• last year


03:19我要和你来一场约会 I want to have a date with you.
03:50姑祖母? Grandaunt?
03:56怎么,一个白三爷不够,连我也想一并杀了? What? Not enough to kill Bai Sanye, and you want to kill me as well?
04:03这个,主要这段时间被刺杀多了,有点应激。 Well, I've been assassinated a lot recently, so it's a bit hard to explain.
04:14刀势,你已经彻底掌握了? You've mastered the swordplay?
04:17是的,姑祖母。有了刀势,我有把握再上原初山之乾陵丹。 Yes, Grandaunt. With the swordplay, I'm confident that I'll be able to get to Qianning Mountain.
04:24这下,不仅能通过原初山考试,说不定还能拿个好名次。 Not only can I pass the Yuanchu Mountain test, I might even get a good name.
04:29现在知道要上原初山了?杀白三爷的时候怎么没想过? Now you know you're going to Yuanchu Mountain? Why didn't you think about it when you killed Bai Sanye?
04:35你知不知道这次捅了多大的毛病?别说原初山,你自身都难保。 Do you know how much trouble you've caused this time? Not to mention Yuanchu Mountain, you can't even protect yourself.
04:43那可咋办?要不现在您睁一只眼闭一只眼,让我约个月……? What should I do? How about you open your eyes and close them? Let me make an appointment...
04:54看来这三个月你是一点教训都没收到。 It seems you haven't learned a lesson in the past three months.
05:00就算再过三年,三十年,三百年,我也会挥那一刀。 Even if it's three years, thirty years, or three hundred years, I'll still wield the sword.
05:07那我希望你在这条路上别只做挥刀者,而是做那个握刀的人。 Then I hope you won't just be a swordsman on this road, but someone who wields a sword.
05:16还杵在那儿干吗?赶紧给我滚出来。 Why are you still standing there? Get out of here.
05:20玉阳公主放过我了。 Princess Yuyang let me go.
05:23纵容白家勾结天妖门,又故意引三个小辈去咸石苑捅破白家的勾当,借少年义气除掉白三爷,真是好算计啊,李怀南。 You let the Bai family collude with the Heaven and Demon Sects, and deliberately lured three juniors to go to the Xian Shi Yuan to destroy the Bai family's plot, to get rid of Bai Sanye with the young man's willpower. What a good plan, Li Huainan.
05:42一切都是为了东宁府。 Everything is for the Dongning Prefecture.
05:48下次可别再给人做刀了。 Next time, don't be a swordsman.
05:52真要做,就全砍了。 If you really want to do it, just chop it all off.
05:56还有,你小子在城墙上乱涂乱画破坏公物,钱你自己赔。 And, you're painting and destroying public property on the city walls. You'll pay for it.
06:03是。 Yes.
06:16做我刀的人吗? Are you a swordsman?
06:23怎么换回来了? Why did you change it back?
06:25反正也不合适。 It's not suitable anyway.
06:53谢了,燕白猫。我敬你一杯。 Thank you, Yan Baimao. Let me make a toast to you.
06:57酒是川长药,劝你少喝点。作为修行者,应当洁身自好。 The wine is the medicine for the long journey. I advise you to drink less. As a practitioner, you should take care of yourself.
07:05擦擦嘴吧。 Wipe your mouth.
07:23不管怎样,这次孟师弟也算因祸得福。一举误出刀势,上元初杀应该是稳了。 No matter what, Meng was lucky this time. He didn't use his sword. He should be safe on the mountain.
07:30姓孟的,你别得意。我迟早也会掌握事。你给我等着。 Meng, don't be too proud. I'll get it sooner or later. Just wait and see.
07:38好,等你掌握事,我们再打一场。 OK, we'll fight again when you get it.
07:43手帕洗了还你。 I'll wash your handkerchief and give it back to you.
07:46那我们就不打扰了。 Then we won't bother you.
07:47见到你平安无事,我们也就放心了。 We're relieved to see you safe and sound.
