• el año pasado
Clinton Herrmann: The Kingdom message / El mensaje del Reino
Sermónes bilingue ( spanish / english)
Sábado Especial 17 Agosto 2024
Red ADvenir Television


00:00My Outro For My 20th Birthday
00:30My Outro For My 20th Birthday
01:00Greetings! My name is Clinton and this is my wife Shayla.
01:13This is the first time we're speaking here, so we need like extra prayer.
01:21I'm kind of nervous looking at all these people here.
01:26And my precious wife is my English student, so we need to really pray for her to translate.
01:38Alright, let's first pray.
01:44Dear God, thank you so much for this Sabbath day.
01:50God, we pray as we present this presentation about the kingdom message to the world.
01:59That you guide us through the Holy Spirit.
02:03In Jesus' name, Amen.
02:07Alright, now, oh there we go.
02:11Now, we are from a ministry up in Amazon.
02:17You'll see there's Bolivia.
02:21And I'm going to walk there.
02:23You can see there's a red spot higher up, that's where we are.
02:29The bottom part is where we are right now.
02:32It's Santa Cruz.
02:37You'll see there's a yellow line.
02:42That's the way we need to travel.
02:45It took us two days to get here.
02:49So God's got a message for you.
02:53That told me to come here and travel two days to get you.
02:59So you'll see it's close to Peru, up there in the Amazon jungles.
03:06My wife and I went up there three years ago.
03:13Just like the previous message about living in the country was very important to us.
03:23It's difficult, especially in the Amazon.
03:27You plant a vegetable,
03:30guaranteed there's an insect somewhere that's going to eat that thing.
03:36You start learning ways of actually surviving there.
03:42But then I met some people that helped us.
03:47Before I tell you about that, let me tell you about our ministry.
03:53We have about seven ministries we're working on.
03:58The first one's called the Amazonian Medical Mission.
04:04That's our health center in the Amazon.
04:11We're also signing up a radio station.
04:17It's still in the progress of construction.
04:20You'll see there's the tower at the back.
04:24We're going to do productions in the local indigenous languages.
04:32There are some people in the Amazon that do not speak Spanish.
04:34They only speak their indigenous languages.
04:41We're actually raising up the youth
04:43to take our position of managing the radio station for the future.
04:53Once that's functioning,
04:56straight after that, we're doing Red Avenue TV in our area.
05:04That would be wonderful to have that.
05:08We also have this as a school building for the indigenous people.
05:18It teaches them some industrial arts and things like how to do sewing and things like that.
05:25We also have a book center.
05:31We want people to read.
05:34Also, the radio station is representing a lot of things
05:37from the Spirit of Prophecy and health books.
05:47The programs on the radio will be also according to the books
05:50and their homes can listen to the radio while following in the books.
06:00The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge.
06:06We need to destroy that lack of knowledge.
06:12We have three online ministries.
06:17We have Orion Triangles.
06:20It's to present the great controversy online.
06:27That's incredible.
06:28We started this ministry when we got married.
06:32It's more than four years, five years ago.
06:37The Spirit of Prophecy is to hand out pamphlets like the leaves of autumn.
06:45When the people look at the pamphlet, the more information is on the website.
06:54I have a very clever wife.
06:57She knows how to register on the internet how many people are looking at the website.
07:08We know there are over 400 people every month on that site.
07:12It's incredible.
07:19We hand out the pamphlets around in Bolivia.
07:25We've been noticing people from Los Angeles, from USA, Miami, from all over South America.
07:38We are a family in the middle of the Amazon and we can actually do that.
07:42It's amazing.
07:50We also have Ixiamas.com because we are from the town of Ixiamas.
08:00That little spot there, the nearest town to us is called Ixiamas.
08:08If anybody is from Ixiamas, I greet you.
08:13Hamsi Sabado.
08:16That's in Samoan, an indigenous language.
08:21All the programs we are going to do on the radio, Red Advernir, and health issues, problems,
08:26everything will be on the website for people to have access to this directly.
08:36If we are going to do a health program, they know exactly at 8 o'clock in the morning
08:39there is going to be a health program, they can put the radio on for that.
08:45The people in the town, they know us really well and they are really excited about this.
08:54Constantly we are like, hey, when is the radio starting, when is the radio starting?
08:59It's wonderful when the community starts getting interested in these things.
09:06We also have Amazonian Mission, which is on YouTube.
