Rebus Season 1 Episode 2

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Rebus 2024 S01E02


00:00Just you remember the reason your missus and your kid have left you is because you couldn't give them the life they wanted either.
00:13I can't have this happening in the middle of the town, John.
00:18He's been trained to do that.
00:22Professional standards.
00:24Is he?
00:25If you told him you knew me, he'd be persona non grata on you first day.
00:28I felt bad ignoring you.
00:31Here's another bill that we cannae pay.
00:33Get on your knees!
00:36She's seen someone else.
00:38She's shagging someone, I'm telling you, I know it.
00:40She's been in a bad time herself, mate.
00:42You told him about you and onion?
00:47I'll be in touch.
00:58But I so know I'm not the man that I once was
01:14Search for signs between the lines
01:19Of right and wrong
01:28Of right and wrong
01:55I think I've had a breakthrough.
01:57A breakthrough?
02:01That's the right thing to say, isn't it?
02:06I was at my ex-wife's new house.
02:10This big new house.
02:15Mansion. It's a mansion.
02:17I had to pick up Sammy.
02:20And was her new husband there?
02:24Lockie was there.
02:28Still the only Lockie I've ever met.
02:31No one at my school was called Lockie or Lachlan.
02:35Anyway, so I went there and did all the usual.
02:38I stood on the steps of his mansion.
02:42And I was being all grown up.
02:45Shaking his hand.
02:46It was two fucking...
02:50It's okay.
02:51It was two 80 grand cars in the drive.
02:54And so I did all of that.
02:58And I didn't want to kill him.
03:04It's the first time I've been.
03:06And not wanted to kill the guy.
03:10And I thought,
03:12this is a breakthrough, John.
03:16You're having a breakthrough.
03:19And you didn't feel any resentment?
03:22At all?
03:26All gone.
03:30And you didn't get that urge you get?
03:33You know, to do something silly.
03:37It was just...
03:49I think I felt relieved.
03:54In what way?
03:58In every way.
04:02I think they're better off with him
04:04than they are with me.
04:06Do you mean in monetary terms?
04:08Or in terms of your job?
04:10It's not just a job.
04:14Things feel like they're unravelling.
04:16Everything's slipping out of control.
04:19Like you're on the way.
04:22Somewhere to...
04:26And it's not going to be good.
04:28It feels like
04:30Rorah and Sammy being with Lachie
04:37puts them on the other side of that fence.
04:42They're safe now.
04:52They're safe now.
05:07What brought that on?
05:10I don't know.
05:16No, don't apologise.
05:22I know how I've been.
05:26I've been feeling sorry for myself.
05:28No, you haven't.
05:29I have.
05:30I've been a pain in the arse.
05:32I know.
05:36But I think I know what to do now.
05:41I can see a way through.
05:53OK, so there's no gangsters in Edinburgh?
05:56That's what he said.
05:58He said there's only people who think they're gangsters.
06:01OK. Nice, nice.
06:03So what the fuck are we then?
06:05He said a policeman told him.
06:07Oh, a policeman.
06:08What fucking policeman?
06:10I don't know.
06:12I told him about youse.
06:14I told him he was robbing Darryl Christie.
06:20He said what?
06:22I told him...
06:24You don't mention anybody's fucking name!
06:28Are you fucking stupid?
06:30You don't mention anybody's fucking name.
06:33You understand, son?
06:37What else did he fucking say?
06:39He said, why don't you have a stag on?
06:42What? A stag on?
06:44What the fuck's a stag on?
06:46He said it's basic camp security.
06:49Oh, right. Has he taken the fucking piss?
06:52What the fuck are you two cunts going on about?
06:54I feel like you're just talking a load of fucking shit to me,
06:56and what I really want to know, son,
06:58is why you'venae got a muck on your face.
07:00Why didn't he put up a fight?
07:02He had a gun.
07:03He had a gun?
07:04Oh, so he can fight back, but you can't?
07:07Oh, right.
07:17Come on, sit down.
07:19Come on, sit down, get comfortable.
07:21Sit down.
07:24Look at me, son.
07:27I've got a question for you.
07:29What hand do you want to choose?
07:32Your hand?
07:34Your fucking hand.
07:36Don't talk!
07:38My hand.
07:40Don't talk!
07:42Was that with you?
07:48Whadda you want?
07:50With nuestra fucking conscience,
07:52What hand do you want, Quim?
07:54What handed are you?
08:00Right, you. You took the kicking. Well done.
08:02What finger should he lose?
08:03We'll get our money back.
08:04It's not about the money, son.
08:07What finger should he lose?
