(ENG) Love’s Rebellion (2024) Ep 26 EngSub

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00:00《The World of Dream》
00:25走过你的白天 我的黑夜 Walking through your day, my night
00:30在醒来之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟随城市大雁 Follow the city's great kite
00:35穿越这流年穿越这流年 Crossing through these years
00:38遇见 相思的天 Meeting the sweethearts
00:42黄昏沉淀 落在你衣衫前 Falling into your dress
00:46等真实写心愿 等未生之若 Waiting for the true wish to be fulfilled
00:54逐渐 Gradually
00:59《The World of Dream》
01:03《The World of Dream》
01:19阿杰 Ah Jie
01:20杰儿 I'm back
01:29我回来了 I'm back
01:31姐姐 Sister
01:51爹 Dad
01:53爹 Dad
01:54我姐怎么样了 How is my sister?
01:58爹 Dad
02:10你欲谋为好 自放无阻 You want to take advantage of the situation
02:14你小子胡闹到如此的地步 How could you do such a thing?
02:17你是想上天吗 Do you want to go to heaven?
02:19不是 爹 你不是被围了吗 Dad, aren't you being surrounded?
02:23你再怎么胡闹下去的话 If you continue to make trouble
02:25我离死是不远了 I will not be far from death
02:27不是 爹 你听我解释啊 Dad, listen to my explanation
02:28解释有屁用 Explanation is useless
02:31现在光耀这个事情已经冲撞到道生天 Now, Fengyao has already invaded Tao Sheng Tian
02:34若是真给你安上一个逆道的罪名 If you are really charged with a treacherous crime
02:37就算我赔上这张老脸喊破嗓子 Even if I lose my face and shout out loud
02:39你也再难在胸前立足 You will not be able to stand up again
02:42是道生天他不辩黑白 It's Tao Sheng Tian, he is innocent
02:45你给我闭嘴 Shut up
02:52布置全城的百姓到这门口集合 Gather all the people in the city at this gate
02:55看我如何处罚这个逆子 See how I punish this traitor
02:58不还打呀 Why are you still beating him?
03:02所以就是这样 So that's it
03:04我不仅多了一个阿姐 I not only have an older sister
03:06还多了一个大哥 I also have an older brother
03:07更多了一个舅舅 And an uncle
03:12我想着等你出来的时候 I was thinking that when you come out
03:20我就把我这些年经历的事情全部告诉你 I will tell you everything I have been through these years
03:23结果一讲就停不下来了 As a result, I can't stop talking
03:25你不会听腻了吧 You won't get tired of listening, will you?
03:31怎么会听腻呢 How can I get tired of listening?
03:33只是你讲的都是你的姓氏 It's just that you are talking about your last name
03:36阿姐还想听听 I also want to hear
03:38这么多年你究竟吃了多少苦 How much suffering have you suffered all these years
03:42还有你这白发 And your gray hair
03:48我还挺喜欢我这白发的 I like my gray hair
03:51而且你之前不是老嫌弃我冲动莽撞 And you used to hate me for being impulsive
03:55我现在看起来应该更加稳重了吧 I should be more stable now
04:07我大哥说我是个幸运的人 My brother said I was a lucky man
04:09什么麻烦事都会躲着我走 He would avoid me in any trouble
04:12阿姐 这些年我真的没有吃什么苦 Sister, I haven't suffered much all these years
04:16别担心了 Don't worry
04:18而且你看 And look
04:19我们狐族没有参与人妖大战我们却遭此劫难 The Fox Clan did not participate in the battle of the human and demon, but we suffered
04:23我想坏的运气都已经在那个时候耗尽了 I think bad luck has run out at that time
04:32接下来迎接我们的都只会是好运 The next one to meet us will only be good luck
04:36嗯 Um
04:41好 Ok
04:43往后我们就在这里安安静静地过日子 In the future, we will live here in peace
04:52僧罗现世并非传言 幽泉玉已经被解封了 The story of Sen Luo is not a rumor. The Jade of Youquan has been unsealed
04:57此事妖族若出 只恐僧罗借机利用 The Fox Clan is afraid that Sen Luo will take advantage of it
05:03阿姐 Sister
05:05我 I
05:07你可能还需要再等我一下 我有件事情要去完成 You may need to wait for me. I have something to do
05:12你要走 Are you leaving?
