Bound By Vendetta: Sleeping With The Enemy - Full Dailymotion

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Bound By Vendetta: Sleeping With The Enemy Daiana thought Enzo was the love of her life...until he murdered her entire family. Captured by the enemy, Daiana would have to face the consequences of hatred, find the impossible strength for forgiveness, and experience the cruel side of love.
00:00:00Why did you come back?
00:00:07Look at your face!
00:00:10The man who killed every single person who ever loved me.
00:00:13The man who kept me like some sick little pet.
00:00:16I'm not my father.
00:00:19You're the devil.
00:00:21Your dad massacred my entire family and I'm the devil.
00:00:26So you're just like him.
00:00:29I know you're worse.
00:00:31I know who loved you.
00:00:34You knew I always have.
00:00:36Yet you still did this to me.
00:00:40Can I find real love after growing up with so much hate?
00:00:51I didn't think so either.
00:00:59I'm sorry.
00:01:01You're doing great, princess.
00:01:07Will I always be your princess?
00:01:14I'm sorry.
00:01:15You're doing great, princess.
00:01:21Will I always be your princess?
00:01:34And so you're kind of hurting me.
00:01:38After what your father did, I hope you know I wish you nothing but eternal pain and death!
00:01:49My lady bear.
00:01:53What's wrong?
00:01:54Bad dream again?
00:01:56Poor child.
00:01:57You dreamt of him again, didn't you?
00:02:00He's gone.
00:02:01You shouldn't be crying or thinking about him.
00:02:04Enzo's good.
00:02:05I know he's good.
00:02:07Miss Diana.
00:02:09Don't you dare speak of that name in this house.
00:02:12Enzo's not a bad person.
00:02:14Father did things to him.
00:02:16Plus, it doesn't matter, he loves me.
00:02:19And he said he'd be here for my 25th birthday and I know he'll be here.
00:02:25Nothing good will come of a visit from Enzo Rossi.
00:02:31This whole costume party idea is stupid.
00:02:33I'm not ten anymore.
00:02:35I know you're disappointed about a certain missing guest.
00:02:40But you will have a great night tonight.
00:02:43Mr. D'Angelo invited the most handsome young man.
00:02:46I'm not interested.
00:02:47Well, you should be.
00:02:49Your brother's duty is to the family.
00:02:51Your duty...
00:02:52Is to bear children, right?
00:02:57Your duty is to fall in love.
00:03:17Sorry, am I done?
00:03:18I'll see you later, eh?
00:03:21Ah, there's my birthday girl.
00:03:25You look like an angel.
00:03:33Thank you, Papa.
00:03:34What are you dressed up as?
00:03:36Hey, the Mafia King.
00:03:45All right, thank you, Franco.
00:03:47So, Maria Mia, what do you want for your 25th birthday?
00:03:51I was thinking, since it's a special birthday, I want you to grant a pardon.
00:03:56You want a pardon? From me?
00:03:59Who do you want to spare?
00:04:01Enzo Rossi.
00:04:05Diana, my dear daughter, what did you just say?
00:04:10Enzo Rossi.
00:04:17What did you just say?
00:04:20She is out of her mind today, my Don.
00:04:23I know another Hermes Birkin would make her very happy.
00:04:29Maria Mia, it's your birthday, so I will pretend I did not hear you.
00:04:36Come, angel, I want you to meet Carlos Lombardo.
00:04:42Miss Diana, the jewel of the D'Angelo family.
00:04:47Your beauty outshines this city.
00:04:50This is Carlos, Diana.
00:04:52He has recently taken over all affairs of the Lombardi family.
00:04:57The new Don.
00:04:59Mr. Lombardi.
00:05:01Call me Carlos.
00:05:04May I?
00:05:06Be my guest.
00:05:08You know, Andreas, he hides you like some sort of secret.
00:05:12Like you're something holy.
00:05:15But I've been underneath that angel costume of yours.
00:05:18You're a dirty little girl.
00:05:25I can't wait to have you in my bed, begging me.
00:05:33To have you in my bed, begging me to fuck you.
00:05:42I can't wait to have you in my bed, begging me to fuck you.
00:05:56Told you I wouldn't miss this.
00:05:58Happy birthday, princess.
00:06:00Dance with me.
00:06:04It's fine.
00:06:09How long has it been?
00:06:11Four years, seven months, three weeks.
00:06:14I missed you.
00:06:16I've been waiting for this since the moment that I left.
00:06:19Every waking moment.
00:06:26Hey, wait a minute.
00:06:27Who is that?
00:06:28Let's get out of here.
00:06:29Hey, you over there.
00:06:30Get your hands off my daughter.
00:06:32I didn't hurt yourself.
00:06:42You're not worried about missing your party?
00:06:44This is the party.
00:07:03I thought that you would be mad at me.
00:07:06I was.
00:07:08Not for stealing from Papa.
00:07:11And so you left without an explanation.
00:07:14I didn't even know if you were alive.
00:07:16It doesn't matter.
00:07:17I'm here now.
00:07:18Why'd you do it?
00:07:19Why'd you leave?
00:07:21You knew Papa was going to go after you.
00:07:23I didn't have a choice.
00:07:24I was already your father's slave, and what I did gave me a death sentence.
00:07:27I know, but...
00:07:28Let's just not talk about it, okay?
00:07:31You still don't trust me.
00:07:34I'll always just be a D'Angelo to you.
00:07:47Is that gunshots?
00:07:52Boss, we've been infiltrated.
00:07:54Follow me.
00:08:07Where's Diana?
00:08:08Find my Diana!
00:08:15We've been waiting for this our whole lives, Don D'Angelo.
00:08:23Are those gunshots?
00:08:25What's happening?
00:08:26Stay here.
00:08:27No, I have to go help my family.
00:08:31How did you get into the party if there's no masks at entry?
00:08:37Daisy, answer me.
00:08:40Why did you come back?
00:08:42Stay here, Diana.
00:08:44This was the last thing that I could do for you.
00:08:48What have you done?
00:08:54And so it begins.
00:09:02Oh, my God.
00:09:05No, Papa.
00:09:07No, Papa.
00:09:09Hey, baby.
00:09:11Please, please, Papa.
00:09:13Miss Diana.
00:09:17Oh, my God, no.
00:09:18No, Marie.
