• hace 2 meses
¡Buena suerte si intentas entrar en estos lugares! Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy conocerás las zonas en todo el mundo que están cerradas a viajeros y lugareños debido a condiciones peligrosas o de acceso exclusivo.


00:00Area 51? Ha! I found Area 51!
00:06No ma'am, this is Area 51A.
00:09Hey, hola y bienvenidos a WatchMojo Español.
00:12Yo soy G, y hoy conocerás las zonas en todo el mundo que están cerradas a viajeros y lugareños
00:18debido a condiciones peligrosas o de acceso exclusivo.
00:23In this video, you'll learn what's hidden on a closed island in the Indian Ocean.
00:29Número 30. Surtsey, Islandia.
00:32Incluso en los lugares más infértiles puede existir vida.
00:36La isla volcánica de Surtsey se hizo visible a principios de la década de 1960,
00:42después de que una erupción hiciera que se elevara por encima del nivel del mar.
00:47While the other islands were washed away again by the ocean within a few months,
00:52lava started to flow on Surtsey.
00:55A pesar de las condiciones, diversas formas de vida como plantas autóctonas, aves y animales marinos,
01:01lograron encontrar la forma de sobrevivir aquí.
01:04A pesar de esto, los humanos no pueden estar aquí.
01:14La única prueba de que han estado ahí es una pequeña cabaña,
01:17donde se alojan los científicos mientras estudian el volátil relieve.
01:21Dado que se está hundiendo lentamente en el mar,
01:24es solo cuestión de tiempo que este descubrimiento relativamente joven vuelva a su lugar de origen.
01:30Número 29. Isla Plum, Nueva York, Estados Unidos de América.
01:36Teniendo en cuenta lo turístico que es el resto de Nueva York,
01:39resulta extraño que existan lugares que no se puedan visitar.
01:44The reason why we're here is to keep hamburgers from being $100 a piece.
01:47Aunque antes se le permitía a los visitantes explorar Plum Island por sí mismos,
01:52finalmente tuvieron que dejar de hacerlo cuando empezó a utilizarse para fines más arriesgados.
01:57Se convirtió en el principal lugar de investigación de enfermedades de animales,
02:02con la intención de aprender más sobre ellas y ayudar a los granjeros de todo el país.
02:07It's estimated that if we had an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in this country,
02:10the impact would be over $50 billion just in the first year.
02:13En un momento dado, albergó varias enfermedades mortales, incluida la gripe porcina.
02:19E incluso después de que se movieran las instalaciones,
02:22la isla quedó en un estado permanente de limbo.
02:25Como nadie puede visitarla, su flora y fauna pueden prosperar intactas.
02:30Número 28. Plutonio de Hierápolis, también conocido como la Puerta de Plutón, Turquía.
02:37No es de extrañar que se le conociera como la Puerta al Inframundo.
02:47La entrada al edificio emite gases, dando la impresión de que debajo arde fuego.
02:53Para alguien en la antigüedad, está claro porque se creía que era algo maligno.
02:58Sin embargo, en la actualidad, tenemos una razón clara para no acercarnos demasiado.
03:04La cueva se construyó sobre una falla sísmica, lo que hace que emita humos tóxicos.
03:15Se dice que son tan peligrosos que todos los organismos vivos sucumbirían ante ellos.
03:20Aunque el templo fue destruido hace generaciones,
03:23está aislado debido a que los humos siguen siendo peligrosos.
03:27Aunque si pasas por ahí, puede que tú mismo lo veas.
03:30Número 27. Isla Morgan, Carolina del Sur, Estados Unidos de América.
03:36Una isla entera llena de monos parece el sueño de cualquier niño hecho realidad.
03:45Sin embargo, por muy divertido que sería visitarlos,
03:48hay una buena razón para que estén completamente aislados frente a la costa de Carolina del Sur.
03:54Llegaron a la isla después de que en Puerto Rico se descubrieran varios primates
03:59con diversas infecciones que acabaron afectando también a la población humana.
