You Are My Secret - Episode 32 (English Subtitle)

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You Are My Secret (2024) EP 32 ENGSUB
00:00优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:05Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:08She Is The One
00:11其实从那个时候开始 Actually, from that time on
00:14我就已经喜欢你 I've already fallen in love with you
00:17优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:20Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:23She Is The One
00:48优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:51Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:54She Is The One
01:17你是真的喜欢我吗 Do you really like me?
01:39那你会全世界第一对我好吗 Will you be the number one for me?
01:45当然 Yes, of course
01:54人呢 Where is he?
02:15你还喜欢我吗 Do you still like me?
02:39喜欢就喜欢 不喜欢就不喜欢 If you like me, I like you. If you don't like me, I don't like you
02:42我们积极可不像你的风格 I'm not like you.
02:48对不起 I'm sorry
02:49其实我每天都想打电话给你道歉 Actually, I want to call you every day to apologize
02:53但是我发现 But I found out
02:55这次好像道歉没有用 It doesn't seem to work this time
03:10你不用跟我道歉 You don't have to apologize to me
03:13你又没有做错什么 You didn't do anything wrong
03:16只是我们之间确实出现了一些问题 But there are some problems between us
03:22其实我们也并不是一定要解决这些问题 Right?
03:29我喜欢你 你也喜欢我 I like you and you like me
03:33那为什么我们每天都要苦大仇深地 Then why do we have to struggle every day
03:36考虑那些钱啊房子啊这些现实问题的 To worry about money, house and reality
03:40我们就相爱一天热恋一天不好吗 Why don't we fall in love with each other day by day
03:43这样我不用改变自己 So I don't have to change myself
03:46你呢也不用让自己承受那么大的心理压力 And you don't have to put yourself under so much psychological pressure
03:51对不对 Right?
03:56我知道你不甘心 我更不甘心 I know you don't like it and I don't like it
04:02那我不可能不考虑我们的未来 But I can't help but think about our future
04:04可是未来谁说得清啊 But who knows what's going to happen in the future
04:06我们就过一天开心一天不好吗 Why don't we just have a good time every day
04:09我们之前都说好了的呀 We had a deal before
04:11要一起看日出日落 下雨了就窝在家里看电影 Watch the sunrise and sunset together and watch a movie at home when it rains
04:18天晴了就出去郊游 夏天去冲浪 冬天去滑雪 Go out for an outing when it's sunny and go surfing in summer and go skiing in winter
04:24要是晚上睡不着觉呢 If you can't sleep at night
04:27你就夜里陪我去凯尔 You can stay with me at night
04:29这样的日子难道不好吗 Isn't that a good life?
04:33我们不可能一辈子只谈恋爱不考虑现实 We can't just talk about love and not think about reality
04:37没有未来的话我就是在耽误你的时间 Without the future, I'm just wasting your time
05:03所以你早就想好以后会分开了对吗 So you've already thought about breaking up with me, right?
05:13叶文艺 我们分手吧 Lin Wenyi, let's break up
05:21你觉得更好的人而我对你来说 You think a better person than me is
05:29是 Yes
05:59等待着再次寂寞 Waiting for loneliness again
06:03那珍藏的无声的片刻 That silent moment of treasure
06:07私藏的如微光侵我 Hiding like a faint light
06:11照亮我反复的淋漠 Illuminate me repeatedly
06:14从未被割舍 Never been cut off
06:17那不移的永远的沉默 That unwavering, eternal silence
06:21私藏的还在心底炙热 Hiding in my heart
06:26因为是你 我才成为 Because it's you, I've become
06:30我记得咱们之间唱过一部 I remember we sang a song together
06:32蓝色山 Blue Mountain
06:35你干嘛 你这么穿脚下雨啊 What are you doing? It's raining so hard
06:39那部剧是个悲剧是吧 That drama is a tragedy, isn't it?
06:42但是我相信 But I believe
06:44我们绝对不会像那样 We will never be like that
06:46你会好好的 我也会好好的 You will be fine, I will be fine
06:49我们都会一直一直在一起 We will always be together
06:52永远不变 Never change
06:57蓝色山 Blue Mountain
07:09今天怎么就跑了半个小时啊 Why did you run for half an hour today?
