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#KOITV #filmengsub #drama #movieengsub #reedshort #film #KOICHANNEL #chinesedrama #Kdrama #dramaengsub #englishsubstitle #chinesedramaengsub #moviehot #romance #movieengsub #reedshortfulleps
00:00:01Veiled in shadows, she stalks the night, her identity concealed behind a mask.
00:00:06The Black Shadow, a deadly assassin feared by all who cross her path.
00:00:11With a cold, calculating gaze and a heart hardened by a lifetime of pain and betrayal,
00:00:16she is an enigma, a merciless killer with an untraceable reputation.
00:00:21But when a powerful mafia boss demands a meeting, she finds herself drawn into a dangerous game
00:00:27of cat and mouse.
00:00:29Vito D'Angelo is a man shrouded in mystery, his icy blue eyes and chiseled features promising
00:00:34both exquisite pleasure and untold suffering.
00:00:38As the head of the most ruthless crime syndicate, his very presence commands respect and instills
00:00:44Drawn to each other's darkness, an intense and forbidden attraction ignites.
00:00:49As they engage in a sensual dance of dominance and submission, neither can deny the addictive
00:00:54pull between them.
00:00:56But with deadly rivals and unforgiving enemies at every turn, surrendering to this feeling
00:01:01could prove not only dangerous, but fatal.
00:01:05Can the Black Shadow let down her guard long enough to trust the Mafia King?
00:01:11Chapter One
00:01:13I wake up to a splitting headache and run my hands over my face as the night's events
00:01:19come back like a wave.
00:01:21Just how much did I drink?
00:01:23I remember getting angry after finding a mole among my men.
00:01:27I was always so careful when it comes to choosing people to work for me, but I must have missed
00:01:33Liz, the blonde I often slept around with, tried to make me release but took too long
00:01:37so I sent her off.
00:01:40She can be a good fuck sometimes but she's grown a liking to me and I don't have time
00:01:44to deal with her shit.
00:01:46I quickly shower and put on my signature outfit, black suit with a white dress shirt underneath.
00:01:52I decided on no tie today.
00:01:54Morning, Vito, did you sleep well?
00:01:57My mom asks as I walk into the kitchen.
00:02:00My mother is not actually my biological mom, but she raised me since I was like two months
00:02:05old, so I would say she's pretty much my real mother.
00:02:09My biological mother didn't want me and apparently I was a product of one of my father's one
00:02:14night stands.
00:02:16And that is why I take extra precaution when having sex.
00:02:20You never know.
00:02:22Not so good, mama, I tell her and she looks at me understanding what I mean.
00:02:27Shit, she probably saw me drunk last night.
00:02:30She doesn't like when I drink too much and I hate to disappoint her.
00:02:35Someone has a hangover, Rose, my sister says in a sing-song voice.
00:02:39She can be annoying sometimes but I love her so much.
00:02:43You're gonna be an alcoholic at that rate.
00:02:46Here have this.
00:02:47It's supposed to ease the hangover.
00:02:50It's honey with warm water, my mom says, handing me a cup.
00:02:54You really should stop fucking around and settle down, Vito.
00:02:58You're a mafia leader with a lot of responsibilities and I believe a wife will help you come to
00:03:03your senses.
00:03:05I suggest you find someone soon, my father says.
00:03:08Luca D'Angelo, the mafia king, the most ruthless and heartless man known to earth, yet so soft
00:03:14when it comes to my mom.
00:03:16No one thought he would fall in love, but here we are now.
00:03:19I took over the mafia when I was 22 and people say I'm even more cruel than my father is.
00:03:26I have no intentions of getting married, papa.
00:03:29I say, sitting at the table while my mom sets my plate down in front of me.
00:03:34She made pancakes, my favorite.
00:03:37You'll have to eventually.
00:03:39If you don't find someone soon, I might have to make you marry that blonde you always sleep
00:03:45What's her name, Liz or something?
00:03:47Fuck no.
00:03:49I shout, banging my fists on my table.
00:03:52Enough both of you.
00:03:54My mom exclaims pointing at the both of us.
00:03:57My dad is smirking.
00:03:59He knows what he did.
00:04:01He always gets on my nerves to try and get a reaction from me.
00:04:05My sister looks at us and giggles softly.
00:04:08Your dad is right, Vito.
00:04:10You really should get married soon, my mom says looking at me.
00:04:14I sigh saying, I'm not interested in anyone, mama.
00:04:18You just haven't found the one yet, but you will soon, she says with a small smile.
00:04:23My mom has always believed in romance and true love.
00:04:27But the thing is, love has no place in this kind of lifestyle.
00:04:30It's undeserving.
00:04:32My mom has always wanted me to fall in love someday, but I think I'm incapable of loving
00:04:37anyone apart from my family.
00:04:40I don't do relationships and I don't do love.
00:04:44The rest of the meal continues in silence until I leave for work.
00:04:48I get in my Audi R8 and drive to our base, which looks just like a normal building.
00:04:54Some of my men live in the apartments upstairs and all the work goes on underground.
00:05:00My men greet me as I walk into the meeting room.
00:05:04Update me.
00:05:05I was never one for small talk and always got straight to the point.
00:05:09The trade went well with the French, but one of our shipments in New York got stolen
00:05:14We assume it's the Wolves, says Val, my right-hand man and my best friend.
00:05:18Alright, get the plane ready, we leave tonight.
00:05:22Let's end them once and for all.
00:05:24I quickly catch up on some calls and check my emails for the rest of the day.
00:05:29Just as I am signing my paperwork, I hear heels clinking outside the door before a puff
00:05:34of blonde hair appears.
00:05:35Baby, I missed you.
00:05:38This says, walking towards me and swaying her hips seductively, trying hard to get my
00:05:43Yeah, she has a nice body and shit but she's just too much.
00:05:47Caked with makeup and always trying to have sex, even when I tell her I'm not in the mood.
00:05:53I told you not to barge in like that.
00:05:56Do I have to repeat myself every time?
00:05:59I say, still not looking at her.
00:06:01Sorry babe, I was in a hurry to see you, she says, standing behind me and trailing her
00:06:06hands down my back.
00:06:08Don't come here anymore, starting from today.
00:06:11But you know you want me.
00:06:13I can make you feel good, she says, pouting.
00:06:17Just as I'm about to retort, someone knocks on my door.
00:06:20Come in.
00:06:21Val, what is it?
00:06:23I ask him as he walks in.
00:06:26Black Shadow.
00:06:27We found him.
00:06:29About time.
00:06:31Black Shadow is an assassin who's known to be extremely skilled.
00:06:35I've been finding him for years but he remains in the shadows, no name, no pictures, nothing.
00:06:40I really want him on my team.
00:06:43My men were the best but they could really use some improvement.
00:06:47Where is he?
00:06:48New York.
00:06:49Great, we can go meet him tomorrow.
00:06:53Where do we find him?
00:06:54The Blaze.
00:06:57What is he doing there?
00:06:59The Blaze is one of my underground fighting rings where I choose recruits from.
00:07:04I heard he goes there from time to time.
00:07:07He hasn't been there in years but I got intel that he'll be there tomorrow night.
00:07:12Good job.
00:07:13Call Brian and tell him we'll be there.
00:07:16With that I dismissed him, along with Liz, and decided to call it a day.
00:07:20I went home and spent a few hours in my gym before taking a shower.
00:07:27Dinner's ready, Rose says.
00:07:30We all sit and eat while my parents talk about random things.
00:07:34I'm leaving for New York tonight, I tell my parents and notice my mom's expression change.
00:07:40She gets anxious when I leave them for missions and what not.
00:07:44She understands it's inevitable in this line of work but she worries too much.
00:07:49The wolves?
00:07:50My dad asks.
00:07:53They're the only ones trying to steal from us at the moment.
00:07:58Find them and make them pay is all he said.
00:08:00I'll be fine, Mama.
00:08:02It's just a simple mission.
00:08:05I know, she sighs, just stay safe and don't get hurt.
00:08:09I'll be back as soon as possible.
00:08:12I'll call you when I get there.
00:08:16She nods and smiles at me.
00:08:18My flight is in two hours so I have some time to pack and get ready.
00:08:23It's the next day and we're invading the wolves' base tonight.
00:08:26No one touches my belongings and gets away.
00:08:29I will make them pay.
00:08:31How dare a small gang steal from us?
00:08:35I ask my men.
00:08:37They all nod and hold their guns in front of them, ready to enter.
00:08:42You around the back.
00:08:43Val, come with me.
00:08:45In minutes, my men have cleared everyone on the perimeter except the leader.
00:08:51Alfred Wolf.
00:08:52What a pleasure to finally meet the man who decided to steal from me.
00:08:57W.H., what do you want?
00:08:59If it's the shipment, take it back, I don't care.
00:09:02Just let me live.
00:09:04I laugh at his idiocy.
00:09:07You really think I'll let you live?
00:09:10His eyes go wide and he trembles from fear between my two men.
00:09:14I walk closer to him and bend so I'm only inches away from his face.
00:09:19No one steals from me and lives.
00:09:21I will make you pay.
00:09:27Tie him up and take him away, Val orders the men and they drag him away.
00:09:32Now to meet the shadow.
00:09:35Chapter 2
00:09:37I pretend to sip on my drink and look at the man in the other side of the room, eyeing
00:09:41me like a snack.
00:09:43I walk towards him, making sure he's watching me and sit on his lap.
00:09:48His hands go round my waist, landing on my ass.
00:09:51I hook my hands behind his neck.
00:09:53What's a pretty girl like you doing here?
00:09:57Doing what I do best, I whisper in his ear and discreetly slip out my pocket knife from
00:10:01my sleeve before slitting his throat.
00:10:04I call the number and I get paid instantly.
00:10:08This is what I do best.
00:10:10I'm known as the Black Shadow because no one knows who I am and that's exactly my intentions.
00:10:16No one has seen my real face for years.
00:10:18I'm a freelance assassin and I always use prosthetics to disguise myself.
00:10:24So far I've been able to hide but I know they're still looking for me and they're getting closer.
00:10:29I'll have to move soon.
00:10:31I actually like this city but I guess we don't always get what we want.
00:10:36It's my last week here.
00:10:38I might as well spend my remaining nights at The Blaze.
00:10:41The owner, Brian, is the only person I talk to there.
