About Is Love Episode 2

  • last month
00:00突然间出现 你的画面 Suddenly, I see your picture
00:14闭上眼 我看见 某个时刻 某个地点 I close my eyes, I see a certain moment, a certain place
00:23偶尔偷偷看你一眼 躲在墙的后面 Sometimes, I secretly glance at you, hiding behind the wall
00:30就让我坦白一点 就让我坦白一点 Just let me be frank
00:34即使是我 出于你先 Even if I'm the one who's in your way
00:42我的情人节 I love you so
00:45我想听你说 I love you more
00:49小小的举动 都让我喜悦 Little actions make me happy
00:53每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
00:57走了多久才走到今天 How long has it been until today?
01:01我的记忆过 好甜美 My memories are so sweet
01:05只要你开口 什么都OK As long as you open your mouth, everything is OK
01:09每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
01:12啊 多一些 啊 多一些 Ah, more, ah, more
01:16爱你多一些 I love you more every day
01:20我的情人节 I love you so
01:24我要对你说 I love you more
01:28即使我下跪 你陪不下怀抱 Even if I kneel, you can't keep me company
01:32笑出来 还掉了眼泪 Laugh out loud, and tears fall
01:36走了多久才走到今天 How long has it been until today?
01:40我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 My love, I'd rather not complain
01:44只要你开口 什么都OK As long as you open your mouth, everything is OK
01:48每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
01:52我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 My love, I'd rather not complain
01:56即使我下跪 你陪不下怀抱 Even if I kneel, you can't keep me company
02:00笑出来 还掉了眼泪 Laugh out loud, and tears fall
02:04走多久才走到今天 How long has it been until today?
02:08我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 My love, I'd rather not complain
02:12即使我下跪 你陪不下怀抱 Even if I kneel, you can't keep me company
02:16笑出来 还掉了眼泪 Laugh out loud, and tears fall
02:21喂 董事长 您有什么吩咐 Hello? Chairman, what can I do for you?
02:26现在做我随行管家的那个女孩 听说是你招进来的 什么来历 I heard that you recruited the girl to be my housekeeper. What's her background?
02:31也没什么来历 这一美大学生 大堂过来实习 也不要什么工资 She's just a university student. She just came here for an internship. She doesn't need a salary.
02:37只是说一定要待到八月二十八号 诶 就是今天 She said she must stay until the 28th of August. That's today.
02:42开了她 行踪可疑 She fired her. The action is suspicious.
02:46我怀疑她不是图谋不轨 就是狗仔队 我不想在酒店里再看到她 I suspect that she's either up to no good or part of the paparazzi. I don't want to see her again in the hotel.
02:55大小姐就是大小姐 给这么多钱都够囤一辈子货了 She's definitely a rich girl. It's enough to keep her for the rest of her life.
03:01那个卫星也奇怪 她叨了饭碗这条筷子 看起来不像那么有节操的人啊 That satellite is weird. She's using chopsticks for food. She doesn't look like someone who has good manners.
03:17啊 Ah.
03:31嗯 Um,
03:36小姐请问找些什么 Miss, what are you looking for?
03:37What is it?
03:40It's that...
03:43It's usually put in the payment area
03:45for the workers to use.
03:47It's a small box.
03:50Is it a chewing gum?
03:53It's a bit close.
03:56Although they're all made of rubber,
03:59to be precise,
04:00it's a male product.
04:02It's big and small.
04:07It's usually put there.
04:09Oh, that one.
04:11Yes, it's that one.
04:14Someone called this afternoon
04:16and sold all the related products in the store.
04:21As far as I know,
04:22all the related products of Square & Circle
04:25are gone.
04:28Other people live a happy life.
04:29I live a happy life, too.
04:30Who is going against me?
04:33I'm so unlucky.
04:34But I have some savings.
04:39I want it.
04:40I'll get it for you.
05:00Hello, Chairman.
05:01Where are you?
05:03I'm at the supermarket.
05:04It's quite far, isn't it?
05:05It takes half an hour by bike.
05:08Yes, it's quite far.
05:09So you don't have to come back.
05:12What do you mean?
05:13Why are you so far away
05:14but you can still make trouble for me?
05:16What did I do?
05:17Your girlfriend...
05:18Did I ask you to do it?
05:20Do you know how much trouble you will bring me?
