Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who is gearing up for her upcoming political period film ‘Emergency’, has once again pointed her guns at the Hindi film fraternity. The actress is known for her blunt nature and not mincing her words when it comes to exposing what happens in the bylanes of Bollywood. The ‘Queen’ actress recently appeared on Raj Shamani’s podcast and said that she can’t be friends with people from Bollywood because in her opinion, they are not much aware of what’s going around in the world.
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00:00Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who is gearing up for her upcoming political period film
00:05Emergency, has once again pointed her guns at the Hindi film fraternity.
00:11The actress is known for her blunt nature when it comes to exposing what happens in
00:16bylanes of Bollywood.
00:18The Queen actress recently appeared on Raj Sharmani's podcast and said that she can't
00:24befriend with people from Bollywood because, in her opinion, they are not much aware of
00:29what's going around in the world.
00:31She said, I am not a Bollywood kind of a person, okay?
00:34I can't befriend with Bollywood people for sure.
00:37She added, Bollywood people are just so full of themselves.
00:41They are stupid.
00:42They are dumb.
00:43They are all about protein shake and that kind of life.
00:46She also spoke about how she fails to understand the routine that most of the actors from the
00:51Hindi film industry follows.
00:53She said, If actors are not shooting, their routine is, they wake up in the morning, do
00:58some physical training, sleep in the afternoon, again wake up, go to the gym, again sleep
01:03in night or watch television.
01:05They are like grasshoopers.
01:07Totally blank.
01:08How can you be friends with such people?
01:10They have no idea what is going on where.
01:13They have no conversations.
01:15They meet, they drink and discuss their clothes and accessories.
01:19I will be very shocked to find a decent person in Bollywood who can talk beyond impacts or
01:26The actress also said that she has never picked a fight with anyone in Bollywood and
01:31has only responded to the ones started by others.
01:35On work front, Kangana Ranaut is gearing up for the release of her film Emergency, which
01:39features her in the role of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
01:44The film, which also directed, features an assembled supporting cast and is slated for
01:49release on September 6.
01:51Ranaut is also serving as a Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, from Monday since June 2024.