Jhanak 18th August 2024

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Jhanak 18th August 2024


00:00She is very pretty.
00:10This will suit you.
00:12Ma'am, look at this one. You'll look very pretty in it.
00:15Just a minute. Show me the white one at the back.
00:21You'll look like a fairy in this dress.
00:26Look, ma'am.
00:27Janak. I think this one is okay, Janak.
00:31Okay, let's try this one.
00:34Ani, how is this dress?
00:40It looks very nice, Harshi.
00:46You're looking so good.
00:54It is really nice.
00:55I agree. I agree.
00:57I agree. I agree.
01:07Let's go.
01:09Let's try it once.
01:18Harshi, you go. Change.
01:20Mr. Bose.
01:28Hello, Ms. Harshi.
01:30Hi. How are you all?
01:32I am good. How are you, Aditya?
01:34I am amazing.
01:37You are coming to the party in the evening, right?
01:39Why are you asking?
01:41Just like that?
01:42No, not just like that.
01:44The show's winner is Harshi.
01:45The party is for him. So why won't she go?
01:52I am not going to the party.
01:53I am going to meet my friend.
01:54I am going to meet my friend.
01:55I am going to meet my friend.
01:57I am going to meet my friend.
01:59I am going to meet my friend.
02:01I am going to meet my friend.
02:04Perhaps, you are misunderstanding.
02:07The party is organized by the channel.
02:11For the winners.
02:13And those who were left behind
02:15very little margin for the show's winning topic.
02:19For them as well.
02:22So, it's not for just one person.
02:23In fact, all the dancers who perform on the show.
02:26She came as a guest once and performed directly in the finals.
02:33But the rest of the people
02:35they went from the audition round to the finals.
02:42And they have earned that position.
02:44No one has given it to them.
02:49Let me explain it to you, Mr. Kapoor.
02:52New dancers have to struggle in the beginning.
02:54I am an established dancer.
02:56That's why my days of struggle are over.
02:59And because I am a big name in the world of dance
03:02I am successful, I have a lot of followers.
03:04That's why the channel invited me.
03:09I participated directly in the finals and I won.
03:11And here I am, the winner of the show.
03:15Of course. Of course.
03:16I totally agree with you. You are absolutely right.
03:19Good you agree.
03:21By the way, have you come to get Janak shopped?
03:24Yes, that's true.
03:25Harsh, I was saying that it's getting late.
03:27You have to get ready and then you have to go to the parlour.
03:28Everyone is waiting for you there.
03:31If you like the dress, let's go and buy it.
03:33What a coincidence!
03:35You and Janak have come to shop for the evening party, right?
03:40No. My husband brought me here.
03:43What did he bring? He forced me.
03:45He doesn't listen to me.
03:50Tell me, it took a lot of hard work to bring Janak here.
03:55You can't convince her so easily.
03:58You must know her very well.
04:03She never asks for anything from anyone.
04:06And still she says that she will pay for the dress she buys.
04:13I explained to her that I am her friend.
04:15I can spend so much money on a friend.
04:17But look, she is not ready to listen.
04:21Why are you screaming?
04:22What happened, Vibhashan?
04:23Ask her.
04:26Why can't you hear? She has been screaming for so long.
04:28I heard it, that's why I came here.
04:30But why?
04:31I mean, why is that boy's name being mentioned in this house again and again?
04:34I want to meet him.
04:36That's why I am screaming and calling him.
04:39Why? What do you care?
04:41Will you go and call him?
04:44Will you help me?
04:45You won't, right?
04:46Go and do your work. Go to school.
04:49Is this the way to talk, Appu?
04:54Educated, sophisticated people live here.
04:59And Baudhi, your daughter has been creating a scene here since morning.
05:03There are other people living in this house too.
05:05And if your daughter continues to behave like this,
05:09then you take your daughter and go back to your parents' house.
05:19And don't worry.
05:20I will send the money.
05:21Tanuja, you are the only one who has the right to live in this house.
05:24You have a family too, right?
05:26My daughter will scream.
05:27Is this the only reason I should leave my in-laws' house?
05:30Uneducated and illiterate people don't live in this house.
05:35Your daughter's misbehaviour won't be tolerated here every time.
05:38But who are you?
05:40Am I illiterate?
05:41Yes, I want an M.Sc.
05:43Should I tell you?
05:44Should I tell you? Yes, I want an M.Sc.
05:46Should I tell you?
05:51I was being rude.
05:53I feel like meeting him. I am ill.
05:58If I was fit, I would have gone to meet him myself.
06:01Yes, to meet him.
06:03It's been so many days.
06:05He didn't come to meet me.
06:06He will feel bad, right?
06:08That's why I am screaming and calling him.
06:12But he is not letting me go.
