ريال و مايوركا 2

  • last month


00:00and also for your guests in the studio.
00:04So, my dear viewers and followers everywhere,
00:09my followers and viewers of Beansports channels,
00:13I welcome you once again before the start of the second match of this league,
00:19in the first appearance of Mallorca and Real Madrid
00:23at the top of the league competitions in this new season.
00:28The season 2024-2025,
00:33Real Madrid came out ahead of the first match
00:37with a goal scored by Rodrigo, the player who has the ball now.
00:41Rodrigo is the one who gave Real Madrid the lead in the result,
00:47and he is the one who recorded the first goals of Real Madrid in this season
00:51at the top of the league competitions.
00:54The second shot goes to Thibaut Courtois, Philomendy, Rodeguer, Melitao, Carvajal,
00:59Chouamini, Valverde, Delingham, Vinicius, Kylian Mbappé, Rodrigo.
01:04These are the names that are in the formation of the Real Madrid team
01:09in this second shot of this league.
01:11With the same elements, with the same names, without any change.
01:16Mallorca also, Dominique Grip in the goalkeeper,
01:20Martín Valiant, Antonio Raelio, Mujica, Máscara Alcosa, Darder,
01:25as well as Mouriki, Assane and Dani Rodríguez.
01:28So these are the elements for the teams in the second shot.
01:32We hope to see the excitement in it.
01:36We hope to see the goals in it as well.
01:41And here between Real Madrid, Mallorca and Real Madrid,
01:46The ball goes to the Real Madrid team.
01:48Rodrigo has the ball in the middle of the field.
01:50A beautiful goal by Rodrigo in the first shot of the match.
01:53The only goal in this league.
01:55Rodrigo, who remains steadfast in the formation of the Real Madrid team,
02:00and even more so in the formation of Real Madrid.
02:02The ball is passed through Kylian Mbappé.
02:05It reached Vinicius.
02:07It is passed towards Kylian Mbappé, to Vini.
02:10Once again, Kylian Mbappé touched the ball.
02:13Rodrigo passed the ball with touches and passes.
02:16We saw an artistic move in the first shot.
02:19It didn't finish.
02:20But this is how it ends.
02:22This is the ball from Vinicius to Eder Melitau.
02:25The ball goes out of the field to Rakla Rukri.
02:30Today we saw that Rodrigo blocked it.
02:33And now Melitau blocked it.
02:36Also from outside Algeria.
02:38It is also an addition to the solution that coach Ancelotti wants.
02:44In front of the teams that are concentrated in the back.
02:48And try to block all the surprises in front of Real Madrid.
02:53Rakla Rukri will carry out the transfer of the ball in the first row.
02:57Atagtia is present.
02:59The ball returns to Ferno Mendy.
03:02The ball is passed to Valverde.
03:05Chiuamini passes the ball to Kylian Mbappé.
03:11Mbappé tries to pass the ball.
03:13But the ball went out of the field.
03:16And the ball returned to Rakla Rukri.
03:19Mbappé knows very well that in his first matches.
03:23He wants to score in his first appearance.
03:29As he did.
03:31We also have new names in the Spanish league.
03:36A new name for the Real Madrid team.
03:39They talk about talents.
03:41They talk about names.
03:43They are present in Dicatib.
03:45They are a complete team at the level of attack.
03:48Erdogan also presented a very big championship for Turkish players.
03:51At the level of the European Cup.
03:54Erdogan was great in every way.
03:58With the Turkish team in the European Cup.
04:02He deserves a bigger opportunity.
04:05He deserves more minutes.
04:07He deserves to be more present.
04:09At the level of the European Cup.
04:12And all the championships here with the Real Madrid team.
04:15But with this density of stars.
04:19The competition will also be great.
04:21To provide opportunities for the coach.
04:25Chiloti has a complete team.
04:31Even the fans of Real Madrid.
04:34And they are fans of Real Madrid.
04:36They may be afraid of this team.