00:10:45Brian doesn't know my story and he hasn't actually seen my face as I always wear a mask
00:10:51and hoodie when I go there.
00:10:53He only knows that I'm a woman and known as the Black Shadow.
00:10:57Some of my clients go there too.
00:11:00I rush through the busy streets and finally make it to my destination.
00:11:04The Blaze is actually a fighting ring disguised as a club.
00:11:09The music is blaring and the lights are messing with my eyesight.
00:11:13This is why I don't like clubs.
00:11:15There's no fun at all, just a lot of people grinding on each other.
00:11:20I weave my way between the sweaty bodies and finally make it to the stairs.
00:11:25I could have entered from the back alleyway but something was telling me not to.
00:11:30Plus I could use a drink before I fight.
00:11:33I quickly order a drink at the bar and down it all at once.
00:11:37The ring looks normal.
00:11:39I begin betting on the fighters as they attack each other in the ring.
00:11:43Brian walks to me as soon as he sees me enter the place.
00:11:48Been a long time.
00:11:50Yeah, been kinda busy.
00:11:53Got anyone for me?
00:11:55Actually yes, he doesn't usually come here but he's here today.
00:12:00I nod and get ready to fight.
00:12:03Black wait.
00:12:04I turn to look at him and he pulls me to a corner.
00:12:08There's someone who wants to meet you.
00:12:10A client.
00:12:12He wants to hire you.
00:12:14Brian, you know I don't meet my clients.
00:12:17You can let him call me.
00:12:19He insists on seeing you.
00:12:22Please Black.
00:12:23He's one of my close acquaintances and he's big.
00:12:26You'll be making a lot.
00:12:28I groan in annoyance.
00:12:30Fine but only because you've helped me many times.
00:12:35Now go you're next.
00:12:37I drop my bag on the bench in the corner and start wrapping my hands.
00:12:42I spot a group of men in black suits walk in and take a seat at the other end of the
00:12:47Once I'm done, I climb into the ring and take my position.
00:12:51My opponent is a tall man with large muscles.
00:12:55He looks extremely fit and just perfect.
00:12:58I love an equal challenge.
00:13:00I hate fighting with rookies.
00:13:02The men start to bet, most taking my side as usual.
00:13:06I throw a punch to the man's side, catching him off guard.
00:13:10He quickly reciprocates with a series of punches, which I easily block.
00:13:15I try to kick him but he grabs my foot and pushes me hard, making me lose my balance.
00:13:20I shake it off and punch his stomach, making him grunt.
00:13:24He throws a left hook, hitting my temple hard.
00:13:27I quickly shake it off and throw a right hook to his face, making his head turn to the side.
00:13:32In one swift movement, he tackles me to the ground, knocking all the air out of my lungs.
00:13:38Before he can trap me, I wrap my legs around his neck and using the momentum, I push him
00:13:43He tries to escape but I trap him with my hands.
00:13:47I won the match in the end and the man was smirking, impressed.
00:13:50Good game, he says and I just nod before walking to the locker to get cleaned up.
00:13:56I do the necessities and look in the mirror.
00:14:00He didn't do much damage but there's a small cut on my lip.
00:14:04Brian drags me to his office before I can escape and I am met with a pair of tantalizing
00:14:09blue eyes.
00:14:11These are the men that I saw a while ago and the man I just fought.
00:14:15The man, whom I assume is the leader, sits at the table, watching me.
00:14:19He has really dark brown hair and he has a nice body.
00:14:23I can see the muscles straining against his shirt.
00:14:26Tattoos peep from his neck and everything about him screams power and wealth.
00:14:31Black Shadow, it is finally so nice to meet you.
00:14:35You beat my best men, I'm impressed.
00:14:38I don't reply and sit in front of him.
00:14:41He eyes me for a minute before speaking, I have a proposal for you.
00:14:46I want you to join my team, I could really use your help.
00:14:50And what do I get in return?
00:14:52I ask.
00:14:54He looks surprised and so does every one other man in the room, except Brian of course.
00:14:59Oh right, they don't know I'm a woman.
00:15:04Didn't think I'm a woman?
00:15:06Never even crossed your mind cause women can't fight.
00:15:09The man from earlier tries to speak but instantly shuts his mouth.
00:15:13No no, it's not like that.
00:15:15So um, you get a car and $6,000 per week.
00:15:19Per week?
00:15:21I ask, astonished.
00:15:23Yep and you get a place to stay.
00:15:25How long?
00:15:26I'm hoping a long time.
00:15:29And who are you?
00:15:31Vito D'Angelo, Mafia King aka Capo of the Italian Mafia, the man from earlier says.
00:15:38Oh and I'm Valentino Ricci, by the way.
00:15:43The Vito D'Angelo.
00:15:45The Mafia.
00:15:47The kind of people I'm staying away from.
00:15:50This is more complicated than I expected.
00:15:53I'll think about it, I finally say after moments of silence.
00:15:59Chapter 3
00:16:01The moment she began to speak, I was extremely surprised.
00:16:04The thought that Black Shadow could be a woman never crossed my mind.
00:16:08I couldn't see her face but everything about her intrigued me, the way she talked, the
00:16:13way she crossed her legs and the way her black eyes pierced mine.
00:16:16I'll think about it, she says nonchalantly.
00:16:20She was calm even after Val told her who I was.
00:16:23Most people would cower in fear if they heard my name.
00:16:27What's there to think about?
00:16:29I ask confused.
00:16:31If she knew things about the Mafia, she should be happy I'm recruiting her.
00:16:36She would become a part of the most powerful Mafia and yet she wants to think.
00:16:41I offered her $6,000 which is more than what most of my men get and yet she's hesitant.
00:16:47This woman is a mystery, a mystery I have yet to solve.
00:16:51Look, if you join me, you'll be a part of the most powerful Mafia, meaning you won't
00:16:57have to worry about anything.
00:16:59You'll have enough money and most of all, I take good care of my members, there's nothing
00:17:03to worry about.
00:17:05So if you decide to join us, give Val a call and he'll come pick you up.
00:17:10That won't be necessary.
00:17:12Just give me the address and I'll be there.
00:17:16Also, one last thing.
00:17:18Our base is in Italy.
00:17:20She nods and with that we get up to leave.
00:17:23Brian updates us on the club and new recruits and we are soon on our way to the hotel.
00:17:28I get in the elevator to go to my penthouse where Val joins me and we sit for a drink.
00:17:34You know the Spanish have been trying to take over the major Mafia families.
00:17:40It's sick fucks power thirsty.
00:17:42He kidnaps the leader's wives and daughters.
00:17:44It's a matter of time before he comes after us.
00:17:48Val says.
00:17:49My hands ball up in fists as I think about the time when they kidnapped my mom and sister
00:17:54to try and get to me.
00:17:56Luckily we got them out, but they definitely will come after us again.
00:18:01I notice Val's jaw clenching.
00:18:03He hates him just as much as I do, even more, and he has every reason to.
00:18:08We need a plan.
00:18:10He's smarter than we think he is, but we must always be a step ahead.
00:18:14Tell Ciro to find their location as soon as possible.
00:18:20It's dark by the time I make it to my small apartment.
00:18:24I don't have many belongings, not even a car.
00:18:27Most of the money I have is saved up for when I have to move again.
00:18:32After I met Vito, I started rethinking my decision of moving.
00:18:36I really didn't want to be involved with the mafia, but this man is more powerful than
00:18:42It might just be my chance to stop running and settle down.
00:18:46But could I really?
00:18:48Life has always been a bitch to me.
00:18:50I spent the rest of the night pondering about the proposal.
00:18:54I would be moving to another country, and they won't be able to track me.
00:18:59Finally coming to the solution that I can at least have a chance at revenge, it made
00:19:04me calm and I gave in to sleep.
00:19:06The next morning, I took a shower and put on my outfit for the day.
00:19:11Finishing the look with a leather jacket, I make my way to the address they gave me.
00:19:17In a short amount of time I'm at the hotel calling the number I was given, probably Valentino's.
00:19:23He answers on the third ring and tells me to take the elevator to the penthouse.
00:19:29As soon as the bell dings and the door opens, I'm immediately met with blue eyes.
00:19:34You came, he says.
00:19:36You made the right decision.
00:19:38If you're ready, let's go.
00:19:40Go where?
00:19:41I ask.
00:19:43I just came here.
00:19:46A man appears to take my luggage, and I follow Vito to his car.
00:19:51He gets in the seat beside me, and the driver pulls out of the parking lot.
00:19:56So tell me about yourself, he says, glancing at me as we move through the busy streets.
00:20:01There's nothing to talk about.
00:20:04You know who I am.
00:20:05Yes, but what's your name then?
00:20:08You can call me Black.
00:20:10Alright how old are you?
00:20:14But seriously, I'll need your name if you're going to be working with me, he says with
00:20:19a serious expression on his face.
00:20:21Alex Portman.
00:20:23That's it.
00:20:24Seriously, I need to know more than that.
00:20:28He says, annoyed that I'm not giving away anything.
00:20:32You'll be doing a background check on me anyways, I say.
00:20:36Okay that's fair I guess.
00:20:38The rest of the ride is silent, and we finally make it to the airport.
00:20:43Valentino is already waiting there with some other men, and we make our way to his private
00:20:48plane or whatever.
00:20:50The plane is huge and really luxurious I must say.
00:20:53The interiors are black with huge off-white leather seats and a room at the end.
00:20:58I sit across Vito with Valentino beside him.
00:21:02I either look out the window the whole time or sleep.
00:21:06Vito just stares at his laptop the rest of the way.
00:21:09I'm soon awoken by Valentino, who tells me we have arrived.
00:21:14Vito walks out of the room, accompanied by a very flustered flight attendant with messy
00:21:18hair and her shirt crumpled up.
00:21:21Only God knows what they did there.
00:21:23A car is waiting at the airport, and we are soon escorted to a huge mansion.
00:21:28The house is magnificent.
00:21:30There's a fountain in the garden and so many rose bushes in its perimeter.
00:21:36Chapter 4
00:21:40My mom and dad are waiting for me on the porch when we arrive.
00:21:45You're back.
00:21:46My mom says, rushing to hug me.
00:21:49Good job, son, my dad says as usual.
00:21:52And who may this angel be, Vito dear?
00:21:55My mom asks as she walks over to Alex's side.
00:21:59This is Alex.
00:22:00She's the newest addition to our team.