00:09:20Who did this to you?
00:09:22The devil is here, Miss Diana.
00:09:26We must go.
00:09:27We must go.
00:09:28We must run.
00:09:29We must run.
00:09:30Shh, it's okay.
00:09:31I'm gonna get you help, okay?
00:09:33I'm gonna get you help.
00:09:35Too late.
00:09:38Franco, why are you doing this to us?
00:09:42Just tell me what you want.
00:09:44Marie, she didn't do anything wrong.
00:09:46I'm just following orders, Miss Diana.
00:09:49No witnesses.
00:09:51And no one in the D'Angelo family left alive.
00:09:55I'm sorry.
00:09:57But, Franco, we've known you since we were kids.
00:10:01How could you do this to us?
00:10:03Told you to stay outside.
00:10:13And so...
00:10:19You know what your father did to you.
00:10:22You know what your father did to me.
00:10:25My family.
00:10:27My people.
00:10:28It's tradition for the big four...
00:10:30To take over after killing the head of a family, yes.
00:10:34Not massacre everyone like your father did.
00:10:37Andres D'Angelo murdered my entire family, Diana.
00:10:41My parents, my cousins, my little sister.
00:10:44I'm sorry, I...
00:10:45Do not apologize to me.
00:10:49Not you.
00:10:50Then kill me.
00:10:51If vengeance isn't what you want, Enzo, then just do it.
00:10:53You have nothing of vengeance, princess.
00:10:57You think your father let me live out of mercy?
00:11:03Enzo, please, I beg you.
00:11:05Oh, I beg, too.
00:11:07I knelt in front of that heartless monster you call Papa,
00:11:10and I begged him to take my life.
00:11:14You know what he said to me?
00:11:17You don't get to rest in a grave until I've had my fun with you.
00:11:27What now, boss?
00:11:30Burn the bodies.
00:11:34Check if she's alive.
00:11:38She's still breathing.
00:11:40You want me to...
00:11:41No, no, no.
00:11:43No, she's done nothing wrong.
00:11:45You're in for medical attention.
00:11:47The Enzo?
00:11:49What did I do to you?
00:11:56You're a D'Angelo.
00:11:58So I was right.
00:12:00That's all I ever was to you, even though I loved you.
00:12:09Where's your brother?
00:12:14He comes later tonight, doesn't he?
00:12:16Don't touch Dante.
00:12:18Station a few men here.
00:12:20We're gonna have a little welcome home gift for him when he arrives.
00:12:36An eye for an eye, my dear Diana.
00:12:40Pray to be dead, just like I did.
00:12:48Just get over here, Diana, please.
00:12:55The angel has fallen.
00:12:57No, this isn't real. This can't be real.
00:12:59How could Enzo do this?
00:13:01You better get used to calling him Don, Miss Diana.
00:13:03He wouldn't do this. He wouldn't.
00:13:05This isn't real.
00:13:06Wake up, Miss Diana.
00:13:08Word of advice, keep your mouth shut and your head down.
00:13:12That's how we survived when your father took over.
00:13:15Look, he has a safe in his room. It has millions. I'll give you the code.
00:13:18It doesn't matter, princess.
00:13:20I don't think you understand.
00:13:22Everything that was D'Angelo's before is now Enzo's.
00:13:26And that includes you.
00:13:28We are a part of the Big Four. If the other families find out...
00:13:31How do you think Enzo got into the party?
00:13:34He had someone on the inside.
00:13:38Couldn't have done this without the Lombardi family's support.
00:13:43Rest assured, this won't be forgotten.
00:13:46All good.
00:13:48I was getting tired of that old bastard Andres anyways.
00:13:51You find Dante D'Angelo...
00:13:55We'll dispose of him when we do.
00:13:58That's a no.
00:14:00You know the Big Four. We don't take chances.
00:14:05We'll find him.
00:14:08Good. One more thing.
00:14:10What else do you want?
00:14:12Diana D'Angelo.
00:14:18Diana D'Angelo.
00:14:22I want her.
00:14:24That wasn't part of the deal.
00:14:25Can you guarantee Dante's death?
00:14:31That's what I thought.
00:14:34You see, you know it's customary for the three families to gift a new dawn something of value.
00:14:42And in my case, I want Diana.
00:14:47Or what?
00:14:50Or I easily convince Bruno and Mario that you're too young, dumb and soft to be in the Big Four.
00:14:58You know how those old heads can get.
00:15:00Carlos, I'm not negotiating.
00:15:02No shit. You are young, dumb and soft.
00:15:10For the daughter of the man that massacred your entire family and kept you as a slave, Enzo.
00:15:19Now you listen to me.
00:15:21There is no room for Dear Romeo and Juliet on the Big Four.
00:15:26You're either all in or you're out.
00:15:33You're either all in or you're out.
00:15:39I'm in.
00:15:41And Diana?
00:15:45She's yours.
00:15:47Atta boy.
00:15:49She'll regret ever being spared, that's for sure.
00:15:53I expect a delivery very soon.
00:16:12D'Angelo killed your father, your mother, your sister.
00:16:20Your father, your mother, your sister, your father.
00:16:27Sir, I'm sorry to barge in, but Mary the nanny, she couldn't make it.
00:16:35She died from loss of blood.
00:16:51Miss Diana, wake up.
00:16:54We're here.
00:16:56We're here, at Enzo's base.
00:16:59Let me go!
00:17:01Miss Diana, stop. Miss Diana, would you please...
00:17:04Let me go, Frank, go.
00:17:06Don't. Don't make it harder than it needs to be, Miss...
00:17:12You're gentle with her.
00:17:14Mr. Enzo.
00:17:16Diana D'Angelo is no longer a princess.
00:17:19She's our prisoner. I need you to remember that.
00:17:22I understand, Mr. Enzo, but Diana's always been...
00:17:28Yes, sir.
00:17:34Where's Maria?
00:17:38You should get some sleep. You've got a big night coming up.
00:17:41I asked you where Maria is.
00:17:44She did nothing wrong. She raised you too, Enzo. She treated you like a son.
00:17:48I sent someone to clean you up.
00:17:50Can't have you looking filthy.
00:17:58We didn't mean to shoot Maria.
00:18:01Collateral damage.
00:18:05Wait, what does that mean?
