Relief For Punjab in Electricity Bills - PPP and PMLN face off - Kashif Abbasi's Critical Analysis

  • last month


00:00Announcements are made, strange and poor, because of which we are in trouble that how to respond to these announcements of stupidity.
00:05Someone used the word stupidity, so I laughed, I said that putting money in the pocket of corruption, spending money on the protocol, on the planes, on the helicopters, on the convoy of cars, on the salaries, on the houses, this is not stupidity, giving relief to the people is stupidity.
00:22Some people are shrinking politically, the younger brother has increased the electricity bill rate, and the elder brother said that we are reducing the bill for two months in Punjab.
00:31It is such an injustice, Punjab has given a relief of two months from its own fund for the people of Punjab, if the government of KP and the rest of the provincial governments also give this facility with great enthusiasm, but doing politics on it, we should abstain from it.
00:47The subsidy given to Punjab was announced by Mr. Nawaz Sharif on behalf of Mariam Nawaz Sharif, and now a series of statements have begun against each other.
00:57A government made a decision, and the decision was that the Punjab government cut its development funds at its own expense and decided that up to Rs. 14, 500 units of electricity will be given to the people.
01:15Because a political government had to decide what is more important for the people in their opinion at this time, electricity can be a great relief for them, this is a development fund, and Punjab has decided that cheap electricity is a great relief for the people of Punjab, and this is also true, if the debate has been going on for many days, the debate is revolving around how to pay the electricity bill.
01:45Brother killed his brother, there is news every day that the electricity bill has become so high that someone has committed suicide, this is a good thing, everyone should follow it, if they want a targeted subsidy from their side for a short period of time, what is the statement, but the statement is very interesting that this is a people's party whose votes are in the government of the Assembly of Noon, but now very serious allegations are being placed on each other.
02:12There are strange and poor announcements, because of which we are in trouble that how to respond to the announcements of stupidity, someone used the word that this is stupidity, so I laughed, I said that putting money in the pocket of corruption, spending money on the protocol, on the helicopters, on the convoys of cars, on the salaries, on the houses, this is not stupidity, giving relief to the people is stupidity.
02:35Some people are shrinking politically, the younger brother has increased the electricity bill rate, and the elder brother said that we are reducing the bill for two months in Punjab.
02:44It is such an injustice, Punjab has given a relief of two months from its own fund for the people of Punjab, if the KPK government gives this facility to the rest of the government with great enthusiasm, but doing politics on it, we should abstain from it.
03:06Thank you very much, Dr. Salman Khanna, Dr. Raja and Dr. Palwasha Khan will join us in the program from the people's party, if you allow me, I will start with the people's party, Dr. Palwasha, can you hear me?
03:18Yes, a little, but let's increase the volume.
03:22Punjab gave money from its own pocket and decided that the biggest problem for us at the moment is the electricity bills, they cut their development funds from different places, someone called it stupidity, someone said that they are shrinking, the answer came from there that putting money in the pocket of corruption is not stupidity, buying a protocol ship, convoys of cars are not stupidity, you can also do this.
03:50You also talk to Wafaaq, give subsidies to your people.
03:54One thing is that Wafaaq's money, Punjab's money, all this money is Pakistan's money, neither is Wafaaq's money in anyone's pocket, nor is Sindh's money in anyone's pocket, nor is anyone giving relief from their own pocket in Punjab.
04:13This is just a National Exchequer and relief has been given from it.
04:18This is the first thing.
04:20In your opinion, it should not have been given, the first decision should have been made.
04:23No, what I am telling you is that we are in a coalition government, the electricity rates have increased, this has also been increased by the federal cabinet and the Prime Minister, and their application has been done in all four provinces, however it happened.
04:39Now, if there is any relief, then the right to relief is of all the provinces, and it was necessary to make a policy in it.
04:49Now, if there is any relief, then the right to relief is of all the provinces, and it was necessary to make a policy in it.
05:09Now, if there is any relief, then the right to relief is of all the provinces, and it was necessary to make a policy in it.
05:15The corrupt people who are stealing the wealth of the people and filling their pockets, taking a vote from them to make a government, making a budget, and then giving relief on the same budget, at what age does all this come?
05:28Therefore, I think that this is a statement, although we do not do it, but this statement has come to the situation.
05:40But you started the statement, you said, what answer should we give to stupidity?
05:45It came from there that if this is stupidity, then it is not stupidity to put money in the pocket of corruption.
05:48The statement started from where you came from, whose answer came from Punjab.
05:52But there should be a joint decision, like other decisions, because this is a formal issue of people's bills.
06:12This is not just a problem in one place, but a problem in the whole of Pakistan.
06:15But in this, as the government of Sindh, you can also go to the government and say that we have so much money, cut it, and give us so much relief.
06:25You are right, but these are not point scoring issues.
06:30I will increase it first, then Mr. Tariq Shahbaz will do it, then the third, KP.
06:35This is not a point scoring issue, this is a policy issue, this is a genuine issue of this country.
06:40I am sure that the people who say that there is no solution to the issue of IPPs, I would have talked to all of them about how to get rid of them.
06:50After that, they would have given a uniform relief for all four provinces.
06:54Anyway, they have given it, that is a different matter.
06:56But now, who is giving it from their pocket, you tell me the truth.
07:01No, but look, the conferences that you do every day, the hospitals of Sindh are very good.
07:07Even you don't do it from your pocket, but you show your efficiency.
07:10We have built this hospital, we have built this road.
07:13This is the gift of our politics.
07:15We are not even claiming this kind of politics, this is a human science on electricity.
07:20Absolutely right, I agree with this.
07:22If there is no fan in summer, then this is a human science.
07:28Absolutely right.
07:32I was listening to a press conference today, I am sorry, a presentation was given by Mr. Awais Laghari.
07:37I couldn't read the whole presentation in the messaging.
07:40But there are a lot of ideas in it, let's see to what extent the government will be able to implement them.
