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TAG : haibara show,haibara show dailymontion,drama,chinese drama,cdrama,drama china,drama short film,short film,mym short films,short films,uk short films,crime drama short film,short film drama,gang short film uk,short of the week,uk short film,london short film,gang short film,amani short film,shorts,drama short film gang,short movie,chinese drama,cdrama,chinese drama engsub
00:00:00She is a fragile broken beauty, haunted by a past she can't escape.
00:00:04Mia Beaumont is a pawn in the ruthless world of the Mafia, thrust into the domain of the
00:00:09most dangerous man she's ever known. Luca D'Angelo is the Mafia King,
00:00:15a savage predator who bows to no one. Hardened by a lifetime of betrayal, he trusts no one,
00:00:21feeling nothing but a relentless thirst for power and control. Until Mia crosses his path,
00:00:27awakening a dark, consuming desire he thought himself incapable of. Though haunted by a
00:00:33shattered past, she is irresistibly drawn to the man who holds her life in his powerful hands.
00:00:39When an old enemy emerges with a thirst for revenge, Mia and Luca are forced to navigate
00:00:44a treacherous maze of betrayal and bloodshed. With their very survival at stake, they must
00:00:50confront the darkness consuming them. Chapter 1. Mia's Pov.
00:00:57I glance at the clock, and it's already 1 a.m. I'm moving to New York tomorrow. And I'm too
00:01:04worried about everything. I end up thinking about my past, my broken life. My parents passed away
00:01:13in a car accident, and I still remember it too. This day. I was there, and I was the only one
00:01:20that survived. My shitty abusive ex cheated on me after being with me for 4 years. I must have
00:01:27drifted off to sleep because I woke up to a loud. Banging on my door. Emma, that bitch has the key
00:01:34to my apartment. But never uses it. I open the door to see Emma grinning with two coffees.
00:01:42In her hand. Took you long enough bitch, she said stomping into my.
00:01:47Living room. You could have used the key, I tell her. That would be no fun. Besides,
00:01:54you should be awake by now. I shrug my shoulders and sit beside her on the couch.
00:02:00I still can't believe you're leaving me, Emma said, looking at me with.
00:02:05Puppy eyes. Emma was my best friend since high school. She was there for.
00:02:11Me when my parents died, and when I cried for a month after I found out Jake was cheating on me.
00:02:16I had to leave. This place has too many bad memories for me.
00:02:21I'll miss you a lot, Emma, I said. But you'll come visit me, right?
00:02:27Duh, but if you don't call me every day, I'm dragging your sexy ass back here.
00:02:32After laughing and crying, I finally get dressed. I don't need a shower because I had one last
00:02:38night. I put on a comfy hoodie and leggings. Emma helped me put my bags in her car as I looked
00:02:45around my apartment one last time. This was my first apartment and I loved it here. I locked
00:02:51the door and got into the passenger seat while Emma started the car. The drive to the airport
00:02:56was silent and I was carried away with my own thoughts. What are you thinking so hard about?
00:03:03Emma asked. I'm just nervous, I replied with a weak smile. Everything will be fine, babe.
00:03:11You already have two interviews, and everyone knows you're the best assistant anyone could have.
00:03:17What if I don't like it there? Then you can come back anytime. You've always wanted to leave.
00:03:24Plus the change will be good for you, she said putting her hand over mine. While you're there
00:03:29you should find yourself a man, fall in love, have sex and all those stuff, she said smirking.
00:03:35I playfully slap her shoulder, laughing. You know I don't have time for them, Em.
00:03:41Oh come on Mia, we both know it's time for you to have some fun. Stop being so serious all the
00:03:47time. We soon arrived at the airport and said goodbye, shedding a few tears. Remember what I
00:03:54told you? Emma screamed at me before leaving. That bitch really drives me crazy. I was happy
00:04:01and very very anxious. The flight was boring and I slept through most of it. Once we landed,
00:04:08reality hit me and I started getting butterflies. Would I fit in? I had the worst of luck in bosses,
00:04:15both of my past bosses were assholes, ordering me around to do this and that and looking at me with
00:04:20perverted eyes. I pushed all the thoughts aside and tried to get a cab. New York was beautiful.
00:04:27I watched the people buzzing as they went home from work, some hand in hand with their lovers,
00:04:32others giggling and laughing with their friends. I loved the atmosphere. We soon arrived at the
00:04:38hotel I had booked and the receptionist gave me a small key. I opened the door to my room and it
00:04:44looked so comfy. There was a king-sized bed in the middle with a bedside table and lamp. The room
00:04:51was dimly lit but I could see the beige colored walls and small paintings on them. I quickly took
00:04:56a shower before climbing into bed. I had two interviews the next day and I was tired as hell.
00:05:04Lucas POV. Vito is giving trouble again. I haven't been able to sleep well for 4 days in
00:05:11a row now thanks to his crying and fussing at night. I really should hire a babysitter.
00:05:17Maria, my housemaid, has looked after him when I was out but I know she is busy and has many things
00:05:23to do. She is getting old too and looking after Vito means you need a lot of energy.
00:05:29He is quite a troublesome little boy but I love him nonetheless. Diego, I called my personal
00:05:36guard and assistant. Capo, find me a babysitter for Vito. The sooner the better. Yes boss.
00:05:47Chapter 2. Mia's POV. I woke up at 3am covered in sweat and my head hurt. It was another nightmare.
00:05:57Ever since the accident I had them almost every night and it never failed to scare me.
00:06:02I decided to get ready for the day. After putting on some light makeup, I walked out to where my
00:06:09outfit was laid on the bed. I went for a light pink blouse with a black skirt. After a cup of
00:06:15coffee, I was at my first interview. The receptionist greeted me with a warm smile and I
00:06:21was soon called into the room. The boss was probably around 40 with brown eyes and dirty blonde hair.
00:06:28He had a light stubble and he looked at me with no emotion on his face.
00:06:32So Miss Beaumont may I ask you which post you're applying for, he asked after some time.
00:06:38I'm applying for the personal assistant post sir, I replied with a small smile.
00:06:43Oh I'm sorry miss but you are a bit late. We just found someone. It was nice meeting you though.
00:06:51I understand. Thank you sir. I walked out of his office feeling like shit.
00:06:57Where was I gonna find another job? I came across a job opening and now I was waiting
00:07:03for my interview. I had decided that if I didn't get it, I probably would have to work as a waiter
00:07:10or something until I find a decent job. I walked into a large office and looked up at a man who
00:07:17looked like he was in his mid-30s. He didn't look so friendly but he seemed professional and better
00:07:22than my old bosses. Have a seat Miss Beaumont, he said. So how long have you worked as a personal
00:07:30assistant? About two and a half years sir. I was becoming nervous and he probably could have
00:07:37noticed it. You see Miss Beaumont, I am a very busy man and my business is not very small.
00:07:45Oh yeah so he's arrogant. Cool. So I need someone with at least four years of experience.
00:07:52I'm sorry Miss Beaumont. I understand sir, I said but I was punching him in my head.
00:07:58He didn't even look over my resume. What's with all the experience? I'm good at what I do
00:08:06and my work speaks for itself. So part-time job it is. Sighing, I leave his room and sit on one
00:08:13of the couches trying to think of what to do. The elevators opened and a young man walked in smiling
00:08:19at the receptionist. I watched her giggle. He must have something funny. At least y'all have
00:08:26jobs, I mutter under my breath. I overhear the man saying something about his boss asking him
00:08:32to hire a babysitter. A babysitter? Would that be better than working at some random restaurant?
00:08:39I mean I love kids and I used to help look after Emma's niece when she came to visit.
00:08:44Before I knew it I was walking towards them. Hey um I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard
00:08:52something about a babysitter. Oh yeah my boss is looking for a babysitter. Why? Are you interested?
00:09:00The man said slightly smiling. Yeah I think I want to apply for it. His eyes sparkled once he
00:09:06heard those words and quickly said I'll let the boss know. Please wait here. I have to make a
00:09:12phone call. He soon went to a corner murmuring into his phone before coming back to me. Boss says
00:09:19he would like to meet you tomorrow if that's okay. I nodded and gave him his number. I was in my bed
00:09:27wondering if it was the right thing to do. Maybe it won't be so bad after all.
00:09:34Chapter 3. Lucas POV. Diego just called me. I'm quite surprised he found a babysitter so
00:09:42fast. It's only been a day. Capo, Diego nodded at me. Run a background check on that babysitter girl.
00:09:51What's her name again? M.I.A sir. Vito is growing older each day and although he's still two months
00:09:59old he's still a lot to handle. I smiled at the little boy in his crib and kissed his forehead.
00:10:05I was sitting in my office when Diego came in handing me a file. Here you go Capo. Thank you.
00:10:14I opened the file and the first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful girl in the picture.
00:10:19She had light hazel eyes and they were the prettiest. I learned that her parents passed
00:10:24away and she doesn't have any siblings. After finding out she was clean I went back to my work.
00:10:31MIA's POV. Diego, the young man from yesterday came to pick me up. We passed a big gate after
00:10:38Diego nodded at the two guards there. I could feel my eyes widen as I stared at the big mansion.
00:10:45There were guards everywhere. I guess the man loved his security. We walked into a beautiful
00:10:50room with marble floors and white walls. There was a huge staircase that led upstairs. To say
00:10:57I was in awe would be an understatement. It was so pretty. He took me to what seemed like an office.
00:11:04Sitting behind the desk was a young man with brown hair slightly ruffled. He looked hot. He looked up
00:11:11and I met his blue-gray eyes. I think I got caught in the moment. I didn't see Diego gesturing me to
00:11:17go in. Luca's POV. She's here Diego said as she walked in. I must have zoned out for a moment
00:11:26because I didn't notice Diego talking. Boss? I'm sorry what were you saying? I was just asking if
00:11:34you need anything else. No you may leave. Once again I met her beautiful eyes. She had wavy
00:11:42brown hair that fell to her waist. She was built small and her body was perfect. The skirt she was
00:11:48wearing accentuated her curves. I found myself imagining how it would be like to touch every
00:11:55inch of that body. Get a grip Luca. Have a seat Miss Beaumont. She nodded and sat in front of me.
00:12:03So as you may know I am a businessman and a single father. I probably didn't need to say that but it
00:12:10slipped my tongue. My son is only two months old and I can't really spend a lot of time at home.
00:12:16May I ask where you are staying? At a hotel sir she replied. Her voice was like honey and I started
00:12:24imaging her screaming my name out loud. Oh Luca she's your babysitter. Stop drooling over her.
00:12:32I um have a request. I have to work till late at night and sometimes I am required at the office
00:12:38at unruly hours. I was wondering if you could stay here. I have many spare bedrooms and you can choose
00:12:45whichever one you want. Maybe that was a bit straightforward but it's true. I need someone to
00:12:51be close to Vito 24-7. Me as Pav. Wait did my boss-to-be just ask me to move in with him?
00:13:00Also he's a single father. Interesting. You don't have to decide right away but please let me know
00:13:07by Saturday at the latest. Thank you sir. I'll think about it. Please call me Luca he said holding
00:13:15out his hand. I returned the gesture and shook his hand. Diego took me back to the hotel.
00:13:22I'm running out of money and this seems to be my only option for now.
00:13:27If I can't find a job by Saturday I guess I'll be a babysitter. I mean my boss is really really
00:13:33hot just saying and my pay is great. I probably will make more than what my previous bosses paid
00:13:40me. I honestly don't get paid my worth. It is now 10 a.m. Tired I slip off my clothes and take a warm
00:13:48bath. After binge watching Netflix I finally fall asleep. I may or may not have dreamt about a
00:13:54certain blue-eyed man who was hot as fuck. Luca's POV. I lay in bed thinking about a certain
00:14:02hazel-eyed girl. She was even more beautiful in person. The pictures did her no justice.
00:14:09I hope she takes the job. I really need a babysitter and for some strange reason I
00:14:15really want it to be her. I have never been interested in any woman not even Vito's mother.
00:14:21Something about MIA was just different. I can't put my finger on it.
00:14:28Chapter 4. Luca's POV. It was Saturday and I found myself waiting for her to call.
00:14:36What the hell is wrong with me? I need to focus. I tried my best to finish my work quickly so I
00:14:43could meet Vito as soon as possible. I was on my way home when my phone rang.
00:14:49Hello Mr. D'Angelo. It's MIA. A small voice said through the phone and I smiled a little
00:14:55knowing it's her. Oh yes Miss Beaumont have you decided? Please call me MIA. I would like to take
00:15:03the job if it is still available. Of course. Diego will pick you up at 4 tomorrow if that's okay.
00:15:11Yes that will be fine. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow. I ended the call feeling somewhat happy
00:15:18and excited. I was finally going to see her again. MIA's POV. Today is the day I move into my new
00:15:27home. I hope I do well. I'm currently on the car after Diego picked me up. We pass the big gates
00:15:35and the huge mansion comes into view. Never have I imagined living in such a beautiful place.
00:15:42Luca is waiting for me at the door and Diego helps me with the bags.
00:15:47We climb up the stairs and there is a corridor with rooms on both sides.
00:15:51These are the guest bedrooms, the room at the end is mine and this is Vito's nursery.
00:15:56He's sleeping now but I'll introduce you when he wakes up. I'll give you some time to settle down
00:16:02before I show you around. You can choose any room you want. Maria my housemaid will help you.
00:16:09And with that Luca walks away. Thank you I managed to say. I chose the room closest to
00:16:16the nursery. I'm going to have to look after little Vito after all. I decide to take unpack
00:16:23a bit and take a shower. I wear a sweater with some leggings. I love comfy outfits. I don't even
00:16:31like to wear much makeup. I'm lying on my bed when I hear a knock on the door. Come in, I say getting
00:16:38up and sitting on the edge of my bed. Luca comes in looking handsome as ever. He's wearing black
00:16:45slacks with a white dress shirt. His hair is still a bit wet. He must have had a shower too.
00:16:52As if on cue we hear crying from the nursery. And that would be Vito, Luca says chuckling.
00:16:59God his voice is sexy. We go to the nursery and I am greeted by a little boy with blue eyes bawling
00:17:05his eyes out. Luca picks him up and tries to calm him down but Vito thrashes in his arms.
00:17:12Luca's POV. May I, her sweet voice asked. Sure here you go, I said handing Vito to her.
00:17:20I watched as Vito stopped crying in her arms and nuzzled into her chest.
00:17:24She giggled and cooed. You're a cute little boy. We managed to put Vito to sleep again.
00:17:30You're good with him. I think he likes you. She smiles. Her smile is the most beautiful smile I
00:17:38have ever seen. I showed her around the house and we get to the kitchen just in time for dinner.
00:17:44We sit and the other guys walk in. Matteo this is Vito's babysitter. MIA this is my brother Matteo.
00:17:54Hi MIA said with a small smile. So you're the one who's looking after the little devil.
00:18:00Good luck with that. Matteo says and I glare at him. He likes to call me the devil and my son
00:18:07the little devil. Well he's not wrong. I am cold-hearted when it comes to business but that's
00:18:13because I don't show much emotion. When you are in my line of work you'd understand. Feelings are
00:18:20seen as weaknesses and you have already met Diego. I say nodding to him. They smile at each other and
00:18:28we start eating. MIA's POV. We eat in comfortable silence and Matteo cracks a joke once in a while
00:18:36making us laugh. I guess he's the outgoing type. Luca seems like he keeps to himself though. He
00:18:43doesn't talk much during the meal. Once we're all done I help Maria tidy up the dishes. She said I
00:18:50didn't have to but I insisted. I fed Vito and he was a good little boy. Most children would make
00:18:57a fuss about their food but he was so obedient. I was about to walk into my room when Luca called
00:19:04out for me. I turned to him and raised my eyebrows gesturing him to continue. I have to leave. There
00:19:11are some problems at work. I hope you don't mind looking after Vito tonight. He should be asleep
00:19:18soon as it's his bedtime soon. I'm sorry to request this on your first day. Yeah sure. I was going to
00:19:25give him a bath anyways. I'll tuck him in. Thank you. I pick up a smiling Vito from his crib
00:19:34and look out the window. Luca is leaving with Matteo and Diego. He is ordering something to the
00:19:40other men before driving off. I bathe the little boy and sing a lullaby so he would sleep. Although
00:19:48Luca is very kind and friendly to me, I noticed that most of his workers and men respected him.
00:19:54Some even seem to be scared of him. He does radiate dominance and confidence but there's
00:20:00something more special and mysterious about him. I finally made it to my room and feeling a bit
00:20:06tired drift off to sleep. Chapter 5. Mia's Pov. It's been about two weeks as Vito's babysitter.
00:20:16He's behaved really well so far. He was now on my lap playing with my hair, something he likes to do
00:20:23when I carry him. Luca has been busy. I haven't seen him much. He would leave early after greeting
00:20:30Vito and come home late. He was home for dinner some days and we would usually get to know each
00:20:36other while watching Vito. I'm currently sitting on my bed after surfing Netflix for half an hour
00:20:43and finding nothing interesting to watch. I decide to FaceTime Emma. Bitch, I was just about to call
00:20:50you. Emma says, cheerful as always. Haha, sorry, I haven't called lately. How are you doing?
00:20:59Ah, the usual. My boss is no good. He's been making me work more these days. You should just
00:21:05quit that lousy job. You deserve better than that, Emma. How about you? How's Mr. Hot Guy?
00:21:14I had told Emma about my new job and of course had to tell her my boss was quite attractive.
00:21:20Okay, maybe not quite but very. She squealed in excitement when I told her and she probably gave
00:21:26me a long scolding when I said I would keep things professional. He's okay. I replied shrugging my
00:21:33shoulders. We talked for a while and Emma told me about a guy she met at the club.
00:21:39Emma was the more spontaneous friend. I never liked clubs and I haven't had any relationships
00:21:45since the cheating incident 2 years ago. I just never trusted anyone enough to let them it.
00:21:52Being betrayed by Damien after being together for 4 years hurt me so much. I remember the day
00:21:58I walked into his room to see him fucking a blonde haired slut. He claimed it was a mistake
00:22:04and he would never do it again. But of course, I found out he had been sleeping around with girls
00:22:10the whole time. I thought maybe he was the one. I've never had sex with anyone, not even Damien.
00:22:17He hit me a few times when he was drunk or angry but thank God he didn't harass me or something.
00:22:23He never did treat me right. I was just too blind to see. It took me so long to realize
00:22:29how pathetic I must have looked. I hate him so much but I hated the betrayal the most.
00:22:36I can't stand seeing people cheat on their partners and I'm still too afraid to love someone
00:22:40again. Lucas POV. I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to spend much time with my
00:22:48baby boy. I hope he hasn't been giving too much trouble to MIA. MIA this girl has creeped into
00:22:55my head since the day I met her. She's beautiful and I find myself falling for her each day.
00:23:01She has the prettiest smile and the most beautiful laugh. I can tell she has grown attached to Vito
00:23:07and so has he. We talked a couple of times about life in general and she has such a beautiful
00:23:13and caring heart. Diego let's go home. I need some sleep. I'm tired as fuck and I really need
00:23:21a good rest. It's late and everyone must be asleep. I walk through the quiet corridors
00:23:27and to my room. I'm about to turn the doorknob when I hear a scream and muffled cries from MIA's
00:23:32room. I rush in the room to find her crying in her sleep. She must have had a nightmare.
00:23:38She was shaking and covered in sweat. MIA wake up. It's just a nightmare. Wake up. MIA.
00:23:48She opened her eyes and looked at me. She was still shaking when I took her into my arms.
00:23:54I ran my hand up and down her back trying to calm her down. Shush. It's okay. You're okay now.
00:24:03We stayed like that for a while. She finally looked up at me with tear streaked cheeks.