04:40And this formation and these elements.
04:42With the Real Madrid team.
04:44Today, 23,010.
04:47This is the number.
04:49Which is here at the level of this stadium.
04:52Which has more than 25,000 fans.
04:56The Mallorca stadium.
04:58This is the ball of Federico Valverde.
05:00And the goal that came in the last shot.
05:05But it was easy for the Mallorca team.
05:10Mallorca, by the way.
05:12One of the clubs.
05:14Which defeated.
05:16One of the best formations of the Real Madrid team.
05:23Formation in the season 2003-2004.
05:28And in 2002-2003.
05:30Mallorca defeated that team.
05:32Mallorca club.
05:34At a time when it was special.
05:35Like Pantiani.
05:36And also Samuel Eto'o.
05:39In competition with the Real Mallorca team.
05:42High ball towards Murica.
05:44The cover was present in the last shot.
05:47The ball returns again.
05:49The ball of the Real Madrid team.
05:51This ball is played on the left.
05:53For the benefit of Mallorca.
05:56The ball returned again in the middle of the field.
05:59This ball was transformed.
06:01By the player.
06:11After that, it reached the far left.
06:13For the benefit of the Mallorca team.
06:16Here he touched the back.
06:18The ball returned to Chiuamini.
06:20The ball is passed towards Pelingam.
06:22Pelingam to Ferlo Mendy.
06:24Mendy to Chiuamini.
06:26A short touch by Pelingam.
06:28The ball returned again.
06:30For the benefit of the Real Madrid team.
06:32It reached the right side.
06:34From Dani Carvajal.
06:36To Rodrigo.
06:39The ball is excellent.
06:40Dani Carvajal.
06:41Passes the ball.
06:43But the cover was from Raelio.
06:45Who covered in the last shot.
06:47Mujica to Mallorca.
06:49Dani Rodriguez in the process of receiving.
06:51To prepare for Mallorca.
06:53Mujica went.
06:54Mujica was shot.
06:55The Colombian and the Uruguayan in a dialogue.
06:57A dialogue that is renewed.
06:59After a dialogue in the last cup.
07:01In the United States of America.
07:03The ball is played in the middle of the field again.
07:05Mureki has the ball.
07:06Mureki tries to pass it.
07:08But in the end.
07:09Out of the field.
07:10To Racla Ruknia.
07:14Racla Ruknia.
07:16For the benefit of Mallorca.
07:20He is the one who covered.
07:22He is the one who turned the ball.
07:24To Racla Ruknia.
07:26We saw his instructions.
07:28During the game.
07:32Dani Rodriguez.
07:34To benefit Racla Ruknia.
07:36For Real Mallorca.
07:38Dani sends the ball high.
07:40In the far post.
07:48The fans of Mallorca.
07:50He returned the Real.
07:52In front of Real.
07:54He returned Mallorca.
07:56In front of Madrid.
08:00With a header.
08:02The goal was on time.
08:04No matter how different the competitors.
08:06No matter the value of the competitors.
08:08Mureki is always present.
08:14Dani Rodriguez.
08:16Mureki with a header.
08:18The goal.
08:20From Kosovo.
08:22The equalizer of Mallorca.
08:24In the first game.
08:26We saw the return.
08:28The header.
08:30In the net.
08:32In the net.
08:34As if it was by the foot.
08:42The equalizer of Mallorca.
08:44In the first game.
08:48In front of Real Madrid.
08:50The goals.
08:52The goals.
08:54The goals.
08:56The goals.
08:58The goals.
09:00The goals.
09:02The goals.
09:04The goals.
09:06The goals.
09:08The goal.
09:10The header from Mureki.
09:12Now Real Madrid.
09:14Now Merengue.
09:16How will be the reaction of Real Madrid.
09:18In the next minutes.
09:20Mallorca will not be confident.
09:22After the result.
09:24The ball is coming from the left side.
09:26Mujica has the ball.