04:13Preocupado, el gobierno acabó enviando a más de mil de los animales infectados
04:18a lo que ahora se conoce como la Isla Morgan.
04:21En las décadas transcurridas desde entonces, su población no ha hecho más que crecer
04:26y básicamente han reclamado la tierra como suya.
04:29La única forma en que la mayoría de la gente puede verlos es a través de fotografías.
04:35Número 26. El Castillo, Chichen Itza, México.
04:39Aunque es sin duda una de las estructuras más emblemáticas del mundo,
04:43también está completamente prohibida para los visitantes.
04:46The pyramid is a protected monument and climbing it is strictly forbidden,
04:50but for some reason the woman climbed it anyway.
04:52Construida sobre un cenote por la civilización maya,
04:55la enorme estructura servía como lugar de culto y sacrificio.
04:59También era una impresionante proeza arquitectónica
05:03y una prueba de que la sociedad comprendía cómo funcionaban los cenotes.
05:07Hasta el 2006, la gente podía subir las escaleras e incluso entrar a la cámara del templo.
05:14Now, guys, I'm here at the top of the temple. I'm afraid I cannot go down.
05:18Sin embargo, después de que alguien se cayera,
05:21la mayor parte de la estructura se cerró rápida y permanentemente.
05:25La respuesta fue comprensible, pero teniendo en cuenta lo que hay dentro,
05:29muchos esperan que algún día vuelva a abrirse.
05:33Número 25. Club 33, Disneyland, California, Estados Unidos de América.
05:39Aunque los parques de Disney son lugares públicos,
05:43todas las ubicaciones tienen un club privado solo para miembros.
05:47So one of the rules about going into Club 33 is that recording video inside is strictly prohibited,
05:52but thankfully you can take as many photos as you want, which is exactly what I did.
05:56Puedes encontrar el Club 33 dentro de varios parques de Disney en todo el mundo,
06:01pero el más destacado es el de Disneylandia en California.
06:05Los clubes dan acceso a una experiencia gastronómica de clase alta
06:09y alcohol en un entorno exclusivo.
06:12El precio de almuerzo es de 95 dólares,
06:15lo que hace que sea el almuerzo más caro que he tenido en un parque de Disney,
06:18pero muy bien valiente.
06:20Sin embargo, esta opción de élite no está abierta a todo el mundo.
06:24La lista de espera es larga e incluso tuvo que cerrarse durante años debido a que había demasiado interés.
06:30Con un costo mínimo de iniciación de 60 mil dólares
06:33y una cuota de renovación de hasta 20 mil,
06:36sigue siendo un establecimiento que de hecho la mayoría de la gente no puede visitar.
06:41Nunca me hubiera imaginado que hubiera la oportunidad de comer allí
06:44y realmente experimentarlo desde el otro lado.
06:46Número 24. Pravička Brana, República Checa.
06:51A veces basta con echar un vistazo a un lugar para comprender por qué está prohibido,
06:55aunque en su día estuviera abierto a todo el mundo.
06:58Y, por desgracia, no es posible ir hasta arriba para tener una buena vista.
07:04Pravička Brana es el mayor arco natural de arenisca de Europa
07:08y es tan peligroso como hermoso.
07:10Aunque solía ser un lugar muy visitado,
07:13la cantidad de caminatas que se hacen sobre él ha hecho que se erosione.
07:22Ha estado fuera de los límites de las personas desde la década de 1980,
07:28con la esperanza de que se mitiguen los daños.
07:31Por desgracia, sigue desintegrándose y pronto podría derrumbarse por completo.
07:38Número 23. Bohemian Grove, California, Estados Unidos de América.
07:44Un lugar de reunión para algunos de los hombres más prominentes e importantes del mundo
07:49es, comprensiblemente, también uno de los más exclusivos.
08:00Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de poder y dinero de sus miembros,
08:03es lógico que quieran un lugar completamente recluido para reunirse.