00:24:09I'm sorry. Did I wake you up? She asked apologetically. No, no. I just got back.
00:24:17Are you okay? She nodded silently looking down. Hey. It's okay. Do you want to talk about it?
00:24:27I just have these nightmares since my parents died. I was in the accident with them but they
00:24:32managed to push me out before the car fell in the river. I can't get the scene out of my head
00:24:38since then. I'm so sorry. I say holding her shaking hands. She gave me a small smile.
00:24:45I notice her yawn so I tell her you should go back to sleep. Just as I was about to walk away
00:24:51she grabs my hand. Can you stay with me? I'm scared. I can see the fear in her eyes.
00:24:59I've never seen her like this. It breaks my heart. I nod and tell her. I'll just be a minute.
00:25:07I'm gonna change.
00:25:11I watched as Luca walked out and came back in a t-shirt and sweatpants. He climbed onto the
00:25:16other side of the bed and turned to me. Have they always been this bad? He asked.
00:25:23Sometimes, I said sighing. Having him near me gave me comfort. I didn't want him to leave me.
00:25:31Luca put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.
00:25:35I rested my head on his chest and soon fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.
00:25:40Luca's POV. I watched as the beautiful woman beside me fell asleep. She looked so peaceful
00:25:47unlike a few minutes ago. I'm falling for her and I'm falling really really hard.
00:25:53I want to keep her safe, protect her and I don't want her to know who I really am.
00:25:58I'm not really proud of being in the mafia and I will try my best to keep her away from it.
00:26:04She's so good with Vito. He was so fussy before but now he doesn't even cry much.
00:26:11Even if he does, MIA can calm him down in three minutes. It takes me more than ten minutes.
00:26:17That little fox. He loves playing with her hair and smiles whenever she picks him up.
00:26:23I slowly caress her face and it's so soft. She looks like an angel. Her lips slightly parted
00:26:31and her long eyelashes fanning her cheeks. I've never slept with anyone. I've only had
00:26:37sex with some whores and sent them away as soon as we were done. Sleeping beside MIA
00:26:42was something I could get used to. It didn't take long before sleep consumed me too.
00:26:47Chapter 6 I woke up to a heavy weight on my stomach.
00:26:54I looked around and Luca's hand was wrapped tightly around me.
00:26:58I almost forgot that Luca stayed the night. My cheeks had just begun to heat up when Luca spoke.
00:27:05Morning beautiful. I blushed even harder. I must be as red as a tomato at this point.
00:27:12How are you today? His raspy morning voice was hot and I felt the butterflies in my stomach.
00:27:19Better you? I managed to ask. Great, he replied beaming. I'm too embarrassed, so I get up and
00:27:27walk to the bathroom. After having a warm shower, I walked back into the room. Luca was no longer
00:27:34there. He must have gone to shower too. Just as I walked out the door to go down for breakfast,
00:27:41I bumped into a hard chest. I looked up to see Luca smirking. I feel my cheeks heat up
00:27:47and murmur a quick sorry before walking away. I came to get you, he said. I just nodded and
00:27:54he chuckled. Maria had made pancakes and we ate in comfortable silence. I was so embarrassed this
00:28:01morning, I didn't even notice Luca was dressed in an all-black suit, hair slicked back with gel.
00:28:06He looked amazing. Yep, I was definitely drooling. He caught me checking him out and smirked.
00:28:14I smiled sheepishly and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.
00:28:18I'll be home late today, Luca says coming towards me. I just nodded. I'm gonna go check on Vito.
00:28:26I opened the door to the nursery and sure enough the little boy was awake and reaching his arms
00:28:32towards me. I was feeding him when Luca walked in. He kissed Vito's forehead and said goodbye
00:28:38before turning to me. I'll see you later then. Okay. Have a nice day. I called out as he left
00:28:47the room. Chapter 7
00:28:52Three Weeks Later Mia's Pov. The past few weeks have been pretty eventful.
00:28:58I was becoming pretty close with the guys. Diego has been around and he's a pretty cool guy.
00:29:05He's dating the girl he had a conversation about the babysitter job with.
00:29:10I pity the girl working for that uptight boss. Mateo is the crackhead of the family.
00:29:16He's always making fun of us. I also met Luca's little sister. She's about the same age as Emma
00:29:23and yep they would be great friends if they met. They're so alike I sometimes think it's
00:29:28Emma in disguise. I miss her. Don't get me wrong, I love Bria but I miss my bestie.
00:29:35Bria took me shopping but remind me not to go with her again. She dragged me through lots of
00:29:40stores I had a splitting headache that day. I'm now sitting in the kitchen with Bria and Mateo.
00:29:47We're eating the cupcakes and talking about random stuff. It's late and Vito is already asleep.
00:29:54Mateo is talking about a random girl he met. Luca isn't home yet and I'm having a weird feeling like
00:30:00something might go wrong. The door burst open suddenly and Diego walked in limping while
00:30:06trying to drag Luca in. Luca was covered in blood. Luca's POV. The Russians play dirty.
00:30:15Antonov sent his men to shoot me at my office. Very clean move. The Russians are one of the
00:30:21biggest mafia groups in the world but obviously I'm the most powerful and I have more men and
00:30:27allies. Nobody likes the Russians and they're really messy when they do work. Anyways it was
00:30:33late and I was still at my office alone doing work. There was security around the perimeter
00:30:39and Diego was somewhere in the building. I don't know how but the Russians managed to break in
00:30:45and yeah there was a shootout. Diego was shot in the leg and well I was shot twice but non-life
00:30:51threatening. We managed to make it home in seven minutes. Diego opened the door revealing a very
00:30:58surprised Bria sitting with Mateo. I also spotted a very very shocked MIA who was frozen at her spot.
00:31:06Damn it. Now I'll have to explain what I do and how I got hurt. I don't want to scare her away.
00:31:13What if she runs away from me? What if she hates me? God no no. She can't leave me and Vito.
00:31:21I care too much to let her go. Shit. I muttered under my breath. I messed up big time. Her eyes
00:31:29went wide from realization and she rushed over to my side. Oh my god Luca. Are you okay? What happened?
00:31:38Are you hurt? How did this happen? Oh gosh. It's probably gonna hurt a lot.
00:31:45Shouldn't we call an ambulance? Bria get an ambulance. She screamed at Bria.
00:31:51Whoa whoa slow down. I'm fine. It's just a little wound. And no we don't need an ambulance. I have
00:31:59a friend who's a doctor and he lives right down the street. Don't worry I'll be fine. And that's
00:32:05a lot of questions. Give me time to breathe. I chuckled but winced at the pain in my side.
00:32:12MIA noticed this and started examining me getting her hands all covered in my blood.
00:32:18No you're not okay. Wait are these bullets? What the? Just then Antonio our doctor walked in and
00:32:26ordered some of my men to take us to the medical room. I'll explain later. I promise. I mouthed at
00:32:33MIA as I was dragged away. Chapter 8. Mia's Pov. What the hell is going on? How did Luca get shot?
00:32:45He was badly injured. I'm worried out of my mind right now but I'm also confused as fuck. I noticed
00:32:51that Bria and Matteo were calmer than I thought. As if it was nothing special. No no no that can't
00:32:57be. How can bullet wounds be normal to anyone? Can someone explain what the heck I just saw?
00:33:04I asked as they took Luca into the so-called medical room I didn't even knew existed.
00:33:11Um Mia are you okay? You don't look so good Bria asked completely ignoring something.
00:33:17Yeah definitely fishy. I'm fine. I'm just worried about Luca and Diego. I quickly added in case
00:33:25they get the wrong idea. Rome will be fine. Relax Matteo said with a twinkle in his eye.
00:33:33I just nod and sit at the stool by the kitchen counter. The doctor whose name was Antonio or
00:33:39something came out of the room and told us Luca would wake up soon. Bria pushed me towards the
00:33:44room as she and Matteo just walked up to their rooms. Yep they definitely knew something was
00:33:50going on between their brother and me. I slowly walked into the room as some men helped Diego out.
00:33:57I asked him if he was okay and he told me not to worry before going away. Luca lay on the bed with
00:34:04his eyes closed. He looked so calm. There was an IV line connected to his arm and his chest rose
00:34:11and fell gently. I sat down beside him taking his hand in mine and rubbing circles between his thumb
00:34:17and index finger. I was admiring his beautiful features up close when his eyes fluttered open.
00:34:24He looked straight at me with an expression I can't comprehend. Unable to hold his stare,
00:34:29I look away towards his waist and stomach where the wounds were. How are you feeling? I asked
00:34:37like I've been hit by a bus. He chuckled and smirked. Knowing he was hiding something,
00:34:43I didn't ask him more. I was very curious but I wanted him to tell me when he was ready.
00:34:50The doctor said that you need to have some bed rest for like two weeks.
00:34:54Two weeks? Luca asked groaning. Yeah, he said you can go back to your bedroom if you'd like.
00:35:01I'll help you. Sure. Luca led me to his bedroom and I opened the door. There was a huge glass
00:35:09window on one side with a view of the small forest behind the house. There was a stream in
00:35:14the distance and it was so pretty. He had a large king-sized bed in the middle with a luxurious
00:35:20couch on one side of the room. I saw two doors which looked like it led to the bathroom and
00:35:25closet. Wow, I said staring at the view. Luca just smiled as I helped him on the bed.
00:35:33You like the view? He asked. Yeah, it's beautiful. I could look at it all day. Me too.
00:35:43Chapter 9 Mia's Pov
00:35:47Luca soon fell asleep and I went to clean up and take a shower. It's been one hell of a night and
00:35:53I'm just glad Luca's okay. Vito woke up once but I managed to put him back to sleep. I slept on
00:35:59the couch in Luca's room making sure he got everything he needed. It is the next day and
00:36:05Luca is still asleep. I'm currently on my way to get him breakfast. He was already awake when I
00:36:12reached his room and we ate in comfortable silence. I was cleaning up the dishes and
00:36:18was going to clean the room when he stopped me. Luca's Pov. Mia, I called after her.
00:36:26Yeah? Do you need anything? She asked walking towards the bed. No, no. I just wanted to talk
00:36:34to you, I said patting the empty side of my bed motioning for her to sit. Sure. Once she had
00:36:41settled down beside me, I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. Thank you. For staying
00:36:48by my side and looking after me. You must be tired having to look after Vito too. It's nothing,
00:36:55she said shyly. No really. Thank you. I also know you have a lot of questions and I think it's time
00:37:02you know. I look at her to see her reaction and getting the permission to continue, I said.
00:37:09I live a life I'm not very proud of. Especially what I do. As you already know, I own a lot of
00:37:16businesses and um not all of them are, how would you say, legal. She was silent and just looking
00:37:23at me so I just blurt out. I'm in the mafia. She didn't say anything for a while. Mia,
00:37:33are you okay? Please say something, I said with pleading eyes. Um yeah yeah. I'm okay.
00:37:40I just that was a lot to take in. I. Hey hey it's okay. I get it. I tried to keep it from you
00:37:49because I wasn't proud of it. I just didn't want you to see this side of me. I didn't want to
00:37:55disappoint you. Ever since I met you, Mia. I wanted to be good for you. I'm falling for you,
00:38:03Mia. I've never felt this way before. I didn't want you to leave me. I was scared you would be
00:38:11afraid and run away. You matter so much to me. Luca, I'm not going to run. I just well I don't
00:38:19know. It's quite a shock for me. That's all. Yeah I get it. You can take your time. I can tell she
00:38:28was still very shocked as she slowly nodded. I'm just going to take the dishes away, she said
00:38:34softly and left the room. Gosh did I scare her. Is she disappointed in me? Will she still want to
00:38:42see me? Mia's paw. I'm in the mafia. Luca's words were repeating in my head. The seriousness of it
00:38:51just registered in my brain. Does he kill people? Oh my god. Does he actually? No he can't right?
00:39:00He's not that kind of person. He just confessed his feelings for me though. My heart swelled at
00:39:06the thought. Am I ready to be in a relationship with a mafia man? Part of me was scared but part
00:39:14of me was telling me to let him in. I saw the sincerity in Luca's eyes and I know he meant it
00:39:20when he told me he wasn't proud of it and all. I took the dishes to the sink and cleaned up a bit.
00:39:26I thought about what I wanted to do. I honestly have feelings for Luca and there's a certain pull
00:39:33towards him. I really want to give him a chance. I decide to go back to Luca's room. Hey you came
00:39:41back he said sounding cheerful. Why would I not? I asked smiling. He smiled back at me showing all
00:39:49his teeth. He then gestured for me to join him on the bed, so I did. How are you feeling? Better
00:39:57but it does hurt. We sat in silence until I asked, you don't kill people right? Well no, not innocent
00:40:04people. Unless they harm our family or business. We don't. Okay. As long as he doesn't go around
00:40:13killing people, I guess that's fine. I was so into my thoughts I didn't notice Luca had fallen
00:40:19asleep hugging me. I stayed for a while before going to check up on Vito and feed him. Luca was
00:40:26still asleep when I went back so I joined him. Chapter 10. Luca's POV. It's been more than two
00:40:35weeks since I was injured and I'm now fully recovered. MIA has been so helpful. She took
00:40:42good care of me and I swear she spent more time in my room than hers, not that I'm complaining.
00:40:47I love having her close to me. There was a break-in at one of our warehouses.
00:40:53It's probably Antonov, Diego says. We were having a meeting in my office and it seems
00:40:59like the Russians are causing trouble. We have their men. They're in the cells, Matteo said.
00:41:06Okay. You know what to do. Question them then send Nikolai a message.
00:41:12My men are the best when it comes to torture and questioning but we do it reasonably. We don't use
00:41:18violence unless necessary. I miss MIA and my little boy so that's where I'm going. Vito was
00:41:25in Mia's arms when I went in his nursery. My boy loves to play with her hair and I don't blame him.
00:41:32MIA has the most beautiful hair and it's super soft. Seeing them like this makes my heart swell.
00:41:39I could get used to this scene. I know they have that mother-son connection,
00:41:43probably because she has been like a mother to Vito. I know they love each other a lot and so
00:41:49do I. I'm falling in love with this woman and I will soon make her mine.
00:41:54Hey guys, I said as MIA cooed at the beaming boy.
00:41:58Oh hey. I didn't notice you come in. You're home early.
00:42:03Yeah. Can I take you out for dinner tonight? Sure.
00:42:09Okay. We're leaving at 7.30. Wear something nice. With that I left her to go get ready.
00:42:17I already asked Maria to look after Vito so that's not a problem.
00:42:22Mia's Pov. It's currently 6.30 so I have like an hour to get ready. I took a shower,
00:42:30shaved and did the necessities. I went with a soft glam makeup look with a little eyeshadow
00:42:35and blush. I curled my hair in long loose curls and called Bria over to help me pick an outfit.
00:42:42After rummaging through my closet for several minutes, we decided on a black dress with
00:42:46spaghetti straps and side slits showing off my legs. I put it on and chose some black heels to
00:42:52go with it. I turned and checked myself out in the mirror. The dress hugged my curves nicely
00:42:58and I felt confident. At exactly 7.30, Luca knocked on my door and walked into the room.
00:43:05He stopped in his tracks before coming to me.
00:43:08You look beautiful, Tesoro, he said before giving me a sweet kiss on my cheek.
00:43:14I could feel my cheeks heat up instantly as he took my hand leading me downstairs.
00:43:19He opened the door to his Audi R8 and I was in awe. Wow! The interior was so luxurious.
00:43:28Luca chuckled at my reaction and started the engine.
00:43:32Where are we going? I ask.
00:43:35It's a secret, he said taking my hand and resting it on his lap. I felt the butterflies again.
00:43:42We arrived at a very nice Italian restaurant with glass chandeliers glistening in the dim golden
00:43:47lights. Luca? How nice to see you, a middle-aged woman with dark brown hair rushed to us and hugged
00:43:54Luca. Hello Alina, how have you been? Good good. Who's this gorgeous lady? Oh this is Mia, Vito's
00:44:04babysitter. Hello dear, I'm Alina. I'm very close to Luca's mother since he was a little boy.
00:44:12Come on in. We've prepared a nice little table just for you. Thank you. Once we were settled,
00:44:19a waiter brought some wine and soon our food was served. Everyone here seems to know you.
00:44:25Is this yours? I ask Luca. Yeah, you like it? It's amazing. The food is delicious too.
00:44:34I've always dreamed of having a restaurant like this one day. We had some wine and talked a little
00:44:40about ourselves. Luca told me about being the capo, or don or whatever they call it,
00:44:46and I was slightly shocked. I still can't believe I'm in love with a mafia leader,
00:44:51not just any mafia leader, but the mafia king. So Luca, what are we I mean, what are we now,
00:44:58if this is a date? Is it? Luca took my hand and brought it to his lips making me blush again.
00:45:05Anything you want us to be Mia, Cara? I just stared at him not knowing what to say.
00:45:12I brought you here today to thank you for looking after me while I was hurt,
00:45:16but the main reason is this. He looked deep into my eyes before saying,
00:45:20Mia Beaumont, will you be my woman and stay by my side? I melted at his words and said,
00:45:27yes. He beamed and got up to kiss my forehead. You're amazing, you know that? Luca said to me.
00:45:36We enjoyed the rest of our dinner having more wine and laughing, just enjoying the night.
00:45:41Thank you for tonight. I enjoyed it, I tell Luca as we walk to our room.
00:45:47I was about to go in when he grasped my hand, pulling me closer to his chest. Stay with me
00:45:53tonight. Chapter 11. Mia's Pov.
00:45:59A week later. I woke up to the sun shining directly on my face. I forgot to close the
00:46:06curtains last night. Ew. I don't want to get out of bed. After tossing and turning,
00:46:13I eventually got up to take a shower and get ready for the day. I got dressed in Luca's hoodie that
00:46:19he left in my room the other day he slept here. I put on some biker shorts and put my hair up in
00:46:25a messy bun. Similar outfit above carrot. Vito is awake and waving his arms at me.
00:46:33He is over three months now, and he wants to be carried every time he sees me.
00:46:38We go to Luca's room and find him snoring lightly, his back towards the door.
00:46:43Your daddy's asleep. Let's go make breakfast, I whisper to Vito.
00:46:49Maria hasn't been able to come her lately since her husband has cancer and she has to look after
00:46:54him. I put Vito in his chair and gathered the ingredients to make some breakfast burritos.
00:47:01Luca's Pov. It's currently 8am and I just got out of the shower. I have a few meetings with
00:47:08my allies to catch up on our deals and discuss the Russians. I picked out a dark grey suit with
00:47:14a white shirt underneath. I was walking towards the kitchen when I hear singing. I stand at the
00:47:21doorway watching M.I.A sing while cooking and feeding Vito. He was dancing in his seat smiling
00:47:27away. Such a sight to see. I love this woman heart and soul. Morning Bella. M.I.A jumped from
00:47:35my voice and laughed. Good morning. You scared me. How long were you standing there? Not long.
00:47:44What are you making? Burritos. As if on cue, the boys enter.
00:47:50Um. I smell food, Matteo says as he hopped into the kitchen. The guys have always been late but
00:47:57they come early now because they don't want to miss Mia's cooking. M.I.A hands us our plates and
00:48:03we eat in appreciation. These are the best burritos I've ever had, Diego says and M.I.A
00:48:10chuckles as I shake my head smiling. Thank you baby, I tell M.I.A and give her a kiss on her
00:48:16forehead as she sits beside me. I feed a giggling Vito while Matteo makes funny faces at him.
00:48:23Bria is on vacation so it's just the four of us and the guards. The meetings finish early and I
00:48:30go home to my beautiful girlfriend. She is reading on the couch with a blanket draped over her.