09:28Mujica is trying.
09:30Atagtia was there.
09:34Passes the ball.
09:38We hear Mallorca's fans.
09:50That's it.
09:54You hear the voices.
09:56With this shout.
09:58In a stadium.
10:00With the red color.
10:02On the first day.
10:04The first game of the season.
10:06In front of Real Madrid.
10:08They are looking for the second goal.
10:10Mujica has the ball.
10:12Mujica is trying.
10:14The ball is coming back.
10:16But Atagtia.
10:18Passes the ball.
10:26The ball is in the middle of the field.
10:30Dani Carvajal.
10:38Real Madrid.
10:44Kylian Mbappé.
11:28And yes, Sada, Shibakari Al-Madrid.
11:31With the same style, the same way, and the same ball.
11:35Here we have Fedrikov.
11:36Valverde on the way to Rodrigo.
11:38Rodrigo went forward.
11:40Rodrigo in front of Mukhika.
11:42Rodrigo in touch with Kylian Mbappé.
11:44Mbappé wants to pass.
11:46Mbappé has the ball.
11:47Back to Fedrikov.
11:50Here, Moriki's three additions.
11:52One addition for Kylian Mbappé in this match.
11:55While here, Vini, Vini, Vini.
11:57He has the ball.
11:58He has the goalkeeper.
12:01The ball is easy.
12:02He has the goalkeeper.
12:04The goalkeeper, Gref.
12:06This is the header from Moriki.
12:09Three attempts from Moriki.
12:14The ball is with the goalkeeper.
12:15Domoreka, Gref.
12:19He sends the ball.
12:23After that, Asano.
12:24Asano is confident.
12:25In front of Furlong.
12:27The ball is still with Moriki.
12:28For Mallorca.
12:30The goalkeeper asks for the player to step down.
12:34Ali Abane.
12:35Here, he steps down.
12:36While the ball is on the other side.
12:38Rodrigo is at the back.
12:40Mukhika from the right side of the Mallorca team.
12:48He passes the ball in the middle of the field.
12:51He passes it through Raelio.
12:53He passes the ball through Raelio.
12:55He sends the long ball.
12:57This is the last ball.
12:58Between Asano and Mandi.
12:59While here, Asano and Rodrigo.
13:02The ball is with the Japanese.
13:04The Japanese and the goalkeeper.
13:06The ball is high.
13:08What a performance from Mallorca.
13:11What a performance from Mallorca.
13:14This is the ball between Mandi and Asano.
13:17And this is the kick.
13:20Which Moriki recorded.
13:22If I hadn't noticed.
13:24I would have thought it was another ball.
13:26Because the speed of the recovery was as fast as what we saw live.
13:31Between Dani Rodriguez and Moriki.
13:33In general.
13:36The ball reaches through Bellingham.
13:42It reached through Valverde.
13:45The ball passes through Chiwamini.
13:50Back to Melitau.
14:00He has the ball in the middle.
14:01A bad pass from Rodiger.
14:02Asano is happy.
14:03Asano is confident.
14:05Asano to Mallorca's team.
14:07Which Mallorca.
14:08Which team presents itself in these moments.
14:11Mallorca on the other side.
14:14The team that moves the fans here on the pitch.
14:20In the middle of the field for Mallorca's team.
14:23A pass through Darder.
14:25Darder tries it.
14:26Darder tries it.
14:27Darder in front of Federico Valverde.
14:29It reached the side of Leymah.
14:31For Mallorca's team still.
14:34Now Mallorca.
14:36The goal of the rebound.
14:37A big push.
14:38Mojica in the ball.
14:40And the cross is sent.
14:41Everyone is looking for Moriki now.
14:43Everyone is looking for Moriki now.
14:45This ball will be seen by a team player from Mallorca.
14:48A ball from Bellingham.
14:50A long ball is sent towards Vini.
14:52Vini in front of Martin Valiant.
14:55But the Serbian covered in the last moment.