09:14We have like 61 videos.
09:18Everything that we are doing, our outreach programs about the indigenous people.
09:25We do videos every week or two.
09:30We do this in an area where there is no internet.
09:35We have to go to town for internet.
09:38But you know what?
09:40When you serve the Lord, everything is a joy, no matter what the difficulties are.
09:45All right.
09:48Now let me get to my family.
09:54These people are indigenous from the Amazon, they are called Siman.
10:01They were never colonized by the Spanish or the Roman Catholic Church.
10:08As soon as the colonizers wanted to come to them, they would just disappear in the jungle somewhere.
10:18My question was, why do these people move around so much?
10:20They do, they move around.
10:27Well, I discovered that the whole Amazon is their home.
10:33They just go from one bedroom to the next bedroom.
10:35They are not actually leaving the area.
10:43We went up there thinking we are going to help these people.
10:49We got so much information, we are going to help these people.
10:55These people know a lot.
11:00Their knowledge of medical plants is outstanding.
11:09For me, that's incredibly fascinating.
11:11I love spending time learning all these new plants in the Amazon.
11:14It's incredible.
11:19Now, we need to leave the cities and go into the country, right?
11:22Live in the country.
11:27Living in the country is not just like a vacation.
11:32It's a lot of work.
11:39These people already live in the country.
11:43When it's a time of trouble, I'm sure that these people will survive.
11:47Many Adventists are not going to be able to deal with this time of trouble.
11:59I'm really impressed with these people.
12:03When you walk with them in the jungle, they'll tell you this tree does this,
12:06and that thing does this, and this is a fruit tree over there.
12:17Now, we invite them to come to our health center.
12:24I've designed a beautiful garden.
12:28For them, that is fascinating.
12:32You think the Amazon is a beautiful garden, for example.
12:39Many people write to us on our websites or our YouTube site,
12:43and they'll tell us, oh, it's so beautiful there.
12:50But it's actually just a wild place.
12:55Beauty comes by order.
12:59You take the plants in the jungle, and you put them in order to create a garden.
13:10You ask the kids, where do you want to go for the Sabbath?
13:14Now, they're all keeping the Sabbath.
13:16The Sabbath is like the highlight of their day.
13:21Go to your house. Only go to your house.
13:26Go to your garden. I want to see this garden.
13:32Now, you'll see, yes, my family.
13:35Now, why I say my family?
13:39These people are not very open to you in the beginning.
13:47It'll take you at least six months before you actually even come there,
13:51and they'll start opening up to you or be friendly to you.
13:55Or be warm to you, in a sense.
14:02The children are extremely shy.
14:06But the more time you spend with them, we go to them every single Sabbath,
14:10we spend time with them in the week, and now we are family.
14:18We have to learn their language.
14:25Because the women and children do not speak Spanish.
14:29They only speak Zaman.
14:32So it's Hamjemi.
14:37It means, what's your name?
14:40It's a beautiful language, but it's completely different to anything I've heard.
14:47Also, they never go to school.
14:54The parents teach them everything.
14:57So in order for us to teach the gospel to them,
15:04they can't read, so it's not just giving them a Bible.
15:08We teach them coloring in pencils, coloring pictures.
15:16In the beginning, they didn't know how to hold a pencil.
15:20They don't know how to hold a pencil.
15:24For me it was like, I can't hold a pencil, how's that?
15:29We're going to teach them how to hold a pencil.
15:33And now they're drawing a pencil, they're doing pictures,
15:35and I was asking, who are these pictures about?
15:41And slowly but surely, we're teaching the gospel to them.
15:44And this is Jesus.
15:47Now, it's interesting enough, I've never met any atheist
15:51living as an indigenous person in Ambala.
15:53Never. They all believe there's a God.
15:59So, are we going to go tell them about God?
16:01They really believe there's a God.
16:02There's no doubt in their mind that there's a God.
16:09They're really living in the country.
16:14They grow their own foods.
16:17They do eat monkeys.
16:21But they are now eating a lot of bananas and things like that as well.
16:28So, their diet is changing to a more vegetarian diet.
16:36What I've noticed, they don't get sick.
16:40The sicknesses of the world, they don't have those things.
16:45Now, they do have hygienical issues.
16:49We need to keep things clean.
16:50They need to learn that still.
16:57And people think, oh, they're just poor, they're useless people,
17:00but actually they're not.