00:48:36Vito is sleeping in his Moses basket and M.I.A pits a finger on her lips telling me to speak
00:48:42softly. You're home early. How was your day, she whispers. Great. How about you? It was good but
00:48:51I missed you. Me too. Let's go upstairs and watch a movie, shall we? She nods and I pick her up and
00:48:59put her over my shoulder. She squealed and I picked up Vito's basket and walked up the stairs.
00:49:05I put her on the bed and strip into just boxes. She stares at my torso and I smirk, enjoying the
00:49:12view. I ask making her cheeks turn red. You're adorable, I tell her. We settle down on the bed
00:49:21and turn on The Office, which is her favorite show. She snuggled closer into my chest and I
00:49:27kiss her head. We finish an episode and she turns to me. Luca? M-M-H-M-M? Can I ask you something?
00:49:37Sure, baby. What is it? Where is Vito's mother? It seemed to have been bothering her and she
00:49:45seemed to be afraid of the answer. I sighed before replying. Before I met you, I used to sleep around
00:49:52with women and well, one of them got pregnant. I asked her what she wanted to do and all, if we
00:49:58should get married but she refused it and said she doesn't want to keep the baby too. MIA looked sad
00:50:04when I said the word married so I quickly continued. So when Vito was born I brought him home
00:50:11and we haven't seen each other since. Last time I heard she was seeing someone and soon getting
00:50:16engaged. I felt guilty telling MIA about sleeping with many women. None of them meant anything to me,
00:50:24MIA. You're the first one to make me feel this way. They were all one night stands. You don't
00:50:30have to worry about anything. She nodded and looked into my eyes. I can't help but admire
00:50:37her beauty as my eyes move to her lips. I lean in closer and soon our lips were locked together.
00:50:44I brought my hand to her waist bringing her closer if possible as she out her arms around my neck
00:50:49bringing my head closer. Our lips moved in sync full of passion and desire. I licked her lower
00:50:56lip asking for permission which she granted. My tongue invaded her mouth exploring as we
00:51:01fighted for dominance. We pulled away after a few seconds totally out of breath. MIA started giggling
00:51:09and I smiled at her before giving her a quick peck on the lips.
00:51:12We spent the rest of the evening together. MIA asked me if her best friend could come visit
00:51:18and of course I said yes. Chapter 12. Mia's Pov. Bitch, I missed you. Emma said dropping her bags
00:51:29and lunging at me. She is a total ball of energy. Ha ha ha take it slow. I missed you too.
00:51:38We were at the airport to pick Emma up. I told Luca he didn't have to come along but he said
00:51:44he wanted to. Ooh is this your Mr. Hottie? Emma asked stressing the ear and gawking at Luca.
00:51:52He just looked at me and shook his head smiling. Okay so Luca, Emma and Emma, Luca. I introduced
00:51:59them and they shook hands. Nice to meet you, Luca says. Likewise, Emma says with a wink.
00:52:07I can see why Mia likes you and you're one lucky man to get my best friend. Treat her right or
00:52:13I'll slit your throat, she says threatening Luca and showing him a cutting motion on her neck.
00:52:18Yes ma'am. I'll keep that in mind, Luca joked. We returned to the house and got her settled in.
00:52:26It was time dinner and I was in Emma's room while she picked a thousand outfits.
00:52:31Luca had promised to take us out and I had already changed and done my makeup.
00:52:36I was wearing a chain embellished teal colored mini dress. After what felt like forever Emma
00:52:42found a dress and put it on twirling and asking me if I approve. It was a black off-shoulder
00:52:48mini bodycon dress and she looked nice. It was totally her style. Yes bitch you look good.
00:52:55Can we go now? I whine while curling my hair. I put my hair in a half up half down style while
00:53:02Emma did a slick bun with some loose strands framing her face. We went to my room so I could
00:53:07take my purse and just then Bria stormed in shouting, Mia Beaumont! How dare you not tell
00:53:13me your best friend is here? Eeee it's so nice to finally meet you, she said gushing over Emma and
00:53:20hugging her. Emma looked at me confused and I shrugged my shoulders asking her. You're not even
00:53:26greet me when you just got back? So um, this is Luca's sister Bria. And this is my best friend
00:53:33Emma. I said pointing at each of them. We're so gonna have fun. Come on. The boys are waiting.
00:53:42Bria said pulling us both out the door. Oh god, how am I gonna handle both of them? They're so
00:53:49energetic. We walked down the stairs and Luca was standing waiting there with Matteo.
00:53:55They were both wearing a shirt and some slacks. Vito was in Luca's arms and the Moses basket at
00:54:00their side. Why didn't you tell me that your boyfriend has a hot brother? Emma whispered as
00:54:07we go down. Luca introduces them and takes my hand as I take the basket. Looking as stunning as ever
00:54:14Stellina, Luca said pulling me in for a sweet short kiss. Star. We drove to another of Luca's
00:54:22restaurants and walked into a VIP section. It was a large restaurant on the rooftop of a hotel
00:54:28with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city. Our table had the best view and I admired
00:54:34the cars as they buzzed through the busy city. Luca put his hand on my thigh making me feel all
00:54:40tingly inside. We all ate happily laughing and just having fun. Emma and Matteo seemed to get
00:54:47along pretty well. She blushed when Matteo complimented her and let me tell you. My best
00:54:53friend does not blush. She likes to have fun but no man has ever made her blush. This is a first
00:55:00for Emma. Vito wiggled in his chair asking me to carry him so I picked him up and put him on my
00:55:06lap. We need to hit the club. Bria said enthusiastically. You guys go it's past Vito's
00:55:14bedtime. I need to take him home. Luca said to us. I'll go with you I told him. You're no fun
00:55:22Emma said pouting. Hey you know I don't really do clubs and I'm feeling tired tonight. I say
00:55:30shrugging. The three of them left for the club in Matteo's car and I went home with Luca. Vito was
00:55:37fast asleep in my arms and Luca started talking. My family is coming over this weekend. There's
00:55:44this annual mafia gala thing coming soon. Each year the mafias takes turns hosting it and it's
00:55:50our turn this year. I was meaning to ask you if you'd go with me? To the gala? I would love to,
00:55:58I tell him. His family is coming. Will they like me? How will they react? I started thinking as
00:56:06we passed the big gates. I tucked Vito in bed and decided to sleep in Luca's room tonight.
00:56:13I shower and put on a lace trim cami pajama set and got into his bed. Luca came out of the bathroom
00:56:19in only boxers and sat beside me. We turned on the tv and stayed like that for a while. Luca's POV.
00:56:28MIA is really tempting me with that outfit. It shows off her sexy legs and I can't help but
00:56:34glimpse at her cleavage. I really want to fuck her till she can't walk but I'm controlling
00:56:39myself. I want the first time to be really special. MIA breaks my thought as she says,
00:56:46Luca, we have a problem. What is it baby? I don't have anything to wear to the gala,
00:56:54what am I going to do? I laugh and say, I have a small surprise for you. I take the white box
00:57:00out from beneath the bed and put it on her lap. She looked at me with questioning eyes and I tell
00:57:06her to open it. She untied the blue ribbon and gasped. What is this? I had bought her a beautiful
00:57:14black backless dress with thin straps. I know it would complement her body perfectly. I had to ask
00:57:20my friend Jacqueline to find me some dresses from her boutique so I could choose from them.
00:57:26When I saw this black one, I knew I had to take it. MIA's favourite colour is black. She looked
00:57:32at it in awe pulling it against her chest. Oh Luca it's gorgeous. I love it. She sat up and
00:57:40kissed me on the cheek. I bend down and whisper can't wait to see you in it. She smiles at me
00:57:46and folds it back neatly in the box. Thank you. Chapter 13. Luca's POV. It is now Thursday and
00:57:58I'm in Vito's room. Vito is already changed and fed but MIA is nowhere to be seen. I went to the
00:58:05kitchen but she wasn't there either. She must have went back to bed. Weird. I have to do some work in
00:58:12my office so I took my breakfast there. A few hours has passed and there is not a sight of MIA.
00:58:19Something's up. It's not like her to stay in her room all day. I wonder if she's sick. I decide to
00:58:26go to Mia's room and pass Emma on the way. Hey Emma.um have you seen MIA? She's been in her room
00:58:34all day. It's gonna be lunchtime soon. Oh yeah. I was out with Matteo. I didn't know. That's weird.
00:58:44She never stays in her room for that long. I was about to go check when Emma called out Luca.
00:58:51What's the date today? The 27th. Why? Oh it's that day. What day? Um the day MIA's parents
00:59:01passed away. That's why she's like that. She probably won't come down for lunch too. It happens
00:59:08every year. She'll be fine. Emma patted my shoulder and gave me a small smile before going to Matteo's
00:59:15room. Yep she probably spent more time with him than MIA over the past three days. I decide to
00:59:22give MIA some time and join the others for lunch. Once I was done I put her lunch on a tray and
00:59:28walked to her room. I knocked on her room and there was no answer. MIA it's me. I'm coming in
00:59:36okay. I opened the door and MIA was sitting on the bed facing the window. I put her food down on the
00:59:44bedside table and go to sit beside her. Hey she said with a small smile. Hey how are you doing?
00:59:53I asked while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I'm okay. She said twirling a tiny trinket
00:59:59in her fingers. Emma told me. I'm so sorry about your parents I say. It's fine. I found this in
01:00:08my parents room after they died. It has my name on it. She said showing me. I never found the courage
01:00:16to open it but I think I should now. It's okay baby. I'm here for you. Okay. She just nodded and
01:00:25opened the trinket. Inside was a folded letter and something else underneath. It was a small
01:00:31necklace with a pendant in the shape of a heart. I held her hand as she opened the letter. Hey um
01:00:39do you want me to leave? I asked her not wanting to intrude her privacy. No no please stay. So I did.
01:00:49She read the letter and started sobbing. Her hands were shaking and I pulled her into a hug comforting
01:00:55her. She calmed down eventually and said I'm I'm. Hey it's okay. Take deep breaths. I said kissing
01:01:03her forehead and rubbing her back. It says that I'm adopted. She gives me the letter to read.
01:01:10I look at her confused and rest her head on my shoulder as I look at the contents of the letter.
01:01:16Dearest MIA. If you find this letter then it is probably time time for what you might ask.
01:01:22Well it's time you know the truth. This may come as a shock. 22 years ago we found a baby all
01:01:30bundled up in a blanket sleeping on our doorstep in Italy. We looked around for signs of the
01:01:35parents but they were nowhere to be found. The only thing we could find was this necklace with
01:01:40your name on it. So that's how we knew your name. Your birthday is engraved inside the heart pendant
01:01:47so we knew you were only two years old. We took you in and loved you like our own. We moved to
01:01:53the states a year later. We will always love you MIA and you will always be our baby girl.
01:02:00As much as we want to hide this truth you will eventually need to know. Once you're an adult
01:02:06I'm sure you'll want to find your real parents. I hope you don't resent them if you do find out who
01:02:11they are. There must be a reason as to why they left you on our doorstep. Judging by the disheveled
01:02:18blanket and clothes it doesn't seem like you were abandoned. I hope you find your answers.
01:02:23We will always love you princess. Love. Mom and Dad. By the time I had finished MIA was calm
01:02:32and had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I laid her on the bed and got in beside her. Her eyelashes
01:02:38fanned her face as her lips were slightly parted. My woman has gone through so much yet she's so
01:02:44strong. I kiss her forehead before pulling her close to me. MIA's Pov. I woke up to see Luca's
01:02:51chest in front of me. I snuggled closer to him as I thought about what had happened. I was adopted.
01:02:59Adopted. Mom and Dad weren't my real parents. That's crazy. What am I supposed to do now?
01:03:07I don't know if I want to find my real parents. Did they not want me? Why did they leave me?
01:03:14I wanted to know. I wanted answers. But how will I find them when I know nothing about them?
01:03:21They are probably in Italy but I don't even know their names.
01:03:26My thoughts were broken when Luca lifted my chin to look at me. Are you okay baby? Yeah,
01:03:32I just don't know what to think. I don't know if I want to find them but I want to know why they
01:03:38left me. I have many connections in Italy. I'll help you find them. Let's take this one step at
01:03:45a time, okay? Don't worry too much. Thank you, Luca. I brought you some food but it must be
01:03:52cold now. I'll heat it up for you, okay? Chapter 14. MIA's Pov.
01:04:01Luca's parents are arriving this evening and I'm slightly nervous.
01:04:06I'm preparing dinner for the family tonight. Luca said he'd make the maids sew it but I wanted to do
01:04:12something special for them. Cooking has always been a hobby and it helps me forget things like
01:04:17the fact that I'm adopted. They're here, Luca says as we stand on the porch watching the car
01:04:23drive towards us from the big metal gates. Mio, Figlio, I missed you. A woman with flowing brown
01:04:30hair stepped out of the car and hugged Luca. She turns to me, hello. I'm Luca's mother Elena
01:04:37D'Angelo but you can call me Elena. I smile and say, Mia Beaumont. Nice to meet you. She suddenly
01:04:45hugs me surprising me and says in my ear, I've heard so much about you. You have? I ask confused.
01:04:54I didn't think Luca would talk about me. Yes, you're more beautiful in person. My son is lucky
01:05:02to have a woman like you. She then turns to Vito and gushes, Mio Nepote, look how much you've grown.
01:05:09Don't you miss your Nona? She bends down and kisses his forehead while he smiles and makes
01:05:14weird sounds. A man in his 40s steps up beside Elena and no one can deny the resemblance he has
01:05:21with his son Luca. Mia, so nice to finally meet you. It is my pleasure, Mr. D'Angelo. Oh please
01:05:31call me Roberto. Another couple walks over to us and Luca introduces us. Mia Cara. This is my
01:05:40father's best friend and underboss, Antonio and his wife Violetta. They smile at me and Luca
01:05:46gestures towards me saying, and this is Mia, Vito's babysitter who has also become my amazing
01:05:52girlfriend, he said pulling me closer to him. Violetta embraces me into a hug, and I can't
01:05:58help but feel comfortable and a bit sad. I have this weird feeling in my chest. It's like deja
01:06:05vu. They look extremely familiar, but we have never met before. They all settle in, and Luca
01:06:12helps me set the table. Matteo and Bria are first to take their seats, and the others soon follow.
01:06:18We all enjoy the food, and everyone tells me I'm a good cook and would make quite the chef
01:06:24if I ever opened a restaurant. Elena and Violetta helps me with the dishes afterwards.
01:06:31It's nice you know, Elena begins. I look at her slightly confused and she continued,
01:06:36Luca I mean. He's never been this happy. He was always closed off and never really opened up.
01:06:44I guess he really really likes you. I blush and she laughs. You know Mia, you remind me of my
01:06:51daughter, Violetta says slowly. You have the same name, and she would have been your age if she were
01:06:56here now. What happened? I asked gently not wanting to hurt her. We lost her when she was two.
01:07:04Our house was attacked while me and my husband were away for a while.
01:07:09Our housemaid took her and tried to run. She was killed but Mia was nowhere to be found.
01:07:14A tear slipped and she smiled sadly. Oh. I'm so sorry. She might still be alive. I say hopefully.
01:07:24I hope so. We're looking for her every day. My son Lorenzo loved her so much.
01:07:31You have a son? I asked surprised because he didn't come with them.
01:07:36Yeah. Lorenzo is Luca's best friend and underboss. He's handling some business in Italy but will be
01:07:43here soon. We finish cleaning up and Luca is already waiting in my room. I tucked Vito in.
01:07:51I hope you don't mind me staying here tonight. He says raising his eyebrows. No no not at all.
01:07:59I love staying with you. We watch a movie and soon fall asleep. Two days later. Luca's POV.
01:08:08Luca my man. Lorenzo says giving me a fist bump. He had just completed a mission I gave him in
01:08:15Italy. Nice to have you back. I say. So where's the babysitter? I want to meet the woman who
01:08:24made the fuckboy fall for her. He winked at me as I sent a glare. Just in time MIA walks in with
01:08:31Vito. Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a guest. I'll come back later. She says turning back to
01:08:39leave. Wait come here. She stands beside me as I put an arm around her waist pulling her closer.
01:08:47This is Lorenzo my best friend and Antonio's son. Oh nice to meet you. Violetta told me you
01:08:54were handling business in Italy. She says. I finally get to meet the woman who made my boy
01:09:01fall. Good luck with him though. He's a handful. Lorenzo says winking again. I send him another
01:09:09glare and MIA blushes and giggles. The next day. Mia's POV. Matteo, Emma and Bria being overly
01:09:19enthusiastic as always managed to persuade us to go to the club with them. So here I am in my room
01:09:25with the girls trying to find something to wear. The two devils have managed to tear my classroom
01:09:30apart trying to find the perfect dress. They pulled out a sparkly rose gold wrap dress.
01:09:37This isn't something I usually wear but they literally forced me to wear it.
01:09:42I decided to let my hair down with big curls and put on some gold hoop earrings. I tried to find
01:09:48a matching necklace but just settled on the necklace my parents left me. So the necklace
01:09:53is not exact but looks something like this carrot. It matched the dress completing the look. Bria
01:10:00settled on a backless long-sleeved black dress with sequins while Emma chose a red dress with
01:10:04thin straps. I don't know if she and Matteo are dating cause she hasn't told me yet but they've
01:10:10been hanging out a lot since she got here. I'm happy for Emma. She finally listened to me and
01:10:17quit her job so she's got a lot of time which means she's staying here till she finds another
01:10:21job. We get ready and meet the boys downstairs. They're all dressed in black suits looking neat.
01:10:28Luca looks me up and down and I feel my cheeks heat up. Matteo grins at Emma and Lorenzo holds
01:10:35out his hand for Bria. He has a little crush on Bria according to Luca but he never told her.
01:10:42We go to one of Luca's clubs and sat in the VIP section as always. We have a few drinks and Luca
01:10:48asks me to dance. After a few dances and more drinks we all sit talking. You look stunning
01:10:55tonight, Luca whispers in my ear making me shiver. We're all a bit drunk and the driver
01:11:00takes us home since Diego went on a date with the girl from the office. Once we reach our floor,
01:11:07Luca picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me roughly and I feel the
01:11:12passion and lust. He opens the bedroom door and pushes me against the wall. I feel his hand move
01:11:19up my thigh and near my core. This scene contains explicit content and has been censored to comply
01:11:25with YouTube's policies. The uncensored version is available on Google Books or as an e-book or
01:11:32paperback versions available in most retailers. He gives me a soft kiss on my lips as I tremble
01:11:38through my O and collapse in his arms. He brings his fingers to his lips and licks it. You're so
01:11:45sweet. He says and lays beside me, bringing my back to his chest. As much as I want to fuck you
01:11:51right now, I'll save it for another time, he said kissing my head. I can feel his hardness against
01:11:58my back. Flustered, I go into the bathroom to shower not wanting to see him. What the hell
01:12:04just happened? Luca's POV. She's adorable. She probably had the best orgasm ever and now she's
01:12:12all shy. I can't deny how beautiful MIA is. Every inch of her is perfect. You can wear my clothes.
01:12:21I shout after her. I showered after her and she looked so cute in my t-shirt and boxes.
01:12:28It was a good night. Chapter 15. Luca's POV. It's a day before the gala and everything is ready.
01:12:38The decorations and catering have all been sorted out. I've ordered extra security in case the
01:12:44Russians pull something. I don't want to mess up. The gala is for unity and peace. It's when the
01:12:52mafias come together to enjoy themselves, make announcements and form alliances. It's a rule
01:12:58not to use violence or cause trouble, but with the Russians you never know. It's early afternoon
01:13:04and Lorenzo just told all of us to gather in the living room. We're all very very confused as to
01:13:10what he wants to tell all of us. I pick Vito up with one hand and take Mia's hand in the other.