00:22:05It's nice to meet you, dear.
00:22:06I'm M.I.A., Vito's mother.
00:22:09That is Luca, my husband, and that's Rose over there, Vito's sister, she says, introducing
00:22:16It's nice to meet you.
00:22:17You have a lovely home, Alex says, trying to be polite.
00:22:21My mom tried to hug Alex but she flinched.
00:22:24I'm sorry.
00:22:26I'm just so happy Vito finally officially brought a woman home.
00:22:31It's about time, my dad added, smirking at me.
00:22:34It's not like that, mama.
00:22:36I just didn't want her to stay at the apartments because she'd be the only girl there and you
00:22:41know how the guys are, I explain.
00:22:44I can handle myself, I heard Alex mutter.
00:22:47Rose dear, will you kindly show Alex to her room upstairs?
00:22:51Rose quickly ran to her side and dragged her away, talking excitedly.
00:22:56I knew Rose would like her.
00:22:58My sister was never one to have friends.
00:23:01That's not the only reason, is it?
00:23:04Val asks from behind me, but I ignore him and walk away.
00:23:08I quickly followed Alex and I heard laughter come from her room.
00:23:12My sister decided to give her the room opposite mine.
00:23:16Maybe it was a bad idea, bringing her here.
00:23:19She wore a cap the whole way here and the only time she took it off was on the plane
00:23:23and car.
00:23:24It's like she's hiding something and I'm determined to find out.
00:23:28She is beautiful, I must admit, unlike any other woman I've ever seen.
00:23:33She has the perfect figure and her hair looks so soft and smooth I just want to run my hands
00:23:38through it.
00:23:39I couldn't stop watching her during our trip, so I had to make a flight attendant distract,
00:23:45not that she did a good job of getting my eyes off the black haired raven.
00:23:49You like the room?
00:23:50I ask walking in.
00:23:52Alright, I'll let you settle in.
00:23:56Dinner is in an hour.
00:23:58I left her room and drove to our base so I could deal with Wolf.
00:24:03Val is already waiting for me.
00:24:05I quickly remove my jacket and walk into the dark cell.
00:24:09He had already beaten him up and Wolf looks terrible.
00:24:13Who ordered you?
00:24:15I ask getting straight into the point.
00:24:19I didn't take orders from anyone.
00:24:21Oh yeah?
00:24:23Last time I checked you were just a small little amateur gang.
00:24:27Where did you get the confidence to steal from me?
00:24:30He remains silent and stares at the ground.
00:24:34Let's try again.
00:24:35Who did it?
00:24:36I ask dragging my knife down the side of his face drawing some blood.
00:24:41No one, he says with gritted teeth.
00:24:44I immediately stab him hard in the legs and side.
00:24:47Tell me.
00:24:49Who is it?
00:24:50I shout in his face.
00:24:52I don't know.
00:24:54I got a message telling me to steal from you.
00:24:57That's it.
00:24:58He also told me to tell you that he will come for you.
00:25:02I stab him in the other leg making blood drip onto the cement.
00:25:06I, I don't know anything.
00:25:09I swear.
00:25:10Please don't kill me.
00:25:12He pleaded.
00:25:14Burn him.
00:25:15I walked out of the room, Val following close behind.
00:25:19Rafael Morales.
00:25:21I will kill that fucker.
00:25:23I say clenching my fists.
00:25:26Ciro will be here next week.
00:25:28He says he will track him then.
00:25:30Val says handing me a towel to wipe the blood off.
00:25:36I like Rosé.
00:25:37She's nice and a baddie just like me.
00:25:40I think that's why we clicked the moment we met.
00:25:43Everything has been so nice.
00:25:46The room is so cozy with a huge bed with silk sheets,
00:25:49white walls with dark gray accents.
00:25:51The view is amazing too.
00:25:53There are acres of vineyards at the back of the house
00:25:56and the setting sun just makes it look even more beautiful.
00:26:00I know I'll have to tell Vito about my past eventually,
00:26:03but I'm just not ready yet.
00:26:06I take a quick shower and change into more comfortable clothing.
00:26:10I put on a fuzzy white lounge set
00:26:12and Vito informs me that dinner is ready.
00:26:15The rest of his family is already seated
00:26:17and his mom smiles at me.
00:26:20The meal is delicious and Rosé keeps me entertained.
00:26:23Vito is silent during the whole meal
00:26:25and he occasionally glances at me, but that's all.
00:26:29After dinner, I offer to do the dishes, but Mia refuses.
00:26:33Come, I'll show you around, Vito says
00:26:36as he leads me through the hallway.
00:26:39Once we finish the tour, he follows me into my room
00:26:42and shuts the door.
00:26:43In the blink of an eye, he has me trapped against the wall.
00:26:47You're hiding something, aren't you?
00:26:50He asks with a scowl on his face.
00:26:52I can see the specks in his eye glisten.
00:26:55He looks just like his father,
00:26:57but a lot more attractive and intimidating.
00:27:00I don't reply and glare at him.
00:27:03It doesn't matter.
00:27:05I'll find out soon enough.
00:27:07He's so close I can feel his breath on my face.
00:27:10We stare at each other for a few seconds before he leaves.
00:27:14What the hell was that?
00:27:16I know he's going to find out soon,
00:27:18but I just don't know how to tell him.
00:27:21He'll probably kick me out if he finds out.
00:27:24Did I make the wrong decision coming here?
00:27:27I just decide to forget everything and go with the flow.
00:27:31I've already come this far.
00:27:32I can't back out now.
00:27:36Chapter five, Vito.
00:27:39The next morning.
00:27:41Morning, Mama.
00:27:42I greet and kiss my mom's cheek.
00:27:44Morning, Vito.
00:27:46I notice Alex helping my mom with breakfast.
00:27:50Oh, hey, Alex.
00:27:51I didn't know you were awake, I say,
00:27:54attempting to be somewhat nice.
00:27:56Hey, she says before turning back to make the sandwiches.
00:28:00You're coming with me to the base today.
00:28:03You can train and show our men some moves.
00:28:06All right, I'll get ready after breakfast.
00:28:09We soon arrive at the base,
00:28:10and I enter with Alex and Val close behind.
00:28:13My men are gathered in the hall waiting for me.
00:28:17All right, I have someone I want you all to meet.
00:28:20This is Alex,
00:28:21and she will be helping you improve your fighting skills,
00:28:24I announce, getting annoying glances from my men.
00:28:27A woman.
00:28:29One of them says,
00:28:30I bet she can't even handle a gun,
00:28:33another man says in agreement.
00:28:35Alex is about to say something back, but I cut in.
00:28:39You may have all heard of Black Shadow, and this is her.
00:28:43She beat Valentino easily,
00:28:45so she can beat all your asses with no effort.
00:28:48So you will treat her with respect.
00:28:50Do you understand?
00:28:52I say sternly.
00:28:54My men understand when I use that tone.
00:28:57They don't dare to disrespect me
00:28:58because they know the consequences.
00:29:01Yes, sir, they say.
00:29:04All right, let's start.
00:29:06Alex joins me in the ring and wraps her hands as I wrap mine.
00:29:10You will watch her movements and learn,
00:29:12I say to my men, stepping in and taking my place.
00:29:15Just as I'm about to turn back to her,
00:29:17Alex throws a left hook, catching me off guard.
00:29:21Rule number one, catch your opponent off guard,
00:29:24and also stay alert and stay focused at all times, she says.
00:29:28You play dirty, I tell her, and she chuckles.
00:29:31She does a few moves as the men watch,
00:29:34and she teaches them things like mindset and mentality.
00:29:37I've never actually taught my men much
00:29:39apart from fighting and strength,
00:29:41so they could use the change.
00:29:43Alex does have really great point of views
00:29:45on the whole mindset thing.
00:29:47Fear is only in our heads.
00:29:49It's just an illusion,
00:29:50so don't be afraid of something you can't see, she says.
00:29:54Be confident when fighting and be observant.
00:29:57It helps a lot more than you think.
00:30:00You're pretty good, better than I expected.
00:30:03I say, and she smirks.
00:30:05You're not so bad yourself, Mr. D'Angelo,
00:30:08she says, trailing her hands down my chest.
00:30:11I got so caught up staring at her sparkling eyes,
00:30:14I didn't notice her movements
00:30:15until she tackles me to the ground in one swift move.
00:30:19Tip number two, distract your opponent,
00:30:22she says, and smiles smugly.
00:30:24And that is why you should focus, I conclude.
00:30:26Now go practice in pairs.
00:30:29I'm gonna get you back, I say, and she laughs.
00:30:32She has a pretty laugh and I wish she smiles more.
00:30:36You look beautiful when you smile.
00:30:38The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop myself
00:30:41and she shakes her head solemnly.
00:30:44Her smile falters as she looks deep in thought.
00:30:47I ignore it and turn over so I'm now on top of her
00:30:49with the hands pinned above her head.
00:30:52I'll do everything I can to see more of that smile,
00:30:55I whisper before standing and pulling her up.
00:30:58We clean up and I give her a quick tour of the base.
00:31:03The men live in the apartments upstairs
00:31:05and the ones with families live in a different building.
00:31:08I explain as we walk towards my office.
00:31:11Alexandria, it's the next day
00:31:14and I'm sitting in front of Vito in his office
00:31:16as he explains how their mafia works and what they deal.
00:31:20I heard him mention the name Rafael and I stiffened,
00:31:23but hopefully he doesn't catch on.
00:31:26Around afternoon, he tells me he has more work
00:31:28and Valentino takes me home.
00:31:31I spend the day in my room binge watching Netflix.
00:31:34It's been a few hours
00:31:35and I decided to make use of Vito's gym downstairs.
00:31:39I get changed into my workout clothes
00:31:41which are just a simple pair of leggings
00:31:43paired with a sports bra, the usual.
00:31:46I take my place in front of the sandbag
00:31:48and throw a few punches.
00:31:50You're no daughter of mine, he spat.
00:31:53I never wanted you.
00:31:55I never asked to be born, I muttered under my breath.
00:31:59What did you say?
00:32:01I said I never asked to be your daughter.
00:32:04You insolent bitch.
00:32:06How dare you talk like that?
00:32:08He raised his hand and it landed on my cheek
00:32:10with a sound that echoed the large halls.
00:32:13My mother was crying in the corner
00:32:15and trying to pull him away from me.