17:01And the people in the village see them,
17:03oh, they're poor, they're dirty, they have nothing to contribute.
17:10But I love them and they're my family.
17:19And since people are not interested in them,
17:21he said, why is he coming from so far away,
17:23and he's interested in us?
17:26Now they're answering.
17:28It's incredible how much they're learning.
17:37That's their house.
17:40Everything's from the jungle.
17:45The roof is made from palm leaves.
17:49The wood on the walls is made from a palm tree
17:53that they cut through the center.
18:01And so, this is the family,
18:04and there we give them all the classes.
18:08And they really, really enjoy it.
18:10Look at these beautiful things they make.
18:15They're making like bags to carry.
18:17They don't really buy things in the town,
18:19they normally make their own things.
18:28There's a health center, a radio station,
18:30and there's our children.
18:33So, my question was,
18:35what's the message for these people?
18:39Well, of course, all the answers are in the Bible.
18:42So, open your Bibles to Revelation 14, verses 6 and 7.
18:56And I'm not going to read them in English,
18:58we can read them in Spanish for the saving of time.
19:00So, Sheila, you can just read it for us.
19:12All right.
19:13So, what do we need to do?
19:17Preach a gospel.
19:20What is the gospel?
19:21What is the gospel that we need to reach these people with?
19:23What's the gospel?
19:28You can tell them about stories in the Bible,
19:30it doesn't really make sense to them,
19:32but what is the gospel?
19:35What is the gospel?
19:37You can tell them about stories in the Bible,
19:39it doesn't really make sense to them,
19:40but what is the gospel that we need to give these people?
19:52All right, let's go back to the Bible.
19:53Let's go to Matthew 24, verse 14.
20:03I know the Bible burst out of my head, so it's okay.
20:07Matthew 24, verse 14.
20:21So, what's the first angel's message?
20:26It's right here.
20:27Preach this message of the kingdom, right?
20:32So, to reach these people,
20:34I need to preach a kingdom message to these people.
20:43So, what is this kingdom message?
20:48Well, let's go back to the Bible,
20:49and we go to Matthew 4, verse 17.
21:05You know, when Jesus came into this public ministry,
21:19Okay, he was 40 days in the fasting,
21:21and then the Satan attempted him,
21:22and then he entered his public ministry.
21:25He was tempted for 40 days,
21:27and then he entered his public ministry.
21:36And what was his first announcement to the people?
21:39It's right here.
21:44Repent, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
21:55Let's look again.
21:59Go to Matthew 6, verse 33.
22:06I'm only choosing a few verses,
22:07but there are plenty about the kingdom in the Bible.
22:25First, seek first.
22:31In English, we have a saying,
22:32first thing's first.
22:36What's the most important thing?
22:39First thing.
22:40Then you know what the second, third, whatever is,
22:42but you need the first thing first, right?
22:47So, this gospel of the kingdom
22:48is the first thing we need to know
22:50how to reach these people.
22:56Jesus raised up disciples.
23:01There was a disciple that came.
23:04His name was Paul.
23:08Most of the Bible is written by this guy.
23:11The New Testament.
23:14What was his message?
23:17Remember, he's following the continuation of Jesus,
23:20so what is his message?
23:21He's following the continuation of Jesus,
23:23so what is his message?
23:28Matthew 28, verse 31.
23:41Sorry, Acts.
23:51He said,
24:04Let's go back to Matthew 4, verse 17.
24:10The first thing it mentions is to repent.
24:17Most people would say,
24:18we've asked people,
24:19what do you think the word repent means?
24:25They will say,
24:26well, go forward in the church
24:27and you confess all your sins or something.
24:32But if you look at the original Greek of this word,
24:39it's metaneo.
24:42Metaneo doesn't mean repent in front of a church.
24:44It says, change your mind.
24:49No, it means, change your mind.
24:54So now we need to change our mind, right?
24:58You need to change your mind
24:59and then he tells you,
25:00when your mind is changed,
25:01you need to understand the kingdom message.
25:09In English,
25:10it says, re-pent.
25:14What does the re mean?
25:16What is re?
25:20It means to return, right?
25:23So if it's return your mind to what?
25:30What is Jesus telling us?
25:31To return your mind to something.
25:37Jesus is not going to leave you there.
25:38He tells you,
25:39return your mind to the kingdom of heaven.
25:47the kingdom of heaven
25:48is Jesus Christ is mentioned over and over and over.