05:22But your girlfriend said...
05:23She's not my girlfriend anymore.
05:26What are you doing?
05:28You don't need to know.
05:29I'll ask someone to pack your stuff
05:31and send it to your school.
05:32I'll also pay you the money
05:34within two working days
05:35plus a one-month penalty.
05:39Can you say it again?
05:41My signal is not good here.
05:42I'm afraid I heard it wrong.
05:44That's right.
05:45You were fired.
05:50It's packed.
05:52Do you still want it?
06:01Are you leaving?
06:03The company just called me.
06:05I'm in a hurry.
06:06I have to go back and deal with it.
06:07Do you want your assistant to go?
06:09Didn't you promise
06:10to spend the weekend with me?
06:14I'll keep the suite.
06:15You can stay as long as you want.
06:17You can ask your friends to come to the party.
06:20I'll arrange the car.
06:24When will we meet next time?
06:26There's no next time.
06:27What do you mean?
06:29You brought me here.
06:30Have you ever let me go?
06:36I didn't let you go.
06:37I broke up with you.
06:41By the way,
06:42we're not dating.
06:44It's right for you to be so reserved.
06:48I can't get any closer to you.
06:53We were just fine.
06:56You invited me to the holiday
06:57and gave me a gift.
06:59Shouldn't we...
07:02Did I do something wrong?
07:08You didn't do anything wrong.
07:09I mistook you for someone else.
07:11You're not the one who saved me
07:12by the river that day, right?
07:15I can explain this.
07:20I didn't pretend on purpose.
07:23By the river that day,
07:24maybe I didn't explain it clearly.
07:27But this doesn't affect our relationship.
07:30I'm just one step late.
07:35If I were you that day,
07:37I would save you, too.
07:39Why do you keep thinking about this?
07:47Wen Qing.
07:49Wen Qing.
07:55Wen Qing.
07:59Wen Qing.
08:04I'm not interested in
08:05your love life.
08:07I'm not happy
08:08that I found the wrong person
08:09after such a long time.
08:11Before I say
08:12something worse,
08:13let's break up.
08:16You're bullying me.
08:18This is retribution.
08:21You're not the first person
08:22I dumped.
08:23Even if there is retribution,
08:24you have to line up first.
08:34Where is Wei Qing?
08:36Why are you back?
08:37Didn't the boss
08:38make it clear to you?
08:39Where is Wei Qing?
08:40And his girlfriend.
08:41She's in the room, right?
08:42I'll go find her.
08:45You look like
08:46you're in a bad mood.
08:47What do you want them to do?
08:48Why are you asking me?
08:50Look at me.
08:52I worked so hard
08:53to buy so many things.
08:54He dumped me.
08:56Can't he just let it go?
08:57I'm going to throw
08:58all these things on his face
08:59and let him know
09:00that I worked hard
09:01for a month
09:02not to let them
09:03take a vacation.
09:04He's looking for me.
09:05I'm not going to do it.
09:06Is the boss so great?
09:08He can take my things and not return them.
09:09He can play hide-and-seek
09:10with his girlfriend.
09:17I know you're a lawyer.
09:18I hired two professionals.
09:21Don't be angry.
09:23You can't win
09:24against our boss.
09:25Go back.
09:33Wait and see.
09:34I've been hiding here all day.
09:35He won't let me sleep.
09:38I'm going to kill him.
09:40I'm going to kill him.
09:41I'm going to kill him.
09:42I'm going to kill him.
09:43I'm going to kill him.
09:44I'm going to kill him.
09:45I can't get out of here.
09:48Wei Qing.
09:51Wei Qing.
09:55I know I was wrong
09:56to hide from you.
09:57I know I was wrong.
09:59Can we start over?
10:01I've made it very clear.
10:03You think I'm playing with you.
10:05I've been a jerk
10:06more than once.
10:07It's not worth it.
10:10Wei Qing.
10:11Wei Qian!
10:12Oh no, oh no, oh no.
10:13I'm stuck in a traffic jam.
10:14What should I do?
10:15If they find out, I'll be in big trouble.
10:43Oh my god.
10:54So your phone is dead?
11:06So strange.
11:08She didn't answer my call.
11:14Can you drive properly?
11:15Someone will die if you crash!
11:16It's you?
11:17Why are you in my car?
11:18Do you think I want to?