00:32:18I was used to this.
00:32:20My mother was used to this.
00:32:22She always stuck up for me,
00:32:24but always ended up getting hurt.
00:32:26Mom, don't.
00:32:28I say through gritted teeth.
00:32:30He'll hurt you.
00:32:32The bag's gonna fall if you continue at that rate,
00:32:34a deep voice said from behind me.
00:32:37I was so caught up in my thoughts
00:32:39and letting out all my pent up anger
00:32:41that I didn't notice Vito walk in and watch me.
00:32:44What's got you so worked up?
00:32:48What are you doing here?
00:32:50Aren't you supposed to work or something?
00:32:52I ask.
00:32:54Yeah, kind of finished early.
00:32:56Who taught you how to fight?
00:32:58He asks, handing me a bottle of water.
00:33:01My mom.
00:33:03Your mom?
00:33:04That's unexpected.
00:33:06How come?
00:33:08I guess it just happened.
00:33:10Um, dinner should be ready soon.
00:33:12You should clean up.
00:33:16I'm at the dinner table, but my mind is elsewhere.
00:33:19I can't help but wonder if they've found me
00:33:21or if they're coming after me soon.
00:33:24I can't be found
00:33:25and there's still the matter of telling Vito.
00:33:28Can I trust him enough?
00:33:30Or will my plans backfire?
00:33:32Hey, I feel Vito's hand on mine as he rubs it gently.
00:33:37You okay?
00:33:40Are you all right?
00:33:41You kind of zoned out for a bit.
00:33:44Oh yeah.
00:33:48I'm fine.
00:33:49Just thinking about some stuff.
00:33:52All right then.
00:33:54Before the food gets cold.
00:33:56I nod and dig in.
00:33:58Mia's cooking is incredible.
00:34:01I swear she's the best chef apart from my mom.
00:34:05Chapter 6
00:34:09My mind can't stop wandering to that time
00:34:11where I saw Alex punching and kicking at the bag
00:34:14so angrily a few days ago.
00:34:16I feel like she's hiding something big,
00:34:18but I really don't know.
00:34:20I guess I'll try to find out when Ciro arrives tomorrow.
00:34:24Alex is sexy and so damn attractive.
00:34:27I'll give her that.
00:34:29But something tells me she's dangerous.
00:34:31My instincts are telling me to stay away,
00:34:33but I just can't.
00:34:35The mystery behind those black eyes keeps drawing me in
00:34:38and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
00:34:41You know that feeling when you want to step into the darkness,
00:34:44but don't know what it holds.
00:34:46Alex is like that, inviting me, yet making me wary of her.
00:34:50For now, I need to focus on strengthening my alliances
00:34:54so that we'll be ready if we ever need their help.
00:34:57It's past midnight and I just arrived home.
00:35:00Everyone is asleep and the house is quiet.
00:35:03Just as I'm about to enter my room,
00:35:06I hear whimpers coming from Alex's room.
00:35:10I call out, opening the door a bit so I can see.
00:35:14She's thrashing in the bed and her whimpers are getting louder.
00:35:18Please don't, don't, she cries, please don't let me go.
00:35:21I hurriedly rush to her side and shake her.
00:35:28It's me, Vito.
00:35:30It's me.
00:35:31She wakes up with a startle and I notice the tears falling down her face
00:35:35as soon as the moonlight reflects on them.
00:35:38As soon as she recognizes me, she hugs me and cries into my chest.
00:35:42I just hold her and run my fingers through her hair, not knowing what to do.
00:35:47She's shaking uncontrollably
00:35:49and she probably sobs for a good few minutes and I just let her.
00:35:53You're okay now.
00:35:55You're okay.
00:35:56I whisper into her ear.
00:35:59She calms down after a while and peels herself away from me.
00:36:03I'm sorry.
00:36:04I didn't mean to wake you, she says looking down at her lap.
00:36:08No, no, don't be sorry, I just got home.
00:36:11Are you okay though?
00:36:13I ask, tilting her face so I can see her, her eyes are bloodshot and puffy from all the crying.
00:36:19I'm fine.
00:36:21You wanna talk about it?
00:36:24You sure?
00:36:26You can tell me if you want.
00:36:28I said I don't want to talk about it.
00:36:31She exclaims, startling me.
00:36:34I'm sorry, it's just not an easy topic to talk about, she quickly says, her voice barely a whisper.
00:36:40It's fine.
00:36:41But seriously, let me know if anything's bothering you.
00:36:45My mom always says it's better to let things out when it becomes too much.
00:36:50Or it ends up eating you up in the end.
00:36:53She just nods so I get up to leave.
00:36:56You should get some sleep.
00:36:57I'll see you in the morning.
00:37:00Thank you for everything.
00:37:02I know you'll probably hate me someday but thank you for everything.
00:37:06She says before I nod and leave the room.
00:37:09Hate her?
00:37:10Why would I hate her?
00:37:12What is she talking about?
00:37:15What are you hiding Alex?
00:37:20Nice to have you home.
00:37:22Happy to be back.
00:37:24Val told me you wanted to see me.
00:37:27I want you to run a background check on her.
00:37:30Her name's Alex Portman.
00:37:32I want you to find out everything you can.
00:37:36On it boss, he says as I hand him the picture.
00:37:39Just as I'm about to dismiss him, he speaks up.
00:37:42Boss, this woman she's the daughter of Robert Allen.
00:37:46The English Mafia.
00:37:48Why are you looking into her?
00:37:51What do you mean?
00:37:52She's Black Shadow.
00:37:54She just joined us.
00:37:56Well her name is actually Alexandria Rose Allen, he says looking up from his laptop
00:38:01after searching for a few things.
00:38:03She lied to me.
00:38:05So this is what she's been hiding.
00:38:08How could I be so careless to let the daughter of the American Mafia join us?
00:38:13This is going to cause so much trouble.
00:38:18Chapter 7.
00:38:21I had the nightmares again last night.
00:38:24It's never going to go away.
00:38:26I really needed the comfort, and Vito was ready to give it to me.
00:38:31I'm really grateful he didn't pressure me into telling him anything, but I still feel
00:38:36ashamed to break down in front of him like that.
00:38:39I haven't shown anyone my weaknesses, but I want to trust Vito.
00:38:44I feel like I could just be me, I could be weak and he still wouldn't judge.
00:38:48But again, people can be the worst.
00:38:51It's not like me to cry in front of other people, as a matter of fact I haven't cried
00:38:55for so long.
00:38:57I guess I needed to let it out after all.
00:39:02Vito wants to see you, Val says knocking on my door his voice slightly worried.
00:39:07What's going on?
00:39:10I call out and make my way to his office.
00:39:13Vito is sitting behind the desk with a stern expression.
00:39:18He demands.
00:39:20What's with the certain attitude?
00:39:22I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you will answer honestly.
00:39:27No this is not good.
00:39:29What's your name?
00:39:31Alex Portman, I say, the lie slipping off my tongue effortlessly as if it's the truth.
00:39:36This doesn't seem to convince Vito though as he says, wrong answer, his first clenching
00:39:42What's your real name?
00:39:44I don't know what you're talking about, I say innocently.
00:39:48This is it.
00:39:49I'm doomed.
00:39:50Oh shut up.
00:39:53You know very well what I'm talking about.
00:39:56Now tell me what's your real name?
00:39:58He asks raising his voice.
00:40:00Alexandria Rose Allen, I answer not looking at him.
00:40:05Why are you here?
00:40:07Because you recruited me.
00:40:09Why did you lie?
00:40:10Vito, I didn't.
00:40:14I don't want to hear it.
00:40:16You're the daughter of the American mafia, and you've joined the Italians.
00:40:21Have you not thought about what will happen if your father finds out?
00:40:25It'd be big trouble if he finds out his daughter is with us.
00:40:29Or maybe he sent you here.
00:40:32Maybe you came here with a purpose.
00:40:35Vito no don't do this, I say.
00:40:38He stands up and bangs his fists on the table, startling me.
00:40:42Vito please, I can't go back.
00:40:44I, I just can't.
00:40:46I plead, my voice starting to crack.
00:40:49This really can't be happening.
00:40:52Why not?
00:40:54Please please just let me stay.
00:40:56I'll tell you everything.
00:40:58He'll kill me.
00:40:59I say, whispering the last part.
00:41:02Just leave Alex.
00:41:04I don't want to talk about this anymore.
00:41:07Just go.
00:41:08I try to beg but he doesn't care.
00:41:11I said get out.
00:41:13You shouldn't have brought me here in the first place, if you were gonna kick me out
00:41:18Thanks for nothing.
00:41:20I shout back, equally angry and confused.
00:41:24I was wrong to think you cared enough, I whisper before slamming the door.
00:41:29I rush to my room running past Rose and Val on the way, not wanting to talk about it,
00:41:34knowing they probably heard everything, unless the room is soundproof that is.
00:41:39I throw all my things into a bag and make sure to include my mother's necklace, the
00:41:43last thing I have that reminds me of her.
00:41:46He wants me to leave, then so be it.
00:41:49How can he be so cold, after being so caring last night?
00:41:53So what now?
00:41:56Chapter 8
00:41:59Vito D'Angelo.
00:42:02What the hell did you do?
00:42:04Val shouts barging into my office.
00:42:07Do what?
00:42:08I ask rubbing my temples.
00:42:10I don't know.
00:42:12You tell me.
00:42:13Why is Alex rushing to her room with tears in her eyes?
00:42:17Rose asks with her hands on her hips.
00:42:20Was she crying?
00:42:22Why is she?
00:42:23Stop it Vito.
00:42:25Stop caring when she clearly lied to you.
00:42:28She's the daughter of the American Mafia.
00:42:31She shouldn't be here so I told her to leave.
00:42:34You what?
00:42:36Rose exclaims.
00:42:38She must have had a reason to not tell us then, Val says.
00:42:41I don't care.
00:42:43She told me to let her stay saying that he will kill her or something.
00:42:48I don't know okay.
00:42:50I shout, getting frustrated.
00:42:53You didn't even give her a chance to explain.
00:42:56She must have had a good reason not to tell us.
00:42:59Rose shouts back and walks out of the room.
00:43:02Val walks towards me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
00:43:05Vito man, I see the way you look at her.
00:43:09I know you care for her.
00:43:11Stop being like this and just give her a chance to explain.
