00:005. Finding Peace How far has the Lord taken our sins from us?
00:06Farther than the distance from east to west.
00:09Psalm 103 verse 12 Yup.
00:13You did it.
00:14You screwed up.
00:16And since you did, it seems you are hopelessly tainted so, oh well, you might as well keep
00:22Except that's not how Jesus works.
00:25Because of Jesus, you have hope.
00:28Because of him, you aren't forever in trouble.
00:32Because of him, you can quit doing the same sins.
00:36You can heal.
00:37You can move forward.
00:39And then you can forgive others who hurt you.
00:42The friend who ghosted you when you really needed them, the sibling who treats you unfairly
00:47behind your parents' backs, the military that took your parent away for too long.
00:52Life is full of hurts, and the only hope for true healing is Jesus' forgiveness.
00:58Through his amazing love, he paid the terrible price of a painful death on the cross so he
01:03could offer us forgiveness for free.
01:06Knowing Jesus forgives you, how could you not forgive others?
01:10Get real with God about your sin and ask for his forgiveness.
01:15Ask him to help you stop making wrong choices.
01:18And then ask him to help you forgive others.
01:22Even when it's hard, he can help you let go of that hurt and resentment that you feel
01:25so you can experience true peace.
01:29And that is what forgiveness is all about.
01:33To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in
01:39C.S. Lewis
01:40Professor, author, and theologian in the 20th century.