Croatian Paralympic swimmer Dino Sinovčić shares swimming tips

  • 2 weeks ago
Watch CGTN Europe's Pablo Gutierrez get swimming tips from Croatian Paralympic champion Dino Sinovčić! A World and European backstroke gold medalist, Sinovčić shares his expert advice and techniques. Dive in and learn from the best!

#paralympics #paralympics2024 #croatia
00:00hello everyone I'm here in the pool in beautiful Croatia this is the hometown
00:06of Dino Sinopčić he is he's gonna be a third time Olympian now he's going to
00:13Paris we have a lot of fans on Facebook and Instagram and social media and you
00:20know I'm gonna take the opportunity to get a few tips from you you know you're
00:25also a swimming coach so I was telling you before you know I had an apprehension
00:31here I was afraid for many years I was drowning when I was a child so what are
00:37some of the things that you work with?
00:41Well, for me as a swimming coach, the most important thing in my work is when I teach the young kids how to swim
00:49is to break that mental barrier from pure open water
00:53we always hear that you know the earlier that you start swimming lessons the better it is
01:00but let me ask you is there a point where it is too late to learn how to swim or it's never too late?
01:07It's never too late
01:09Conquering my fear of water took a long time
01:13thank you everyone please watch Dino compete
01:18Thank you so much Dino
01:20Thank you