08:10What finger should he lose?
08:11His pinky.
08:13Oh, his pinky. What, for five grand?
08:16Nice, nice.
08:19Right, cut it off.
08:21What do you mean, no? Cut it off.
08:23He's my mate.
08:24He's your what?
08:26He's your mate?
08:28No, no, no, no, son. There's no mates in this game.
08:30Don't you see what he did there?
08:32Come on, use your brain.
08:33What, you took the kicking, and him and his mother come,
08:35they run off with the fucking money.
08:37He set you up, son.
08:39Cut his fucking finger off now.
08:41I'll do anything else.
08:43Hey, whatever you say.
08:45Whatever I say.
08:47All right.
08:48Did you hear that?
08:49Whatever I say.
08:50All right.
08:52Whatever I say.
08:55Right, shut him up for me.
09:14I still don't know if it's done me any good.
09:16It must be if you're still going.
09:19I feel bad for her.
09:24My wee shrink.
09:26I feel like I have to make her feel like she's helping me.
09:29You know?
09:30I feel a deep sense of obligation to her.
09:32What progress have you made on McJugger's stabbing?
09:35Have you found the man who intervened yet?
09:39She'll have got a name.
09:41She went round a few different homeless places.
09:44He's called Andy Rowland.
09:46He's ex-Royal Regiment of Scotland.
09:49One of the workers at the homeless projects recognised his picture.
09:52Thinks he's got a spot off a close on the High Street.
09:56I'll go there now.
09:57Good, good.
09:58I need to see some progress.
09:59There's a busload of traumatised tourists tweeting about it.
10:03How do you think that makes us look?
10:06Everybody loves a Highland warrior until they meet one.
10:09Highland warrior, my arse.
10:53Come on.
11:10Come on.
11:19Shall we not have parked at the top and walked down?
11:23You're in the city of John Knox, Shiv.
11:25Life's supposed to be difficult.
11:41I'm glad I caught you.
11:44I'm sorry you found out from Sammy about...
11:47I can't talk now, Rona.
11:49I'm busy.
11:50I don't have time.
11:51Well, we need to talk about it, John, so phone me back.
11:54I will.
12:01For fuck's sake.
12:02For fuck's sake.
12:36The fuck are yous doing?
12:52He was a decent guy, your brother.
12:55I liked him.
12:57How's he doing?
12:59Aye, he's fine.
13:00Still a miserable bastard, like, but...
13:03that's a family trait.
13:07How long have you been out?
13:09About six weeks now.
13:11No, I meant the army, not the jail.
13:15Got you.
13:17About three years.
13:24Do you recognise either of them?
13:27Do you recognise either of them?
13:39I just...
13:41I saw the lad with the knife.
13:44I think I thought they were going to kill him, so I just teamed in.
13:48You probably did save his life, eh?
13:51So it's a good thing you did.
13:54Do you remember anything else?
13:56I think that one had a tattoo on his neck.
13:59What of?
14:00I don't know.
14:02Just looked like a tat.
14:04It wasn't a birthmark or anything.
14:06It was ink.
14:08That's a start.
14:12Why did you run away?
14:16I don't know.
14:18I'm just at the jail here.
14:21I panicked.
14:22You didn't do anything wrong.
14:23Well, can I go now, then?
14:27Let me get you something.
14:28I don't want your money.
14:29It's a matter of time.
14:32The brew's fine.
14:42Fight for your country.
14:45Thank you very much.
14:47Now piss off and don't bother us.
14:50Is that why you went easy on him?
14:57I didn't go easy on him.
14:59You were going on about my tribe.
15:01I know who yours are now.
15:03It's a fact.
15:04The jails are full of ex-servicemen and no one cares.
15:07I don't think it's really like that anymore.
15:09There's plenty of charities.
15:10There's Help for Heroes and all that.
15:12And Poppy Day lasts longer than Christmas these days.
15:14He just doesn't want to get help.
15:17That's his problem.
15:19Male pride.
15:22I don't have that.
15:25You can get the D's.
15:28I'm just saying you can help yourself if you want.
15:42What do you want?
15:45Ken, you don't want to talk to me, just listen.
15:47It's about someone you know.
15:49A boy that was in your battalion, Andrew Rowland.
15:52What about him?
15:54He's a witness in something.
15:56Ah, so you want my help now?
15:58Oh, come on. Fuck Michael. The boy needs help, eh?
16:01I just...
16:03I thought maybe you could get through to him, but...
16:07Cos I doubt anyone else will.
16:21Neil, Michael. How you doing, pal?
16:23I'm all right, mate. How's you?