07:12原来之前我已经跑了一个小时了 I ran for an hour before you came
07:18本来想着啊 I thought
07:20把身体搞垮 心里就不会那么麻烦了 I wouldn't be so upset if I broke my body
07:25结果发现呢 As a result, I found out
07:26越累越是想找个人依靠 The more tired I am, the more I want to find someone to rely on
07:33来 Come here
07:37趴着 Lie down
07:41还好有你 It's good to have you
07:45但你今天是不是 But are you
07:48那个姓傅的人渣那事得重新去找客户啊 looking for a client again for that bastard?
07:51你在这儿陪我不会耽误你时间了 It won't be a waste of your time if you stay here with me
07:54我最好的闺蜜失恋了 My best friend just broke up
07:57我还工作什么呢 What else can I do?
07:58工作都靠边站 I have to rely on the side station
08:00就算现在有一个十个亿的客户找我 Even if there is a client with a billion dollars looking for me
08:02我都不会出去工作的 I won't go out to work
08:04我今天唯一的工作就是陪着你 My only job today is to stay with you
08:07十几个亿的大客户 A big client with a billion dollars
08:09那你肯定得去啊 You must go
08:12不然你这闺蜜万一这两个月就失恋一回 What if your best friend breaks up after two months
08:15那你不得凑合到全球首富的机会 Then you won't miss the chance to be the richest woman in the world
08:19你能不能不要乌鸦嘴啊 Can you stop bragging?
08:21这次失恋就是你最后一次了 This is your last break up
08:23下次遇到的一定是一个非常喜欢你 Next time you meet someone who likes you very much
08:27对你又好可以跟你厮守终生 Who treats you well and can stay with you forever
08:32这一次嘛 This time
08:35就算是个遗憾吧 It's a pity
08:37你说人这一辈子哪能没有遗憾呢 How can a person have no regrets in his life?
08:42一点遗憾都没有也挺没意思的 It's boring to have no regrets at all
08:44是不是 Isn't it?
08:53拿下手机 Give me your phone
08:59小图 你那个朋友余总今天来办理了大笔存款 Xiaotu, your friend Mr. Yu came to handle a large amount of savings today
09:02你这几天咆哮的几个客户也都进入审批流程了 The customers you have abandoned in the past few days have also entered the approval process
09:05这个月业绩拿下 This month's performance is achieved
09:06你可以安心休个年假了 You can take a vacation
09:08和你的新婚老公好好出去玩玩 Go out with your new husband
09:12对不起了 季先生 Sorry, Mr. Ji
09:14在我最好的朋友面前在我最好的朋友面前 In front of my best friend
09:16你还是先靠边站吧 You'd better stand aside
09:22好的 Okay
09:25想去哪儿玩 Do you want to go anywhere?
09:26我现在有假期了 I'm on vacation now
09:27你想去哪儿咱们就去哪儿 Let's go wherever you want
09:31我还想一个人去 I want to go alone
09:33那不行 No way
09:35我不放心 I'm worried
09:39我跟齐悦这么多年 I've been with Qi Yue for so many years
09:42而且经历了这么多事 And I've been through so many things
09:46我也是时候该一个人好好地整理一下 It's time for me to sort things out by myself
09:52放心吧 Don't worry
09:53我呢可能女之难迫的 I may not be able to get over it
09:56更不会想不开 I won't be able to get over it
09:58等我好起来了 When I get better
10:00我自己就不用回来了 I won't have to come back
10:02再上次吧 Let's do it next time
10:03好了 Okay
10:10某些人当时可是说过 Some people said
10:14只要有假呢 As long as I have a vacation
10:15就要跟他们家季先生一起去度假 I'll go on vacation with their Mr. Ji
10:21好了 别担心我了 Okay, don't worry about me
10:24会想自己好好待会儿 I'll take good care of myself
10:28你说怎么能让人不担心呢 Why can't I make you worry?