07:53说什么打扰不打扰的,我们不是朋友吗? What are you talking about? Aren't we friends?
07:58朋友?原来我们已经是朋友了? Friends? So we're already friends?
08:03当然。那我想要对我的好朋友说句谢谢。 Of course. Then I want to say thank you to my good friend.
08:09谢我干什么? Why are you thanking me?
08:11我师父让我看清了这世道的真相。 My master made me see the truth of this world.
08:14是人族与妖族的抗争,不,是强者对弱者的剥削。 It's the struggle between humans and demons, no, it's the bullying of the strong against the weak.
08:21妖吃人,人吃人,神尊杀妖又吃人。妖吃人,人吃人,神尊杀妖又吃人。 Demons eat humans, humans eat humans, gods kill demons and eat humans again.
08:25这就是个吃人的世界。 This is a world of eating humans.
08:28而想要改变这一切,你又必须成为神尊。 And if you want to change everything, you have to become a god.
08:34但偏偏我已经神尊无望,我根本无力改变这一切。 But I'm already hopeless. I can't change anything.
08:37而梦师弟,你那一刀让我明白,即使我无法如你一般成为照亮云端的雷霆,但也可以做黑夜里的一缕烛火。 And Junior Meng, your knife made me understand that even if I can't become a lightning rod that illuminates the clouds like you, I can still be a candlelight in the dark.
08:51当万家灯火汇聚,同样能照亮大地。 When all the lights are gathered, they can also illuminate the earth.
08:56撑起这个世界的从来不是神尊,而是云云众生。 The one who holds this world is never the god, but the people.
09:01众生期待你照亮云端的那一天,梦师弟。 Everyone is looking forward to the day you illuminate the clouds, Junior Meng.
09:04我会的。 I will.
09:06我打算去边关服役,不仅能杀妖,说不定军中还有恢复手脚的办法。 I plan to go to the border to serve, not only to kill demons, but also to recover my hands and feet in the army.
09:11等我上了远处山,也帮你找找恢复身体的办法。 I will also help you find a way to recover your body after I go to Mount Yuanchu.
09:14没办法。 No way.
09:32保重,保重。 Take care, take care.
09:45今天的山海妖星,怎么感觉格外的凉。 Today's mountain and sea demon star, why does it feel so cool?
09:56那是什么? What is that?
09:58过去看看。 Let's go and have a look.
10:08应该在这附近才对,感知领域,看。 I should be around here. Sense the domain, see.
10:15那边。 That way.
10:23放好了吗,二哥? Are you ready, second brother?
10:35吓老子一跳。 You scared me.
10:38最后一个,搞定了。 The last one, done.
10:41趁着还没天黑,咱们出城。 It's not dark yet, let's get out of the city.
10:44别啊,二哥。好不容易进紫城,又回山里,我还没去冰云楼耍耍呢。 Don't, second brother. It's not easy to get into the Forbidden City and back to the mountains. I haven't been to the Ice Tower yet.
10:50不想死就快点。官府很快接了咱们的通缉令。 If you don't want to die, hurry up. The government will soon issue an arrest warrant.
11:00就是这儿。 This is it.
11:10这东西怎么感觉在哪儿见过? How come I feel like I've seen this somewhere before?
11:40东宁府内为什么会出现妖怪? Why are there demons in the Dongning Prefecture?
11:55天妖门。 The Heavenly Demon Gate.
11:57那群家伙还没死去。 Those guys are still alive.
12:01他们想利用这玩意儿将妖怪放入东宁府。 They want to use this to put the demons into the Dongning Prefecture.
12:06这次,我们自己来解决。 This time, we'll take care of it ourselves.
12:11两位大爷慢走,可别忘了我和翠翠哦。 Take care, gentlemen. Don't forget me and Cui Cui.
12:23怎么会忘了你这么润的妹妹? How could I forget such a tender sister like you?
12:30走之前咱再播一个,兰兰。 Let's play one more before we leave, Lan Lan.
