مسلسل ولي العهد حلقة 4 حمادة هلال و ياسر جلال

  • last month


00:00I don't know what to do with myself.
00:02I don't know what to do.
00:04I don't know what to do.
00:06I don't know what to do.
00:08I don't know what to do.
00:10I don't know what to do.
00:12I don't know what to do.
00:14I don't know what to do.
00:16I don't know what to do.
00:18I don't know what to do.
00:20I don't know what to do.
00:22I don't know what to do.
00:24I don't know what to do.
00:26I don't know what to do.
00:28I don't know what to do.
00:30I don't know what to do.
00:32I don't know what to do.
00:34I don't know what to do.
00:36I don't know what to do.
00:38I don't know what to do.
00:40I don't know what to do.
00:42I don't know what to do.
00:44I don't know what to do.
00:46I don't know what to do.
00:48I don't know what to do.
00:50I don't know what to do.
00:52I don't know what to do.
00:54I don't know what to do.
00:56I don't know what to do.
00:58I don't know what to do.
01:00I don't know what to do.
01:02I don't know what to do.
01:04I don't know what to do.
01:06I don't know what to do.
01:08I don't know what to do.
01:10I don't know what to do.
01:12I don't know what to do.
01:14I don't know what to do.
01:16I don't know what to do.
01:18I don't know what to do.
01:20I don't know what to do.
01:22I don't know what to do.
01:24Ya Rabb.
01:30Ya Rabb.
01:32You are the One who knows my desires.
01:34Forgive me
01:36if my understanding is not good enough.
01:38Forgive me
01:40and help me
01:42if I am doing the right thing.
01:47How much is the prayer bead?
01:50Prayer bead?
01:52What do you mean by men?
01:53No, no, I didn't mean that.
01:55And Khaled, you know, our job depends on what?
01:58On the sweet word, on the taste, on the communication with the customers.
02:02But honestly, Khaled, after what happened to my wife,
02:05I was forbidden.
02:06I was forbidden to look at any woman.
02:07To the point that when a woman comes next to me or stands next to me,
02:09I do this.
02:10As if I was scared.
02:12Okay, okay.
02:13Is there any news about your wife and daughter or what?
02:16Unfortunately, no.
02:19They don't know the way to Jorra.
02:22When he kidnapped my daughter and ran away with her.
02:25May God protect you from him, God willing, God willing.
02:29Hey, Hajj.
02:31It's Saturday.
02:34Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming.
02:35The distance of the road is ready.
02:36I'm coming, Hajj.
02:37Okay, okay, okay.
02:39How are you, Khaloud?
02:40Uncle, did something happen to him?
02:41No, my dear, I'm fine, thank God.
02:42I'll leave you to follow everything, okay?
02:44Okay, don't worry, Khaled.
02:45Peace be upon you.
02:46Peace be upon you.
02:47May God be with you.
02:48Thank you, dear.
02:50What's wrong with you, Khaled?
02:51Don't drive the car.
02:52Don't think about my mother, dear.
02:53That's it.
02:56Oh, man, it's a shame on you.
02:57Don't get involved.
02:58It's your wife's fault.
02:59It's because of your treachery, dear.
03:02Okay, suppose.
03:03You take my only daughter and run away with her.
03:05Oh, dear.
03:06Do you care about this at all?
03:08I don't care about anything in this world.
03:11Except my daughter, Sobih.
03:14Except my daughter.
03:17Except my daughter.
03:22I miss her a lot.
03:26I don't know how she's doing now.
03:33I know how old she is.
03:36Seven years old.
03:39Three months old.
03:42Five days old.
03:44Do you remember her age in a day, dear?
03:47Do you want me to tell you how old she is?
03:49Sidi, I didn't mean that.
03:50What I want to tell you is that Khaled is a very good driver.
03:53And he knows a lot about you.
03:56Did you tell him anything about me?
03:58I swear I didn't tell him anything.