05:15世人重功法 剑宗重剑艺 想要入我剑宗 取得忘却过往修炼的心法 以所信赖的只有你的剑 Only your sword is trusted
05:25明白 Got it
05:26光嘴上硬撑容易 但是十几年的修炼也不是一件易事 It's easy to say, but it's not easy to practice for more than ten years
05:33你们当真准备好从头再来了吗 Are you really ready to start over?
05:37那又如何 修炼数年 在面对天蝎道师一样毫无还手之力 只要能变强 那些过往成果不要也罢 So what? I've been practicing for years, and I still have no power to fight back when I face the Tianxie Taoist
05:42只要能变强 那些过往成果不要也罢 As long as I can get stronger, I don't want those past achievements
05:51晚辈也这样想 I think so, too
05:56你俩分别去斩一截枝干让王府过关 You two go to cut a bunch of branches separately to let the royal family pass
06:01届时老夫再来决定你们的去路 When the time comes, I'll decide where you're going
06:06用剑砍枝干 这有什么难的 What's the point of cutting branches with a sword?
06:31剑宗无论男女你是同人 Your sword is the same regardless of gender
06:50你的准心不错可是力道不足 看其断面少说用了五箭吧 You have a good aim, but not enough strength. You used five swords when you were facing the Han Dynasty
06:56师兄名剑 正好五箭 Senior's name is Sword and it's just five
07:00This is what you cut with a sword.
07:04What do you think, Senior?
07:06It's a perfect cut.
07:08This sword is sharp.
07:10In terms of the point,
07:12in terms of strength,
07:13it's perfect.
07:16What do you think, Sword Bear?
07:20The Sword Sect
07:22can't keep you.
07:31Can't keep me?
07:34He just said to pick one from ten thousand miles.
07:35Did you make a mistake?
07:37I said it at the beginning.
07:39If you want to enter the Sword Sect,
07:40you must give up the goods.
07:43Otherwise, the spirit law interferes with the law.
07:44Both can't be obtained.
07:47you abuse your spiritual power.
07:49Stealing, tricking, the mind is not right.
07:51How can the Sword Sect keep you?
07:53Please find your own way.
08:01The Sword Sect
08:05Nanyan has taken care of me all these years.
08:07If he hadn't lent me the Silver Carp Pearl,
08:09I couldn't deal with it.
08:12Youquan wants to break the seal.
08:14I'm afraid he'll be in trouble.
08:15I have to help him.
08:16No, you can't go.
08:20we are only happy to see people's faces.
08:22Why do you still take the initiative
08:23to get involved in the four seas dispute?
08:25When you were away,
08:26he treated me like a sister,
08:28protected me.
08:29Now he's in trouble.
08:30I can't help him.
08:31It will only be more troublesome for you to help him.
08:35Sister, don't worry.
08:36Now I have Qiwei.
08:38So what?
08:40Back then, the Beast Clan was in power.
08:42They didn't give in easily.
08:45People have prejudices against beasts.
08:47If you take the initiative,
08:48how can Daosheng Tian believe you?
08:51Listen to me.
08:52Anyone can help him,
08:53but we can't.
08:59I've always dreamed of
09:02the night you asked me to run away.
09:07Actually, I regret it.
09:12If I knew
09:14I would be separated for so long,
09:17I might as well not run away.
09:21The feeling of running away
09:23is really not good.
09:29Now my friend is in trouble.
09:33I can't run away anymore.
10:22Qi Yang.
10:25Qi Yang.
10:35Qi Yang.
10:40You're awake.