14:59In front of Vini.
15:01A pass.
15:04For Real Madrid.
15:07He passes the ball.
15:14The ball is sent.
15:18The ball is blocked by Bellingham.
15:25The ball is sent by Rodrigo.
15:28Rodrigo in the ball.
15:34The ball is sent by Kylian Mbappé.
15:36He steps forward.
15:37Kylian in the ball.
15:38A cross is sent.
15:39The ball is sent.
15:40But in the end, it is blocked.
15:42It is blocked in the middle of the field.
15:44The ball is sent to Mallorca.
15:45The ball is sent to Mallorca by Dani Rodríguez.
15:48The ball is passed to the right.
15:50Hassano in the pass.
15:51Hassano in the cross.
15:53Hassano in the attempt.
15:55Hassano in the ball.
15:56Still the Japanese.
15:57The Japanese.
15:58The Japanese.
15:59A cross from the Japanese.
16:00But Yessaida.
16:01Billy Lapp.
16:02Billy, yes.
16:04The ball is sent by Rodrigo.
16:05Rodrigo to Jot.
16:06Bellingham in the ball.
16:07A promise.
16:08The ball is sent.
16:09In the beginning Venezuela on the run.
16:10Here he stepped forward.
16:11Here he got ahead.
16:12Here he is sending the ball but far.
16:14The last ball was far.
16:16To the outside of the field.
16:25to Marmab's kick
16:40Marmab's kick
16:42Luka Modric
16:44will help his coach
16:46Karrashiloti in the next substitution
16:48the fans of Mallorca
16:50are very happy, celebrating
16:52the fans of Mallorca
16:54the fans of Mallorca
16:56the fans of Mallorca
16:58the fans of Mallorca
17:00the fans of Mallorca
17:02the fans of Mallorca
17:04the fans of Mallorca
17:06the fans of Mallorca
17:08the fans of Mallorca
17:10the fans of Mallorca
17:12the fans of Mallorca
17:14the fans of Mallorca
17:16the fans of Mallorca
17:18the fans of Mallorca
17:20the fans of Mallorca
17:22the fans of Mallorca
17:24the fans of Mallorca
17:26the fans of Mallorca
17:28the fans of Mallorca
17:30the fans of Mallorca
17:32the fans of Mallorca
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45:18the fans of Mallorca
45:20the fans of Mallorca
45:22This is the ball from Laren
45:24and the cross here
45:26and it was a very close chance for Mallorca
45:28and it was a very close chance for Mallorca
45:30a team that
45:32gave them a lot of chances
45:44The original time of 8 shots
45:46The original time of 8 shots
45:48The original time of 8 shots
45:50The original time of 8 shots
45:52The original time of 8 shots
45:54The original time of 8 shots
45:56The original time of 8 shots
45:58The original time of 8 shots
46:00The original time of 8 shots
46:02The original time of 8 shots
46:04The original time of 8 shots
46:06The original time of 8 shots
46:08The original time of 8 shots
46:10The original time of 8 shots
46:12The original time of 8 shots
46:14The original time of 8 shots
46:16The original time of 8 shots
46:18Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
46:20Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
46:22Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
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47:58Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
48:00Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
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48:58Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
49:00Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
49:02Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
49:04Rodrigo was asking for a hand touch
49:06To Mallorca
49:10The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
49:12The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
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51:32The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:34The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:36The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:38The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:40The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:42The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:44The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:46The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:48The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:50The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:52The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:54The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:56The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
51:58The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:00The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:02The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:04The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:06The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:08The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:10The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:12The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:14The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:16The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:18The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:20The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:22The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:24The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:26The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:28The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:30The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:32The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:34The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:36The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:38The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:40The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:42The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:44The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:46The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:48The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:50The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:52The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:54The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:56The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
52:58The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:00The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:02The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:04The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:06The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:08The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:10The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:12The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:14The Mallorca fans started to celebrate
53:16The Mallorca fans started to celebrate