Turkey Lawmakers Resort To Fists Punching Over Debate To Free Jailed Colleague ~ OsazuwaAkonedo

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Turkey Lawmakers Resort To Fists Punching Over Debate To Free Jailed Colleague ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Ahmet #AKP #Atalay #CAN #Erdogan #Gezi #Istanbul #Kavala #news #Osman #Ozel #Ozgur #Recep #Sik #Tayyip #TIP #Turkey https://osazuwaakonedo.online/turkey-lawmakers-resort-to-fists-punching-over-debate-to-free-jailed-colleague/17/08/2024/ #news Published: August 17th, 2024 Reshared: August 17, 2024 4:07 pm Turkish lawmakers could not control their tempers on Friday as they were seen punching
00:00Turkish lawmakers could not control their tempers on Friday as they were seen punching one another
00:05during parliamentary session as the country Grand National Assembly flew over a debate
00:09to free elected general Koli. The lawmakers could be seen striking one another with fists
00:15leading to bloodstains on the floor of the Grand National Assembly. A female lawmaker
00:20could not be spared as she was hit with a blow from one of the aggrieved lawmakers.
00:25It was gathered that the brawl broke out in Turkey's parliament on Friday during a session
00:29to discuss reinstating a lawmaker who had been stripped of his parliamentary membership with
00:34the opposition parties accusing lawmakers from the ruling Justice and Development Party, AKP,
00:39of attacking an MP who accused them of being terrorists. A brawl broke out in Turkey's
00:44parliament on Friday as dozens of lawmakers fought over the case of jailed opposition deputy
00:49Kan Atale. The chaos began when MP Ameksi called the ruling majority, terrorists,
00:55prompting AKP member Alpe Ocalan to shove him to the ground.
01:00Sik was punched multiple times leading to injuries and the suspension of the hearing.
01:05Ameksi, a representative from the same party as the jailed deputy, was attacked by a member
01:10of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling party during the tense session. It was observed a bitter
01:16altercation unfolded in the Turkish parliament over the detention of an opposition member and
01:21the heated exchange of words subsequently descended into physical violence with blood
01:26of some of the lawmakers spilled on the floor. The fight in which televised footage captured
01:31the moment Sik, who reportedly accused the ruling party of being a terrorist organization,
01:36was approached and assaulted at the chamber's podium. According to AP reports, a chaotic scene
01:42unfolded in the Turkish Grand National Assembly during Friday's session with multiple deputies
01:48involved in a scuffle. A female lawmaker was struck, leaving bloodstains on the steps leading
01:53to the speaker's lecture, and another opposition member was also injured. Özgür Özel, leader of
01:59the largest opposition party, in a statement condemned the violence, stating it is a shameful
02:05situation. Instead of exchanging words, fists are flying and there is blood on the ground.
02:12There are hitting women. Local media in Turkey reported that the session was convened to discuss
02:17the case of Kan Atalar, who was elected from prison as a parliamentary deputy for the Workers'
02:22Party of Turkey, tipping last year's election. Atalar had been sentenced to 18 years in prison
02:28for his role in the 2013 anti-government protest against the then Prime Minister and now President
02:33Erdogan. We learnt Atalar had been fighting to take his seat in parliament. Achieving parliamentary
02:40immunity would enable his release from Marmara prison, though he has pledged to return to prison
02:45once his term concludes, according to multiple media reports. Constitutional Court in Turkey
02:52ruled in favor of Atalar but lower courts have ignored the Constitutional Court's decisions,
02:56leading to a judicial crisis and increased frustration among Atalar's supporters.
03:02It would be recalled that on August 1, the Constitutional Court declared the decision
03:06to strip Atalar of his parliamentary status null and void. The convictions of Atalar and
03:12seven others in the Gezi Park case have first-wide spread criticism from human rights
03:16organizations and legal experts. Osman Kavala, the main defendant, received a life sentence
03:23without parole, and the European Court of Human Rights has called for his release,
03:28citing arbitrary detention and political motivations. The Gezi Park protests began
03:33in the summer of 2013 as an environmental campaign against the development of the
03:38central Istanbul park but quickly expanded to broader protests against Erdogan's regime.
03:44Amnesty International's Turkey office emphasized on social media that Atalar's personal freedom,
03:50security, and right to be elected, which the Constitutional Court found to have been violated,
03:56should be restored. After a three-hour recess, the parliamentary session resumed,
04:01with both the involved deputies receiving reprimands from the parliament speaker.
04:05Satuwa Onnedo bringing you the news in a more digital way.
