Hot or Cold by Trey Knowles

  • last month
A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus who believes in him as their Lord and Savior and strives to live more like him. Striving to live more like Jesus is the main point of Hot or Cold. The Gospel is not about gaining money and material possessions it is about the spirit of God.
American churches focus on the prosperity of wealth and money, meanwhile, the fatherless people who don’t have God suffer with their sins because they don’t know God.
James 1:27 states that the religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Let‘s go back up top. A disciple is what again? Are they the disciple of Jesus or Money, Who do they follow?
Matthew 6:24-26 states No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Hot or Cold are the Christian leaders of America concerned only about their pockets, other than living in the spirit and teaching things attaining to the spirit.
Jesus has said in Mark 4:18-19 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.
How can people grow in America where light is not truly light and if they are only teaching to gain the world? Collecting money and running to third-world countries to be missionaries but don’t do mission work in American urban neighborhoods, they are no different than the conquest of the Vatican.
My people were slaves and didn’t know anything but what was put in front of them. The system makes millions in bail money off of people's sins. The cost mercy in America is wrong they have become a den of thieves.
They don’t teach my people the difference between right and wrong. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hot or Cold is a song about what Will are you living for, The Will of the world or the Will of God. You can only choose one.
Matthew 28:19-20 says therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.


00:00I won't hope, I can't find a hope cause no one will teach me anything, they won't teach
00:13me anything, I go to church they're not teaching me anything, they ain't telling me what's
00:16right or wrong, you either hot or cold, you can't be both, you either hot or cold, you
00:24can't be both, you either hot or cold, you can't be both, you either hot or cold, you
00:30can't be both, you can't be in love for two different things, either you love one or hate
00:35the other, who are you for, poor or the rich, you're about getting rich, is that good, I
00:41find it strange, you would not even come to me in my hood and tell me to repent, you ask
00:46for money, don't you see I'm sick, you wouldn't even give me the words to put on my conscience,
00:51instead you're going to another country and be a missionary, why not be a missionary in
00:55your own country, you're sick and preach, come to the sick and teach, all I see is Mormons
01:01and Jehovah Witnesses, what's your practice, what's your practice, are you walking, are
01:06you acting, are you practicing nonsense, you adulterous, you can't be in love with two
01:11different things, compromise, clockwise, take them back yo, you fair receipt, you turn the
01:18house into a den, do you preach against sin, or do you preach about making money, are you
01:23scared about losing congregation, because then I can't tell the difference, you're either
01:28hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either
01:34hot or cold, you can't be both, my people, they my lost sheep, you got your pockets deep,
01:41go out into the streets, preach the word of Jesus, my people perish, for lack of knowledge,
01:46what's the real gospel you learned in college, look at you, look at you, are you representing
01:52Christ, are you representing your early life, the song does not disclose you, I never met
01:56you, I don't even know you, did I prophesize in your name, you prophesize for fame, you
02:02would not even tell the people to repent and change, for direct knowledge, I reject you
02:07as a priest, I'm ignoring your children, you wouldn't even tell my children to repent and
02:12change, to be safe with Jesus, no one should perish, you're either hot or cold, you can't
02:19be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't
02:25be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't
02:31be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, see the problem is, people's always
02:39ready to go outside the country and be missionaries outside the country, but they don't want to
02:43be a missionary right here in America and go in the hood and be a missionary, you're
02:49saying that people won't listen to you, people will listen to you, we want to know that you
02:53care for us and you love us, we want salvation, we want righteousness, no one wants to live
02:57in unrighteousness, you know you're so quick to come in the hood when a white police officer
03:03shoots down a black man, but you won't come in the hood and tell us to change our evil
03:08ways and to live a better life for Jesus Christ, it's hypocrisy, it's all messed up
03:17man, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't
03:24be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't
03:30be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't
03:36be both, truth and knowledge, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either
03:46hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either
03:52hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either hot or cold, you can't be both, you're either
03:58hot or cold, you can't be both