08:07Bohemian Grove, en Monterrío, California, se convirtió en la sede de estas infames reuniones.
08:14An early planning meeting for Manhattan Project,
08:17including the likes of Robert Oppenheimer and Nobel Prize winning physicist Ernest Lawrence,
08:23took place during the 1942 iteration of Bohemian Grove.
08:33It's reported that Grove plays, which are only ever performed a single time,
08:39can cost upwards of $150,000 to stage.
08:43Aunque parece un lugar divertido de visitar,
08:46la afiliación está totalmente limitada a hombres con fondos e influencias excesivos.
08:52Número 22. Niihau, Hawaii, Estados Unidos de América.
08:57La mayor parte de Hawaii está abierta para que la gente la habite y visite,
09:01pero una isla es de propiedad privada y mucha gente no tiene acceso a ella.
09:06And as a result, the so-called Forbidden Island has captured the imaginations of many avid travelers.
09:12Niihau está prohibida para todos los visitantes, salvo unos pocos,
09:17los descendientes de quienes la compraron, funcionarios del gobierno y personal militar.
09:23Aparte de eso, los únicos residentes son los pocos isleños nativos que quedan,
09:27cuya población se calcula en menos de 50 personas.
09:30And with no stores on Niihau, residents rely on a weekly barge of goods that are sent to them from Kauai.
09:36La falta de cualquier intervención humana significativa se traduce a que muchas especies han florecido,
09:42sobre todo las aves como la cigüeñela hawaiana y las plantas como la brigamia insignis.
09:48Aunque hay actividades turísticas limitadas,
09:51la mayor parte de la gente no tiene forma de acceder a la isla prohibida.
09:56Número 21. Bóveda Global de Semillas de Svalbard, Noruega.
10:01Parece sacada de una película apocalíptica.
10:05La Bóveda Global de Semillas de Noruega se ha convertido en uno de los recursos más geniales e importantes del mundo en tiempos modernos.
10:13American Dr. Carey Fowler is walking me up to the so-called Doomsday Vault,
10:18inspired by his vision and funded by the Norwegian government.
10:23It houses hundreds of thousands of different seeds,
10:26keeping them viable in case we ever have to reintroduce them after an environmental catastrophe.
10:33The project began in the mid-1980s,
10:37and in the 2000s it had become a global effort.
10:42The chamber opened in 2008,
10:44and since then it has remained hidden in the mountains of Svalbard.
10:48Here, frozen in time, lie samples of 870,000 different crop varieties,
10:55with each sample having up to 500 seeds.
10:59As is understandable, the area is not within anyone's reach,
11:03except those with authorization.
11:06Although it is a fantastic idea,
11:08we hope that there will never be a situation that requires taking them out of their place.
11:30Despite being just over a kilometer long,
11:33it is the final resting place of more than a million people.
11:37The tombs date back to the Civil War
11:40and house the only permanent residents of this island of New York.
11:57At first it was owned by the Correctional Department,
12:00which had strict rules about who could travel there.
12:03They even limited transporters,
12:06which were the only way to access the place.
12:09In the mid-2010s, their rules became more flexible
12:13and family members were allowed to visit it once a month,
12:17as long as they requested prior permission.
12:20I sort of feel that the city, in not talking about it,
12:24has made it seem a lot darker than it is.
12:27When the Parks and Recreation Department took over in 2021,
12:32many hoped that the restrictions would be lifted.
12:36However, even in 2024, their policies have not changed,
12:41leaving Heart Island in perpetual semi-isolation.
12:46Number 19. Mishgorye, Russia.
12:49Mishgorye may have a welcome sign at the entrance to the city,
12:53but that doesn't mean you can enter without more.
12:56Founded in the 1970s south of the Russian Ural Mountains,
13:00the city has about 7,000 inhabitants, at least according to the 2010 census.
13:05However, you cannot visit it without official government permission.
13:10Described as Area 51 of Russia,
13:13it is a closed city where it is rumored that nuclear heads were once stored.
