निंदा करने का परिणाम क्या हो सकता है?

  • last month
महान पुरुषों के लिए नेगेटिव या निंदा होने में क्या जोखिम रहा है? हमारे खुद से या किसीसे बातें करते हुए अगर निंदा हो जाए तब उससे किस प्रकार मुक्त हो सकते है?
00:00What is the benefit of criticizing someone?
00:06Don't criticize anyone.
00:09If you can't praise someone, it's okay.
00:12But don't criticize.
00:14I say, what is the benefit of criticizing?
00:19There is a huge loss in it.
00:21If there is a huge loss in this world,
00:25it is in criticizing.
00:27Therefore, there should be no reason to criticize anyone.
00:58You will definitely be deceived.
01:01You should never do negative knowledge.
01:04If you don't understand, you say,
01:06He is a great man.
01:08It's a good thing.
01:09He gives peace to two people.
01:12O Dada Bhagwan!
01:13Give me the ultimate power to not
01:16disrespect any spiritual teacher,
01:18sadhu, sadhvi or acharya.
01:24Criticism can be done in many ways.
01:28A living person or a dead person
01:31has no right to speak negatively.
01:37A person is not present.
01:38He should not speak negatively.
01:41It is a big sin.
01:43If it has happened,
01:44then we should reflect on it.
01:47If someone says something
01:49which is out of our control,
01:51we should immediately wake up
01:52and reflect on it.
01:55My one word was negative for this person.
01:58I should apologize to the soul
02:00who is sitting inside him.
02:04O Dada Bhagwan!
02:05Give me the ultimate power
02:06not to disrespect or
02:12insult a living person
02:17or a dead person.
02:24And one more thing,
02:25we are ancient followers.
02:27We have been following you since time immemorial.
02:30This is a very big sin.
02:31Lord Mahavir, Lord Krishna,
02:35so many Tirthankars, Gyanis, and Bhagwans have passed away.
02:39We have come to Kalyug to study this.
02:42So, we are called Purva Viratna, Purva Aparadhak Jiva.
02:46And see, so many friends have come together.
02:50Is the positive thing more or the negative thing more?
02:53The negative thing is more.
02:55Politician, actor, cricketer, from other villages,
02:59family members, relatives,
03:01whose negative thing do they not speak about?
03:04What a big sin it is!
03:05It is said and heard.
03:06So, this negativity is of Purva Viratna.
03:09Some even speak about God.
03:11Then who will give the warning?
03:13Who will save us from this?
03:14Sometimes there are Gyanis like Dada Bhagwan.
03:17Then they reveal the truth that
03:19see, man has gone on the wrong path
03:22and how far he will stray from the path of salvation.
03:29For more information, visit www.osho.com
