
  • 2 months ago
00:00He's here for the discussion, for the delay of games, for the delay of games, of course.
00:09Yes, because it was a time dilation.
00:15He's complaining to the public.
00:19He's in a debate with the public, but they put a warning.
00:25Yes, but the warning was for the time.
00:27He's stopping the game.
00:29He's going three times to stop the game.
00:31Discussing with fans.
00:32The next warning is a point.
00:34Of course.
00:35That's right.
00:36And if one more comes, it's a game.
00:37It's a game.
00:39And if another one comes, we're going to the awards.
00:42And then the championship is over.
00:46Because he's exceeding himself.
00:47It looks like an excess.