12:36讨厌,我是翠翠啦。 You're so annoying, I'm Cui Cui.
12:41拜拜。 Bye-bye.
12:43拜拜。 Bye-bye.
12:45慢走。 Bye-bye.
12:56这碧云楼的姑娘可真不是盖的,那缠劲儿,那腰力。 Those girls in the Cloud Tower are really not made for this. They're so weak.
13:04那可不,二哥。他们上上下下,历历万万可都练过。 That's true, Second Brother. They've been through a lot of training.
13:10可是以后都没那么好的姑娘咯。 But now they don't have such a good girl anymore.
13:17咋啦? What's wrong?
13:18那练姑娘的地方被人给搅了。 That girl's place has been messed up.
13:23谁?谁干的?老子扒了她的皮! Who? Who did this? I peeled off her skin!
13:28不好意思,我干的。 Sorry, I did it.
13:31谁?滚出来! Who? Get out!
13:38见过这玩意儿吗? Have you seen this before?
13:40这玩意儿不会是你的命根子吧? Is this your lifeblood?
13:58看来罪得不轻。 Looks like I'll have to go easy on you.
14:11老三! Third Brother!
14:13如何?酒醒了吗? How is it? Are you sober now?
14:21臭娘子!老子宰了你! Bitch! I'll kill you!
14:24宰了你! I'll kill you!
14:33你是资本鸡毛的鲜血者,你会邪道功法血魔使吗? You are a bloodthirster, and you are a bloodthirster.
14:45你是血云道二当家血手赵灿。 You are the second master of Blood Cloud Sect, Zhao Can.
14:54看来老子的名号在东名府确实响当当。 It seems that my reputation is indeed strong in Dong Ming City.
14:59连个毛头小子都听说过。 Even a young boy has heard of me.
15:04原来你死在我手里,也算死得其所了。 It seems that you are lucky to die in my hands.
15:12不对啊,赵灿是个光头。 No, Zhao Can is a bald man.
15:19老子进城不得一个人! I won't let anyone in!
15:22老子死了! I'll kill you!
15:47死吧! Die!
15:52死吧! Die!
16:01青花的月色好美啊。 The moonlight is so beautiful.
16:04死吧! Die!
16:20这玩意儿是你放的吧? Did you drop that thing?
16:23是,是,是。 Yes, yes, yes.
16:27帅哥饶命,帅哥饶命。 Please spare my life, handsome.
16:29帅哥,你问什么我说什么,只求你饶命。 Handsome, I'll do anything you ask. Please spare my life.
16:34少了一秒。 Please spare my life.
16:37哪儿来的? Where did you get it?
16:38天妖门,天妖门给的。 天妖门,天妖门给的。 The Heaven's Demon Gate, the Heaven's Demon Gate gave it to me.
16:40他们有三百黄金,我们将这玩意儿藏在百姓家里, A total of three hundred golden coins were hidden in the people's homes.
16:44一共给了我们二三十个,我们全给放完了。 They gave us twenty or thirty coins in total and we gave them all away.
16:48盖天道的天妖门,还押我为款。 The Heaven's Demon Gate, who is not only a sword, but also a staff.
16:51I promise I won't do business with the Heaven and Earth Sects again.
16:55I'll risk my life.
16:57Where did you meet them?
16:59In a deserted house in the middle of nowhere.
17:02That's all I know.
17:05Really, believe me.
17:07That's all I know.
17:09Spare my life.
17:11I promise I'll get out of the Dunian Manor and never come back.
17:14I heard that in order to train the Blood Demon Hand,
17:16you killed 300 people in your hometown of Qinxian.
17:19Is that true?
17:21I... I...
17:32This is...
17:33Shen Zun's relic.
17:39Damn! Again!
17:49Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team at Viki.com
18:19Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
18:49Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
19:19Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
19:49Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
19:59Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
20:09Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
20:19Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
20:29Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
20:39Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
20:49Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
20:59Previously on The Legend of Qingyang
21:09Previously on The Legend of Qingyang