
  • last month
00:00It's been a long time since I've done a special 30-year-old press!
00:07I think this should do it.
00:11What did you say you were doing with us yesterday?
00:15I said we were going to school. Do you know what that is?
00:20Don't make fun of me!
00:22What is school?
00:24It's a place where humans study.
00:27I know you have a lot of things to do, but I can't just leave you like this.
00:33Um, I'm sorry. I'll give you three, so cheer up.
00:40W-What's that?
00:42What do you mean three? Give me a hundred!
00:45A rare slime?
00:46Syl, Lucy, attack!
00:48Don't trick me. Give me two hundred!
00:50Two hundred!
00:51Not like that. Behind you, behind you!
00:53Get out of my way!
00:55I'll give you three hundred!
01:00Well done.
01:02So, what are you going to do?
01:04Well, I'll take ten each.
01:07Well, you have things to do in front of the school, right?
01:11But please don't give up on the young Hikaki.
01:14Yes, yes.
01:16What's that?
01:19A magnetic glove?
01:22You can use the MP to exert a mysterious power.
01:27What is a mysterious power?
01:49I want to be someone, but I feel like I'm going to find something.
01:54I'm lost in the underground.
01:56But my frustration keeps piling up.
01:59I don't have anything.
02:01No matter how many times I pretend not to notice,
02:04reality pierces through me like a reaction.
02:10I'll light up the corner of my heart with a clear conscience.
02:15I'll end the dazzling days that I'm looking at now.
02:23To a world that no one knows.
02:27I'm sure I can go with you.
02:30Pierce through the darkness.
02:33I'm sure I can go with you.
02:36Pierce through the darkness.
02:39I'm sure I can go with you.
02:41The end of a new record.
02:45Let's go down to the end of the wind.
03:08Did you see anything?
03:10No, I didn't see anything.
03:12As the name suggests, you can't see the mysterious power.
03:16What should I do?
03:18To see the power you can't see...
03:21Oh, I saw it!
03:23I saw it!
03:25But if you're a human, it might not work on a monster.
03:29Isn't it a waste to just try it?
03:31Then why don't you try combining it instead of using it alone?
03:38Oh! A spring I've even dreamed of!
03:43Master, you're amazing!
03:45It looks like you're controlling the ice freely!
03:48I can use this!
03:51Nice to meet you!
03:53Nice to meet you, too!
03:55Everyone, thank you for yesterday.
03:58It was fun!
04:00I really wanted to pass.
04:03But I don't think I can do it right now, so I have to study.
04:07Then how about we have a study session?
04:11If I can teach you something, it'll be helpful.
04:14Really? Thank you!
04:17If you don't mind, would you like to come with me?
04:21Of course!
04:22I want to participate, too!
04:24I'm not a student, but I want to participate!
04:27Of course!
04:29We're getting along better than before.
04:32I'm rooting for you and Lucy to pass.
04:35What's wrong?
04:39Did I do something?
04:41I'm sorry. I'll give you a bonus, so cheer up.
04:50So cute.
04:52He's like a hamster.
04:54He's so cute.
04:56So cute.
04:59It's the first floor. Let's go carefully.
05:03Master, this is bad.
05:05There's a pretty strong enemy in the back.
05:09What should we do?
05:10What should we do?
05:12We have no choice but to move on.
05:15I don't think we can pass.
05:17If it gets bad, I'll do it.
05:20Master, you're so reliable.
05:22This is bad. Let's think about running away.
05:36What is it? It's huge.
05:39Wait a minute.
05:41Why is Ultros here?
05:46It's not a monster like this, is it?
05:48He's a little troublesome.
05:52Iris, let's retreat.
05:54That's right. Everyone, hurry up.
05:58Be careful of the fire breath.
06:00Syl, take care of the Iron Wall Maiden.
06:03Iron Wall Maiden.
06:05First, use the Magical Beast to attack.
06:08I got it.
06:11Earth Wave.
06:16Lucy, use the Flame of Destruction.
06:19Flame of Destruction.
06:21How is it?
06:23It's not working.
06:24It's too heavy.
06:29If we block the attack, will the heat pass through?
06:32Hurry up and die, you bastard.
06:34Flame of Destruction.
06:44All attacks are ineffective.
06:46Master, what should we do?
06:49Lucy, I'll be the decoy.
06:52In the meantime, use the Flame of Destruction on Ultros.
06:55I got it.
07:00I'll burn you to a crisp.
07:02Flame of Destruction.
07:08I need more power.
07:11Syl, take care of the Ragineite.
07:14I got it.
07:15Lucy, use the Flame of Destruction on Syl.
07:19I'll burn you to a crisp.