10:34我等你半天了 I've been waiting for you for a long time
10:37新鲜出炉的好消息 The good news is that
10:39你亲自出马台下的新年营业企业融资已经在走审批了 You have already approved the financing of the New Year's business under the horse-riding stage
10:43只要这个首屈一指的大客户拿下 As long as this big client gets it
10:45也算给咱们吉安分行未来发展奠定了一个基础 It's also a foundation for the future development of Ji'an Branch
10:49等开展业务领域的全面合作 After a comprehensive cooperation in the business field
10:51咱们未来相当一段时间的业绩都不用发愁了 We won't have to worry about the performance for a long time
10:55听起来是个好消息 It sounds like a good news
10:57不过接下来你得盯紧一点了 But you have to keep an eye on it
10:59放心吧 Don't worry
11:00对了 我请了一个年假连着中秋假期一起 By the way, I took a year off and took a mid-autumn holiday
11:04赵总 未来的一段时间里多省点心 Mr. Zhao, how much time do you have in the future?
11:11赵总 Mr. Zhao
11:13你刚才说赵总 You just said Mr. Zhao
11:16什么意思啊 What do you mean
11:20老婆 我要给你系上啊 Wife, I want to tie it up for you
11:22免得你这白衣服弄脏了 In case your white clothes get dirty
11:23太好吃了 It's so delicious
11:26我查了资料偶尔吃一两顿火锅问题不大 I checked the information. It's not a big deal to eat a couple of hot pot occasionally
11:29早就跟你说了 I've told you
11:31而且啊 偶尔喝一两杯奶茶问题也不大 And it's not a big deal to drink a couple of cups of milk tea occasionally
11:34我也早就跟你说了 I've told you
11:36这奶茶快喝完了我再给你点一杯 This milk tea is almost finished. I'll order you another one
11:39给我点个凉的 Order me a cold one
11:40不行 No
11:41那行吧 睡吧 Okay, go to sleep
11:45我吃火锅喝奶茶是没什么问题 I have no problem eating hot pot and drinking milk tea
11:48我倒是觉得你有点问题 I think you have a problem
11:50我有什么问题 I have no problem
11:53上一个部门经理至于这么高兴吗 Is it necessary to be so happy to be a department manager?
11:55摆这么一大桌 Just put such a big table
11:58就是为了我 Just for me
11:59那不然呢 What else?
12:02往大了说啊 To put it in a big way
12:04我的事业取得了阶段性成功 My career has achieved a stage success
12:07往小了说以后在家里面我终于能和饶总平起平坐了 To put it in a small way, I can finally sit with Mr. Rao at home
12:11高兴 I'm happy
12:12这么大的喜事 Such a big happy event
12:13你别说吃顿火锅喝杯奶茶了 Don't just eat a hot pot and drink a cup of milk tea
12:15就算今天晚上你想去夜店看黄猫帅哥就奉陪到底了 Even if you want to go to the nightclub to see the handsome yellow cat tonight, I'll go with you
12:18上次我没看 I didn't see it last time
12:20这还差不多 That's more like it
12:22再说那黄猫帅哥哪有你老公那个 Besides, that handsome yellow cat is not as good as your husband
12:24就是 That's right
12:30来 吃块猪肉 Come on, eat a piece of meat
12:32我好多了 你快吃 I'm much better, you eat
12:35我就知道了 I knew it
12:36老季这人做事一向很地道 不会乱划冰的 Old Ji has always been very down-to-earth
12:40你还在这跟我吹老季的彩虹屁呢 You're still bragging about Old Ji here
12:44就你还不知道人家老季让你当部门经理 为的就是把所有的事情都推给你 You don't know that Old Ji asked you to be the department manager just to push everything to you
12:49然后呢 Then
12:50休着年假带自己的新媳妇快活去了 He took his new wife back for the New Year's holiday
13:04我的奶茶呢 你点了吗 Where's my milk tea? Did you order it?
13:07不点了 不点了 I don't order it anymore
13:08喝多了对身体不好 It's not good for your health to drink too much
13:11信不信这火锅里要到你脸上 Do you believe it will fall on your face in the hot pot?
