• 2 months ago


00:00it's a number one contenders match for the WWE tag team championship as DIY and
00:09the Street Profits do battle Johnny Gargano a one-man wrecking crew at the
00:14moment taking down both Street Profits well this is finally a bit of offense in
00:20favor of DIY the first ten minutes of this matchup the Street Profits wipe the
00:25floor with DIY like I have never seen before but grittiness heart and drive is
00:30what DIY is all about. A lesser tag team would have been out of this one by now
00:38but Ciampa took the worst of it thankfully for DIY Gargano has something
00:44left in the tank. Tag made Ciampa now legal both Ciampa and Gargano really
00:48made major strides in their careers here in Orlando in NXT meeting of the minds
00:53and a tag made from the outside Angelo Dawkins legal here comes Ford big boot
00:58by Ciampa and rocks the job Dawkins. Those amazing powers over a cover by Ciampa.
01:06Goodbye cover by Dawkins. Unreasonable levels of power from Angelo Dawkins what chance do you have when an opponent can
01:17pounce on you like that while you are at full speed. Pounced into midair and
01:23ripped out of the sky by Ford and look at the big man Angelo Dawkins perched on
01:28the top turnbuckle. You don't see this too often. With good reason. Nobody home on the
01:34Swanton. Boom running knee. The big man got up there but cover by Ciampa to advance.
01:41Just took a beat too long steadying himself on the top rope gave Ciampa
01:48enough time to move out of harm's way and get the fresh tag partner in. Tag made
01:52Johnny Wrestling now legal for DIY. Double team in the corner one final beat
01:58but Dawkins puts on the brakes. Outrageous power from Angelo Dawkins. A criminal
02:06level of strength from Angelo Dawkins showing exactly why he is the thumper of
02:13this duo. Now for the high flying test. Sky high countered by Johnny. Ciampa on the
02:18outside grabbing the ankle of Montez Ford. Ford kicks Ciampa off into the desk and
02:26stereo suicide dives on opposing sides of the ring. Ciampa had no choice whatsoever to get
02:34involved there because this one was slipping away from DIY. Got a showdown
02:40mid-ring Johnny Gargano Montez Ford trading heavy artillery. Trading tricks
02:48Super kick by Ford. Johnny answers down goes Montez into the cover. Ford survives. This match rolls on.
03:03The winners of this matchup will earn the right to challenge the bloodline for
03:07the WWE Tag Team Championship as DIY battle the Street Profits. It's Hamaso
03:14Ciampa with a knee right on the temple Montez from behind. The action has been
03:20fast and furious. Zigzag by Ford. A horrible landing on that surgically repaired neck of
03:27Ciampa who may be down for the count at this point. Montez making the climb to the top
03:33Johnny put the brakes on for the moment but Montez yet again. Johnny Gargano had
03:39to do something. 450 but Ciampa got the knees up directly into the cover DIY. You have to think that beat there from Johnny Gargano preventing Montez. Oh here we go. Shatter machine by DIY to become number one contender and Dawkins keeps the chances alive. This one has gone into meltdown mode now.
04:05Referee has lost control but somebody has to win this one. Who is going to get an opportunity at the Tag Champs? Great teamwork by DIY. Montez Ford in a bad spot middle of the ring but Dawkins from the outside. Montez looking for the schoolboy. Ciampa reverses. Ford rolls through. Jumping knee locks the jaw of Ciampa.
04:29Glassy eyed lock on the face of Tommaso Ciampa. That could do it.
04:39At the last possible millisecond Johnny keeps it alive. This matchup has gone back and forth has been hanging by a thread on several occasions. It's only the fresh partner on the outside that has kept both teams in this numerous times now.
04:59And again 15,254 members of the WWE universe showering all four athletes with their adulation. This is awesome and this is for the number one contendership for the WWE Tag Team titles held by the bloodline.
05:21This is how much it means to these four superstars to get back to the top of the ladder. Johnny with a tag from the outside. Kick caught Dawkins under the chin. Big boot by Ciampa. DIY looking to end it. Ford to the outside.
05:40It's there for the taking now. Ciampa wants the fairytale ending. Can he hook Dawkins? Super kick. Fairytale ending. DIY to become number one contenders.
05:52How do you kick that lock? I don't have the words. What the hell is Angelo Dawkins made of? Super kick to the jaw. You should be out on that lock. And a fairytale ending. You still kick out.
06:12Johnny launches himself to the outside. These four are on a completely different level tonight.
06:19Johnny with a spear. Caught by Dawkins. The prophets closing in on the number one contendership. What the hell has got into Angelo Dawkins? Montez Ford from the top.
06:34Super blockbuster. We want the smurfs.
06:44Here are your winners. The Street Rockets.
06:52For the love of all things holy. What a match, Wade. And look what we've got to look forward to next week in DC.
07:04That was a Wrestlemania caliber matchup between two teams who wanted it so so badly. Half of DIY.
07:14You did everything right, but tonight it was the Street Prophets night and they get an opportunity at tag gold against the Bloodline next week.
07:26The Street Prophets are up. We know Dawkins and Ford want the smoke, but Wade, does the WWE universe realize what the smoke entails now that the gold is held by the Bloodline?
07:38Well, if you forgot, then now you know. And Bloodline, you have got a fresh Street Prophets next week. A very different proposition to the team you met in the tag gold, but I cannot wait.
07:49Big things going down next week in our nation's capital. How about this six-woman tag, Wade?
07:55Yes, indeed. Talking of Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania's big three of Belair, Cargill and Naomi team up again to do battle with Blair Davenport of the tag champs.
08:05Fire and Dawn, that six-woman tag next week here on Smackdown.
08:10And more gold up for grabs in our nation's capital. How fitting. The United States Championship will be defended as LA Knight defends against Santos Escobar of Legado del Fantasma.
08:35We welcome Toma Tunga and Solo Sakoa, the Bloodline!
08:58The herd that is the Bloodline appears a little thinner tonight than usual, but Solo Sakoa, the self-appointed new head of the table, once again adorned in the sacred Ula Fala, has declared,
09:12If Roman wants this, Roman can come take it from me! Reigns is live! Next.
09:28CM Punk brings a can't-miss message for Drew McIntyre, while a triple threat for the Women's Tag Team Championship delivers a must-see match.
09:39Who's the most dominant faction in the women's division?
09:43And the Viper, Randy Orton, eyes Guthrie's World Heavyweight Championship. Raw, Monday, 8, 7 Central, only on USA.