04:02What does he know about me?
04:04Uncle, he knows about you the usual things, dear.
04:06Then he hears about your misdeeds.
04:08But he doesn't want to believe it.
04:10I don't know why, honestly.
04:12You know why he doesn't want to believe it?
04:14Because we're his children.
04:16We don't have anyone else.
04:20We're his children and he's a slave.
04:23Even if he's a monster.
04:25My daughter won't grow up.
04:26But he's your uncle's son.
04:27I want to tell you something, but I'm embarrassed.
04:30What is it?
04:32Do you need money?
04:33No, thank you.
04:34But I want to tell you something.
04:36Salama is working for him.
04:37His life is ruined.
04:38And he doesn't care about the shop.
04:41We opened a nice shop.
04:43And Salama is your husband.
04:44What does he know about sweets?
04:45He does everything.
04:46He makes tea and coffee.
04:47I'm telling you, he's a coffee lover.
04:49His blood is light and he smells like honey.
04:52No one has a lighter blood than you and your daughter.
04:55Peace be upon you.
04:56Peace be upon you, dear.
04:57How are you?
04:58What's wrong with you?
04:59What brought you here so early?
05:00Is something wrong?
05:01Actually, dad wants to talk to you.
05:03How's your uncle?
05:04He's fine, dear.
05:05Why don't you say hi to him?
05:07What's this?
05:08You look different.
05:10Get up, dear.
05:11Say hi to your uncle.
05:12Get up, dear.
05:13How are you, uncle?
05:14How are you, uncle?
05:15Why are your glasses so long?
05:16The glasses?
05:17No, the glasses are long.
05:19Are you okay?
05:20Yes, thank God.
05:21How are you?
05:22Thank God.
05:23Are you okay, uncle?
05:24I'm fine, dear.
05:25Uncle, are you okay?
05:27I'm fine, dear.
05:28Come here.
05:35I'm sorry, sheikh.
05:36But she looks a lot like Khalid.
05:39It's obvious.
05:41These are my daughters, dear.
05:43These are the papers for the factory, the villa, and the shops.
05:49I want you to sign them in the buyer's account.
05:54Buyer's account?
05:55Yes, son.
05:58I feel like I'm going to meet my dear God soon.
06:03I want to make sure of that before I die.
06:06After all that's happened to you, what are you saying?
06:09But you're hurting my daughters.
06:12And you're breaking God's law.
06:13Son, I don't have the money yet.
06:17And I'm not dead yet.
06:19And it's my right to give it to anyone.
06:22No, uncle.
06:23Give it to the heir.
06:24Even if you give it, you can only give it to a third party.
06:26Not the entire heir.
06:28Son, don't make me angry.
06:31I don't care about this building.
06:34I don't care about what I'm telling you.
06:36No, uncle.
06:38I can't give it to you.
06:40What do you mean?
06:42You're the one who taught me what's halal and what's haram.
06:44And what we're going to build is the biggest haram.
06:46And I can't give it to you.
06:48You're breaking my words.
06:51It's obvious, dad.
06:52But this is God's word.
06:54It applies to all of us.
06:56There's no one stronger than you.
06:59No one else would be happy with this offer.
07:04Money isn't everything.
07:07Believe me.
07:08You're being unfair to yourself and to my sisters.
07:11And because you're so good-natured,
07:14I'm forced to give it to you.
07:17So you can comfort me.
07:19Son, this is my life.
07:21Your sisters and me.
07:23I married them.
07:26I'm sorry, uncle.
07:28I can't break my word.
07:30But it's my responsibility and I won't give it to you.
07:32I'm sorry, dad.
07:34Excuse me.
07:35Khaled, my son.
07:37My son.
07:39Khaled, my son.
07:48I knew you'd call me.
07:51But I didn't expect
07:53to see you here for the first time.
07:56And I expected you to meet me somewhere.
08:00I mean,
08:01a coffee shop.
08:05In a garden.
08:06Something like that.