10:41Why are you here?
10:43Is everything all right?
10:46Where's Qi Yang?
10:55Qi Yang.
10:58Qi Yang.
11:00Qi Yang.
11:01He's gone.
11:08He said when you wake up,
11:10he'll give you this letter.
11:19I'm leaving without saying goodbye.
11:22I wanted to wait for you to wake up before leaving.
11:25But I was afraid
11:27I wouldn't want to leave again.
11:34I thought even if I was alienated,
11:36I wouldn't feel it.
11:38I could still be free.
11:41Then I realized
11:44the days with you
11:45were the most free.
11:50But I lost control because of Sen Luo.
11:51I kept falling into danger.
11:54If I can't protect you for the rest of your life,
11:56at least
11:59don't let you go back on your word because of me.
12:03I've found a way.
12:05When I figure it out,
12:07I'll come back to you.
12:09We'll never be apart again.
12:13I'll leave this letter
12:15with you.
12:17Wang An.
12:21Wang An.
12:22Wang An.
12:23Wang An.
12:24Wang An.
12:25Wang An.
12:26Wang An.
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14:00Wang An.
14:01Wang An.
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14:11Wang An.
14:12Wang An.
14:13Wang An.
14:14Wang An.
14:15Wang An.
14:16Wang An.
14:18Wang An.
14:20Wang An.
14:27Yang Yu.
14:29Yang Yu, can you hear me?
14:31Wang An.
14:32Wang An.
14:33Wang An.
14:36Wang An.
14:40Wang An.
14:43Wang An.
14:44Do you really think that after you leave like this, I'll be able to find peace?
14:51Why? Why do you always leave without saying goodbye?
15:03If you want to leave, then leave. I'll believe you this one time.
15:07No matter what method you've learned, I'll be here waiting for you.
15:13I'll wait for you to come back.
15:20You must come back alive.
15:43I think it's broken.
16:00Senior Brother, this is a place where the Sword Sect has taken over Xiansan Xiu City.
16:05But don't worry. You're only staying here temporarily.
16:09You can think about where you want to go later.
16:12It's a bit...
16:15And then?
16:17Don't worry. I'll have a senior brother to help me settle down later.
16:20I'll definitely bring you more daily necessities.
16:24Ying Ying.
16:27How can you handle it by yourself? I'll go with you.
16:34Although I can't join the Sword Sect with you,
16:37but since you call me senior brother, I'll do my best to be your support.
16:44I appreciate your kindness.
16:47But that's where the Sword Sect disciples live.
16:50There are no rules.
16:56are not welcome.
17:13What an outsider.
17:16Ying Ying.
17:18You know I'm not like what Jian Xiong said.
17:21I'm just a disciple's relative. I want to stay with you.
17:24But who knows he cares so much about those tricky things?
17:27Don't worry.
17:28Jian Xiong has his own reason for doing things like this.
17:31A disciple's life is also about fate.
17:33You don't have to worry about it.
17:35Besides, I'm the only one who wants to learn how to kill demons and avenge my family.
17:41Maybe not joining the Sword Sect is a better choice for you.
18:00But you're my last relative.
18:03If I don't have you by my side,
18:06where should I go?
18:11That's right.
18:13My family is gone.
18:16That's why I want to go higher.
18:22Senior brother.
18:23There have been too many incidents lately.
18:26You must be tired.
18:28Have a good rest.
18:42Ying Ying, I...
18:47If you need anything in the future, just tell me.
18:50I will always take care of you.
18:52Also, Senior brother.
18:53You must never look down on yourself.
18:55As long as you study hard and practice hard,
18:57you won't have any worries.
19:22Is Nan Yan here?
19:29Nan Yan.
19:31Little fox.
19:32I just heard from the people in the village that you were seriously injured.
19:34Where did you get hurt?
19:36Does it hurt?
19:37I'm fine.
19:38I'm fine.
19:40Come, sit down.