01:13:17I wonder what he's going to say, MIA says. We sit on the couch and the rest of the family comes in.
01:13:24Lorenzo stands and grins happily. All his teeth are showing and we can't help wonder what made
01:13:30our Lorenzo so happy. So, I have a surprise for you all, but don't be too surprised. But mainly
01:13:38this is for mom and dad. He begins. MIA can I see your necklace? The one with the heart pendant?
01:13:47All of us are confused, especially MIA. She removes the necklace from her neck and hands
01:13:52it to him. So here is a picture of my sister when she was born. Mom and dad gave her a necklace with
01:13:59her name and birthday on it. And here is Mia's necklace. All of us stare at the two objects and
01:14:06wait, no, is it? Is she? When is your birth date? Lorenzo asks MIA again. September 28th 1996,
01:14:16MIA and Violetta say in unison. Realization hits them and everyone is shocked to the core.
01:14:23You're our daughter, Antonio says softly. Tears started to well up in their eyes.
01:14:29MIA was still in shock, showing no reaction. I gave her hand a light squeeze and she turned to me.
01:14:36You found your parents baby. I say giving her an assuring smile and kissing her cheek.
01:14:42She turned back to Lorenzo. How did you? He cut her off saying, when I first saw you,
01:14:48you looked so familiar and I saw your necklace the day we went clubbing.
01:14:52I started putting two and two together, did some digging and found out that you're my sister.
01:14:58Wait so my girlfriend is your sister? I ask in disbelief and everyone laughs.
01:15:04Violetta hugs MIA and says, I'm so glad we found you, MIA Cara Figlia. My dear daughter.
01:15:12We're so sorry, MIA. We should have found you sooner. We're sorry we took so long.
01:15:19Antonio says tears in his eyes. MIA softly says, it's not your fault. The rest of us
01:15:26watched the happy family reunion and smiled. Dude. You re gonna be my brother in law.
01:15:33Damn, Lorenzo says nudging my shoulder. Ahaha yeah right. I say. Don't you dare hurt my sister.
01:15:42I'll kill you. Really man? You're really gonna kill your lifelong best friend? I ask jokingly.
01:15:50He laughs and shrugs his shoulders in response. Well now that we got my little sis back,
01:15:56I'm gonna have to be the overprotective brother. He says and everyone laughs. My family goes back
01:16:03to their rooms and lets them catch up. We have a nice lunch and I spend time with my woman and
01:16:08my little boy all day. MIA's POV. I can't even imagine. What just happened? Violetta and Antonio
01:16:18are actually my real parents and Lorenzo is my brother. Does that make me a mafia family member?
01:16:26Oh wow this shit is complicated. I'm in my room thinking about what just happened.
01:16:32Just then Lorenzo knocks on my door. Come in I say. Hey. How are you doing? Good. What's up?
01:16:42I ask him. Nothing, just wanted to see my baby sis. He said smiling. I can't believe my sister
01:16:50is here in front of me. And she's dating my best friend. I laugh and he does the same. It's nice
01:16:57to know I have a brother. I've always wanted a sibling. Welk now you have a brother but I'm
01:17:04gonna be hella overprotective. I'll kill Luca if he hurts you. Trust me. We sit just joking around
01:17:12and laughing for a while. After a while Lorenzo turns serious and breaks the silence. Listen,
01:17:19Ayaluka told me about your parents. I'm really sorry. It's okay. I'm just thankful you grew up
01:17:27with such wonderful parents. I'm really sorry we lost you Mia. I hope you don't blame mom and dad.
01:17:35No no. I understand it's not their fault. I'm really relieved to know I wasn't abandoned or
01:17:41something. We'll make sure nothing happens to you again. I'm definitely sure Luca will protect you
01:17:48too. He likes you a lot. Lorenzo looks hesitant but pulls me into a warm hug anyways. It's finally
01:17:56nice to know I found my real family and they're actually really great people.
01:18:03Chapter 16. Mia's Pav. The gala is tonight and the girls are getting ready in my room.
01:18:11I do my makeup, a simple look with a little smoky eye and soft glam. I put on the dress
01:18:17Luca prepared for me. It's beautiful. It fits me perfectly showing off my curves and back.
01:18:24I pair it with some black ankle strap heels. Luca chose a necklace set for me the day before.
01:18:30It was a beautiful rose gold necklace with crystal drop diamonds and matching earrings.
01:18:36Bria is wearing a light pink silk dress with slits at the side. Emma's dress is a pretty
01:18:41olive green slip dress with a thigh slit. We're all looking pretty and walk down to meet the men.
01:18:48Luca is dressed in a white shirt and black tux. Mateo is wearing a dark blue tux and Lorenzo is
01:18:54in a dark gray suit. Luca pulls me into a hug and slowly trails his fingers down my bare back
01:19:00making me shiver. You have the most beautiful back darling. You look extremely ravishing tonight,
01:19:07he says whispering in my ear before kissing my neck right below my ear.
01:19:12I give him a smile as we get on Luca's car. Diego is driving tonight and it's nice to know
01:19:18he's keeping us safe. When we get there, Luca holds out his hand for me as he helps me out
01:19:23of the car. We enter the ballroom full of people dressed in expensive attire and sipping their
01:19:29drinks. Luca greets some people and introduces me to his acquaintances. Many women eye me as
01:19:36we walk around together, his arm around me resting on my back. I know they envy me and Luca doesn't
01:19:43even notice them staring. Ignoring the daggers they're shooting with their eyes, I sit with
01:19:49Luca admiring the white and gold decorations. It's beautiful. He did a pretty good job.
01:19:56We have a luxurious dinner and soft music is playing. Will you dance with me Amore? Of course
01:20:03I will my handsome king. I say in reply, putting my hand in his. We glide gracefully across the
01:20:10ballroom savoring this moment. Everyone is watching, but we don't care. It's just us in
01:20:17this moment. His hands around me, mine around his neck, everything is perfect. He stared into my
01:20:23eyes with love and longing, exploring me. It's like he saw everything I was, not just what I'm
01:20:29showing, but who I am. I love this man heart and soul. Everyone is dancing with us, but I didn't
01:20:36even notice. The song ends and he pulls me close to him, kissing me, pouring all his feelings into the
01:20:42kiss. I pull him forward, deepening the kiss. We pull away before it gets more heated. He smiles
01:20:49and hugs me before pulling me back to our table. Luca's POV. We're all a bit tired and slightly
01:20:56drunk. I'm still pretty sober though. MIA didn't drink much either. It was mainly the rest of us
01:21:04who drank a little too much. We walk towards the balcony and someone stops me to talk, so MIA goes
01:21:11ahead. I follow her out soon and I'm amazed by what I see. How can someone be so gorgeous? She's
01:21:18leaning against the balcony railings, the evening air blowing against her face. She notices me and
01:21:24smiles before turning back to stare at the stars. She looks so calm, so peaceful. It's beautiful,
01:21:31isn't it? She asks me. Yes, it is. But I'm not talking about the stars. I'm talking about the
01:21:39angel in front of me. My queen. She notices me staring and pulls me in for a deep kiss.
01:21:47I love you, mio amor. I whisper resting my forehead on hers.
01:21:51Mi sono innamorata dai ti, Luca. She says softly. I'm in love with you. I've fallen in love with you.
01:22:00Let's go home, amor. I say and take her hand in mine, taking one last look at the starry night sky.
01:22:07We're in the car and I pull MIA onto my lap so she's straddling me, lifting her dress a little,
01:22:12revealing a bit more of her sexy legs. I put the privacy up and lean in for a kiss.
01:22:19It was like fire consuming me deeper into the flame. I bit her lip slightly, asking for entrance,
01:22:25which she immediately granted. Her hands traveled down my chest and under my shirt, rubbing circles
01:22:31on my bare skin. I skimmed her bare back as I kissed her neck and sucked her soft spot,
01:22:36resulting in a small moan. Her hands were now gliding down my pants to my growing bulge,
01:22:41making me groan in pleasure. I pull her hips closer so that she's grinding me.
01:22:46I can feel her core heat up and I smirk at the thought. Moving my hands from her neck to the
01:22:51center of her cleavage, I make sure to make her shiver under my touch. This scene contains
01:22:57explicit content and has been censored to comply with YouTube's policies. The uncensored version
01:23:04is available on Google Books or as an e-book or paperback versions, available in most retailers.
01:23:11I feel her shake, moaning as she reaches her climax. She rests her head on my shoulder just
01:23:16as we pass the gates to our mansion. We're home, baby, I say. Once we arrive, I carry her bridal
01:23:23style, silently dismissing Diego and telling him to go home. The rest of the family is still at the
01:23:29gala, so it's just us for now. I put her down, gently kissing her. Turning her around, I pull
01:23:37her zipper down, revealing her beautiful body. I lift her up, pushing her against the wall,
01:23:43as I kiss her a bit more roughly than before. I kiss her soft skin, leaving marks. She unbuttons
01:23:49my shirt and pushes it down my arms. I unclasp her bra and lay her down on the bed. Her boobs
01:23:56are wonderful. I leave a trail of kisses and love bites as I move down her belly towards her
01:24:02throbbing core. I slide her panties down and her pussy is glistening in the dim light. She tries
01:24:08to cover herself with her hands, but I take them gently and pin them above her head. You don't have
01:24:14to cover up in front of me, baby. You have the most beautiful body. She gives me a small smile
01:24:21and I gently lick her clit, making her moan and arch her back. I give it a kiss and start lapping
01:24:26up her juices. I look up at her and her eyes are shut as she moans in pleasure. I get up and remove
01:24:33my belt and pants, along with my boxes. My manhood is free and her eyes go slightly wide at my nice,
01:24:40but she quickly regains her composure. I kiss her again. I've never, I'm a virgin. She says shyly.
01:24:49I know, baby. Are you sure you want to do this? I say against her lips. She nods slowly and looks
01:24:56at me with love and lust. That's all I need. Are you on birth control? I want to feel you.
01:25:04Yeah. I'm on the pill, she answers me. I line myself at her entrance, slowly easing myself
01:25:11into her. She flinches for a bit and I stop to see if she's okay. You okay, baby? I ask.
01:25:20Yeah. She nods. I continue sliding into her, before moving. She moans as my thrusts get rougher.
01:25:28She lifts her hips to meet my every thrust and we are a complete mess of moans and groans.
01:25:33Soon she starts to shake and I feel my decay twitch. With a few more thrusts we both come.
01:25:39I groan as she screams riding through her chasm. Luca. Fuck MIA. Once we're done,
01:25:47we lay side by side staring at the ceiling. Wow, she says. Wow, is all I can say to.
01:25:54I pull her into my side, putting my arm under her head. She looks up and pecks my lips.
01:26:01I kiss her forehead and say, I love you, mi amor. I love you too, she says. We fall into a deep sleep
01:26:08happy and content. Chapter 17. MIA'S PAV. I wake up to a hard chiseled chest. Luca is snoring
01:26:19softly, his eyes closed and he looks so calm. I trace the tattoos on his arm and chest, moving
01:26:25slowly to his torso. Um it feels good, he says in his raspy morning voice making me pull down there.
01:26:32Damn it. He hasn't even done anything. Let's take a shower, he says lifting me up from the bed.
01:26:40I'm feeling extra bold today and I might have a plan. I bite my lip thinking about what I'm
01:26:46gonna do. He removes the sheets from my grasp uncovering me. We're both naked and I can see
01:26:52his manhood growing. He carries me into the bathroom and I purposely accidentally brush his
01:26:58dick with my leg as he puts me down. I smirk at the effect it has on him when he tries to suppress
01:27:04a groan. Luca's POV. I know Mia's still a bit nervous but her biting her lip isn't helping.
01:27:12I'm already hard as fuck. Suddenly she grasps my manhood stroking it gently.
01:27:18Fuck. I guide her hand stroking faster groaning. I see a naughty glint in her eyes as she kneels
01:27:25down looking up at me. Her innocent eyes are enough to make me cum. Mia dot are you sure?
01:27:32I ask. She takes me into her mouth humming in response. The vibration's making me groan even
01:27:39more. She takes me deeper and I feel myself nearing the edge. Her lips twirl around my
01:27:45tip licking the pre-cum off. Baby if you continue I'm gonna cum. She doesn't care
01:27:51and continues her movements. She moves faster, my hand in her hair, my grasp on her head tightening.
01:27:58I feel my dick throb soon and I cum inside her mouth. Fuck. Mia. She swallows it all shocking me.
01:28:07But again, Mia is a woman of many surprises. I pull her into the bathtub with me. It was amazing.
01:28:16I say kissing her shoulder. We wash each other and I pour some shampoo on my hand rubbing it
01:28:22gently into her scalp. She hums but we better not do anything more. She's probably sore from last
01:28:28night. She puts on my boxes and one of my super large hoodies. She looks so tiny in it. I put my
01:28:36arm around her waist as we go to check on Vito. He's awake and smiling at us flailing his arms
01:28:42in the air asking Mia to carry him. He has started to babble and if he could actually talk
01:28:49he would be one talkative boy. I'm in my office with the boys. The Russians have caused trouble
01:28:55again. They stole my shipments, raided my warehouse and left a warning. I will cum for you.
01:29:02The writing on the wall says no one touches what's mine. No one. And I don't do well with threats.
01:29:10Antonov just declared war. He will not be able to bring me down. Call the French and Spanish,
01:29:17make sure they're still on our side. Call the others too. I tell Diego and he leaves.
01:29:23Fucking Antonov, Lorenzo mutters. Mia's POV. We had breakfast and Luca went to work.
01:29:31I'm now in my room reading a book. MIA. Emma says in a sing-song voice as she walks in.
01:29:39It's official. We're dating. She squeals. Thank god for you bestie. If I didn't quit my job and
01:29:47come visit you, I wouldn't have met Matteo, she says laughing. I roll my eyes and join her.
01:29:53I'm happy for her, really. I know their personalities click. They're both outgoing
01:30:00and cheerful. Good for you, I tell her. How about you? Have you done the dirty,
01:30:06she asks and just then Bria opens my door hopping in. The dirty what? Wait have you,
01:30:12she asks eagerly. Damn these girls have way too much energy and damn are they curious.
01:30:19Uh. I just say. You did. Bria squeals. How was it? How was it? Emma says jumping up and down.
01:30:30Oh it was amazing. That's all I'm gonna say. I can't believe you two are fucking my brothers,
01:30:37Bria says scrunching up her face. And you're gonna be fucking my brother soon, I joke winking.
01:30:44We're not like that. I don't think he thinks of me that way, she says blushing. Oh come on,
01:30:50we all know that he likes you, Emma tells her and I nod in agreement. Girl he literally peeks
01:30:56at you at dinner like you're some precious jewel he's not allowed to look at. Just you wait. I'll
01:31:02make you my sister-in-law. They laugh at my comment and we climb into bed to watch Gossip
01:31:08Girl or whatever the hell they. Want. Chapter 18. Lucas POV.
01:31:18It's a few weeks later. The Russians have been causing trouble every now and then. We've caught
01:31:24a lot of their men and tortured them but no one knows where Antonov is. We've been trying to
01:31:29locate him but apparently he's off the grid. For now. He can't hide that long. My brother is the
01:31:36best when it comes to tracking and all that stuff. Violetta is talking about MIA when she was a baby
01:31:43and we're all just enjoying our weekend. After a bit more talking we hear Vito crying on the
01:31:49baby monitor and I get up to go to him. I'll get him, MIA says. I need to feed him anyways.
01:31:58With that she goes upstairs. After about five or ten minutes we hear a scream from upstairs.
01:32:04I rush to the nursery to find broken glass everywhere, the window open and my girlfriend
01:32:09and son gone. Fuck. I say slamming my hand into the wall. My men are behind me ready for any orders.
01:32:19Secure the perimeter and find them. Right now. They can't be far. I want them back as soon as
01:32:26possible. You hear me? Si capo, they say and leave. Violetta and Antonio are pale and shocked.
01:32:35My parents are calming them down. My phone rings and I gesture to the boys to come with me
01:32:40and we go to my office. I pick up the phone and out it on speaker, giving it to Matteo to track.
01:32:48D'Angelo. Antonov. What do you want? I growl. You, he says. You have five days. Either you
01:32:58find us and come or your son dies. I already have a present for your little girlfriend,
01:33:04so don't worry. I'll make sure she enjoys it. Don't you dare touch them, I sneer. He laughs
01:33:11evilly with that he hangs up. Matteo shakes his head. Burn a phone, he says. Fuck. I put a tracker
01:33:20in Mia's necklace. Can you track it? Lorenzo asks. I hate this. I don't want to put them in danger.
01:33:30This is my fucking fault. If anything happens to them, it'll be the end of me.
01:33:36Mia's Pov. I wake up with a pounding in my head. My vision is blurry but I can see that I'm on the
01:33:43bed in what seems like a huge bedroom. Babe, you're awake. I recognize that voice right away.
01:33:51Fuck. How could I forget? Jake. So good to have you back. He says grinning creepily.
01:34:00Fuck. Why am I here? I ask. I suddenly remember Vito and frantically look around the room.
01:34:09Looking for him? Jake says pointing to a crib beside him. He's okay. Don't worry. We won't hurt
01:34:17him. At least not yet. The door opens and a man in his thirties walk in. He has a light stubble
01:34:25and he's shorter than Luka. He looks Russian. What do you want? I ask angrily.
01:34:32You. Jake says. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Nikolai Antonov. I'm surprised Luka hasn't
01:34:41told you about me. And this here is my trusty partner Damien, he says pointing to Jake.
01:34:48Realization hits me as I recall that one time I heard Luka shouting in his office about the
01:34:53Russians and a certain person named Antonov. Yep. I'm Damien. But you can still call me Jake
01:35:01if you want. Thanks to Nikolai, I got you back. I'll make sure you'll never leave again.
01:35:08Damien says with a devilish grin. They finally leave and lock my door after telling me
01:35:14that Luka has five days to find us. I go to check up on Vito and take him into my arms before
01:35:20walking back to the bed. I look at him and he's playing with my hair and babbling as he always
01:35:26does. He's so young. I can't let anything happen to him. I don't know Nikolai, but I know both of
01:35:33them are bad people. And judging by his business with Luka, he's a mafia leader too, probably the
01:35:40Russians. I know he's capable of doing anything, that is, he can kill me if he wants to. I can't
01:35:47believe that my ex is also part of all this and managed to hide it all from me. It all settles in
01:35:53and tears stream down my face. Vito looks at me with a questioning look and holds my fingers with
01:35:59his tiny hand. He starts pouting and his eyes well up with tears. Oh, no, no, no, baby, it's okay.
01:36:06I'll make sure we're okay. I'll protect and keep you safe. I whisper, kissing his forehead.
01:36:13I manage to smile at him and his face softens as he examines my face. He reaches for my cheek
01:36:20and wipes away a stray tear with his hand. He babbles some more as if telling me it's okay.
01:36:26I must be strong, dot, for him. I'm sure Luka is already looking for me.
01:36:31Luka's POV. It's been three days, point three fucking days and we still can't locate them.
01:36:38I'm going crazy with worry. I haven't slept in days and I haven't been eating much either.
01:36:44They'll be okay, Lorenzo says, but deep inside I know he's as worried and angry as I am.
01:36:50I rub my hands over my face. I should talk to Mia's parents. I'm so sorry, Antonio Violetta.
01:36:59You just found out she's your daughter and now she's kidnapped and it's all my fault.
01:37:04I should have taken better care of them. It's not your fault, boy. These things are bound to
01:37:10happen in our life, Antonio says, patting my shoulder. I can't hold it in anymore and I
01:37:15start to break down. This is too much. What if something happens to them? How will I live?