00:43:14You didn't even listen to her side of the story and you kicked her out when we were
00:43:19the ones to bring her here.
00:43:21She probably would have told you sometime.
00:43:24Maybe she just didn't know how to.
00:43:27He's right.
00:43:28I should have listened when she tried to tell me.
00:43:31I guess I should at least have given her a chance.
00:43:34I guess you're right, I sigh.
00:43:37I rush to Alex's room only to find it empty.
00:43:41Her things are gone.
00:43:42Am I too late?
00:43:44As she left, I run downstairs just in time to see her going out the door.
00:43:50Alex wait.
00:43:51What now?
00:43:53If you're going to tell me to leave, I'm already going.
00:43:56She sighs.
00:43:57Look, I'm sorry, okay?
00:44:00I should have listened to you first.
00:44:02Look, I'll think about letting you stay here.
00:44:05On one condition.
00:44:07You have to tell me everything.
00:44:10Her face softens and she nods slowly.
00:44:13I follow her back to her room so she can talk about it.
00:44:16She sits on the bed and I do the same, making sure to keep my distance.
00:44:21Why didn't you tell me?
00:44:23I ask.
00:44:25I tried to.
00:44:26I just didn't know how to.
00:44:28I knew you would react this way the moment you found out.
00:44:32So what?
00:44:34You weren't planning on telling me until I found out, right?
00:44:38You were never going to tell me, I say, thinking over it and feeling the anger rise inside
00:44:43me again.
00:44:44Just let me fucking explain.
00:44:47She shouts and my anger slowly subsides.
00:44:50She's right.
00:44:51I'm here to listen to her explanation.
00:44:54That's what I came for.
00:44:56Alex sighs before slowly speaking, my father never wanted me because I was a girl.
00:45:01He always wanted a son, but he got me.
00:45:04He hated me for it and he would beat me up any time he wanted.
00:45:09My mom tried to stop him and I told her not to because he would hurt her too.
00:45:14Eventually he killed her in front of me for not giving him a son and instead protecting
00:45:20He just shot her at the dinner table like it was nothing.
00:45:24That was the last night I saw my father.
00:45:26I never met him again.
00:45:28I ran that night.
00:45:30I just couldn't stay there anymore.
00:45:33My mom had saved some money for me, so I took it and ran.
00:45:37He sent men after me, but I learned to hide myself.
00:45:40That's when I started my jobs as an assassin.
00:45:43My mom secretly taught me how to fight since I was young.
00:45:47She was known as the Black Knight when she was younger, you know.
00:45:51She chuckles softly, probably at the memory of her mom.
00:45:55She taught me the basics, but I taught myself the rest.
00:45:58She knew I wouldn't have an easy life and she tried to prepare me for something like
00:46:04She knew she wouldn't be able to protect me someday.
00:46:07Alex takes a deep breath and looks up at the ceiling before continuing.
00:46:12I ran a day before I turned 18, so that would be about 5 years ago.
00:46:18I moved from place to place.
00:46:20Every time I felt unsafe, I would leave and move to another city.
00:46:24I couldn't leave the country because it was too risky.
00:46:28When you gave me the offer, I was hesitant at first.
00:46:31I later became convinced that joining you would be the safer option, and that that might
00:46:36be my only way to escape the country.
00:46:39I knew there was the possibility of my plan backfiring, and I knew I would have to tell
00:46:44you eventually, but I just couldn't bring myself to.
00:46:47I knew you wouldn't want me here if you found out, so I understand if you want me to leave.
00:46:53I'm really sorry for not telling you.
00:46:56She's trying so hard to be strong and she is, but if you look closely, you'll see the
00:47:00pain in her eyes.
00:47:02I'm sorry about your mom.
00:47:04And I'm sorry I kicked you out without giving you the chance to explain.
00:47:08I'll let you stay, but please promise me you won't keep anything from me from now on.
00:47:13She nods and smiles sadly.
00:47:16Wanting to comfort her, I pull her into my arms.
00:47:19I hate being weak, she murmurs.
00:47:22You're not weak, Lex.
00:47:24You're the strongest woman I know, and I admire you for that, I tell her, reassuringly.
00:47:30We stay like that for a moment until I hear soft sniffles.
00:47:33I let her cry in my arms until she falls asleep.
00:47:37I never show affection for any woman, let alone let them touch me like this.
00:47:42I set her down on the bed and pull the covers over her.
00:47:46She looks beautiful.
00:47:48No woman I've ever met can compare to her beauty.
00:47:51Am I falling for this mysterious woman?
00:47:54I can't, can I?
00:47:56I shouldn't.
00:47:58I can't be with her.
00:48:00It would bring so much danger, and she has already gone through so much.
00:48:04I must keep my distance.
00:48:06I watch her sleep for a few minutes before going back to work.
00:48:12Chapter 9
00:48:16I broke down in front of Vito again.
00:48:18I can't believe I keep crying in front of him.
00:48:22Am I becoming weak?
00:48:24If it's one thing I hated most in the world, it's being weak.
00:48:28It's also the reason why I love fighting so much.
00:48:31It makes me feel like I have control, like I am a strong and powerful woman and not the
00:48:36young girl trying to survive.
00:48:38It's been a few days since the incident, and the training with the men has gone pretty
00:48:43I've been training them every day, and they've already improved so much.
00:48:48You're beautiful and you're mine.
00:48:50I will make you mine.
00:48:52All mine.
00:48:54Just you wait.
00:48:55In two years, you'll be my wife and I'll be able to have you all to myself.
00:49:00He smiled evilly and looked at my bare body, sprawled out and exhausted on the sheets.
00:49:05I don't even beg anymore.
00:49:08It doesn't hurt much if I just let him get it over with.
00:49:12I guess this is my fate.
00:49:14What did I do to deserve this?
00:49:16How could my father let him do this?
00:49:19How could fate be so cruel to a 16-year-old who hasn't even seen the world?
00:49:24I will come for you again, sweetheart.
00:49:27I wake up covered in sweat.
00:49:30It's those dreams again.
00:49:31Rafael Morales, the man who also ruined my life.
00:49:36I rub my face, unable to sleep again.
00:49:39I notice that it's raining outside.
00:49:41Needing fresh air, I walk out and sit on the steps of the porch, leaning against the railing
00:49:46and watching the rain.
00:49:48My mother used to dance with me in the rain when my father wasn't home.
00:49:52She always loved the rain.
00:49:54She said it brought life to this dull world.
00:49:57It's been raining these past few night, and watching the raindrops has become my favorite
00:50:02thing to do.
00:50:03It keeps me calm and away from the thoughts chasing after me, the looming truth I haven't
00:50:08told Vito.
00:50:09What are you doing out here, dear?
00:50:12Mia asks, startling me for my days.
00:50:15I had spent hours out here thinking of my mom.
00:50:18I didn't even notice the sunrise and the rain stop.
00:50:21Oh, nothing.
00:50:23I just couldn't sleep last night, I say and walk towards the kitchen for breakfast.
00:50:28Mia had made bacon and eggs with some freshly pressed orange juice.
00:50:33Thank you for this, I say and she smiles at me.
00:50:38It's the next day, and I'm watching Alex train the guys.
00:50:41I've tried to get her out of my head.
00:50:44I've even fucked Liz over and over, but all I could think about was the enchanting black-eyed
00:50:50As I observe, I notice that Alex is running out of breath easily.
00:50:54She seems a bit tired today.
00:50:58You okay?
00:51:00I ask.
00:51:01Yeah, I'm fi-fine.
00:51:03She coughs.
00:51:04I walk towards her and place the back of my hand on her forehead to feel her temperature.
00:51:10You're burning hot.
00:51:11Alex, you should be resting if you're sick.
00:51:15Why are you here?
00:51:16I didn't know I'm sick, she says coughing again.
00:51:20I must have caught a cold.
00:51:22Just as I'm about to tell her to go home, she collapses.
00:51:26I manage to catch her before she hits the floor.
00:51:29She overworked herself?
00:51:31I knew it.
00:51:32I should have told her to rest since earlier.
00:51:36Training is over, I announce before carrying Alex to my car.
00:51:40Val called Dr. Fabian.
00:51:43I need him at the house ASAP, I tell him before driving home.
00:51:47I lay her on my bed, and Dr. Fabian soon arrives.
00:51:51He has been our family doctor for years, and I trust him with my life.
00:51:55He starts taking Alex's temperature and other stuff.
00:51:59She's fine.
00:52:01She just has a bad cold.
00:52:03I'll leave some pills for her to take.
00:52:05She should be okay in a few days.
00:52:08Tell her to get lots of rest or she'll end up passing out again, he says after examining
00:52:14Thank you, doctor.
00:52:16He gives me the pills and leaves.
00:52:21Alex calls after a few moments.
00:52:24How are you feeling?
00:52:28What happened?
00:52:29You caught a cold, and you kinda passed out at the base.
00:52:33You shouldn't have used that much energy if you were sick, I tell her.
00:52:38I guess I didn't realize I was sick.
00:52:41I've never been sick before, or maybe I just didn't notice.
00:52:45You'll be fine, though.
00:52:47But you should rest.
00:52:49The doctor says you shouldn't do anything strenuous, or you'll pass out again.
00:52:54Your body is weak or something.
00:52:56Where am I, she asks, finally taking in her surroundings.
00:53:00My room.
00:53:02Now you should get some sleep.
00:53:04I'm going to my office.
00:53:06Stay, she whispers holding my hand before I get too far.
00:53:10You sure?
00:53:11I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable, I ask concerned.
00:53:15I'm okay.
00:53:17I just don't want to be alone, she says.
00:53:20All right then.
00:53:22Let me just get changed into something more comfortable.
00:53:25By the time I come out of the closet, she's half asleep.
00:53:29I get in the bed beside her, and she turns towards me nuzzling her head in my chest.
00:53:34God, I'm falling for this woman, and I'm falling hard.
00:53:38I promise myself to stay away, but I can't escape the attraction drawing me in.
00:53:43I'll make sure no one ever hurts you again, Lex, I whisper and plant a soft kiss on her forehead.
00:53:49She snuggles closer to me, and I hold her as I, too, succumb to the darkness.
00:53:56Chapter 10
00:53:59I wake up to an empty bed.
00:54:02I kinda hoped he'd be here when I woke up, but I guess not.
00:54:06A piece of paper on the pillow beside me catches my eye, and I hold it up to read the contents.