19:47This is for you.
19:50When I was in the Wind Demon Formation,
19:52I met someone who claimed to be your uncle.
19:55At first, I didn't believe that he was your uncle.
19:57But Yin Jiao Zhu seemed to recognize him and flew directly into his hands.
20:00When I saw him,
20:02he didn't look like he was lying.
20:04Did he say his name?
20:06Did he say anything about my mother?
20:09His name is Nan Yi.
20:11He is your mother's younger brother.
20:15your mother
20:17is the head of the Yao Palace for many years.
20:22What did you say?
20:24My mother
20:26is the head of the Yao Palace?
20:29Actually, when we were in Huigu,
20:31Ji Yang Jiu already told me your mother's identity.
20:34But he asked me to keep it a secret from you.
20:36Because this is your mother's last wish.
20:39So I can only follow you and keep it a secret.
20:47Dad, I remember.
20:49My mother has been running a small bun shop in Yangyue Town.
20:53She is either playing cards or drinking.
20:56How could she be the head of the Yao Palace?
20:59Then why did she hide her identity?
21:03Even me?
21:05I don't know either.
21:08But there must be a reason for her to do this.
21:15What are you going to do next?
21:18Are you going to look for Ji Yang?
21:21He said
21:23he would come back to look for me
21:25after he became a demon.
21:27Do you still believe him?
21:30I believe him.
21:32But I can't forgive him.
21:34That's right.
21:36You can't forgive him.
21:38He has been controlling you like a mad dog.
21:40You almost died because of him.
21:42If he comes back, I will definitely...
21:46I will definitely kill him.
21:49What will you do?
21:54What else can I do?
21:56If I can't beat him, I will kneel down.
21:58Anyway, you have to help me.
22:02I will definitely help you.
22:06Since you already know where your uncle is,
22:08why don't you go straight to the court
22:10and ask him face to face?
22:13If my mother is really the head of the Yao Palace,
22:15then she must be the mastermind.
22:19Then there must be something wrong with her mind.
22:23And the person who took the Blood Yellow Fan last time
22:26also seems to know my mother.
22:30I'll go find my uncle.
22:32Maybe if I find him,
22:33the truth will be revealed.
22:46My sister has just been released from prison.
22:48She must rest well.
22:50The murderer who killed Chief Meng
22:52will definitely be found one day.
22:54It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.
22:57When I meet my uncle,
22:59he will definitely have a way to supervise Shi Guang.
23:03If there is any news about him,
23:05I will definitely tell you immediately.
23:12Then let's stop here.
23:14It's more important than anything else.
23:21What do you want to do?
23:24Miss, can I go with you?
23:29Young Master and Miss have been very kind to me.
23:31I promised Young Master that I would take care of Miss.
23:36My blood can be used to heal Tian Qi Dao.
23:39Before, for my brother's leg injury,
23:44I would have to use my blood to heal him.
24:05I'm not your brother,
24:07and I don't need your blood for healing.
24:11If you want to follow me,
24:13I'm sorry.
24:16I'm sorry.
24:19I'm sorry.
24:21I'm sorry.
24:23I'm sorry.
24:25Come out.
24:28Didn't you say you'd kneel before me if you saw me again?
24:41Didn't you say you'd kneel before me if you saw me again?
24:46Didn't you leave already?
24:47Why are you still sneaking around?
24:50What do you want to do to Nan Yan?
24:57If I stay by her side,
24:59I'll only hurt her.
25:03So you said in the letter that you found a way to get rid of the demon.
25:07You lied to her.
25:11I don't want to get her in trouble again.
25:15At least you have some conscience.
25:18Even a bloodsucker can't get rid of the demon.
25:21I'm afraid there's only one person in this world who can do it.
25:35These paintings were drawn by the God of War himself.
25:42Ten years ago, he was studying here.
25:53After the death of Sen Luo,
25:55the God of War held a sword in his hand and went out to fight with Sen Luo.