07:24Don't get cocky.
07:26Flame of Destruction.
07:30We're almost there.
07:31We're almost there.
07:43Water Ball.
07:47We're going to push them in.
07:58Fire Ball.
08:02God's Thunderstorm.
08:04Flame of Destruction.
08:21We did it.
08:22We defeated Ultros.
08:25We did it.
08:26It's all thanks to teamwork.
08:28We did it, Master.
08:30That was easy.
08:32Okay, let's keep going.
08:35Can I take a break?
08:38I'm tired.
08:40Let's take a break.
08:43Good work, you two.
08:45You saved us.
08:46I'm glad I could help.
08:49But why was Ultros here?
08:55What's wrong, Syl?
08:56I sense someone powerful.
09:00Oh, it's just a dog.
09:03Looks like it was a piece of cake.
09:06Who is it?
09:11Is that a horn?
09:13It's not a human.
09:16Lucy, could it be...
09:18I'm sure of it.
09:21This is...
09:23a demon.
09:27Why is there a demon in such shallow water?
09:30Could it be...
09:31that this guy used Ultros?
09:33Well, let's do this.
09:35It's no use trying to run away.
09:38I won't let you get away.
09:41This guy is pretty good.
09:44You're a rude kid.
09:46I thought I'd let you go
09:48because you're a good kid,
09:50but I stopped you.
09:51Please die with me.
09:53Yes, sir.
09:57Iron Maiden!
09:59Oh, that's a pretty good defense.
10:03Well, how about this?
10:07That guy's attack was so fast, I couldn't see him at all.
10:11Syl, make sure you don't let the Iron Maiden get away.
10:14Yes, sir.
10:17Let's go!
10:19Fire Pulse!
10:21That's my specialty!
10:27It's gone.
10:30No way.
10:32No damage?
10:34Then we'll have to ask Syl to attack again.
10:38But then the Iron Maiden will...
10:40Kaito, we'll be fine.
10:44We'll be fine, too.
10:47It's true that he's fast, but we'll be able to deal with him.
10:51You're the best, Airi.
10:53I'm counting on you, Syl.
10:54Yes, sir.
10:56Everyone, please keep your distance while putting up barricades.
11:00Got it.
11:01Yes, sir.
11:02God's Thunderstrike!
11:08Syl's attack didn't work, either.
11:10This is what you get in the end.
11:18Don't get in my way.
11:24You're next.
11:31My sword, which I received from the prince!
11:34You piece of trash!
11:36Die right now!
11:41I won't forgive you, sir!
11:43Die right now!
11:45God's Thunderstrike!
11:54I'm still in pain, but I can move.
11:57What can I do right now?
12:00Kaito, are you okay?
12:02I'm fine.
12:03More importantly, I have a favor to ask.
12:07Got it.
12:27I beat him.
12:32I beat him!
12:33I beat him!
12:34I beat him!
12:36You coward!
12:39You're a coward!
12:42How could you do this to me?
12:44You shouldn't heal your enemies!
12:47Shut up, you scum!
12:57Watch out!
13:03God's Thunderstrike!
13:12Leave this to me and run!
13:18Run! Hurry!
13:22I have to beat him.
13:23But how?
13:26I can't!
13:27I can't beat him like this!
13:28I can't beat him like this!
13:35I can't abandon everyone.
13:37Think of a way to beat him.
13:40The Berserk Weapon.
13:42By consuming the Contractor's HP,
13:44you can temporarily increase your status.
13:48Lucy, can you move?
13:50Please activate the Berserk Weapon.
13:53Are you serious?
13:54You'll lose your life while it's activated.
13:58This is all I have left.
13:59You might die.
14:01Don't worry.
14:03I believe in you, Lucy.
14:05I understand.
14:07This is the end.
14:09I will devour my master's life
14:11to reveal his true form.
14:13Berserk Weapon!
14:21Is that you, Lucy?
14:22Of course it is.
14:24Who else could it be?
14:26But you've grown so much.
14:29I've regained my level thanks to the Berserk Weapon.
14:32I haven't completely regained it yet,
14:34but this should be more than enough for him.
14:37Who are you?
14:39You weren't here a moment ago.
14:41Shut up!
14:42I'll kill you right now
14:45for trying to fool me.
14:47How rude.
14:49You die first,
14:51Dark Mare.
14:56I can't let you attack me like that.
15:02Dark Mare!
15:07Who are you?
15:09I am Luceria, the Demon of Death.
15:12Lady Death,
15:14why are you here?
15:16I have no reason to answer you.
15:19You will pay for attacking my friends.
15:22Wind God of Destruction!
15:26That's not a skill a Demon of Death can use.
