• last year
Love your neighbor as yourself.
00:00Hi everyone, welcome to Jesus Loves You All's videos.
00:04Today, let's talk about loving ourselves.
00:08In Galatians 5 14, the Bible says,
00:12Love your neighbor as yourself.
00:13This means that loving ourselves is actually really important.
00:17It's not about being selfish.
00:19It's about appreciating ourselves and accepting our flaws.
00:22When we love ourselves, we can love others better.
00:25It's okay if you've made mistakes or had tough times.
00:28Remember, you're God's masterpiece.
00:30Create for a special purpose.
00:32Ephesians 2 10.
00:33God loves you so much that he sent his son, Jesus, for you.
00:37You're worthy of love and acceptance.
00:40So, let's celebrate ourselves.
00:42Let's remember that we're loved.
00:44Have a blessed Monday.
00:46Don't forget to subscribe and share this with your friend.
00:50And write Amen in the comments.
00:51Once Jesus, always Jesus, and Jesus always loves you.