26:01He fought with Sen Luo for 49 days and finally defeated Sen Luo.
26:07However, Sen Luo didn't die.
26:09The God of War only suppressed his soul in the Five Regions.
26:16No wonder Sen Luo wanted me to take over the Five Regions.
26:20Every time I took over the Five Regions,
26:21the Yin energy in my body became stronger.
26:23I was also closer to Sen Luo's father.
26:27That's why you were controlled by Sen Luo's soul
26:31after you took over the Five Regions.
26:36That's why you were unable to kill Nan Yan.
26:44How can I get Sen Luo's soul out of the Five Regions?
27:06The God of War sacrificed himself for the Five Regions.
27:17He sacrificed his life for the peace of the Four Seas.
27:22Before he died, he left a piece of jade sword
27:26and made five needles to seal it in the cave.
27:31That's why the God of War already knew
27:34that Sen Luo would appear again.
27:36That's right.
27:40He must have realized that the Four Seas and the Five Regions
27:45were destined to meet after a hundred years.
27:48These five needles can suppress Sen Luo's remaining soul
27:53and make the demon aura disappear.
27:56That's great. Let's use this needle.
28:00He and Sen Luo used the same demon body.
28:04He used this needle to bear the pain together.
28:08After a hundred years, his body and Sen Luo's soul
28:12will disappear together.
28:14At that time, he will truly be free.
28:19Disappear together? Isn't that a dead end?
28:23This needle can protect his soul
28:27and prevent Sen Luo from being attacked again.
28:31He won't be attacked again. He won't go crazy again.
28:34If he doesn't suppress his soul, one day,
28:37he will completely lose consciousness and become Sen Luo.
28:43No. He has to bear the pain for a hundred years by using this needle.
28:46In the end, he will die together.
28:48If he doesn't use this needle, he will completely become Sen Luo.
28:51Neither of these methods will work.
28:53Master, will Sen Luo be able to suppress his soul?
28:57There is no way.
29:01That won't do. What if Nan Yan finds out?
29:04Master, is there no other way?
29:08Maybe there is another way.
29:11We can enter Sen Luo's heart.
29:14Maybe we can destroy him.
29:17How can we enter Sen Luo's heart?
29:20The way to enter the heart is a secret method of the Fox Clan.
29:24But at that time, I didn't know how to do it.
29:27Now, only my sister can do it.
29:29That's right.
29:31The magic of the Fox Clan is the way to enter the heart.
29:35But even if we enter the heart,
29:37we don't know if we can destroy Sen Luo.
29:41Maybe he will be buried in the heart.
29:45His soul will be completely devoured by Sen Luo.
29:49I've only heard of it from Master Shen.
29:53No one has succeeded for thousands of years.
30:03I want to try.
30:09Do you have the right to die?
30:12I will not die.
30:15I'm going to look for my sister.
30:23Master, after the Fox Clan was released,
30:26Master brought Zi Shu to recuperate.
30:29The only one who can enter the heart is Ying Ya's sister.
30:34You and I are destined to meet.
30:36We are destined to meet.
30:38The answer has already been decided.
30:40The answer has already been decided.
30:43We just have to...
30:45release her.
30:54We can't help you with this.
30:58Ah Jie...
31:01Aren't you afraid that Nan Yan will be trapped by Sen Luo again?
31:06I'm happy to see you come back safely.
31:09Why did you bring the demon back and ask me to save her?
31:12She's not a demon.
31:14She's my friend.
31:16That was before she became a demon.
31:18Now she's Sen Luo.
31:20No, Ah Jie.
31:22What Ji Yang did and the pain she suffered
31:24was to get rid of Sen Luo.
31:26And I believe she can do it.
31:28She has already lost control.
31:30Otherwise, why did you chase Nan Yan away?
31:34Back then, Sen Luo wanted to enter the Demon Realm
31:36and cause chaos in the mortal world,
31:38causing the Human-Demon War.