11:19What do you want?
11:20Why did you get in my car?
11:21What do you want?
11:23Why are you in my car?
11:25I just want to get my stuff back.
11:27What do you have in my car?
11:29I'm serious.
11:31Get out!
11:33I don't want to touch you.
11:35Get out.
11:39If you don't believe me,
11:41I'll take a ride.
11:43You can give it to me when we get there.
11:45It's a wilderness here.
11:47I don't dare to go down.
11:49Sit tight.
11:57Where are we going?
11:59The police station.
12:03Isn't it normal to take a stalker to the police station?
12:05Get out!
12:07It's too late.
12:09I told you to get out, but you didn't.
12:11I don't have a chance now.
12:13How did I offend you?
12:15Is it because I went into your room
12:17to steal your car?
12:19Get out!
12:33Your car...
12:35My car...
12:39Stop! Don't run!
12:43Don't come over!
12:51Help me up!
12:53Help me up!
12:55Are you okay?
13:01Your body is so dirty.
13:03Let me wipe it for you.
13:05Don't touch me.
13:07Your body is too smelly.
13:09It's not as smelly as you.
13:11Oh, right.
13:13It's embarrassing.
13:15My phone...
13:17I don't think you can find it.
13:21Why are you staring at me?
13:23I fell in, too.
13:25Besides, if you didn't chase me, I wouldn't have fallen in.
13:27So, let's make it even.
13:31Can you call the police first?
13:33But my phone is out of battery.
13:35You really
13:37used the word useless to the extreme.
13:41There's no electricity here.
13:43You and I are the only ones here.
13:45Can't we get out of here first?
13:47What do you want to do?
13:49It's simple.
13:51Give my stuff back to me.
13:53I'll make up for what you did today.
13:55How many times have I told you?
13:57I don't have what you want.
13:59If you want to take advantage of me,
14:01just tell me.
14:03Who's taking advantage of you?
14:05Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
14:07Fine, I'll take your clothes.
14:09Take it off and give it to me.
14:11Stay away from me.
14:13If you follow me again,
14:15I can't guarantee your reputation
14:17and dignity as a girl.
14:19You can leave.
14:21But leave your stuff.
14:27Are you crazy?
14:29What are you doing?
14:31Save it.
14:33I used to practice weightlifting and wrestling when I was in high school.
14:35Although I've lost weight,
14:37I'm still strong enough for you.
14:39What are you doing?
14:41Although I'm talking weird now,
14:43you're just a little girl.
14:45Can't you see me as a man?
14:49Where's your stuff?
14:51I gave it to someone.
14:55But he returned it.
14:57And then?
14:59What do you want it for?
15:01It's worthless to me.
15:03Where did you put it?
15:05Why should I tell you?
15:07If I can't find it,
15:09how can I pay you back ten times?
15:13Are you serious?
15:19What? Zhou Shi was fired?
15:21When did it happen?
15:23About a few hours ago.
15:25Are you Li Mingcheng?
15:29This is your room.
15:31It's a special discount.
15:33Zhou Shi got it for you.
15:39Mingcheng, call Zhou Shi.
15:41Ask him what's going on.
15:43Call him.
15:45Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is power off.
15:49Why is it power off?
15:51Power off?
15:59This is amazing!
16:01This room...
16:03This price...
16:09why do the three of us
16:11live in an ordinary villa?
16:13But when we come to your place,
16:15it's a luxurious five-star suite.
16:17It's so heartless.
16:19It's not just heartless.
16:21My heart
16:23jumped out of my chest and left the earth.
16:25What else can I say?
16:27It's true love.
16:29Mingcheng, the three of us
16:31live in an ordinary villa.
16:33It's a luxury five-star suite.
16:35What's wrong with her?
16:37It's still power off.
16:39If she's going to work,
16:41why does she have to live with the hotel owner?
16:57Sorry, sorry.
17:01That's enough.
17:05Let go.
17:07You should at least apologize to me.
17:09I'll give you five seconds
17:11to take your claw away from my arm,
17:13or I'll chop it off.
17:15Do you believe it or not?
17:17I believe it.
17:19What did I say just now?
17:23Keep a distance of one meter.
17:25Keep a distance of one meter.
17:27Remember that.
17:29Now it's calm.
17:31The momentum in the field just now
17:32made me look like this.