13:15一直在路上吧 I'm on my way
13:19继续吃 Keep eating
13:39我始终能看见唯一亮光线 I can always see the only light
13:43留下在指缝间 Left in the fingertips
13:47当沿途的方向陪我穿越昨天 When the direction along the way accompanies me through yesterday
13:52奔赴所有未来的终点 To the end of all the future
13:57海水洒满每一步 Every step of the sea
14:01追逐有新的幸福 The happiness that is new
14:05途经的每一幕 Every scene of the path
14:09温暖的我陪你 When I'm with you
14:13熟悉所有未知数 Learn all the unknown
14:17想起渴望的满足 The feeling of longing
14:19你好 Hello
14:20帮我和我老婆拍张照片吧 Take a picture of me and my wife
14:21谢谢 Thank you
14:22可以啊 可以 Sure
14:23咱俩合个影 Let's take a picture together
14:25二位靠近一点 笑得甜蜜一点 Come closer and smile sweetly
14:28看看怎么样 Let's see how it goes
14:35拍得很好看 Thank you
14:36谢谢你啊 Thank you
14:38你看怎么样 How is it?
14:43谢谢你啊 Thank you
14:44没事没事 It's nothing
14:52季先生说通过这只小猫就能找到它 Mr. Ji said you can find it through this kitten
14:55加油哦 Fighting
15:00这我先帮你拿着吧 I'll hold it for you
15:06谢谢 Thank you
15:18故事从那只猫咪开始 The story begins with that kitten
15:37我们回去找找吧 Why don't we go back and look for it?
15:38应该还在呢 It should still be there
15:40对了 Right
15:41走 再买个新的去 Let's go and buy a new one
16:07我高中的时候也用这样的橡皮 I used this kind of eraser in high school
16:21拿着呀 Take it
16:33你怎么会有这把伞啊 Why do you have this umbrella?
16:35这把伞不是我爸公司的吗 Isn't this umbrella from my dad's company?
16:37你怎么会有啊 Why do you have it?
16:44你还记得这把伞啊 Do you still remember this umbrella?
16:45当然了 Of course
16:46我爸还上班的时候 When my dad was still working
16:48他们公司每年发福利都有这把伞 Their company gave out benefits every year and they all had this umbrella
16:51我们家不说二十把也有十五把了吧 Our family has more than twenty and fifteen
16:55你们家也有亲戚在普林工作啊 Your family also has relatives working in Pulin
17:05那如果高中毕业那年 If I was the first person
17:07第一个走向你的人是我 who came to you when you graduated from high school
17:10你会答应吗 Would you promise me?
17:12没事 生活里哪有那么多如果呦 It's okay. There are not many ifs in life
17:15那个时候你又不喜欢我 You didn't like me at that time
17:20生活里没有如果 There are no ifs in life
17:23所以我还是会和你在一起的 So I will still be with you
17:36如果今天早上那个人不是我 If that person wasn't me this morning
17:41你也会跑过去救吗 Would you go to save him?
17:44不 But
17:46但如果是别人的梦 But if it was someone else's dream
17:48我是作为上司 I would be the boss
17:51因为是你 Because it's you
17:54除了上司的身份 Besides being the boss
17:57我更是你的真老公 I am your real husband
18:06这就是你对自己的评价 This is your evaluation of yourself
18:10不像你以前不这样 You weren't like this before
18:11你变了 You've changed
18:12我变了 I've changed
18:13人就是会变的 People change
18:14你看看你现在 Look at you now
18:16你现在变的也不是我一开始认识的那个纪宇恒了 You're not the Ji Yuheng I knew at first
18:20其实我身上也有很多的缺点 Actually, I have a lot of shortcomings
18:24我希望 If you see
18:25如果你以后看到了我的那些平凡 If you see my ordinary
18:28甚至是平庸的时候 or even mediocre
18:30可以不要对我那么失望 Don't be so disappointed in me
18:32也不要嫌弃我 Don't dislike me
18:33为什么会嫌弃你呢 Why would I dislike you?
