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00:16I like this feinting from Robodinov, you always feel like he's right about to go
00:21He's all the way forward
00:23Oh boy!
00:25Oh boy!
00:31Robodinov to the championship!
00:35Come on, show me this, show me this
00:37Long left hook, BAM! Look at that!
00:39Oh the right missed, it was the left
00:41Very nice, he pumped it, he pumped it to load his lead shoulder
00:44We'll see this again, if we can freeze it right before he throws the left hook
00:49I mean that was relentless, the ground and pound from that point
00:52Let's see this again, here we go, look at that
00:55He came right around the side there
00:58Shifted his weight forward, threw a big left hook
01:01And then followed it up with big ground and pound
01:10Advancing to the lightweight 1 million dollar world championship
01:16Kaji Robodinov!
01:22Good work by Collard
01:24Collard just up against the fence, getting his leg free
01:27Does he do it again here?
01:29Man, what a takedown
01:31Good work by Collard, by Primus now
01:34Get on the bag
01:36Collard's got those 3 posts, now 4 on the mat
01:41Primus peppering with some right hands here
01:45Good work and balance by Collard
01:48Let's take a look through ref cam for a moment
01:51Trying to compromise the balance of Clay Collard
01:54Who has to address it on the neck crank
01:57Final few seconds of round number 1
02:00Primus going to work with the left hand
02:02And we will head to round 2 on ESPN
02:05And this is another dominant round for Brett Primus
02:08Which puts even more pressure on Clay going into the 3rd round
02:1120 seconds to go
02:13He will need a finish in the 3rd round, Clay Collard
02:16And Brett Primus is dominating here with this back control
02:20So potentially insurmountable odds on the scorecards
02:24But Clay Collard, always game
02:27And has landed early here in this round
02:30He never lacks heart, you know he's going to go for the finish here
02:34Stomp kick to the midsection
02:36Primus beckoning Collard down to the ground game with him
02:40Technically an axe kick, stomps are illegal
02:43So his leg would have been straight as it was coming down there
02:45That would have been heel to the midsection
02:48Oh, body shot from Clay
02:50Earning his place in the 1 million dollar lightweight world championship
02:57Brett Primus
03:02Brett Primus books his ticket to the 1 million dollar championship fight
03:08In our PFL lightweight season
03:10We saw him knock out Jakub Neto
03:15In the first half of the regular season
03:22There it is
03:23Landed the right hand
03:25Now Rob says bring it
03:27As Wilkinson moves forward, most of the time people cover up and move backward
03:32And that's what allows him to crash forward with that bullying style
03:35But Yaksha Muradov will stand his ground and slip counter
03:40He's got to pick his pace up here a little bit
03:45Wilkinson shrugged it off with that foot slap right off of the jaw
03:49Part of the difference as well when they're exchanging jabs
03:52Is that Yaksha Muradov is just pivoting slightly on that lead foot
03:55It's allowing him to get his head out
03:57He doesn't want to hang in the palm like he normally does
04:00And drive those knees up the middle
04:02Good right hand and a left from Wilkinson
04:04Head outside single again by Douglas
04:06Like clockwork at this point in every single round
04:09And now look at this, Douglas swinging away
04:15Douglas Wolfhound
04:20Yaksha Muradov
04:25Yeah, no feeling out process in this one
04:27They know each other well
04:28Nice left hook by Masang and I
04:32Left kick to the body has been a favorite weapon so far from Josh Silvera
04:40Man, that left hook's coming around the side
04:42Catching Silvera over the chin
04:44He's taking these shots though
04:46It's giving him confidence to move forward
04:49Yeah, definitely has a different game plan in mind
04:51He's not going to spend that energy frivolously at those takedowns
04:55And not secure them
04:57I like the attitude
04:58We'll see what he does in round two
05:01A.I. scorer agrees with Big John
05:03Slight edge to Impa Kasanganae after that first frame
05:07Toronto Cardinal, Randy Couture, Dan Hardy
05:11But Impa looks good
05:13That was a good effort with that kick
05:15Josh was a little too close to it though
05:17Kind of smothered it and ate the knee
05:19Wrong kick to the midsection from Kasanganae
05:24Oh, what a takedown!
05:26Beautiful footwill
05:28And now it's Silvera scrambling back to his feet
05:32Light heavyweight, one million dollar world championship
05:39Impa Tilopo Kasanganae
05:47She loves the cage wrestling, Randy
05:50Nice job in the clinch
05:51Got the body lock, there's the pick her up
05:53Gonna look to dump her, right there
05:55Beautiful job by Montague
05:58Harder to guard with the tap and the arm lock
06:00I remember Rampage struggling with the Kimura back in the day
06:03You've really got to pull that elbow into your center line
06:06This is where you can't deny her though
06:08Rear naked choke here
06:09She's done this several times
06:11There's the tap
06:12Tap already, Michelle Montague
06:16Rear naked choke in the first round
06:18That six straight rear naked choke
06:21Every victory in her pro career has come via the same technique
06:28Montague, she made some transition around the body
06:30Secures the rear naked choke
06:32Throws those anchors in, those hooks
06:34Secures position
06:36And here's the hips and the squeeze
06:38Right there for the tap
06:40Very, very impressive
06:42Here you see the spin behind
06:44Already attacking the neck
06:46Locking it in
06:48Pulls her back and secures those hooks
06:51Now anchored on the back
06:53Anchored on the back
06:54Applies the core strength for that tap
06:57Right there
06:59Declaring your winner by submission
07:02And still undefeated
07:05Michelle, the wild one
07:12Touch of the gloves and we are underway
07:15Jab from Ali Walsh
07:17Two jabs
07:19A little off balance there on the push kick from Stapleton
07:22Check hook
07:24And a swing and a miss on the follow up right from Biagio
07:28Good jab to the body from Biagio Ali Walsh
07:32You have movement by Walsh to get out of the way of that big right hook
07:35Lovely little drop back
07:37He looks a lot more relaxed than he did in his first pro fights as well
07:41Oh, right hand from Biagio Ali Walsh
07:45And it's over just like that
07:47Took him right off his feet with that right hand
07:56That was the overhand right by Ali Walsh
08:02And there was the right hand flush on the cheek
08:05Of Stapleton
08:07That put him down and put him out
08:09Another look right over the top of that guard
08:12Right on the cheek
08:14Declaring your winner by knockout
08:17Biagio Ali Walsh