00:54:13I had to leave for work.
00:54:15Hope you're feeling better.
00:54:17Don't forget to take the pills the doctor left you.
00:54:20I'll be home late, but I hope to see you soon.
00:54:25That was nice of him to at least leave a note, I guess.
00:54:28For the first time in years, I finally felt calm with Vito beside me last night,
00:54:33the kind of peace I didn't even know existed.
00:54:36Alex, what are you doing here?
00:54:39You should be in bed.
00:54:41Mia exclaims when she sees me walk down the stairs.
00:54:45I'm feeling much better now, I say and give her a small smile.
00:54:49Alex, my brother is going to kill me if he finds out.
00:54:53He demanded that I shouldn't let you leave the room, unless totally necessary.
00:54:58He told me to lock you up if I needed to, Rose says, laughing and shaking her head.
00:55:04He did.
00:55:05He even told me to make you some chicken soup.
00:55:08It's a first, you know.
00:55:10Vito has never cared for any girl like this before.
00:55:13He must really like you, Mia says, grinning widely.
00:55:17I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
00:55:20Nobody has cared for me like this before.
00:55:23Apart from my mom, I guess.
00:55:26Thank you, all of you, for letting me stay and taking care of me.
00:55:31No problem, dear.
00:55:32This is the first time Vito has shown affection towards anyone.
00:55:36I'm the one who has to thank you for making my son smile more.
00:55:41Later that evening, I just spent most of my time watching movies and sleeping.
00:55:46The pills are making me drowsy.
00:55:48I hear a soft knock on the door, and it opens to reveal Vito in his suit, looking as hot as ever.
00:55:55His muscles are straining against his white shirt, the tattoos showing through the fabric.
00:56:01How are you feeling?
00:56:03So much better.
00:56:04You're back earlier than I expected.
00:56:07How was your day?
00:56:10Just the usual.
00:56:12I trained the guys today on your behalf.
00:56:15They were happy you weren't there to push their limits.
00:56:18I chuckle at that, and he joins me.
00:56:21Vito, um, would you like to watch a movie with me?
00:56:25I um, have some work to do.
00:56:27Maybe later?
00:56:30He leaves and I just settle with reading a book.
00:56:34A few hours later, he appears at my door, wearing a pair of joggers and a black t-shirt.
00:56:39Have you had dinner?
00:56:41He asks.
00:56:43Yes you.
00:56:44Yeah, I just finished.
00:56:46Have you watched the movie yet?
00:56:50I was just going to find something to watch, I say, hoping he'd join me this time.
00:56:55Can I join?
00:56:57Of course.
00:56:58What do you want to watch?
00:57:00I don't know.
00:57:02You choose.
00:57:03I haven't watched movies since I was a kid, he says, climbing into bed beside me.
00:57:08I just started watching them when I arrived here.
00:57:12I didn't have the chance to watch anything before, I say sadly, and he looks at me with
00:57:16sympathy in his eyes.
00:57:19I think that looks good, he states, pointing towards a movie called Divergent.
00:57:24I click on it, even though I've already watched it the other day.
00:57:28As the intro starts he turns to me, I'm hosting a dinner this week at one of my hotels.
00:57:34It's to strengthen my alliances and whatnot.
00:57:37But I wanted to ask if you'll go with me?
00:57:39Um, okay.
00:57:41He won't be there, right?
00:57:43They sworn enemies, so there's no way his men will be there too.
00:57:48If it's about your father don't worry, these are mostly just the French and other mafias.
00:57:53None of them are associated with the Americans, so your identity should be safe.
00:57:59I'll make sure you're safe Lex.
00:58:01Just trust me.
00:58:03I nod and stare into his eyes.
00:58:05I don't want to run anymore.
00:58:08I'm exhausted.
00:58:09I can't hide forever.
00:58:11I want to be free.
00:58:13I'm brought out of my days by Vito's lips crashing mine.
00:58:17The kiss is hot and needy yet so warm and tender.
00:58:20I can feel the butterflies in my stomach.
00:58:23I've been falling for Vito, and I didn't realize it until last night.
00:58:28He licks my bottom lip for entrance and I grant it, our tongues dancing together in harmony.
00:58:34I won't let anyone hurt you again Lex.
00:58:37I promise, he says, resting his forehead on mine as we catch our breaths.
00:58:43Most of them are broken, but some of them are kept.
00:58:46I really hope this promise will be kept.
00:58:49I'm tired of the battles.
00:58:51I'm tired of fighting.
00:58:53We watch the movie as he holds me tight in his arms, as if he's afraid to let me go.
00:58:59The last words I hear before I fall asleep are, I don't want you to get hurt because
00:59:03of me.
00:59:06Chapter 11
00:59:10Many of the smaller mafias have been receiving several threats from the Spanish, but none
00:59:14of them are from Raphael himself, yet.
00:59:17Most of it has been sent by his underbosses.
00:59:20We need to find and eliminate them, but they've been off the grid.
00:59:24For now, I'll just have to prepare for the dinner with my alliances.
00:59:29I still have to get a dress for Alex.
00:59:32Valentino Rucci.
00:59:34Are you okay?
00:59:36I ask him.
00:59:37He's been smiling like a madman all day.
00:59:41Oh yes, I'm fine, he says, his small smile disappearing at once.
00:59:46Quit dreaming and get to work.
00:59:48Who are you thinking about, even?
00:59:51Nobody, he says quickly.
00:59:54It's Rose, isn't it?
00:59:59Val, you've been my best friend since I was four.
01:00:02We grew up together.
01:00:04I know you enough to be able to say that you're in love with my sister.
01:00:09Just ask her out already.
01:00:11You knew?
01:00:13You're not angry?
01:00:15Why would I be angry?
01:00:16I'm happy if my sister is, as long as you don't hurt her.
01:00:20I'd rather it be you than some random creep.
01:00:24Thanks man.
01:00:25And yeah, I'm thinking about asking her out soon.
01:00:28His smile widens and I laugh at my lovestruck best friend.
01:00:32So you and Alex, huh?
01:00:34It's not like that.
01:00:36I like her, I really do.
01:00:38I just don't want to risk her safety.
01:00:41I already have a lot of enemies.
01:00:44I don't want her to be caught up in the dangers of this life.
01:00:47Well, I thought you turned into your mom for a second there.
01:00:52Since when do you care so much about other people?
01:00:55Damn you're whipped.
01:00:57Shut up.
01:00:58We're not together.
01:01:00I just, I do like her but I can't do anything about it.
01:01:05You can do anything you want, Vito.
01:01:07I know Alex likes you too.
01:01:13Movie night?
01:01:15Rose asks, walking into my room with bags of popcorn and chips.
01:01:19I'm OK, I say, walking towards the door to join her.
01:01:23We settle down in the big theater room
01:01:25and Rose turns on a movie I've never seen before.
01:01:29Soon after, Val walks in.
01:01:31Oh, so this is what it is.
01:01:33That cunning woman used me so she could meet with Val
01:01:36without raising suspicions from her brother.
01:01:39She's smart.
01:01:41I watch as he takes a seat beside her,
01:01:43putting an arm behind her seat.
01:01:45We're quite into the movie when Vito decided
01:01:48to make an appearance and join us.
01:01:50He took the seat beside me and sat without a word.
01:01:54You don't have work?
01:01:56I whisper and he shakes his head no.
01:01:59Val and Rose are talking among themselves
01:02:01and seeing how Vito doesn't mind,
01:02:03he must have noticed that they have a thing going on too.
01:02:06Rose talks about Val a lot whenever
01:02:09she comes to hang out with me.
01:02:11I'm only wearing shorts and a lace cami top,
01:02:14and the low temperature of the room is making me feel chilly.
01:02:18You cold?
01:02:19Vito asks, noticing me rubbing my arms.
01:02:23A bit.
01:02:24He disappears for a while before appearing with a fuzzy blanket.
01:02:29Rose and Val left a few minutes after Vito,
01:02:31so it's only us now.
01:02:33Vito drapes the blanket over me before taking his seat.
01:02:37You have to stop doing things like this,
01:02:39I say under my breath.
01:02:41Like what?
01:02:43Caring for me.
01:02:46Because then I'll grow attached, I mumble.
01:02:49He probably doesn't understand what I said
01:02:51but he puts his hand on my face, making me face him.
01:02:55Lex, I will always care for you.
01:02:57I will always look after you as long as I live.
01:03:01You know I like you.
01:03:03I like you too Vito but we can't, I say.
01:03:06He knows what I mean.
01:03:08I'm not ready for a relationship, and so isn't he.
01:03:12Instead of talking, he pulls me close to him and kisses me slow.
01:03:16Maybe one day we can, he whispers and plants a gentle kiss
01:03:20on my forehead before turning back to the screen.
01:03:23It's the next morning, and I wake up in Vito's bed yet again.
01:03:27I really love these kinds of nights because I feel safe.
01:03:31But I know it won't last, good things don't last forever.
01:03:34This is like the calm before the storm.
01:03:37As much as I love living here,
01:03:39I know I'll eventually have to leave.
01:03:41Now that the guy's training is almost over,
01:03:44I don't have much to do.
01:03:46Vito hasn't sent me on any missions either.
01:03:49I look at the man beside me,
01:03:51shirtless with muscles sculpted by the gods themselves.
01:03:54He looks so peaceful, so serene,
01:03:56his chest rising and falling with each breath,
01:03:58his arm around my waist.
01:04:00I really want to stay with him,
01:04:02but I don't want to get him all caught up
01:04:04in my fucked up life.
01:04:06Morning Bella, Vito greets as his eyelids flutter open
01:04:09and those blue orbs come into view.
01:04:12Did you sleep well?
01:04:14I ask, not knowing what to say when he was this close.
01:04:17Better than ever, he says with a smile.
01:04:22Chapter 12.
01:04:25Tease the day of the dinner.
01:04:27I need to make sure everything goes well.
01:04:30We need to work together to track Rafael down.
01:04:34He has made all of these men's lives miserable.
01:04:37He has their wives and children
01:04:38and he's not backing down without a fight.
01:04:41You look stunning Lex, I say,
01:04:43as she walks down the stairs in the black dress I got her.
01:04:47Thanks, she says, trying hard to hide her blush.
01:04:50I take her hand and guide her to my car
01:04:52so we can go to the restaurant.