17:34It's pretty fast to admit defeat.
17:35I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
17:36I'm really sorry.
17:37If saying sorry is useful,
17:38there will be no crying in this world.
17:40Mom, you're breaking the law.
17:42What you mean is
17:43I accidentally broke it just now.
17:46Can you call it accidentally?
17:48If you call it accidentally like that,
17:50can I give you a slap now
17:51as a massage?
17:53Say it.
17:54You really don't have a lot of it.
17:56As the saying goes,
17:57when a cow rides a horse, it never regrets.
18:00There are a lot of people who want to ride a cow and a horse for me.
18:03Why do I need you?
18:04If you are in a bad mood one day
18:05and want to search for me,
18:07come to the ground and give me a slap.
18:08No, no.
18:09I searched so carefully just now.
18:10Even if I don't eat it,
18:12I should recognize the reality.
18:14The thing is not on you.
18:16It should be lost.
18:18I really don't understand
18:19what you are thinking about.
18:20Before you put me in the mud and searched for me,
18:22where did you get the confidence?
18:23Why do you think I, a boss,
18:25would steal something from a small employee like you?
18:27What's more, it's a worthless letter.
18:31You're right.
18:32It's just a letter.
18:42It's raining. Run!
18:44No way.
18:51What's wrong with you?
18:52When it's raining,
18:54I can't control myself.
18:56There is a bus station ahead.
18:57I'll take you there.
18:58Who told you to pull me?
19:02I don't need you to carry me.
19:03What am I to you?
19:05You are a small girl of 1.6 meters.
19:06Why are you so confident
19:07to carry me, a man of 1.8 meters?
19:09I don't need you to carry me.
19:10I don't need you to pull me.
19:11Even if I climb, I will climb back by myself.
19:21Zhou Shi!
19:22Zhou Shi!
19:25Shi Shi!
19:27Did you find it?
19:30What should we do?
19:31It's getting dark.
19:33We can't keep looking for it.
19:35You go back first.
19:36Contact me as soon as you get the news.
19:39It's such a big place.
19:40I can't do it alone.
19:41Is anyone here?
19:45Shi Shi!
19:47Shi Shi!
19:51Zhang Shanyu!
19:53Sister Lan, why are you here?
19:57what I saw in the morning
19:59was really you.
20:01You came with your boyfriend?
20:06I was in a bad mood,
20:07so I came out to get some fresh air.
20:09I slipped and fell down.
20:12It's raining so hard now.
20:13I can't go back to the hotel.
20:18do you remember me?
20:21You are from Physics Department?
20:24My name is Li Mingcheng.
20:25I met you a few times
20:27at the Student Union before.
20:29These three
20:30are our classmates
20:31from Guanghua University's Astronomy Club.
20:32They are from the same school.
20:33Can you still walk now?
20:39Why are you still standing there?
20:40Your idol is injured.
20:42Hurry up and help him up.
20:45Come on.
20:46Let me do it.
20:48Be careful.
20:49Send him back to the hotel first.
20:51I'll look for Zhou Shi later.
20:53Zhou Shi?
20:54Zhou Shi is his classmate.
20:56She used to work at the hotel.
21:00Aren't you coming back with us?
21:02It's raining so hard now.
21:03It's dangerous outside.
21:05let's send Senior back first.
21:07Yes, let's go together.
21:09Zhou Shi might already be at the hotel.
21:13Let's send you back first.
21:16Let's go.
21:17Senior, be careful.
21:18Be careful.
21:19Be careful.
21:20Be careful.
21:30You spilled it on me!
21:32I'm sorry.
21:33It's late at night.
21:34Can't you control yourself?
21:37my hair is wet.
21:38It's uncomfortable.
21:39Why don't you wipe it?
21:40You'll catch a cold.
21:41No need.
21:42It won't be worse than now anyway.
21:45I'm sorry.
21:46I'm sorry.
21:51I knew it.
21:52When I'm with you,
21:53I don't care about bad luck.
21:55I'm sorry.
21:57I'm really sorry.
21:59If you really feel sorry for me,
22:01then say something that makes you unhappy
22:02to make me happy.
22:05You're so twisted.
22:08It's fine if you don't say it.
22:09Then tell me.
22:10What did you write
22:12in the letter
22:13to Nan Sheng?
22:15Just a normal letter.
