.
20:47Wait till you meet her.
20:53Hey, crazy town.
20:54You coming?
20:57Hey, baby.
20:58It's me.
21:01No, don't hang up.
21:02I need your phone.
21:03Baby, I just...
21:04I need your phone to call 9-1-1.
21:05I just need to know what you mean to me.
21:06I mean...
21:07Hey, help me.
21:08My boyfriend's in the...
21:11Why can't anyone hear me?
21:41You really know how to put a girl in the mood.
21:44You're already in the mood.
21:46And you're killing it.
21:47Come on.
21:48We both know where this is going.
21:56What's wrong, baby?
21:58I don't know.
21:59I just got this weird feeling like someone was watching us.
22:02Just give him something to watch.
22:25Another day of hell.
22:37You won't be there forever.
22:39Yeah, well, sometimes I feel like I've already been there forever.
22:42Well, at least you know what you want to do with your life.
22:45Yeah, and at least you don't have to watch all your hopes and dreams slip through your fingers.
22:49Oh, and you think that's worse than not knowing why you're on the planet at all?
22:53Other than to, like, you know, fill up space?
22:57Well, the only thing a woman is good for is making dinner and making babies.
23:01Oh, well, if that's the case, then I'll just stop taking the pill.
23:04Well, I guess I'll just stop to stop having sex with you then.
23:07Oh, sure, that'll be the day.
23:10You know, I don't even cook for you.
23:12You're like even a better cook than I am.
23:14Yeah, you kind of suck.
23:16We all have our talents.
23:18You know, speaking of which, you could always become a porn star.
23:21Okay, so, like, you wouldn't mind if I had sex with a whole bunch of guys all day?
23:24Are you kidding? I'd show your movies to all my buddies and they'd be like,
23:27you see that? That's what I'm getting.
23:29Only I'd be so tired from, like, screwing all day that I don't think I'd have enough energy for you, hon.
23:52Is anyone there?
24:07Baby, have you seen my cell phone?
24:09No, where'd you leave it?
24:13Did you leave the closet door open?
24:15You have to do something to impress her.
24:18About that.
24:22We're gonna be late, dude.
24:24Tell him to not park in the garage.
24:26Relax, we'll just park in the garage again.
24:28Alright, but I'm paying this time.
24:51I have the keys!
25:10I have the keys!
25:21Screw this.
25:25Really, Aaron?
25:37I know you're in here.
25:40And you're not welcome, so whoever you are, you can leave me alone.
25:52Hey, buddy.
25:54Hey, you beat me.
26:02So that was nice.
26:04Don't be an ass again.
27:20Oh my god.
27:21Oh my god, Aaron.
27:32I'm so sorry.
27:40Don't fight it, baby.
27:43This is the only way.
27:47It's fate.
27:57I can't.
27:59I can't.
28:01It's the only way for us.
28:03It's the only way out.
28:06You know that?
28:07It's okay.
28:09We can survive.
28:11All we do is survive.
28:14We just keep on surviving.
28:17And surviving.
28:19What happened when I was gone?
28:24You've always been here, Megan.
28:28What do you mean?
28:30You've been here forever.
28:33Same as the rest of us.
28:36You don't know.
28:38Not from an earlier time, but you will.
28:41I've seen it.
28:45You're not making any sense.
28:47It has to be this way.
28:53No, no, it doesn't.
29:03I love you.
29:06I can't do it.
29:09I can.
29:13You don't have to watch.
29:16Make it quick.
29:23It won't hurt if you don't fight.
29:25You're insane.
29:26No, you're deluded.
29:35Don't fight.
30:14You stay away from me.
30:15No, what happened to you?
30:22Oh, my God.
30:28What's going on?
30:30Megan, are you all right?
30:31I missed you guys.
30:33We've only been gone a couple of minutes.
30:35What did you do to your head?
30:38Someone help me!
30:40Dani, wait!
30:42Just a second.
30:46Oh, my God.
31:04Come on.
31:13Not this time.
31:19Oh, dude.
31:25You laid that guy out.
31:28Are you okay?
31:31I was just doing what you told me.
31:33I don't even know you, dude.
31:38But you will.
31:40You're gonna know me real well.
31:44We all know there's only one way out.
31:47Because it's forever down here.
31:56Trust me to pick a psycho.
31:58It's okay. You're safe now, Cheryl.
32:01I didn't tell you my name.
32:03I heard him call you it.
32:07Look, Cheryl, there's something very strange going on, okay?
32:11The levels, they keep repeating themselves.
32:14Jesus Christ. What are we gonna do?
32:16We're gonna get out of this trap that we're in.
32:18What trap are we in?
32:20I don't know.
32:22But he does.
32:25What's she talking about, David?
32:27I don't know.
32:29You changed what happened the first time.
32:32You don't have the knife, so he won't kill Aaron.
32:34Kill me? Who has a knife?
32:37You guys are so crazy.
32:39Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?
32:42Show us your arm.
32:45Because he cut you.
32:46Cut me? How could he have cut me?
32:49Hey, let me go, Aaron.