01:04:54When we arrive, the rest are already there,
01:04:56some with their wives whom Rafael has not yet got to.
01:05:00This is a public restaurant,
01:05:02but there's a big hidden hall underneath
01:05:04for when I need to hold meetings like this.
01:05:07I take a seat at the end of the table with Alex near me.
01:05:11Vito, how surprising to see you with a woman,
01:05:13Francoise, the French leader says.
01:05:16I just nod at his comment and we start with the meeting.
01:05:20Alex seems to be immersed in the discussions,
01:05:22but every time Rafael's name is brought up,
01:05:25she visibly tenses.
01:05:27I place my hand on her thigh throughout the meeting,
01:05:29rubbing circles to soothe her.
01:05:32What connection does she have to him?
01:05:34This isn't the first time
01:05:35she's reacted this way to his name.
01:05:38We finish up the dinner and I remind myself
01:05:41to find out more about Alex's connection to Rafael.
01:05:45Alex falls asleep on the way home.
01:05:48I guess the long meeting took a toll on her.
01:05:51She hasn't been completely healthy after she had the cold.
01:05:54It's like her body wasn't recovering well.
01:05:57She says she rarely gets sick,
01:05:59maybe that's why she seems more tired than usual.
01:06:02The doctor says she'll recover in a few days though.
01:06:06I carry her bridal style and lay her on her bed.
01:06:09I have some paperwork to catch up on.
01:06:12By the time I finish, it's well past 1 a.m.
01:06:15and I decide to get a drink.
01:06:17I'm about to switch on the light in the kitchen
01:06:20when I notice a figure near the window.
01:06:23I hold out my gun in front of me,
01:06:25fumbling with the switch.
01:06:28I ask confused as she turns to face me
01:06:31with a tub of ice cream.
01:06:32What are you doing in the dark?
01:06:36Couldn't sleep, she says.
01:06:40She nods solemnly.
01:06:42How often?
01:06:44Every night, except when you're around me.
01:06:49I smile at the thought of giving her some sort of comfort.
01:06:53I guess we need each other after all.
01:06:56I have insomnia,
01:06:57but you seem to make me want to sleep when you're with me.
01:07:01But why didn't you switch on the light?
01:07:03I guess I'm used to it.
01:07:06Lex, I want to ask you something.
01:07:09She asks as I stand behind her
01:07:11and put my arms around her waist.
01:07:14I like you a lot
01:07:15and I want to stop fighting it.
01:07:18Will you be my girlfriend?
01:07:20I mean it.
01:07:22I know the dangers, but like Val told me,
01:07:24it might just be worth it.
01:07:26I don't want to stay away from her much longer.
01:07:29She falls silent and her eyebrows furrow
01:07:31as she seems deep in thought.
01:07:34I can't, she finally says, making my heart drop.
01:07:38I ask, pain evident in my voice.
01:07:41Because then he'll come for you.
01:07:44I'm about to ask more
01:07:45when we are interrupted by one of my men.
01:07:48Boss, we found this.
01:07:51You should take a look.
01:07:53Annoyed, I snatch the paper from him.
01:07:56It's actually an envelope with pictures,
01:07:58pictures of me and Alex, but mostly her.
01:08:01I'll come for you soon,
01:08:02but first I will be there to retrieve what's mine,
01:08:05the words on the back of a picture says.
01:08:08I hear the sound of metal
01:08:09as Alex's spoon drops into the floor.
01:08:12I turn to Alex, who is now pale.
01:08:15She puts the tub of ice cream down
01:08:16and takes the pictures from me.
01:08:19No, she murmurs.
01:08:21No, it can't be.
01:08:22I dismiss my men and turn to her.
01:08:25He's here, she whispers to herself.
01:08:29Her eyes stay fixed on the pictures.
01:08:32What's wrong?
01:08:34I ask.
01:08:35Before we can talk further, bullets rain down on us.
01:08:39I pull Alex down behind the countertop with me.
01:08:42She grabs the gun from the waistband behind my pants
01:08:45and shoots the four men approaching the house.
01:08:47I take a gun from my men
01:08:49and take out the snipers hiding in the trees.
01:08:52My men finish off the rest of the intruders
01:08:54and we are met with silence,
01:08:56everyone unsure of what happens next.
01:08:59Lex, Lex, you okay?
01:09:02I ask, but she's unresponsive.
01:09:05I hold her as she falls limp in my arm
01:09:07and carry her towards my room.
01:09:10Doc, I need you at the safe house in 10,
01:09:13I say into the phone before ordering Val
01:09:15to increase security.
01:09:17Vito, are you okay?
01:09:19My mom asks, rushing into the room, my father behind her.
01:09:23Yes, mama.
01:09:24I'm fine, but we have to move to the safe house now.
01:09:28Tell Rose and get ready.
01:09:30What happened, son?
01:09:32My father asks.
01:09:34Raphael, I'll explain later.
01:09:37Quell filio di patana, he mutters,
01:09:40earning a glare from my mom.
01:09:42That son of a bitch.
01:09:44Wait, is that Alex?
01:09:46My mom asks.
01:09:47Yes, I think she had a panic attack.
01:09:50She'll be fine.
01:09:52Let's go to the safe house.
01:09:54They nod and my men escort them there.
01:09:57I finish up things here and tell my men
01:09:59to take the intruders who are alive
01:10:01to the basement for interrogation.
01:10:04It was just a panic attack.
01:10:06She must have experienced some kind of trauma before.
01:10:10Were there any events that might trigger her?
01:10:13The doctor asks.
01:10:14We were attacked, but I guess we'll find out more
01:10:17when she wakes up.
01:10:18Thanks, doc.
01:10:20Anytime, Vito.
01:10:22This is the second time you've called me over for a woman.
01:10:25It's not like you.
01:10:27You must really like her.
01:10:29Yes, I do.
01:10:30Very much, I say the last word softly
01:10:32so that he won't hear it.
01:10:34The anxious look on Alex's face has now disappeared.
01:10:38I take one last look at her before interrogating the men.
01:10:42I make my way to the basement with Val,
01:10:44and the men are all tied up waiting for me.
01:10:47Who sent you?
01:10:49I ask, although I know who it is.
01:10:52No reply.
01:10:54You'll talk or I'll cut your tongue off,
01:10:56I say, getting impatient.
01:10:58You will not get anything from me,
01:11:00an older man says, though gritted teeth.
01:11:03Val holds his mouth open as I grab his tongue and cut it,
01:11:06blood splattering all over me.
01:11:08Now that's what you get for disrespecting me.
01:11:11He's not here for you, the young man speaks.
01:11:14What do you mean?
01:11:16He sent us for the girl.
01:11:18What girl?
01:11:20His fiancée, Alexandria.
01:11:22I don't know why he likes that bitch so much.
01:11:25He wants her back.
01:11:27My head spins at the mention of her name.
01:11:32Why didn't she tell me?
01:11:34Anger courses through me as I realize what's happening.
01:11:37I can't believe I almost slept with the enemy's fiancée.
01:11:41Is this a whole scheme to get to me?
01:11:44Did she use me?
01:11:45The man snickers at my expression, but not for long.
01:11:49My bullet lands between his eyes,
01:11:51and another bullet lodges in the other man's chest.
01:11:54I storm out of the room with Val following.
01:11:59I slam my fist into the wall, not noticing the pain.
01:12:05Calm down.
01:12:07Val shouts at me.
01:12:08How can I?
01:12:10I fell for it.
01:12:12I fell for her.
01:12:13Goddamn, I fell for their little plan.
01:12:16She really got me fooled.
01:12:18Vito, I'm telling you this as your best friend.
01:12:21Stop assuming things, it never ends well, and you know that.
01:12:25Just ask her about it.
01:12:27Let her tell you.
01:12:29What do you want me to do, Val?
01:12:31She will never tell me.
01:12:33She's been lying this whole time.
01:12:36I can't believe I trusted her.
01:12:38I walk away from him, ignoring him shouting at me.
01:12:42I storm into my room, only to be faced with Alex huddled on the bed with a blank expression.
01:12:49You're awake.
01:12:51Now tell me, I say with no emotion in my voice.
01:12:56Tell me the fucking truth, Alex.
01:12:58You're Rafael's fiancé and here you are spewing lies of how much you like me.
01:13:03Tell me the goddamn truth or God forbid I will kill you right here and now.
01:13:09I'll tell you.
01:13:11I'll tell you the goddamn truth.
01:13:13She shouts, fire blazing in her eyes.
01:13:16Go ahead.
01:13:18I take a seat on the couch facing her side as she stares straight ahead at the wall.
01:13:23When I was 15, my father promised my hand in marriage to Rafael Morales.
01:13:28Once I was 18, I would have to live with him even if I didn't want to.
01:13:33I begged my father to change his mind but he wouldn't even care.
01:13:37My mom tried to help but he ended up beating her black and blue.
01:13:41When I turned 16, Rafael started coming to our house often for dinner and meetings with
01:13:46my dad.
01:13:47The first night he came, she paused and took a long breath before continuing.
01:13:52I was in my room after dinner and he came in without asking me for permission.
01:13:58My father took my mom out that night so I was alone.
01:14:01He started touching me and I pushed him away but he was too strong for me.
01:14:06He raped me that night.
01:14:08I was a virgin, a fucking innocent 16 year old.
01:14:12I'm baffled at the revelation but I still don't know if she's telling me the truth.
01:14:17He raped me every time he came.
01:14:19My father always took my mother out.
01:14:22She never knew but he did.
01:14:25He left me on purpose.
01:14:27He had made a deal with Rafael and they planned to break me and shape me into their little
01:14:33Every time I tried to fight him, he made his men tie me down and he fucked me.
01:14:37I hated every minute of it, I ran the day before I turned 18.
01:14:42He has tried to hunt me down ever since.
01:14:44I've been running from him all along but he's here now.
01:14:48I can tell she's trying to hold back the tears flooding her eyes.
01:14:52How will I know you're telling me the truth?
01:14:55You think I'm lying, she exclaims, her face contorting into pain.
01:14:59You didn't tell me when you had the chance.
01:15:02You promised to keep no more secrets.
01:15:05I shout, frustrated.
01:15:07I didn't tell you because you would hate me if you found out.
01:15:11You would kick me out and I don't know if I can handle it because…
01:15:14She shakes her head while catching her breath.
01:15:17Because what?
01:15:18What, Alex?