22:17A normal letter?
22:19To Nan Sheng?
22:21Love letter?
22:23An IOU.
22:25An IOU.
22:26An IOU?
22:27An IOU with a pink envelope?
22:29How do you know it's pink?
22:31Did you see the letter?
22:32I saw the letter
22:34when I was cleaning the guest room today.
22:37I threw it away.
22:38You really threw it away?
22:41I guess it's already in the incinerator
22:43and burned to ashes with other garbage.
22:45Do you know
22:46how long it took me to write that letter?
22:48And the things in it
22:49are all gone now.
22:50How do I know
22:51it's your love letter?
22:53why did you put it in my room?
22:57You didn't write it for me, did you?
22:59You wish.
23:00You suddenly came to my room
23:02and messed up my confession plan.
23:05I'm still trapped here.
23:08It's raining so heavily.
23:11Where's the rain?
23:14When did it stop?
23:20The weather forecast
23:22was right.
23:24The weather forecast was right.
23:30You know what?
23:31I was going to watch the meteor shower
23:33with him here tonight
23:35and confess my love to him.
23:37I didn't expect
23:38I would...
23:39You didn't expect?
23:40I was supposed to drink
23:42and take a bath today.
23:43I couldn't possibly
23:45wait for the bus
23:46with a girl like you
23:47in mud.
23:51is it that hard to confess your love?
23:53I guess the boy you like
23:55is still in school.
23:56To deal with a boy at this age,
23:59is just
24:00a fantasy
24:01imagined by you girls.
24:03It's like the wrapping paper of a gift.
24:05It's useless.
24:06It's better to be straightforward.
24:08Don't mix him up
24:09with an old woman like you.
24:11He's not as vulgar as you.
24:12Am I vulgar?
24:14I don't know who
24:15pushed me into the field today.
24:17When we were playing chess,
24:18I saw you move
24:19quite slowly.
24:20Stop it!
24:25Hey, little girl.
24:27Don't call me.
24:28You can say whatever you want.
24:30I don't want to see
24:31your ugly face.
24:33You really don't want to see?
24:34I don't want to see.
24:41What are you doing?
24:45Isn't it beautiful?
24:48it's amazing.
24:51this is how
24:52a meteor shower looks like.
24:54It's the first time I've seen it.
24:56Oh, right.
24:57Make a wish.
24:58Make a wish.
25:00You're really
25:01a naive little girl.
25:03It's just a bunch of
25:04broken iron
25:05floating in the universe.
25:06Maybe it's
25:07a toilet cover
25:08flying out of a space station.
25:09Think about your wish
25:10for the toilet cover.
25:11It's really
25:12an unfulfilled wish.
25:13Stop talking!
25:14You're a dirty adult.
25:16Can't you be less?
25:17I'm sick of you.
25:19I'll make a wish, too.
25:22I hope there's a car
25:23to take me away
25:24from this dirty place.
25:27And what's your name?
25:28None of your business.
25:30My second wish
25:32A car!
25:33A car is coming!
25:35No way.
25:36It's so far away.
25:38This is the wonder of the universe.
25:42your second wish
25:43will come true soon.
26:02Liu Xinyu!
26:05I want to see it!
26:12Why is it still on?
26:32The feeling of the universe
26:39It's like people on the road
26:42are laughing at me
26:43What a good lifeline.
26:45It grows on a scumbag.
26:50when you get back to the hotel,
26:51don't mention getting in my car.
26:53Because in the eyes of many people,
26:55getting in my car
26:56is like getting in my bed.
26:59Of course.
27:00If you can get out of it,
27:02it's not a quick way
27:03to make yourself famous.
27:05What are you thinking?
27:06I have my own place to live.
27:07I don't care about your harem.
27:09I don't want to wake up
27:10and find my face
27:11with a lunar calendar on it.
27:13A lunar calendar?
27:15It's said on the Internet
27:16that you change a girlfriend every month
27:17and save enough
27:18for a few years.
27:20You're so good at it.
27:21Why don't you wear glasses?
27:23Are netizens
27:24all so boastful now?
27:28no one will care about
27:30a nobody like you
27:31even if you have a lunar calendar.
27:32Who is a nobody?
27:33I'm talking about you.
27:34What's your name?
27:35Zhou Xuelanzhou.
27:36It's none of my business.