32:52Get your girlfriend off of me.
32:54Hey! Come on, let me go!
32:57Looks like that's been there for a while.
32:59I've had that scar my entire life.
33:01I've known you your entire life, and I've never seen that before.
33:04Well, you just haven't noticed it then.
33:06Bullshit. Where did you get that?
33:07He got it right here in the garage.
33:09But we just got here.
33:10No. You just got here.
33:12I've been here for a little while,
33:14and David's been here for quite some time, haven't you?
33:21All right.
33:23Aaron, let me go.
33:28All I got is a best guess.
33:30Let's have it.
33:32Any of you familiar with M-theory?
33:36How about string theory? Does that ring a bell?
33:40First of all,
33:42I have been here a lot longer than the rest of you.
33:46Then where?
33:47The garage.
33:48But we came in together.
33:50Yes, but I came from the future
33:52into this particular point in time.
33:55I don't get you.
33:57All right, all right.
34:00M-theory suggests that what we perceive of the universe
34:03is actually a part of a multiverse,
34:06and this garage is a kind of a bubble in the multiverse,
34:10but it is also a universe in and of itself.
34:13Wait. So you're saying that this garage
34:16No, no. It is a universe.
34:19Wait a minute.
34:21I left the garage.
34:23I went back in time two days ago to when we first got here.
34:27These bubble universes lack mass.
34:29Therefore, quantum physics suggests they would be unstable.
34:32They would be full of rips and tears called wormholes
34:35that would lead to other universes and other times.
34:38Like in Star Trek.
34:40See, I got this.
34:42Yeah, but when I went back in time,
34:44I couldn't interact with anyone.
34:46Why is that?
34:47You were already there,
34:49and the same matter can't exist in the same place at the same time,
34:53so you became like a ghost.
34:55There, but not there.
34:57Yeah, but how did we get into this, like, universe bubble thing?
35:02There's a suggestion that whenever there's the possibility
35:06of different outcomes of a quantum universe,
35:09whenever there's the possibility
35:11of different outcomes of a probability occurring,
35:13then all probabilities will occur.
35:16He means that whatever can happen will happen.
35:19Yes. What I think happened
35:21is that some kind of probability event occurred.
35:23Maybe someone just made a choice, something really simple.
35:26Like choosing to take the elevator instead of the stairs.
35:30I saw it. When I went back in time,
35:32I saw myself get into the elevator.
35:35That had to have been when the split occurred.
35:37Why would making a choice to take the stairs lead us to this place?
35:42Here's what I think.
35:43You have one universe, and then you have a probability event
35:46which causes that universe to split into two,
35:48and sometimes you have a little bubble left over in between.
35:52And that's where we are?
35:56But we're only conscious in this universe.
35:58No, no, we're conscious in those universes, too.
36:00It's just that our perspective is limited to here.
36:03Yes, then we need to get our perspective into the main universe.
36:06I don't think that can be done.
36:08Why not?
36:09Well, because this bubble universe is always going to exist,
36:12and will always be here,
36:14and as long as we're here, there has to be a perspective.
36:17How long have we been here?
36:18It could have been years.
36:20It could have been months.
36:21I'm pretty sure it's not less than that.
36:23What happens to us down here?
36:26You don't want to know.
36:27Yes, I do.
36:29Well, at first, the guys and girls all start screwing each other.
36:34Well, except for me.
36:35I seem to get left out of that.
36:37So Megan has sex with that psycho?
36:39He's not always a psycho,
36:40but he's definitely the one of us who's least capable of coping.
36:44And why would she do that?
36:46Because we're freaking bored out of our minds.
36:48Did you sleep with her, too?
36:50Well, not as much as you and Paul do.
36:52What, are you jealous or something?
36:54Yeah, I'm jealous.
36:55You and that douchebag get to have what little fun there is to have down here.
36:59And every once in a while, you feel guilty,
37:01so you throw me, one of the girls, out of pity.
37:03Just a little plaything?
37:04No, this is insane.
37:06I'd never let Megan do that.
37:08It was your idea, okay?
37:11Paul was going to crack, and we knew sooner or later,
37:14because we'd all seen the future, that he was going to try and kill us.
37:17So you thought it would be good if Megan would...
37:21But we knew that it was just because you wanted to get into her pants.
37:29Well, let's not all get pissy about something that we haven't even done.
37:33You will.
37:34So what happens next?
37:36At first, Megan is our leader.
37:39But then we get sick of her telling us what to do.
37:42So, you beat the shit out of her.
37:51I never...
37:53Then, you take over.
37:55And you start rationing out the girls.
37:58And if they resisted, they were beaten.
38:03And if I complain, you had him beat the shit out of me too.
38:09You know me. I'm not that type of person.
38:12Do you really know what you'd be like if you were stuck down here for years?
38:16You know, to give you some credit, you always act guilty.
38:19But over time, you become more and more depressed,
38:22just as Paul becomes more and more insane.
38:24And then, you decide that it would be best to have him kill us all.
38:28By that time, Paul thinks you're the Messiah reborn,
38:30and he'll do whatever the hell you want.