08:09It won't make a difference.
08:12What matters is that we're together.
08:16If you don't believe me,
08:18we're three.
08:22Who's the third?
08:29and the devil.
08:31You're a devil and I'm not a fool.
08:34No, I'm not a devil.
08:38I'm Aziz.
08:40Aziz Abu Hatab.
08:42Ayn Ayan Aylta Abu Hatab.
08:44The center of Georgia, the governor of Sweden.
08:48Ayn Ayan Aylta Abu Hatab.
08:51Just once?
08:53Nen Ayn Ayan Aylta Abu Hatab.
08:56What do you think?
08:58I've been to a lot of places.
09:01I'm the richest man in the family.
09:04But please,
09:05consider this a secret between us.
09:07I don't want to hurt my cousin.
09:09You know how she is.
09:10She changes her legs every week.
09:13You're going to tell me?
09:14I don't know her.
09:17What can I say?
09:21the green phosphor
09:23that shines in the dark.
09:25The green phosphor that shines in the dark?
09:40I'm so tired, Khaled.
09:48Goodbye, dad.
09:51Go on, son.
09:52Go on, Khaled.
09:54Dad, we talked about this before.
09:57No, we didn't.
10:00Go on, son.
10:03Dad, I can't.
10:04I can't, believe me.
10:06You can't.
10:07I'll die when I'm mad at you.
10:09And you'll be my son.
10:11What do you mean?
10:13What do you mean?
10:14Tell him.
10:15Tell him, Khaled.
10:17Okay, okay.
10:18What's wrong with you, son?
10:20Go on, son.
10:21Go on.
10:23That's enough, son.
10:24That's enough.
10:27I'm sorry, dad.
10:28I'm sorry, dad.
10:33Who's sorry, son?
10:34I'm sorry, dad.
10:44I'm sorry, dad.
10:46I'm sorry, son.
10:49God help you, son.
10:50God help you.
10:54That's enough, son.
10:56I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
11:02Finally, I'm dead, Khaled.
11:05Praise be to Allah.
11:07Now, we'll be able to protect our wealth and our family.
11:14A small family.
11:16Yes, son.
11:17We have the Quran.
11:20Go on.
11:21Go on, Khaled.
11:22Go on, Khaled.
11:23Hold on, Khaled.
11:27Swear that you'll keep your daughters safe.
11:36I swear, dad.
11:38I'll keep my daughters safe.
11:45I'm so relieved.
11:48My conscience is clear.
11:53I'm relieved.
11:56Even if I die, I'll keep my family safe.
12:05Don't say that, son.
12:07God willing, you'll live and see your children.
12:12I can't.
12:15I can't, Khaled.
12:20Promise me that you'll marry again.
12:26Don't worry about me, dad.
12:30It's okay, son.
12:32Don't worry about me.
12:35It's okay.
12:36I'll carry the burden you're carrying.
12:39He'll do whatever you want.
12:41Just rest.
12:44Calm down, son.
12:46I know how to think with you.
12:49I'll think about it, Nada.
12:51I betrayed my brothers.
12:53I feel like a thief.
12:56The only solution is to ask Hajj to gather them and tell them everything that happened.
13:01So they won't doubt you.
13:04You're right.
13:06He has to confess his sins in front of him.
13:08He has to know that I forced him to do this.
13:14Good morning.
13:15Good morning, Noura.
13:16How are you, Nada?
13:17I'm fine.
13:18I'm going to make you some coffee.
13:19Okay, honey.
13:20Close the door behind you.
13:23How are you?
13:24I'm tired.
13:25I'm tired and I miss you.
13:27What happened?
13:29Dad, yesterday...
13:30Don't continue.
13:31He's going to confess his sins.
13:33And you know that?
13:34I know and I told Hajj.
13:35And we're like brothers.
13:37He's going to confess his sins.
13:42I'm sorry.
13:43Khaled, how could you do this?
13:45I had to.
