Leo the truck & a minivan for robots. Car cartoons full episodes. Cars for kids

  • le mois dernier


00:31Leo the Truck is driving along the road.
00:35Hi, Leo!
00:37Are you bringing new parts?
00:40Wow! A full bed!
00:45Lifty and Scoop are playing at the amusement park.
00:55But Leo's not going to join them.
01:01Il va à la maison des robots.
01:07Robots, knock-knock-knock!
01:11Leo's here!
01:14Hi! The robots are very happy.
01:22Leo brought a surprise for the robots.
01:25These are parts for a minivan that they can drive around in,
01:28just like Lifty, Scoop and Leo.
01:34Oh! The wheel rolled away!
01:42Let's start building!
01:55Red Chassis
02:15Where's the fourth wheel?
02:20There it is!
02:21Haha! Good job, Robot!
02:29These are batteries.
02:31The robots' minivan will run on electricity.
02:37Electric Motor
02:39A yellow panel where folding chairs for the robots are attached.
02:49The steering wheel and yellow control panel.
02:58The robot's minivan will run on electricity.
03:08Do you like it, robots?
03:24And doors
03:35The minivan's ready!
03:38The robots are very happy!
03:43They press the button.
03:46Look at how the door opens.
03:48The robots go in.
03:51The red robots behind the wheel.
03:54Let's go!
04:02Strange! Why isn't the van moving?
04:05Oh! The robots thought of something!
04:11Yes! It worked!
04:14Let's go!
04:16The minivan's moving.
04:18But very slowly.
04:20I wonder why?
04:23Ah! Haha! Two robots are pushing it.
04:29Leo, why isn't the minivan moving on its own?
04:33Ah! The batteries are dead.
04:36They need charging.
04:41Robots, push!
04:47Leo found a place where you can charge them.
04:56Connect the car to the wind generator.
05:00The wind generator rotates due to the wind
05:03and charges the minivan's battery.
05:06It turns out the minivan will run on wind power.
05:13It's ready!
05:14Now the minivan can move on its own.
05:17The robots and Leo quickly go to the amusement park.
05:22The music in the minivan works.
05:25Robots, don't miss the turn!
05:35Scoop! Lifty!
05:37Scoop! Lifty!
05:39Scoop! Lifty!
05:41Scoop! Lifty!
05:43Scoop! Lifty!
05:45Scoop! Lifty!
05:47Scoop! Lifty!
05:49Scoop! Lifty!
06:00It's cool everyone's here.
06:02Let's ride the carousel.
06:15Good job Leo.
13:49Un petit chien conduit le train.
13:55Un chien.
14:08Le chien n'a pas eu le temps d'entrer dans le trailer.
14:11Le chien s'en va.
14:18Ne t'inquiète pas, chien.
14:23Leo le train va t'aider.
14:30Salut, Leo!
14:32Qu'est-ce que tu m'as apporté?
14:41Le chien va construire un trailer.
14:47Une plateforme grise.
14:54Quatre roues.
15:05Un cabinet rouge.
15:12Des roues.
15:20Des roues.
15:27Des roues.
15:34Des roues.
15:41Des roues pour les côtés du trailer.
15:55Du verre.
16:01Et le toit.
16:08Les lumières.
16:12Des lumières.
16:21Cette partie est pour attacher le trailer au train.
16:29Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé, Leo?
16:31Oh! Pas de porte arrière.
16:34Nous devons la trouver.
16:42Maintenant, le train arrivera à la station.
16:45Voyons les pièces qu'il a apportées.
16:51Un rouleau.
16:53Pas ça.
16:56Une porte de voiture.
16:58Ça ne marche pas.
17:04C'est ce qu'on a besoin.
17:12Mettez la porte arrière en place.
17:25Attachez le trailer au train.
17:41C'est un parc d'amusements.
18:19Tellement d'amour!
18:25Merci, Leo!