16:25I'm fine, mate. You know, you see it all.
16:27Right, tell me about it.
16:29Yeah, listen, mate, what you up to?
16:31I've just had a bit of news about a laddie that used to be in your platoon.
16:45I think we should set up a trust fund for Sammy.
16:48A trust fund?
16:50My dad set one up for me and my brother when we were born,
16:53and obviously, with our news, I'm going to do one for him.
16:57I just didn't want Sammy to feel left out.
16:59She wouldn't. She won't.
17:02How do you know?
17:05She wouldn't expect anything like that.
17:08It's about opportunity, isn't it?
17:10Giving her the freedom to do what she wants in the future.
17:13If her brother has that and she didn't, well, that wouldn't be fair.
17:18How much are we talking about?
17:20I know a million pounds isn't much these days, but it's a start.
17:25A million pounds?
17:27Are you kidding?
17:33I don't know. I would have to talk to her dad about it.
17:42I wish I'd been the one to tell him.
17:44He won't like a trust fund. He's quite Presbyterian at times.
17:47And I don't want Sammy growing up not having to work.
17:49I want her to have a purpose when she's older.
17:51And she'd still have that. You'd instil that in her.
17:55This is about fairness.
17:58Hi. Are you for James McJugger?
18:01Can you give me one second, please?
18:05That doesn't sound all bruising.
18:07It's not.
18:09It's not.
18:11It's not.
18:13It's not.
18:15It's not.
18:17It's not.
18:19It's not.
18:21It's not.
18:23It's not.
18:25That doesn't sound all bruising.
18:28Shut up.
18:31Put the fucking knife down.
18:33Do you hear me?
18:37Get the fuck off me now.
18:39Keep still.
18:41Keep still or I'll break your fucking arm.
18:43Keep still. Do you hear me?
18:45Can we get some fucking help in here?
18:50Central line, just out.
19:02Don't move. Don't move.
19:05Got him. Got him.
19:19Don't move.
19:50Not happy?
19:52No, they are not happy.
19:54Jack has just been stabbed to death in a hospital bed in broad daylight.
20:01That boy, Jack,
20:04he wasn't one of the people who was involved in the initial assault.
20:07He's too slight.
20:09It must be connected.
20:11It must be connected.
20:13It must be connected.
20:15He wasn't one of the people who was involved in the initial assault.
20:17He's too slight.
20:19It must be connected.
20:21He's been put up to it by someone.
20:23Has he said anything?
20:25Just his name. He's still in shock.
20:27He's from Edinburgh but he gave her an address in Fife.
20:33Kearhardie Gardens.
20:35Kearhardie Gardens.
20:37My brother's been staying there.
20:39I'll get on to P Division in Fife.
20:41Get them to check out the address.
20:45Wait a minute.
20:53I might have a name for who could be involved here.
20:56Daryl Christie.
21:02And how did you get this information?
21:11I didn't go to him. They phoned me.
21:13And why do you think he would phone you, John?
21:18Cafferty phoned me. He told me he had some information.
21:21It would have been remiss of me not to listen.
21:24They're not here to do what Cafferty wants.
21:26It's for naught.
21:29We're solving the case.
21:33Christie was in Pullman when he was 17.
21:35They're stabbing. He's got form.
21:40There is a link between Cafferty and Christie.
21:43Christie's dad used to work for Cafferty, but he committed suicide.
21:47It was a while back.
21:48It must have been around the time that Daryl went to jail.
21:55And we investigated it.
21:58It won't be in the system. It's too long ago.
22:00So get on to records about it.
22:02I can go and see Christie.
22:14Don't let Cafferty think that you're doing this for him.
22:18I mean it.
22:19I'm not doing it for him.
22:21I'm the one who knows what happened between you.
22:26And if you're not telling me the truth here...
22:29I know what you did for me, Jill.
22:33I don't have long here.
22:35I have a pension. Big pension.
22:37And nothing or no-one is going to put that money in my pocket.
22:41Nothing or no-one is going to put that at risk.
22:47I just want to retire and drink myself to death.
22:50In peace.
22:55That's the dream.
23:00Open or closed?
23:01Shut it.
23:07You done your statement?
23:12How are you feeling?
23:21Thanks, by the way.
23:23You know, for in the room.
23:25Don't be silly.
23:27I slept.
23:32You had a few years on you, so...
23:35What are you trying to say?
23:38I mean it, though.
23:39No, you would have done the same for me.
23:43I think.
23:54Ger Carford phoned me up yesterday.
23:58I think the attack on Jimmy maybe spooked him.
24:02Gave me a name.