27:39You said it anyway.
27:41You're bluffing.
27:43So what?
27:44I have a name.
27:45Next time I see your name,
27:46I can walk around.
27:48Do you know
27:49what wish I made
27:50before I got here?
27:51How would I know?
27:53That is
27:54to make your name
27:56never appear
27:57in my life again.
27:58Thank God.
28:01I don't want to see
28:02anything of a woman.
28:03I don't want a uniform
28:04or a school uniform.
28:05I always waste social resources.
28:06What do I want?
28:11You don't have to worry about it.
28:20Can I borrow your phone?
28:27What are you doing?
28:29Don't ask me anything.
28:30I'm just looking for a hotel.
28:34By the way,
28:35how is it going with Zhang Ranyu?
28:37Not long after you went out,
28:38Miss Zhang showed off
28:40and ran out.
28:41She sprained her ankle by the lake.
28:44someone from the same school found her
28:45and sent her back to the hotel.
28:48they seem to be
28:49looking for another girl.
28:51The one who used to
28:52be your bodyguard.
28:54The one who used to be
28:55your bodyguard.
28:57She came to the hotel
28:58to collect money
28:59for Guan Xin.
29:03her behavior is a bit strange,
29:05I really don't know her.
29:09Contact Director Wang for me.
29:11Got it.
29:12I haven't said anything yet.
29:17There is something
29:19that may not be found,
29:21but I hope they can
29:22help me find it.
29:25Can I really
29:26stay one more night?
29:27Didn't you say you would drive me away?
29:29What's wrong?
29:30You don't want to?
29:31It's dark and slippery outside.
29:32If you want to leave at this time,
29:34no one will stop you.
29:36No, no. Thank you, Director.
29:38Don't thank me.
29:39Don't thank me.
29:40Let me tell you.
29:41Our chairman
29:43looks tough,
29:45but he's actually
29:46a very good person.
29:48Didn't his assistant
29:49just call
29:50and say that he would
29:51get rid of the punishment
29:52for you during the day?
29:53You can stay here
29:54and continue to work.
29:56But I can't.
29:57He is so against the government.
30:01I'm going back to school tonight.
30:03By the way,
30:04have my classmates arrived?
30:08Brother Mingcheng.
30:12Where did you get this mud?
30:15You didn't answer the phone.
30:16I almost
30:17called the police.
30:20Can you still laugh?
30:21What's going on?
30:23Brother Mingcheng.
30:24It's a long story.
30:27Is she the one you're looking for?
30:30Let me introduce her to you.
30:31This is my sister, Zhou Shi.
30:33She is...
30:34I'm Mingcheng's
30:35classmate at Guanghao University.
30:36Zhang Ruoyu.
30:41Why does everyone
30:42react like this
30:43when they see me?
30:44Am I that popular?
30:46She has been
30:47that way since she was a kid.
30:49What are you waiting for?
30:50Come with me.
30:52Brother Mingcheng.
30:53It's no use pretending to be pitiful.
30:55I have to interrogate you later.
30:57Are you hurt?
31:22It's impossible.
31:24It's impossible
31:25for such a long contact
31:26to be okay.
31:30Come on.
31:31Let me ask you a question.
31:32What's the name of
31:33the fairy seat?
31:35I know.
31:39The Fairy Seat.
31:40The Fairy Seat.
31:41That's right.
31:42Tell me.
31:43The Fairy Seat.
31:44The Fairy Seat.
31:45The Fairy Seat.
31:46The Fairy Seat.
31:47The Fairy Seat.
31:48The Fairy Seat.
31:49The Fairy Seat.
31:50Tell me.
31:52I think
31:55a meteor shower.
31:57Isn't it?
31:58What do you think it is?
31:59The Fairy Seat Gamma Meteor Shower.
32:01You are indeed a top student.
32:03How can the president
32:04not know such a simple question?
32:06Eat this.
32:09Let me see.
32:10Just put it here.
32:12The hotel staff
32:13will come and collect it later.
32:14I am the hotel staff.
32:16I have been working here for a month.
32:17I'm used to it.
32:18It's my business.
32:19I was just about to say that.
32:21Who asked you to make the decision
32:22to book a room for us?
32:24And you went to such a remote place
32:25to work.
32:27Who did it for you?
32:30I did it for money.
32:31The salary here is very high.