00:18:07Enzo, please tell me she's okay!
00:18:18I have to find Maria and get out of here.
00:18:49Oh! Let me guess. Diana D'Angelo.
00:18:53Who are you?
00:18:55Of course you don't know.
00:18:57I'm Francesca, Enzo's fiancée.
00:18:59Just get out of my way.
00:19:01You're not seriously trying to make a run for it?
00:19:04That's pathetic.
00:19:06Already buried one dead body today.
00:19:08Guess I wouldn't mind burying another.
00:19:11Dead body?
00:19:13Oh, you don't know.
00:19:15Oh, you don't know.
00:19:17Your nanny. What's her name? Molly?
00:19:23She's dead.
00:19:26What did you just say to me?
00:19:29What did you just say to me?
00:19:32Enzo spent so much effort trying to save her and old goat still died.
00:19:36What a waste.
00:19:38You're lying. You're lying to me. She's not dead.
00:19:42Dead. Maria can't be dead.
00:19:45She can't be dead.
00:19:54We didn't mean to shoot Maria.
00:19:57Collateral damage.
00:19:59I'm sorry, Maria.
00:20:15Crap. He thinks I'm her.
00:20:18It's on hand where you are.
00:20:23It's on hand where you are.
00:20:42You didn't think I'd recognize your body through these clothes?
00:20:52If not the body, I taught you how to kiss, didn't I?
00:20:56Let me go. You murdered her.
00:21:00You killed her.
00:21:02You killed Maria.
00:21:09She warned me.
00:21:11She warned me to stay away from you.
00:21:15Just let me go or kill me now, Enzo. Just stop torturing us.
00:21:20I suffered all my life because of your family.
00:21:24It's not going to stop now.
00:21:27It'll never stop.
00:21:32I know you're going to suffer with me.
00:21:35I might suffer.
00:21:37But I will never shed another tear for you, devil.
00:21:59That's a constrictor knot. Good luck getting out of this one.
00:22:04You don't know what I'm capable of.
00:22:07I guess we're going to find out.
00:22:22Do you know what that bitch did to me?
00:22:25I thought that you were trained to fight.
00:22:27She played dirty.
00:22:29You mean she's better?
00:22:32Don't you ever forget that I'm a Lombardi.
00:22:36I'm the one who convinced my asshole brother to help you.
00:22:39Without Carlos, you-
00:22:40Frankie, please.
00:22:42I'm sorry.
00:22:45It's been a really tough day.
00:22:48A tough week.
00:22:55You're the best, you know that?
00:22:57How'd I get so lucky?
00:22:59Stop it. I'm lucky.
00:23:02In that case, do something for me.
00:23:22Listen here, you sneaky little rat.
00:23:25I want you to take a shower and put that dress on in three minutes.
00:23:29Not one second more.
00:23:31Why? What's happening?
00:23:33Three minutes!
00:23:43There has to be a way out of here.
00:23:58They all survived it.
00:24:25You're a tough one, aren't you?
00:24:28See how long you can keep that up.
00:24:30Where are you taking me?
00:24:32It's a surprise.
00:24:39She has no makeup on.
00:24:41And so, my love, it's been so hard.
00:24:43Every time I try to touch her face, she'll bite me like a rabid rat.
00:24:50You bit my fiancé?
00:24:52She's lying.
00:24:53How dare you?
00:24:54Not the face, Frankie.
00:24:57We need her to look desirable.
00:24:59What are you talking about?
00:25:06Still perfect.
00:25:08Even without makeup.
00:25:10She is a housewarming gift.
00:25:13She's got to be perfect.
00:25:24How's the casino, Carlos?
00:25:26What, a Lombardi just hanging up his hat?
00:25:29Oh, yeah.
00:25:30Listen, he's on a crew.
00:25:32He's sailing out to Mykonos with his sixth wife as we speak.
00:25:35You know, I'm proud of you, kid.
00:25:37You're the youngest kapo in the history of your family.
00:25:40And I got to tell you something.
00:25:42I'm impressed.
00:25:43What can I say?
00:25:45The world belongs to us now, gentlemen.
00:25:47I don't know about that.
00:25:48I'm not trusting my good-for-nothing sons with anything anytime soon.
00:25:52Don't be stingy like old Saviano in New York.
00:25:54Come on.
00:25:55At least you have a son.
00:25:56The Mancini family, all they got is a daughter, Sofia.
00:26:00Hey, I heard that Saviano kid's going to marry you.
00:26:03Oh, look at this.
00:26:06The gift has arrived.
00:26:11Good to see you, Angel.
00:26:21What are you doing here?
00:26:23Is he in on this?
00:26:24Brother, you're right.
00:26:26Mimbo knows nothing.
00:26:28She's clueless.
00:26:30Did you just say brother?
00:26:31Oh, did I not mention?
00:26:33My name, my full name, is Francesca Lombardi.
00:26:38And this here's Carlos, my older brother.
00:26:40And the new head of the family.
00:26:43Looks like Enzo's gift is the best one so far.
00:26:46Yeah, isn't that right?
00:26:47Look at her.
00:26:48When I was young and I stepped up, all I got was a broken down whore.
00:26:52From you, Mario.
00:26:53What, are you kidding?
00:26:55That was no whore.
00:26:56She was high end.
00:26:59What are you guys talking about?
00:27:00Oh, Enzo's giving it to Carlos to celebrate his new position.
00:27:04Your housewarming gift.
00:27:14It's over.
00:27:15It's not over.
00:27:17You're not actually going to give me to them, are you?
00:27:20This is what you wanted, right?
00:27:22To get away from me.
00:27:37Your face is prettier than I remember.
00:27:43And I wonder...
00:27:47how the body looks.
00:27:49Oh, oh, what are you doing?
00:27:51That's Andreas D'Angelo's princess.
00:27:53You need to show her some respect.
00:27:56Where is he?
00:27:57I don't see him.
00:28:01Look at you.
00:28:05Let's see how you do in bed.
00:28:13I would die before giving you my virginity.
00:28:20What did you just say?
00:28:22Some of us keep our promises, Enzo.
00:28:29Some of us keep our promises, Enzo.
00:28:39What's wrong?
00:28:47You shouldn't give your first to somebody like me.
00:28:51What are you talking about?
00:28:53I'm not the one for you.