06:15And no one in this house will help me
06:18to go and call him.
06:20Yes, I will tell him that I am crying.
06:22He won't do all that.
06:26But he said that he will come today.
06:30So when will he come today?
06:31Why hasn't he come yet?
06:35Did you see, mother?
06:36Listen to what your illiterate daughter is saying.
06:40I am listening.
06:41I listen to you all the time.
06:47Tell me, sister-in-law.
06:52Lalon has come to meet Appu.
06:54Lalon has come?
07:16Oh, hello. Where?
07:22Do you come to this house again and again?
07:24Do we have a relationship?
07:26We have a relationship. But...
07:28I have a relationship with Appu.
07:38That's why I have come to meet you.
07:42What relationship do you have with Appu?
07:44You have said such a big thing in our house.
07:48All of you know that
07:50Appu and I had gone to offer water to Lord Shiva.
07:53On a pilgrimage.
07:54That's where we spoke.
07:57We got to know each other and became friends.
08:01Yes, we are friends. We have become friends.
08:05And if my friend is unwell,
08:07I will come to meet her.
08:09What do you want?
08:10I have told you so many times.
08:12Stay away from my daughter.
08:14I am right here. Keep quiet for two minutes.
08:18Come here. Come here.
08:20Come and sit next to me.
08:27I don't think it's necessary to answer anyone here.
08:32Please don't give me a reason.
08:35You are my friend. You insisted that
08:37I should wear some nice clothes for the evening party.
08:40So you brought me here.
08:42I may return the money later.
08:45But you are paying me now.
08:52And I don't want to give any explanation
08:55to anyone.
08:58Arshi, that's why I said let's go from here.
09:00There is no point in talking further.
09:02You are right.
09:04If we talk, it will increase.
09:08And there is no point in this.
09:10So it's better to keep quiet.
09:12Wait a minute. What are we talking about here?
09:17What will increase?
09:22What do you want to say to me?
09:26He understood what I wanted to say and what I wanted to explain to him.
09:30And I am not talking to you, Arshi.
09:34You are not talking to me?
09:36You are not talking to me.
09:38But you are talking to my husband.
09:39Yes, but you are two different people.
09:42Or two bodies and one soul.
09:45Your husband will tell you everything later.
09:48What I was saying and what he understood.
09:58You are back, right?
10:00I am feeling good now.
10:02You know, I didn't even eat food.
10:06Mom says that I am sick.
10:09That's why I lost the taste of food.
10:15But it's not like that.
10:16I used to feel hungry.
10:18But I didn't eat food then.
10:20Because you didn't come to meet me.
10:24Now that you are back, you will feed me.
10:29Come on, let's sit in the dining table.
10:31Let's eat together. You will feed me.
10:33Appu, you won't go anywhere.
10:35You will stand here.
10:36Why? Do I have to see all this?
10:38Lal, will you say something?
10:40Mom, how much more will you let Appu go?
10:44The limit is crossing. I am telling you.
10:46All this won't work in this house.
10:48Son, I can't be ashamed anymore.
10:52Lal, tell him to leave.
10:54No. No. You won't go at all.
10:59Leave me.
11:00You will stay here with me.
11:06I told you.
11:08Lal, you are overreacting. I am telling you.
11:11If it's wrong to come to meet your sick friend,
11:15then I don't know what is right.
11:18Look, I live in a slum.
11:20And there are some rules of that world.
11:22If you don't follow those rules,
11:25then it doesn't mean that our life has gone wrong.
11:29Look, I didn't have any intention of coming to meet Appu.
11:33When I got to know that Appu isn't getting well,
11:37I couldn't stop myself.
11:39I thought I will keep coming to meet her
11:41until she gets well.
11:43What? You will keep coming to meet her?
11:47No. No. Please.
11:48Nothing like that will happen. Just stay away.
11:53Lal on the decorator.
11:55You live in a slum, don't you?
11:57That's why you don't have any shame.
12:00But we are not crazy.
12:02We won't let anyone come to our house.
12:05We will call the security right away.
12:07We will kick them out.
12:08Lal, call the security.
12:09Lal on.
12:10You are crossing your limit.
12:13This is not your slum.
12:14This is our house.
12:15Shut up.
12:16Hey, Lal.
12:18Shut up. Why are you fighting with me?
12:22Lal on didn't come to meet you.
12:25He came to meet me.
12:28Did you hear that?
12:34I don't want to argue with anyone
12:37by standing here.
12:41Please leave.
12:43Okay. It was really nice meeting you.
12:44We will meet in the evening at the party.
12:46Nice to meet you too, Aditya.
12:48See you.
12:51You gave permission for one dress, didn't you?
12:53Now please go and try your dress.
12:55Ma'am, take him.
12:56Harshi, the four dresses you tried.
