Big Bad Husband (Please Wake Up)

  • last month
You are forced to marry bigshot billionaire Adrian Lewis as the replacement bride in order to save your grandpa's life. For the hefty price of five million dollars, you sold yourself into the Lewis family with the promise of delivering an heir. There's just one catch… Adrian Lewis is in a coma!

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00:00she slept in the guest bedroom her family practically sold her mr. Lewis
00:06wouldn't actually care for someone like her
00:17grandpa how you feeling good I'm glad he kept his promise to get into your
00:24treatments don't worry grandpa we got the money you don't have to worry about
00:29anything else uh grandpa I gotta go I'll come visit you soon okay so an
00:39imposter and a gold digger huh it's not what you think
00:45mr. Lewis says you'll be taking care of his legs from now on
01:08can you please knock first mr. Lewis says you'll be taking care of his legs
01:14from now on better learn these well then huh
01:44you know if the nights ever get too long here you're more than welcome to come
01:56spend them at my place
02:05Andrew what are you doing here I just had to talk to my brother and I wanted
02:10to see you what are you eating here it smells delicious you can have the rest
02:17of it you know if the nights ever get too long here you're more than welcome
02:22to come spend about my place after all I am the eldest son of the Lewis family so
02:27one day all of this is gonna be mine including you hey boss he's trying to
02:33take your wife she's that easily taken let him that impotent was can't satisfy
02:46oh stay the fuck away from me
03:06I ever hear you call my husband an impotent was again I'm gonna make sure
03:10you're dickless for the rest of your life
03:15I'll get out of my house now
03:22feisty boss did you say you wanted to get rid of her yesterday
03:27today I don't remember sure they keep them where the Sun don't shine
03:34no maybe she is a wet material after all
03:44you do realize I can divorce anytime right Adrian I wouldn't wish death upon
03:49my worst enemy tell me how come your dad suddenly let me sign up in this hospital
04:00I persuaded him she treats you well yes
04:12takes to make a marriage remember that remember sweetheart
04:30well it looks like you're not taking your wife do you seriously huh you do
04:35realize I can divorce you anytime right what's with a long face I thought you
04:40said he will be by my side in sickness and health that a lie no of course not
04:46of course I want you to get better I mean why would you the sooner I die the
04:51sooner you're gonna get your freedom back
04:54Adrian I wouldn't wish death upon my worst enemy not to mention not to
05:01mention was there
05:07what are you doing practicing when I learn