00:28:56It might seem like it now, but one day you'll see...
00:28:59No, Enzo.
00:29:00I want you.
00:29:02And only you.
00:29:04It doesn't have to be now.
00:29:06But one day, I'll be yours.
00:29:09And only yours.
00:29:11I promise.
00:29:35A promise is a promise.
00:29:43Deal is off.
00:29:44What the fuck did you just say to me?
00:29:46Hey, kid. It doesn't work like that around here.
00:29:49You can't take back a gift.
00:29:51My father was the big four once.
00:29:53Don't assume I know nothing.
00:29:57Carlos Lombardi.
00:30:00I challenge you to a duel.
00:30:04I challenge you to a duel.
00:30:06Winner gets Diana.
00:30:08What the fuck?
00:30:10You can't do that.
00:30:11Tell him you can't do that!
00:30:13In this case, Enzo's right.
00:30:15It's an old family tradition.
00:30:17This is how we settle complicated differences.
00:30:23Ten paces, one shot.
00:30:25We survive, we go again out front.
00:30:27You die for that bitch?
00:30:29She's probably not even real.
00:30:30Do you accept my challenge?
00:30:44You can have her.
00:30:47I knew you were more fun than old Andreas.
00:30:50Hey, Enzo.
00:30:52Welcome to the big four.
00:30:54I look forward to working with you.
00:31:05So what are we going to do about this casino situation?
00:31:08Just get a license.
00:31:12Look, our route to Tahoe is fucked.
00:31:14The feds are all over us.
00:31:16Look, what we really need to do is talk to this guy Lucas Saviano.
00:31:20I really believe this guy can help.
00:31:22He's got a lot of deep connections in Washington, D.C.
00:31:25And if that happens, we get a politician behind us,
00:31:28and we have no problem getting the license.
00:31:30No, I don't trust that rat.
00:31:32Those families in New York, they're a different breed.
00:31:35I don't trust them at all, no.
00:31:37But what do you propose, then?
00:31:40I can handle it.
00:31:43Yeah, I moved funds around for four and a half years
00:31:45without giving up a single trace of money.
00:31:47Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you.
00:31:53Don't touch me.
00:31:55Don't you ever say anything about this.
00:31:59it seems you've upset my fiancé,
00:32:03and the precious sister of Carlos.
00:32:05I am terribly sorry. Here, I'll go get you a new napkin, okay?
00:32:10No, I want to work with you in private.
00:32:12I can't have you embarrass me in my household.
00:32:28You've always had quick reflexes.
00:32:32Father taught you well.
00:32:35Makes me wonder.
00:32:39How a girl like you doesn't know how to pour water without spilling it everywhere.
00:32:44My hand slipped.
00:32:47It slipped?
00:33:00I'm sorry, what?
00:33:01No, you heard me.
00:33:03The knife's on you somewhere, let's find it.
00:33:06I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:08What knife?
00:33:09Oh, you don't have it?
00:33:12Prove it.
00:33:13All your clothes off.
00:33:37That's not all, Diana.
00:34:25Don't fuck with me again.
00:34:33Dante D'Angelo is dead.
00:34:36What did you just say?
00:34:40Dante's dead.
00:34:43Our men were pursuing him and his car blew up.
00:34:47There's nothing left but bones.
00:34:49No, you're lying.
00:34:50You're lying.
00:34:51You can't be dead.
00:34:52He's all I have left.
00:34:55You're lying.
00:34:56You're lying.
00:35:04She's out cold, boss.
00:35:07Should I get some ice?
00:35:26What are you doing here?
00:35:27What time is it?
00:35:29Miss Diana?
00:35:31It's early in the morning.
00:35:35Well, how did that happen?
00:35:36I'm missing the party.
00:35:40What party?
00:35:42Franco, why am I chained?
00:35:47What's happening?
00:35:48Where's Maria?
00:35:49Where's Papa?
00:35:51They're both...
00:35:53Miss Diana, do you know what day it is?
00:35:56It's my 25th birthday.
00:35:58Can someone please tell me what's happening?
00:36:01Is this like some sort of prank?
00:36:02Miss Diana, I...
00:36:04Okay, can you please just unchain me?
00:36:06I'm scared.
00:36:08Can you please get...
00:36:11Maria, please help!
00:36:13What happened?
00:36:25What do you mean she lost her memory?
00:36:28You gotta go see it for yourself, boss.
00:36:46Enzo, you're here!
00:36:48You're here!
00:36:51Cut the bullshit, Diana.
00:36:53This isn't gonna work.
00:36:54What do you mean?
00:36:56Wait, you can't be here.
00:36:57Papa's gonna see you.
00:37:00Where is Papa?
00:37:02Also, where's Maria?
00:37:10I don't know.
00:37:12What do you remember?
00:37:14I remember everything.
00:37:17You said you were gonna be here for my birthday, and you're here.
00:37:20I'm so happy you're here.
00:37:21I told Maria you'd be here.
00:37:24You're really happy to see me?
00:37:26After everything I've done?
00:37:28Of course.
00:37:30I forgive you.
00:37:32For stealing from Papa.
00:37:38In that case...
00:37:51Am I still your princess?
00:38:05Do you remember when I was ten?
00:38:08Papa told you to teach me archery.
00:38:10Maria snuck us out to the ocean instead.
00:38:17That was the first time I ever saw you smile.
00:38:23I think I fell in love with you right then and there.
00:38:26Ever since that day...
00:38:36Enzo, where's Maria?
00:38:40I just want to go home. Can you please just take me home?
00:39:05You called for me?
00:39:07You never do.
00:39:10I'm sorry.
00:39:15Enzo, are you crying?
00:39:20My love, what happened?
00:39:23Come here, I'll make you feel better.
00:39:27Not now.
00:39:29What is going on? Did you come in here to humiliate me?
00:39:34I thought I could distract myself, but it doesn't feel right.
00:39:37Distract yourself from what?
00:39:40Anna's saying that she lost her memory.
00:39:44No, she's faking it.
00:39:46Yeah, that's what I thought, but I don't know.
00:39:48She's acting like...
00:39:50like we're still in love.
00:39:53Who, you and her?
00:40:00How do you know?
00:40:11Let's go.
00:40:24Let me in!