13:18Supposedly, it is the location of a vast underground bunker,
13:23with its own roads and railways,
13:26large enough to house 60,000 people.
13:30Nobody is sure because the Russians simply don't say anything.
13:35Number 18. Womera Ranch Complex, RAAF Australia.
13:40With an area of ​​more than 75,000 square kilometers,
13:44the Womera de la RAAF Complex in South Australia
13:48is one of the largest prohibited areas in the world.
13:51It is managed by the Royal Australian Air Force
13:55and serves as a test site for rockets, unmanned aircraft,
13:59air-to-surface missiles, anti-attack missiles and anti-submarine missiles.
14:05The Womera Test Complex was the idea of ​​the British,
14:09whose desire to establish a rocket testing program
14:12in their own territory after World War II
14:15was hindered by the density of their population.
14:19So they went to Australia.
14:21Together they formed the Australian Anglo-Australian Joint Project in 1946.
14:26The complex has been closed to the public since 1947.
14:31Number 17. Isles Hurd and MacDonald, Australia.
14:35Part of the outer territory of Australia, the Isles Hurd and MacDonald,
14:39are uninhabited and remote,
14:41surrounded by agitated seas and covered with mountains and glaciers.
14:45In case that wasn't enough to dissuade you,
14:48they also house two active volcanoes.
14:51The closest thing to civilization is 450 kilometers,
14:55specifically in the Kerligan Islands,
14:57home to some French soldiers, scientists and researchers.
15:02Travelers cannot visit the Isles Hurd and MacDonald
15:05without being part of a scientific expedition.
15:08In any case, as there is no permanent base or settlement,
15:12getting there and finding refuge is at least unlikely.
15:17Number 16. The mausoleum of the first emperor Qin, China.
15:22The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang,
15:25unified China and helped build the wall.
15:29When he died in 200 BC, he was buried in a gigantic tomb,
15:34protected by a guard of 8,000 terracotta warriors.
15:38For years, the funerary complex remained hidden from the world,
15:42until in 1974, some farmers stumbled upon fragments of terracotta.
15:48Although the warriors were already buried,
15:51the tomb itself remains in the depths,
15:54because the government fears that the archaeological work will damage it.
15:58Below is an elaborate underground palace,
16:01which is said to be full of treasures and surrounded by rivers of mercury,
16:06but at least for now it remains out of the limits and wrapped in mystery.
16:12Number 15. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, Virginia, United States.
16:19Hidden in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia,
16:22Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center
16:25is only 77 kilometers away by car from Washington, D.C.
16:29It is no coincidence, as it serves as a relocation site
16:33for the highest-ranking civilian and military personnel of the nation
16:37in case of nuclear war or national catastrophe.
16:41Controlled by the U.S. Department of National Security,
16:45the facility is a way to ensure that the government will continue to operate
16:49regardless of what happens outside its walls,
16:53presumably very thick.
16:55Despite being a civilian command facility,
16:58visits from us, ordinary people, are prohibited.
17:03Number 14. Chapel of the Tablets, the Church of Santa Maria de Sion, Ethiopia.
17:09Located in the city of Aksum,
17:11it is said that the Church of Santa Maria de Sion houses the Ark of the Covenant,
17:16the biblical chest that contains the original tablets with the Ten Commandments.
17:21It is said that the Ark arrived in Ethiopia by its first emperor, Menelik I,
17:26and there are those who believe that it never left there.
17:29It is protected by a monk who dedicates his life to pray in front of it in the Chapel of the Tablets.
17:34Almost at the end of his life, the monk names his successor.
17:38Therefore, the only way to enter is by becoming an extremely dedicated Ethiopian monk.
17:45Number 13. Poveglia, Italy.
17:49Poveglia, a tiny island located an hour south of Venice,
17:53houses a dark past.
17:55For centuries it has had several purposes.
17:58It was a refuge for civilians fleeing barbaric invasions of the 5th century,
18:02a strong Venetian strategist in the 17th century
18:06and a quarantine area for plague patients in the 18th century.