18:35你不是纪宇恒啊 You're not Ji Yuheng
18:38你喜欢我 You like me
18:40我才是纪宇恒 I'm Ji Yuheng
18:42你要是不喜欢我 If you don't like me
18:44我就是一个普通人 I'm just an ordinary person
19:04在见面时 When we met again
19:06你给了我一个家 You gave me a home
19:30因为有你 Because of you
19:32生活不再是单调的黑白 Life is no longer a monotonous black and white
19:35而是有了色彩 But there is a color
19:38做一个大的全家福 To be a big family blessing
19:40有我爸我妈有你爸你妈 You have my dad, my mom, your dad, your mom
19:42还有我们两个 And the two of us
19:43一个都不能少 Not one less
20:01我爱你 I love you
20:26谢谢你啊 Thank you
20:32因为是你 Because of you
20:34我才成为 I became
20:39这个我 This me
21:01我爱你 I love you
21:31真心在跌宕 My heart is falling
21:34大雨滂沱的片刻 The moment of heavy rain
21:36回忆重新背道了 Memories are back
21:39你的眼眸向天空回 Your eyes look up at the sky
21:42我在期待着 I'm looking forward to it
21:45未来的路 The road to the future
21:47请你放心地把自己交给我 Please leave yourself to me
21:50我一定会尽我所能 I will do my best
21:52让你幸福 Let you be happy
21:54让你平安 Let you be safe
21:55让你平安 Let you be safe
22:00谢谢你啊 季先生 Thank you, Mr. Ji
22:02谢谢你给了我一个这么难忘 Thank you for giving me such an unforgettable
22:05美好的婚礼 Beautiful wedding
22:07谢谢你出现在我的生命里 Thank you for appearing in my life
22:12跟你在一起 Being with you
22:14是我觉得这辈子最幸福的事 It's the happiest thing in my life
22:25我不散场 I won't leave
22:27大雨滂沱的片刻 The moment of heavy rain
22:30回忆重新背道了 Memories are back
22:32你的眼眸向天空回 Your eyes look up at the sky
22:35回忆乱清澈 Memories mess up the clear sky
22:37世界美好 The world is beautiful
22:39小心地温柔 Be careful and warm
22:42平行的风筝旋转了弯 The parallel kite turns around
22:45敲击璀璨光泽 The sparkling sound of the kite
22:48让人高兴 Makes people excited
22:50平行的风筝旋转了弯 The parallel kite turns around
22:52敲击璀璨光泽 The sparkling sound of the kite
22:55让人痛到哭 Makes people cry
22:57美好的温柔 The beautiful warmth
23:00你将所有快乐定格 You change all the happiness
23:04吹来成眷有的歌 To become a song for all
23:11感受心动频率的动作 Feel the heartbeat
23:15再把你紧握 Hold you tight
23:22生命向前了幸福太空 Life goes forward, happiness is too much
23:26想念最美的重逢 Missing the most beautiful reunion
23:52今天是中秋节 Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival
24:07我们回来看你了 We came back to see you
24:11对了我有一个好消息要告诉你们 By the way, I have a good news to tell you
24:17你们要当外公外婆了 You are going to be grandparents
24:20我呢已经结婚了有了自己的家 I am married and have my own family
24:31我以后在这个世界上再也不是孤孤单单的一个人了 I will no longer be alone in this world
24:43我找的这个人呢个子不是很高 He is not very tall
24:47长得吧也不是特别帅 He is not very handsome
24:50他是我的同事 He is my colleague
24:53但是他很爱我 But he loves me very much
24:59当然了我也很爱他只是我平时不太跟他说这些 Of course, I love him very much, but I don't usually say this to him
25:09对了上次我回来的时候他就在 By the way, when I came back last time, he was in
25:13不会是你们觉得他比较好 So you arranged him to be with me
25:18所以把他安排在我身边的吧 Because you think he is better
25:26当然了在老丈人和丈母娘的眼里肯定是我好女婿 Of course, in the eyes of my parents-in-law, I must be a good son-in-law
25:36上香 给他 Give him the incense