01:15:21Because I love you.
01:15:22She shouts, surprising me.
01:15:24I love you, Vito, and I knew that you wouldn't want me if I told you and there's no way
01:15:29we can be together.
01:15:31He'll always come after Emmy, she says, her voice cracking at the last part.
01:15:36I wanted to stop myself from getting involved with the enemy but deep down, I just wanted
01:15:41to be with her.
01:15:42I pull her close to me as a tear escapes her beautiful eyes.
01:15:47I love you too, Lex.
01:15:49I'm sorry, I'm sorry for doubting you.
01:15:52I didn't know you had to go through so much, I whisper, running my fingers through her
01:15:56silky curls.
01:15:58She sobs quietly into my chest, her hands gripping my shirt so tight her knuckles are
01:16:02turning white.
01:16:04I'm sorry for being angry with you, I've fallen in love with you, Lex.
01:16:08I tried to stop myself but I just couldn't.
01:16:12She pulls away to look at me.
01:16:14He will kill you if he finds out.
01:16:16I can't put you in danger too, she says softly.
01:16:21We'll find a way, I promise.
01:16:24He won't be able to kill the Mafia King that easily.
01:16:28I won't let anyone hurt you again, Lex.
01:16:31You know that, I say cupping her face with my palms.
01:16:34I don't want you to get hurt because of me.
01:16:38I won't.
01:16:39Just promise not to hide anything from me.
01:16:44Okay, what?
01:16:47I promise, she says, a small smile tugging in her lips.
01:16:51It's that smile I love to see, come on, let's rest.
01:16:54I change into a pair of sweats and throw her my t-shirt cause her clothes are still at
01:16:58the house.
01:16:59She puts her hands on the hem of her shirt but hesitates.
01:17:03Sensing her discomfort, I turn to the side to give her some space.
01:17:08She pulls it over her head and puts on my shirt.
01:17:11Before she can pull the shirt down, I notice the scar on her upper waist.
01:17:16She tries to hide it but I remove her hands gently.
01:17:19What happened?
01:17:21I ask, tracing my fingers over it.
01:17:24I was stabbed.
01:17:25When I first ran, I was in Vegas and Rafael sent one of his best assassins to find me.
01:17:31I stabbed him in the leg before he could try anything and he became angry.
01:17:36So he tried to kill me but I managed to stab him in the heart again.
01:17:40It was my first kill, she explains.
01:17:43Why are you hiding it?
01:17:46Because it's ugly.
01:17:47It reminds me of Rafael and I hate it.
01:17:51It also reminds you that you're a strong woman.
01:17:54There's nothing to be ashamed of.
01:17:56You're very beautiful, Lex.
01:17:59You shouldn't hide yourself.
01:18:01Scars are symbols of your biggest battles.
01:18:04I pull her under the covers with me, her back to my front.
01:18:07Aren't you disgusted, she asks after a while.
01:18:11Of what?
01:18:13Dealing with a woman who was raped, not only once but multiple times.
01:18:17No, Lex.
01:18:19Why would you think that?
01:18:21It's not your fault that it happened.
01:18:23You had no choice.
01:18:25My mama would say you're a brave woman for fighting through it, I tell her and plant
01:18:29a soft kiss on her neck.
01:18:32She tenses at the contact but slowly relaxes.
01:18:35I can feel myself getting hard.
01:18:38I can't control myself when I'm around her.
01:18:41Not now, buddy.
01:18:43Hang time.
01:18:44Keep your cool.
01:18:46We spend the rest of the night in each other's arms talking about our lives before she becomes
01:18:50tired and falls asleep.
01:18:54Chapter 13 Alexandria
01:18:58I'm happy that I let it all out.
01:19:00I feel so much better.
01:19:02I thought Vito would have me if he finds out, but I was wrong.
01:19:06He's been so understanding.
01:19:09Everything's perfect but I know the storm is looming.
01:19:12I unconsciously trace the ink lines on Vito's exposed torso, fascinated by the art.
01:19:18He has a tattoo of a tree, as well as other words and symbols on his chest.
01:19:23You like it?
01:19:24I hear his raspy morning voice ask.
01:19:27Yes, it's intriguing.
01:19:30He smiles and pulls me so I'm straddling him.
01:19:33I love you, Lex.
01:19:35You're the most amazing woman I've ever met.
01:19:38I can feel his hard-on underneath my thin underwear and I blush at the thought.
01:19:43He seems to notice and clears his throat.
01:19:46I'm going to um, take a shower.
01:19:49Do you want to join?
01:19:51I decide against it, but change my mind when he walks into the bathroom, his pants low
01:19:55on his hips.
01:19:57He carries me and puts me on the counter.
01:20:00Our lips connect in a very passionate kiss, all our emotions pouring into it.
01:20:05He pulls my shirt up and the moment I feel his touch on my stomach, I stiffen.
01:20:10I can feel the panic rise but I try to shake it off.
01:20:14He takes the shirt off and removes my bra and panties, making sure I'm okay.
01:20:19Fuck you're so beautiful, Lex, he says sliding his pants down along with his boxers.
01:20:24My eyes widen at his length but I quickly regain my composure.
01:20:29He takes my hand to help me into the shower and allows the warm water to cascade between
01:20:35He kisses me again, this time with lust and need.
01:20:38His hands trail down my arms to my waist and curves until they land on my hips.
01:20:43His lips move towards my neck and shoulders.
01:20:46His touch is gentle and I want more.
01:20:49You're belonged to me, sweetheart.
01:20:51Raphael's voice echoes in my ear.
01:20:54I own you.
01:20:56You will always be my little toy.
01:20:58I try to shake it off, but the voice becomes louder.
01:21:02Vito I I can't, I see can't, I whisper panting and shaking my head trying to get the voice
01:21:07out of my head.
01:21:10I'm sorry.
01:21:13Take a deep breath Lex.
01:21:15You got this, he says soothingly.
01:21:17He steps back to give me space and I calm down a bit.
01:21:21Let's just shower okay?
01:21:23He asks and starts lathering me with soap.
01:21:26We wash each other in silence, not having any words at the moment.
01:21:31He hands me a towel and goes to the wardrobe, returning with a crisp white shirt and boxers.
01:21:36I'll tell the men to get our stuff today, this will have to do for now.
01:21:41I put on the clothes and watch him do the same.
01:21:44Vito, I say quietly.
01:21:48I'm sorry, I whisper avoiding his eyes and looking at the floor.
01:21:53What are you sorry about?
01:21:55He asks, tilting my chin so that I'm looking at him.
01:21:58For I'm just now.
01:22:00He drops his hands and sighs.
01:22:03It's not your fault Lex.
01:22:05It's his fault if anything.
01:22:07But we can't change the past.
01:22:09We'll just have to fight through it.
01:22:13Yes Lex.
01:22:14I told you I'll always be there to protect you.
01:22:19Why are you doing all this?
01:22:21Because I love you.
01:22:23I never thought I was capable of loving someone.
01:22:26The moment I saw you, I was longing to be with you although I didn't know it yet.
01:22:32If my men see me right now, they'd say I'm becoming weak.
01:22:35He laughs at the thought before continuing, I also thought love makes people weak.
01:22:40But my dad's right.
01:22:42Love makes you stronger.
01:22:44You've taught me so much since the day you walked into my life.
01:22:48You've made me stronger.
01:22:49I love you Lex and I will always stay by your side.
01:22:58Ever since I found out, Lex has been blaming herself for everything.
01:23:02She is still strong, like she always is but she becomes insecure when she spends time
01:23:07with me.
01:23:08In fact, I feel like she's been avoiding me.
01:23:12Yes Rose?
01:23:14What is it?
01:23:15I ask running my hands over my face.
01:23:18Nothing, I just noticed that something's wrong with you.
01:23:22What is it?
01:23:24It's Alex.
01:23:25After she told me about, well don't you know, she's just avoiding me.
01:23:29We had to tell my family and Val about her relation to Raphael after the attack, excluding
01:23:35the details of course, but they probably all know how grave the matter is.
01:23:40Maybe she just needs some time Vito.
01:23:43She's never told anyone about it and telling you might feel weird for her at first.
01:23:48Just let her be.
01:23:50Give her some space so she can figure it out.
01:23:53I guess you're right.
01:23:55Actually, Alex told me about it all.
01:23:58She also said she doesn't want you to get hurt because of her.
01:24:02She's just overthinking everything and blaming herself.
01:24:05She'll come around soon.
01:24:07I just wish she'll talk to me you know?
01:24:10I feel like she's shutting me out and I don't know what to do.
01:24:14It's not easy to open up to someone after you've been alone for so long, Rose says.
01:24:21Have you heard from Cecilia lately?
01:24:24Cecilia is my youngest sister.
01:24:27She's still 18 and starting college.
01:24:29I don't have direct contact with her for the sake of her safety but she keeps in touch
01:24:34with Rose and my parents.
01:24:37She hasn't called during the last two weeks.
01:24:40I hope she's okay, I say.
01:24:43I'm sure she's just busy with school or maybe she's out partying.
01:24:47Let me know if she calls again, I tell Rose and she nods.
01:24:52I've been avoiding him these past few days.
01:24:56After he told me he'd stay by my side, I started feeling uneasy.
01:25:00Raphael is going to come for me and he will kill everyone who gets in his way, including
01:25:06his favorite enemy, Vito D'Angelo.
01:25:09I don't want to risk it.
01:25:11I can't lose another person I care about.
01:25:15There's a knock on the door and I open it to reveal a very tired looking Vito.
01:25:20Hey, he says with an awkward smile.
01:25:24Is everything okay?
01:25:26You look exhausted.
01:25:28I'm okay.
01:25:29I just wanted to ask if you'd be able to train the guys tomorrow.
01:25:33Yeah, sure.
01:25:35But Vito, are you going to be okay?
01:25:39You look really tired.
01:25:41I'm fine, he says with a curt nod.
01:25:45I call out just as he's about to leave.
01:25:48I'm sorry for pushing you away.
01:25:50I'm just afraid to lose you, I tell him while staring at his eyes.
01:25:56It's fine.
01:25:57I get that you need space.
01:25:59I pull him close and whisper, I'm trying.
01:26:02I'll try, dot, for you.
01:26:04Just promise me you'll be safe.
01:26:07I will, he says with a bigger smile this time.
01:26:10He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on mine.
01:26:14To be continued.