13:00Buy four of them.
13:01Why four dresses, Ani?
13:03Come on, Harshi.
13:04Wear them.
13:05I want to see you in those four dresses.
13:06That's why I am buying them.
13:11Harshi, won't you agree if I say so?
13:14You like them too.
13:16You should have bought them.
13:16I am buying four.
13:17The confusion is over.
13:20And anyway, you have such a big party.
13:21You have to attend so many programs.
13:23So, the clothes will come in handy.
13:25Yes. Didn't you buy anything for yourself?
13:27Yes, I did.
13:28Sir has selected these two suits for himself.
13:31I have selected them but I don't have time to try them
13:33because I will have to leave from here.
13:34Do one thing. Pack both of them.
13:40Okay, darling.
13:41You also go and try your dress.
13:45Harshi, you also change, please.
13:53Do you know?
13:54I was missing you a lot.
13:57Weren't you missing me?
14:00Come on, let's talk.
14:03Lalon, you go from here.
14:06Right now.
14:07If you cry, scream or shout,
14:09I will handle everything.
14:11But you won't come back here.
14:14Aunt, you will talk like others.
14:19I am the one who has to listen, Chhoton.
14:22Because of father's actions,
14:24I don't want to be humiliated in front of everyone.
14:28Look at this, mother.
14:29Look at the result of putting your daughter on the head.
14:35She has ruined the reputation of the entire family.
14:39Did you hear that?
14:40Did you hear that?
14:41Harsh, it's me.
14:41Aunt, he will talk to grandpa today.
14:45And you also know that this is very important.
14:49Otherwise, it won't take long for this house to become a colony.
14:58Today, this boy has come to our house.
15:01Tomorrow, he will be in our daughters' room.
15:07Aunt, you are sensible and educated.
15:10Still you are saying such things.
15:11Just shut up, Chhoton.
15:14This boy is from your class.
15:16That's why you are facing so much trouble.
15:19You don't have a family of your own.
15:22If you did, you would have understood my trouble and pain.
15:28But here, I have to take care of you.
15:31That's why you just shut up.
15:33You get that?
15:34Aunt, you are absolutely right.
15:36These people can do anything.
15:38They can go to any extent.
15:46Mother, listen to me.
15:48Take Apu and go to your mother's house for a few days.
15:55By then, this fever called Lalo will go away.
15:58She is not listening to anyone while staying here.
16:01And she is not taking care of anyone either.
16:03I will die, Nikhil.
16:06Don't forget, Bipasha.
16:07I am your mother-in-law.
16:10And you won't tell me what I have to do and what I shouldn't.
16:14Mother, what has Bipasha said?
16:18The situation we are in, do you have a better solution than this?
16:20So tell me.
16:21Lal, Apu is your sister.
16:24Elder sister. Real sister.
16:25Don't you feel ashamed to say such things for her?
16:27Chhotan, you...
16:37Pack this as well.
16:44Did you check?
16:45Yes, it's a perfect fitting.
16:49By the way, seeing your white dress, I also felt like buying a white blazer.
16:52How is it?
16:54You did a very good job.
16:55Do one thing, I will pay for this as well.
16:58You take this from me and add it to the account, please.
17:03Okay, I will add it.
17:05Here, pack it.
17:09Do you see, Ani?
17:11Shanak robbed you first.
17:13And now she is robbing Aditya Kapoor.
17:21This girl is very smart.
17:23Mom and I have been warning you from day one.
17:26Do you understand now?
17:27Arshi, please, I don't want to talk about this.
17:30Leave the topic.
17:35Please, keep the luggage in the car.
17:38Okay. Thank you.
17:42Go... Control. Don't react now.
17:45Let him say what he wants to say.
17:49I know many people.
17:50I am saying this with my experience.
17:52What you are doing is not wrong at all.
17:55Wait, Janak. I understand your pain.
17:58I know it is very difficult for you to be in this shop.
18:00But, ignore it for now. Please.
18:03Shall we go?
18:06Come on.
18:07Sir, bill please.
18:11Lallu, listen.
18:14Come here.
18:16Come here to me.
18:18Touch me once.
18:20I will be fine.
18:22My illness will be cured.
18:31Appu. Appu.
18:33Answer my question.
18:34What question?
18:37Do you love me?
18:43Do you love me?
18:51A lot.
18:52A lot.
18:54I love you a lot.
19:06Do you want to stay with me?
19:15I always want to stay safe and safe with you.
19:31If you want this,
19:33I will take you away from here.
19:44How will you take my daughter away like this?
19:46Will you say whatever you want?
19:48I mean to say that I can do this if I want to.
19:51But, I will do this.
20:01Because, Appu, when I will take you away from here,
20:03I will take you in full respect.
20:07Full respect?