15:29Who are you?
15:44It's over.
15:49I can't take it anymore.
15:50Hurry up and release the Berserk Weapon.
15:53But you've grown so much.
15:55I'm begging you.
15:57What do you think of me now that I've grown up?
16:00Am I elegant?
16:02That's not the point right now.
16:07I'll release you if you answer me.
16:09You're elegant.
16:10You're too elegant to kill me.
16:14Have you changed your mind about me?
16:17From now on,
16:18will you be as kind to me as you were to Ciel?
16:22I will.
16:23I will, so hurry up.
16:25It's a promise.
16:27It's a must.
16:30That was close.
16:32I'm alive.
16:33I'll cherish this life.
16:40My HP has increased by 8.
16:42And now I have a new skill.
16:44With this, even if I use the Berserk Weapon,
16:46I might be able to hold out a little longer.
16:50I see.
16:51Then next time,
16:52let's spend more time together.
16:55I'm begging you.
16:56Don't do that.
16:57It looks like I've leveled up too.
16:59Me and Snatch too.
17:01I've leveled up too.
17:03All of you?
17:05it's only natural because we've been through so much.
17:08It's amazing that all of us are safe.
17:15Let's go home for today.
17:18I'll go check on the loot.
17:21I've never seen an Ultros demon.
17:24It's the biggest I've ever seen.
17:27You're wrong, Hikarin.
17:30Don't worry.
17:31I didn't think I'd be able to find it so easily.
17:40This is...
17:41The Servant Card of that demon.
17:46Everyone, what should we do with this card?
17:48Lucie and Kaito will finish it off.
17:51Do whatever you want with it.
17:52I agree.
17:54And that's not what we want.
17:58That's right.
17:59It's the same demon as Lucie.
18:02It'll be the same even if we summon it.
18:05Don't live with a low-level demon like that.
18:07It's a low-level demon?
18:09Even though it's so strong?
18:10It's a low-level, low-level, low-level.
18:12Low-level, low-level, low-level.
18:14It's for sale.
18:15That's right, that's right.
18:16Sell it, sell it.
18:17If you say it's for sale so much,
18:20I feel bad about selling it.
18:24I summon the low-level demon, Berria.
18:46It can't be.
18:48My lord.
18:49I'm sorry for summoning Berria.
18:52I swear to be loyal to you forever.
18:55Why is it so small?
18:57That's because the level has been initialized.
19:00I think it's because of that.
19:04It's for sale.
19:06No way!
19:10I knew I couldn't summon it for a test.
19:15Why did I...
19:20Excuse me, my lord.
19:22I'm here to wash your back.
19:26You're not going to abandon me, are you?
19:31What are you talking about?
19:33Oh no, someone's coming.
19:35If they see me like this, my life might be over.
19:38Will you be with me forever?
19:40Yes, Berria and I will be together forever.
19:45Thank you, my lord.
19:48I understand, so please leave me alone.
19:51We'll be together forever.
19:55They're already friends.
19:57It seems so.
20:00Excuse me, but which one is this?
20:04It's a Kyukaisou.
20:06What kind of monster is it?
20:08I think it's an Orthros.
20:14I'm sure of it.
20:16I can't believe an Orthros appeared in a Kyukaisou.
20:19I'll call the investigation team.
20:24It's an Orthros.
20:26The payment will be 24 million yen.
20:3024 million yen?
20:32Would you like to pay in full?
20:36No, I'd like to pay in quarters.
20:39I don't mind.
20:41You can take all of it.
20:43No, no, no.
20:45I can't do that.
20:46We all beat it, so I'll pay in quarters.
20:49You're so generous.
20:50I understand.
20:52I can give you the documents for the confirmation payment at any time.
20:56Confirmation payment?
20:59Thank you for the meal.
21:01I'm sorry.
21:03Thank you for giving me a lecture on confirmation payment.
21:06Not at all.
21:07So, what do you want to know?
21:09What should I do?
21:12You should make a record of your expenses.
21:17Transportation, equipment, medical expenses, and insurance for investigators will be deducted as expenses.
21:22So, you should keep a record of your expenses.
21:25I always threw them away on the spot.
21:27Keep a record of your expenses.
21:33Anyway, today was a great day.
21:38An Orthros and a demon.
21:40Kite may be the type to attract something special.
21:44What are you talking about?
21:46No, I just thought so.
21:49I'll be going now.
21:51Take care.
21:52See you later.
21:56But I got three Servant Cards.
22:00Am I...
22:02No, I don't think so.
22:14I don't think so.
22:15I don't think so.
22:16I don't think so.
22:17I don't think so.
22:18I don't think so.
22:19I don't think so.
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