• 2 months ago
TSJ authorities in the company of international observers continue the process of verification of the election results. teleSUR
00:00In Venezuela, the justices of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court, together with
00:04a group of international observers, visited the headquarters of the National Electoral
00:09Council to begin the validation of the sample of physical transcribed minutes for the progress
00:15of the investigation of the contentious electoral appeal.
00:18Let's see.
00:20The justices of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, headed by the president
00:24of the judiciary, Carrizlia RodrĂ­guez, and the justices Fanny Marquez and Inocencio Figueroa,
00:29accompanied by the experts and international observers who are witnesses in the investigation
00:33process of the contentious appeal filed by President Nicolás Maduro, arrived at the
00:38main headquarters of the electoral power in Caracas, Venezuela.
00:43This, after the Supreme Court of Justice informed that once the process of transcription of
00:50the representative samples of the tally sheets submitted by the National Electoral Council
00:54is finished, they will proceed to the validation of the tally sheets.
00:59The justices were guided to the data center where the entire technological infrastructure
01:07of the National Totalization Center No. 1 of the National Electoral Council is located.
01:13In this space, the servers of the National Electoral Council operate.
01:16This is what is called by the Electoral National Council authorities as the electoral bubble,
01:21a restricted security area that protects all the technological infrastructure of National
01:26Totalization Center No. 1 of the National Electoral Council.
01:31The authorities also toured the management area of the Totalization Center where the
01:35justices, experts, and international observers will validate the physical tally sheets coincide
01:39with the digital ones, and will verify that the results are correct.
01:44The technical specialists of the National Electoral Council manage the platform to support
01:49the verification process of the experts of the Supreme Court of Justice.
01:52This is where all the tally sheets transmitted by the voting machines are received and where
01:56the process of reception of the same is done.
02:05Once they pass all the security protocols and are proceeded and totalized, this procedure
02:10is carried out in this room in the management area of the Totalization Center No. 1 of the
02:15National Electoral Council.
02:17The act was observed in real time by the witnesses of the different political organizations that
02:22participated in the electoral event of the last July 28.
02:28With today's verification, the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice closes
02:35the cycle to verify that the tally sheets that were transcribed in Phase 1 of the technical
02:39expertise and that coincide with the tally sheets received in the database of the National
02:44Electoral Council National Totalization Centers.
02:47This will guarantee that the integrity of the data has been maintained at all times
02:51by demonstrating 100% consistency of the same.