18:10And finally, an asylum for mentally ill in the 20th century.
18:15It is said that a doctor performed horrible experiments with his patients,
18:19and today it is rumored that he is bewitched by his tortured souls
18:23and remains out of reach of locals and tourists.
18:27Number 12. Metro 2, Moscow, Russia.
18:31It may not have been officially confirmed,
18:34but there is a lot of speculation around the secret system of a Moscow underground metro,
18:39regardless of the city's public metro.
18:42It is believed that it was built during the Stalin era
18:45and that it consists of four lines that connect the Kremlin
18:48with other government buildings and institutions.
18:51Over the years, several people have admitted their existence in one way or another,
18:57including Vladimir Shevchenko, former advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev,
19:02Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin.
19:05However, Shevchenko claimed that the reports were exaggerated
19:10and that the tunnels had begun to deteriorate.
19:13If Metro 2 is real, it is safe to say that civilians are prohibited.
19:17And if not, it is obvious to say that neither you nor anyone can go.
19:22Number 11. North Brother Island, New York, United States.
19:27Like our other entry, Poveglia,
19:30North Brother Island has been used for various purposes.
19:34Located in the East River of New York,
19:37it began as a quarantine area for the victims of the virus in the 19th century,
19:42but later it grew to house patients with various diseases susceptible to quarantine.
19:48Over the years, it has also housed homes for war veterans
19:52and, in the 1950s, a dark rehabilitation center for addictions.
19:58Today, the island is considered a protected area and sanctuary for birds,
20:03but limited to those who request specialized visits.
20:07It has been talked about allowing visitors to return to the island,
20:10but for now it is closed to the public.
20:13Number 10. Ilha da Quemada Granchi, also known as the Snake Island, Brazil.
20:20Maybe you wouldn't want to visit this island even if you could.
20:24Located on the coast of Sao Paulo,
20:27the Ilha da Quemada Granchi, also known as the Snake Island,
20:31is plagued by golden spearhead vipers,
20:34approximately one per square meter.
20:38It is believed that its venom is five times more potent than that of any snake on the continent
20:42and capable of melting human flesh.
20:45So it's not exactly a tropical paradise island.
20:49Civilians cannot visit it,
20:51and scientists can only go with special permission.
21:02Number 9. Grand Sanctuary of Ise, Japan.
21:07It is one of the most sacred places in Japan,
21:10and it is believed that this complex of Shinto shrines was built in the year 4 BC.
21:15Parts of the place are built every 20 years to symbolize the cycle of life, death and renovation.
21:22Dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu,
21:25it is a popular place of pilgrimage,
21:28which only in 2013 more than 9 million Japanese tourists visited.
21:33However, access to the sanctuary itself is strictly prohibited to citizens,
21:39and only priests and nuns can enter their sacred walls.
21:43Therefore, those who approach the Grand Sanctuary of Ise
21:47will only be able to see its wooden fences and straw roofs.
21:51Number 8. The Catacombs, Paris, France.
21:55Excavated for centuries, these tunnels of the capital of France
21:59became a vast underground oasis to face the overflowing cemeteries of Paris.
22:05Now they house the bones of about 6 million people,
22:09which has earned them the nickname of the largest tomb in the world.
22:13Thanks to human curiosity,
22:15a small part of the catacombs was opened to visitors in the 19th century,
22:20and since then they have been part of the 14 museums in the city of Paris.
22:24But what interests us are the kilometers and kilometers of tunnels that are sealed to the public.
22:30It is illegal to venture into them,
22:33but a subculture of catacombs has proposed to explore them all.
22:39Number 7. Pine Gap, Australia.
22:42Located just south of Alice Springs, in the center of Australia,
22:47Pine Gap, or the Pine Gap Joint Defense Installation as it is officially called,
22:52is a satellite tracking station operated both by the United States and Australia.
