Program Makan Bergizi Gratis Mulai Januari 2025

  • last month
Badan Gizi Nasional memastikan, program akan bergizi gratis pemerintahan presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto, akan dilakukan mulai Januari 2025. Nantinya, Badan Gizi Nasional akan mengelola anggaran makan bergizi gratis sebesar Rp71 triliun.


00:00The National Nutrition Agency has confirmed that the free diet program will be conducted by the elected presidential government, Prabowo-Supianto, starting in January 2025.
00:14The National Nutrition Agency will manage the free diet program worth Rp 71 trillion.
00:21The National Nutrition Agency has confirmed that the free diet program will be conducted by the elected presidential government, Prabowo-Supianto, starting in January 2025.
00:36Currently, the National Nutrition Agency is preparing the structure and working order of the organization.
00:42According to the head of the National Nutrition Agency, Dadan Hindayana, later after the structural problem is solved, the party will arrange all the body regulations and all regulations related to the nutrition supplement program.
00:55Dadan admitted that the National Nutrition Agency is ready to accept a budget for the free diet program in December and will start the free diet program on January 2, 2025.
01:10The government itself has set a free diet budget of Rp 71 trillion in 2025.
01:17The budget will later be used for the implementation of the program until the operation of the National Nutrition Agency as the executor of the program.
01:26As we know, the National Nutrition Agency was formed through the 83rd Fair Press in 2024 and was signed by President Joko Widodo on August 15, 2024.
01:36The formation of this National Nutrition Agency to accommodate the free diet program which is the best program of the elected presidential government, Prabowo-Supianto.