31:40This caused all the demons to be thrown into the Wind Demon War.
31:44She is the source of everything.
31:50The power of Sen Luo is far beyond our imagination.
31:54Our Fox Clan has just gained freedom.
31:57We are looking forward to recuperating.
31:59We can't fight Sen Luo now.
32:01We can't have anything to do with Sen Luo now.
32:04Ya'er, you can save anyone,
32:07except for her.
32:09But it's not easy for us to have the Enchantment Pearl.
32:12As long as we can enter Sen Luo's heart,
32:15I believe Ji Yang will be able to destroy Sen Luo.
32:18Then we will be able to destroy her.
32:23Ah Jie, I really can't watch Ji Yang become Sen Luo.
32:32Fine. Even if she is not Sen Luo,
32:36I will still treat her as Ji Yang, your friend.
32:40But Ji Yang has always been chased by Dao Sheng Tian.
32:43And our Fox Clan has been suppressed by Dao Sheng Tian for so many years.
32:47She was just released.
32:49If we save her now,
32:51wouldn't that be offending Dao Sheng Tian again?
32:56You want me to be the Fox Queen.
32:58The Fox Queen? Where is the Fox Clan?
33:02You are worried about your friend's life.
33:05And I just want to lead the Fox Clan and live a peaceful life.
33:09I don't want to suffer the suppression for a hundred years.
33:12Ya'er, I beg you.
33:16Didn't you say that if you were allowed to choose again,
33:22would you be with us?
33:25Like the Great Formation of Fengyao,
33:28not living alone?
33:31Then this time,
33:33can you choose to be with us?
33:52I understand.
33:54I was suppressed by Sen Luo and chased by Dao Sheng Tian.
33:59It's reasonable that your sister doesn't want to help me.
34:03What you should do now
34:06is to assist your sister in taking care of me.
34:10I understand.
34:12I understand.
34:14I understand.
34:16I understand.
34:19It's to assist your sister in taking care of the Fox Clan.
34:26But Yin Ya,
34:29there is one thing that I want you to help me with.
34:38Tell Nan Yan
34:40that you witnessed
34:43the death of Mu Ying Chun.
34:48If Nan Yan finds out about this,
34:50she will definitely turn her back on you until she finds your body.
34:53I can't tell her such a lie.
34:55Mu Ying Chun has suffered for a hundred years.
34:58She will also suffer for a hundred years with me.
35:01Is this what you want to see?
35:04A hundred years of loneliness, pain, and hopelessness.
35:10Unless you die, you can't be free.
35:13Can you bear this pain?
35:19These days,
35:22I've been with Nan Yan.
35:25Although it's short,
35:27it's more meaningful than anything else in the world.
35:33It's not difficult to endure a hundred years of loneliness.
35:44please arrange a funeral.
35:58You've made up your mind.
36:00This journey has no return.
36:03Once it begins,
36:05it can't be stopped.
36:08You will suffer endless pain.
36:13All consequences
36:17will be your own.
37:12A hundred years of loneliness
37:17A hundred years of loneliness
37:40Do you still want to continue?
37:42Do you want to take a break?
37:45If you keep going like this,
37:48it's like being trapped in a prison.
37:51The more you get old, the more your soul will be broken.
37:55Compared to the pain of being a demon,
37:58it's nothing.
38:01Can you bear it?
38:15A Hundred Years of Loneliness
38:45A Hundred Years of Loneliness
39:15A Hundred Years of Loneliness
39:45A Hundred Years of Loneliness
39:50A Hundred Years of Loneliness
39:55A Hundred Years of Loneliness
40:00A Hundred Years of Loneliness
40:05A Hundred Years of Loneliness
40:10A Hundred Years of Loneliness
40:15A Hundred Years of Loneliness
40:20A Hundred Years of Loneliness
40:25♫ I'll stay for you under the bright fireworks ♫
40:32♫ When the wind blows ♫
40:36♫ When the wind blows ♫