20:08You will take me in full respect?
20:11What do you mean by full respect?
20:13What do you want to say? Say it clearly.
20:15I want to say that I will take you in full respect.
20:22I want to take Appu away from here in full respect.
20:34Will you marry me?
20:52Yes, mama.
21:02I am feeling shy.
21:11I have already accepted you as my husband.
21:29Why are you doing this, sir?
21:31I will never be able to forget the favour you have done on me.
21:36But, you can take your thoughts to any extent.
21:42You are happy with sister Arshi.
21:44And she is happy with you.
21:46Then why am I feeling this way?
21:54Is everything fine?
22:00Is everything fine?
22:03Are you missing Mr. Bose?
22:09See, I know how you feel right now.
22:14But what can you do now?
22:16How long will it take to reach the hotel?
22:19It will take some more time.
22:21The hotel is nearby.
22:24Did something happen to you?
22:26I am fine.
22:28I wasn't asking about your health, Jala.
22:32And you know that my question was different.
22:35What can I do now?
22:37I wasn't expecting you at this stage of my life, sir.
22:42My son-in-law has also come here with my daughter today.
22:46Anirudh Bose.
22:54If anyone had said that you are coming, then...
23:00By the way, our producer was asking about you.
23:04He saw your show.
23:05He is very excited to meet you.
23:09Sorry, what did you say?
23:12Okay, okay.
23:14You want to remember Mr. Bose, right? You can do it.
23:16I won't say anything now.
23:18Yes, but I have a question.
23:22Jala, don't you really think that all these people who are thinking so badly about you...
23:28I don't want to correct anyone.
23:30No, no. I am not asking you to correct anyone.
23:33I mean to say...
23:35Actually, I just want to say that everything will be fine, Jala.
23:37Everything is fine.
23:40I can't control anyone else's thoughts, right?
23:47I shouldn't stop now.
23:50How will I clear the misunderstanding of the people...
23:53...who couldn't recognize me even after so many days?
23:57When the right time will come...
23:59...their misunderstanding will be cleared automatically.
24:02And by then...
24:06Have we reached?
24:07No, we haven't reached the hotel. But I have asked the driver to stop.
24:11I want to get something for you.
24:13One minute.
24:14One second, you...
24:21Instead of listening to the wedding...
24:24...I came here to get the stuff.
24:26I will get the stuff.
24:33I will get married.
24:42Stop this drama.
24:45I am warning you.
24:47You can't talk to my daughter like this.
24:50Lalo, what is this?
24:56The way you people keep Appu in this palace...
24:59...I can keep him with me better.
25:08In the beginning, Appu will have to adjust a little while staying with me.
25:12But I can promise you one thing.
25:16...if you don't want to stay with me...
25:18...I can promise you that if...
25:21...I will eat a roti...
25:23...then along with me, Appu will also eat a roti.
25:35I want to marry Appu.
25:40But it is necessary for you people to agree.
25:49Lalo, you will really marry me, right?
25:52I will marry you 100 percent.
25:55I will go back and tell my mom that she will come to your house...
25:58...and talk about our marriage.
25:59Enough, Lalo.
26:08You have misbehaved enough.
26:11Now if you talk nonsense again...
26:13...then I will have to call the police.
26:18Call them.
26:26What will the police do?
26:28Two people who love each other want to marry each other.
26:32Neither you nor the police can do anything about it.
27:04Hey, I will get married.
27:06It will be so much fun.
27:08I am going to get married.
27:10Yes, there will be a lot of food.
27:12There will be sweets.
27:13I will dress up like a bride.
27:28Take this.
27:29What is this?
27:31Open yourself and see.
27:32Take it.
27:35There is no bomb. Open it.
27:44Did you like it?
27:46But why chocolates?
27:48Why? Is there a problem in eating chocolates?
27:50Are you on a diet?
27:52No, it's not like that.
27:54Then eat it. Who stopped you?
27:56Now Dhanak,
27:58I can't keep an account of this.
28:02Aditya Kapoor will keep an account of chocolates.
28:04Please, no.
28:06No, I'm not saying that Aditya sir.
28:08Again sir?
28:12When will this world stop me?
28:16Now please open the chocolate.
28:20Let's eat the chocolate and see how it is.
28:22I want to eat it too. Please open it.
28:46Link is in the description.
28:56Aditya sir, I want to perform a song.
28:58That will help me remember the party
29:02Well, I need a partner,
29:04for which
29:06My friend Dhanak Rena will be my partner.
29:10Oh, my love, my love, your eyes have stolen my heart, my love
29:19My eyes are not thieves, my love, you must have stolen my heart, my love
29:29I used to think everything wrong about you
29:32I used to think you had feelings for me
29:35This song is for you, sir
29:37Sir, for the time we have spent together