22:58Although it was initially used for space research, or at least that's what they told the public,
23:04now it is key in the espionage systems of both the CIA and the NSA,
23:09controlling the satellites as they pass through Russia, China and the Middle East.
23:14Its remote location helps to prevent anyone from intercepting the flow of information,
23:18and it is obvious that the facilities that employ more than 800 people are strictly forbidden to the public.
23:26Number 6. Yangtze National Security Education Center, Nanjing, China.
23:33Nothing more juicy for a conspiracy theory than a Chinese espionage museum
23:38where foreigners are not allowed to enter.
23:41The objects, ranging from espionage documents to small miniature guns and cameras,
23:46date from 1927 and even 1980.
23:51Some believe that the place is a propaganda tool,
23:54and the US Army intelligence officer, Matthew Brazel,
23:58claims that the regime seems to be accelerating counter-espionage efforts in response to the fear of spies.
24:06However, the museum director has a different opinion,
24:09as he said, we do not want such sensitive espionage information to be exposed to foreigners,
24:14so they are not allowed to enter.
24:17Number 5. Lascaux, France.
24:20Lascaux houses some of the best-known works of art of the Upper Paleolithic.
24:26It is estimated that they are more than 17,000 years old and mostly represent large animals.
24:33The caves are on the UNESCO World Heritage List,
24:37and since 1963 the entrance to the public is prohibited,
24:42mainly because any human presence in the cave could be potentially destructive.
24:47Currently, only a handful of scientists are allowed to enter,
24:52although a replica of the same, called Lascaux II, was opened to the public in 1983.
24:59Number 4. Manwith Hill, Royal Air Force, England.
25:04Described as the largest electronic surveillance station in the world,
25:08these facilities provide intelligence support services to the United States and the United Kingdom.
25:13It was originally created to intercept messages between the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War,
25:20but the station is still in full operation today.
25:25In fact, several of the satellites are controlled directly by the US NSA,
25:30something that has been criticized in recent years after the infiltrations of Snowden.
25:35Its most infamous program is Akellon, to intercept private and commercial communications.
25:42Number 3. Sentinel Islands of the North, Sadamand Islands and Nicobar, India.
25:48The Sentinel Islands of the North is the home of the Sentinelese,
25:52a group of indigenous people with a population of between 50 and 400 people.
25:57They are one of the last peoples in the world that has not been touched by modern civilization,
26:03and they reject any contact with foreigners.
26:06In 2006 they killed two local fishermen,
26:09and in 2018 they killed an American missionary who illegally snuck into the island to convert them to Christianity.
26:18Although peaceful contacts were established at the beginning of the 1990s,
26:23the Indian government stopped sending people to the island in 1997.
26:29Number 2. Vatican Apostolic Archive, Vatican City.
26:34Along with the Vatican Apostolic Library, the Vatican Apostolic Archive houses the acts promulgated by the Holy See,
26:42as well as state documents, papal accounts books and other important historical documents.
26:49Properly, their existence in the documents they contain are not secret,
26:53however that does not mean that you can enter and that's it.
26:57Only qualified researchers can request an entrance pass and request to examine a document,
27:04and many things dated after 1939 are out of their limits.
27:10Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
27:13Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
27:20You will surely like them.
27:23Now, let's go to the end.
27:26Number 1. Area 51, Nevada, United States.
27:31The Area 51 of Nevada has been a nest of criticism and speculation for decades.
27:37Although the public does not know the main purpose of the base,
27:40the evidence suggests that it has been used to develop and test weapons.
27:45All the research in the area is considered highly secret,
27:49which has made it a frequent topic of UFO folklore.
27:53Many people believe that the base houses alien spaceships and even alien species,
27:59while others suggest that scientists are working on time travel devices or teleportation.
28:06As it is closed to the public,
28:08speculations about the facilities of the US Air Force do nothing but increase.
28:15What forbidden place would you like to explore if you could?
28:27And do you agree with our choices?
28:30Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of Spanish Watch Mojo.