01:37:23I can't forgive myself. I'm the cause for their danger. I should have been more careful.
01:37:30I'm crying uncontrollably and Violetta wraps her arms around me as she weeps silently.
01:37:36They'll be fine, Luka. They'll be okay. Mia's strong and she won't let anything happen to Vito.
01:37:43I'm back in the office with my head in my hands. Mateo is tracking them but has gotten no progress.
01:37:50Lorenzo is pacing around the room, not knowing what to do. My screen lights up and a video
01:37:56message pops up. I open it as the boys come beside me. It's blurry but I can make out a
01:38:02figure on the bed. Mia and she's cradling Vito in her arms. A man grins evilly at the camera before
01:38:10going to Mia. Well, well, well. Thanks to you, D'Angelo, I got my girl back and I'm gonna make
01:38:18sure she doesn't leave me again. He lifts her head roughly and kisses her forcefully. My blood boils
01:38:25and I see Lorenzo's hand ball up in a fist. I can see it. The fear in her eyes. She keeps a
01:38:32straight face but I know she's scared. If you don't come in the next two days, I'll kill your son but
01:38:38Mia will always be mine. Mia once told me she had an ex who used to beat her and that she had left
01:38:45him. He wasn't happy about it. Pull up his profile. I tell Matteo. Damien Ivanov. Half Russian,
01:38:55half American. Lives in the States. Handles business here for Antonov. I slam my hand on
01:39:02the table, gritting my teeth. I call my men and tell them to search all warehouses. A few minutes
01:39:09pass and all I can think of is the look on her face. Vito doesn't know anything and I know she'll
01:39:15keep him safe. She's strong. She'll get through this. Lorenzo says patting my back. I know. I
01:39:25whisper. Emma storms into my room and starts hitting me on the chest. Where is she? Why?
01:39:33Why isn't she here? Why did you let this happen? Why did I let this happen? Matteo struggles to
01:39:41drag her out of the room. Bria points a finger on my chest. You better find her or I won't forgive
01:39:48you two, she says before walking over to Lorenzo and hugging him. She whispers something in his
01:39:54ear and he nods silently. I miss my woman. I want to hold her in my arms. I want to feel her touch.
01:40:03I want her back. I will find them. Mia's POV. This is the fourth day. Tomorrow will be the last day
01:40:12or they will kill Vito. I know they will. I pray and pray that Luca finds us. Damien has hit me
01:40:19again and again. My arms hurt from all the hitting and my cheek burns from when he slapped me last
01:40:25night. I recall the memory. Did you sleep with him? I don't reply. Answer me. He shouts making
01:40:35me flinch. When I don't speak his hand strucks my face making me clutch my cheek in horror.
01:40:41Fucking bitch. He murmurs before leaving and slamming the door. I shake my head and sit up.
01:40:48Damien walks in with a tray of food. Eat he demands. I haven't eaten since I got here.
01:40:56I had to feed Vito though. He grasps my chin with his fingers making me look at him.
01:41:02I said eat. He says angrily. I don't budge and that's when he loses it. Why won't you listen
01:41:10to me? You have everything here. I fucking bought you the best things. He pauses thinking.
01:41:17I'll ask you again. Did he fuck you? Why the fuck would I tell you? I shout. Fine. I'll make you
01:41:27tell me then he says and pulls my hand making me stand up. He holds my face and kisses me
01:41:32aggressively. I try to free myself from his grasp but he pushes my shoulders so I fall on the bed.
01:41:39He climbs onto the bed hovering me. He starts kissing my neck and I scream in disgust.
01:41:45His hands roam my body landing on my buttons. He starts unbuttoning them and I cry out telling him
01:41:51to stop. He continues unbuttoning them and I scream. This time he puts his hand over my mouth
01:41:58muffling my cries. Tears stream down my face as I silently pray for Luca to come.
01:42:04Luca's POV. We stayed up all night trying to track them. It's now early dawn and we're tired
01:42:11as fuck. Guys we got a signal. Matteo says making me and Lorenzo stand immediately.
01:42:19Where is it? Let's go. I say and Lorenzo calls our men. They're ready. He says ending the call.
01:42:28We're in front of the isolated house. Matteo you stay with them at the entrance standby.
01:42:35Others check the perimeter. Kill everyone in your way.
01:42:40High order. Lorenzo you're with me. I signal everyone to go and we enter the area. Bullets
01:42:48fly everywhere as we enter the house. We search all the rooms. Clear. Lorenzo says as he searches
01:42:56around the house. I go upstairs to the furthest room in the corridor. I walk towards the huge
01:43:03black doors when I hear a scream soon followed by another. I rush to the room and throw the doors
01:43:08open revealing a struggling MIA on the bed with the guy from the video above her. I aim to shoot
01:43:15at him but he's too close to her. Get off her. I shout tackling him to the floor. I shoot him in
01:43:23the legs so he can't move. Lorenzo rushes in and looks at us then goes to pick a crying Vito up.
01:43:30My men take Damien away. I rush over to MIA engulfing her in my arms. Her cheeks are
01:43:36stained with tears. Her shirt is unbuttoned and she's shaking uncontrollably. Luca,
01:43:43she whimpers and continues sobbing. Shush baby. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe now.
01:43:53I got you. I whisper stroking her hair. She soon passes out from the shock so I carry her and we
01:44:00go home. Lorenzo is driving and MIA is fast asleep in my arms. Vito also fell asleep after Lorenzo
01:44:08tried to calm him down. I look at them and feel so relieved. I let out a long breath I didn't
01:44:15know I was holding. Lorenzo looks at me from the rear view mirror and smiles. We got them he says.
01:44:22I nod and brush the hair off MIA's face. I get a call from my men saying that Nikolai escaped.
01:44:29It doesn't matter. I will hunt him down. My queen is finally back and so is my prince.
01:44:38Chapter 19. Luca's POV. Luca help me. She whimpers. MIA. Get off me you bastard.
01:44:49MIA. Baby baby it's me it's me. Wake up. I'm here baby. You're okay. That sick bastard is
01:44:58gonna pay. My baby just got over the nightmares and now she's having them again. I will make him
01:45:05suffer. We just sit there, me rocking MIA in my arms back and forth while she sobs.
01:45:11I'm so sorry Amor. I whisper kissing her head. Luca hee hee she started. I know baby. We have
01:45:20him. He won't be able to hurt you again. Come let's take a bath. I unbutton her shirt and
01:45:27slide them down her arms. She consciously covers them looking away. Amor he hit you didn't he?
01:45:35I move her hands away slowly revealing small bruises on her arm.
01:45:40Fucking bastard I curse as my blood boils. I finally notice the redness on her left cheek
01:45:45and my hands brush her skin. I kiss her bruises and then pull her in for a hug.
01:45:51We let the water cascade over us letting the steam surround us. Vito's okay thankfully. The
01:45:58glass from the nursery didn't hurt any of them. Violetta and Antonio are so happy MIA's back.
01:46:05Amor I love you I say as we lie in the bed all cuddled up. I love you too Luca. Thank you for
01:46:13keeping him safe. I say pointing to Vito. I didn't do anything baby. He's just a baby.
01:46:21Who knows what would happen if you didn't find us in time she says and we both go silent thinking
01:46:26about the consequences. We shake off the bad thoughts. MIA baby um what do you want me to do
01:46:34about him dot you know. I ask carefully afraid she'll get triggered or something.
01:46:40I can't believe I dated such a sick bastard. I don't want to see him again Luca. Just please
01:46:46give him what he deserves. I pull her into my chest. Yes baby I'll make sure he gets 10 times
01:46:53the suffering he made you go through. Soon after MIA falls asleep and I follow. MIA's
01:47:00paw. Luca's not in the room when I wake up so I go to the kitchen where the girls are eating
01:47:06cookies. Hey MIA want some? Bria asks handing me a tray of chocolate chip cookies my favorite.
01:47:15How are you doing? Emma asks me. We haven't really talked since I came back. I was extremely tired
01:47:23and I still feel a bit sick. Better I say. Want to talk about it? So I tell them everything
01:47:31including how that sick bastard almost raped me. I'm not full on crying but my eyes tear up.
01:47:37I found out that Emma knows about the mafia stuff. Matteo told her the night I was taken.
01:47:44I'm so sorry Bria says and they hug me tightly. You know what? You need to loosen up. Let's go
01:47:52to the mall tomorrow and have some fun. Emma exclaims jumping up and down. I groan knowing
01:47:59they won't want to go home until I have a thousand bags full of stuff. I take Vito to the living room
01:48:05and put on some cartoons on the TV while he plays with his toys. Luca soon walks into the house and
01:48:11seeing us he comes to sit beside me. How's my little boy? He asks Vito picking him up and
01:48:18putting him on his lap. Vito smiles playing with Luca's tie. And how are you gorgeous? He asks
01:48:25giving me a sweet kiss. I'm good. Where have you been? Work. I just um cleared up the stuff with
01:48:33Damien. We made sure he had a painful death. M M H M M I say nuzzling into his chest. The girls
01:48:42planned a trip to the mall tomorrow. Just letting you know I tell him. He frowns and looks at me.
01:48:49I'll go with you. What? I said I'm going with you. Why? Because it's still not safe and shopping with
01:48:58my queen wouldn't be that bad would it? I laugh. Oh Luca, Luca, you don't know what you're getting
01:49:05yourself into. Violent scenes below. Luca's POV. Speak. Where is he? Damien is tied up in our
01:49:15basement but he's not giving us any answers. Matteo threw a few punches and it made him bleed.
01:49:22I stab him in the thigh twisting it and he shouts. Fuck you. I don't know where he is.
01:49:29Lorenzo stabs him in the side. This is for what you did to my sister. He takes an axe and cuts
01:49:35his hand off. And this is for hitting her. He goes around and cuts another hand off. And this is for
01:49:43touching her when she didn't let you. By now he's bleeding and screaming. All three of us are covered
01:49:49in blood. We ask him about Nikolai's plan and since he didn't want to tell us Matteo punched
01:49:55him where he just got stabbed. I pick up the axe and cut his dick off. That's for trying to rape my
01:50:01woman I say. I am Luca D'Angelo and no one fucks with me. I roar in his face and shoot him straight
01:50:09in the heart then another one between his eyes. I go to my spare room next to the basement to
01:50:15change into a clean set of clothes. Can't wait to meet my girlfriend. Amour. I say walking into the
01:50:22house. She's watching some cartoon with Vito. I tell her about Damian and she tells me she's
01:50:29going out with the girls. No it's not safe knowing that Nikolai is still alive. I'll go with you I
01:50:36tell her. I didn't think it would be this bad. Girls will be girls. We follow as they weave
01:50:43through endless clothing stores. Apparently we're on a quadruple date if that even exists.
01:50:50Yep Lorenzo asked my sister out. I tried to warn him about the things I'd do if he hurts my sister
01:50:56and he did the same to me. The girls decided it would be nice to invite Diego's girlfriend Miriam.
01:51:04Dude when are they gonna finish? I'm never gonna understand women Matteo whines. I chuckle
01:51:12totally regretting my decision. Getting bored I take Mia's hand and turn towards the lingerie
01:51:18stores. No she says shaking her head. I smirk and ignore her and drag her towards the first
01:51:24store in sight Victoria's Secret. I pick out a few nice sexy sets and tell the sales assistant.
01:51:32I want all of these in her size. Since Vito has been with me the whole time he starts reaching
01:51:38for some brass making weird faces and examining them with his tiny hands. He looks amazed. We
01:51:44laugh at his reaction and he says some things we don't understand. You'll be taking a lot of them
01:51:50off one day my boy I say in my thoughts. A few minutes later the girl brings them.
01:51:56We go to some other stores and I make Mia try on different clothes. And damn she looks good
01:52:02with everything. We finally go home and I drag Mia into my bedroom. After kissing her long and slow
01:52:09I grab the lingerie bags and push it into her hand. Go try them on I say. Luca she groans.
01:52:18Come on baby. She goes into the bathroom shutting the door behind her but hell nah. I join her
01:52:24before she manages to lock it. I want to see I say trying to persuade her with my puppy eyes.
01:52:32Please amour. It's embarrassing she exclaims. I'm gonna be taking them off you anyways I say.
01:52:40A few sets later and I'm hard as fuck. With a body like hers she'll probably make any guy hard
01:52:46in a few seconds. She looks fucking sexy. Fuck this. I take the last pair off her a set of black
01:52:54lace with minimal coverage. She's hot very hot. She undoes my belt and slides down my pants along
01:53:01with my boxes. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me. She feels my bulge when I push
01:53:07closer to her and she smirks. I sit in the bathtub and start fingering Elle. She's wet and
01:53:14so ready for me. I stroke my growing manhood and position myself at her entrance. She slides down
01:53:21on me making me groan in appreciation. I start moving her up and down and she moans. Mia's Pov.
01:53:28Luca kisses my neck sucking on my sweet spots and leaving hickeys all over my breast.
01:53:34He takes a nipple in his fingers twirling it around. I'm a mess moaning and screaming his
01:53:39name as I gasm. He comes soon after filling me up. We wash each other and let the warm water
01:53:46fall on our skin making us relax. I'm tired from all the shopping and trying on stuff.
01:53:53I put on Luca's t-shirt and a pair of panties. Luca ended up torturing me making me try on every
01:53:59outfit he chose. My feet are hurting. Walking round and round the mall for hours is tough.
01:54:07I'm trying to massage my foot when Luca walks out of his closet in just boxers.
01:54:12I can never get over how fit he is. His abs are perfect. You okay? He asks. Yeah just tired.
01:54:22My feet are killing me. Oh really? Let me help he says a naughty glint in his eyes.
01:54:29He sits on the bed and starts rubbing and massaging my feet. I hum in satisfaction.
01:54:35Better? M-M-H-M-M. I nod in agreement. He seductively slides his hands up my thigh
01:54:43teasing me. Let's just say we had a few more rounds of sex after that.
01:54:50Chapter 20. Luca's Pov.
01:54:53A couple of months have passed and we're just enjoying life.
01:54:57MIA and I have gone on a couple of dates and I just really admire this woman. She's fucking
01:55:03amazing. I have a big surprise planned for her and it happens today. Is it ready? I ask Matteo.
01:55:12Yep. All set he replies. Thank you for doing this my man. She's gonna love it.
01:55:20Lorenzo smiles at me before giving me a fist bump. Okay let's do this. I'll meet you guys
01:55:27this evening. They nod at me and I walk out. Da da. Vito exclaims as he sees me and jumps
01:55:35up and down on Mia's lap. Hey baby MIA says as she reaches up to kiss my cheek. Hey I say.
01:55:43I am want to take you somewhere this evening. I rub the back of my neck nervously.
01:55:49Sure. Where are we going? Oh it's a surprise. Wear something nice. I'll get Vito ready so you
01:55:57have more time. AWWN thanks baby. Can't wait. MIA winks at me before turning back to Vito
01:56:06playing with him. Yep his first word is papa. I still remember the first time I heard it.
01:56:13Flashback. I was having a really stressful day at work and I was really drained. MIA is waiting
01:56:20for me when I get home. Just seeing her makes me happy. Her nightmares are gone for good now
01:56:27and I'm really happy. She picks Vito up to tuck him in but he pouts and turns to me.
01:56:33Papa he says. Did he just say papa? I ask MIA not sure I heard correctly. Maybe I'm hearing
01:56:41things from exhaustion. Yep. You heard right. Who's that? She asks Vito pointing at me.
01:56:50He point at me and says papa. Tears start to well up in my eyes and MIA smiles. That's right.
01:56:57Now give papa a kiss will you? He pecks my cheek and giggles. MIA hugs me and whispers.
01:57:05Congratulations baby he just said his first word. Fuck yeah. My son just said his first word.
01:57:13He's officially talking. End of flashback. MIA's POV. It's nearing fall so I settle for a beige
01:57:21knit wrap dress pairing it with some ankle boots. Luca has been really secretive. I have no idea
01:57:28where he's taking me but honestly I'm really excited. I do my makeup and put on some red
01:57:34lipstick. I look great. Luca walks out of the shower, water dripping from his wet hair. Damn
01:57:41you look fucking amazing. He takes my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. I love you Amore. And
01:57:49you look as handsome as always. And you're half naked so go get dressed, I tell him giving his
01:57:55ass a little slap. He smirks and picks out something to wear. Let's go Bella. He picks
01:58:02Vito up and we walk towards our car. We soon arrive at a certain unknown place. I can't see
01:58:08anything because it's dark. Suddenly my sight is covered as Luca ties a blindfold over my eyes.
01:58:15Come he says and puts his arm around my waist. We're here. I open my eyes to see that everything
01:58:22is now brightly lit. There's a building in front of me. It looks like a restaurant. We walk in and
01:58:30it's empty but you can tell it's meant to be a restaurant or something. What's this? I ask Luca
01:58:36and he shrugs. Surprise? I look at him with a questioning look. So you told me you wanted to
01:58:44open a restaurant someday and that you love cooking so much. We've all eaten your dishes
01:58:50and we know how amazing your food tastes. So I bought this place for you so you could open the
01:58:55restaurant you always dreamed of. He says taking my hands in his and looking into my eyes.
01:59:02You did this? For me? I ask unbelievably. He nods. I didn't design anything because I knew
01:59:11you would want to do the interior and stuffs yourself but yeah. This is yours he said.
01:59:17Oh Luca. You didn't have to. But this is incredible. Thank you. Thank you so so much.
01:59:26This is fucking amazing. I shout and he laughs. The rest of the evening is spent celebrating the
01:59:33event and we're sitting at one of Luca's restaurants with the family having dinner.
01:59:38I lean up and kiss Luca softly and whisper thank you. Really? It's a dream come true.
01:59:46Anything for my queen he says. I love you Cormio. I love you too Amore Mio. He rubs circles between
01:59:54my thumb and index finger. Vito is looking at us and babbling. We laugh at him and he tilts
02:00:01his head confused. I'm happy so happy. I always wanted to have my own little restaurant. I can
02:00:09already see how it looks. The fact that he remembered what I said makes my heart flutter.
02:00:17Chapter 21 Mia's Pav
02:00:21Okay so it's a few weeks later and I've been so busy designing and decorating my restaurant.
02:00:27It looks amazing. I'm pretty proud of myself actually. I went for a modern design for the
02:00:34interior with greens as the main color. Okay so I can't decide which one to choose so here are
02:00:40both inspirations for the restaurant. The opening ceremony is in a few days and I just can't wait.
02:00:48Amore. Luca calls. M-M-H-M-M. I say not looking up from my laptop.
02:00:56You need to stop working so hard and give me attention he says groaning.
02:01:01Okay okay. What's up baby? I raise my hands in surrender and get on the bed beside him.
02:01:08Don't make me regret giving you the restaurant he says pouting. I laugh. You're such a baby
02:01:15but I love you. So what do you want to do? I was just thinking we could go on a picnic maybe.
02:01:23At the beach or something? Sure. When do you want to go? I was thinking this evening so we
02:01:30could maybe watch the sunset and all. Okay let's go then. So we'll have to go buy some stuff at
02:01:36the store. So that's what we did. We're now at Target buying stuff for the picnic. Luca is
02:01:43getting some snacks and drinks while I'm just looking for some other stuff. I go to check out
02:01:48my stuff and when I'm almost done Luca joins me. Luca's POV. I watch as MIA unpacks the stuff we
02:01:56bought and put it in our picnic basket or whatever you call it. Violetta asked if she wanted her to
02:02:03watch Vito so that we can have time ourselves but MIA just shakes her head. We'll take Vito with us
02:02:09she says. I want him to see the beach. I smile as Vito giggles as if he understands. I told you
02:02:16they have that mother-son connection. He crawls over to MIA and she picks him up from the couch.
