Nearing Complete Extinction! || Acharya Prashant

  • 2 weeks ago
Full video: How will we tackle such extremeties? || Acharya Prashant, TedX (2023)
00:00The extinction rate has exceeded the natural rate not by percentage points, but by manyfold,
00:07but by multiples.
00:08One million animal and plant species threatened with extinction, do you understand?
00:13Threatened with extinction.
00:14They're not just threatened, their numbers are not just reducing, they are going extinct.
00:19We understand what extinction means, they'll never return.
00:22We are not talking of a few members of the species, we are talking of the last member
00:26of the species.
00:28It's gone forever.
00:29Look at the third point, let it sink in.
00:31The only mammals that are surviving today are the ones that we use.
00:35All other mammals we have wiped out.
00:38So if you want to survive on this earth, we have colonized, monopolized it to such an
00:42extent that if you want to survive on this earth, you have to be usable to human beings.
00:47If you're not usable, you will be killed.
00:48So goat, cow, buffalo, sheep, camel, only such mammals that are of use to us have been
00:56allowed to not just survive, but multiply.
