حسينيون خالدون - عبد الزهراء الكعبي

  • last month


00:00He said, give me the door between us like that, and if it is black, it has already looked at us from the direction of the Levant, so I said, O Jabir, this is black, it has already looked at us from the direction of the Levant.
00:17So Jabir said to his servant, go to that black one and bring us his news, and if he is from the companions of Umar bin Sad, then return to us, so that we may return to a refuge.
00:32And if Zayn al-Abideen is free, then he is free for the sake of Allah.
00:38So the servant went on, and he was not faster than him when he returned, and he said, O Jabir, stand and receive the Prophet of Allah.
00:50Zayn al-Abideen came with his uncles and his sisters, and Jabir stood walking in the open fields, and he ran to a sign near us from Zayn al-Abideen.
01:10The Imam said, are you Jabir? He said, yes, I am the son of the Messenger of Allah.
01:16He said, O Jabir, come here.
01:19By Allah, our camels were killed, our children were slaughtered, our women were raped, and our tents were burned.
01:33And when the angels looked at the children of Asad and their women, they called, O people of Karbala, you have a news of slaughter.
02:02And what is the state of the dead bodies in your land?
02:15There were three of them left, and they visited their graves. Then she came to the grave of her brother, Abdullah.
02:30She called out, O my brother, I have come to you, and I have brought the messenger of Allah with me.
02:48O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O my brother, O