02:02:23I help her take the stuff to the car as she straps him in. We drive to a nearby beach and as soon as
02:02:29the water comes into view Vito babbles pointing here and there. We park and I take the things and
02:02:35we walk towards a nice spot by the water. It's beautiful. The water is sparkling in the sun
02:02:41and the waves are moving gently on the surface. MIA puts Vito down and he instantly crawls in the
02:02:48sand making weird faces and saying stuff we can't understand. It's his first time seeing sand and
02:02:53the beach after all. We laugh at his expression and play with him for a while. I open a bottle
02:02:59of champagne and pour some for each of us and of course milk for the baby. We eat some snacks and
02:03:05fruits and just talk about life. I'm running on the beach lifting Vito in the air. He giggles and
02:03:12makes funny noises. MIA watches us smiling. The wind blowing in her hair. She looks like a goddess.
02:03:21We wave at her and out of the blue Vito points at her and says something.
02:03:25Mama. I look at him and he says it again. Wanting MIA to hear it too I rush towards her and sit.
02:03:34Vito dot say it again I whisper in his ear. He giggles and points at her. Mama. MIA looks at me
02:03:43wide eyes and back at Vito. Her expression changes and I can't tell what it is. Amor what wrong?
02:03:51You're not mad? Mad? Why would I be? I don't know. It's just? I'm not his real mother and his mom is
02:04:00still alive and all and I just feel guilty. I don't know. She looks away before looking down.
02:04:07Come here. I tell her and she shifts so she's facing me. You have nothing to be guilty of.
02:04:15You're the one who raised him after all not his mom. You deserve to be his mom more than she does.
02:04:21I'm not mad at you baby. I'm actually really happy. You should be too. Vito loves you Amor
02:04:29and I love you too. She nods and whispers I love you too Amor. I pull her closer so she's between
02:04:36my legs her back to my chest. I love you too baby boy she says to Vito kissing his head.
02:04:43He looks up at her before looking down and playing with his toys.
02:04:47This is perfect. This moment this place the sunset the view everything is just perfect.
02:04:53Thinking about it I actually want more kids with MIA.
02:04:57I need to make her mine soon and I think I know the perfect time.
02:05:03Chapter 22 Mia's Pov
02:05:07Today is the day. So I officially own a restaurant now and today's the opening ceremony.
02:05:14You ready? Luca asks me as he walks into the closet. Yeah. Almost. I say trying to zip my
02:05:23dress up. Here. Let me help you. I shiver as his hands brush up my spine and I can tell he's
02:05:31smirking behind me. Stop. Stop what? He asks innocently. Stop teasing me. I say and he snakes
02:05:40his arm around my waist. I'll continue this later. He whispers in my ear before kissing my
02:05:47neck earning a small moan from me. I'm wearing a shimmery white dress with thin straps and a deep
02:05:53cleavage. Luca is in a gray suit looking as handsome as ever. We make our way to his Lamborghini
02:06:00as the others get on their cars. People are already at the restaurant when we arrive.
02:06:07You did an amazing job, Amore. Luca says kissing my temple. We walk into the restaurant and greet
02:06:14the guests, most of whom are Luca's acquaintances. My parents walk over to us hand in hand.
02:06:21We're so proud of you, my mom says tearing up slightly. They both hug me and my dad thanks
02:06:27Luca. Luca seems nervous about something but I choose to ignore it. Baby sis, your food is
02:06:34amazing. Lorenzo says walking to us with food in his mouth. He does an impression of a chef's kiss
02:06:41before hugging me and patting Luca's shoulder. Thank you everyone for coming here today.
02:06:48I would like to thank my boyfriend for giving me such an amazing opportunity.
02:06:53Thank you Luca for making my dream come true. I hope you all enjoy your evening and to my employees
02:07:00enjoy yourselves tonight and I hope we can work together and make this restaurant even more
02:07:04special. Here's to delicious and memorable meals at MNR. I say. Yes I named it after me and Luca.
02:07:14As cheesy as it sounds, I just wanted to appreciate Luca for what he did for me.
02:07:19The room is filled with chatter and smiles as we all enjoy the food. Amore. Come with me.
02:07:27Luca says standing up and holding his hand out for me. I look at Vito and he's on Bria's lap.
02:07:34Luca takes me to the backyard of my restaurant and there's a fancy gazebo. I have no idea when
02:07:40this was installed here so I just follow him. I walk in and there are candles and rose petals
02:07:46everywhere. There is a bouquet of flowers in the middle. Fairy lights surround the area,
02:07:52lighting everything up. Soft music plays in the background.
02:07:57Luca's POV. My heart is beating so hard I feel like it might fall out of my chest.
02:08:03I've never been this nervous in my life. MIA takes in her surroundings, her back to me.
02:08:09This is the perfect timing. I get down on one knee, the small black velvet box in my hand.
02:08:16I got MIA a rose gold band with four little diamonds and a bigger round diamond in the
02:08:21middle. I would have gotten her something bigger but I know she prefers small and simple things.
02:08:27It's beautiful, Luca. When did you prepare all this? She asks me turning around to face me.
02:08:34Her hands fly to her mouth as she realizes what I'm doing. MIA Beaumont, ever since the day I
02:08:41met you I fell in love with you although I didn't realize it for quite some time.
02:08:46You looked after me when I was shot, you protected Vito when you were taken,
02:08:50you were always there for me and my son. I hired you as my babysitter but I eventually wanted you
02:08:56to be mine. I know I don't deserve you but please allow me to be selfish and ask you to be my wife
02:09:02and Vito's mother. I love you so much and more and I have never been so sure of anything in my life.
02:09:09Will you marry me, MIA Beaumont? Tears start streaming down her face as she smiles at me.
02:09:16Yes dot yes yes yes. She shouts. I start tearing up myself and I let out a breath I didn't know
02:09:23I was holding. I put the ring on her finger and kiss her hand. She hugs me and places a
02:09:30soft sweet kiss on my lips. I pull her closer deepening the kiss. Will you dance with me
02:09:36or more? I ask and she takes my hand. We sway gently to the music enjoying each other's presence,
02:09:43my forehead resting on hers. The second song comes to an end and we pull away smiling.
02:09:50I love you too, MIA says and pulls me in for a long kiss. We go back to the ceremony and my family
02:09:58looks at us. Well, my father asks. She said yes I shout and they all cheer. Ladies and gentlemen,
02:10:07MIA Beaumont is no longer my girlfriend. She is now my fiance. I announce happily.
02:10:14The crowd cheers and Lorenzo fist bumps me. Way to go brother, he says. Congratulations guys,
02:10:23Emma says hugging MIA. MIA shows her and Bria the ring and they three squeal like little kids.
02:10:30We laugh at them and I smile knowing my baby is now my fiance. I push MIA against the wall,
02:10:37kissing her everywhere. She pulls my face towards hers devouring my lips.
02:10:42We start to make out full of passion and lust. We're both stripped naked in a minute and she
02:10:48falls to her knees. She takes my manhood into her mouth, licking the tip and taking me deeper and
02:10:54deeper. Fuck. She moves along my length making me groan. It feels so damn good. I pick her up and
02:11:02she wraps her legs around my waist. I push her onto the bed, kissing her until I reach her
02:11:07glistening pussy. This scene contains explicit content and has been censored to comply with
02:11:14YouTube's policies. The uncensored version is available on Google Books or as an ebook or
02:11:20paperback versions, available in most retailers. Luca. What do you want baby? You. I want you.
02:11:30I take no time in pounding into her, her moans matching my groans and pants. She meets me thrust
02:11:36by thrust as we move together in sync. I feel her shake as she orgasms and cries out my name in
02:11:42ecstasy. I soon reach my climax too, filling her up. She looks fucking sexy with my cum flowing out.
02:11:50I kiss her asking, whose are you? Yours, Luca, she replies against my lips. I smile and pull away.
02:11:58Yes, mine and mine only. We fall asleep, our legs intertwined and sweaty bodies stuck together.
02:12:06Chapter 23. Mia's Pov.
02:12:10Two weeks later. I wake up to a heavy weight on my belly and look down to see Luca's arm on me.
02:12:17Suddenly feeling the urge to throw up, I run to the bathroom emptying all the contents.
02:12:23I brush my teeth and do the necessities but I feel sick. I get back in bed, too lazy to
02:12:29do anything. Morning amore, Luca says as he kisses my forehead. Morning. I murmur. You okay?
02:12:40He sweetly asks. Yeah, just feeling a bit sick. It's probably gonna be that time of the month.
02:12:47Luca chuckles. Alright. If you feel like it, let's go to the city with Vito tonight.
02:12:55So we can have dinner and all. It's okay if you wanna stay in though. No. I think I wanna go.
02:13:03It'll probably help my mood. Sure. Whatever my fiancé wants, she gets. He says kissing me.
02:13:12I instantly feel better. Still can't believe we're now engaged.
02:13:17Luca left for work and I'm in the kitchen with the girls. They're making something for lunch,
02:13:22seafood I think. As soon as they take it out of the oven, the strong smell fills my nose and bile
02:13:28rises up my throat. I rush to the bathroom again as the girls watch me worriedly. You okay?
02:13:35Bria asks. Yeah. I probably ate something bad last night. Ah. Poor thing. Maybe you should
02:13:44see the doctor, Emma says. No I'm fine, I say but deep inside I know I'm not.
02:13:51Wait what if you're pregnant? She asks. Yeah you should get tested, Bria says.
02:13:57But I'm on birth control, I say. Just do it. You never know.
02:14:04So I went to the store and got a test. I had just peed on the stick like the box instructs
02:14:09and I'm waiting. I'm nervous as fuck. Three minutes have passed. And it's time.
02:14:16I slowly look at the results and I see it. Fuck. Two lines. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant?
02:14:25Oh my god. I start panicking as I think of how Luca would react and if he even wanted a baby.
02:14:33Baby. There's an actual baby in my stomach. I place my hands on my belly, not believing that
02:14:40there's an actual being growing inside there. I start crying until some time. It's evening
02:14:46and I should get ready for dinner. I put on a pink silk top with some black jeans and a belt.
02:14:52I choose a bright red lipstick and put on some jewelry. I finish the look with some black
02:14:57stiletto heels and I'm ready. You look stunning Amore. Luca walks in with Vito in his arms.
02:15:05How are you feeling? Better. Mama? Yes baby. How are you? I ask Vito as he asks me to carry him.
02:15:16Diego is driving us tonight and we drive downtown. We have dinner at a fancy restaurant
02:15:22and decide to walk. The sun is beginning to set and the weather is nice. We walk down the streets,
02:15:29Luca's hand on my waist and Vito in his other hand. Everything is peaceful until we hear gunshots
02:15:36out of nowhere. Diego shoots back at them as some of our men arrive for backup. Luca quickly hides
02:15:43me behind him with Vito in his arms. Luca's POV. I knew something like this could happen anytime
02:15:50so my men were always around ready for backup. The Russians are back. They keep firing at us
02:15:57and our men shoot back at them. Then there comes the devil himself. Well, well, well,
02:16:03if it isn't the happy family. What do you want? I growl, my gun pointed at him. I wanted you.
02:16:11Your position. But you didn't give up too easily. So I'm here to take the easier route for myself
02:16:18but maybe harder for you. You should have given up when you had the chance. He pulls a gun out
02:16:24and aims at Vito and before I know it I hear a loud bang as he pulled the trigger. Everything
02:16:30was in slow motion after that. No. I hear someone shout and I watch as my fiancé drops to the ground.
02:16:39M.I.A. I scream. She had jumped in front of me and Vito, taking the bullet that was supposed to
02:16:46hit us. I rush to her limp body as blood seeped out between her chest and stomach. I push down
02:16:52on her wound to make it stop. M.I.A. Baby no no no. Stay with me Amor. Stay with me.
02:17:01I can't Luca I love you she says and her eyes close. No no no baby no. I'm crying as I try
02:17:08to shake her. Diego calls for backup and it soon arrives. Fucking Nikolai laughs at us and I whip
02:17:15my gun out and shoot him in both legs. He falls to the ground groaning and my men tie him up.
02:17:22We're back at the mansion and M.I.A. is now in surgery. It's been four fucking hours and she's
02:17:27not out yet. Not a word from our doctor. I'm dead worried. She'll be fine. My dad says. Mia's a
02:17:37fighter. She's strong. My mom says hugging me. I cry into her shoulder unable to say anything.
02:17:45The doors open and our doctor walks out. She's stable now. Luca can I have a word with you?
02:17:53I nod quickly and follow him concerned that something has happened to M.I.A.
02:17:58Once we're out of earshot he speaks. She's out of the woods for now. You're lucky the baby
02:18:04survived though. Wait hold up. Did you say baby? Oh you didn't know. He says. Your fiance is six
02:18:14weeks pregnant. She's what? She's pregnant. Congratulations Luca. You're gonna be a
02:18:22father. I look at him like he's grown two heads trying to process the information he just gave me.
02:18:29All right. Snap out of it he says. M.I.A. lost a lot of blood and the bullet missed the baby by a
02:18:36fraction so you're gonna have to be extra careful. She'll wake up between two days and a week
02:18:42depending on how she responds and all. You can go see her. I nod and tell the family the situation
02:18:49not including the pregnancy of course. I still don't know how to react to that. I go into M.I.A.'s
02:18:56makeshift hospital room which is her old room. Her eyes are closed and her eyebrows are slightly
02:19:02furrowed. Her skin is pale and my heart breaks at the sight. Why did you do that baby? I ask her
02:19:09although she might not hear me. I take her hand in mine and rest it on her belly. Why didn't you
02:19:16tell me we're gonna be parents? Can you believe there's an actual baby in there? My eyes well up
02:19:22with tears but I try to smile. M.I.A. more please wake up. I don't know what to do without you.
02:19:30Please please wake up soon. I need you. It's been four days and M.I.A. still hasn't woken up.
02:19:37I'm getting worried and I don't know what to do. I look terrible. I haven't slept or eaten in days.
02:19:45All I can think about is my fiance and my baby. As for Nikolai we've cut his limbs and tortured him
02:19:52but we're keeping him alive so that he'll suffer. I won't kill him till he apologizes to my queen
02:19:58when she wakes up. I look at M.I.A.'s pale face wanting so much to see her smile. Vito is with
02:20:04me today. Amor look. Vito misses you so much. He also can't wait to see his little sister.
02:20:13Yes I want it to be a girl but I wouldn't mind if it's a boy either. I'll love them both the same.
02:20:20Please wake up Amor Mio so we can talk to our baby together. M.I.A.'s paw. My eyelids are heavy.
02:20:28I can't open them. I hear Luca's voice but I can't see him. I want to see him. Something caresses
02:20:36my face. Mama? I hear a small voice say. Vito. I feel a small funny kiss on my cheek. It makes
02:20:45me smile. I force my eyes open. Luca is sitting beside me with Vito on his lap. They're looking
02:20:52at me as Luca talks to him. I reach out my hand so I can hold his. He looks at me surprised.
02:21:00Amore you're awake. Luca. I say my voice is hoarse and my throat hurts.
02:21:07Here have some water. He hands me the glass and I drink it slowly the coolness soothing my throat.
02:21:14My hands instinctively go to my belly and Luca smiles. The baby's okay. I nod relieved.
02:21:22Why didn't you tell me Amore? I just found out that day and I didn't know how to tell you I say.
02:21:29Amore I was so worried. What if something happened to you or the baby? He started crying as he said
02:21:37this. Hey it's okay. I'm okay now. We're okay. I tell him hugging him. Don't ever do that again.
02:21:47I was dead scared. Sorry Amore mio. I just had to save Vito I say kissing him.
02:21:55The doctor walked in and scolded Luca for not letting him know I was awake.
02:22:00All right you'll need lots of rest and you shouldn't move so much. And Luca take her to
02:22:05the hospital next week so she can get an ultrasound. We don't have those things here so find a doctor
02:22:11he instructs. Luca nods before coming to sit beside me. So a baby huh? Yep. It scares the
02:22:20shit out of me. I place my palm on my stomach and Luca places his hand over mine. Seeing what we
02:22:27were doing Vito quickly reaches out to out his tiny hand on my belly too but a little too close
02:22:33to the wound making me wince a little. Whoa easy. Luca says taking Vito's hand. We don't want to
02:22:40hurt mama do we? Vito looks at him before turning back to his hand in Luca's. Luca places it on my
02:22:48belly and I smile at him. See? Gentle. There's a baby inside there, Luca says smiling at Vito.
02:22:57You're gonna be a big brother, I say and he starts saying things we can't understand.
02:23:02Luca tells me Vito has started crawling a lot and all the things that happened while I was
02:23:07unconscious. The door opens and the whole family walks in. My parents rush over to me and give me
02:23:14a gentle hug. Thank goodness. They say. Emma pats my shoulder and says. Bitch I thought I lost my
02:23:23bestie. Me too. Bria chimes in. Thanks for saving my nephew. Mateo says. Luca looks at me and I know
02:23:34what he's thinking so I nod in approval. Speaking of nephew we have an announcement for everyone.
02:23:40He comes over to me and places his hand in mine. Mia and I are expecting. Everyone looks shocked
02:23:48and surprised. No way. Am I going to be an aunt? Bria asks jumping up and down. Hold on a sec.
02:23:58You took a bullet while carrying a fucking baby. Lorenzo says in disbelief. Dan you're one badass
02:24:05woman sis. Language Lorenzo. I say gesturing towards Vito. Sorry. He mutters. Congratulations
02:24:16Mia. Elena says smiling at me and holds my hand. Nice job son. Roberto says to Luca.
02:24:24How far along are you? My dad asks. Six weeks? Luca says and I smile looking at my non-visible bump.
02:24:34So how are you feeling? My mom asks looking concerned. Better. Just a bit tired. She nods
02:24:42and they leave me to rest taking Vito with them. You okay Amore? Luca asks. Yeah I'm fine. But you
02:24:51don't look so good. I'm okay. I just haven't slept in days. Come here. I pat this face beside me.
02:25:01You sure? I don't want to hurt you or the baby. Relax I'm fine and the baby's only six weeks.
02:25:08He nods but looks uncertain as he settles down beside me. Don't worry baby you'll be a great
02:25:14father. I tell him brushing the hair out of his face. Yeah. You sure? Definitely. You already are.
02:25:24I know but it's different. I wasn't with Vito's mom when he was born and all.
02:25:29But I'm here now and it kind of scares me. He rubs the back of his neck and laughs nervously.
02:25:36We'll take this one step at a time. To be honest I'm horrified too. He chuckles.
02:25:42You'll be an amazing mother. My eyelids feel heavy and I drift off to sleep.
02:25:50Chapter 24 Mia's Pov
02:25:54It's been two weeks and I'm almost healed. Luca has stopped me from moving too much
02:25:58and I'm low-key annoyed. I'll bring you breakfast. He says getting up to leave.
02:26:05Babe I can go downstairs and eat. Amore the doctor told you not to move much.
02:26:11But I want to see everyone I say hoping the excuse will work. I'll tell them to come up.
02:26:18Amore I groan in frustration. I'm pregnant. It's not like I broke my legs or something.
02:26:26I'm going down to eat. I'm really really mad at this point. These fucking hormones.
02:26:33Alright alright. Just be careful. I sit up and walk past him bumping his shoulder in the process.
02:26:40He grabs my wrist and spins me around so I'm facing him my face inches away from his.
02:26:46Amore I don't look at him. Look at me. I'm sorry okay. I'm just worried about you and the baby.
