Two Cars Hit by Falling Metal Beams in New Taipei

  • last month
Two cars in New Taipei were hit by metal beams falling from an expressway bridge during morning rush hour. No one was injured, but the driver of the truck carrying the beams faces fines for not securing his load. Road repairs could take two months.


00:00Two cars were damaged by falling metal beams in New Taipei during the Tuesday morning rush
00:06The accident in Shantung District happened when the beams dropped off a trailer truck
00:10and broke through the guardrail of a bridge falling to the street below.
00:15Police say the truck was overloaded and the beams were not properly secured.
00:20While no one was injured, the truck driver faces fines and charges of public endangerment.
00:25The bridge is one of the main arteries connecting New Taipei with the capital.
00:29A single Taipei-bound lane has been opened to traffic, but officials estimate it will
00:34take two months to fully repair the damage.
