• 2 months ago


00:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
00:30["Pomp and Circumstance"]
00:35By Gotha, on the east-west long-distance line Berlin-Frankfurt-am-Main, the traveler sees
00:48the Inselberg from a blue distance, protruding from the long-stretched mountain range of the
00:54Thuringian forest.
00:55Gotha is the gateway to the Inselberg area.
01:02In 1775, at Friedenstein Castle, Conrad Eckhoff ordered the first German court theatre.
01:09In front of the forest, in Reinhardtsbrunnen Castle, the countesses from Thuringia's great
01:28time rest.
01:29And not far from it, Friedrichroda is one of the oldest and most famous healing places
01:48in the country.
01:49Over Tabards the wide road rises up to the Inselberg, whose unguarded summit is 914 meters
02:14Across the plateau runs the old high-altitude border between Thuringia and Prussia.
02:21A magnificent panoramic view opens up, southwards to the Fränkische and northwards to the Küffhäuser.
02:30The forest is only experienced by those who have migrated far from the major roads.
02:50There, among the forest farmers and their herds, the black bear hunters and the wood
02:59In the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest,
03:08in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest,
03:18in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest,
03:26in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest,
03:33in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest, in
03:40the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest.
03:41It is not only in times of reformation that the article Schmalkalde was available.
04:07It is not only in times of reformation that the article Schmalkalde was available.
04:19It is not only in times of reformation that the article Schmalkalde was available.
04:46It is not only in times of reformation that the article Schmalkalde was available.
05:13It is not only in times of reformation that the article Schmalkalde was available.
05:43It is not only in times of reformation that the article Schmalkalde was available.
06:04With the foot, he steps on the beam, which ignites the flame.
06:22The son, artfully, creates the nails for mountaineering shoes, a difficult and economically
06:29underrated job for the old and the young.
06:33The nail smith's wife wears her child in the extensive Thuringian children's coat.
06:41So did the Anne already 400 years ago, and the coat is one of the few remains of really
06:48living German folk costume.
06:50The girls from the village go to the cigar factory.
07:03There, the brown leaves are plucked from overseas.
07:07The insertion is rolled into the cover leaf.
07:26Then the cover leaf follows.
07:29The most popular varieties receive a cover leaf, which means a leaf that has grown particularly
07:37strongly near the bottom of the sand.
07:56The old, richly carved half-timber, which we encounter step by step in this area, shows
08:02that southwestern Thuringia is in its way of construction neighboring the Frankenland.
08:06Where the outliers of the Inselberg glide into the hill chain of the Werratal, there are two
08:16old-famous Thuringian healing baths, Bad Liebenstein, where since the 16th century, sick hearts
08:25have been healed and strengthened by the strongest iron-mangan-arms.
08:32The spa house of Bad Salzungen is reflected in the great Salzunger Lake.
08:49His salt work has already been given to Charles the Great as a loan, and the sole won there
08:55has a salt content of up to 26.5 percent.
08:59Extended graduation plants are available to the sufferers.
09:05Some can be crystallized by the thought of the cure of a tooth, branch or pin.
09:20After Rula, the way leads through the Luthergrund and a memorial stone indicates where Luther
09:40was raised by his royal protector to be brought to Bad Burg as Junker Jörg.
09:48In the middle of Tyrol, there used to be a border between Saxony-Gotha and Saxony-Weimar.
09:57Therefore, the place had two churches and the Goths sang other church songs than the Weimars.
10:04Today, Rula is a not insignificant industrial site.
10:11In Wilhelmstal Palace, which was built around 1700, Goethe and his royal friend Carl August
10:24often returned.
10:28Once around the castle there was a large zoo.
10:35And even today, in the huge forests that stretch all the way up to the Inselberg,
10:43you can see the wild boar in the open.
10:48Am Nesselberg droben lässt er sich sogar dicht vor der Kamera sehen.
10:55Unser Wanderweg rings um den Inselberg endet in der Bach- und Lutherstadt Eisenach.
11:21Hier ward am 21. März 1685 der Meister der Fuge und des Orgelklangs Johann Sebastian Bach geboren
11:31und das Bach-Haus birgt eine Fülle von Erinnerungen an sein Wirken.
11:40Zu Häupten der Stadt aber steht die Wartburg.
11:45Hier, wo die Minnesänger aus deutschem Gauern der Liebe all Gewalt priesen.
11:54Wo die heilige Landgräfin den leidenden Mutter war.
11:59Wo Dr. Martin Luther die deutsche Bibel schuf.
12:03Hier, wo Thüringens landschaftlicher Kronschatz in seiner sanft geschwungen grünen Schönheit zu unseren Füßen liegt,
12:21ist Thüringens Gralsburg und alle Welt hat an ihren Schätzen teil.