25:37给他 Give him the incense
25:43妈 你们放心 我啊是发自内心的爱这个老姐 Mom, don't worry. I love this old lady from the bottom of my heart
25:51我爸爸妈妈也都很喜欢她 My parents like her very much
25:56未来 我会好好照顾她的 I will take good care of her in the future
26:01有心去爱她 陪伴她 照顾她 I will love her with all my heart, accompany her, take care of her
26:06让她也不再孤单 以后我们两个人 Let her not be lonely anymore. In the future, the two of us
26:14也会经常回来看你们 Will often come back to see you
26:18我这个人啊 就是嘴有点碎 I'm a bit of a talker
26:24你也别嫌我烦 Don't think I'm annoying
26:35别哭了 Don't cry
27:36陪我穿越昨天 奔赴所有未来的终点 Accompany me through yesterday, to reach all the ends of the future
27:44来 一二三 好 完美 一步两位 One, two, three. Perfect. One step, two steps
27:52我好累啊 我脚好疼啊 好累啊 I'm so tired. My feet hurt so much. I'm so tired
27:57你不累吗 你又是抱我又是背我的 你我看你一点感觉都没有 Aren't you tired? You're holding me and carrying me. I don't think you feel anything
28:03我不是一直体力都挺好的吗 Aren't I always in good shape?
28:07不好意思啊 能不能请你们再多拍几组 I'm sorry. Can you take a few more pictures?
28:10我看两位男帅女美的想要用你们的照片作为我们店的一个展示投放到网络渠道 I see two handsome men and beautiful women want to use your photos as an exhibition in our store to be posted on the Internet
28:15当然了 这个照片做出来我们第一时间一定给你们 Of course, we will give you this photo as soon as possible
28:18而且这个价格可以给你们打对折 And this price can give you a discount
28:21对折 那我们 Sorry, my wife is a little tired today
28:25帮不了这个忙 没关系 没关系 这肯定要尊重你们的个人意愿 那二位先去换衣服吧 打扰了 Sorry, I'm a little tired today. I can't help you with this. It's okay. It's okay. I have to respect your personal wishes. Then you two go get changed first
28:32打扰了 好 谢谢啊 Excuse me. Okay, thank you
28:35对折 还是挺划算的 为什么不答应啊 It's still a good deal. Why don't you say yes
28:39我不想让别人看到你的美 I don't want anyone to see your beauty
28:42昨天试衣服的时候那个大胖劲哪去了 When I was trying on the clothes yesterday, where did that big body go
28:47不过说的也是 我也不想让太多人看到我们家季先生这么帅的照片 我得自己捂好了 But that's what I'm saying. I don't want too many people to see Mr. Ji's handsome picture. I have to make it myself
28:57准备怎么捂啊 How are you going to make it
28:59那我怎么能告诉你 I can't tell you
29:04好 Okay
29:07谢谢你啊 季先生 今天辛苦了 这么配合我拍的 我可喜欢了 Thank you, Mr. Ji. Thank you for working so hard with me today
29:15说的什么话呀 当然不用谢我了 What are you talking about? Of course you don't have to thank me
29:20爱你哦 I love you
29:26我也是 I love you too
29:27好 Okay
29:43小宁穿上婚纱可真美 Xiao Ning looks so beautiful in the wedding dress
29:52女儿 女儿终于嫁人了 My daughter is finally getting married
29:58好了好了好了 好了啊 That's enough, that's enough, that's enough.
30:01这女儿结婚是高兴的事啊 It's a happy thing for my daughter to get married
30:10就是可惜啊 和那个雀桥相会是没戏了 It's a shame that I have no chance to go to the bridge-hopping fair
30:16咱俩去 Let's go
30:19今年咱俩结婚纪念日的时候咱去那儿 跟大家的头然后走过去雀桥相会 Come on, let's go there on our wedding anniversary this year
30:27How is it?
30:29How about we take a couple of wedding photos?
30:32That's right.
30:33Then I'll wear a wedding dress too.