24:04Daryl Christie.
24:07I don't know him.
24:10I think you and me should go and say hello to him.
24:17I don't want charity from anyone, mate.
24:20I don't want a free ride.
24:21I just want to earn money.
24:23Proper money, you know?
24:25Everybody's in the same boat, Neil.
24:27I'm sick of it.
24:31Do you remember what we always used to say to each other...
24:35...before we left?
24:58I'll see you, Candy.
25:01I'm not going to stay here.
25:07Come on, son.
25:09Come on.
25:15One, two, hook.
25:24One, two.
25:26I appreciate that.
25:28Thanks, man.
25:30Here we go.
25:37That young boy Jack's gone and killed him in Jagger.
25:41Look, I never expected him to do it, all right?
25:43What did you fucking take him there for then?
25:45Well, he said he'd do anything, so I said,
25:47okay, you fucking widdle.
25:48I thought you'd get in there and kill this fucking cunt for us.
25:50I thought you'd just jump out and fuck off.
25:52But you never.
25:54Look, he's Barry, Daryl. He's Pam Breed.
25:57Which is what you wanted, no?
25:58And what if the cunt grasses? Eh?
26:01Once the shock wears off and he realises he's going to do life.
26:05It's fine, man. Nothing connects him to you anyway.
26:07You do.
26:23I like your tattoo, Sean.
26:25Oh, aye.
26:28We'll catch up soon.
26:32Mr Christie.
26:34I'm Detective Sergeant Rebus.
26:36Yeah, I know who you are.
26:37Oh, do you?
26:40Did you hear about that business at the hospital today?
26:42I did. Terrible.
26:46And where have you been today?
26:48You know, round about.
26:51Because I want to know why that young laddy killed Mick Jagger.
26:54And I heard it might have something to do with you.
26:57Me? No.
27:01Jagger works for Cafferty.
27:08Daryl did a bit of time when he was younger for a stabbing.
27:12And now look at all this.
27:14Pleased to meet you.
27:18Detective Constable Siobhan Clark.
27:22Pleased to meet you, Siobhan.
27:23I just want you to know, Daryl,
27:25if anything else happens,
27:28you're going to be my first port of call.
27:32And I'll do everything I can to help.
27:37I'm always open to helping people.
27:46You be careful, Daryl.
27:49Be very careful.
27:54You have a nice day, Siobhan.
28:05Chicken? Aye.
28:07Meat and that?
28:09I didn't know they put security tags in noodles.
28:12Aye, but you shouldn't have been shoplifting anything.
28:14I've never done noodles before.
28:16Well, see, you've done all this before.
28:18Move, move.
28:20What's up?
28:22Chrissie, darling, how you doing?
28:27Long time no see.
28:29This is Andy.
28:31He was on Delta Company.
28:33Listen, I just need to get something for Neil from the shed.
28:37You all right?
28:52Where'd you get it?
28:55I'm not going to be a victim, Neil.
28:58We know the army does need to get a fuck about us once we've left.
29:02There's too many boys carrying hackett when they come out.
29:05Not me.
29:08Buy your wee one something.
29:13Is there anything you need me for, pal?
29:16Just shout.
29:18Just shout.
29:44You didn't phone me back, so I came round.
29:47No, I...
29:52I forgot.
29:57I bought you some groceries, in case you're not eating.
30:01You better come in, then.
30:04Italian-style ground coffee.
30:06Your favourite.
30:18I wanted to be the one who told you.
30:22I'm fine.
30:26It's all good.
30:28It wasn't something we planned.
30:30I mean, we talked about it and, you know, but...
30:33we weren't expecting it to happen so quick.
30:37Same as Sammy.
30:40That's not why I'm here.
30:42I'm here to help you.
30:43Same as Sammy.
30:46That's not what happened with Sammy.
30:48She was conceived on New Year's Eve.
30:50New Year's Day.
30:52Same thing.
30:54Scotland's fertility festival.
30:58Stop it.
31:10I meant what I said when I phoned.
31:14And to Lachie.
31:16Tell him that.
31:17I will.
31:21When are you due?
31:23Round about Christmas.
31:25My saviour.
31:38See me to the door if it's a boy.
31:39See me to the door if it's a boy.
31:43You give him a proper name.
31:45Don't go calling him Crawford or...
31:51Or any of that Gaelic shite.
31:57You know what I mean.
32:10Not bad.
32:13What does Sammy think?
32:15She says she's excited.
32:17Little brother or sister.
32:20I didn't mean to drop her on it when she phoned.
32:22No, she's very annoyed at you.
32:23Says you're a grass.