25:54So this is the mind of Jesus, right?
25:58So Jesus is saying,
25:59repent and come back to the original mind of God.
26:11What is the original mind of God?
26:15When you come with the idea of mind,
26:19yes, it's ideas.
26:22It's ideas.
26:23So what is the original idea of God for you?
26:30So you need to return to the original idea of God,
26:32which is idea of the kingdom.
26:40It's interesting today,
26:41you learn about wars and things all over the place.
26:49And when you think of war,
26:50you think of guns and big tanks and big rockets and whatever.
26:59But there's a serious attack on our minds
27:04to destroy your mind
27:07or even to change your way of thinking
27:10to think something differently.
27:18That is a war.
27:21That's a war that every one of us need to fight every single day.
27:27But we have to have the right ideas
27:29that is God's ideas to fight this war.
27:38Let's go to Romans 12, verse 2.
27:44Romans 12, verse 2.
27:49Romans 12, verse 2.
28:02Romans 12, verse 2.
28:08Everybody got it?
28:13We almost got it.
28:16There you go.
28:18Romans 12, verse 2.
28:32Alright, so renew your mind.
28:34Do not conform to the world.
28:35So obviously you need to conform to what?
28:37The original mind of God.
28:44So what is the kingdom?
28:46If this is the gospel,
28:47the kingdom is the gospel.
28:51What is the kingdom?
28:54What kingdom do they need?
28:59A kingdom is another name for government.
29:05God wants
29:07his government
29:09to rule this earth.
29:15He wants us to restore us
29:17back to his original government
29:19that was started in the Garden of Eden.
29:27So what did we lose in the Garden of Eden?
29:29Did we lose a government
29:30or did we lose a religion?
29:40We can interact.
29:43Yeah, exactly.
29:44It's easy.
29:45The Bible says that.
29:46We just follow the Bible.
29:47The Bible tells us we lost a government
29:48and God wants us to return back to that government.
29:56Now let's go to Matthew 6, verses 9 and 10.
30:04We should all know this.
30:05It's what people call the Lord's Prayer.
30:15It says,
30:27Yeah, 10.
30:34Alright, so Jesus is telling you,
30:35look, prayer is important, right?
30:40Just a little background
30:41to why Jesus told us the prayer.
30:45Why did Jesus give us this?
30:50Jesus healed people in seconds.
30:54And the disciples were like,
30:56speaking together,
30:57like, man, how does he heal people
30:58in seconds like that?
31:04How does this guy walk on water
31:05and tell the fishes what to do?
31:06I mean, how is this possible?
31:12Now, it's interesting.
31:13They didn't ask Jesus that specific question.
31:15It's like, how do you heal people?
31:20They kind of figured out
31:21he's doing something.
31:22They see him at night time
31:23going up into the hill
31:24and spends hours out there
31:25early in the morning
31:27and that gave him the power
31:29to heal somebody in seconds.
31:30They want to know,
31:31what's he doing in the mountains
31:32for so long?
31:44So they understand
31:45what is happening to Jesus
31:46in those early morning hours.
31:48They will understand
31:49how you can heal somebody
31:50in seconds.
31:57And then Jesus tells them,
32:00this is how you pray.
32:02There is incredible power
32:03in prayer if you know
32:04what you're praying for.
32:10He says,
32:11Our Father
32:12who is
32:13not on earth.
32:19It says there,
32:20he's in heaven, right?
32:21He's not on earth.
32:27If it's our Father,
32:31you all come from a father.
32:32I mean, everybody has a father.
32:34You can't come from a father.
32:38So, for example,
32:40if my parents
32:41are from South Africa,
32:45I'm from South Africa
32:49because my father
32:50is from South Africa.
32:54If our father,
32:55that means all of us,
32:56is from heaven,
32:57so where do we come from?
33:04Where is our origin?
33:07Where is our home country?
33:10Our country?
33:15It would be heaven.
33:18Your existence
33:19started in God's mind
33:20already in heaven.
33:25Now, this subject
33:26is so enormous
33:27that I cannot give it
33:28in one hour,
33:29so if I come back,
33:30I can share
33:31on this specific topic.
33:37So, God has
33:38for us
33:39a purpose on earth
33:40because God is in heaven
33:41so we are on earth
33:42so we have a purpose
33:43for God on earth.