13:46He promised me and it was a difficult situation.
13:48No matter how hard it was, you had to do it.
13:50You opened fire on him and you're a traitor.
13:52I was brave.
13:54Are you here to calm me down or to make me nervous?
13:59I'm sorry.
14:01No matter how calm you are, it's going to make you nervous.
14:08May God protect me from what's coming.
14:13Hajj, are you sure that you want to sell your villa, factory and shops to Khaled?
14:23And I'm in full control.
14:27And I'm not messing around.
14:30And I paid him the full price.
14:38Take this, Fayyad.
14:40This is my will.
14:41I wrote it with my own hands.
14:44Sign it with a pen.
14:48And withdraw all the money in the bank.
14:52And transfer it to my son Khaled's account.
14:57As you wish, Hajj.
15:40May God protect you.
16:01Take it, Khaled.
16:03And tell your mom.
16:06How can I do that? It's complicated.
16:08It's not complicated at all.
16:10Yesterday, I sat with the Hajj.
16:12I told him that Khaled is very tired and upset.
16:15He promised me that he will bring the girls and talk to them
16:18so that he can get you out of this mess.
16:20Are you serious, mom?
16:21It's a piece of cake, son.
16:22Thank God.
16:23Mom, calm down.
16:24From now on, he won't eat or sleep.
16:27Thank God.
16:28Thank God.
16:29Don't worry, dear.
16:31I'm going to get up now,
16:32think about where the girls are,
16:34and tell them everything.
16:35And this time, he'll have breakfast with them.
16:36God bless you.
16:37God bless you.
16:38Come on, let's eat.
16:39No, you eat.
16:40Wait for the Hajj to come.
16:41No, I want to get up when the Hajj comes.
16:43God bless you, mom.
16:44Don't you dare touch the food
16:47until your father comes.
16:48I know they're all...
16:53My son!
16:56My sister, they're all...
17:04Wake up, my brother.
17:05The kids are going to finish their food.
17:08Why don't you answer me?
17:12Help me, Khaled!
17:14Help me, guys!
17:16My father is dying!
17:18What should I do?
17:22Wake up, Hajj!
17:23My father!
17:26My father!
17:30My father is dead, Khaled!
17:33My father is dead, my brother!
17:37My father!
18:02My father!
18:03My father!
18:04My father!
18:05My father!
18:06My father!
18:07My father!
18:08My father!
18:09My father!
18:10My father!
18:11My father!
18:12My father!
18:13My father!
18:14My father!
18:15My father!
18:16My father!
18:17My father!
18:18My father!
18:19My father!
18:20My father!
18:21My father!
18:22My father!
18:23My father!
18:24My father!
18:25My father!
18:26My father!
18:27My father!
18:28My father!
18:29My father!
18:30My father!
18:31My father!
18:33My father!
18:35My father!
18:36And their hopes were destroyed by meeting him
18:46May Allah have mercy on your soul, O Baba Hawa
18:48And may He send us the rain of His mercy
18:50And may He send us the rain of His mercy
18:51May He not be angry with those who created, O son
18:54And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
18:56And may He cut us all off, O son
18:59And that is the reward of Hell for what they disbelieved
19:11And they took My signs and were disgraced
19:21And cover them from behind you
19:24Those who believed and did righteous deeds, they will have Paradise
19:41May Allah have mercy on your soul, O Baba Hawa
19:43And may He send us the rain of His mercy
19:45And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
19:47And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
19:49And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
19:51And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
19:53And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
19:55And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
19:57And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
19:59And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:01And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:03And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:05And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:07And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:09And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:11And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:13And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:15And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:17And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:19And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:21And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:23And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:25And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:27And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:29And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:31And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:33And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:35And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:37And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:39And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:41And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:43And may He not be angry with those who created, O son
20:45And may He not be angry with those who created
20:47The Fountain of Nirvana
21:15I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself,
21:45I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I
22:15don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know what to do with myself, I don
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