32:24I'm a copper.
32:25I have to grass.
32:26I told her that.
32:29Have you made it up with Michael yet?
32:34No, not yet.
32:36Well, I was thinking I would like to go round and see them.
32:41I don't know.
32:45I think they might be a wee bit embarrassed.
32:50You know how folk get when things aren't going so well.
32:53You're not trying to keep me from them, are you?
32:57No, I'm not.
32:58I genuinely think they might be embarrassed.
33:02It's like you're intruding around there.
33:04Well, I can't do any worse than you've done, can I?
33:09Maybe not.
33:14Lockie was talking about setting up a trust fund for Sammy today.
33:21A trust fund?
33:23He's in such a bubble.
33:27That's great.
33:28It's not great, John.
33:29Aye, it is.
33:31I'd have loved me a trust fund.
33:35Well, do you not want me to do it?
33:40Why worry?
33:43I worry about what it might do to her.
33:45Tell Lockie, Kit.
33:52How much is he wanting to give her?
33:54I don't know.
33:56I just find it all a bit disorientating, you know?
34:00Just the ease of it all.
34:04Well, I say fill your boots.
34:08Do you think that, though?
34:10I do.
34:16I'm happy for you.
34:25You will go and see Michael, won't you?
34:27For Sammy's sake.
34:29The boys are her cousins.
34:38I will.
35:09How was your day?
35:10Anything exciting happen?
35:14I don't know how you do it.
35:15It sounds so grim and depressing.
35:23And dangerous.
35:25It's badly paid, too.
35:26Why do you do it?
35:28I could get you a job with me.
35:30You're beginning to sound like my parents, Kirsten.
35:32And I've told you, don't...
35:34Don't do that.
35:46Hello, Malcolm.
35:47I heard what happened at the hospital today. Are you all right?
35:50I'm fine.
35:51I can come round if you want.
35:53Honestly, I'm totally fine.
35:54I just...
35:56I want to sleep.
35:59I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
36:08Do you fancy going out?
36:12Come on.
36:34I need you to be straight with me.
36:39I don't mind the baby.
36:42But are you using anything else?
36:48I swear.
36:51I'm clean.
36:56You're welcome to stay here till we get something sorted out.
37:02Hey, you don't need to thank me, son.
37:24May I come?
37:26We don't have room to swing a cat in here.
37:29He's not a cat, though, is he?
37:34We can't afford another mouth to feed.
37:38It might just be for a few days.
37:40We'll manage.
37:42Sick of managing.
37:45And what about the boys?
37:50They were only trying to help.
37:52They're good lads.
37:53Aye, but that doesn't matter if they've got a criminal record.
38:07It's okay, Chrissie.
38:10Come on.
38:12I'll deal with it.
38:15I promise.
38:16Things are going to be better.
38:26How are they?
38:35What's this?
38:38Me and the lads, we did a bit of work together.
38:43What bit of work?
38:45Just relax.
38:48I'll explain everything later.
38:51Michael, you need to tell me what's going on.
39:19What the fuck?
39:27What do you want?
39:30No more.
39:32I need a month.
39:35What's wrong with you?
39:38I'm in the toilet.
39:51I'm in the toilet.
39:53I'm in the toilet.
40:10Alright, we are down to our final contestant.
40:14How are you feeling?
40:16I'm alright, I'm alright.
40:17Yes, thank you.
40:40I'm alright.
40:47About the other day.
40:48Shouldn't have done it, eh?
40:52I'm sorry.
40:54It was a lucky punch.
40:56You took me unawares.
41:02Aye, it was lucky, you're right.
41:09That flat you said there was drug dealing in.
41:13Where was that?
41:15Where was that?
41:21Top landing.
41:23Last one on the right.
41:28Was that number 68 by any chance?
41:32Something like that.
41:39There was a murder at the General the day.
41:41The boy that did it gave that flat.
41:43It's his address.
41:52Maybe I should listen to you.
42:27It was on the news.
42:29You thought something was going on over there.
42:32You never know the half of it.
42:42Where did you get that money?
42:45I told you.
42:48I did a bit of work.
42:50Father Neil.
42:55It's all good.
42:57I've got enough to pay the bills, that's what matters.
42:59Nothing else.
44:42Come on.
44:59Look at that.
45:09Is it okay if I get my head done?
45:12Of course.
45:16Suppose where you've been in jail you know who people are.
45:19What? Aye.
45:21Kind of have to know who's who.
45:23You ever heard of someone called Darryl Christie?
45:28He owns a gym.
45:31Talk about it in the morning.
45:52There's been a vocation.