32:33Booking a room for you
32:34is just a dream.
32:36You helped me so much when I was a kid.
32:37It's nothing.
32:40Did I help you a lot?
32:43Why don't I remember?
32:46By the way,
32:47didn't you say
32:48you have something to tell me?
32:49What is it?
32:52The second wave of meteor shower is coming.
32:53Let's go.
32:54They are waiting for you to adjust the equipment.
32:56Let's go together.
32:57Hurry up.
32:59Here you are.
33:00Look at this equipment.
33:01See how to adjust it.
33:02Is it coming?
33:07Mingcheng, you are so great.
33:11We are waiting for the second wave of meteor shower.
33:18Second Wave of Meteor Shower
33:48Here is what you want.
33:52I'll go to work now.
34:19Second Wave of Meteor Shower
34:38Could it be
34:41that he was the one who saved me by the river that day?
34:44Second Wave of Meteor Shower
34:47It's almost time.
34:48Get ready.
34:50It's almost time.
34:51Is it coming?
34:54Some people say
34:55passion is like a meteor.
34:57Although it flashes,
34:59it ignites itself from beginning to end.
35:03And love is like moonlight.
35:06It's just a projection.
35:08I can't live like this.
35:10I can't see the light all my life.
35:11So beautiful.
35:14Did you see it?
35:15Come here.
35:16You can take a look in this direction.
35:22All right.
35:45This is the Maserati of Chongqing.
35:48It should be your son's car.
35:50But don't let the car last time
35:51run out of money
35:52as soon as it hits a stone.
36:04One more bottle.
36:05I want it cold.
36:08It's so cold.
36:09Be careful not to hit your mom in the future.
36:12How is it? Do you miss me?
36:13I miss you so much.
36:18I haven't seen you for two months.
36:19You've changed again.
36:20Is it you?
36:29The school has been open for two weeks.
36:30You don't go back to school.
36:31Where did you go?
36:33I got a picture of a beauty.
36:34It happens to be the decoration of the school building.
36:35I don't have to go to class.
36:37I really admire you.
36:39I've never seen an artist
36:40read like you.
36:41Look at your classmates.
36:43They drink afternoon tea,
36:45go shopping,
36:46and look at Ma Yun's father.
36:47But you
36:48go to work when you're half way through.
36:50You really put yourself
36:51in the direction of labor.
36:54I can rely on my parents when I go out.
36:56I can only rely on myself to support myself.
36:57How can I compare with them?
36:59There are people who don't rely on their parents, okay?
37:02look so good.
37:03Why don't you take advantage of it
37:04to make your life easier?
37:11Do you see that man?
37:12The one wearing a black jacket.
37:13He's so scary.
37:19Who is it?
37:20My boyfriend.
37:23Trust me.
37:24He's rich,
37:25but he's good at nothing else.
37:29You can take it as
37:30finding an oppa for yourself.
37:33There's no one cuter than
37:34a rich oppa.
37:35You're still so young.
37:36You're still so young.
37:37You're still so young.
37:38You're still so young.
37:39You're still so young.
37:40You keep it yourself.
37:41I can't hold it anymore.
37:46My boyfriend, Gao Yang.
37:49Gao Yang is really Gao Yang.
37:52Why haven't I seen you before?
37:53I'm Zhou Shi,
37:54my sister-in-law
37:55in the Department of Fine Arts.
37:56Pretty, right?
37:57Don't listen to her.
37:58I'm not a fine artist.
38:00I can see that.
38:01You have a good face.
38:02But your clothes
38:03are really old-fashioned.
38:06Don't mind it.
38:07I mean
38:08people rely on clothes and horses.
38:09Your mom
38:10dresses up.
38:11You can still see it.
38:12Next time, let's
38:13take you to
38:14a few famous brands.
38:16I have something to do.
38:17I'll go back to the dormitory first.
38:21Big sister-in-law.
38:23Can you be a little cold?
38:40I'm sorry.
38:51You use such a large power generator
38:52at the same time.
38:53Aren't you afraid of accidents?
38:54I've been here for three years.
38:56Which dormitory
38:57doesn't have a few water pumps?
39:00Don't use it if you can.
39:07When you're not around,
39:08we'll stand a little further away.
39:10You won't be anxious.
39:12You can put things there first.
39:13We'll clean it up for you later.