02:26:56He lifts my chin to look at me. Concern evident in his eyes. I look away. Suddenly feeling bad
02:27:03for my sudden outburst. Are you still mad? He asks softly. I'm sorry. It's the hormones, I say tears
02:27:12threatening to spill down my face. I didn't mean to overreact. A few tears make their way down my
02:27:18cheek. Hey hey. It's okay Amore. Don't cry baby. Come here. I nod, trying not to laugh at how silly
02:27:28I look right now. Just let me know if you feel uncomfortable, okay? I nod before tiptoeing to
02:27:35kiss him. He chuckles against my lips and leads me downstairs. How are you feeling? My mom asks.
02:27:43I'm okay, I tell her munching some salad. When do you plan on having the wedding?
02:27:49Elena asks looking at our intertwined fingers, my engagement ring glistening in the light.
02:27:55We thought we'd have it after the baby is born and all. We figured Mia would be more comfortable
02:28:01then. Everyone nods in agreement as we continue eating. I'm laying on the bed as Luca walks out
02:28:09of the shower in just a towel. He looks hot, water beads dangling from his wet hair and he
02:28:14shakes them off. His muscles flexing as he does. I eye him up and down, feeling heat rushing to my
02:28:21core. I'm being so horny these days. Yep, gotta blame it on the hormones. He catches me checking
02:28:28him out and smirks. Like the view? I say nothing and turn away blushing, feeling embarrassed of
02:28:35being caught. Chuckling, he pulls me up and kisses me softly and I marvel at the feel of
02:28:40his cold lips. My hands travel down his torso and slightly tug at his towel. He smiles against my
02:28:47lips before whispering in my ear, perks of you being pregnant. I scoff and he laughs. What?
02:28:55It makes you horny and I like it. I pull roughly at his towel, making it drop to the floor revealing
02:29:01his manhood. Wasting no time, he pushes me on the bed, hovering over me, his hands supporting
02:29:07his weight. He removes my panties and rubs his fingers along my entrance, my wetness gathering
02:29:13on his fingers. Aligning himself, he thrusts into me making me moan out in pleasure. His movements
02:29:20are steady, slow at first before gaining speed. Our moans fill the room in harmony. He grunts and
02:29:26I scream as I'm about to come, but he kisses me capturing the escaping sounds. We reach our
02:29:32climax together and he pants as we relax, our heartbeats slowing down. We lay face to face,
02:29:38his hands wrapped tightly around my sweaty body. We have an appointment tomorrow, right?
02:29:45I nod, looking into his eyes. Are you nervous? I ask him. A little bit, but I'm excited.
02:29:53Do you want a boy or a girl? I don't know. I want both? He chuckles. We can always make
02:30:02more babies. I shake my head, smiling at the thought before closing my eyes and listening
02:30:08to his heartbeat. We walk into the doctor's office, my heart beating so fast it might explode.
02:30:14Hello, Mr. and Mrs. D'Angelo. Please have a seat. I'm a friend of Antonio, your doctor,
02:30:21and he explained your injury, the 30-ish lady said gesturing to my wound.
02:30:27If you'll lie here and lift your shirt, I'll do an ultrasound for you. I do just that, and she
02:30:32applies some cold gel before sliding the equipment around my stomach. I hear faint heartbeats and
02:30:38tears start falling. My baby! The heartbeat is like music to my ears. I look over to Luca,
02:30:45who's also holding back his tears, hand on his chest. He smiles at me, his other hand reaching
02:30:51to hold mine. Here's your baby, she points at the screen. I admire my little blip and smile.
02:30:59The baby is healthy. I'll get the pictures for you. We'll schedule an appointment next month
02:31:05for a checkup. She leaves the room and Luca hugs me. Amore. I can't believe what I heard.
02:31:13We're really having a baby. Our baby's heartbeat is so beautiful.
02:31:18I smile at his words, feeling so overwhelmed. I'm gonna be a mom.
02:31:24As soon as we walk into the house, Emma and Bria rushes to us. Show me, show me. I show them the
02:31:31picture and Bria squeals, eeee. My nephew. I love you already. Lorenzo chimes in, hey.
02:31:40It can be a girl too, you know. He smiles at my belly before giving Luca a fist bump.
02:31:47Proud of you bro. I hope it's a girl, Mateo says walking out of the kitchen, coffee in hand.
02:31:54A boy. Emma argues. Girl. The boys stay in unison. Boy. Girl. Boy. I shake my head,
02:32:05laughing as they continue to argue. Y'all it's my kid. Not yours. Now shut up. Boy or girl,
02:32:14he or she is gonna have amazing aunts and uncles. And you're all gonna love him or her.
02:32:20They all smile, knowing they'll love the baby just like they love Vito.
02:32:26Chapter 25. Luca's POV. I'm woken up by shuffling. I open my eyes to see MIA rushing to the bathroom.
02:32:36The morning sickness is affecting her so much, she looks so pale these days.
02:32:41I would take the suffering if I could. It's okay baby. Take deep breaths, I say,
02:32:47holding up her hair. I help her to the bed and she lies down. I'll get you a glass of water.
02:32:54Okay? My mom is in the kitchen when I go to get it. MIA. She asks knowingly. Yeah,
02:33:04it happens almost every morning now. I feel really bad that I can't do anything about it.
02:33:10Just be there for her. Pregnancy is hard so she needs your support. My mom pats my back and
02:33:16leaves with a small smile. Miz has her back to the door when I get back. Amor, are you okay?
02:33:24She nods and gets up to drink the water. Luca. Yes baby? Can we travel somewhere?
02:33:32You want to go on a trip in this condition. It's going to be worse later on. I just want to go
02:33:39somewhere while I can. Okay then. We'll go but we'll have to consult your doctor first.
02:33:46She nods and smiles in agreement. MIA's POV. The doctor said I was fine to go, so here we are in
02:33:54the car driving to the airport. We decided to go to an island that Luca owns so that we can
02:34:00have peace and quiet. I just realized it's Vito's first trip. Luca says holding Vito's hand as he
02:34:06sleeps in my arms. I smile at the little angel and admire his features. He looks so much like
02:34:13Luca, they have the same eyelashes long and curly. The trip was an excuse actually. Luca's birthday
02:34:21is next week and I wanted to spend some time with him alone. Luca's private plane comes into view
02:34:27and Diego carries the bags. Luca takes Vito from me and holds out his hand for me. I follow him
02:34:34and we go into the bedroom at the end of the plane. I yawn, feeling a bit tired. I couldn't
02:34:41sleep last night. Why don't you take a nap? It's gonna be a while. Luca helps me into bed and I
02:34:49fall asleep. When I wake up, we have arrived. The island is beautiful and Luca's house is huge.
02:34:56The waves roll gently onto the white sand as the sun makes it sparkle. The water is a clear blue
02:35:02and the air is salty. We settle down and relax for the rest of the day.
02:35:07Luca's Pav. We've been here for 4 days and today is my birthday. Mia wasn't in bed when I woke up,
02:35:15so I'm trying to find her. I spot her in the kitchen, making breakfast, in just my white
02:35:20shirt and white lace panties. She has that pregnancy glow and she looks fucking sexy.
02:35:26She sways her hips to the music playing from her phone, while she tries to make what looks like
02:35:30avocado toast. I watch her, admiring her beauty and the way her perky ass peeps out from beneath
02:35:37the shirt with her every movement. I go to her and slide my hands around her waist, startling her.
02:35:44You're awake. Happy birthday Amore. She turns and gives me a long slow kiss. Here I made coffee.
02:35:52She hands me my cup and comes to sit beside me. How are you feeling? How's our little bean?
02:36:00We're both fine thank you. We enjoy our meal and talk about our baby. When we're done, I walk into
02:36:07the living room and see white balloons with our pictures on each and every one of them. Small
02:36:13white hearts are scattered around the floor and a small box is placed on the table in the center.
02:36:18There's a red heart under it with a big we love you and two handprints. One I assume is Mia's
02:36:24and another is Vito's. What makes me smile is the little small hand-drawn handprint in the center.
02:36:31That's our babies, Mia explains and I beam at her. When did you prepare all this? Last night.
02:36:40Amore, did you even sleep? You shouldn't be losing sleep you know. I know. I slept once I was done.
02:36:49Don't worry. She hands me the black box. Open it. I look at her and shake it trying to guess what it
02:36:57is. Inside is a minimalist watch with a black leather strap. It looks really exquisite and just
02:37:03my type. Thank you baby. You didn't have to. Turn it over she says. I turn it over looking puzzled
02:37:13and see our initials engraved on it. The date of the day we first met below it.
02:37:19Wow, you really thought of everything. I tell her. She went to get Vito and just came back,
02:37:26Vito on her hip. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I say smothering her with kisses. I give my boy a
02:37:33little kiss before putting the watch on. We spend the rest of our stay swimming, sunbathing and
02:37:39lastly having lots of sex. And it feels amazing every single time.
02:37:46Chapter 26. Mia's Pov. Our baby is due in over a month and we decided to keep the gender a surprise.
02:37:55I've been having pains in my stomach all morning. I actually don't feel so good and Luca is getting
02:38:01worried. Amore it's not fine. I see that you're uncomfortable and you're not feeling well.
02:38:09Come. We're going to the hospital. I don't want to get out of bed. Fine. I'll call the doctor and
02:38:17see what we can do. He gets up to grab his phone and starts calling my doctor. He ends the call
02:38:24and walks toward my side of the bed. She says it's best if you get hospitalized since you had
02:38:30the injury and the baby may come soon and all. I groan, not wanting to see those plain white walls
02:38:36at the hospital again. He crouches down so he's at my eye level and moves my hair away from my
02:38:42face. We'll go in the evening or tomorrow, okay? I nod, clearly not happy with the idea of being
02:38:49hospitalized for a whole freaking month. Luca has already missed so much work looking after me
02:38:56and he probably will have to do more if I'm at the hospital. I don't notice I'm frowning until
02:39:01he kisses my furrowed brows and gets in bed beside me. Don't give mama so much trouble,
02:39:07little one. Luca says, rubbing my belly. I feel the baby kick in response, making Luca smile.
02:39:15The baby always responds to his touch. I remember the first time it happened.
02:39:20We had driven to a nice area overlooking the sea and we were sitting together watching the sunset.
02:39:27My head was on Luca's shoulder and we were talking about the baby. I suddenly felt a
02:39:32movement and quickly placed his hand on my belly so we could confirm it. The baby kicked so hard
02:39:38I winced but Luca started tearing up. And of course, I started bawling my eyes out.
02:39:44It was so emotional, yet so special for both of us.
02:39:48You okay, honey? You look pale. My mom says. I'm fine. Just feeling a bit sick.
02:39:57My mom nods and hugs me before leaving with a cup of coffee. Emma and Bria walk in,
02:40:03followed by the guys. Mia, you look really really sick. I think you should see the doctor.
02:40:10Emma says concerned. Yeah we will. Luca says, handing me a cup of apple juice.
02:40:17The guys talk about work and of course the rest of us get caught up in girl talk.
02:40:22Suddenly, I feel something wet and look down. There's a puddle at my legs. I did not just pee
02:40:28myself. My thoughts are cut off by a sharp pain shooting up my spine, followed by one in the
02:40:34stomach. I let out a pitchy scream. Shit. I say in realization. Amore, what happened? Are you okay?
02:40:45It's coming. What? Luca, the baby is coming. I was panicking, but Luca was frozen like a statue.
02:40:55Luca. I cry out in pain, snapping him out from his trance. Dude, Diego get the car ready, Mateo says
02:41:03as Bria rushes to get my hospital bag. Emma rushes to my side to help me stand. The pain was getting
02:41:10worse now. Lorenzo was shaking a very shocked Luca. Luca dude. My sister is in pain and your
02:41:18baby is on the way. Fucking do something. Shit shit shit. It's really happening, he mutters.
02:41:26I'm in labor. Finally, the man of the hour helps me into the car as we rush to the hospital.
02:41:33Luca holds my hand, whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I breathe heavily,
02:41:38trying to endure the pain. Luca's POV. We arrive at the hospital and I quickly rush to a nearby
02:41:45nurse to let her know. We are taken to a room and the doctor starts examining her. Mr. D'Angelo,
02:41:53your wife is seven centimeters dilated, so we must wait till she's ready. I'm sorry,
02:41:58but it's too late for an epidural. She says and walks out of the room. It's okay, Amore.
02:42:05Just breathe, take deep breaths. MIA is sweating a lot and it hurts to see her in so much pain.
02:42:12I wish I could do something. Soon, she's 10 centimeters dilated and the doctor starts the
02:42:18process. Okay, honey, I need you to push when we tell you to. I give MIA my hand and she nods.
02:42:27Push. Several minutes pass and she's still pushing. Okay, one last push, dear. You can do this.
02:42:35MIA pushes with all her energy, her hand squeezing mine so hard it hurts,
02:42:40but I don't mind if it makes her feel better. She's probably suffering a thousand times more
02:42:45pain than this. After a few seconds, we hear a cry. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. D'Angelo.
02:42:53It's a girl. You did great, Amore, I whisper. The nurse hands me my baby girl and my heart swells.
02:43:01She's beautiful, just like her mom. She has her mother's eyes brown and full of light.
02:43:06I turn towards MIA and she smiles at our little bundle of joy. Tears stream down her face and
02:43:12I softly wipe them away. The nurse takes our baby to check up on her and stuffs and I watch MIA sleep.
02:43:21Chapter 27. Lucas POV. It's been about two months since our baby was born.
02:43:28She's a healthy little girl and she has the same hair color as mine.
02:43:32Vito is a loving big brother, although he still can't talk much. He loves to cuddle with her
02:43:38and he likes playing with her hands. Vito, gentle on the baby. I scold him.
02:43:45Baby, he says looking at his sister. It's okay, baby boy. Just don't be too rough, MIA says.
02:43:54We named our baby girl Rose. It just seems fitting for a pretty girl like her.
02:44:00I'm gonna have to deal with a lot of boys when she grows up. It's definitely gonna be a headache.
02:44:06Just wait till she gets married, MIA would tease me. The past few months have been amazing. We've
02:44:12had so much fun as a family. Also, our wedding is next month. MIA decided she wanted to get back in
02:44:20shape before wearing her dress and all. MIA's POV. We decided to go out for dinner tonight.
02:44:28We hadn't really gone out since Rose was born. I wore a black off-shoulder dress with a pair
02:44:33of nude heels. It's been so long since I last wore heels like these. MIA's dress above carrot.
02:44:40We made it to our car and we get the kids settled in their car seats as Diego starts the car.
02:44:46We made our way to a fancy little restaurant and had a nice cozy little dinner. I watched as Luca
02:44:53fed Vito, who looked so eager when he saw the food. He loves to eat. I feed Rose my pre-pumped
02:45:00breast milk as Vito watches. I feel kind of bad he didn't get to breastfeed much when he was younger,
02:45:05but he did have some of my milk after Rose was born. He's a little over a year now, so he prefers
02:45:12eating food instead of milk now, but he still asks for it sometimes. You like the food? Luca
02:45:19asks me and I nod smiling at the pasta. It's amazing? Not as amazing as your food.
02:45:27My restaurant is doing really well. It is in fact becoming famous among both rich and regular
02:45:33customers. Many people come to do business, but most of them come to enjoy the food. I'm very
02:45:40proud and so is Luca. Luca's Pav. Diego brings the car to the entrance and I strap the kids in.
02:45:48Mia climb in on one side while I sit on the other, the kids between. We pull out the driveway and get
02:45:54stuck at the traffic lights. The kids are asleep and Mia seems a bit tired too. Just as we pass
02:46:01the intersection, a car comes speeding towards us and collides with Mia's side of the car.
02:46:06Everything happens in slow motion, and I am brought back to the present when I hear ticking.
02:46:12Diego grabs the kids in their car seats, and I quickly carry a now unconscious Mia out of the
02:46:17car. Diego manages to cross the road with the kids, but we don't get far from the car when it
02:46:23blew up into flames. I shield Mia with my body as some glass pierces my legs. What the fuck?
02:46:30Mia was still not conscious. She hit her head pretty hard, and a big piece of glass cut her
02:46:36arm. I looked up to see Diego shielding my kids and I sigh, relieved. We manage to get to the
02:46:43hospital, as doctors rush around examining her. Mr. D'Angelo, we need to do a CT scan for your wife.
02:46:51Seems like she had a bad concussion. Doctor she's losing too much blood, a nurse shouts.
02:46:57The glass also cut an important artery, so we need to do a blood transfusion right now,
02:47:02he explains. I feel weak hearing all this. My wife and my amore. I hope she's okay.
02:47:10They do all they have to do, and the doctor comes to tell me that the concussion is bad
02:47:15and she's in a coma. Just as we're talking, the monitor beeps loudly, causing everyone to rush
02:47:21to her. My heart beats so fast. No, this can't be happening. Her heart rate dropping. I hear
02:47:29someone shout, as they do CPR or whatever the fuck it is they do. I rush to her but they stop
02:47:35me halfway. No. Chapter 28. Lucas POV. She's back. Thank god. She's alive. She's okay.
02:47:49Mr. D'Angelo, she's stable now, but we have to keep a close eye on her. She'll be okay.
02:47:56The doctor smiles at me. I hold Mia's hand, tears falling down my face.
02:48:02Sir? A nurse asks me from behind. I turn to look at her, and she points to my foot.
02:48:08You're bleeding. They give me a few stitches, but it's not as bad as Mia's.
02:48:14She had 8 stitches on her arm, the glass cut pretty deep.
02:48:18MIA is now transferred to a VIP room, and I'm currently with Diego, having my babies checked.
02:48:24They weren't injured, luckily. MIA took most of the impact, but they would still be frightened
02:48:30by the bomb and all. Hopefully their hearing won't be damaged cause it was pretty loud,
02:48:35even my ears are still ringing a bit. Mia's parents are with her. The rest are here too.
02:48:43The kids are fine. Your son may have a few nightmares for a while, but they will disappear
02:48:48over time. Your daughter may not remember any of this as she's very young, but she too may cry
02:48:54often. They are both okay otherwise, the doctor says. I nod, not being able to speak. My throat
02:49:02hurts and my heart aches for MIA. She's been hurt before, she'll probably suffer more this time.
02:49:08I finally carry Rose to Mia's room, while Vito is in Diego's arms. My parents offer
02:49:14to watch them for a while, while I check on MIA. Her eyes are closed and thank god she looks calm.
02:49:21I pray to god that she wakes up soon. I need her back. I was always an independent man,
02:49:27but now I can't seem to function without her. She has become my backbone, my life.
02:49:33Mia more please wake up. I need you. The kids need you. How can I look after Rose alone?
02:49:41Who's going to sing Vito to sleep? Please Amor, please stay strong for us.
02:49:46I hope she hears me, I really hope she does. Rose starts crying and I had a lot of trouble
02:49:52trying to calm her down. I cried beside MIA, but I can't cry in front of my kids.
02:49:58They're watching my face. I must be strong for them too.
02:50:03Two weeks have passed and I have had sleepless nights. Rose has been crying a lot like the
02:50:07doctor said, and Vito has had nightmares six times during these two weeks. I was able to
02:50:13get MIA transferred to our house, so I could keep her close. The only movement she has had
02:50:19is her fingers reacting to my touch, but that's all. My mom and Violeta helps watch Vito,
02:50:25but Rose doesn't let me leave her. She always clutches to my clothes when I try to leave.
02:50:31I can't leave the room without her. Amor, how are you today? If you can hear me,
02:50:37remember we love you. I put Vito's and Rose's hands in hers so she can feel their warmth and
02:50:43presence. She looks beautiful, even in a coma. I brush her hair from her face and kiss her.
02:50:50Her eyebrows become furrowed and I see some around her eyes.
02:50:54I quickly call Antonio and he doesn't take long to arrive. Just as he does,
02:50:59MIA's eyes flutter several times before they finally open. She struggles to keep them open,
02:51:05but Antonio does a quick check and tells me she's okay. Amor, you're awake. A tear slips
02:51:13down her cheek and I quickly wipe it away. Am I a baby, it's okay. You're okay now.