33:51if God is in heaven
33:54and we are on earth
33:56and God has got
33:57a purpose for us
33:58on earth,
34:01remember, God is a king,
34:05what is our purpose
34:06on earth?
34:08Well, let's read it.
34:10It says,
34:14it says,
34:15Hallowed be thy name.
34:19If you look at the word
34:24go look up
34:25in the coordinates
34:26on that word.
34:27It means
34:28to do something
34:29with joy,
34:36with fondness
34:39with joy.
34:43I don't know
34:44what is in Spanish.
34:46when I met my wife,
34:49right to this point,
34:52I have great fondness
34:53to be with her.
34:56You can't force me,
34:58you're going to spend
34:59time with your wife.
35:10we should have
35:11this great desire
35:14this fondness
35:15to do what
35:16God's will is
35:17for our purpose
35:18on earth.
35:24Our purpose
35:25on earth.
35:30God's purpose
35:31will be used
35:32through us
35:33to be fulfilled
35:34on this planet.
35:39Then it says what?
35:41Verse 10.
35:46Venga tu reino.
35:47All right?
35:49read the whole thing.
35:50Let's read the whole thing.
35:58so here you have
36:01I'm going to hold earth,
36:02she can hold heaven
36:03because she's my angel
36:04from heaven.
36:05All right,
36:06so what is the message?
36:07Does he want us
36:08to go from earth
36:09to heaven
36:10or does he want
36:11heaven to come to earth?
36:16Which way?
36:17Which is the direction
36:18Jesus is teaching us
36:19how to pray, right?
36:23Jesus is saying to you
36:24this is what you need to
36:25pray for.
36:28Pray that
36:29heaven comes to earth.
36:33Don't pray
36:34to go to heaven.
36:37Who wants heaven on earth?
36:39Do you want heaven
36:40on earth?
36:46then you're answering
36:47the prayer.
36:48God's answering the prayer.
36:51Thy kingdom come,
36:54kingdom is a government.
36:58He wants his government
36:59to come to earth
37:02and God's going to use
37:03every one of us
37:04to fulfill that purpose
37:08and then it says
37:09in Matthew 28,
37:10it says,
37:11then the end will come.
37:16Are we waiting
37:17for Jesus
37:18by doing nothing?
37:24In the Bible,
37:25it says,
37:26well done,
37:27my good and faithful servant.
37:32Not well waited.
37:35If you're not busy
37:37bringing the
37:38kingdom of heaven
37:39to earth in your
37:41your community,
37:42everything that you're
37:44expanding the government
37:45of God,
37:46then you're
37:47wasting time.
37:54Then you're
37:55wasting time.
37:56Time is very important.
37:58You only have a
37:59certain amount of
38:00time on this earth
38:03and you need to
38:04make sure that
38:05every second
38:09because there's a
38:10war out there.
38:12It's a war
38:13to control
38:14your mind.
38:18We need to
38:21into this world.
38:24We need to bring
38:25the kingdom
38:27in everything
38:28about us.
38:31We need to
38:32think like heaven,
38:33eat like heaven,
38:35economy like heaven,
38:37everything like heaven.
38:46So earth is to
38:47reflect everything
38:48of heaven.
38:53Are we doing that?
38:56Are we bringing
38:57heaven to earth?
38:59Or are we so
39:00focused to
39:01go against
39:02God's prayer
39:05and be so excited
39:06to be escaping
39:09and go to
39:13God's purpose
39:14for us is to
39:15be on earth.
39:20God gave us
39:21dominion in the
39:22beginning in
39:23Genesis chapter
39:25He says that man
39:26is made in the
39:27image of God.
39:28He has to be
39:29fruitful and
39:30multiply and
39:31to have dominion
39:32on this earth.
39:35Are you making
39:36dominion in
39:37your life?
39:39Are you having
39:40dominion over
39:43Are you having
39:44dominion over
39:45your appetite?
39:48Because if you
39:49are, you're
39:50going to be a
39:51great example
39:52to the rest
39:53of the world.
39:56I like the
40:00I like the
40:04We need to
40:05live to the
40:06country, right?
40:11In the Amazon
40:12we have people
40:13who are mango
40:19when it says
40:20be fruitful and
40:21multiply in the
40:26automatically a
40:27tree that
40:28produces fruit
40:29had to come
40:30from a seed.
40:35If you live in
40:36the country, you
40:37know what I'm
40:38talking about.