00:40:25I'm sorry, Miss Francesca, but the Don made it awfully clear not to let anyone in.
00:40:30I'm not just anyone, you little piece of shit!
00:40:41Morning, princess.
00:40:43Who are you?
00:40:44You're kidding me. You don't know who I am?
00:40:46No! And why did you do that? That's not nice!
00:40:49What's not nice is a little rat like you hanging around my fiancé playing his star-crossed lover!
00:40:57Enzo's fiancé!
00:41:00Stay the fuck away from him!
00:41:02A lot of things can change through the year, I get that.
00:41:06I didn't mean to cause any trouble.
00:41:08Should I just dump her in the middle of nowhere?
00:41:11If you show me the way out of here, I'll go back to my family and you'll never see me again.
00:41:16You're not going anywhere.
00:41:19You're not going anywhere.
00:41:20Why? Can't we just get rid of the bitch?
00:41:23Get out, Frankie.
00:41:26You don't mean that.
00:41:39You left me here last night.
00:41:43Listen, Diana.
00:41:45There's a war going on right now between the Big Four.
00:41:48The Lombardi family betrayed you. You can't trust anyone but me.
00:41:54Where... where are we?
00:41:55It's my base.
00:41:57And that woman that you just saw, that is Carlos Lombardi's sister.
00:42:01And she doesn't know who you are.
00:42:03We gotta keep it that way.
00:42:04As far as she's concerned, you're just Diana, my maid.
00:42:10You're a maid?
00:42:11Aunt Francesca and I, we're engaged, but it's all part of an act.
00:42:15I want to keep you safe. I can't have her seeing you as a threat, you understand?
00:42:18Yeah, but...
00:42:22Do you trust me?
00:42:26Of course I do.
00:42:30I don't blame you.
00:42:32And will you pretend with me?
00:42:35Just for a little bit.
00:42:38Okay, alright.
00:42:51It's been a week.
00:42:53How long do I have to keep playing your stupid game?
00:42:56Why can't we just get rid of her?
00:42:59Because I want to see her crack.
00:43:02Crack? The bimbo lost her memory.
00:43:05Just accept it and move on.
00:43:26Can't you see Enzo needs more wine?
00:43:36You clumsy little rat!
00:43:39Disrespecting your dog like that?
00:43:40In the Lombardi family, that earns you a good whipping!
00:43:43Give me a belt!
00:43:47Excuse me?
00:43:49I'm maintaining order in this household.
00:43:53I'll do it myself.
00:44:33Why so quiet?
00:44:36You're not actually going to punish me, are you?
00:44:41Do I want to know?
00:44:43You said it was all an act.
00:44:47Help me clean that up.
00:44:50Yeah, of course.
00:44:57With your mouth.
00:45:00That's not very efficient.
00:45:01Oh, no, it's not at all.
00:45:03It's a lover's game.
00:45:05It's sexy, don't you think?
00:45:09Unless you remembered something that caused you to lose feelings.
00:45:39I want you right here, right now.
00:45:42You've fantasized about this, haven't you?
00:45:44You fell in love with me a decade ago, you said so yourself.
00:45:49Sir, the big four are arriving tonight.
00:45:53They demand to see you.
00:45:55For what?
00:45:56They're calling your position in the big four invalid.
00:45:59What are their secrets?
00:46:08Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.
00:46:11What the fuck are you doing with a big old chain?
00:46:14What's going on?
00:46:16So, look, we're just going to cut to the chase.
00:46:18Our deal with you was for you to eliminate all the D'Angelo's.
00:46:23So let Dante go.
00:46:25And you kept one.
00:46:26I didn't let Dante go.
00:46:29He's dead.
00:46:30In our world, death means a photo of the body or the body itself.
00:46:34Son, we're simply not sure you're built for this.
00:46:36Don't call me son.
00:46:37Enzo, you're soft.
00:46:40I'm soft?
00:46:42I massacred the D'Angelo family and innocent people in the Institute.
00:46:46But you kept Diana as a lover.
00:46:52She's not my lover.
00:46:55Prove it.
00:46:57Kill her.
00:47:02Prove it.
00:47:05Kill her.
00:47:09I'm not going to kill Diana to prove anything.
00:47:12To anyone.
00:47:13Look, kid, we know you have a history together.
00:47:15But to do what we do, you need to learn to forget about the past.
00:47:19Oh, you know nothing about my past.
00:47:21Enzo, you're engaged to my sister.
00:47:25Families keep no secrets.
00:47:27Sorry to interrupt, but Miss Francesca asked me to.
00:47:34You know what? I think I'll just go.
00:47:39We're about to play a lovely little game of Russian Roulette.
00:47:42Oh, no, thank you.
00:47:44I'm not in the habit of spectating.
00:47:48Sweetheart, I think I'm going to miss you.
00:47:50Sweetheart, I think you misunderstood.
00:47:57No, Bruno didn't make it very clear.
00:47:59That's our fault.
00:48:01But when we play, we don't play amongst ourselves.
00:48:05We play with a target.
00:48:06Yeah, that's right.
00:48:08A target.
00:48:10Usually a gorgeous woman.
00:48:14Like you.
00:48:16We're about to play a lovely little game of Russian Roulette.
00:48:28I'll load the gun.
00:48:30Enzo, calm down.
00:48:32There's only one round in that chamber.
00:48:34Even if we all take turns, your little princess still might live.
00:48:39Oh, I don't remember the last time someone survived this.
00:48:42So let's play the game.
00:48:44It's really very simple.
00:48:46We load the six-chamber revolver with one bullet.
00:48:49And we spin the chamber so nobody knows where that bullet is.
00:48:53Then we all take a turn shooting.
00:48:55Now, I guess if you're the angel you say you are,
00:48:58God should be watching over you.
00:49:00Unless you want to beg.
00:49:04I could think of a few other ways that we could have our fun with you.
00:49:09I'll play.
00:49:11I'm not afraid.
00:49:13Let's begin.
00:49:24Let the games begin.
00:49:30I'm not afraid.
00:49:33I'm not afraid.
00:49:35I'm not afraid.
00:49:36I'm not afraid.
00:49:37I'm not afraid.
00:50:05Third round.
00:50:07Might as well be the last.
00:50:09You can take it.
00:50:23Just do it already.
00:50:24Just do it already.
00:50:36Just do it already.