02:51:20She stares at me and I give her a kiss. You need to rest baby. I'll be here when you wake up.
02:51:28Her eyes close soon and she falls asleep. Relief washes over me and I feel extremely grateful
02:51:34MIA's awake. Wanting to be there when she wakes up, I rush to take a shower and feed the kids.
02:51:40MIA's pumped breast milk had run out last week and my mom had to help me breastfeed
02:51:44Rose while MIA was unconscious. It was a struggle to get her to sit up and all,
02:51:49but we managed to do it. I finally eat something hearty and return to her room.
02:51:56It doesn't take long for her to wake up again. This goes on for a few days. She wakes up a few
02:52:02times during the day, but only for a short period of time, then sleeps the whole day.
02:52:07Chapter 29. Luca's POV.
02:52:13MIA's recovering now. She has headaches from time to time but the doctor says she's doing great.
02:52:19Vito is walking now, so he walks around MIA's room every day when she's resting.
02:52:25He would bring his toys from the nursery and play there. He doesn't have the nightmares anymore
02:52:30and Rose doesn't cry much now. Although she can be feisty sometimes.
02:52:35Luca. Yes, Amor. I need to plan the wedding.
02:52:41MIA. You're still not well. We can postpone it till you've recovered completely.
02:52:47But I want to get married next month. Knowing that I can't argue with her, I agree.
02:52:54Fine. I'll hire a wedding planner then, but promise me that you won't overwork yourself.
02:53:00Okay. I won't. I promise.
02:53:04I kiss her forehead and get ready for the day. We found out the cause of our accident,
02:53:10and apparently Nikolai had ordered someone to kill us, my heir especially, before we killed him.
02:53:16We found the man tortured and killed him too. My family is finally safe but until how long
02:53:22I do not know. This is mafia life and I don't really like it.
02:53:27MIA said she's going out with Emma and Bria to find a wedding dress and all that stuff.
02:53:33I'm just gonna work today.
02:53:35Mia's Pov. I'm feeling so much better. My head was pounding so hard for days after I woke up,
02:53:42I thought it might explode. It's now just slight headaches, nothing serious.
02:53:47So we're looking at wedding dresses and the girls are browsing through the showcase dresses and
02:53:52pointing at ones they like. There are at least 10 that they chose, and I can already tell it's
02:53:58going to be a long day. I'm on dress number 8 and still not satisfied. My head is aching,
02:54:04but I'm determined to find the perfect one. The last two dresses are not bad but it's still not
02:54:09me. Miss, there's one new special edition dress if you'd like to see. It's quite expensive though,
02:54:16the sales assistant says. I didn't want to spend a lot of money,
02:54:20but Luca insisted I find the best dress and buy what I love, no matter the price. I'd like to see
02:54:26it. I tell her and she takes me to a section and opens a curtain, revealing the most beautiful
02:54:32dress I have ever seen. It's an off-shoulder backless lace dress. It's beautiful. This is it.
02:54:41I love it. I exclaim and the girl sighs in relief. I try it on and the girls squeal in excitement.
02:54:49Wow. You look amazing. Emma says. Damn girl. This is so nice. Bria shouts.
02:54:58After paying and whatnot, we go back home. The wedding planner came by for our first meeting
02:55:04that evening, and we talked about what I wanted the wedding to be like, and she will do the rest.
02:55:10I sink into the bed, tired of all the activities. Rubbing my temples, I close my eyes to relax.
02:55:18I hear the bathroom door open and Luca walks in, shirtless. Water is dripping from his hair,
02:55:23and my eyes trail his toned torso down to the versus shape peeking out from his towel.
02:55:29You feeling okay? He asks and I smirk. Much better. Damn this man is hot. I can feel the
02:55:37tingly sensation down there already. It isn't helping that we haven't had sex since the accident.
02:55:44As if hearing my thoughts he stalks towards me, mischief in his eyes. Oh naughty are you?
02:55:51He asks. I pull him close and kiss him, devouring his lips. He pulls away and I huff in frustration.
02:55:59Someone's impatient, he says and chuckles. In one swift movement he's on top of me,
02:56:04towel deserted somewhere in the room. I stroke his length slowly, earning a groan from him.
02:56:10Soon I'm naked and his finger is sliding in and out of me, hitting the spot. I feel myself tremble.
02:56:17I'm close. Come for me baby. I close my eyes and release all over his fingers.
02:56:24Before I can recover, he's inside me pumping in and out, kissing and sucking me everywhere.
02:56:31Fuck. I miss this. So tight. His thumb rubs circles on my clit as I moan in pleasure.
02:56:38I feel him pulse soon and he growls as he releases inside me. I scream his name as I
02:56:44climax at the same time. We fall onto the bed, panting and our sweaty bodies entangled.
02:56:51I missed making love to you. He whispers and I hum in response. Good night, Mio Amore.
02:56:59Good night. I say and kiss his forehead as we both fall into a deep slumber.
02:57:04Chapter 30 Chapter 19
02:57:10Mia? I hear Luca's voice outside my door, barely above a whisper. Everyone forbade us to sleep
02:57:17together tonight. Feeling a rush of happiness, I ran to open the door as quiet as possible.
02:57:25Hey. I missed you. I said hugging him as soon as he closed the door. I missed you even more.
02:57:32Your fucking brother was so close to tying me to my bed. He grumbled. I chuckled at his annoyed
02:57:39expression and he kissed me slowly. It's fun actually, having to sneak out to meet each other.
02:57:46What are you smiling at? He asks me confused. Nothing. I can't believe we're getting married
02:57:54tomorrow. I know right. I can finally call you my husband. We spent a few minutes cuddling
02:58:02before Luca had to leave, very very reluctantly might I add. Lorenzo will kill me if he knows I
02:58:08snuck out to see his sister, was what he said. The next day. I am admiring myself in the mirror
02:58:16as I turn around checking if my dress looks okay. I hear someone knock on the door. It definitely
02:58:23can't be Luca, cause the girls.and guys haven't let us see each other since last night. Come in.
02:58:30Oh darling you look beautiful, my mom says as soon as she sees me. My daughter. You're getting
02:58:36married. My dad holds my hand and I think I might have caught a glimpse of a tear. Mom dad I love
02:58:43you guys. We love you too Mia. Luca is a lucky guy and you're a lucky girl. You two were made
02:58:51for each other. I smile at their words and Vito runs in. Mama. Mama. Whoa. Come here baby boy.
02:59:02You look like a princess mama. Why thank you handsome little prince. Are you ready? He nods
02:59:10smiling. My baby boy is all grown up. He looks so handsome in his tux, his hairstyle just like how
02:59:17his dad usually does it. Mia. Is that you? Emma exclaims, pretending to not recognize me for a
02:59:25dramatic effect. Wow girl, my brother is damn lucky. How did he end up with a queen? Bria says
02:59:33examining me. Thanks guys. Mia. Here are your shoes. Lorenzo says walking in. Wait why do you
02:59:43have it? Um Luca might have stole it. Just take it. He says rubbing his neck. Something was written
02:59:51on the sole of my heels. I love you always and forever. Am I amore? It said. Luca's POV. Bro
03:00:00you okay? My brother asks me. No I'm not. My hands are shaking and I can't stay calm. Um no. I'm
03:00:10nervous as fuck. He laughs at me like it's so funny. You? Nervous. The mafia king nervous for his wedding
03:00:19is now my new favorite thing to watch. Lorenzo joked punching my arm. Shut up. Here Emma told me
03:00:28to give it to you. My shoes. I thought. Oh Mia stole them. I stole hers too. Luca you are my forever
03:00:39and I love you till the end of time. She wrote the words on the soles of my shoes and let me tell you
03:00:44her handwriting is a work of art just like herself. I smile putting them on and straightening my suit.
03:00:51Rose is with my mom and last time I checked she's doing okay. Luca's suit carrot. It's time.
03:00:59I'm standing nervously at the author. I swear I can feel sweat dripping down my neck.
03:01:05The doors open revealing a very very beautiful MIA. My heart beats faster as she approaches me.
03:01:13She looks like a greek goddess. Mia's POV. I'm at the entrance of the church with my dad.
03:01:20We're so proud of you Mia. Luca is a good man he says kissing my forehead. I smile at him.
03:01:28I'm finally doing this. As soon as the doors open we walk down the aisle and my eyes lock with
03:01:34Luca's. He looks extremely handsome today but again when does he not look good? Wait is the
03:01:41big mafia man crying? Oh yes he is. His eyes are filled with tears but he gives me his million
03:01:48dollar smile. I smile back at him as my hands join his. The priest says whatever he has to
03:01:55as we stare at each other with so much love and adoration. Do you Luca D'Angelo take Mia Beaumont
03:02:01to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do he says tears still filling his eyes. Do you Mia Beaumont
03:02:09take Luca D'Angelo to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do I say. I'm also crying at this point.
03:02:17I just pray my makeup remains intact. Vito gives us our rings and we exchange them.
03:02:23You may now kiss the bride. Luca doesn't waste a second to grab my waist and kisses me like it's
03:02:30only the two of us in the room. His hands crawl up my back as he pulls me closer to him. The
03:02:36cheers of the audience brings us back to reality and he pecks my lips before pulling away. I can't
03:02:42believe we're married. Luca says whispers in my ear. Me too. I love you. I love you too baby.
03:02:52I feel complete. This is what I've always wanted. Luca makes me happy. He completes me.
03:03:00Our kids are also the biggest blessings in our life.
03:03:05Epilogue. Four years later. Mia's Pov. I'm in the bedroom changing when Luca's hands snake around
03:03:13my waist startling me. You scared me. Mmhmm I missed my wife all day. He mumbles kissing my
03:03:21neck making me giggle. Get the kids. It's time for dinner. I don't want dinner. I want you.
03:03:30He pouts. I literally had to drag him into the kitchen. As soon as the smell of seafood hit my
03:03:37nostrils, I felt nauseous so I had to rush to the bathroom. You okay Amore? Luca asks holding my
03:03:45hair. Shouldn't we see a doctor? It's been like what the sixth time this week. I shake my head
03:03:52weakly as I lean on the bathroom wall. I'm pregnant? What? I said, we're gonna have another
03:04:00baby. Luca looks at me jaw dropping. I'm gonna be a father again. He pulls me up and hugs me tight.
03:04:09Why didn't you tell me earlier? We're gonna have a little baby. Oh Mia thank you thank you. I laugh
03:04:17at his expression knowing he's excited. He's been having baby fever for the past few weeks.
03:04:24Luca's Pov. I'm going to be a dad again. We're having a baby. I beam at MIA and she smiles
03:04:32kissing my cheek. We had dinner and we're now in the bedroom as Vito rushes in Rose following
03:04:38behind. Mama? Rose says I'm not your real son. Is it true? Are you not my real mom? Vito starts
03:04:47crying. I stare at him with wide eyes and MIA looks just as shocked. Gross. Who told you? I
03:04:56heard Uncle Mateo and Aunt Emma talking. She says looking guilty. Vito come here. MIA says pulling
03:05:04him onto her lap. I may not have given birth to you but you are my son and you will always be my
03:05:11son. You won't understand what it means now but you will someday. You are my son Vito and I love
03:05:17you so much. Okay? Vito nods but the tears don't stop flowing. Mama and Dada loves you so much.
03:05:26Don't cry baby. She says rubbing his back. Rose is crying now too. Baby girl come here. I tell her.
03:05:35She runs to me jumping into my lap. Did I do something wrong Dada? She asks me hiding her
03:05:42face in my chest. No baby girl. It's not your fault. I didn't mean to. Gross. It's okay baby.
03:05:53We know you didn't mean it. Don't cry. We love you both so much alright? MIA says.
03:06:01They nod and we pull both of them into a big hug. It's a few days later. We went to the doctor
03:06:08and we are indeed having another baby. The kids are on the floor playing with their toys while
03:06:14me and MIA are cuddling on the couch. Should we tell them? I ask her. Sure. Why not? Gross.
03:06:24Vito. Come here. She calls. You're going to be a big brother and sister. There's another baby in
03:06:33Mama's stomach. I tell them. A baby? Rose asks. M-M-H-M-M. A little brother or sister? Vito looks
03:06:44a bit worried and Rose looks confused. Even if the baby comes we will still love you both the same.
03:06:50You'll love the baby right? MIA asks as they look curiously at her. Vito sits on my lap and puts his
03:06:58hand on her belly. MIA smiles pulling Rose onto her lap. Emma and Mateo are now engaged and Lorenzo
03:07:06is going to propose to Bria soon. Diego is happily married and the Mafia is doing really well. We do
03:07:13more of the legal business now. This is it. Our family. The life I've always wanted. I love MIA
03:07:23with all my heart and I will always love our babies. I can't imagine life without them. It's
03:07:29us together forever. I love you. MIA tells me kissing my cheek. I love you. I say and kiss her
03:07:38forehead. The end. Next book Vito Sneak Peek. Veiled in shadows she stalks the night, her identity
03:07:48concealed behind a mask. The Black Shadow, a deadly assassin feared by all who cross her path.
03:07:54With a cold, calculating gaze and a heart hardened by a lifetime of pain and betrayal,
03:08:00she is an enigma, a merciless killer with an untraceable reputation. But when a powerful
03:08:06Mafia boss demands a meeting, she finds herself drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
03:08:12Vito D'Angelo is a man shrouded in mystery, his icy blue eyes and chiseled features promising
03:08:18both exquisite pleasure and untold suffering. As the head of the most ruthless crime syndicate,
03:08:24his very presence commands respect and instills terror. Drawn to each other's darkness,
03:08:30an intense and forbidden attraction ignites. As they engage in a sensual dance of dominance
03:08:35and submission, neither can deny the addictive pull between them. But with deadly rivals and
03:08:41unforgiving enemies at every turn, surrendering to this feeling could prove not only dangerous,
03:08:47but fatal. Can the Black Shadow let down her guard long enough to trust the Mafia king?
03:08:53I wake up to a splitting headache and run my hands over my face as the night's events come
03:08:58back like a wave. Just how much did I drink? I remember getting angry after finding a mole
03:09:05among my men. I was always so careful when it comes to choosing people to work for me,
03:09:11but I must have missed something. Liz, the blonde I often slept around with,
03:09:15tried to make me release but took too long so I sent her off. She can be a good fuck sometimes,
03:09:21but she's starting to become too clingy and I don't have time to deal with her shit.
03:09:26I quickly shower and put on my signature outfit, a black tailored suit with a white
03:09:31dress shirt underneath. I decided on going with no tie today. Morning Vito, did you sleep well?
03:09:38My mom asks as I walk into the kitchen. She's not my biological mom but she raised me since
03:09:44I was like 2 months, so I would say she's my real mother. My biological mother didn't want me,
03:09:51and apparently I was a product of one of my father's one-night stands.
03:09:55And that is why I take extra precaution when having sex.
03:10:00Not so good mama, I tell her and she looks at me understanding what I mean.
03:10:04Shit she probably saw me drunk last night. She doesn't like when I drink too much,
03:10:10and I hate to disappointment her. Someone has a hangover, Rose my sister says in a sing-song
03:10:15voice. She can be annoying sometimes but I still care for her. You're gonna be an alcoholic,
03:10:22at that rate. Here have this. It's supposed to ease the hangover. It's honey with warm water,
03:10:29my mom says, handing me a cup. You really should stop fucking around and settle down Vito.
03:10:36You're a mafia leader, with a lot of responsibilities, and I believe a wife
03:10:40will help you come to your senses. I suggest you find someone soon, my father says.
03:10:46Luca D'Angelo, the mafia king, the most ruthless and heartless man known to earth,
03:10:51yet so soft when it comes to my mom. No one thought he would fall in love, but here we are now.
03:10:57I took over the mafia when I was 22, and people say I'm even more cruel than my father is.
03:11:04I have no intentions of getting married, Papa. I say, sitting at the table while my mom sets
03:11:10my plate down in front of me. She made pancakes, my favorite. You'll have to eventually. If you
03:11:17don't find someone soon, I might have to make you marry that blonde you always sleep with.
03:11:22What's her name, Liz or something? Fuck no! I shout, banging my fists on my table.
03:11:30Enough both of you! My mom exclaims pointing at the both of us.
03:11:35My dad is smirking. He knows what he did. He always gets on my nerves to get a reaction from
03:11:41me. My sister looks at us and giggles softly. Your dad is right Vito. You really should get
03:11:48married soon, my mom says looking at me. I sigh saying, I'm not interested in anyone mama.
03:11:56You just haven't found the one yet, but you will soon. She says with a small smile.
03:12:01My mom has always wanted me to fall in love someday, but I think I'm incapable of loving
03:12:07anyone apart from my family. The rest of the meal continues in silence until I leave for work.
03:12:14I get in my Audi R8 my baby and drive to our base which is just a normal building.
03:12:19My men live in the apartments upstairs and all the work goes on underground.
03:12:24Boss? My men greet me as I walk into the meeting room.
03:12:29Update me. I was never one for small talk and always got straight to the point.
03:12:35The trade went well with the French, but one of our shipments in New York got stolen again.
03:12:40We assume it's the Wolves, says Val my right-hand man and my best friend.
03:12:45Alright get the plane ready, we leave tonight. Let's end them once and for all. I pretend to
03:12:51sip on my drink and look at the man in the other side of the room eyeing me like a snack. I walk
03:12:57towards him making sure he's watching me and sit on his lap. His hands go round my waist landing
03:13:03on my ass. I hook my hands behind his neck. What's a pretty girl like you doing here?
03:13:10Doing what I do best, I whisper in his ear and discreetly slip out my pocket knife from my sleeve
03:13:15and slitting his throat. I call the number and I get paid instantly. This is what I do best.
03:13:23I'm known as the Black Shadow because no one knows who I am and that's exactly my intentions.
03:13:28No one has seen my real face for years. I'm a freelance assassin and I always use prosthetics
03:13:35to disguise myself. So far I've been able to hide but I know they're still looking for me
03:13:40and they're getting closer. I'll have to move soon. I actually like this city but I guess we
03:13:46don't always get what we want. It's my last week here. I might as well spend my remaining nights
03:13:53at The Blaze. The owner, Brian is the only person I talk to there. Brian doesn't know my story and
03:14:00he hasn't actually seen my face as I always wear a mask and hoodie when I go there. He only knows
03:14:07that I'm a woman and known as the Black Shadow. Some of my clients go there too. I rush through
03:14:13the busy streets and finally make it to my destination. The Blaze is actually a fighting
03:14:19ring disguised as a club. The music is blaring and the lights are messing with my eyesight.
03:14:26This is why I don't like clubs. There's no fun at all, just a lot of people grinding on each other.
03:14:32I weave my way between the sweaty bodies and finally make it to the stairs. I could have
03:14:38entered from the back alleyway but something was telling me not to. Plus I could use a drink before
03:14:44I fight. I quickly order a drink at the bar and down it all at once. The ring looks normal, men
03:14:52betting on the fighters as they attack each other in the ring. Brian walks to me as soon as he sees
03:14:58me enter the place. Black, been a long time. Yeah, been kind of busy. Got anyone for me? Actually yes,
03:15:09he doesn't usually come here but he's here today. I nod and get ready to fight. Black wait.
03:15:16I turn to look at him and he pulls me to a corner. There's someone who wants to meet you. A client.
03:15:24He wants to hire you. Brian, you know I don't meet my clients. You can let him call me.
03:15:32He insists on seeing you. Please Black, he's one of my close acquaintances and he's big.
03:15:38You'll be making a lot. I groan in annoyance. Fine but only because you've helped me many times.
03:15:47Thank you. Now go, you're next.