39:15No, I'll do it myself.
39:16Then don't put it there.
39:19You haven't been here for two weeks.
39:20We've been helping you.
39:22Every time Mr. Song Wen goes to check in,
39:24we say you have a boyfriend.
39:27You have a boyfriend, right?
39:28Don't be too late.
39:30We'll be in trouble.
39:33Did the boss
39:34arrange any homework these days?
39:35The boss urged
39:36homework to be written in the summer vacation.
39:38Summer vacation?
39:40Let me see if you're done.
39:43Let me see.
39:46You don't understand, do you?
39:47I don't understand.
39:49Give it back to me.
39:50It's the fake Xuanxing
39:51that Qingmeng gave me.
39:52I heard you can't afford
39:53the painting money now.
39:55The paper you bought is the cheapest.
39:57When it comes to water,
39:59it's all rotten.
40:03Xuanxing is in trouble.
40:05It's a pity to paint.
40:08By the way, while you're still here,
40:09let's cut the electricity bill
40:10for the first two months.
40:11Yes, yes, yes.
40:18Are you kidding me?
40:22Don't do it.
40:23Don't do it.
40:24Don't do it.
40:25What are you talking about?
40:26What are you doing?
40:27Don't do it.
40:29Are you crazy?
40:30I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
40:31I forgot.
40:32Trash should not be thrown on the ground.
40:34It should be thrown on the balcony.
40:37It's not allowed.
40:38It's not allowed.
40:39It's not allowed.
40:40It's not allowed.
40:41It's not allowed.
40:42It's not allowed.
40:43It's not allowed.
40:44It's not allowed.
40:46It's not allowed.
40:47It's not allowed.
40:52You're so ungrateful.
40:53I don't want to live here anymore.
40:57I'll keep it for you to raise cockroaches.
40:58Are you crazy?
41:02No way.
41:03Are you really going to let go of those demons?
41:05Are you going to do it?
41:07I'm afraid I'll be careless.
41:08It's not good for the family.
41:11That's right.
41:12You've had a lot of trouble since you were a kid.
41:14You didn't lose to anyone.
41:18When life comes to you,
41:20Why did you start the hard mode?
41:23What are you going to do next?
41:26I'll ask the supermarkets I used to work at.
41:28See if they still chase people to see the shop.
41:31What shop?
41:32You don't ask for such a big living person in front of you.
41:34Go find a stranger.
41:35I really admire you.
41:37Don't you live with people?
41:39I live at home.
41:41It's okay.
41:42My storeroom.
41:43You clean up.
41:44You should be able to live alone.
41:47It must be much cheaper than outside.
41:50It's just that my roommate is a little weird.
41:54I don't know if you can get rid of him.
41:58Forget it.
41:59Let's try it first.
42:04I'm sorry.
42:05I'm sorry.
42:06I'm sorry.
42:07I'm sorry.
42:08I'm sorry.
42:09I'm sorry.
42:10I'm sorry.
42:11I'm sorry.
42:12I'm sorry.
42:13I'm sorry.
42:14I'm sorry.
42:15I'm sorry.
42:16I'm sorry.
42:17I'm sorry.
42:18I'm sorry.
42:19I'm sorry.
42:20I'm sorry.
42:21I'm sorry.
42:22I'm sorry.
42:23I'm sorry.
42:24I'm sorry.
42:25I'm sorry.
42:26I'm sorry.
42:27I'm sorry.
42:28I'm sorry.
42:29I'm sorry.
42:30I'm sorry.
42:31I'm sorry.
42:32I'm sorry.
42:34I'm sorry.
42:35I'm sorry.
42:37I'm sorry.
42:38I'm sorry.
42:39I'm sorry.
42:41I'm sorry.
42:42I'm sorry.
42:43I'm sorry.
42:44I don't know what to do.
42:57For some reason everything turned out so well for us and we even ended up having a baby.
43:03If you didn't tell me so firmly
43:15I believe you can break the obedient bangs
43:20It seems that you don't follow my temper
43:24Instead, you miss me
43:31Good night, the hot weather mood
43:37Memories of you, I miss you all the time
43:45The us that I long for
43:49It turns out to be just the secret he said
43:53The us that I long for
43:56It turns out that only I am serious
44:01The us that I long for
44:03If you didn't tell me so firmly
44:14I believe you