00:50:42One bullet.
00:50:44Two rounds fired.
00:50:46Probability you have a 75% chance of living.
00:50:50Why fret?
00:50:52Fine. Fine.
00:50:53Carlos made me put three bullets in there.
00:50:57You rigged the game.
00:51:01I did.
00:51:03So what?
00:51:06Stop pointing the gun at my sister.
00:51:08You come into my house.
00:51:10You play games with my asset.
00:51:13You fuck around with my people.
00:51:17Why shouldn't I kill her right now?
00:51:18Angel, calm the fuck down.
00:51:20Bruno, I have records of your offshore accounts.
00:51:23And Mario, I got men stationed at your son's penthouse as we speak.
00:51:28You touch me, I'll bury you so deep you won't climb back out.
00:51:32You're fucking awesome.
00:51:33We're the big four.
00:51:34I don't give a fuck what you are.
00:51:37I put up with your bullshit long enough.
00:51:40I got nothing else to lose and you should know that makes me a dangerous man.
00:51:46What am I reducing our party to, the big three?
00:51:49The big two?
00:51:51Or just me?
00:51:54Angel, stop!
00:51:56Angel, stop!
00:51:59Angel, please just let her go.
00:52:05No one deserves to die.
00:52:18Papa, stop! You're hurting him!
00:52:21We stole bread from our kitchen.
00:52:23He deserves this.
00:52:25He was hungry. He hasn't eaten all day.
00:52:28He's not supposed to.
00:52:29Stay out of this, I'm warning you.
00:52:32Stop! You're gonna kill him!
00:52:38No one deserves to die, Papa.
00:52:46Go to your room, Diana.
00:53:01Put it down.
00:53:20Come on.
00:53:42Dante D'Angelo.
00:53:43Dante D'Angelo.
00:53:48Dante, if you're there, I'm okay.
00:53:52Oh my God, I thought you were dead. I thought I was the only one left.
00:54:18Oh my God.
00:54:22Call the vet.
00:54:27Call the vet.
00:54:41You disobeyed me in front of the big four.
00:54:44Disobeyed? I'm not actually your maid.
00:54:47No, but I was trying to save your life.
00:54:51Why would you do that? Frankie was trying to kill you.
00:54:54Because bloodshed leads to more bloodshed.
00:54:56That's all we know.
00:54:57Not me.
00:54:59I'm not my father.
00:55:02He's all I see when I look at your face.
00:55:05The man who killed every single person who ever loved me.
00:55:10The man who kept me like some sick little pet.
00:55:14Do you have any idea what he did to me?
00:55:16Tell me what he did.
00:55:28Do you have any idea what he did to me?
00:55:30Tell me what he did.
00:55:40He actually shot me once.
00:55:43In the leg.
00:55:44He had a doctor take care of me.
00:55:47It was the best month of my life.
00:55:51I remember wishing that he'd shoot me again.
00:55:55I still have all the scars from...
00:55:59all the times he whipped me because of you.
00:56:03I used to see you as a blessing.
00:56:06A glimpse of hope.
00:56:08But every single time that you smiled at me,
00:56:12your father would punish me for it.
00:56:16Harder and harder every time.
00:56:19Then I started to see you as a curse.
00:56:21An extension of your father.
00:56:22Something that just deepened my suffering.
00:56:25But I still had to be nice to you.
00:56:27I wasn't hardy.
00:56:28I'm the face of an angel.
00:56:33Your scars.
00:56:36Can I see them?
00:56:43Your scars.
00:56:46Can I see them?
00:57:07I'm so sorry.
00:57:21I'm sorry.
00:57:48I don't know what to do with you.
00:57:52I despise you with almost every cell in my body.
00:58:00And yet I can't stop loving you.
00:58:03Would you still be resting in my arms
00:58:05if you knew I had your family's blood on my hands?
00:58:15Your family took everything away from me.
00:58:18Your family took everything away from me.
00:58:23Yet here I am.
00:58:37One day you'll realize you were sleeping with the man who killed your father.
00:58:48I'm sorry.
00:59:05Thank you, Papa.
00:59:07The devil is here.
00:59:10Papa, please.
00:59:14Kill me.
00:59:15If vengeance is what you want, then so then just take it.
00:59:19You're gonna pray to be dead.
00:59:21Just like I did.
00:59:23What have I done?
00:59:31A phone number?
00:59:55It's just you and me now, princess.
01:00:04It's just you and me now, princess.
01:00:08What do you want from me?
01:00:10I just saved your life.
01:00:12You saved my life?
01:00:15Did you really think he was going to kill me?
01:00:18I was just asserting dominance.
01:00:22The Big Four is not for the kind and soft-hearted.
01:00:27Don't you get it?
01:00:28Your father had no heart.
01:00:31And all Enzo showed out there tonight was heart.
01:00:38Carlos already doubted him.
01:00:41Now he thinks he's a fucking joke.
01:00:45Your father scarred him for life.
01:00:48Fucking reason he can't get rid of this soft spot for you.
01:00:51I know.
01:00:53What the fuck do you know?
01:00:57You have no idea what Enzo went through?
01:00:59I do.
01:01:00I saw.
01:01:02What do you mean you saw?
01:01:05I saw the scars.
01:01:09He slept with you.
01:01:13That's it.
01:01:15He won't get rid of you. How?
01:01:17I'll do it myself.
01:01:20I'll do it myself.
01:01:29Do you love her?
01:01:32I stood by you when the whole world turned against you.
01:01:36Do you love her?
01:01:38Andres, Angel's daughter.
01:01:39Frankie, that's enough.
01:01:41We're supposed to keep her for us.
01:01:43Torture her together, watch her suffer.
01:01:45Francesca, she doesn't remember.
01:01:47Isn't that why you killed Andres?
01:01:58Maybe you need a painful reminder, my love.
01:02:09Oh, shit.
01:02:17You'll thank me later, love.
01:02:21Diana? Diana?
01:02:23Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Give me a fucking doctor!
01:02:34Who was it?
01:02:38Who the fuck was it?
01:02:45That's him, my love.
01:02:49I was forced.
01:02:50Miss Lombardi was gonna kill my family.
01:02:52Dispose of him.
01:02:53Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, no.
01:02:54No, Don, please! I didn't know!
01:02:56I was forced!