30:34We didn't take any when we got married.
30:39Chief, I...
30:40I still feel sad when I see him in a wedding dress.
30:43Oh my god.
30:56The familiar smell.
30:58The familiar environment.
30:59The familiar sky.
31:00The familiar moon.
31:01Are you excited?
31:03Hey, do you remember?
31:05The other day,
31:06you told me a big truth.
31:07The theory of backpacking.
31:09It's been so long. Who still remembers?
31:11I remember everything.
31:12This is your precious black history.
31:14I will always remember it.
31:16You also said that
31:18living is meaningless.
31:19Life is boring.
31:20I envy the freedom of living.
31:23That's right.
31:24Hey, hey.
31:25Why can't we talk about it?
31:27Sit, sit, sit.
31:28Let's talk.
31:30So we can talk about it?
31:32Then I'll talk about it.
31:34Let's talk about it.
31:35That day and the day after that,
31:37I don't know who was drunk.
31:40I couldn't even get out of bed the next day.
31:41After that,
31:42I couldn't even walk straight in the hotel.
31:44After that,
31:45the S-shape was like this.
31:47Until I got on the boat.
31:50Please stop.
31:51I'm sorry.
31:52I'm sorry, honey.
31:53I was wrong.
31:54Then we will sign a
31:56principle of not mentioning each other's black history in the future.
31:59Let's throw away
32:00these unforgettable memories
32:02and lock up the trash can of years.
32:05No way.
32:07It's you who let me talk.
32:08It's you who don't let me talk.
32:09Who do you think you are?
32:10The center of the world?
32:11The end of the universe?
32:13Why haven't you finished yet?
32:15I think you are boring.
32:17You want to have fun.
32:20Thank you,
32:21my dear husband.
32:23Because of you,
32:24my life has become very lively.
32:27I just want to be quiet.
32:29Come on.
32:30Be quiet.
32:31I'll turn off the microphone.
32:34When we come to Xihai Town next time,
32:36our child will be born.
32:37We will hold a wedding in Xihai Town.
32:40No one will invite us.
32:41Just the three of us.
32:43The child will be our witness.
32:47My dear wife.
32:49You decide.
32:50It's all up to you.
32:52it's more meaningful this way.
32:54It's also economically viable.
32:56It's a good thing.
32:57You have to rely on the economic value.
32:59You really
33:00put the character of the iron worker to the end.
33:02Let's live.
33:03Come on.
33:05Who is it?
33:06My dad.
33:11Mom and Dad.
33:12Happy holidays, Mom and Dad.
33:13Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
33:14Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Mom and Dad.
33:16It's late.
33:17Have you eaten?
33:21Last time,
33:22Fang Gan called
33:23and said you had insomnia recently.
33:24I ground the jujube
33:25from our family
33:26into powder
33:27and sent it to you.
33:29It's natural.
33:30When you go back,
33:31you should have received it.
33:34Why do you tell Mom and Dad everything?
33:37It's good for you.
33:38It's troublesome.
34:09look up.
34:11Aren't they all the same moon?
34:13That's right.
34:16Dad, look.
34:18Dad, the moon.
34:20All right.
34:21That's it.
34:22Dad, eat less mooncakes.
34:24Your blood sugar is high.
34:25Hang up first.
34:36What's wrong?
34:41I just think
34:44it's good to have a family.
34:48It's good to have you.
34:51And you smile well.
34:52Very beautiful.
34:53That's it.
34:54I'll take a picture for you.
34:56Remember every moment.
34:58Don't move.
34:59Keep it.
35:00Send it in.
35:01Come on.
35:02Three, two, one.
35:04One more.
35:05Three, two, one.
35:08Very beautiful.
35:11Three, two, one.
35:15I'll post it on WeChat Moments.
35:21They took wedding photos.
35:26Click the like button.
35:31A pair of good people.
35:33A talented son and a talented wife.
35:35A talented son and a talented wife.
35:36A hundred years of marriage.
35:39You shouldn't be a client manager.
35:41You're so talkative.
35:42You should go to the village fair
35:44and have a talk.