38:32I've seen him go after Megan and Cheryl many times.
38:39And then he turns to me.
38:41Of course, death is no escape either.
38:44Because we're still alive in other universes.
38:48So this cycle just goes on and on and on.
38:54It's like Paul says.
38:58It's forever down here.
39:07Where's Megan?
39:18I remember now.
39:20Remember what?
39:24All of it.
39:27Everything you said.
39:31I had to make myself forget because I couldn't handle it.
39:48I've been here for so long.
39:52Megan, look at me.
39:55But you've heard me.
39:57No, I haven't.
40:00You will.
40:03Megan, I don't understand everything that's going on.
40:08But if there's anyone that can get us out of here, it's you.
40:11I've tried.
40:14I've tried so many times.
40:17I can't.
40:19I don't know how I'll be in the future.
40:22I guess you know better than I do.
40:26But I'm with you now.
40:31Because when you hurt me,
40:34that's when I made myself forget.
40:39I haven't hurt you.
40:43I haven't hurt you.
41:14Now find us a way out of here.
41:20So let me get this straight.
41:22You're saying that we...
41:26Well, you have a little mole down there.
41:30And your pubic hair would cover it if you hadn't shaved it all off.
41:35I'm not going to listen to this.
41:44Do you want to leave, David?
41:49What is this?
41:51You don't remember me?
41:53Remember you?
41:55It was a long time ago, when you first arrived.
42:06Do you want to leave?
42:09Of course I want to leave.
42:12But it's impossible.
42:14Just like everything else you've wanted to do in your life.
42:18What do you want?
42:20There are other yous out there.
42:23Not all of them are trapped in here.
42:25Yeah, well, I'm not them.
42:27You have to make a choice.
42:29Has any of what I said sunk into that dimwit brain of yours?
42:34There's no such thing as choices.
42:36All possibilities occur simultaneously.
42:39Whatever choice I'm supposed to make, I've already made it in another universe.
42:43That's where you're wrong.
42:46You have one choice.
42:51Which universe do you want to live in?
43:00We're getting out of here, and we are getting out of here right now.
43:03And how do you expect to do that?
43:05Through one of those wormholes.
43:07Okay, so I give you a child's explanation of M-theory,
43:10and all of a sudden you're Stephen Hawking?
43:12No. That's why I need you.
43:15Okay. So what's your plan?
43:18Okay, here's my idea.
43:21If we reenact everything we did from the moment that we got into the garage
43:25into the moment that we fell into the bubble,
43:27then maybe we can put our perspective into the regular universe.
43:31That's not going to work.
43:32Why not?
43:33Because we've tried it already.
43:34Well, then let's try it again.
43:35You said that last time, Megan.
43:37You know, I don't like this version of you very much.
43:39You've never really liked me.
43:41And you talk to me like I'm a child.
43:43That's not true, David.
43:45It is true.
43:47And maybe if you start telling the truth, I'll consider going with you on your little adventure.
43:53You want the truth?
43:55I'm indifferent to you.
43:57You're only around because you're Aaron's friend.
43:59Is that what you want to hear?
44:05Well, I got nothing better to do.
44:08Well, what about me?
44:10You can come, too.
44:11No, she can't.
44:13She didn't come through the bubble with us in the first place.
44:16If she goes now, she could screw up everything.
44:18You don't think it's going to work anyway, right?
44:21Fair enough.
44:25Let's go.
44:27Are you sure this is going to work?
44:28Yeah, it will.
44:29How do you know?
44:30Because I won't accept the alternative.
44:37First, we push the elevator button.
44:40Now what?
44:42David didn't want to wait.
44:44He took the stairs.
44:46Move your ass, David.
44:48All right.
44:51I'll see you guys on the other side.
44:54Then you found him.
45:05Come on.
45:21Okay, we're good.
45:24Follow me.
45:41Go. That's what I'm supposed to do.
45:46Come on. Let's go, Aaron.
45:50Come on.
45:53Come on.
46:04Come on.
46:35Come on.
46:41You're just high on life, aren't you?
46:46You all right?
46:48I just had some weird deja vu.
46:51You know what that is, don't you?
46:54No, but I suppose you're going to tell us.
46:58They think it's when something just bypasses your short-term memory
47:01and goes right into your long-term memory.
47:03I remember from a long time ago, but it's just an illusion.
47:06How do they know?
47:09I don't know.
47:11Just a guess.
47:34Come on.
47:54You're awfully quiet back there.
47:59I was just thinking how big the world is.
48:02The galaxy is just a little speck in the universe.
48:06So we're all pretty insignificant when you think about it that way.
48:09But I don't see insignificance.
48:11What do you see?
48:33I feel like I've been this way before somewhere
48:40Deep inside my head
48:43Still no revolving door
48:47Of feelings
48:51I feel like I've been this way before somewhere
48:59A door of feelings
49:04Kept to myself
49:08Is this reality?
49:13Save me
49:17Cause I'm going down
49:19And I don't know if you can convince me
49:27I'm a dreamer
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