01:03:01That's it?
01:03:03That's the Enzo I can't wait to marry?
01:03:05You can forget it.
01:03:09If Diana dies, you're next.
01:03:20I'm so sorry.
01:03:26I'm so sorry.
01:03:35A little pity from a D'Angelo.
01:03:39Yeah, go tell your dad.
01:03:50I'm not my father, Enzo.
01:03:53My name's Diana.
01:04:11Drink some water, okay?
01:04:21I dealt with the bodyguard who handed you over to Frankie.
01:04:24Still trying to figure out what to do with her.
01:04:28After everything she's done, I can't just kill her.
01:04:32You killed my entire family.
01:04:35You killed my entire family.
01:04:38Maria was always kind to you.
01:04:43You're the devil.
01:04:50You're the devil.
01:04:52I'm the devil.
01:04:53Your dad massacred my entire family and I'm the devil.
01:04:56So you're just like him.
01:04:58I'm nothing like him.
01:04:59No, you're worse.
01:05:01You knew I loved you.
01:05:04You knew I always have.
01:05:06Yet you still did this to me.
01:05:09Then why save me, Diana?
01:05:11Tell me, why risk your life for someone like me?
01:05:14Because, Enzo, even though you're filled with so much hatred,
01:05:20when I look at you, I still see the hurt,
01:05:26heartbroken, scared boy who lost everything.
01:07:19Mom, Mom, Dad.
01:07:25I'm right here.
01:07:27Hey, Enzo, hey.
01:07:31Hey, Enzo, hey.
01:07:37You miss your family?
01:07:39Pretend you didn't just say that.
01:07:42I miss mine.
01:07:44And I was drifting in and out.
01:07:47I was thinking how weird we both experience the same tragedies.
01:07:53It's like we're the only ones that can truly understand each other.
01:08:08But you caused me that pain.
01:08:10And my family caused you yours.
01:08:14So we can't love each other.
01:08:34You gonna need new bandages.
01:08:52I'll be back.
01:09:07Baby sis.
01:09:09I failed you.
01:09:11I tried.
01:09:13I did everything that I could to stop loving Diana D'Angelo.
01:09:18I tried to hate her.
01:09:21But I couldn't.
01:09:24She's not her father.
01:09:27She really isn't.
01:09:28I think she's the kindest person that I've ever known.
01:09:32I've come to ask for your forgiveness.
01:09:36And your understanding.
01:09:39Is it too much to ask?
01:09:44Can I find real love after growing up with so much hate?
01:09:54I'm sorry.
01:09:55Too much hate?
01:10:06I didn't think so either.
01:10:15Miss Diana.
01:10:16So happy to see you sitting up.
01:10:19Thank you, Franco.
01:10:20How is he?
01:10:22The Don is, um, busy.
01:10:26He's been busy for a week straight now.
01:10:28Maybe he'll find time soon to come see you.
01:10:33Is there something I can do for you, Miss Diana?
01:10:36Actually, there is something.
01:10:41I've been craving pizza like crazy.
01:10:46Do you think you could ask Enzo to order me some?
01:10:48I think I can arrange something.
01:10:55It seems I'll be leaving you without saying goodbye.
01:11:11Miss Diana has a request.
01:11:13Who gives a fuck?
01:11:17Please be civil.
01:11:27Alright, what is it?
01:11:28Pizza, boss.
01:11:29She's been craving pizza.
01:11:32That's it?
01:11:33We'll get her that then.
01:11:35I did.
01:11:36She didn't like the pizza I got.
01:11:38Still thinks she's a princess, huh?
01:11:41She tell you what she wants?
01:11:42Margarita pizza with mushrooms.
01:11:44Yeah, that's always been her favorite.
01:11:47We'll get her that then.
01:11:49Well, she wants to order it from a special shop.
01:11:53Tell her to meet me in the parlor.
01:12:12So, you recovered enough to become difficult over pizza?
01:12:15I know. I'm sorry.
01:12:17I didn't mean to be.
01:12:19Why don't you let me order it?
01:12:21I mean, you know how particular I am when it comes to my pizza.
01:12:38It's Dante.
01:12:39This is Diana. Please confirm.
01:12:41Hi. Yeah, I would like to order a pizza, please.
01:12:47It's Dante.
01:12:48Hi. Yeah, I would like to order a pizza, please.
01:12:53If you can't speak freely right now, order your usual.
01:12:56Yeah, just a margarita pizza, but with mushrooms on top.
01:13:00Are you with that Rossy fucker?
01:13:04Are you safe?
01:13:05Yeah, just as soon as possible. That's right.
01:13:09Give me the address.
01:13:11Hey, what's the address?
01:13:14My boyfriend's going to give you the address.
01:13:20Your address, sir.
01:13:221277 Borregas Boulevard.
01:13:241277 Borregas.
01:13:26Got it.
01:13:30Yeah, how long is that going to take?
01:13:3290 minutes.
01:13:33Be ready, Diana.
01:13:34Okay, just one more question.
01:13:36I just wanted to make sure that it's a pizza for one.
01:13:39I think I'm the only one who's going to need it.
01:13:42I'm afraid not, miss.
01:13:43Our orders are big enough to serve a full house.
01:13:46Everyone gets them.
01:13:48That's how it always will be.
01:13:50That's how it always is.
01:13:58I'm happy you came to me for help.
01:14:06I'm happy you came to me for help.
01:14:09Don't get ahead of yourself, Lombardi.
01:14:11Once I have my sister back, this alliance is over.
01:14:17Whatever it takes to get rid of that Rossi, Stronzo.
01:14:22I misjudged him.
01:14:24He's not a little bitch like I thought he'd be.
01:14:28Neither am I.
01:14:31Well, then it's a good thing you're going back to Italy.
01:14:35I guess with both you and Enzo gone...
01:14:40I will be running the biggest familia there is in all of Los Angeles.
01:14:48Less talking, more shooting.
01:14:51Let's go.
01:14:53We have a man to kill.
01:15:02What was that? Where did you order from?
01:15:04Just a family favorite, growing up.
01:15:07You okay? I thought that it healed up.
01:15:10Yeah, it did. It's a lot better.
01:15:12Just sore from laying in bed for weeks.
01:15:15Perhaps a hot bath would help.
01:15:20Do you want a hot bath?