40:39You've got to
40:40learn how to put
40:41seeds in the
40:42ground and make
40:43things grow,
40:45In order to
40:46produce fruit, to
40:47be fruitful, you
40:48need to understand
40:49the original
40:50purpose and
40:51laws put in
40:52a seed.
40:57So you've
40:58got two
40:59mango seeds
41:00and your
41:01vision is this
41:02tree is going to
41:03produce fruit one
41:07That's God's
41:08vision put in
41:09your mind.
41:11So you put the
41:12one seed in this
41:13nice black soil
41:14with water
41:19and the other
41:20seed you put in
41:23Now I can
41:24really see people
41:28What's going to
41:29happen with the
41:30seed in the
41:32It's going to
41:34Because God's put
41:35everything in that
41:36thing for 100%
41:43But you have
41:44to know what the
41:45law is that God
41:46has put in that
41:47seed to make it
41:53You know that all
41:54kingdoms run by
41:57Without a law
41:58there's no kingdom.
42:00When people say
42:01the law is done away
42:02with it's like I
42:03don't understand how
42:04this works.
42:05You're presenting a
42:06kingdom message.
42:13Maybe some religions
42:14can teach there's no
42:15law but in God's
42:16kingdom there is 100%
42:17there is law.
42:22So you've got this
42:23mango seed.
42:25You know the law
42:26God put in that
42:29And that seed starts
42:32Now you've got this
42:33other seed that's in
42:37It's not doing
42:38nothing, why?
42:41Why is the seed not
42:42growing in alcohol?
42:44Okay, I know what
42:45we can do.
42:48Let's pray.
42:49I'm going to pray
42:50that that seed in
42:51alcohol grows.
42:54I'm going to fast
42:55and pray.
42:56I'm going to do
42:57music services.
43:00I'm going to come to
43:01church every single
43:02day or whatever.
43:06What's going to
43:07happen to that seed?
43:11Is it going to grow
43:12or not?
43:13In fact is it going
43:14to die?
43:15But you're praying,
43:16you're fasting.
43:17Why is it not going
43:18to grow?
43:20Because you don't
43:21know God's law.
43:23If you put yourself
43:24outside of God's law
43:25you're going to be in
43:26deep trouble.
43:27Nothing's going to
43:29If you put yourself
43:30outside of God's law
43:31you're going to be in
43:32deep trouble.
43:33But I'm so religious.
43:35The thing should
43:38It's not functioning
43:39no matter what.
43:40You can't manipulate
43:43God says my law,
43:44I never change
43:48What's God's original
43:49purpose for you?
43:51His dominion on
43:52this earth.
43:54When did that law
43:56When did that plan
43:58It's never changed.
44:01But that purpose
44:02for every one of us
44:03is still there.
44:07Don't waste time.
44:10Study this message.
44:11Read this gospel.
44:14If you want the end
44:15to come,
44:17I'm sick and tired
44:18of seeing people
44:19dying and terrible
44:20things happening.
44:21And what's happening
44:22today in the Olympics
44:23is disgusting.
44:28People are dying.
44:33And then,
44:34it's interesting
44:35in the United States
44:36people are
44:37wanting to vote
44:38for a better
44:46I say United States
44:47because I'm going to
44:48use the Constitution.
44:52Okay, so
44:53naturally people
44:54always see
44:57as a way of
44:58making things better.
45:04Everywhere you go
45:05people always
45:06if you vote
45:07you're voting
45:08for a change
45:09to make things better.
45:10You don't vote for
45:11things to get worse.
45:17Okay, now
45:18the U.S. Constitution
45:19says we the people.
45:25The Bible doesn't say that.
45:27The Bible says
45:28I the Lord.
45:32Means that we
45:33know what God's
45:34requirements are for us.
45:40God is a kingdom.
45:41We the people
45:42is democracy.
45:48If you want
45:49something terrible
45:50to come,
45:51the world's teaching
45:52some strange things
45:53today, right?
45:56And I'm very certain
45:57that the Sunday law
45:58is coming very soon.
46:04Now what happens
46:05if all of us come together
46:06and we're going to vote
46:07that we need to
46:08change the Sabbath
46:09to Sunday?
46:15Does that change
46:16God's law?
46:20But all of you
46:21voted for it.
46:26We the people
46:27makes no sense.
46:32We the people.
46:35But I the Lord
46:37doesn't change nothing.