35:45You're a gossip.
35:48Envy. Hate.
35:49You just envy me.
35:50I have a good mouth.
35:51I'm single.
35:56What's wrong?
36:01What's wrong?
36:03I seem to be too cold.
36:06Too cold.
36:09Is it too cold?
36:11Do you hear me?
36:17I feel it.
36:19Dad, take care.
36:21You're about to come to this world.
36:23Mom and Dad will love you very much.
36:26Don't learn from your dad.
36:28You're so talkative.
36:29You must study hard.
36:30We can't go to the fair
36:31and sleep on the stage.
36:36I love you.
36:37I love you, too.
36:53Happy wedding anniversary.
36:54I miss you so much.
36:58at least one of us is happy.
37:01at least one of us is happy.
37:07It's great.
37:26I don't know
37:27if I can come out
37:29one day.
37:57I'm sorry.
37:58I'm sorry.
37:59I'm sorry.
38:00I'm sorry.
38:01I'm sorry.
38:02I'm sorry.
38:03I'm sorry.
38:04I'm sorry.
38:05I'm sorry.
38:06I'm sorry.
38:07I'm sorry.
38:08I'm sorry.
38:09I'm sorry.
38:10I'm sorry.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:12I'm sorry.
38:13I'm sorry.
38:14I'm sorry.
38:15I'm sorry.
38:16I'm sorry.
38:17I'm sorry.
38:18I'm sorry.
38:19I'm sorry.
38:20I'm sorry.
38:21I'm sorry.
38:22I'm sorry.
38:23I'm sorry.
38:24I'm sorry.
38:25I'm sorry.
38:26I'm sorry.
38:56Morning, Mr. Shi.
38:57Morning, Mr. Shi.
38:58Morning, Mr. Shi.
38:59Morning, Mr. Shi.
39:05The next month,
39:06I plan to do a study
39:07on the lighting accounts of our industry.
39:09We will find their active needs
39:10and provide some services
39:11that are targeted.
39:14Yuan Lang,
39:15Ting Ting,
39:16and our Xiao Lin's apprentice,
39:18you three
39:19will be responsible for coordinating your leadership.
39:21No problem.
39:22Okay, no problem.
39:27You've been focusing on the lobby lately.
39:29Why don't you just let go of our development department?
39:31You're not the opposite of Mr. Zhao.
39:34What? You can't do it well?
39:35Of course I can do it well.
39:37But you should pay more attention to it.
39:40By the way,
39:41this afternoon,
39:42I'm meeting a client.
39:43Come with me.
39:44You're starting to flatter me.
39:48I'm managing it upwards.
39:52Xiao Tu,
39:54you just lost your job
39:56and you're already trying so hard?
39:58I used to think that Jing Jie Jue
39:59is nothing compared to you now.
40:02Don't say that.
40:03You're flattering me too much.
40:04I can't compare to Jing Jie.
40:07It's almost one o'clock.
40:08I have a meeting at one o'clock.
40:10I have to go now.
40:11I'm leaving.
40:13Help me out.
40:16Good luck.
40:17Mr. Liu,
40:18this is Mr. Ji from Ji'an Branch.
40:20Mr. Ji,
40:21I've heard a lot about you.
40:23I'm Xu Yiheng.
40:25This way, please.
40:32Mr. He, don't you forget
40:33what day it is today?
40:38Take care.
40:54Of course.
41:09Compared to last year's wedding,
41:11this year's anniversary
41:13is a bit short.
41:17As long as we're together,
41:19it's the best anniversary.
41:22But I still want to ask Mrs. Ji.
41:25Are you satisfied
41:26with this year's wedding life?
41:30Although it's ordinary,
41:31it's long-lasting.
41:36Mr. Ji,
41:37what do you think
41:38our future wedding life
41:39is going to be like?
41:43Of course, I hope
41:44every day in the future
41:45will be a happy one.
41:47I hope
41:49every day in the future
41:50will be like now.
41:54but long-lasting.
41:57I'm sure it will.
42:00I'm sure it will.
42:02I'm sure.