01:15:23It sounds lovely.
01:15:24Perhaps someone should watch Miss Diana for security purposes.
01:15:28Of course, it couldn't be me.
01:15:30Boss, it's going to have to be you.
01:15:32Get out, Franco.
01:15:34Diana, it's a bad idea.
01:15:36You've been avoiding me.
01:15:37You know we can't be together.
01:15:39It's wrong.
01:15:43Play pretend with me.
01:15:45Just for a little.
01:16:03I missed you, Princess.
01:16:21I missed you, Princess.
01:16:34I missed you.
01:16:57Look how beautiful you are.
01:17:04I know you don't like when I apologize.
01:17:08But I'm sorry.
01:17:10For what?
01:17:15Papa, I know he was a terrible person,
01:17:18and the things he did are unforgivable.
01:17:22You did what you felt you had to do.
01:17:24I understand now.
01:17:25Diana, that's not...
01:17:26I hope that avenging them brought you some peace.
01:17:30You don't mean that.
01:17:33You can't possibly mean that I took everything from you.
01:17:36You know my father took everything from me.
01:17:43The other day I went to my family to pray about you.
01:17:46I asked for their blessing and their permission to love you,
01:17:50despite everything that's happened.
01:17:52But they said no.
01:17:54What do you mean?
01:17:56They said no.
01:17:57But they said no.
01:17:59What do you mean?
01:18:02Their candles blew out.
01:18:05It's a terrible omen.
01:18:09As if something tragic would happen.
01:18:16Diana D'Angelo, what did you do?
01:18:22Diana D'Angelo, what did you do?
01:18:24After you said that no one would get hurt,
01:18:26I made it very clear that it was just an extra...
01:18:28Have you learned nothing from our world?
01:18:30Goddamn you, Diana!
01:18:35I'm gonna deal with you later.
01:18:39What the fuck is happening?
01:18:41Oh, shit.
01:18:44Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, who did this to you?
01:18:46Oh, shit.
01:18:47Oh, shit.
01:18:48Oh, shit.
01:18:52Oh, my son.
01:18:54I knew you were in there.
01:18:57With her.
01:19:00You're still here with Carlos.
01:19:03Your brother Carlos?
01:19:08I just want you to be happy.
01:19:15I want you back.
01:19:17I want you back.
01:19:27And so I'm so sorry.
01:19:29I didn't mean for this.
01:19:31You didn't mean for it.
01:19:32You never fucking mean to.
01:19:34But all you do is bring death into my life.
01:19:37How long has Dante been working for Carlos, huh?
01:19:39Long enough.
01:19:43Let my sister go before I blow your brains out.
01:19:45Dante, stop.
01:19:46Let her go.
01:19:47A life for a life.
01:19:50Dante, drop the gun.
01:19:52I'll kill him before he shoots you.
01:19:53I said drop the gun.
01:19:54He won't attack anymore from me.
01:19:56And so you won't get away with this.
01:19:58This is punishment for our father's sins.
01:20:01My only love, my only king.
01:20:05You love him?
01:20:06I do.
01:20:08I love him as much as you and I cannot stand here and watch you two kill each other.
01:20:13I just won't.
01:20:14Diana, what are you doing?
01:20:15Let my death pay for my father's sins.
01:20:18Let go!
01:20:19And you!
01:20:24Get the fuck out of here.
01:20:25And you don't let me see you again.
01:20:29You won't.
01:20:32No! No!
01:20:34No! No!
01:20:44How could you?
01:20:45How could you work with Carlos?
01:20:47He's sick in the head.
01:20:48Carlos is sick in the head?
01:20:49Enzo killed our father.
01:20:51He killed Maria without batting an eye.
01:20:53He sent troops after me.
01:20:54Are you mad?
01:20:55But I love him.
01:20:56And he loves me.
01:20:57Well, let that be a comfort to him when he burns.
01:21:02I'm burning the devil and his men into ashes.
01:21:12This is suicide!
01:21:17Carlos, this is Dante.
01:21:19Call off the attack.
01:21:20I repeat, call off the attack.
01:21:22It's too late.
01:21:24I want you all dead.
01:21:33Goodbye, princess.
01:22:06Where the fuck is Diana?
01:22:07She's gone.
01:22:08She's gone.
01:22:09What do you mean she's gone?
01:22:10She went into the house after you.
01:22:11Her phone blew up.
01:22:14You're fucking lying.
01:22:15My fucking sister's gone.
01:22:17Everyone I know is gone.
01:22:20I'll find her.
01:22:23You'll die.
01:22:24I died a long time ago.
01:22:27But she doesn't have to.
01:22:29Oh, heavenly Father, bless these graves
01:22:33and send your holy angels to watch over them.
01:22:37As we bury here the departed,
01:22:39deliver their souls from every bond of sin
01:22:42that they may rejoice in you forever.
01:22:59No more sacrifice.
01:23:01No more bloodshed.
01:23:03No more innocent lives.
01:23:06From today on,
01:23:07the D'Angelo family will no longer view
01:23:09the Rossi family as an enemy.
01:23:12And the Rossi family will view
01:23:13the D'Angelo family as friends.
01:23:16Thank you, brother.
01:23:18We are here to honor Francesca Lombardi
01:23:20and Maria for their sacrifice.
01:23:23We are united over their loyalty.
01:23:26Over their loyalty.
01:23:28But more importantly...
01:23:29A common enemy.
01:23:31Carlos Lombardi was the instigator in all of this.
01:23:35We can't let him walk away unscathed.
01:23:37His whole plan the entire time
01:23:38is to get rid of all three other families.
01:23:41Bruno and Maria are dead.
01:23:43Their sons have taken over as new dons.
01:23:46Los Angeles will see a lot of bloodshed.
01:23:48With Francesca gone,
01:23:49the Lombardi family will come at you with full force.
01:23:52The D'Angelos will stand with you.
01:23:55You guys go on.
01:23:56Diana and I will catch up.
01:24:05Miss Mancini and Mr. Saviano from the New York families,
01:24:09they're waiting in the lobby.
01:24:17You think they'll ever forgive us?
01:24:19I don't know.
01:24:23But what I do know
01:24:25is that we're in this together now.
01:24:28Am I still your...
01:24:37Come on.
01:24:49Come on.