46:42God's got a purpose
46:45and that purpose
46:46is from the beginning
46:48right to now.
46:52It never changes.
46:54Just like a mango seed
46:55will never change
46:56no matter what you pray
46:57for that thing
46:58as long as you put it
46:59in the right condition.
47:07So if you want to
47:08function correctly
47:09and have blessings
47:10from God,
47:11put yourself in the
47:12right environment.
47:19You want to end
47:20divorce and sickness
47:21put yourself in the
47:22right environment.
47:27I know the Adventists
47:28struggle with these things.
47:31I know there's cancer
47:32and divorce
47:33and everything in the church.
47:36Because you put yourself
47:37in alcohol.
47:41Put yourself back
47:42into the government
47:43of God
47:44and make that your
47:45purpose for making
47:46this world
47:47the kingdom of heaven.
48:03We know there's
48:04a time of trouble coming.
48:07God's given us an answer.
48:10When Jesus was
48:11on the earth
48:12there was a Roman Empire
48:16and Jesus came
48:17at the time
48:18of the Roman Empire
48:19because the Roman Empire
48:20was the first
48:22to colonize.
48:27In order for
48:28the Roman Empire
48:29to colonize territory
48:30they would send
48:31300 people
48:32into the area
48:33and the 300 people
48:34which were Romans
48:35would change the culture
48:36to the Roman culture.
48:45We need to change
48:46this world.
48:49This whole world.
48:51That fulfills our purpose
48:52to bring this world
48:53into the government
48:54of God.
48:58What's God going to use?
49:01I believe 144,000.
49:05144,000 will wipe out
49:06this complete government
49:07of this world
49:08and bring it back
49:09to the kingdom of heaven
49:10while we are on earth.
49:14While we are on earth
49:15this kingdom of heaven
49:16will come to this earth
49:17and then the end will come.
49:21Are we looking forward
49:22to the government
49:23of God?
49:26Are we practicing
49:27the government of God?
49:31Gospel Ministries
49:40You all know
49:41who we are.
49:43What does gospel mean?
49:44What does gospel mean?
49:49Kingdom, right?
49:50That's the message.
49:51It's the gospel.
49:52It's the kingdom.
49:55What is ministry?
49:59Ministry, you go in
50:00your ministry means
50:05And international?
50:07What does international mean?
50:10Is it some small place
50:11or is it a big place?
50:15Total, right?
50:17So what's the message?
50:18What's the purpose?
50:19The purpose of Gospel
50:20Ministries International.
50:25And that's why
50:26I love this ministry so much.
50:29It's because it means
50:31the kingdom culture
50:34to be impacted
50:35into this world
50:38and then the end will come.
50:40Gospel Ministries International
50:41in a sense is
50:42Matthew 24 verse 14.
50:49Don't forget
50:50what words mean.
50:54So we say
50:55we work together
50:58we work together
50:59for the kingdom of heaven.
51:01There's no different
51:03We need to focus
51:04on the kingdom of heaven
51:05or your religious
51:06or your kingdom person
51:07and that's it.
51:12This message
51:13is not only
51:14for us Adventists
51:17which has been given
51:18so much information
51:19through the Spirit of Prophecy
51:20to know these things.
51:26We have
51:27plenty of books
51:28I mean Child Guidance
51:29Adventist Home
51:31to bring the culture
51:32of heaven.
51:33These old books
51:34are presenting
51:35culture of heaven on earth.
51:36It's incredible.
51:43And this is what
51:44the message is
51:45for my Tremonti friends
51:46family, family.
51:51And I love these people
51:53and I love you Adventists
51:56but get out of the alcohol
51:57put yourself in the right
51:58place with God.
52:03I enjoy
52:04bringing the gospel message
52:05to the world.
52:06I really enjoy it.
52:09Yes I'm waiting
52:10for Jesus Christ
52:11but man
52:12I really enjoy
52:13working for God right now.
52:17Conquering more territory
52:18for God.
52:21I want that same joy
52:22the same fondness
52:23for you.
52:42Let's pray.
52:54Our Father
52:56which art in heaven
52:58hallowed be thy name
53:02thy kingdom come
53:05thy will be done
53:09through us
53:11everyone here
53:13and every person
53:15listening to this presentation
53:19let's bring this
53:20kingdom of heaven
53:21to this earth
53:25and then the end will come
53:28in Jesus' loving name
